POSTGAME QUOTES BOSTON BRUINS VS Saturday, November 19, 2016

BOSTON BRUINS HEAD COACH CLAUDE JULIEN On what is the most encouraging part of the way the team is defending… I think there are a lot of things that are encouraging, I think right from the get-go we played well in the first period. You know I thought we could of just been a little bit better again with those loose pucks around the net, and getting our noses dirty a little bit more, which we did in the second and third, so we responded well. You know, again moving parts around during the game and then having those guys respond well is important, too. You know we at some point you got to move some players around and when they respond with the way they did, all of them, it is great to see that as well. I mean defensively we… I think we are taking a lot of pride in defending well. I think it’s been somehow it seems to be a pretty good buy-in right now, and that’s allowing us to win hockey games. Some nights, you have a tougher time scoring than others and that’s where it becomes important. Tonight it was a game where, I think we really needed to score some goals, and we did, so hopefully some of that confidence is coming back to a lot of players.

On scoring chances… Yeah I mean we moved it quicker, and you know again it’s more about times where you know we got to hit the net, but some of those shots, too many of them are going over the net and head high so we got to clean that up a little bit, moving the puck a little quicker and having a nose for the net. You know it’s okay to move it on the outside, but somewhere on the way you got to get on the inside and I thought we were better at that today and we created some of those opportunities.

On Joe Morrow’s game… Well, just what you said, the consistency with Joe [Morrow] we see the potential but it was always, the first game was good, the second was okay, by the third you know it got loose a little bit. But so far the three games he’s played he’s been good. You know and that’s what you want from a young player, you want to see some progress and right now so far he is showing us that he’s learning that.

On how the first line played tonight and getting on the boards… Well that helps a lot, and I think you know I talked about it this morning, you know sometimes you have to be patient and in their case, when I look at the game afterwards and the results, they had scoring chances, and they haven’t been able to score. So it’s not like they aren’t creating anything. That’s when you have to be patient because you know it’s a matter of time, even before Bergy [Patrice Bergeron] scores his , he hits the cross bar. So you know he’s a little snake bitten, but he stuck with it and he finally got that goal, Marshy [Brad Marchand] scored, so a lot of good things happened tonight. But I’m hoping it’s going to be a positive sign moving forward here and that’s some of those guys taking a bit of pressure off their shoulders of producing, so I like the way they played again tonight, and we got some production spread out a little bit and that continues to be good for us. An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media

On what they talked about before the game… Well there’s two things, we need a lift from those, because last time we played Winnipeg in Winnipeg, we got into some trouble and it really made it hard on us early in the game. And when we started staying out of the box we started to kind of take the game over in that last time we played them. So tonight was one of those things we talked about discipline and making sure we stayed out of box. They thrive on that kind of momentum. They got a pretty good you know power play as far as you know creating shots and moving the puck around and that kind of stuff. They got some dangerous guys from [Blake] Wheeler to [Patrik] Laine, to [Dustin] Byfuglien and those guys, [Mark] Scheifele, and when you look at you know their first power play, it can be pretty scary. So it was important for us to get a good kill but also to stay out of the box as much as we could. I know the one kill we had some guys stuck on the ice almost the whole penalty time, but we managed to dodge a bullet there and kill it.

On switching up on some lines… Well it’s a combination of different things. So you know you’re at home, so you got the luxury of matching lines a little bit better and at the same time I think we’ve got some other lines that are much better in our own end, and that you couldn’t… you know when I say trust, feel confident you can put them out there and they’re doing their job. So it is a combination of a couple things here and that’s just part of, to me, that’s coaching and you adjust to what you have and what they do.

On the way they play at home… Well we talked about that as well, you know I think we’re starting tonight we had five out of next seven, I think, are at home and that’s important that we build at home what we’ve started to build on the road where we are pretty good road team in my estimation. And we need to be that and even better at home so it is important that we keep playing that way tonight understand that our home has to be our home. You know we don’t want to live in the past, we don’t want to keep you know going back to what happened last year and all of that stuff. That’s… we moved on from that but we also recognize that we have to be better.

