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The BG News February 10, 1984

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Spurs investigation Counterfeit parts sold DAYTON (AP) -Counterfeit parts "A weapons system whose guns will The report also said Hre-detection are turning up with increasing fre- not fire or whose bombs will not drop, and fire-control systems of as many quency in critical military and civil- obviously is not a weapons system," as 100 Boeing 737 aircraft, were coun- ian aerospace systems, including the said Col. Paul Brown, chief of quality terfeit. space shuttle, AWAC surveillance air- assurance for the Air Force Logistics The Federal Aviation Administra- craft, missile systems and NATO and Command at Wright Patterson Air tion grounded the aircraft in 1977 to commercial aircraft, the Dayton Da- Force Base in Dayton. The command correct defects. The report dealt with ily News reported yesterday. oversees parts distribution and equip- a variety of counterfeiting efforts, The newspaper, citing congressio- ment repairs for the Air Force. including pharmaceuticals, medical nal and court documents, said that in Congressional and court documents devices, commercial computers and some instances these counterfeit com- make it clear the military has cause parts purchased by the armed serv- ponents failed to work. for concern. Some examples: ices. Counterfeit parts may have been • An FBI affidavit filed in connec- Federal grand juries in San Fran- responsible for several helicopter tion with a 1978 case states counterfeit cisco and New York are hearing alle- crashes in recent years, including at semiconductors grounded AWACS gations against electronic parts least one fatal accident, according to (Airborne Warning and Command supply houses that allegedly sold testimony before the Subcommittee System) surveillance aircraft. counterfeit parts to DESC, the paper on Oversight and investigations of the It said counterfeit transistors in said, citing an unnamed federal House Energy and Commerce Com- Phoenix missile fuses failed testing. source, familiar with the matter. mittee. The affidavit, filed in U.S. District Federal investigators are focusing Some problems cited in a soon-to-be Court in Dayton, revealed suspicions on several companies with Dayton released report by the subcommittee that counterfeit parts were built into offices which may have supplied have previously been reported. The the space shuttle Enterprise. In counterfeit parts to DESC, the source report and other documents show that , the National Aeronau- said. the sale of counterfeit parts has tical and Space Administration con- In Cincinnati, assistant U.S. Attor- grown into a major, national problem firmed that counterfeit components ney Terry Lehmann said a southern that has plagued military operations were found in the Enterprise. But Ohio task force that includes the FBI for at least eight years. NASA said the counterfeits were of and Air Force and Defense Depart- equivalent quality of parts they pur- ment units, is investigating military Increased counterfeiting has ported to be. Srocurement fraud, including allega- spurred a nationwide federal Investi- • A soon-to-be-released report by ons of counterfeiting. He declined gation, much of it concentrated in the House subcommittee said coun- further comment. Dayton where the Defense Electron- terfeit transistors were discovered in ics Supply Center (DESC) serves as 1976 among parts to be used in the The newspaper said DESC officials headquarters for electronic spare space shuttle, and that bogus parts became aware of the severity of coun- parts purchasing for military and were found that were intended for use terfeiting three years ago when mili- space programs, the newspaper said. in the Lance and Chapperal Army tary officials complained of The investigation also is concen- missile systems. increasing problems with electronic trating on the San Francisco and New In addition, the report said bogus Birts. As a result of complaints, York City areas, where numerous components were contained in over ESC purchased equipment to test electronics manufacturers and dis- 600 helicopters used by air forces of components, he said, and this con- tributors are based. the United Kingdom, West Germany, firmed the counterfeiting. Parts counterfeiting is of major and other NATO countries. According to this source and a sec- concern to military officials who fear The phony components, copies of ond informed federal official, the bo- that components of uncertain quality parts produced by two American gus military parts have been traced to Jeopardize lives and the military pre- companies, included transmission manufacturers in Taiwan and Hong Concentrating hard on their moves arc Tim Arthur, a junior marketing major, and Cindl LeViaeur, a aenlor paredness. parts and landing gear assemblies. Kong. management information ayatema major, as they practice the 'Box Step" in their ballroom dance claaa In Eppler North. •* Student files suit because denied admission to class by Mtehoei D. Towle senior-level business administration not bound by the college policy since Records in the College of Business Prosise enrolled in both the prereq- summer school would cause him to staff reporter course. the course was not listed as a prereq- Administration show the course as a uisite course and the senior level lose up to 11,500 working this summer uisite in the 1961-83 catalog. He said requirement for a business degree course at the beginning of this semes- which could make it financially im- A University senior, who says be Prosise said College of Business the catalog is a binding contract and and as a 300-level core course in 1981, ter. possible for him to attend law school was illegally denied access to a class Administration officials felt he had was in effect when he transfered here according to officials there. The suit was filed against Robert at Case Western next fail. and as a result will not graduaute on not completed the prerequisites for in 1981 and therefore he is governed Patton, acting dean of the college of "I iust wouldn't have the money, I time, has filed suit against four Uni- the course since he had not taken BA only by the college's requirements in Prosise contends that since the 380 business administration; Chan Hahn, would probably have to consider col- versity officials in Wood County Com- 380 (operations management) before that year. was not a prerequisite for the course chair of the college's Management leges of a lesser reputation," he said. mon Pleas Court. taking 406. in 1961, but merely a requirement for Department; George Howick. the Williamson has set a hearing on a BREWER COULD NOT comment the degree he should be allowed to course instructor, and Brewer. motion for a preliminary injunction Mark Prosise, 21, of Canton, a University Registrar Cary Brewer as to the binding legality of the cata- take both classes at the same time. for Feb. 17. senior business major who is sup- said as a litigant in the case he could log. Judge Gale Williamson, Wood Prosise claims the action denying "I am not out to win any great civil posed to begin study at Case Western not comment as to whether or not 380 The 1961-83 catalog states prereq- County Common Pleas Court, ordered him the class would delay his gradua- rights case for students, he said. Reserve law school this fall, contends could actually be classified as a pre- uisites for the 405 course as "... the University to allow Prosise to tion till August and would jeopardize "This is not with any vengence, I iust the University denied him admission requisite for the 405 in 1961. prior completion of all 300-level busi- attend the class while litigation pro- his admission to Case Western. want to graduate and go to law to Business Administration 405, a The suit contends that Prosise was ness core courses." ceeds. Prosise added his having to attend school." Plunging into class Union power goes by Stephanie Lopuszynski ables the diver to instruct scuba at reporter any level, according to O'Brian. At the University, three classes in basic Being a student in a scuba class scuba diving are taught, and one class out for lunch hour taught by Charles O'Brian means will be offered in late spring at the literally "plunging" into the subject. instructor training college level. by Geoffrey Barnard ringing the buzzer, but I thought no- "Water excites people for some Scuba classes usually include no staff reporter body heard me so I started banging on reason and they want to get involved more than 10 students, O'Brian said. the door with my lighter." she said. with it," O'Brian, assistant director of Many people sign up because they Viewing of the U.S. Olympic hockey "We're used to that thing (the el- aquatics at the Student Rec Center have seen programs such as Jacques game was interrupted when the lights evator) breaking down, but it's said. "Scuba is a nice tension reliever Cousteau and think of scuba diving as went out, but business proceeded as usually only for a couple minutes. - you can just go out and have fun." an adventure, he added. usual in the University Union at They couldn't get me out until the O'Brian is one of only three people Amy Koenig, a freshman business lunchtime yesterday. electricity came back on," Mills said. in the to qualify this major took a scuba class last sum- People worked, ate lunch, studied year as an Instructor Training Course mer, and although she was scared at and gave blood for the Red Cross - in NOT EVERYONE thought the Director in the Professional Associa- the beginning, she said it was a good darkness. power failure traumatic. For Cheryl tion of Diving Instructors. He re- experience. According to Union maintenance Waggoner, an employee in the Union ceived the PADI Merit Award, which "Until you're under water with a supervisor Harold Miller, electricity ice cream shop, the blackout was is the highest level of licensure that a tank on your back, you can't imagine went out on all four floors of the north welcome. scuba diver can attain. what it's like down there," she said. end of the Union for nearly 25 minutes "If it (the blackout) had been any "It's breathing under water. But I'm at 13:16 p.m. longer, it would have been a prob- "Becoming an instructor director is very comfortable with it now -1 think Miller said that a problem with a lem," Waggoner said. "But it was one of the most rewarding things a it's great! transformer was the cause of the pretty fun. person can do, if they want it. After "There were all different types of r failure. The lunchtime crowds in the Fal- the time and the work put into it, I feel people in the class - older people as con's Nest and Prout cafeteria were like a million dollars, * he said. well as students. Scuba gave us all "The transformer works on the not disturbed by the failure, accord- Eight levels of licensure make up something in common," she added. same idea as a circuit breaker," ing to Kathleen Cookson, Union food basic scuba diving, followed by a O'Brian certifies approximately 100 MDler said. "When the power went service manager. seven-day training college, which en- scuba divers every year. Charles O'Brian bg news staff/James YcxJ out, we had to reset it all by hand." The lunchers had enough light to eat Although the power failure was because of the large windows in the easily remedied, it remains a mys- Falcon's Nest and Prout cafeteria, tery why the transformer overloaded. and cashiers tallied meals by hand, 'I have no idea what caused it. I've Cookson said. •the bottom line been in maintenance 15 or 16 years, Computer science students working / # and I've never seen anything like in the Union computer labs were inside index weather this," Miller said. faced with a special problem. Perhaps the person most upset by According to graduate computer • The reader's survey, conducted • Bowling Green's hockey team, the power outage was Union sales science major Jim Millns, who was the CCHA champions, travel to reader's survey 2 clerk Marjorie Mills. Mills was riding working on a program at the time, the by toe News and USG on spring graduation continues. Page 1 Western Michigan this weekend. campus/local 3 an elevator alone when the lights went system went down without warning. PageS. state/world 5 out Whoever did not save what they had • The two-part series on rape is 8 "At first I thought the elevator was on their terminal, could have lost all 10 going to fall, but it just stopped (be- or part of a program. concluded today. Page 3. • Scotty Hamilton, favored to take tween the second and third floors)," 'The only warning we had was that the gold medal in men's figure Partly cloudy with a sight chance of Mills said. "It was three or four the lights went out," Millns said. • The century old art of handbell skating, says he is considering minutes before the lights in the eleva- "Thank goodness the machines didn't ringing can be found in area retaining his amateur status fo two showers. High in the 40's with a low tor went out, after it stopped." 6o down right away. We wouldn't churches - and it is soon to be a more years. Page 9. In the mid-30's. "That was an awful feeling. I was ave been able to save anything." class. Page 4. 2 bg news/february 10.1984 editorial University fails to honor King knew that the U.S. government was Martin couldn't help but be dis- Because Martin went beyond Viet- Keith A. Rodqf ■ not among his "natural allies." King turbed because the black church nam, we must go beyond simply cele- knew the U.S. govenment had been dragged so far behind in its responsi- brating his birthday. Go beyond South After many years of bard struggle campaigning to discredit him. blity to teach young people that con- Africa, Nicaragua, and even Reagan. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday has Martin looked beyond Vietnam, scientious objection is a logical Martin understood perfectly the situa- Cheers and Jeers been recognized as a national holiday. and felt he had no choice, but to call Christian alternative to military tion in the First World, he said: "let It's also a holiday recognized by the the U.S. government "the greatest "service." How could Christians see us be dissatisfied until our brother flitters and Jeers is a run down of topics or events about University. But, it's hard to believe, purveyor of violence in the world." all the injustices in this world and be (and sisters) of the (so-called) Third because this year the University has Martin had no option, he had to say silent and/or indifferent about it? The World Africa, Asia, Latin America V/campus that we feel deserve praise or derision. failed to do anything to honor the the U.S. Is "on the wrong side of the singing group Aswad tells us "the (and Native Americans) will no man. world revolution." Martin had no truth is an offense but never a sin." longer be victims of the imperialist Cheers and good luck to Scott Hamilton, hometown boy gone Now that King does have a holiday, alternative, but to proclaim "a nation This kind of revolutionary thinking exploitation." world champion figure skater. Expected to skate away with we have to make sure that when our that continues year after year to did not come easily to Martin. It was This is the dream Martin wanted children "celebrate," Martin's holi- spend more money on military de- so radically different from his "I us to teach our children. gold next week, all American eyes will be on him. day they don't ask, "Who was Mar- fense than on programs of social Have A Dream" speech. However, tin?" Just as important we have to uplifts is approaching spiritual after much hard thinking he said Rodgers is a guest columnist for the Jeer to the University administration for not trying to get make sure that our children, to quote death." appropriately, "I can do no other." News from Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Brooks, aren't "spoon fed" student input before proposing a different graduation cere- some media half-truths ana lies about mony procedure. They seem to be willing to listen to was a man that not only whatever the results of the News and Undergraduate Student f Mw DO w //AVfemmw* *ff Government readers' survey say next week, but they might wanted freedom to ring from the "snowcapped Rockies of " / 2 PXMZ OF zt>, FoobCoufoNs, cerot/roF have changed the graduation exercises on their own if USG and from the "Stone Mountain of had not raised a dissenting voice. Georgia," he also wanted freedom to I JAHFAeFCA*P,SMU*FfienF... ring In South Africa and Vietnam. Martin was a man that believed in I 10AIK*W~.? ANt> RBMeKitfKjF And Jeer to the circus of a Faculty Senate meeting last freedom for everyone, everywhere. Tuesday. Bickering over issues prevailed, effectively What made Martin, and Africans canceling the discussion of the proposed graduation cere- like Malcolm X, Walter Rodney, Zord Neale Hurston, Fannie Lou Hamer, mony changes. President Paul Olscamp talked about the Rosa Parks, Wallace Thurman. issue, but the ad hoc comittee formed to study the change, Kwame Nkrumah, Bob Marley, and was never heard. Nor was Brian Baird, USG president, who many more great was that they did the ''unpopular," before it was "popu- had said he would bold his comments until after the ad hoc lar." committee's report. At 4:30 p.m. the meeting ended, and Many people will say now that the faculty members left without hearing the scheduled report of Vietnam War was wrong, but they student representatives. didn't say it 15 years ago. Martin said, "• time comes when silence is be- trayal." Cheer to the Jerome Library administrators for the On-line The time came for Martin to be Computer Library Center. Linked to about 4,000 libraries in silent no longer. He saw the connec- tion between those struggling for hu- the United States and abroad, the OCLC terminal can find man rights in America and Vietnam that elusive book you have not been able to locate. "war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such." Cheers to the project for increased lighting undertaken by Kins was harshly critized for his <$&'• opposition against U.S. forces in Viet- the Administration to make the campus safer at night. nam. said. King Already the south side of Ridge Street near Oak Grove "done a grave injury to those who are Cemetery is brightened by floodlights. The lights were his natural allies ..." And that he has "diminished his usefulness to his sparked by assaults on or near campus. cause, to his country." But, by April 1967, King clearly Migrants taken advantage of Brian J. Szirtai contract with large canneries, such and the canneries pay the workers Reagan is funnier than Democrats as Campbell and Ltoby. These cor- out of the money received from the Life expectancy of 49 years porations collect 83 percent of the sale. If the growers cannot afford by Art Buchwald "Nope. He just went around making all similar except for the call I made One room shacks with no indoor revenues from each tomato, leav- to pay the workers a sufficient speeches about the greatness of to McGovern's headquarters. McGov- plumbing ing 17 percent to be split among the salary, then it is because the can- I have been accused by some read- America and how Reagan doesn't ern answered the phone himself, "Hi, Low wages growers, cannery workers and the neries are not paying enough for ers of always picking on President care about the poor or the elderly or this is George McGovern I'm out on Workers are denied the right to farmworkers. Does this sound the tomatoes. The farmworkers Reagan, "why," the writers ask, the disadvantaged and the unem- the campaign trail for a few hours and collective bargaining fair? should have a say in the price- "don't you make fun of the Demo- ployed." can't answer the phone. At the sound 89 percent of children do not com- As a.result of the low wages setting to ensure that they receive crat*?" of the beep please leave your name plete high school because of child ($1.96/hour) and poor conditions fair wages and benefits. t It's a fair question. The answer is Then I checked In with Glenn head- and telephone number, and if you're labor suffered by the exploited farm- In addition to the labor strike, that so tar the only thing funny about quarters. "Any laughs over at your thinking of voting for me I'll get back Sound like the population of a workers, farmworker unions have FLOC has organized a boycott on the Democrats is that there is nothing to you as soon as I can." third world nation? Perhaps so, yet sDrune up around the country. The all Campbell's products. (Most of funny about them. "Glenn changed campaign man- the B.G. resident need not look most well known union serving the the tomato farms in northwest Ohio L»t me give you a humor test. agers again andThe bombed out in the I'm not copping a plea because a further than her/his own back yard interests of the migrant farmwork- are under contract with Camp- I'm going to name the Democratic South talking about the greatness of columnist should be able to find hu- to see such atrocities. As unbelie- ers in this area, is the Farm Labor bell.) The five-year-old boycott will candidates and you see if you laugh. America and how Reagan does not mor in a political party, even if there vable as they may seem, these sad Organizing Committee (FLOC). continue until Campbell agrees to All right no cheating. care about the elderly or the disad- isn't any. But it's always easier to conditions are characteristic of Since 1978, FLOC has organized the sit down at the bargaining table vantaged and the poor." make fun of someone in power than it farmworkers in northwest Ohio. strike of over 2,000 migrant farm- with the growers and the workers. Mondale, Glenn, Jackson, Hart, Is in someone who has none. This region is one of the largest workers. Their goal is to bring the B.G. students will have the op- Hollings, Cranston, McGovern, I then talked to my mole in Jesse tomato-growing areas in the farmworkers, growers and canne- portunity to hear more about the Askew and Dark Horse Candidate. Jackson's office. I had to explain this to one of United States. Migrant farmwork- ries together at the bargaining plight of the migrant worker in Now you probably laughed at the "You guys having any chuckles Mondale's staff the other day who ers (including citizens and non-citi- table and to establish a contract northwest Ohio on Wednesday, dark horse candidate more than you over there?* said, "All you ever talk about in your zens of the U.S.) depend on the which would provide fair wages Feb. IS, when Baldemar Velas- laughed at the others. So you can see columns is Reagan. We should have large vegetable farms here and and to establish a contract for the quez, President of FLOC, speaks to thebind I'm in. "I don't know if this is funny or not equal time." elsewhere in the U.S. for their workers. All three parties must be the university communitv at 8:00 but Jesse lust gave a speech last night "I'm willing to give you equal time livelihoods. In the same manner, involved in the negotiations be- p.m. in 200 Moseley Hall. All are Mondale is the front runner at a church talking about he greatness - just tell me something Mondale's tomato-growers are dependent cause both the canneries and the invited to attend. according to the polls. There is noth- of America and how Reagan has done that is really funny. upon the migrants for a cheap growers are responsible for the ing funny there. I know because I shortchanged the elderly, the disad- "He attacked the Reagan deficit source of labor. current situation of the workers. Szittai is a member of the Social have a mole in the Mondale camp and vantaged and the poor." the other day in Seattle." Most of the growers are under The canneries buy the tomatoes. Justice Committee. last Monday morning I called and "It's not a thigh slapper," I told "That wasn't half as funny as Rea- said, "Did Mondale do anything funny him. gan suggesting that Congress appoint last week like cry in New Hampshire I won't go through the rest of the a bipartisan commission to study how or something?" candidates because the reports were to reduce the deficit without cutting back on defense or raising taxes." letters "How about the shouting match Mondale had with Glenn in the New from Doyt L. Perry Field to Anderson spring's commencement ceremony Attention All Students Hampshire debate?" Graduation should stay Arena. The plan would have gradua- was not dignified enough for adminis- "It has possibilities, but it was tion held at three separate times trators, however it was clearly a very The BG News and the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) are the way it has been according to colleges. This plan would sentimental and memorable one for nothing compared to Ed Meese being make it impossible for students from graduating students. conducting a reader's survey concerning student attitudes on Spring appointed attorney general and all the conservatives are now upset that Rea- different colleges to share their grad- Commencement. Listed below are two plans under review for Spring Last spring I was fortunate enough uation with close friends and class- Undergraduate Student Govern- graduation. We urge all students to fill out a survey form. Cwill have nobody left in the White to witness my brother's graduation mates, many of whom they may le to advise him but left-wingers from this university. The commence- ment is conducting a readers' survey Please vote for ONE plan. and pragmatlsts." never see again. In addition this plan concerning student's attitudes on the ment ceremony impressed me very limits seating to four people per grad- University adniinistration's proposal much. I watched on in awe as grad- uating student. What happens to stu- in today's issue of The News. I urge Plan A has been proposed by the Administration lo "Why don't you admit it? You want uating students exchanged hand- dents with large families? Poor not only seniors, but all Bowling Reagan in the White House because shakes with good friends and grandma and grandpa are forced to ensure greater efficiency for the graduation exercises. he's funnier than we are?" embraces with boyfriends and girlf- Green students to complete the sur- This plan would have graduation held in Anderson Arena sit at home while their grandchild vey located in the left hand corner of PLAN A riends. The ceremony seemed to be a receives his diploma. this page. Despite expressed opposi- at three separate times by colleges: * "I have to make a living." perfect finale for the completion of In Wednesday's addition of The tion to the proposal to move commen- "Well, just wait until after the their education at Bowling Green. I News University President Paul Ols- cemnt excercises by Undergraduate 8:30 am — College of Business elections. You'll be laughing out of the watched on in anticipation of the day camp was quoted as saying, "Last Student Government and Graduate other side of your mouth. Democrats when I would be able to enjoy a years graduation was disgraceful, 12:15 pm — Colleges of Arts & Sciences, are always funnier than Republicans similar experience. However, it ap- Student Senate, it appears that this Musical Arts uncontrolled, lacked dignity and did survey may be the only method by once they get into the Oval Office." pears that if the University adminis- not speak well for the University." which the administration will respect 3:30 pm — Colleges of Education, Health & "Isnt everyone?" tration has its way, that day will Despite President Olscamp's neg- students' oppositions to the proposal. Community Services. Firelands campus and the never happen. ative account of last spring's cere- School of Technology Buchwald is a columnist tor the Los The University administration has mony, it seemed to be a proud Dennis Vlcchlaralll Angeles Times Syndicate. proposed a plan that would move this moment for parents seated around USG District 5 Raarasantativa spring's commencement excercises me, as well as my own. Perhaps last Clear Views by T. Downing and T. Cleary Plan B would keep graduation exercises held in Doyt Perry field with students seated by colleges, but receiving PLANB their diplomas at the same time. H...VAIT A IHIUUTE iMM; [jusr/wTOis iPWce CAUCP NAME | Own, 4M> BOTH YEAR COLLEGE SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVES. [ooasixy yep'' 11 tetir ' 1 MtMMy The survey will run Feb. 6—10 Deadline: Fri. at 5 pm. Please drop the form at one of the following places:

