1. BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………………………………………………… KNOC Office news 2. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Brief report Jan – March10 3. ADMINISTRATION………………………………………………………………………………………………  Website stories  FIBA Organizer use – competitions, membership details  Letters written to stakeholders  Updating Strategic Plan  Updating Calendar  Meetings attended  Courses attended  Workshops attended  Grants applied for / received  ZDO visit preparation 4. COMPETITION…………………………………………………………………………………………………….  Promoting the competition  Completing the draws  Entering Results  Organising venue / referees / scorebench / volunteers Please always list: i. how many teams ii. how long competition is for iii. male / female / age

5. DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………..  Courses conducted – coach / referee / scorebench i. List participants  Workshops conducted – coach / referee / scorebench  Clinics conducted – holiday / school 6. LIAISION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  Media releases – newspaper / radio / television i. Attach newspaper clipping etc  NOC communication  MOE communication  MOH communication  FIBA communication 7. Equipment Required  Wish list for NBDO and federation with why you “need” the equipment. 8. Next Activities Plan  List activities 9. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………  Summary  Positives / Negatives

Page 1 KBF/NBDO Quarterly Report 2010 1. BACKGROUND

The Kiribati National Olympic Committee has appointed Mr. Rota Onorio as the New Secretary General. His contract currently effectives on the 01 Jan and to be under control by the KNOC Executive supervision within 6 months. Rota Onorio is one the famous member carrier of the Kiribati Basketball Federation who is assisting in many responsibilities which was the KBF prefers. Therefore, he also was attending the Basketball Coaching Training which was held in the University of Delaware in 2009.

Furthermore, the KNOC designate AGM for the election of the new KNOC President as Tebao Awerika has been submitted his resignation. The AGM initiate on Wednesday 17 March 2010 3pm at the Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs Board Room Bairiki. There were 5 candidates from different Body/Federations who were applying for the post. These are:

1. Eddie for Taekwondo Kiribati Sport 2. Peter Birati for Kiribati Tennis Federation 3. Moannata for Kiribati Amateur Boxing Association 4. Birimaka for Canoewyne 5. Lawrance Muller for Kiribati Islands Football Association

As the vote constantly process according to the vote regulation there were 20 bodies/federations that were eligible to vote only one from 5 candidates. In Finally, Peter Birati has been appointed as the New President of the Kiribati National Olympic Committee for 2010.

For instant, the Secretary General and President of KNOC have been apart from Kiribati as they are attending ONOC Meeting in Fiji. They are expected to be return on Thursday 01 April 2010.


This report will shows the development and improvement of basketball programs and activities which has been carried out from the period January – March. According to the program this year a Junior Secondary School development program has been carried out within 6 junior schools in Tarawa. As there are only 3 JSS in Tarawa the program increases the number of schools who has the junior schools including: 1. Moroni Warrior High School 2. St. Louis High School 3. Chevalier High School

The program still proceeds for the reason to hold the Junior High School Championship for Junior Girls and Junior Boys. The coaching clinics was first undertaken the school visit of given the precise timings/schedules in order to run the program smoothly without any further conflicts and concerns would be made from schools. Therefore, the competition will be commences upon completion of training.

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I. Website story The Website story was constantly updated only once in a week – every Monday. During the beginning of February the update of the story has been delayed as the network connection was been closed for the purpose that the outstanding bills has been back dated. The network connection was closed and became active at the beginning of March.

Updating Website

FIBA Oceania Zone Development Officer Ryan Burns spent his time teaching and trains the KBF NBDO the way how to update the Website.

II. FIBA Organizer use, competition, memberships details The Kiribati Basketball Federation executives have been receiving the FIBA Organizer DVD package of the new vision 7 programs together with other essential information from FIBA Oceania which was receiving on Tuesday January 2nd 2010. There are 3 main programs comprises in one DVD. 1. FIBA Organizer installation manuals 2. Live stats guidelines 3. Website manuals/guidelines

FIBA Organizer is not yet operational as the KBF hold the program to an AGM meeting which was not yet commences.

Live stats guidelines is also not yet active since the time it was delivered to KBF.

Website manuals/guidelines is well operational and updated only once in a week (every Monday).