On their defensive playing… You know we have, you everything we’ve talked about, and even closing, plays a little quicker in the neutral zone we turned a lot of pucks over and we played a little bit more patient at one point over here and we did a good job at defending. But now we’ve become a little bit more aggressive and I think the people, good skaters, that can close quicker and I think those kind of tweaks has really paid off on our game, the pace of our game as I mentioned at the beginning of the year, it’s not about having a bunch of good guys that skate at 100 miles an hour, it’s about having a bunch of guys that can play at a quicker pace and our guys have done just that fairly well.

On how they had a good shot advantage in the first period… Well I just mentioned that earlier, I answered that question and I guess in another way that you know that we had to do a better job around the net area and we responded well in the second and got rewarded for it. So sometimes you got to get your nose dirty and plug away and you saw two, An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media even three players sometimes in front of that net, jamming away at that puck. This league is a tough league and sometimes you know it can’t always be highlight goals, they got to be the one have to grind that out.

On moving Ryan Spooner off the wing and into the middle… Moving parts around, like I said and having people respond. You know first shift of the third you know Schaller [Tim] who moved up, scored a goal and I thought [Ryan Spooner] Spoons did a great job with that line of you know spending some time in the offensive zone and sometimes he moved pucks around and that’s things that made me happier with or want to see something different. I think that with the score the way it was, it was an opportunity to see something different.

On playing Zdeno Chara on the power play… Because for the most part, I think people respect his shot, which opens up other things, which is exactly what happened.

On Brandon Carlo’s game… I wouldn’t put it all on one player, I think our team did a good job.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD BRAD MARCHAND On whether it was nice to play even better in the second period… Yeah, it, you know, I think we were happy with how we played in the first. We weren’t satisfied, but, you know, it was great to come out in the second, get that first goal. It was big, and then we just kind of rolled from there.

On the high energy on the ice and whether he felt extra prepared for this game… I think just some games you feel good and the puck seems to find you, and that was kind of one of those games tonight. It felt like, you know, bounces [were] kind of coming to me, and things just kind of worked out. There’s other games where you do everything the same and you don’t get the puck at all, so that’s just how hockey is sometimes.

On people wondering when he and Patrice Bergeron would score again and how their confidence has gone up… Yeah, I mean we’re not worried. That’s the furthest thing from our minds is if we’re going to score, if we’re going to produce. We know we are, and maybe we were catching a little heat in the media today, so that was for all you guys, but it is nice for it to go in. It does help build your confidence, and we do need to produce. That’s part of our job, and, you know, we know that, but we’re getting opportunities every single game. We could easily have two, three goals every game, our line, so, you know, when the chances stop coming that’s when, you know, we get a little frustrated, but they’re there every game and they’ll continue to be there.

On how their defense “smothered” the Jets… Yeah, you know, I think we’re kind of finding out how we have to play to win, and, you know, everyone seems to be disciplined in playing the right way and coming back hard and playing tight defensively, and when we do that we’re a good team, and we’ve shown that the last little An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media while, but in Minnesota we easily could have got a point or two in that game. Got a little jipped, but if we continue to play this way then we’re going to be a good team.

On whether he knew he had “clear sailing from the blue line”… I saw the guy. There was a bit of a two-on-one, but he just seemed to be overplaying the pass a bit, and I had a lot of speed. I kind of felt that I could take it to the net, and he almost got me, but luckily he didn’t.

On an attempt to “whack” the puck away from him before his goal… No, I didn’t… no, well, he kind of got my stick a bit, and I didn’t get to the point where I was going to shoot yet, but he did almost get my stick. Well he did get my stick, but luckily the puck kind of stayed there and I was able to put it in.