The BG New* Information Booth USG Offices 106 University Hall University Union 405 Student Services campus/local bg news/lebruary 10, 19S4 3 Sell yourself with a resume Crime usually unreported Police can help victims of rape by Marcy Grande how embarassing something may be, fingernail scrapings, vaginal smears statt reporter it will be very important to the inves- and pubic combings, Bratt said. sional objectives and skills, tigation," Bratt said. "There can be These pubic combings are examined education, honors and awards, expe- Editor's note This is the second holt ot a many little things that can mount into to find a foreign hair which may be rience and involvement in campus two-part series on rape something big for us to go on." the assailant's. An error in a resume is like a run in organizations. The experience of rape is traumatic When a victim calls Public Safety a stocking when a person is concerned Type style, lettering and ink color enough, without having to repeat the after being sexually assaulted or "The kit is sealed and sent off to the about projecting an image to a pro- are also important variables in writ- story to the police. But if an incident is raped, an officer is immediately sent BCI (Bureau of Criminal Identifica- spective employer, according to Flor- ing a resume, Lehman said. None of not reported, suspects will not be over to where the victim is and the tion), along with the victim's clothes ence Lehman, associate director of these factors can be ignored if a sought by police, and may continue officer makes a report, Bratt said. for analysis," Bratt said. Placement Services. person wants to create a unique, abducting innocent parties. "Students don't realize that em- effective image. According to Lisa and Denise, coun- "THE FIRST THING we try to do is The investigation goes on until the ployers in business and industry will selors for The Link crisis intervention Set a general statement and brief police have nothing more to go on, and look at their resumes for a matter of Length also must be considered, center, most rapes go unreported escription of the suspect and what that may be a long time, according to only five to 10 seconds," Lehman said. and Lehman recommends no more because of fear and embarassment. took place. Some of the victims are Bratt. During this time, police main- "If it doesn't jump off the page and hit than a page and a half. Yet the two counselors stressed that upset and ask to wait a few days tain contact with victim in case other them in the face, they won't even Lehman does not advise students to police can be very understanding. before they talk to us, but we need to leads turn up. bother." give specific references. Sergeant Gene Bratt, an investiga- get the information as quick as possi- Lehman said resumes incorporate a "People move, names change and tor for Public Safety, said the first ble. That's the whole key. If we wait, Also, officers try to help the victim system of marketing strategy. "You various references are needed to suit priority is the care of the victim. the subject could take off," he said. fit together a composite sketch from have something to sell and your re- different positions. We suggest that "Everything we do depends upon The next step is getting the victim the police's facial identification sys- sume is your advertisement," she the student make their references the victim, and her state o* mind," to the hospital. While the police urge tem, and if she has trouble recalling, said. available upon request and note that Bratt said. "If she needs help, I can the victim to go, Bratt said victims Bratt may recommend investigative According to Lehman there are on their resume." get someone. Some victims ask to talk cannot be forced. hypnonsis performed by Bowling common ground rules one should fol- "A resume will only assist you in to a woman, and sometimes it is the Green city police Captian Matt low, but each resume is a matter of getting a postion," Lehman said. "It other way around." Besides being treated and tested for Brichta. But this is optional. individual choice. will not get you the position, and in Still, intricate details are crucial to venereal disease and pregnancy at "I can give a student a general rule- many cases may hinder your the investigation. the hospital, specimens are taken If the suspect is identified and the of-thumb format, but he may not be chances." "Let's face it, it is traumatic, and from the victim to help detect evi- police think there is enough evidence comfortable with it," she said. "At Lehman said she believes it is im- she wants to put it all out of her mind, dence of the assailants contact or to arrest the suspect, the case will be the Placement Office we are experi- portant that a resume conveys a but I can't let her do that. Victims conduct. The kit to gather these speci- turned over to the prosecutor, Bratt enced at giving advice concerning clear, precise message that portrays should not omit details. No matter mens includes supplies for taking said. what works and what does not. The the individual accurately. «.«»««■»■■ »».»!,.1.1, M,ta.X.lW final choice however, is the stu- The Placement Office offers semi- dent's." nars, workshops and one-on-one con- Suggested data for a resume in- sultations on a walk-in basis to assist Low Birthweight Is The Leading Cause Of Infant Death. clude personal information, profes- in resume writing. Every Ounce Over 5V& Pounds Is Labeled 18 Carat For Healthy Babies.

Welcomes THE TALENTED AND AMAZING JACK WHITE for a BILLIARDS CLINIC and TOURNAMENT FEB. 20 - 24 BUCKEYE ROOM, UNION ALL DAY ■ - •.' i Moving Off-Campus? This year. some of our graduates will be remembered under the following yearbook heading...

Those Not Pictured.

