SENATE-Friday, June 8, 1990
13460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE June 8, 1990 SENATE-Friday, June 8, 1990 <Legislative day of Wednesday, April18, 1990) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the beyond 11 a.m., with Senators permit tional surveys and all of the literature expiration of the recess, and was ted to speak therein for up to 5 min and all of the reporting. called to order by the Acting President utes each. At 11 a.m., the Senate will The report released this morning pro tempore [Mr. BRYANl. resume consideration of S. 341, the contains the new assessment which is, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem blind air passengers bill. as I say, the first update in 10 years, pore. The Reverend Richard C. Hal and it shows that tropical rain forests verson, Jr., of Falls Church, VA, will RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME are now vanishing at a rate not of 28 lead us in prayer. million acres per year, but 40 million Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, Ire to 50 million acres per year. In other PRAYER serve the remainder of my leader time words, instead of losing one acre of The Reverend Richard C. Halverson, and I reserve all the leader time of the rain forest per second, the world is Jr., Chesterbrook Presbyterian distinguished Republican leader. now losing one acre and a half of rain Church, Falls Church, VA, offered the The ACTING PRESIDENT protem forest per second. following prayer: pore. Without objection, it is so or dered. These new findings, which are con It is a privilege to be here.
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