©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

80 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE

Herpetological notes al. (1974), TZANNTATOU-POLYMENI & XYDA on the Island of Kastellorizo (1978), VALAKOS & PAPANAGIOTOU (1985), (South-east Aegean, ) TZANNTATOU-POLYMENI (1986), KLEWEN (1991), KARANDINOS & PARASCHI (1992), Po- LYMEN1 (1994), MORAVEC (1997), SOFIANI- The Island of Kastellori- Dou (1997), PAYSANT (1999), STEINFARTZ & zo (South-east Aegean, Greece) is situated MUTZ (1999), THORN & RAFFAËLLI (2001) some 140 km east of and two km off and VEITH et al. (2001). Widely distributed the Lycian peninsula in southern ; it on the whole island, the subspecific status of is about 10 km2 in size, the highest elevation this population remained uncertain until being Mount Paleokastro (272 m). This MORAVEC'S (1997) work on the basis on island exhibits typical forms of morphometric data. Due to the lack of night and is totally deprived of overground outings, this species was mainly met with in springs. It is mostly covered with phry- day time while lifting stones on humid sub- gana-type vegetation trodden by goats, and stratum. Several dozens of individuals were the few cultivated areas, surrounded with thus discovered. It is considered rare in wire fences are to be found in the west of Greece (KARANDINOS et al. 1992) because of the city Megisti (plain of Acheres) and on its distribution in Greece being restricted to the plateau overhanging it (plain of Aghios this island and the threats coming from col- Ioannis). lection for scientific purposes (e.g., between During the last visit in April 2002, and 1973 and 1978, 224 specimens were collect- contrary to the situation observed at an ear- ed - only published data). lier stay in 1998 (PAYSANT 1999), many nat- Bufo viridis viridis LAURENTI, 1768. ural depressions and tanks or artificial reser- This is the first record of B. viridis for voirs were filled with water, which was a Kastellorizo. Adults, tadpoles and imagos sign of more important fall and winter pre- from localities 2, 4, 9, 10 and 14. The lack cipitation, as it is suggested by comparing of sources strongly conditions the reproduc- the average rate of precipitation recorded in tion of this species, which had not been from September 1997 to March encountered during the 1998 stay. The main 1998 (1397.9 mm) with that from Septem- places of reproduction consist of the tanks ber 2001 to March 2002 (2359.5 mm) (http: and other artificial reservoirs set to collect //www. weatheronline.co.uk). rainwater as well as a few shallow limestone Despite the presence of numerous depressions. Unfortunately such concrete wire fences protecting the plots where goats facilities are often deadly for the adults after were left in extensive grazing, most areas the end of their breeding cycle, because of were visited, particularly the sites already the vertical walls. Only the area of Acheres, prospected by VALAKOS & PAPAPANAGIOTOU a humid depression surrounding huge reser- (1985). The goal of the visit was to con- voirs, seems to foster the reproduction of tribute to our knowledge of the herpetofau- the species as it is proved by the thousands na and its distribution on the island. All in- of tadpoles and imagos encountered. dividuals captured were photographed and Hemidactylus turcicus (LINNEUS, released on site. For record localities see 1758). Known from the city of Megisti figure 1. (VALAKOS & PAPANAGIOTOU 1985), not Early references to the herpetofauna found during this stay on the island. on Kastellorizo can be found in VALAKOS Tenuidactylus {Medio dactylus) kot- & PAPAPANAGIOTOU (1985) and VAN WIN- schyi (STEINDACHNER, 1870). Known from GERDE (1986). As for the other references con- Agios Ioannis and Acheres (VALAKOS & cerning Lyciasalamandra luschani basoglui PAPANAGIOTOU 1985), not found during this (BARAN & ATATÜR, 1980), whose population stay on the island. is very important on the island, see the re- Ablepharus kitaibelii BIBRON & BORY, view in VEITH & al. (2001). 1833. Known from Megisti (VALAKOS & Lyciasalamandra luschani basoglui PAPANAGIOTOU 1985). Adults from locali- (BARAN & ATATÜR, 1980). The presence of ties 3 and 7. Found in quite abandoned for- this species has been reported by KJORTSIS & merly cultivated areas or next to dwelling ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 81