Don't bo a blank spot Your i yearbook is a lasting memory get complete info at part ot your life For your sake, and oil .our picture taken OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING FAIR February 14,1984 THE PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER IS HERE NOW, BUT FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. 7:30 - 9:30 pm To make your appointment, call THE KEY Office at 372-0086 or stop by 310 Student Grand Ballroom, Union Services. 4 bg n«ws/february 10.1964 ■campus/local ■dateline Bell choirs ring in the hearts of many Friday, Feb. 10 fice on the third floor of the Gymnasium. Free and by Patty Roche Swimming - The Univer- Union. Open to any organi- open to all. with Williams. The course struction is one of the easi- sity mens' team will host zation or living unit. Saturday, Feb. 11 reporter runs 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Tues- est ways to teach anyone of Gymnastics - BGSU vs. days through April 24. and any age to read music and Eastern Michigan Univer- Anderson Sen Resembling the Urge sity at 4 p.m. in Cooper Deadline for West Virginia at lp.m. in another course is on Thurs- universities such as Pur- Pool at the Rec Center. . applications for these . the Eppler North Gymna- tower bells of 16th century days through April 26 at due and Ohio State are now scholarships given on the sium. , the simply de- the First Presbyterian offering handbell classes. UAO Dating Game - Appli- basis of academic achieve- signed, brass handbell sits, Church. "If a person has never Public Skating - Public on the table. A small Williams said the music had the opportunity to play cations are due by S p.m. ment and campus activ- gloved hand clasps the for those interested in en- ities, Is 5 p.m. today in the skating will be from 8-10 of handbell choirs can be- any kind of instrument, tering a Dating Game. Mileti Alumni Center. p.m. at the Ice Arena. Stu- handle and a pair of brown come meaningful to this is a great way to get dents $1.25 with BGSU I.D. eyes watch the director churchgoers. involved in music and have Turn entries in at the UAO Sponsored by the Greater with impatience. Soon, a office on third floor of the Toledo Chapter of the Uni- Skate rental is 50 cents. "Handbells are another a fun time," Huffman said. Student Union. Free and versity's Alumni Associa- single, penetrating note is corporate way to worship. "There is a lot of social Dance - The Black Heri- heard and the the sound of People with a lot of per- interaction during rehears- open to the public. tion, and Charles Share. ringing bells fills the First tage Month event will be a sonal problems come to als." UAO Mardi Gras - Applica- Black Heritage Event - A dance sponsored by the Presbyterian Church in church to worship and the tions are due by S p.m. basketball game between Kohl Hall Players, at 10 Bowling Green. bells appeal to them," she Huffman's face lit up as today for reserving a table freshmen and upperclass- p.m. In the Northeast Com- "Presently, over 100 peo- said, "ft gives them an- she talked about how she for Mardi Gras. Turn ap- men will be at 7 p.m. The mons. Admission will be ple in the area play in one other way to worship began playing handbells. charged. of the four churches in God." "They were first intro- plications at the UAO of- game will be in Eppler town with handbell Williams said handbells duced to me when I was hi choirs," Kitty Williams. are descendants of the Junior high and the church director for the handbell large tower bells of Europe didn't know what to do with choir at the First Presbyte- and were brought to Amer- the younger kids to get rian Church, said. ica by circus owner P.T. them involved. So they Group helps students "Somewhere around Barnum, who liked the bought handbells and our 1966 or '67, the First Chris- handbells so much that he instructor read to us from by Carole Hornberger heard, the right to have Andrade said that the tian church on Poe Road brought over a group of the manual. reporter due process, the right to be entire proceedings are first obtained handbells," Swiss Bell Ringers. She "Not one of us knew how treated equally and the kept confidential in order she said. She said several said their popularity to play bells and even the Sympathetic ears and right to be free from sex- to protect the people in- local churches now have spread and today there are teacher made a lot of mis- sound advice can be found ual, racial and student- volved. handbell choirs. over 20,000 bell ringers in takes," she said, laugiung at the other end of the /teacher harassment. "Our main goal is to help Donna Huffman of Pem- the United States. "That's how I learnjd to Human Rights Hotline, Andrade said many of solve the problem," he berville, who has been "MANY UNIVERSI- according to chair of the the cases deal with racial, said, "not publicize it" playing bells, conducting TIES are recognizing the This year the Bowling committee, Dr. Rolando sexual and academic ha- However, not every case choirs and teaching hand- need for handbell ringing Green choirs will be cele- Andrade. rassments and occur in can be solved. According bell ringing for about 18 instruction and have begun brating their 30th anniver- classrooms, residence to Andrade, the committee years, will be teaching a to add it to their curric- sary and will travel to the The committee, a sub- halls, and within the city of does not have the re- Continuing Education ulum," she said. National Festival at Kent *il * group of the University's Bowling Green. sources needed to handle class on handbell ringing She said handbell in- State in June. Human Relations Commis- "u you feel that your each case since each takes bg news staff/Sue Cross sion, is geared toward Uni- rights are violated, then a lot of time. The commit- versity students with that's all we need to look tee is also not a judiciary; RING, RING, RING! possible violatons of their into the case." he said. therefore, it must handle human rights. The committee first sets human relations carefully. * KAPPA DELTA WISHES TO Ray Steiner, a math professor at the University, has been a These rights include the up a time in which the "We cannot destroy one "ringer" since 1977 when he "came In one day and someone right to be in a public student, another commit- person's human rights to place, the right to be tee member and Andrade help the other," he said. (ANNOUNCE THEIR 1984-85 ■shoved a bell in my hand." can discuss the problem Andrade added that ano- and decide if they have a nymity, although necces- EXECUTIVE OFFICERS valid case, Andrade ex- sary for the protection of SEND YOUR VALENTINE plained. the party, has hurt the The committee then puts organization, for it has Pres. Karen Nussbaum A "HEART SHAPED" the case before a hearing stopped many students in which it decides if some- from hearing about the Vice Pres. Holly Cartwright PIZZA! thing can be done to solve program. the case, or if not, it can Andrade said that the Sec. Michelle Leist refer the student to the committee knows prob- You can order any size dean of the particular col- lems in human rights vio- Treas. Renee Beard pizza in a heart shape lege or another organiza- lations are out there but tion. the comittee cannot get Asst. Treas. Kari Pelton along with a message If the problem deals di- involved if the person does AT NO EXTRA CHARGE rectly with another person, not pick up the phone. Editor Lisa Hill CALL FOR DETAILS Andrade said, the commit- "We are here to help tee will confront the per- people who feel that they Membership Lisa Todd 352-5166 son, listen to their side of nave no help, All they have Op«n 4 p.m. the story and then ask to do is dial the number House Chairman Linda Espy • FAST FREE DELIVERY them to stop the supposed and somebody will be on Congratulations! t&M 203 N. Main harrassment or talk it over the other end ready to lis- IL- with the other party. ten." he said. *' SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE VALENTINE'S DAY ' Come and learn about this student organization concerned with current, local and global justice issues. Become informed with such topics as: • NUCLEAR ARMS RACE • CENTRAL AMERICA CRISIS • MIDDLE EAST • MIGRANT FARM WORKERS • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT • ELECTION EDUCATION MEETING ARE SUNDAYS AT 8:00 p.m. FIRESIDE LOUNGE, SJ. THOAAAS MORE Call 352-0665 or 352-1314 20 % OFF for more information <|l «OOPMW l|> <[T COUPONS i]j> EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! Except cigarettes, candy and gum VALENTINE'S DAY ONLY THIS MEANS EVERYTHING! Bee Gee Bookstore We're always in the best of taste!

500FFONE 50« OFF ANY ONE **■** 1424 E. WOOSTER •REAKFAST BUFFET •#. SANDWICH OR IANYI MIAKFAST" iti LUNCHEON SPECIAL (Across from Harshman) VALID ONLY FROM 6 a.m. -'11 a.m. I VALID ONLY 11 a.m.-9 pm I Not valid with other discount offers. I Not valid with other discount offers. I EXPIRES: 3/1/84 REDEEMABLE ONLY AT I EXPIRES 3/1/84 REDEEMABLE ONLY AT I 353-2252 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. N E A I !P*tl °°*! ^i°S JI2^?J_ _ BOWLING GREEN LOCATIONS I 99* BIO BOY & BRAWNY LAD OFFER iDRfVE^TWU OFFER AT CARRY-OUT OFFER AT s s 1540 E. WOOSTER ST. ;>^c>^c>>c>>i>frr->^>r^>r-fri>>r->r->f >r^f>r ^r>frc>>D>>c»>C'>[>>i>^D->(>i 892 S. MAIN ST. state/world bg news/lebruary 10.19M 6 Shelling justified by Reagan administration

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. agreement worked out Lebanon. And that's what gan's warning Tuesday Marines are not directly those decisions when the have a wide range of op- On Capitol Hill, (AP) - The Reagan admin- with Congress authorizes we're doing." that U.S. naval and air under attack, Speakes multinational force is tions to protect the lives of while. Defense Secretary istration yesterday shifted shelling only to protect In view of his reversal, power would strike back said, any firing into the gone." Speakes said, add- American citizens and the Caspar Weinberger said its Justification for shelling U.S. servicemen and other Speakes was asked if the against any units firing Lebanese capital endan- ing that whether the firing American embassy," about 100 support person- anti-government artillery troops in the multinational justification had been into Beirut from Syrian gers the U.S. troops. will continue "depends on Speakes said. nel were withdrawn to the batteries outside Beirut, force. clear to him on Wednes- controlled territory. Rea- AS TO WHETHER the the political and military ships on Wednesday and saying that the firing was A day earlier, Speakes day. "No, it wasn't," he gan also announced the United States would be em- situation." Asked if one option was a that about 500 of the Ma- solely to defend the multi- had said the agreement, replied. gradual withdrawal of powered to continue the declaration of war, rines are expected to be national force in Lebanon which had authorized Ma- Over the past two days, about 1,500 Marines from shelling once the multina- "When there are no Speakes said, "That's cer- out by the end of a lOdsy and not to prop up the rines to stay in Beirut until the battleship New Jersey Beirut airport to ships off- tional force was with- longer any Marines there, tainly a prerogative," but congressional recess that country's tottering govern- April 1965, called for the has pounded artillery posi- shore. drawn, Speakes said, "I the question is do we con- later said he did not mean starts this weekend. After ment. United States "to take tions in the mountains out- Speakes said the heavy don't think so ... That tinue naval gunfire, are we anything by that comment that, he said, the adminis- White House deputy what steps are necessary side Beirut with its heavy firing was undertaken in would be my off-the-cuff authorized to do so," and was merely respond- tration would "see what press secretary Larry in support of the duly-con- 16-inch guns. The bom- Erotection of the multina- judgment." Speakes said. ing to a "frivolous press situation developed with speakes said an stituted government of bardments followed Rea- onal force. Even if the "We will wait and make "The president does question." regard to the balance." Impromptu rescue mission performed by astronauts spectacular and pan- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. oramic," astronaut Bruce From mission control restraint - "just as he view was of him, feet to- easier the second time pairing and refueling hookup with a large box (AP) - Bundled in thei- McCandless told President came applause when Mc- would do if he had to res- ward the Earth above, around, McCandless and crippled satellites. Such an rotating very slowly on the bulky suits, Challenger's Reagan when he made his Candless reached over the cue a stranded astronaut in head down to the shuttle Stewart quickly settled attempt will be made in end of the robot arm was a exuberant spacewalkers customary once-a-mission side of the spaceship and, a maneuvering unit," mis- cargo bay, suspended in down to trie real business April. disappointment, because it performed an impromptu call to the shuttle. like a child pulling at a sion control said. space. of the day: testing tech- had been a major goal of rescue Thursday, snatch- McCandless was show- balloon, retrieved a foot McCandless, referring to Commenting that it was niques for grappling, re- The cancellation of the the space walk. ing back a piece of equip- ing restraint with his com- restraint that had broken an earlier flight crew's ment as it drifted toward mander-in-chief. Earlier loose and was floating boast, said '"We deliver' bash riprocks • bash riprocks • bash riprocks • bash riprocks • bash riprocks • bash riprocks • bash riprocks • thejunkyard of space. he had exulted: "Up, up in away. He was on his safety may have been the STS-5 They flew free and the bay." His partner, line at the time. crew motto, but we pick up joyously, propelled by Robert Stewart, said, He had help from com- also." bursts of nitrogen gas from "Boy, it's awful pretty." mander Vance Brand, who McCandless clearly en- their backpacks. But the Earlier pessimism that gently pulsed Challenger's joyed the freedom of mov- day was not without its bad weather would again small steering rockets to ing about in his flying disappointment - the latest delay or caned a first land- move 30 feet closer to the machine. One memorable Bash Riprocks in a long series for this ing Saturday at Florida's shuttle crew. The "wrist" Kennedy Space Center on the shuttle's robot arm turned to optimism as an WINTER SPECIAL refused to respond to com- expected weather front 128 W. Wooster mands, canceling a dock- stalled over Texas. "Right ing rehearsal with a now it's looking real good 16 In. On* routing object for KSC," the astronauts 36.00 Item Pino "The view is simply were told. Ph. 352-5166 203 North main Open 4 p.*. 354-3939 RddRlonol kwm ll.OO *a pfi*> ItflMUVttY Oncogoh^lun '..,.., 3-17-84 on* coupon per pizza BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! Bashed Potato, Mexican Specialty, Sub or WINTER SPECIAL *•"*InuirrluiUBP Bagel Sandwich. Coupon must accompany 13 In. On* purchase. Good thru 2/13/84. *4.50 nwmit** niioPllIQ Ph. 352-5166 203 North main MEXICAN FIESTA SUNDAY Op*n 4 p.m. all you can eat mexican specialties For All Addmanol kwiu 75i to. 3-17-84 •'noon - 7:00 p.m. IMIHtMtr Q«» Cp— $2.59 on* coupon p*r pizza Your Valentine riprocks • bash riprocks » bash riprocks * bash riprocks • bash riprocks » bash riprocks » hash riprocks » bmh_^_ floral needs. WINTER SPECIAL 10 In. On* SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Order Early 33.00 Item Pizza bkftW* Ph. 352-5166 Cioseup 353-1045 203 North main PRESENTS Op*n 4 p.m. lo's additional kcmi SOi to. 428 E. Wooster itiiotiivirr Out»»iM«<» •*~>i!f* on* coupon p*r pizza