On how much pressure his line is putting on themselves to lead the way… I guess I didn’t know almost a point a game isn’t producing, but, you know that’s, yeah I mean they’re going to come, and we’re not… we’re not overly concerned about it. We know that there’s more to the game than goals. We’re playing against a top line every single night, and if you look at the last [couple of] games, you know, I know they scored a lucky goal there in Minnesota, but the teams don’t have many opportunities when we’re out there, so we have a bigger job than just scoring goals. It’s, you know, overall game, killing penalties, power play, and, you know, shutting down other team’s top line, so goals is part of it. We know we have to produce, but they’re going to be there, and, you know, you go through parts like this every single year. You know, that’s why you have 82 games to produce, not 20, and, you know, that’s hockey.

On whether the team’s defensive play makes it feel like old times… Yeah, you know, I think that’s kind of been the way we’ve wanted to build our team for a long time now, and when you play the system the right way it works, and we’re showing that right now. Guys are dedicated and disciplined, and, you know, it’s helping our team win games.

On why he thinks it has come together the past week or two… I just think that early on when you have that many new faces and new bodies that have to learn the system, especially when half your team is away during training camp, it’s not easy to just come in and click right away, so we needed a bit of time and now it just seems like everyone who’s come in this year has something to prove. New guys want to show that, you know, they want to be here, and old guys are showing the same thing, so when you have that all together, and again, guys are dedicated and want to play the right way, then it shows and that’s kind of what’s happening right now.

On having more trust in other lines… Yeah, it’s good. That’s what you need to win. You look at the teams that have won the last few years. They have four good lines. They’re deep and every line can play in any situation against any line, and that’s what we need out of our team, and the last little while that’s how it’s been. Guys are, you know, they want to play the right way. They know their role and, again, they’re disciplined and dedicated in doing that, so it’s great to see everyone stepping up. Again, Schallsy An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media [Tim Schaller] had a good game, beautiful goal, and when you have all four lines chipping in like that that’s how you win games.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN BRANDON CARLO On the key the defensive success in tonight’s game... Making ourselves available so we could get the puck right out, and we kind of just focused on our gap control as well tonight and that was a big thing, and yeah, overall we eliminated their shots very well.

On if he embraces the challenge of playing against top-line talent... Yeah, definitely. I live for the competitiveness of the game and coming into the game I knew that those guys have been putting the puck in the back of the net pretty well, so I kind of focused on that and tried to get in their shot lanes as much as possible and I felt like we really shut [Patrik] Laine down on the power play when he was on that post there, and that’s where he scores most of his goals, so I feel like we did a good job getting in that lane.

On if seeing their low shot count is motivating to keep playing tight defense... Yeah, absolutely, I mean after the second period we came in here and we still tried to treat it like a zero-zero game and go out there and win that next period because regardless, it’s going to keep us in the game, it’s going to keep us engaged, and it’s pretty nice to see seven shots on net throughout two periods. It just kind of proves that we’re shutting them down kind of early – that’s the goal, is to not even allow them in the zone, so it’s fun when we see that.

On improving in the second period... Yeah, absolutely, I mean I feel like it’s something we kind of struggled with in the beginning of the year was our second period, and we’ve kind of relished on that opportunity to take over the game in that period and I feel like we’ve done a pretty good job of it, especially, and it’s contributing to our success so far, so just want to keep doing that and maintain a strong 60, and it’s been a lot of fun.

BOSTON BRUINS GOALTENDER TUUKKA RASK On what he liked about the defensive game tonight... We were skating, we were battling, our forecheck was great. We didn’t give them any time, any space, anywhere on the ice. A very, very good effort. What can I say – only 12 shots, I think that’s probably the least I’ve ever faced.

On what it’s been like to face a low number of shots and not many dangerous ones... Yeah, it’s been really good. Minnesota was the game where they probably had the most dangerous chances, but the past few games have been very solid. We found a scoring touch today, too, which is great, so it’s been really good to see.