Page 5 KBF/NBDO Quarterly Report 2010 III. Strategic Plan As usual the Kiribati Basketball Federation Strategic Plan is a four year plan since 2008 – 2012. There will be executive meeting plans to hold towards April for the purpose that the Strategic Plan will be reviewed again. Kiribati Basketball Federation Secretary Mrs. Kautu Temakei is responsible for updating the Strategic Plan. IV. Calendar According the KBF vision of event calendar, there are major competitions/events which have been usually active every year. These are:

1. South Tarawa Championship – Usually commences/active in February 2. Junior Secondary Schools Championship – April/May 3. High School Championship – May/June 4. Punjas National Independence Tournament – June/July 5. Youth Competition – July/August 6. School Holiday Camp – August/September 7. Primary School Championship – Sept/Oct 8. Primary School concluded – Oct/Nov 9. ZDO visit & Xmas Tournament – Nov/Dec

The above events of calendar are regularly proceeds according to the Kiribati Basketball Federation supervising.

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V. Meetings There are meetings attended this year. According to the arrangement of meeting, the first was KNOC Staff meeting and the second was a meeting undertaken within 6 schools.

1. KNOC Staff Meeting – The meeting was only for the KNOC Staff who were working in the office. There are only 6 Sport Development officers who were working under the KNOC controls and supervision. The purpose of the meeting was to reviews major responsibilities, work plans, development programs, and other relevant issues raises from officers. This meeting was usually initiating monthly. 2. School Meetings – The meeting was usually initiating monthly after school. In every school there was a sport committee bodies that are responsible and dealing with sport. These people are the PE teacher’s men and women together with School head teacher (Principal). The main purpose of the meeting was to make the program to become as part of the school major annual event calendar for this year 2010. All schools have agreed with the program to be as part of their school events calendar.

Staff meeting VI. Workshop Attended Attending the Level 0 coaching and refereeing workshop at the Betio Community Clubs. All members from different clubs were attending the training in order for them to have the ability to conducts coaching and refereeing within their clubs. All expenses for the workshop preparation are funded by the Australian Sport Outreach Programme (ASOP). VII. Grant applied for /received In relation with grant application according to the Activity grants from KNOC, at the moment all grants couldn’t release yet as ONOC still holding funds for the purpose that there are some issues to be solved first and submitted to ONOC then all funds will be open to KNOC. VIII. ZDO Preparation There are two main events that Kiribati Basketball Federation plans to conducts this year to prepare the teams before the 2010 visit from FIBA Oceania. 1. Micronesian Game Palau 2010 – These teams are now waiting for the training as the ONOC activity grant is not yet release. Following conversation with SG and Solidarity Officer proved that all funds will be expected to be released at the beginning of April. 2. U19 Squad Team – the U19 Squad Team training program will be commences on mid April while the KBF prepare the team for the Zone Development Officer. According to the KBF event calendar Xmas Tournament is also the events which will be falls at the same time the ZDO arrival. 4. COMPETITION – Successful and ongoing Competition IX. Promoting competition The only competition successfully undertaken this year is the Primary School Holiday Camp Program which was conducted in January to February 2010. Before the game or competition start promotion was active a week before by: 1. Putting banners 2. Advertisement - Newspaper - Media X. Entering results During and after the game, all team results (score sheet) have kept and recorded into the computer by using the common format of data (ranking table). XI. Venues/referees/score bench There are two main competition venues where has been organized for the two week round robin competition. These are: 1. Bikenibeu Parish Court 2. Nawerewere Hospital Court All permission letters are submitted a week before the program starts to areas in order to run the program smoothly without any concerns and conflict would be made from the owners. .

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Furthermore, before the game starts there was a one week refresh course conducted of level 0 Refereeing and score bench course for the Youth Community in order for them to have the ability to run the game more easily. There were 24 participants of 14 males and 10 females were attending. At completion of the course 10 of them are eligible to referee and score bench.

As the competition start there were 8 combine teams (mixed sexes) four boys and two girls of 10 to 13 ages. The competition runs within two weeks January 25 to February 05/2010.

5. DEVELOPMENT- Junior High School program

XII. Workshop conducted – coaches/referee/scorebench

Assisting and conducted Level 0 Coaching and Refereeing workshop in Betio Community Clubs which was funded by Australian Sport Outreach Programme (ASOP). All members from different clubs in Betio were being informed about the workshop a week before the training commences for registration.

The BCC vision this year is to increases the number of coaches and officials targeting regular competitions ongoing and in future within different clubs in Betio.


At the beginning of the workshop there were 30 participants of 20 males and 10 females approaching to attend the training.

Clubs/Association Participants Male Female Takoronga 10 6 (M) 4 (F) Temakin 10 7 (M) 3 (F) Nuuka 10 5 (M) 5 (F)

The above table clearly emphasizes the number of participants of males and females were trained as coaches and referees for the competition.