THE DAY AFTER THE DAY AFTER: ••• A LECTURE SERIES ON THE RISKS OF NUCLEAR WAR The Traumatic Medical Effects of a Nuclear Weapon Feb. 13 Walter L. Olson, M.D. (Monday) Physicians for Social Responsibility A - L ~. Discussion of the Nuclear Freeze OF THE 1984 Feb. 23 carol Kimborough BE A PART of the honest kissing *v*nt of (Hum.) CoChair, Toledo Jobs With Peace KISSIN CLOSE-UP the year. IT'S A RAZZLE-DAZZLE VALENTINE Verifiability of a Nuclear Freeze: Do We Have to Trust the Russians? GAMES! SMACKTACULAR that turns kisses Into Smackers for Easter Seals Feb. 27 George Rendina FUN-LOVIN' COUPLES are invited to get (Monday) Dept. of Chemistry kissin'ctose as they race through tour obstacle-related kissing events to win the Atomic Bomb Ml: What Is a Nuclear Weapon and How Does It Work? 1984 "Campus Hot Lips" title FABULOUS PRIZES AWAIT WINNING March 5 Ronald Stoner COUPLES, including a chance to win an si (Monday) Dept. of Physics expense paid trip to Hollywood. CaWomla, to appear on the National Easter Seal Telethon lor the top fund raising couple In Atmospheric Damage From a Nuclear War: Will Our Environment Survive? the country. March 12 David Newman The BO KisskV Close-up game winning (Monday) Dept. of Chemistry couple each receive the Qrandprtz* of a two day trip to !! The Top Local Fund Raising Couple receive a "Night on Disaster: The Social Effects of a Nuclear War the Town" Including oinner at on* of Toledo's finest restaurants The Win* Cel- March » Jraph Jacoby lar. Plus an entertainment paokag* from WRON 93 1/2 FM (Monday) Dept of Sociology SKIN—UP NOW at the Kiss*' Close-up Games Registration booth, Anderson From MAD to NUTS: The Politics of Nuclear Deterrence Arena or the Sigma Alpha Epsaon House April 2 Donald McQuarie TODAY 10 am. -3 p.m. SPREAD THE WORD because you and (Monday) Dept of Sociology your friends w* not want to mtoa one kiss of. . . Is the Nuclear Weapons Business Good For Business? April 9 Peter Kanber TOLf DO'S Htm HOCK (Monday) Dept of Accounting and MIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 8 p.m. ANDERSON ARENA The Morality of Nuclear Weapons Stay for The Mixer following the games and hear the sound of rV^A/ April 16 Patricia Schnappm, RSM Toledo's New Rock, WRQN. M«>M Rev. Ross Miller $1." Donation for Spectators. FREE Close-up Toothpaste samples! (Monday) Rev. Vaughn Maatman All lectures will be held hi Business Administration Building, Rm. 114 Time: 7:30-8:31 p.m. All Proceeds Donated to Easter Seal Society of N.W Ohio !_ mi LI-JIU—. B.-l I T II riWltVl ~|" '^- -—'- -"•"-' °" °—'"'— "-"-^—• H-~-.PT.WML 6 bg newi/lebruary 10.1984 Delegates selected to national convention

elect the president," Colley told GOP Clarence Brown, a former Ohio con- debate among party central commit- include at-large delegates and party by The Associated Press ings in each of the state's 21 gressman and now deputy secretary tee members. James Brennan, GOP officials selected later. congressional districts, were to officials in Columbus. chair in Lucas County, said Owens Ohio Republicans, knowing who choose from more than 1,700 party For the first time, Ohio Republicans of the U.S. Commerce Department; they want tor president, and Demo- members who had pledged their loy- will send more women delegates than and Donna Pope, director of the U.S. should have been granted the same Five Democratic candidates will crats, who aren't sure, met yesterday alty to one member of the crowded men to the national convention. Mint. at-large status as Rinehart and Voino- have delegate slates in all 21 Ohio to select delegates to their national field. Thanks to a state party requirement vich and suggested she replace Co- congressional districts. They are Ohio conventions. The state's voters will help decide that women comprise half the dele- ALL OF THE GOP's 11 congress- lumbus city, Councilwoman Dorothy Sen. John Glenn, former vice Presi- For Republicans, the process was the Democrats' nominee in the May 8 gation, 45 female delegates will ac- men from Ohio will be either conven- Teater on the at-large list. dent Walter Mondale. the Rev. Jesse simple, as the GOP central executive primary, with the winner of the par- company 44 male delegates to the tion delegates or alternates, except Owens, however, declined, saying, Jackson, Colorado Sen. committee approved its slate of at- ty's nomination facing Reagan in the convention Aug. 20-24 in Dallas. Rep. William Gradison of Cincinnati, "I am not about ready to knock any and Sen. Alan Cranston. large delegates and alternates. All Nov. 6 general election. Although the Among the GOP delegates are for- whose wife is expecting a baby. woman off that's been recom- are pledged to support President Rea- faceoff is more than 10 months away. mer Gov. James Rhodes; state Sen- "It's a blend of Republican leaders mended." The other candidates, former Flor- gan. Republican state party Chair Michael ate Minority Leader Paul Gillmor; in Ohio and traditional supporters of Ohio Democrats will send a dele- ida Gov. Reubin Askew, former South Democrats met in more than 100 Cofiey said the GOP is confident of state House Minority Leader Corwin the president in past years," Colley gation of 175 to the party convention in Dakota Sen. George McGovern, South caucuses across the state to select victory. Nixon; Mayors George Voinovich of said of the delegation. San Francisco. Of that number, 105 Carolina Sen. Ernest Hollings and delegate slates for nine different can- "We start 1964 in Ohio a totally Cleveland, Dana Rinehart of Colum- Owens' selection as a district rather will be elected from congressional Lyndon LaRouche, will run delegate didates. The Democrats, with meet- unified party - a party ready to re- bus and Donna Owens of Toledo; than an at-large delegate prompted districts in the primary. The rest will slates in only a portion of the districts. JOHN NEWLOVE Disguised girl killed in practical joke REAL ESTATE CRYSTAL LAKE, 111. telephone calls to the this," Walter Forsyth, leased, has been charged After she rattled the (AP) - A 14-vear-old girl friend, was stabbed to principal of Crystal Lake with voluntary manslaugh- doors and windows of the who disguised herself as a death by the baby-sitter's Central High School said. ter in the Jan. 28 slaying. house, the boyfriend A'lARGESl^CnONdF prowler lurking outside the boyfriend, a high school He is free on $2S,000 bond opened the door to investi- house to scare her baby- honor student. Police Chief Samuel pending a preliminary gate. sitting friend, paid for her "The whole thing was Johns said, "It started out hearing Feb. 15 in Mo As Karen jumped out of practical joke with a knife shocking to us here be- to be a prank and turned Henry County Circuit the bushes - apparently QUALITY HOUSES AND in her chest. cause neither was the type out to be a tragedy." Court. intending to shout, "Boo! Karen Geske, who ear- you would think to get in- The young man, whose Johns said the prank ap- - the young man lunged lier had made ominous volved in something like name has not been re- parently began when Ka- forward with a double- APARTMENTS FOR ren made several edged knife and stabbed ■I anonymous phone calls to her once in the chest. her friend, breathing heav- ily each time. Then she It was not until Karen 1984-85! 352-1504 donned . men's clothing, gasped. "Oh, you stabbed drew a beard on her chin, me, that the youth real- STOP IN OR CALL 516 E. WOOSTER pulled a nylon stocking ized who she was, Johns (EXPIRES FEBRUARY 18, 1984) over her head and went to said. The girl turned away show the disguise to her 20- and collapsed on the front FOR MORE INFORMATION year-old sister, Lori. lawn. 319 E. Wooster 354-2260 "My room is in the base- 3 FREE 7-UPS ment and she came down- Forsyth described Karen Close To Campus! stairs before she left," Lori as an average student who Geske said. "She had this was well-liked by her fel- get-up on and she was low students and never W/ANY 9" (1) ITEM OR cracking up. and I laughed caused any trouble at and laughed." school. The young man, for- MORE PIZZA* (1) COUPON PER ORDER Karen then left her house merly on the school's wres- I and walked across the tling team, has returned to ]j\ You're cordially invited street to the house where school. .1 her friend was babysitting to a birthday party at with her boyfriend. Ka- "Everybody's been giv- ren's brother, LeRoy, said ing him lots of support and ENJOY GOOD LIVING IN A he and his sister had often coming up to him and say- played similar pranks at ing they are glad he's the same house when they back," a classmate, Dave PIEDMONT APARTMENT were younger. Greiner said. $375/month 835 High St. 352-9378 9 BG's most famous gathering place j SOCIAL FEATURES ■ wall-to-wall carpeting • twin beds in each bedroom TfanA * • 880 sq. ft. per apartment • sound conditioned interior ' built-in vanity in hallway is celebrating its 5th anniversary. • cable TV • linen closet • 2 bedrooms — I\j baths 1 • ;-'ntra' Gas and heating with • kitchen comes equipped with a fast recovery Gas water heating MEDIUM I ITEM PIZZA (•dividual apartment controls Ga* range, stainless steel sink 1 carpeted halls and inside entrances 1 • completely furnished Tfngerator. toed waste disposal Gas-equipped laundry area Tfi\ BIG nite is • "»tra lars* ckvteU available in each apartment wtti 2 bto - '5. • utilities paid, except for electricity • insulated window glass building • L shaped living-dining area with patio areas with Gas grills available balcony • sliding glass doors to balcony for each building \m\mm SATURDAY, FEB. 11 ln-house & Delivery 352-3551 S'GN LEASE — Expires: 2/18/84- W/PIEDMONT APT. from 5—9 p.m. RECEIVE * Ail the beer you can drink!! FREE membership * All the pizza you can eat!! to Health Spa * $3.00 Admission • hydro spa whirlpool • indoor heated pool * Door prizes to the first 200 arrivals • melros sauna • sun lamps and the party will continue after 9 till ? • complete exercise tacilities & equipment