Fig. 1: Map of Kastellorizo Island (Dodecanese, Greece). I - Papalazaro's estate, 2 - Zafiri's vineyard, 3 - Plain of Kilias, 4 - Plain of Acheres, 5 - Monastery of Agia Triada, 6 - Hill Agios Nikolaos, 7 - Churchyard of Agios Savva, 8 - Pevkakia, 9 - Road to the airport, 10 - Phrygana and small reservoir, 11 - Footpath to Mount Vikla, 12 - Chapel Agios Ioannis, 13 - Footpath's crossroad, 14 - Monastery of Agios Georgios. places. Data on the subspecific status are the soil of the plain of Agios Ioannis (VA- not available. LAKOS & PAPANAGIOTOU 1985), also record- Euprepis auratus auratus (LINNEUS, ed by DIMITROPOULOS & IOANNIDIS (2002). 1758). Recently moved from the genus Ma- Not found during this stay on the island. buya to the genus Euprepis (MAUSFELD & Laudakia stellio (LINNAEUS, 1758). SCHMITZ 2003). Seven adults from localities This taxon was mentioned from the Island 1,5, 10, and 12. This is the first record of E. by XYDA (1983, 1986), VALAKOS & PAPA- auratus for Kastellorizo. This species was NAGIOTOU (1985), CHONDROPOULOS (1986), mainly encountered by the low walls of dry PAYSANT (1999) and DIMITROPOULOS & stone parting the cultivated areas as well as IOANNIDIS (2002). Adults and juveniles in the areas of lapiaz with Sarcopoterium from localities 5, 6 and 8, all encountered in spinosum. One of the captured individuals fractured rocks. was 189 mm SVL. Aegean island records are Blanus strauchi BEDRIAGA, 1884. from , Rhodos, and Found by VALAKOS & PAPANAGIOTOU (1985) (DIMITROPOULOS & IOANNIDIS 2002). These on the plain of Agios Ioannis; reported by Greek constitute the westernmost BUTTLE (1990, 1995) and DIMITROPOULOS & distribution limit for the species which, until IOANNIDIS (2002). Two specimens from now, is not listed among the threatened rep- locality 3. One of them (SVL 122 mm) was tiles of Greece in KARADINOS & PARASCHI found under sheet metal and the other one (1992). (SVL 167 mm, damaged tail) under a large Ophiomorus punctatissimus (BIBRON stone, as it was seeking shelter in its hole, & BORY, 1833). One specimen collected in next to a formerly-cultivated piece of land. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

82 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE

Fig. 2: Adult specimen of Euprepis auratus (LINNAEUS, 1758) from Kastellorizo Island (Dodecanese, Greece).

This Asian species reaches its western dis- adult specimen from locality 14. Found on a tribution limit on the of Kos, low wall next to a dwelling house, a prey in Rhodes, , Samos, Symi and Fourni its stomach. Being of a rather uniform brow- Archipelago (DIMITROPOULOS & IOANNIDIS nish grey, as mentioned by DIMITROPOULOS 2002). It is considered rare in Greece (KA- (1986), the individual had none of the RAND1NOS & PARASCHI 1992) cephalic or dorsal marks which generally Typhlops vermicularis MERREM, 1820. characterize the species, thus causing confu- Two specimens were previously found in sion with Vìpera xanthina (GRAY, 1849). the plain of Agios Ioannis (PAYSANT 1999). Eirenis modestus (MARTIN, 1838). One specimen from locality 3, found under Found at Agios Ioannis and Acheres (VALA- a stone, a few meters from the individuals of KOS & PAPANAGIOTOU 1985), reported from Blanus strauchi. the island by DIMITROPOULOS (1986), CHON- Dolichophis jugularis (LINNAEUS, DROPOULOS (1989) and DIMITROPOULOS & 1758). Recently placed in the genus Doli- IOANNIDIS (2002). One greyish specimen chophis GISTEL, 1868 (NAGY et al. 2004). from locality 1. It was found coiled up under Reported from Megisti, Agios Georgios and a stone next to an open area of terra rossa, in Agios Stephanos (PAYSANT 1999). Five the shade of a locust tree (Ceratonia sili- male adults from localities 3, 4, 11, 12, and qua). 13. All specimens were uniformly blackish Malpolon monspessulanus insignitus above, one was observed to have a salmon (GEOFFROY, 1827). VALAKOS & PAPANAGIO- pink to reddish belly. This very swift and TOU (1985) collected one specimen from quick-tempered species, was found in high Acheres. The snake's occurrence was men- grass in the shade of trees as well as in tioned by CHONDROPOULOS (1989), DE rocky areas that offered numerous shelters. HAAN (1999) and DIMITROPOULOS & IOAN- Hemorrhois nummifer (REUSS, 1834). NIDIS (2002). Not found during this stay on Recorded by VALAKOS & PAPANAGIOTOU the island. (1985) from Agios Ioannis and Acheres; Vipera xanthina (GRAY, 1849). VAN mentioned from the island by DIMITRO- WINGERDE (1986) reported the occurrence POULOS (1986), CHONDROPOULOS (1989) and of the species on the island, however with DIMITROPOULOS & IOANNIDIS (2002). One some doubts. This doubtful record was re- ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

