
Nick Schultz ()

All information for Nick Schultz (Blue Heelers)'s wiki comes from the below links. Any source is valid, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Nick Schultz (Blue Heelers) are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Schultz_%28Blue_Heelers%29. The original version of this page is from Wikipedia, you can edit the page right here on Everipedia. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Blue Heelers Wiki. 80 Pages. Add new page. Popular pages. Most visited articles. Jo Parrish. Main Characters. Characters. Nick Shultz. Edit. Classic editor. History. Talk (0). Share. Nicholas Shultz. No Title. No information. Nicholas 'Nick' Schultz. Blue Heelers character. First appearance. A Women's Place Ep. Nicholas 'Nick' Schultz is a fictional character in the long-running Australian television series Blue Heelers portrayed by William McInnes. He was introduced in the pilot episode and starred in the series between 1994 and 1998 before departing in episode 207. He returned to the series as a guest star for five episodes (441-445) in 2004 and a further two episodes (458-459) in 2005 as a homicide detective based in Melbourne. Nicholas 'Nick' Schultz is a fictional character in the long-running Australian television series Blue Heelers portrayed by William McInnes. He was introduced in the pilot episode and starred in the series between 1994 and 1998 before departing in episode 207, he returned to the series as a guest star for five episodes (441-445) in 2004 and a further two episodes (458-459) in 2005 as a homicide detective based in Melbourne. Background[edit]. Nick is the son of Klaus Schultz, a German-Australian who served in the Afrika Corps during World War II,[1] and his wife Elizabeth. He grew up in Sydney near the beach before moving to Victoria at some point prior to the first series, at some point, he married Jennifer, who later gave birth to a daughter, Zoe. Nicholas Nick Schultz Blue Heelers Portrayed by William McInnes Duration 214 episodes, he made guest appearance for five episodes in 2004 and again for two episodes in 2005 First appea. 1 (Pilot), 18/1/1994. Last appearance. Wedding Blues Ep. 207, 28/10/1998. Profile. Nickname(s). Schultz. Occupation. Senior Constable -> Sergeant. Nick Schultz is a fictional character in the Australian television series Blue Heelers. He was portrayed by William McInnes. He starred in the series between 1994 and 1998 and returned for guest appearances in 2004 and 2005. He reappeared in 2004's season 11 for five episodes, 441-445, and again in the first two episodes of 2005's season 12, "Vengeance", 458 & "Burden of proof, 459. It was revealed in the first season that he had a wife and daughter who had been killed in a car accident. Other articles related to "nick": Nick Schultz (Blue Heelers) - Char

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