Contact your Ohio Senate tries to fight crime IRS office for details. COLUMBUS (AP) - Not E before a U.S. Senate Democratic Sens. Steven there is considerable con- to permit under limited, long after state legislators last month in which Maurer, D-Botkins, and troversy about and I still controlled circumstances, were accused of not giving Jtors were criticized Richard Pfeiffer Jr., D-Co- have not decided exactly your investigators' (use police the legal tools for inaction. lumbus, are before the when to start hearings on of) a wire tap provision," needed to fight organized "We haven't had any panel. that, although we've had Pfeiffer said yesterday. crime, an Ohio Senate (hearings) mainly because some preliminary dis- P»GOO PHOO BOO SKI WEEKEND « GOO PHOO BOO SKI panel is ready to open we have been dealing with ONE WOULD ESTAB- cussions," Schwarzwalder Minority Republicans hearings on a package of a variety of other issues," LISH the offense of engag- said. have two related bills be- anti-racketeering bills. Schwarzwalder said. "I ing in racketeering and Pfeiffer acknowledged fore the committee that had planned on having would provide for the for- concerns about the poten- were introduced by Sen. At least five bills dealing hearings on these bills, feiture of property used in tial for abuse surrounding Paul Pfeifer, R-Bucyrus. with wiretaps, seizure of starting about last Octo- such activity. Another wiretaps and said they One would establish a contraband and related ber. So it really didn't have would create a procedure must be addressed. But he racketeering offense while subjects are pending be- anvthing to do with (accu- for the seizure, forfeiture also said such authority the other would create a fore the Senate Judiciary sations about) Youngstown and sale of contraband and Committee. was needed if police are to special state committee to or any of that." vehicles used to transport effectively battle orga- coordinate investigations Chair Michael Schwarz- "We've had these prob- it. The third would autho- nized crime. of organized crime. walder, D-Columbus, said lems in Ohio for years. It rize certain law enforce- "I think if you are se- hearings will begin by the was really a matter of get- ment officers to seek riously wanting to help in- Similar bills have been end of February. ting these other bills out of warrants for conducting vestigators go after before the General Assem- But he said work on the the way first," he said. wiretaps. organized crime ... the bly in the last three ses- bills was unrelated to testi- Three bills introduced by "Wiretap is an issue drug dealers... you have sions without enactment. Ohio group still wants high—speed train system GOO PHOO BOO COLUMBUS (AP) -State Legislature and nine pri- MONDAY. THE TASK tesse" Co., which is trying said, is broken into two SKI WEEKEND officials are still kicking vate citizens, met for the force will study the route to sell its technology subcommittees of seven around the idea of a high- first time last November in from Dayton into Cincin- abroad. Members will also members each. One stud- February 11th & 12th speed train network for a get-acquainted session. nati, namely the problems hear from a financial ex- ies rail systems and the Ohio even though voters It met Jan. 9 for its first of getting Into Cincinnati. pert who consulted on the other studies financing. derailed a 1982 plan to fi- formal session and is It also will hear from peo- San Francisco Bay Area £» GOO PHOO BOO SKI WEEKEND . fiOQ PHOO BOO SKI nance such a project with scheduled to meet again ple involved in the French Rapid Transit system. tax dollars. Monday as part of a series TGV "Tres Grande Vi- The task force, Chizmar of monthly meetings until "We've put a bushel bas- its authority runs out June ket over our light, but 30,1985. •—OLYMPIC SPECIAL"^ we're still there," said Bob Chizmar said the task f Chizmar, development force, with a budget of specialist with the rail divi- $150,000 separate from I 2 PIZZAS 1 PRICE WHAT IF IT/S TRUE? sion of the Ohio Depart- ODOT's 8350,000 biennial I Two 13" Cheese Pizzas for Only ment of Transportation. budget for rail devel- Since November 1982, opment, heard in its last I $7 . 00 Chicago Style Extra We believe it is when voters rejected a meeting from a represen- •"""""V Additonal Items 75* eoch pizza sales tax increase for high- I tative of the West German Free Dvllvwy speed rails, the Ohio Rail government about that na- and we'd like you to know Transportation Authority on's high-speed rail pro- \&&*« One Coupon per Order has been abolished and re- jects. Ph. 352-5164 Open 4 p.m. Expires 2/19/84 why. placed by a division within I the Transportation Depart- We are Dunamis and if ment. Gov. Richard Ce- d< • INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL • INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL • 9l leste has since appointed a u you've been thinking about 15-member task force to z look into instituting high- o THE INTERFRATERNITY COUNCILS that question we'd like you speed rail service between o large-and medium-sized to come to our meeting this Ohio cities. PROUDLY PRESENTS | The task force, consist- z THE NEWLY ELECTED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS | Friday at 7 p.m. in the ing of six members of the rr Ohio Suite on the 3rd floor PRESIDENT RICK MANNER J Irr U- of the University Union cc V.P. INTERNAL c AFFAIRS TOM SCHNEIDER | %£^ ■7 'If the Son shall make you free, you shall be freed indeed." • V.P. RUSH JOE GDAUIK _l 0 MEMBERSHIP z DEVELOPMENT ROGER HARDGROVE 9 MICHIGAN SKI MADNESS u 0 TREASURER SONNY TOBIAS | t TODDHAWLEY ove<* z SECRETARY rr LU CHIEF H < cc ADMINISTRATOR ROGER STEWART g LL cr CHIEF JUSTICE CRAIG DOODS i • INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL « > INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL • P the SEQUEL Susie and Payton Susie and Master B. Robin and Jim Barb and Bruce THE PHI MU WINTER FORMAL Beth and Dan Sue and T.C. Cathy and Rick Carrie and Chris Becky and Terry Rina and Eric SKIP & SUSAN ELIZABETH & GEORGE 1984 JAMIE & TODD Jeannette and Thomas BETH & KEVIN Vicky and Kenny JENNIFER & BRAD SHELLY & TED Lisa and Dave Vanessa and Scott SHERRI & MICHAEL LINDA & BRETT AUCIA & JAMES Jen and Ben SHELLY & SAM DEBBIE & PETE POLLY & TED Laurie and Brock KAREN & PERRY CINDY & JEFF BRENDA & BRIAN Gail and Rich Deb and Joe BECKY & RICKY BRIGITTE & CHRIS NANCY & GEORGE Deb and Jeff Dinah and Tim AIM & SY LINDA & TONY KATHY & BILL LAURA & BLAKE JOY & DAVE SUE & DAVE Rose and Dave Lisa and Jerry KAREN & SCOTT ANNETTE & BRUCE PEGGIE & PHIL Laura and Jim Julie and Birch MICHELLE &PAT JANNA & RICK KEELY & MICHAEL Deb and Gary JAN & PETE MELINDA & TOM MELISSA & MARK Ellie and Scott LISA & MICHAEL DAPHNE & REX JOSIE & JIMMY Kym and Jeff Lisa and Jim MAUNA & C.J. JULIE & GEORGE KAREN & CHRIS Belinda and Matt AMY & STEVE KIM & JIM SHARON & TONY Carrie and Tommy WENDY & JOHN ANNE & EARL Renee and John Mary and Phillip CHRISTIAN & MIKE MARGARET & BRIAN Faith and Matt Kathy and John AMY & JOHN LORI & BILL Yvonne and Greg TAMMY & P.Y.T. ANDI & NATHAN Beth and Dan JENI & BRIAN CAROL & TODD Beth and Mark Kathy and David LISA & TONY .ANDEY B & DAVEY W Annette and Danny DIANE & AL The Phi MiTs I CATHY & BART Denise and Drew SUSAN & BILL and KIM & TODD Darlene and Gregory Sharon and Jim SHARON & DAVE JENNIFER & LEW Kim and Mike LIS & NINZIO their dates. . ANNIE & JEFF Judy and J.F. MARIA & DAVID CONNIE & STEVE Suzi and George Julie and J.C. Cindy and Steve Betsy and Glo Nancy and Chip Celebrating Valentine's Day In a Special Way! Alpha Gamma Delta Winter '84 Formal • bg nswsffebruary 10.1964 sports CCHA champion Falcon icers face Western by Joon CHmoo The Falcons clinched their third mer BG assistant coach Wilkinson, goals. Effective penalty killing and goaltender Wayne Collins has been be a threat to opposing goaltenders. sports reporter straight title last weekend with a win are 17-14-1 overall and 10-11-1 in the steady defense, provided by veterans bothered by a pulled hamstring. Both The right wing leads the nation in and a tie against the University of CCHA, and hold down the seventh Wayne Wilson, Mike Pikul, Garry will be sitting out the series. scoring with 35 goals and 39 assists for Although Bowling Green's hockey Wionis at Chicago. BG was assured of spot in the CCHA. WMU has won its Galley and Dave Ellett, has stopped "We're hoping both (Pikul and Col- 74points. teem once again reigns as the Central the title when Michigan State lost to last seven games and is battling for a BG's toughest opponents. lins) win be back for the Miami se- Dorion was selected CCHA player- CoDegiate Hockey Association cham- Michigan Tech last weekend. home-ice playoff berth. BG's power-play still ranks among ries," York said, referring to the of-the-week for the third time this pion, the Falcons no longer sit alone "They've clinched the regular sea- Michigan Tech, Northern Michigan the top of the CCHA, with the Falcons Falcons' final series before the play- season for an impressive 11-point atop of two national polls. But this son title, but that shouldn't cause and Ferris State are Just percentages converting on 33 of 116 power play offs in two weeks. ■f ormance last weekend against waekand, the Falcons will be looking anyone to think that they won't be points in front of the Broncos, and are attempts. Jamie Wansbrough and Because of the injuries, winger Iain to regain toe number one position hungry," WMU head coach Bill Wil- all battling for the fourth and last Gino Cavallini have tallied six power- Duncan will fill in for Pikul on defense Kruzich will start in the nets for the with a sweep of Western Michigan in kinson said. home-ice berth in the upcoming play goals each. and Rob Urban will replace Duncan Falcons', and is 17-2-2 overall with a Kalamazoo. "There is no way we want to take CCHA playoffs. With injuries to several BG players, on the Peter Wilson/Nick Bandescu- 2.74 goals-against-average. The BG Both games will begin at 7:30 p.m. the next three weeks off and relax," York said the Broncos have been the Falcons will rely on seasoned /Duncanline. goaltender Is ranked second in the in the Lawson Ice Arena. The Fal- BG head coach Jerry York said. "We playing well and the series should be veterans and outstanding goaltendlng The Broncos reported only one in- CCHA. cons, 2S-2-2 overall and 20-2-2 in the want to do well throughout the re- competitive. by Gary Kruzich to stop the hungry !ury to freshman Chuck Chiatto, who WMU goaltender Glenn Healy is CCHA, stole two games from the maining six games, and be in high Consistent scoring has been a key to Broncos. s out for the season with a knee one of the reasons the Broncos are on Broncos earlier in the season with 5-3 gear for the playoffs." BG's success this season, with five DEFENSEMAN PIKUL suffered a injury. a seven game winning streak. He is and 4-3 scores in BG's Ice Arena. THE BRONCOS, coached by for- different players scoring 10 or more knee injury in last Friday's game and WMU's Dan Dorian still proves to 14-12-1 overall with a 3.98 GAA. American Heart Association Standings CONGRATULATIONS ATfi LIL SIS «J Spring Officers and Committee Heads THE BROTHERS OF DELTA TAG CCHA Standing! DELTA ARE OVERJOYED TO ANNOUNCE! Team overall league BG 26-2-2 20-2-2 OFFICERS COMMITTEE HEADS osu 22-8-0 17-84 THE FUNERAL OF THEIR ILLUSTRIOUS MStl Social: Stephane Nagy 23-9-0 16-8-0 President: Deb Sloboda Ferris St. 16-14-3 11-11-2 Vice Aw Fran Storm Spirit: Kelly Kehres FIGURE HEAD Mich. Tech. 17-15-1 12-12-0 Treasurer: Vanessa Fund Raising: Vanessa NMCJ 13-19-0 12-12-0 Smith Smith WMU 17-15-1 10-11-1 Sectretary: Mary Ann LSSC 14-17-1 9-141 Historian: Chris Mead TODD ALAN FOGAL Michigan Greene 12-8-1 9-14-1 Communications: Mary Miami 9-20-1 6-17-0 Standards & Procedures: Kay Hrlvnak Ill-Chicago 5-25-1 5-17-1 Tamara Nault THE WORLD WILL BE AN EMPTY PLACE WITHOUT HIM (NOT BECAUSE ANYONE MAC Standings

WILL MISS HIM, IT'S JUST THAT HIS Team overall league Miami 17-3 11-0 HEAD TAKES UP SO MUCH ROOM.) Toledo 14-6 8-3 Ohio 144 8-3 BG 12-8 5-6 DELT FUNERAL PARTY: "THE WILL" SPARES EMU 8-12 54 MIU 8-11 54 NO ONE! Kent 10-9 54 CMU 9-11 4-7 WMU 4-15 2-9 Xerox8200 Duplicating System Ball State 5-15 2-9 Same Day Service • Offset Quality The trails are terrtflc. the Kick scenery's spectacular, the nightlife Is super, the sports/cap- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK food's great and the peo- SELF SERVICE 4 in* COPIES 1 Mon.-Thurt. FrL / Sat / Sun. up your ple are warm. Michigan. Men's Basketball- at Ball Mea'i Swlmmiac — M M M \t* The perfect place tor you State, 2 p.m. tomorrow. •gainst Eastern Michigan, COPIES • aUMNtM CARDS skis in and your cross-country 4p.m today (Copper Pool). STATIOMCnV • NUMf R STAMPS Women's Baketball — at BINDING • PASSPORT PHOTOS I SAME DAY SERVICE skis to get away to. For snow and ski conditions, ftin.State„4.|Mn,^tflmor- Womea'i Swtmmtaf — at call our 24-hour toll-free row. Ohio U., 2 p.m. tomorrow. number. 325 E. Wooster (Across from Taco Bell) Hockey — at Western Gymaastlcs — against Michigan, 7:30 p.m. to- West Virginia, 1 p.m to- i 354-3977 night and tomorrow. morrow (Eppler North). NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT l'80O248'5708 MICHIGAN GREENBR1AR NORTH 649 6th STREET APARTMENTS CONGRATULATIONS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED UNITS • FREE HEAT, WATER, & SEWER 1 Boorooamaniag at $\15/momk • NEW WASHERS & DRYERS IN UTILITY Efficiencies lUrtuuj ai TO OUR NEW ACTIVES 1145/naoatth ROOM MATT CROMER CALL 15247117 • 2 BDRAAS - CARPETED CRAIG McCLURE JOHN CUMMINGS E TODD McROBERTS •11/2 BATHS BARRY FURRER N CHRIS NORTH • MANY APARTMENTS HAVE NEWLY BILL IRWIN GARY STEWART EAST MERRY APARTMENTS FURNISHED LIVING & DINING ROOMS 516 E. Merry Avenue

CALL 352-5620 336 S. MAIN 2 Bedrm furn. apt. with DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD SIGMA NU SPRING '84 garbage disposals & dish washers SIGN YOUR LEASE TODAY! Upper Units 2256/semester & electric Basement Units 1852/semester & electric CARTY CALL 352-0717 RENTALS CAMPUS MANOR APARTMENTS - 9 month individual APARTMENTS leases 352-9302 Anytime 2 bedroom/4 students starting at or call Nawlova Mfat. Co. SSt-SotO