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peatedly mentioned later (DIMITROPOULOS et Bonn. NAGY, Z. T. & LAWSON, R. & JOGER, U. & WINK, al. 1988; DIMITROPOULOS 1990; BRUNO & M. (2004): Molecular systematics of racers, whip- snakes and relatives (Reptilia: Colubridae) using mito- MAUGERI 1990). Not found during this stay chondria! and nuclear markers.- Journal of Zoological on the island. Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin; 42: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I wish to thank my 223-233. PAYSANT, F. (1999): Nouvelles données sur wife Sophie HARNETT and my friend Benoit BAUDIN l'herpétofaune de Castellorizzo (sud-est de l'archipel (St. Mars-sur-La-Futaie, FR) who have accompanied Egéen, Grèce).-Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique and helped me during prospecting through most of the de , Paris; 91: 5-12. POLYMENI, R. M. (1994): On field trips in Greece. I also wish to thank Marie the biology of Mertensiella luschani (STEINDACHNER, K.ERVADEC (Rennes, FR) for her translation of this note 1891): a review. In: GREVEN, H. & THIESMEIER, B. into English, and Richard CLARK (Arendal, NO) for (Eds.): Biology of Salamandra and Mertensiella.- Mer- reviewing the manuscript. tensiella, Bonn; 4:301-314. SOFIANIDOU, T. S. (1997): Mertensiella luschani (STEINDACHNER, 1891); pp. 60- REFERENCES: BRUNO, S. & MAUGERI, S. 61. In: GASC, J.-P. & CABELA, A. & CRNOBRNJA-ISAILO- (1990): Serpenti d'Italia e d'Europa; Milano, Giorgio VIC, J. & DOLMEN, D. & GROSSENBACHER, K. & HAFF- Mondadori & Associati Editori, pp.223. BUTTLE, D. NER, P. & LESCURE, J. & MARTENS, H. & MARTINEZ (1990): The herpetofauna of Leros (Dodecanese, S.E. RICA, J. P. & MAURIN, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. E. & SOFIANI- Aegean).- British Herpetological Society Bulletin, DOU, T. S. & VEITH, M. & ZUIDERWIJK, A. (Eds.): Atlas London; 34: 34-38. BUTTLE, D. (1995): Herpetological of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe; Paris (Societas notes on the Dodecanese Islands of Chalki and Symi, Europaea Herpetologica & Muséum National d'Histo- Greece.- British Herpetological Society Bulletin, ire Naturelle [IEGB/SPN]). STEINFARTZ, S. & MUTZ, T. London; 52: 33-37. CHONDROPOULOS, A. (1990): A new (1999): Mertensiella luschani (STEINDACHNER, 1891) - locality record of Ottoman Viper, Vipera xanthina Lykischer Salamander; pp. 367-397. In: GROSSENBA- (Serpentes, Viperidae) from the Greek island of CHER, K. & THIESMEIER, B. (Eds.): Handbuch der Repti- Oenousses, N.E. Aegean.- Annales Musei Goulandris, lien und Amphibien Europas. Band 4/1. Schwanzlurche Kifissia; 8: 245-249. CHONDROPOULOS, B. P. (1986): A (Urodela)I; Wiesbaden (Aula). THORN, R. & RAFFA- checklist of the Greek reptiles. I. The lizards.- Am- ËLLI, J. (2001): Les salamandres de l'ancien monde. phibia-Reptilia, Leiden; 7: 217-235. CHONDROPOULOS, Société Nouvelle des Éditions Boubée, Paris, pp. 449. B. P. (1989): A checklist of the Greek reptiles. II. The TZANNETATOU-POLYMENI, R. & XYDA, A. (1978): Pre- snakes.- Herpetozoa, Wien; 2 (1/2): 3-36. DE HAAN, C. liminary report on the electrophoretic pattern of serum (1999): Malpolon monspessulanus (HERMANN, 1804) - esterases of Mertensiella luschani from Kastellorizo Europäische Eidechsennatter, pp.661-757. In: BÖHME, (Greece).- Rapport de la Commission Internationale W. (Ed.