On what the difference has been with the defense... I think today is a great example – when our forecheck is going, we’re closing plays quickly in their end and don’t give them time and space, and then that eliminates a lot of space in the

An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media neutral zone for the team. But defensive zone all year has been very solid. We’re playing our positions and fronting pucks, which is great.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN JOE MORROW On his assist on Matt Beleskey’s goal in the second period... I think I’ve been trying to generate more offense since I’ve been in the lineup the past couple games, and I’ve been playing with that line a lot so actually before practice today – well, during practice today – we worked on that just us two and it was working out pretty well, so I had a smile on my face when I was coming down the wall there and I could see him in the slot. So, it worked out and I’m glad it did.

On if he’s starting to find consistency in his game... I think so. I think I’ve been playing pretty well, you know, just game-to-game it’s a fight to stay in the lineup for me and to produce and help this team win. So when that happens it’s always a good feeling and to be able to contribute a little bit, too, it always helps.

On how it feels to see something he’s worked on in practice translate successfully into a game... Well, really good. It definitely boosts the confidence and it’ll push you through the rest of the game on a little high and give you a little bit more energy. But that’s what practice is for; you practice those things so hopefully it translates into a game and it did tonight and I’m glad it did, but we’ll keep working on things and keep improving here, too.

On the read he made when he decided to move down the ice in the Beleskey goal... I mean, the only thing you really look for is if your forward is going to cover you if you screw something up, so I just went down the wall, I knew someone was coming up high and to keep the puck in and try and make a play out of it – it’s a zero-zero game – you’ve got to try and make a difference and once that one went in I think everybody kind of got a little boost of energy and realized that that was our game to take, so that was pretty much my thought process behind it.

On if it’s hard to take risks when he hasn’t been a go-to defenseman in the lineup... Yes and no. I mean, realistically I don’t have much to lose. It’s kind of a risk-reward kind of thing so I may as well risk it and try and produce, but it’s an educated risk. You’ve got to take it with a grain of salt and try and be the best you can be every night.

On the importance of keeping the puck in play on the Beleskey goal... Yeah, I know, I think we’ve been playing well together and to be rewarded like that for it, it’s a good thing to have.

On if it’s difficult to bide his time as a scratch and wait for an opportunity... Yeah, it’s no fun, but it’s just kind of the hand you’re dealt and you have to work at it and work in practice just to stay ready for that opportunity and that’s all you really can do. It’s a pretty simple lifestyle when you just have to come, practice hard, and try and improve and wait for your opportunity.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD TIM SCHALLER An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media On if he was cherry picking on his goal… Yeah, it was kind of a broken down breakout. It wasn’t really what we draw up. But, eventually I got in the right spot and the D-man didn’t see me or something like that. Luckily, [Torey] Krug was able to spot that and I got a little break.

On how nice it was for everything to come together in the second period… It was awesome. We had a good first period and we were right there with them. But, we knew we had that much more to give and we showed that throughout the rest of the game.

On how it feels to have his line playing so effectively even if not scoring… Yeah. I say it all the time, but we keep it simple. Quick outs in our own ends, we haven’t really gotten hemmed too much. We’re able to keep our speed up through the neutral zone and push their D back. Everything starts in that D-zone so quick outs leads to good offense.

On how he would characterize his play so far… It was good. I was good in the faceoff dot which always builds confidence, and it’s easier to play with the puck, obviously. So, I can build off this game and I thought I played well. I know I had better, too.

On if there is pressure to do something when receiving a pass like he received from Torey Krug… Yeah, a little bit. I knew both D-men were coming on me hard so I just took four or five hard strides and ripped it on net. I knew there was pressure but I just wanted to put it on net.

On if he was picking a spot on his goal… Yeah, I was able to settle the puck and I was able to find an opening.