| $110.°° a month/$495.00a semester per •Close to all your needs, classes, person convenient stores and town. •Furnished, 2 bedroom apartments renting Also 2/3 students rentals now for the summer and fall. •Limited number of roommate positions HOUSES for 4-5-6-8 students for this semester. all near campus •On-srte management, maintenance and SUMMER RENTALS Special Rates ! laundry facilities. Phone for Appointment or •All utilities paid except lights. further Information * Visit Our Model/Office:505 dough. 352-7365 3525556 J Suite B15 Next to Sterling & Dorsey's bq nawtrtebfuary 10.1964 9 Olympic skater Hamilton may remain an amateur , Yugoslavia (AP) - ankle. Peter, 22, her brother and pairs competition rink at Zetra until the day Vincent Lukatch's power-play goal downhill ski event at Bjelasnica, Championships before coming here. I Scott Hamilton, favored to win a partner, is Just fine. of the short program next Tuesday. at 17:47 of the black-out interrupted where Bill Johnson of Van Nuys, might try for four gold medafi ban." figure skating gold medal, said yes- -Judy Blumberg, », and Michael Stunners said this was the first time first period broke a 1-1 tie and the Calif., was one of the favorites. The The women also skate at distances of terday he's considering remaining an Seiberf, 24, the ice dancing couple, she has taken her psychologist, David powerful team from Czechoslovakia event was rescheduled for yesterday. 500,1,000 and 3,000 meters. amateur for two more years instead brought their sports therapist to help Coppell of Seattle, on the road with was on its way. Enke broke the world record of "I haven't made a decision whether of turning pro after the•Olympics. < them deal with toe mental pressure. her. A clinical psychologist specializ- 2:04.04 by Soviet Natalya Petruseva to enter the 3,000 meters yet," she "I'm a good amateur. I'm not sure Selbert said he was feeling''100 per- ing In stress management, Coppell Gold medals awarded and nearly matched her career best said. "I will decide that after the I'd be a good professional," said the cent" recovered from mononucleosis. helps Stunners deal with rigors of time of 2:03.40, which was at an 1,000." three-time world champion, consid- Hamilton, 25, said, "I'm lust taking competition. SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia (AP) - unsanctioned meet and has not been In early hockey action, the Soviet ered a sure shot to be the first U.S. each day at a time and trying to keep "We do deep breathing exercises, East German speed skater Karin recognized as a record. She also broke Union defeated 5-1, West Ger- men's gold medalist since David Jen- my performances consistent' imagery. We do a lot of talking so I Enke and Finnish cross-country skier the Olympic record of 2:10.95, set by many beat Poland 8-5. kins in 1960. can cope with things on the ice. He Marja-LUsa Hamalainen won the first Annie Borchink of the Netherlands in Italians finished in two of the top "I will definitely go to Ottawa (for helps relax me," she said. gold medals of the 1984 Winter Olym- 1980. three spots after the first of four runs the 1984 World Championships in Stunners took some heat at the U.S. pics yesterday. THE SILVER medal went to team- of men's luge competition. Ernst Has- March) and I'm considering staying Championships for not doing a more Ewe's time of 2 minutes 3.42 sec- mate Andrea Schoene with 2:05.29. pinger led with 46.157, followed by in skating two more years, he said difficult combination jump during the onds in the 1,500 meters was a world Petruseva was third at 2:05.78. Mary Torsten Guerlitzer of East Germany during a news conference attended by mosm short program. For example, team- record and began an anticipated East Doctor of Madison, Wis., finished 14th in 46.177 and Paul Hildgartner of Italy the other U.S. champions. "l THOUGHT I'd come in here and ma tes Tiffany Chin and Elaine Zayak German domination of the women's in 2:12.14. in 46.182. Frank Masky of Newark, "It would be like giving something get protective and pull out my guns, both did a combination jump consist- speed skating events. Enke, a 22-year-old student, said Del., who carried the flag for the U.S. back to the sport," he said. but things went so well in Paris ing of i triple and double, while Simm- High winds and blowing snow she "was more nervous before this contingent in Wednesday's opening FIGURE SKATING in the XIV (where be was training) that I don't ers did a double-double. forced postponement of the men's race than at the World ceremonies, was 15th in 46.890. Olympic Winter Games opens today think I've been nervous yet," he said with the compulsory dance during the to a roomful of about 300 reporters. Team USA loses, 4-1 afternoon and the pairs short pro- "If I turned professional, I don't SARA^'O, Yugoslavia (AP) -The gram at night. Competition ends Feb. know if I would enjoy it as much. I feel U.S. Olympic ice hockey team's 18 with the women's championship. like I belong In this atmosphere,'' dreams of a second straight gold As for the other U.S. skaters: Hamilton said. "If I could just go medal melted away yesterday after a -Rosalvnn Stunners, 19, the U.S. another two years - I do everything 4-1 loss to Czechoslovakia as the 1984 AHCS/MGMT. CLUB and world champion, brought along two years at a time - it would be Winter Olympics yielded their first her psychologist but didn't pack wonderful," be said. gold medals and a world record in enough cans of tuna and chicken or Eventually, he said, he will try speed skating. sugarless gum. She had to send an being a pro for a while, then he'd like THE LOSS was the second straight United Way SIUDENT NIGHT S.O.S. home. to go back to school to study sports for the Americans, who won the gold People Helping People -Kitty Carruthers, 20, was "kind of psychology. medal at the 1980 Games in Lake WHEN: February 14 - Open Bar 6:00 p.m. homesick for pizza" and seeing a The omv complaint he had was Placid, and virtually eliminated the masseuse for tendinitis in her right being unable to practice in the main team from contention for any medal. Dinner 7:00 p.m. COST: $6.00 BG inducts four WHERE: Presidents Lounge, BGSU Ice Arena NORTON'S TOPIC: Price Cost Analysis to Hall of Fame TAVERN SPEAKER: Edward McKendry -HUGHES AIRCRAFT EL SEGUNDO , California \ A former Olympic Miller, a 1978 graduate, 809 S. MAIN hockey player, an all- set many BG passing re- Amencan quarterback, cords during his four-year career ai> a Falcon quar- Tfie>CNfewV9b0c and all-Amencan lacrosse , HAPPY HOURS SIGN UP IN MANAGEMENT OFFICE player, and an eight-time terback. He was named & Bnmda,tooi letter winner will make up MAC player-of-the-week 5-8 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK the 20th induction class to three times and earned all- j the Bowling Green State MAC honors and all-MAC THE BEST IN 03MEDY AND SONG University Athletic Hall of Academic honors in 1977. Fame. HE WAS the Canadian- 9:30 FRI. & SAT. The four inductees in- American Bowl Game's Plan now for the 1984 School Year clude United States Oly- most valuable player, and CALL 352-9837 FOR RESERVATIONS mipic hockey team owned 14 career, season member Bob Dobek. ail- and single game passing Meadowview Court American quarterback records. Mark Miller, ail-American Wilcox, a 1975 graduate, lacrosse player Mike Wil- was one of the BG's finest Apartments cox. and former football, athletes. As a lacrosse de- bf"«*h»" and tennis star fenseman, Wilcox was 214 Napoleon Road Bowling Groin, OH 352-1195 HaydenOlds. named to the all-Midwest THE NEW inductees will team each of his four years and was a member of the ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT all-American team as a- •aH utilities included •gaa heat •laundry game on March 3. sopbomore, junior and se- Bobek. a 1975 graduate, nior. facilities • drapes • carpet •party a game started his BG career in Wilcox led the team to a room •swimming pool •sauna 1972-73 and led the team Is 13-0 record in 1974 and the scoring with 63 points. As a Midwest Lacrosse Associa- $2 70-furnished $250-unfurnished junior, he led the nation tion title. He was named to with 44 goals, and set many the North-South Lacrosse TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS BG records his senior All-Star game. $280-fumished $265-unlurnished Plus Gas & Electric year. Olds, a 1937 graduate, Bobek became the BG was a Falcon standout in Landlordpay&water6 sewage career scoring leader with football, basketball and 231 points, and along with tennis. Olds finished his EFFICIEIWWPARTMENTS teammate Dough Ross, career earning eight let- $225-furmshed $200-unfurnished was selected to the U.S. ters, serving as captain of Olympic team in 1976. all three clubs . all utilites included separate bedroom Free membership to Charrywood Health Sea with lease.

CONGRATULATIONS 2 Days Only Friday and Saturday ATfl LPL SISSES Feb 10 & 11 ON YOUR ACTIVATION: SPORTING GOODS Mary Anne Greene Stephanie Nagy Helen Hrivnak Tamara Nault ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR Jane Joseph Pam Parish Kelly Kehres Francie Storm LIQUIDATION Karen Koch i Jacqui Sukie FALL 1984 Chris Mead MENS LADIES Reg SALE Reg SALE WE HAVE WHAT Nike Pegasus S49 95 3995 Nike Lad/ Cortez 41 95 34.9S Nike Yankee 36 95 28.95 Nike Lady Yankee 36 95 2S.95 trrjt Nike Lea Cortez 41 95 34.95 Nike Lady Diablo 23 95 17 95 YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! Nike Oceania 26 95 1995 Nike Lady Oceania 26 95 19 95 NrkeCanb 27 95 1(.M Nike Spirit 29 95 24.SS Nohlc Roman> Converse Trainer 28 00 21.00 Converse Road Star 21 95 17.00 Tiger 36 00 25.00 Puma Sott Rider 26 95 17 95 Converse Pro-Star 61 95 51 95 lady At Court 24 95 18 95 * Whole Houses Converse Hi-Leather 46 95 38 00 TURF Converse Lo-Leather 42 95 34.00 Zlpa leather 29 95 22.00 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Zapa Hi Leather 34 95 29.95 N*e Shark . 32 95 28.50 MONSTER Zapa Lo Leather 29 95 24.15 Skor 19 95 14 85 Nike Hi Leather 42 95 38.95 The pizza lover's PIZZA. * Apartments in Houses Nike Lo Leather 39 95 3395 1,2,3 Bedroom Adidas Pro 55 00 45.00 Adidas Superstar 48 95 39.9S ALL Ihf Monster is an original deep pan pizza Nike Canvas 24 95 1895 made from scratch. You get Nvice the top- EFFICIENCIES WARM-UPS Adidas Winning Ways pings and three times the cheese. All atop a Furnished & Unfurnished NAME BRAND light, firm crust baked to perfection. T-SHIRTS 30% OFF • DM •ComwM • *OC * APARTMENT COMPLEXES Reg 58 6 Frazee, t. Merry, Ridge Manor, % SALE $2.99 •«. ALL NAME BRAND Russet Heavyweight TENNIS AND RACQUETBALL RACQUETS Field Manor, 8th St., Willow House Sweatpants 8 Sweatshirts I TOTOFF" "(MTOFFI AaaortKl cokxi • Waaon • SpMOng • EUHrni I MEDIUM DEEP-DISH J LARGE DEEP-DISH V«UMIo$130O 25% OFF SICILIAN SICILIAN ALL PASTEL SWEATS Al tennis and raquetbaSa l or* • rttow • lav • II DM (limit 2) $1 00 Oft IUmUpmm m<*mm IMt I *■»»«*■. £ TOPS JtO 95 PANTS $8 85 CUM bt ■»• wra u; tttar CaM to mi •*. mi ate x CALL 352-0717 MW* m inert Wt«. 0M w> I mm «**-**..<*. mm, l\ mmmmmrm. JtoAe €tu SporU, 9MC. I EXniB 2/29/84 2/29/84 GREENBRIAR INC. ■'NoNeTtomsa*—JDK aHWHaaay «*..«**XT. n« f^W «©■■■ Mamamawawu «". *n l Your Footwear and Athletic Supply Specialist 4 i E. WOOSTO IT. IU_^SM saasl ***m *i.■ WOkWlstwootm n.IT. _. mn I 522 E. Wooster Parking In Rear 352-SS74 Hours 9:30-5:30 10 bg newstfebruary 10,1984 classifieds-