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien pour l'exploration scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, Europas. Band 3/1IA: Schlangen (Serpentes) II: Monaco; 25/26: 63-66. TZANNETATOU-POLYMENI, R. Colubridae 2 (Boiginae, Natricinae), Wiesbaden (Aula). (1986): Observations comparatives sur les populations DIMITROPOULOS, A. (1986): Some notes on the colour de Mertensiella luschani (Steindachner), des îles and pattern variation of the Greek snake fauna in rela- Kastellorizo, , Kassos et Saria (Amphibia, tion to geographic distribution.- Biologia Gallo-helleni- Salamandridae).- Biologia Gallo-hellenica, Toulouse; ca, Toulouse; 12: 436-471. DIMITROPOULOS, A. & 12: 445-450. VALAKOS, S. & PAPAPANAGIOTOU, D. GIANNATOS, G & MERTZANIS, G (1988): An additional (1985): The herpetofauna of Kastellorizo (Megisti) record of Ottoman Viper, Vipera xanthina (GRAY, 1849) island (SE Aegean Archipelago).- British Herpeto- from mainland Greece.- Herptile, London; 13: 99-103. logical Society Bulletin, London; 13: 9-12. VAN WIN- DIMITROPOULOS, A. & IOANNIDIS, Y. (2002): Reptiles of GERDE, J. (1986): The distribution of Vipera xanthina Greece and ; Kifissia (Goulandris Natural (GRAY, 1849) on the east Aegean Islands and in History Museum), pp. 275 [in Greek]. KARANDINOS, M. Thrace.- Litteratura Serpentium, Utrecht; 6: 131-139. & PARASCHI, L. (1992): The red data book of threatened VEITH, M. & BARAN, I. & GODMANN, O. & KIEFER, A. vertebrates of Greece; (Hellenic Zoological & Oz, M. & RIZVAN TUNC, M. (2001): A revision of Society, Hellenic Ornithological Society & WWF), pp. population designation and geographic distribution of 356. KIORTSIS, V. & KOUTSAFTIKIS, A. & MATSAKIS, J. the Lycian Salamander Mertensiella luschani (1974): Les Mertensiella de Grèce : I. Nouvelle forme (STEINDACHNER, 1891).- Zoology in the Middle East, de Mertensiella luschani dans l'archipel Hellénique Heidelberg; 22: 67-82. XYDA, A. (1983): Differ- (Note préliminaire).- Biologia Gallo-hellenica, Tou- entiation among several Greek and Cyprian populations louse; 5: 355-358. KLEWEN, R. (1991): Die Landsala- of the lizard Agama stellio (Reptilia: Agamidae). mander Europas I. Die Gattungen Salamandra und Doctoral Thesis. University of Athens, pp. 139 [in Mertensiella 2. Auflage. Die Neue Brehm Bücherei, Greek]. XYDA, A. (1986): Supplementary evidence on Bd. 584 Wittenberg (Ziemsen), pp. 208. MAUSFELD, P. the biometry and ecology of the lizard Stellio stellio of & SCHMITZ, A. (2003): Molecular phylogeography, Greece and Cyprus.- Biologia Gallo-hellenica, intraspecific variation and speciation of the Asian scin- Toulouse; 12:451-458. cid lizard genus Eutropis FITZINGER, 1843 (Squamata: Reptilia: Scincidae): taxonomic and biogeographic KEY WORDS: Island of Kastellorizo, Megisti, implications.- Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, Jena; Dodecanese, Greece, Herpetofauna, Bufo viridis 3: 161-171. MORAVEC, J. ( 1997): On the taxonomy and viridis, Euprepis auratus, new island records biology of Mertensiella luschani from Kastellorizo, Greece; pp. 279-284. In: BÖHME, W. & BISCHOFF, W. & SUBMITTED: October 11, 2004 ZIEGLER, T. (Eds.): Herpetologia Bonnensis, Proceed- ings of the 8th Ordinary General Meeting of the AUTHOR: Franck PAYSANT, Place de l'Église - Societas Europaea Herpetologica; 23.-27. August 1995, Le Bourg, F-35133 Le Châtellier, France < Franck. [email protected] >