WINNIPEG JETS HEAD COACH PAUL MAURICE POSTGAME PRESS CONFERENCE On what wasn’t happening for his team in the offensive zone… Oh, I wouldn’t limit it to that. This is pretty simple, we weren’t ready to play. It didn’t get a whole lot better right through the end. At 3-0 or 4-0 that game was over and they know it and they maybe didn’t have the same urgency. I know I got two jobs – one is to prepare my hockey team and the other is to run the bench and that team wasn’t prepared so that’s on me. I didn’t see it coming, couldn’t make enough adjustments to make it change, couldn’t hide people on the ice enough to keep them off the minus sheet, so I’m not looking at that room, I’m looking at what I did to get this hockey team ready because it wasn’t good enough for this league.

On what concerned him the most about the effort… You know what, we can tear that game apart and just give me a list of what is involved in a game, from faceoffs to set plays to guys in behind, there isn’t a piece of that game that we were good at and if we have to sit here today and get a silver lining, if you’re going to be bad, you might as well be bad in all parts of your game, then you have a hope that you can write that one off. Like I said, we weren’t ready to play the game of hockey, we weren’t ready to play the Boston Bruins style of game, knowing what they were going to do and knowing An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media how they were going to play and I’m not in there reading them the riot act, I have to get my act here together because they weren’t ready to play.

On if the best thing for his team is that they hit the ice 20 hours from now… Well I’m going to let you know in about 22.5 hours then. We got to answer for this with our effort and with our mental preparation. I’ve got to find a way to get that hockey club ready.

WINNIPEG JETS GOALTENDER MICHAEL HUTCHINSON On how it felt getting back in the goal… Yeah, you know, I felt good. Coming into Boston you know they’re going to throw a lot of pucks in the net, and you know as a goalie that’s what you like to see. And it’s unfortunate that they were able to get a few by me tonight, but you know, overall I felt it was just battling and making a few saves.

What didn’t work for the rest of his teammates on the ice… I don’t know, it was just one of those nights. You know, every team is going to have a few of them in a season. Uh, you know, the puck just didn’t seem to settle down for us tonight, and, uh, you know those things kind of happen, but they don’t happen too often to us.

On what happened in the second period… You know, like I said, it just looked like the puck kind of bounced over our sticks and landed on their guys sticks a little bit more and just bounced through the hockey game.

On having a little bit of a barrage at times tonight… Yeah, you know, like I said they have a good team, they move the puck well and they fire the puck at the net every chance that they get, so you know, as a goalie you just have to be ready for it. We did a good job, we kept a lot to the outside, so they did get a lot of shots and some in-zone time but a lot of it was from the outside. So, our guys, we battled hard, we blocked some key shots even in the third period we had guys going down on scoring chances and making some key blocks for us so that’s huge.

On how excited he was to play in the TD Garden… Every time you get a chance to play in this building is huge. You know, obviously Boston is one of those teams that, you know, obviously I have no hard feelings for, they gave me an opportunity to play for Winnipeg and succeed, and I’m grateful for that. But every time you get a chance to play them you, you know it’s just a little added incentive going into the game.

WINNIPEG JETS FORWARD BLAKE WHEELER On what didn’t work in the offensive zone tonight… Yeah, we just didn’t do a good enough job preparing tonight, so, you know, one out of 20, we’ve got to find a better way to prepare tomorrow. That’s about it.

On if it’s hard to account for this loss after the team’s success thus far… Yeah, our effort has been pretty good all year. We view this as an outlier in 20 games, so you know, that’s our challenge it’s figuring out what went wrong, trying not to duplicate it tomorrow. An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media

On how five games on the road could affect their play… Yeah, we’ve got to figure out, you know, what we didn’t do right tonight. Our preparation has been good all year. It wasn’t very good tonight, so that’s the great thing about this league is you get another chance at it tomorrow.

On Michael Hutchinson’s goaltending… I think Hutch wasn’t our problem, you know, 12 shots against [them], probably not going to get it done.

WINNIPEG JETS FORWARD ADAM LOWRY On the lack of energy from the team… I think we just weren’t ready to play from the puck drop. Credit to them, they played a good game tonight.