CONGRATS DEBBIE ON YOUR LEAVING PLANET MUST SELL: Have a caae of the enjoys Tom. George. Dave A Perry We're WOMEN'S CUNIC SOMA NU WHITE ROSE ACTIVA- DRUM SET-PREMIER 5 PC WHITE CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS PERSONALS HAPPY HOUR everyday 4-epm watimsj up to make you marry So be Comprehensive obstetrics TION LOVE. YOUR REALUL SIS EPOXY FINISH W'CASES (675. DOWNTOWN MBer prepared and now get set-cause this end Gynecology STEPvlANB: Soul Ntte-Sunooy AQUARIUM—10QAL COMPLETE ALL UAO MEETING HMfi Bnaapwi •jRwrinQS eVrd nock- wB be the beat formal yet! Love, Your Contraceptive Services. OUNN BM"QUNN BM*" Mr. Banenne Pie ymg Your (46. SCUBA GEAR-USD DIVE- Wed. Feb. IS Congratulations Uaa Beeum on beng leces Valentine grft wrapped. The Phi Mu VaMnttnee V.D.Teeta and Treatment SATURDAY. AFTER HOURS Favorite Soul Muelc. MASTER I PRESSURE/DEPTH Grind Belrooro elected Panhel preekttnt! Wa know Powder Putl. 525 RMge TermtrssDona up to 10 weeks BE THERE! Double Vloion at the bar TOM BCHNEIOER- QUAQE (120 TIRES-GOOD YEAR ^ 7.00 p.m. you ■ do an excaeent lob' Love, your Free Pregnancy Teetkvj 241-2471 HUM HEY-PAYTON AND JMI MAIN STREET CONQRATULATIONS ON BEING STEEL BELTED RADIALS 14" ER78 CM Of— OFF TO MICHIGAN WE WILL MOE. ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT OF Reach lor the skies wrth ATTENTION CRIMINAL JUSTICE Al Hi'imn. legwermers. net and Doora open M 10:00 p.m. $20 EA MANUAL TYPEWRITER— CXJNGRATULATIONS NICKIE FOR TO CONOUER THE BUNNY HILL LF.C. I'M PROUD Of YOUII KAPPA DELTA MAJORS THE ACADEMY FOR mlttena. 40-50% ofl J.C. PENNEY W'CASE (20. WILL PLACING AS FIRST RUNNER-UP IN SOE BY S»E THEN IT WONT BE Men. Feb. 13th Valentinea Party CRIMINAL JUSTICE SOCIETY'S JEANSN THINGS Top Una Sporting Goods Sale NEGOTIATE! 362-1232 MBS BGSU WERE SO PROUD OF LONG UNTIL. WE DANCE AND Wed. Fob 15th KD Sal Lodge Party CONVENTION IN CHICAGO HULL BE 531 RIDGE Shoes. Qwtmwear. Racquets. Sweats KING ACTO SAXOPHONE MARCH 27th-30th IF INTERESTED YOU. LOVE. YOUR PHI MU SIS DRINK AWAY THE CHILL. OUR SKI Ail perttea begin al I PM OPEN M-TH 10-8. FAS 10-5:30 Lake Erie Sports UKE NEW BEST OFFER TEWS WEEKEND WILL START OFF WITH A MOVING OFF-CAMPUS? 1^ aesre kale oall 2-2171 CONTACT THE CRfcMNAL JUSTICE and Sun 12-5 USQ needs people to hot) organize 352-0598 Congratulation. ADPI new ectJveel BANG! StONED-THE OTHER HALF Get the tacts fcat MOA SUPERDANCE OFFICE MMEOIATELY THE REGIS- the faculty excelence awarde Apply APKBV Whet greet arwiy pa*'" L I L, your OF THE BUNNY HILL GANG' SUSIE OFF-CAMPUS Ho ngFalr ROYCE C B -40 CHNL ANL S PA TRATION DEADLINE IS MONDAY In 406 Saidant Sorvtcoe Sk3»-UPS THT3 WEEK AT THE FEB. 13. Happy Bfrthday Vsienanea Day Babyl ANDROBBI Union BMroom UNION FOYER 9:30 - 3:30. FOR SWITCHES, LEVEL METER. RF, m looking forward to a special Pt> Valentino Cards. Mugs. Stickers, SQUELCH. MIKE I WIRB+G CALL 2- CADOYSHACK Congratulation. BB Bunttnga. Buss "Hope: Value lor Hoeing at Me- FEB., 14 UFO OR AIJOITIONAL SKIN-UPS MU Formal with you' pences. pens, pine, earrings, etc 1754 David. Kevin Oafrney. Todd McCM 1 Meanlngtessness 7:30-9.30 CALL KOHL HALL MAM DESK 2- Love. Plena JEANS N THINGS and Matt Taiema on your ATO ecttva- ol Ufa" presented by Dr. Richard 2839 FEB. 1(4 1* 531 RIDGE Math Mm 210 ATTENTION: BCOTT RUBENBTBN Honl Your Sweethearts Kahoe. Especially lor health service You might ss wel lump, cause the KD OPEN TONTTE TILL 6:30 FOR RENT no end 12:00 each nighi COf«aRATlJLATK>N8 TO THE NEW protessionata, clergy, school A alter hours waller formal * only I day MM 11.50 Admission WHITE ROBES. LOVE, THE BROTH- other counselors. Antloch Room, NtLU (KNEE-UI). WANTED away So get paychad. cauee Was la I love the way you play nurse ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE ERB Of BtttBIA NU. St Thomas Mora, Wed. Fob ISth, HAPPY 22ND BBTHDAY FALL • SUMMER RENTALS AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY guaranteed to be one of the beat. If 10: SO AM LUVYA. Love you. Rick 2 BDRMS-V, BLK TO CAMPUS not moat memorapta experience ol CONGRATULATIONS' 8-5'er needs M. roommate to share Futures « the Family kitormal Rush wrth Sigma Gamma SUE ANOGAYLE What impeel wB current economic 352 467 1 day or .352 1800 aye Panel D.I your Del! New White Rosa Acttvee We are Apt alThureen Manor SIOO/mth al cussion Rho Sunday, Fab 12 M 7:30 p.m. In poactes have on the future of minori- One bdrm. fun apt. across, from ■ February 14 Irom 2 30 • Love you. Alaa gktd to have you The Sigma Nu While Oranges, knee, pmeappiea. lew uta kid Frew Cable TV Drop e note 4 00 p the State Room ol the Union. ties I women? Explore the poeeOs- wtndmB uta aid (275MO.. no n OWi Theater Al w* PS One my regards to Amlel Come Saturday night-Island Craze in OCMB « 5941 com* Boob* and Jane pick only the beet Baa Thursday, Fab 18, 2:00 pm. In peta. deposit, anmed. occup 633- Better Beware Kappaa and PI Kappa: DevM end Greg. the Town Room ot the Union A Need to sublet turn apt lor summer THE FC PANHEL LEADCRBNF Be a nattve Oa our guest' 3756 Rumor nee it met the ."BETA CLASH 2 FH» t 2 Gemma Ph. * snow « presentation and Dialogue with pan- term For 1 or 2 people S290/m'th CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD ON •••'Aloha"" 2 bdrm turn apt central air. heM for might make a guest appearance at Skis 4 1 ixirnpamentary bottle ol easts Rolando Andrade. Edmund includes utn Cal slier 9 pm 352 . for lemakt non-smokers FM 1984- FEBRUARY 17 and U IN THE UNI- the tee on Friday!! •Ana equate A Gamma Phi Ski Eitrav- JACKS BAKERY Petti Henna. Good Luck aa our Phi Oanzlger, Martyn Friedman. Errd 6128 VERSITY UNION. REGISTRATION ageraatl The Snow PS. Did ICECREAM leu Baakalbal Queen Candidate 9/mo lease upper (320 S uH-Lower BRAD WHTTTAKER. Lam, and Win Slono. ' Need 1 M student lor apt. near FORMS AVAILABLE IN GREEK UFE you check the aW rack? DELIVERY Wel be cheering you on' DZ Love, (340 S Utl No children or pats. MY HEART IS BURNING WITH DE- Whsts better than one PN Teu man campus Roeeoneble otler OFFICE, 425 STUDENT SERVICES 354-1001 Your I Deposit RegV 3530045. Mon-Frl stog SIRE TO MEET WITH YOU. KEEP Dear Greg. going to the Alpha Gam Ski Date- 352-7385 8 30 4 30 lor spot YOUR EYE ON THESE PERSONALS Our weekend together waa vary spe- Party? Two Phi Teu men going' We Tham wB be a matting of the Hunan Rime needed S300 for the remain- SmlltvBoggs Rentsl- AND I WIL FURTHER REVEAL MY oteL OZ Formal was more than wad! wanted some more but you guys Devcloomanl Club. Monday February PoeWon AveUeble lor der of the earn., own rm. dose to Houses a Apia tor 84-85 achool EMOTIONS FOR YOU Now wa need time to recover' Jerry. were the lucky ones' Watch out tor a 13-al 7.00 pm In the twig center of USQ campus, cal 352-6886 M-W alter year 352-9457 between 12-4 or LOVE. Love Ya. Nancy Get reedy tor e great date party the wsd time, Rick and Jell Love, Your Assistant Treasurer 3 00 '__ 362-8917 after 6 the home economics (justing. The SWEET CHEEKS DEB ORUBER AND TOOD FOG Al weekend' I can't wail M we try to Alpha Gam Detee Cathy and KYM lop* we- be Reeume Writing Al are Apply m 405 Student Servto Female Roommate to shsrs one bdrm 1 S 2 bdrm apta I houaoa. BROADWAY REVISITED V Congratulations Roommeles' It's loam to ski. II try not to laugh so hard What wrM TV. mm A the arta be like *atcome apt. one block from campus Close to campus THE COLLEGIATE CHORALE about Bna you gave up that taveear. that my dtnoeaur steps on my tool! Hie la year 20*4? Speculate ebout S132 507mo ind utl CM Suaan Cal 352 7454 betore 5 p m The Society let Technical Co—u THE COLLEOIATES But TodtBy Wheree BM per? Strawberry detqutr*. blue Hewaasna. N amh Drs Dawn Glani, Mike Mcettone will meet Monday. Feb. 11 352-6028 after 5 PM THE TOP 20 Deraae Tunaman- S.T.. A you whel more could I ask SEND THE ONES'*) YOU LOVE A Marsden t Jack Nachber Hon., Fab Need 1 M student tor apt. new ai s P.M. in 911 University Hen A SPECIAL VALENTINE MESSAGE IN 2 Female Roometes needed for Apt SUNDAY. FEB. 12 You cannot bowl, you cannot skate for? I know we're going to have a IS, 1:30 pm In I ha Faculty Lounge campus Reasonable otter awtehop on the Apple oomputer THE SO NEWS Tuee., Fab. 14 (Red dose to campus-FM '84. Cal now, KOBACHER HALL 3 PM You always leave food on your plate tantaattc tanel Love, Uea P S Happy oltheuYOon. 352-7365 •« be presented. AH major. antV Valentine's day1 I Can this count as heart/bleck message) Limited num- 352-5542 ANITA 11.00 DONATION AT THE DOOR You broke our phone, you walk too You've heard about the Campbel's NOW RENTING FOR 1984-85 cornel ourpraaanl?^^^^^^^^ ber avails bet. lot University Hall. TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED IMME- COM you make a eMerenee? Robert alow. You try to push us m the snow Products Boycott??i Al era welcome SCHOOL YR 2 BDRM , FURN APT HURRYI DIATELY TO SUBLET TOP HALF OF Anderson, reaaorch aclantiet ol You trip us. hrl us. tie us up You to team more about local farmworkers HEAT, SEWAGE. WATER t CABLE SEND YOUR VALENTINE A COOKIE- HOUSE OR 1 FEMALE TO SUBLET Ohio Sett* University, wUI apeak throw the water In your cup and got struggle tor lav wages end dignity TV PAID BY OWNER $585 00 PER I AM WILLING TO MOVE OUT IN LOST AND FOUND about the poaslbWHee tx being me wet But Is okay - your manhunts JOE QDOWIK GRAM' ON SALE FEB. 8. 9, 10 (4 President ol FLOC. Baktemar Vase- SEMESTER PER PERSON WITH 4 BA. ANO UNIVERSITY HALL 9-4 OROER FOR 2 PEOPLE TO TAKE more tiidepeitflewt with regard to reefy MAKE OUR DAY So cha out. Congratuerttons on being quez. wl give a presentation on PEOPLE. CALL 362-7162 BE ONLY 50-. OVER LEASE RENT $125 00 PAY toad • energy need*. Tuee., Fab, beg oil. donl be weird You never wfl elected IFC Vice-President 'Farm Labor Organizing in the Mfd- TWEEN 3-7 PM. ASK FOR RICH LOST Pa* of ruet-ooaxed mother ELECTRIC ONLY IF INTERESTED. 14th, 740 pm. Alumni Room, Univ. palevasered Plnheed olRuah. asOMA ALPHA EPSB.ON BsVTKS weet The future of FLOC ' Wednee- ". House. '. bk from campue. glovee It round pleas* cal 599 CALL 362 2013 Union. DONTHEFHK: Your Dett Brother! EVERYONE BD ENTER OR WATCH day. February 15, 8.00 PM, 200 (526/mo 352-6992 2609 or contact me, my OCMB la OUR PtttlAIITrlROPY: THE KlSSm" Going to summer school? I need a «*)481 WE KNOW THAT YOU ARE WILLING Moeety Hal Sponsored by values * 2 bdrm. % house even (380 Cloee CLOSE-UP GAMES. REGISTER IN roommate tor Bummer and next year / TO 00 IT FOR A DEW (AS LONG AS Ethics Week/BGSU Social Justice to campus 352 6992 LOST-Oark brown ecarf In Moeeley YOU GET THE KC, RIGHT?) HAVE A THE LOBBY OF ANDERSON ARENA Committee. 3rd and High-nice 2 bedroom apt Soul Wte-Sunday Hal on Tuee 2'7 Pence cal 352- GREAT WEEKEND! LOVE: THE TOOAYI COME WATCH ON SUN- Afterdates' Cal Kaffiy 2-4745 STUDENTS B183 Mr. Banenne playing your JIG Sttsm bM**Oitnn tnn"Gunn Inn Apartments and 6 Bedroom house ADOPTED BRAT8. DAY, FEB. 12 AT 1:00 PM M AN- 1 T. Rmte. avanedeyjey Rockledge Favortte Soul Muelc. ONE MORE DAY TILL FORMAL. SO SATURDAY, AFTER HOURS aveasbie summer and fat terms. For LOST: Long hair Mack cat Lehmmen DERSON ARENA 11.00 DONATION, Apta,rent negot CM 372-3979 Double vision at the bar Earl. Boots, and Kappy. LETS MAKE IT THE BEST EVER! BE THERE more Mo. cal TaUs Realty 352-8568 « South Enterprise TE 352-4718. it s sanoat hare. Via day we've been CO-SPONSORED BY WHOM MVt Qunn ImT'Gunn lnn"Gunn Inn NOW! MAIN STREET LOVE YA. T.D.6. FM. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE between t and 5 pm. walling for. But. soon wel neve to 3F Roommates needed to aub tease Doora open at 10:00 p.m. Kappaa a PI Kappa: Look out tor a EASTER SEALS. watt no more. Everything we've STUDENTS good time because the Beta's are house in tal Cal 372-3815. planned • out of sight, so be pre- Sprout. Apartments A 6 bdrm house Aval, SERVICES OFFERED reedy to pertyi Soul Nile-Sunday Champ, pared lor some kind Ol night when Ptvaman Gin!: SuffereY Swine: Au- summer S lal Bern's For more Mo Mr. Banenne Playing Your cal Titus Realty 352-6566 btwn 1 t Greet Hmea behind: Better times Saturday a over and dona Wa hope KELLEY. dacity! Ara we ready tor fonree tomor- Favorite Soul Music 5pm Expert Typing ahead BMy Joel aeM It: "I love you you I say. "We reefy had fun' Now EVERYTHPIG FHALLY WORKED row rate? I hope wa donl have to Double vision at the bar HELP WANTED R«WSG*T1V)B8 ReftOS lual the way you ant." it'a only one more day and we |uet OUT YOU'RE THE BEST ROOMIE "tttvo" any trunksli MAIN STREET CM 352-7305 etlet 5:30pm can I wall because PN Mu Formal a> KEgSMAJN' LOVE. MICHELLE PN Mu love. Mutty Doors open el 10:00 p.m. Help needed Wwtreeeee Must be Ruttvee Sewing a Alterations Come explore the future world ol going to be GREAT" KELLY and WENDY. STEVE HOBBS NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT 21 Also taking appscetlons tor other Letters 1 Injignlaa on Jackets S poetics and economical Values 1 Love, Anne. Kim, end Undo Urn, I hope you have a good day dor The show may be orsdtotsbto. but WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY TO bar positions Apply in person attar 8 sweaters Al garments muot be Ethics Week presentation GLOBAL and urn stuff eke that you sure aren't! "Hart to Hart" M LEASE EVERYONE, BUT RENTAL HBJ, pm al Buttons. Rt 25 Perrysburp dean 352 7268 POLITICS AND ECONOMICS 2000 THE PtGS 11 ARE PSYCHED FOR A BILL fomoiiow, ere you RED? Low, your SBcon Vaaay Jobguide $4 95 ARE GOING FAST. CALL FOR Home Work rjpportunrty si Multi-Level Al your typng needs prompt a pro- THE U.S. PERSPECTIVE, THE IN- WILD TIME AT THE AFTER HOURS Kim Boda. tevortle erriMwoua aoptiomore Sunbelt Indexing, 2815 South RENTAL BROCHURE 162-5120 Marketing Unlimited earnings No feasionsl Cal 352-4017 TERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. See KD WINTER FORMAL!! WHY CAN'T Congratulations on your en- Sy. Brian. S Brett Maujlon. Tucson. AZ 86713 nance to be given by Or Roger gagement to Kurt! DM your perma- seAYig. For detaae mad a aaK-ad- NEED TYPING? I WEAR MY FAVOR TO THE DIN- In 24 houre the party baoJne with lots SBcon Vaaay Jobgmde $4 95 Anderson ( Dr Tauneo Akaha. Al , dressed, stamped envelope to Boa 6th year serving BGSU Students NER?? I'LL BET ALL YOUR MEN amlse come with the ring? We wl.h of tun and plenty of gat! We've watted Sunbea Indexing. 2615 South welcome to participate In dialogue you ell the happiness In the world! 142, Ourend. Ml 48429 Cal Now' Nancy 3520809 WEAR THEM FAVORS. OR NOT AT al week and now gel paychad lor Itaelon. Tucson. AZ 85713 Monday Fab 13. 3:30 PM.. Fee AUDI Love, Your Gemma Phi Slaters. three PHI MAJ'S and you throe PIKES! AIRLINES HIRING! STEWARD- SBcon Vaaay Jobguide S4 95 CARTY RENTALS ^ ^rrvf. .**YyiTiT Vntyi, LOVE, SPOT A CO. KB4 M . (HAIRSAUJ Amy. Margy. S Undo Sunbea Indexing. 2615 South ESSES, Reaarvetionlsts! S14- 39.000 Worldwide' Cat tor Direc- Apts Rooms Houses Florida Fang B Coming Happy B-Oeyt The One-Nine' Hope TAMMY-CC»|l3f«TULATIONS FOR Meaty. Tucson. AZ 85713 tory. Guide. Newsletter 1.(916) Al Near Campus Win a trip to Mum Beach Bonds' you Mega-Tab'' tonight. War. I YOUR PLACE AMONG THE TOP I ATTENTION BGSU SUNBATHERS' 944-4440 X. 9-12 month and This week-end only - Feb. 11 & 12 Florida Flng is Coming could help ya celebrate' Wuv. Lynns TEN FINALIST IN MISS BGSU Surf's up but our prices aren't' From Summer Leaaea February 18, 1984 15JM1 WERE SO PROUD OF YOUI LOVE, kat $109 00 - spend 7 lun-hsed CRUISESHIPS HIRING! S16 Using A llltlll FLOveD A FUSM Laura Wilson YOUR PHI MU SS3TERS days ei sunny Florida Cal tor your 30.0001 Carrtbean, Hawaii, Work) 352-7366 or 352-5566 Buy one dozen donuts Concvatutettone on your pinning to eel or organize a amaz group A travel Cal tor Guide. Directory. Neweletler THE KAPPAS ARE LOOKING FOR- 1 (016) 944-4440 FLOfeuA FLING Tom' I'm so happy for you both WARD TO A WILD CLASH- WITH FREE! Greet tor dubs, loo! Cal LUV You're a super Mend and I Love Ya CAMP COUNSELORS Gamma Phis-Rush ■ going sooo THE PI KAPS AND THE BETAS TOURS (8001 368 2006, ask lor THURSTIN MANOR APARTMENTS get a dozen donut holes Lota Nancy Outstanong Sam and Trim Down greet and I have you al to thank! TONIGHT GET READY TO -ROCK Air condttJonod, tusy carpeted, cable Campa Termta. Dance, Samnaatlcs. Thanks for al the support you're MAKE SOMEONE YOU LOVE FEEL THECASBAHT Abortion. Pregency Tests. vision, efficiencies, laundry ledetiea w/coupon giving Jennifer and I. Keep II upl SPECIAL FOR VALENTINE'S DAYI There la etfl room tor a few more Lamaze Ctsssee WSI. Athletics, NutnoorUOeistlc*. 20 Now taaajng lor summer A tal. FREE!.' pkia Separale girls' and boys' Love. Kan SEND THEM A HEART MESSAGE IN students In HOEC A395-I2 cr ) the Center for Choice 461 Ttlurstln Ave 352-5436 camps 7 weeks CAMP CAMELOT Donuts Geyte Bedue. Conctetutaaone on be- THE BG NEWS TUES., FEB. 14. NEW YORK FASHION TOUR., May Downtown Toledo (419| 255 7769 The GETAWAY IRedheerVbleck type) HURRY! Urn- on Colege Campuses at Maes. 2 badroum newly furnished spts. -ce-aeem ing steeled Cabinet Director for Pan 14 19 See Mrs Glenn or Dr Behing Party Room For Rent Ned number svsHbie. t M University Pom , No. Carolina. Call Sand re- Now renting tor '84-86 FREE sate 998 S. Main hatonic! We're so proud of you L » r HOEC Btog 4-0'a Club Irte TV Cal 352-2863 4-HRW Ha". eume. Michete Friedman. Director. 352-4162 L, Your ADPI sisters To Krtetlne, Karen and sH the gkta 7th and High Margy - Congratulations for 947 Hewlett Or. No Woodmara. Grande Burrto • S3 95 the entire of Mac N. tat WTIO mode my birth- 362-9378 after 5 352-7324 NY. 11581. 516-374-0785 NOW RENTING FALL 1984 month ol February SUNDANCE being elected Panhel treasurer Way day eery special t memorable. Improve Study Habits w/Hypnosie 1 t 2 SEMESTER LEASES RESTAURANT 110 N Main 352- to go! Love. Your Phi Mu Sellers Thank you vary much! I Love, Anna 352-8777 SUMMER CAMP POSITIONS tuey rum. etflc w color TV 4m Red aatm haart-aheped Valentine pa- Jevnsh Community Center cable. M uN pad lows Includes any message boa on ol Cleveland QUIET ATMOSPHERE MIDNITE SHOW pBow. Also, monkey-seek does w red Camp Wise (Resident] 354-3182, 12-4 weekdays heart eyea and red mm WH ship Anie field DayCamp 352-1520 ANYTBAE INEMA IS? 362-7986. SUPERVISORS. COUNSELORS, SPECIALISTS (Drama. Boating. WANTED- THOSE BO STUDENTS NEEDBM BA 408. LEAVE YOUR WSI s. Arts and Crafts, Music. Out- door Education. Sports. Terms. Houses a apartments. > NAME * NUMBER * I'LL BE IN cloee to campus tor '84-85 school TOUCH. PAUL 352-7331 OCMB Dance. Registered Nurses. Driver, urn. Cooks) Contact: Hale Park. 3505 year, t-267-3341 Mayfteld Road. Clevelend. OH. Say "I LOVE YOU" 44118 Tal. (218) 382-4000. EXT. wllhBeJoons. The Baaoonmen 267. Interviewing Camp Day. March ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 352-8081 7. 1964. 01 Benedetto's Da* Resteurerrt Mature F. non-smoking to dog alt at Open 10 am. Hon. • Sat my apt. In the Vlssge tor arm* rjach- 12 p.m. Sun. aound. March 16-25 Good pay. Ph. Try our continental breakfast 352 8610 alter 3:30. 1432 E. Wooetor previously ui'iillllici llisliri i I;IMHI:IHII n 'ir.n:i unv.m IM:I FOR SALE I.IMII iiMiiiiiinn r.irii'i nnrnt'inpinnri 72 VW Bug-Excel oond. (1,700 or IJMIKl 11011,1(411 bsBt OBar. Must al 1-698-4861 ll'ilj.ill [-11.11-11.14(1 1979 Subsru Station Wagon, exec t I la IM(a IT 0 H 11 It IS ass T IA £. oond.. must sol. 6 ap. front wheat A I F AaVl I FlSasIl Nil I drive. AC. Ex. mpg (2675. 1 627 klMIHI (Jill III III llltlll 1476. MinHIl LIllUM 1411111111 For Sate: Nakemicr. 480 stereo cas- sette deck. One yew dd, mint cona- tion, metal capable Orlgonsly coal ^V American Mart S450. Asking (276 354-2839 ^AMOctafton


