The Winter Soldier He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest
myth america by martin zamyatin Thomas Paine Monument, Morristown, NJ, Georg Lober The Winter Soldier He who dares not offend cannot be honest. Thomas Paine After suffering several business failures and the death of his wife and child in A BSENT THOMAS PAINE, THERE childbirth, the 37-year old Englishman might have been no American Revolution. emigrated to the colonies in 1774 with the Published anonymously, Paine’s help of Benjamin Franklin. Barely surviving incendiary pamphlet, Common Sense, hit the voyage after typhoid fever swept the cobblestone streets of colonial through his ship, upon recovering Paine Philadelphia in January 1776, and sold found work in Philadelphia writing (and 12 0, 0 0 0 copies its first three months. later editing) a fledgling colonial periodical, By the end of the Revolution, fully one fifth The Pennsylvania Magazine. of the non-slave, non-native population of Unsatisfied merely penning eloquent the country of 2.5 million owned a copy, arguments in support of the abolition of making it proportionally the largest selling slavery, workers’ and women’s rights and American title of all time—before or since. greater citizen involvement in politics, Paine is revered today as ‘The Father of Paine wrote Common Sense shortly after the the American Revolution’ for his crucial Revolution began. The 47-page pamphlet part in its inception, but few Americans was itself revolutionary, advocating what know the whole story, which reveals a much amounted to a complete break from history less flattering—indeed, one might say truly in its attack on the British monarchy and its shameful—chapter in the nation’s history.
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