On how they put this game behind them… Yeah it’s almost better that it’s a quick turnaround. You know, this is one of 20 that we didn’t come out the way that we wanted to so we are going to look to change that and you know have a better effort tomorrow night.

On what was missing from the team… I just don’t think that we were good at any one particular thing. You know that happens in an 82 game schedule so obviously you want to find the consistency and it wasn’t there tonight. So we are going to figure out what went wrong from tonight until puck drop tomorrow and we are going to have a better effort.

On if Michael Hutchinson deserved a better fate in net tonight… Yeah I mean we weren’t ready to play and you give up 40 shots in here, it’s going to be tough to win, so were just weren’t ready to play.

WINNIPEG JETS HEAD COACH PAUL MAURICE PREGAME PRESS CONFERENCE On the power play… …But, we like where it’s at. I haven’t walked off the bench thinking we didn’t shoot the puck enough on the power play. But, I like Patrick [Laine] thinking he should shoot the puck more. I’m all for that.

On Patrick Laine’s attitude to want to be better… He’s brought it right from day one. He understands that this is a different game. So, the Jets have a certain way of playing. And then every team in the NHL, he’s starting to realize there are subtle differences with each team and the game changes on you. That is a learning curve for all young players. But, the adjustments that we’ve asked him to make about the defensive structures of the league and our team, he’s adhered to those. He understands that there’s more to what he’ll do for our team than scoring goals. We love the goals, and that’s a big part of his game. But, this guy is a top-six player at 18 [years old], which means he’s playing against top-four and top-two An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media sets of D on that line. And the margin for error and what you give up against the top line is dangerous. Those are all things that young players or amateur players don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about. So, there’s a lot to kind of cram in. We’ve probably worked hard not over- coaching the young man, and he’s a quick learner. Enough said.

On why he chose to start Michael Hutchinson in net tonight… Mike’s [Michael Hutchinson] had a real good week. He’s played well in his games. Didn’t want to leave him out too long. With a five o’clock start tomorrow, we knew we were going to split the goaltenders. We thought he had the right energy.

On Nikolaj Ehlers’ vision and knack for assists… When Nik [Nikolaj Ehlers] skates, Nik’s ability – which separates him from a lot of players, is he can see things at high speed. So, he can get to a really high rate of speed and still see the ice and still make passes and make those plays. But, because of that speed, he has to be watched, he has to be covered, that speed backs people off his linemates as well. We still think he’s a shooter, but we do like the idea of a player who can skate and pass the puck. With Mark [Scheifele] who skates well and Patty [Patrick Laine] who shoots the way he does, that we’d like to see that line, each one of their assets, complement each other.

On his evaluation of Brandon Tanev… Very, very strong. He played four games for us last year and we were excited about what we saw. But, we understood it was at the end of the year and he was all jacked up in the first part of his NHL career, and then he came back faster which we thought was hard to do. No curve on picking up the systems, he’s rarely, if ever, out of position. He’s got speed that can make up for other people’s mistakes. If you look at that line, Andrew Copp’s got a year in the league at fourth-line center and Brandon is in his first year. We use them, when we can, against the other team’s best. He’s been a real addition to Adam Lowry’s game. That speed, to get in on the forecheck and Adam reads well and his stick is strong. So, we like the components as well.

On Brandon Tanev’s penalty killing performance… Those two, statistically, their numbers are the best, right – Lowry and Tanev. Again, the quickness and the good stick and his positioning is strong, so he gets to where he needs to get to. He can force pucks very quickly on the opportunities that he has, but he’s not running around or out of position to do it.

On Drew Stafford’s recovery and how his skate went yesterday… Well. He won’t go tonight and we’re going to look at either Carolina or Minnesota. The interesting thing for us for Minnesota is we’d actually be able to get him in a practice, which is what I’d like to do to get him out there with some chaos and a lot of bodies moving. So, get him as close to a game feel.

On the status of Bryan Little… Yeah. Bryan may well be the next player in. But, it will still be at least another week, I believe.

#11/19/16# An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media