The Workshop begins at the beginning of February within two weeks. After the two weeks of training, BCC commence the short competition in order to work and perform a practical training for coaches and referees.

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XIII. Clinics conducted – Holiday/Schools

A coaching clinics conducted within 6 Junior High Schools (coaching, score bench and referee) helping PE teachers developing knowledge of basketball historic. The main target for the course is to train teachers in order for them to run the program constantly within their school programs. The training conducted within two months while the junior championship will be starting after the 3 months of training.


St. Louis High School Teams – Junior boys & girls

During the first month of school visit for coaching clinics there were almost 40 clients who were supporting the program to be as part of school program this year 2010. These people are students and PE teachers mostly. The total number of participants was 36.

School/Address Students Teacher M F M F Moroni High School 1 1 1 1 St. Louis High School 2 - 2 2 BTC-JSS 1 1 2 1 TUC 2-JSS 2 2 2 2 TUC 1-JSS 1 1 1 1 Chevalier High School 1 1 1 2

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The above table clearly shows the number of students and teachers for males and females were trained as coaches and referees in order to be our officials and coaches once the competition commence.

The Junior High Championship will be commences on Saturday 17 April 2010. At the moment all schools has their own teams of 10 team boys and girls of 13 to 15 ages.


The Kiribati Basketball Federation highly appreciating the offer from OCEANIA SHIPPING SERVICE who are assisting in providing trophies and other needs such as tents drinks (water) and so on in order to support the development program which was ongoing conducted within the junior secondary schools. This is the first prosperous moment for them and also for the company to see how sport develops in Kiribati. OSS company has confirms that it will be holding the junior championship competition annually to become part of their program also.

6. LIASION – Communication

XIV. Media releases


There are two main Radio Broadcasting services in Tarawa who are to assist of accessing information and processing media such as BPA and FM 89. Therefore, BPA agreed to accepts announcement weekly for the Kiribati Sport Development Officers program. However, basketball programs was recording regularly (Monday morning) and to be live at 7.30pm in the evening. The recording for FM 89 was processing every Tuesday.


The newspaper was entered the same day during regular recording. As the recording was occurred also the newspaper automatically took information from recording system.

XV. Ministry of Education

As usual there are four main types of communications which was telephone, internet access, fax and letters. Therefore, as the program first undertaken last year all letters submitted to MOE and the follow up contacts in order to run the program without any further concerns and commitments. As the program passes towards JSS this year the communication was maintained also by writing permission letters requesting on the same information.

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XVI. Ministry of Health & Medical Services

Through communication undertaken for MOH, it was also using same types of communication. During School Camp programs undertaken last year and to Feb 2010 which was held at the MOH Nawerewere court letters are written to MOH a week before the program start. This year all ministries are began to familiar with the sport.

XVII. FIBA Oceania

The communication through FIBA Oceania Australia and the Kiribati Basketball Federation are usually using internet access, telephone and postal/air mail.

The network connection this year wasn’t good has it’s was active just through the month of March 25. Therefore internet connection back to normal and hopefully there might no further inconveniences would be occurred in the future.

7. Equipment required

The Kiribati Basketball Federation has in hands only 20 Mikasa 2 two whistles except stop watches. The KBF prefer to use these balls for the U19 training program. In the previous meeting we discussed on the issue that there are more rubber balls that must be kindly delivered for the coaching clinics and development programs as are running in schools.

KBF wishes if you could assist us to make arrangement for rubber balls and other needs as follow:

List of equipment: 1. 10 rubber balls 2. 4 Stop watches 3. 4 Whistles 4. 10 cones

The above list is the assumption list of equipment major needs which will be highly assisting the development programs as now we have insufficient equipment in hands.

8. Next Activity Plan

Date Activity April 2010 Ongoing coaching and competition JSS May 2010 Competition conclude and School Senior level program and competition June 2010 31st independence tournament

Page 12 KBF/NBDO Quarterly Report 2010 9. Conclusion

This report highlights the main events and activities carried out within the period of January to March. However, some of these activities have not been achieved due to certain constraints/obstacles encountered as highlighted in the report.

Positive – Is that schedule of school visit has been well organised for the two month of training.

Negative –there are some constraints encountered during the school visit. The first problem was transport that most of the time buses are not in the right time while standing in stations an hour before the program start. The second problem was that the school playing ground/courts that are insufficient. Finally, this will be the main vulnerable site that every school requires the upgrading/establishment of more courts in schools instead of using maneaba as the playing court.