"Cmon...we'te going home." DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE PKOUDLV r-RtSLNTS They Uslned together, fought together, and survived together. How. kl the moat anporlent mission ol their 2ND "THE DATING GAME eves, they're going beck to gel their buddies _,„ Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trade Jaffe MONHAV, FKBRUARY D J ACROSS 51 More inquisitive 23 Freshwater fish who were left behind. " ^ M la let Griad Ballroom Controllable 55 Pugilistic weight 25 Ferrara family OIM4 Las laeiln Tkaa Sreakaai ■ GENE HACKMAN WEEK. [CELEBRITIES Raccoon's 57 Javanese tree 27 E.India state SIGN UP NOW raiBtivs 58 Palm leaf 29 Do- in i lit Pharmacist's SO Town crier's word 31 Reword ii 1* T~ r~ r~ T~ ■ n UAO OFFICE ' nvaasurs 61 Famed Army man 32 Makeover 4 • ;; Nawspapar Hem ) Floor 64 English composer 33 Place for a (4 aL Minn . Island off 65 Amlgo's rope takeout " Scotland's coast 66 Partofaclock 34 "The Duke": 17 ■ Superior 67 Fashion Cromwell * H ■ Seven men with one IWng in comrnon... WrvsraOtympiats 66 Saa birds 35 Twice president H IT 1 1 NatnaaaksBof 69 Feed the kitty oftheU.S. I UNCOMMON VALOR apraewdant 37 Compete 24 ■ NORTHEND PIZZA AT 7:30* 9:30 [ffl Raaidant: Suffix 40 Prayer asking I SAT MAT 2:00 SUN MAT 2 * 4:00 WaltSt.abbr. DOWN for mercy H FREE DELIVERY 352-7734 Black Sea port 1 Namely 41 Old French money H ■ ALL SEATS Shlpworm 2 Slow up 43 Johnson of u Find 3 Scrooge, for one comedy I 2-12" PIZZAS Jl ■ ANYTIME Join the chorus 4 Poetic ending 44 Flounder - ' ¥ ELiV ONLY Oat back 5 Grand 46 Menu item it I I FOR MAIN THFATRF tsi nu SpokanwonH 6 NEAandPTA 48 Pineapple, V F $5.50 Snaapish 7 Soviet guild Spanish style I 15 ■vr COUPON EXPIRES 2/25/84 Dutch commune 8 The way, in China 50 Miss Anthony ' 4TH WEEK Parry's creator S Ukeababe 52 Hawkeye u S4 l~ BARBRA Like a good cake 10 "Who love 53 Support politically 1 ^. N0~R~THiNDip7zZA~ INBG Slithered their country." 54 Street show m ■ .: STREISAND Love, to a Scot Pope 55 Solid blow FREE DELIVERY 352-7734 President's man 11 Yalta Conference 56 Architect H IIT I voee figure Saarinen AT , m ' YENTL Opposite 12 Certain books, 58 Athletic Rose U 2-14" PIZZAS 7:30 PM A film with music. Heaven, In Egypt for short 62 Comparative : ; ONLY Becomes « 13 Isolated hill ending a. IBS oontaatant 18 Part of Asia 63 One kind u 41 FOR $7.75 1 COUPON EXPIRES 2/25/84 1 JiiUM Friday, February News Magazine Tis The Season For Love -"-,Tt

Also Featuring -The Times & Invisible Flintstones •Tartuffe • 2 bg news friday/february 10,1984 FRIDA Y- CONTENTS

Page 3 Page 6 The Fat Man's Sport Th Tho Season For Love Tom Reed takes us into the world of professional COVER: Opportunities to express your sentiments wrestling

Mollmrm'3 Tartuffm' Comma To BO Friday Salutes Beatles BGSU Director Allen Kepke talks about this classic comedy It was 21 yean ago today ...this revocable changes in our society. week, actually, that Liverpool's Instead of offering an extensive Beatles first descended upon chronology or long-winded per- Page 4 these shores. Scores of books over sonal commentary on the subject, the years and hundreds of articles Friday feels compelled to merely during the last few weeks have salute John, Paul, George and Wlndham Hill Is Magic reported and analyzed the phe- Ringo and acknowledge the signif- Fats Miller comments on this enigmatic label nomenon that began as Beatlema- icant effect they've had on all of nia and developed into a cultural oar lives. •Uncommon Valor' Lacks Dignity force that fostered countless ir- Andrew Dardine finds Gene Hackman the only dignified element of the film STAFF Entertainment Editor Music Editor Monica Orosz Fats Miller Page 5

The Times Are Here Assistant Editor Photographer Two groups will be featured in the Grand Ballroom Lisa L. Inman David Cozad tonight Rim Critics Andy Dardine and Vic Oberhaus

Sunday, Feb. 12 3:00 p.m. Kobacker Hall $1.00 donation at the door

leooeei PIZZA PUB BUY YOUR SWEETHEART A 532 E. WOOSTER VALAGRAM Sundays & Mondays in ^-^ UNION FOYER 2for1 f } TODAY -LAST CHANCE^ O? t? 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. * \~? PIZZA M $1.00/each r In-House and Pick Up FAUN? KIT MMMT iTTH EMT VALAMAM 1MB M Mr l It DM IKEKIY 352-3551 far 2 II PNEASAT BOOM bf Km friday/february M, ISM J Fat Men Roll Into Popular Sport

by Tom Reed »Uff reporter Thomas McCarthy, who has been a fan for 14 years, said the sharp con- trast that separates the good wrestler The evening's main event is ap- from the evil makes it more exciting proaching a furious climax in the and easier for fans to choose who they center of Detroit's Cobo Arena. The like. noise level has reached a deafening Most fans cheer for the "good" tone as 4,000 wrestling fans shout wrestler. He is the rule-abiding, their hero's name in unison. cleancut grappler who acts like a western marshall trying to clean the •'SNUKA!... SNUKA!... ring of the filth who create the chaos. SNUKA!..." However, some fans elect to root like a tiger stalking his prey, for the villains because they are more Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka slowly entertaining and colorful, according strides from the center of the ring to 11 year fin Daryl Royal. toward his victim, intercontinental The evil wrestlers are-the heals - wrestling champion Don "Magnifi- they are scorned by the fans and are cent" Muraco. The crowd roars as outcasts of society. Most heals are "Superfly" drives a vicious head-butt physically repuls t - George "the into the titleholder's skull. Animal" Steel's 6'.! body is covered Still filled with rage, Snuka un- with fur-like hair except for his bald leashes a savage karate kick that Whether you love or hate pro wres- mood kind of upset and after of two bead. After he polishes off an oppo- leaves Muraco howling in pain. With tling it seems like everyone has an hours of drinking and yelling I don't nent he laps his lizard-like green Snuka on the threshold of becoming opinion about it. feel bad at all." tongue over the ring ropes. the new champ and the fans in a state Critics challenge the sport's val- when they enter the ring, heals of pandemonium, Muraco rolls out of idity and call its participants repul- While the majority of fans admit have only one objective and that is to the ring and cowardly scurries to the sive oversized side-show freaks. They pro wrestling is a combination of well injure and cripple an opponent. Some locker room. do not understand why people pay choreographed acrobatics and theat- of their crippling maneuvers are the money to see fat men roll around in ricial entertainment Edna Smith, a 58 atomic spine crusher, the cobra or Staggering to the locker room, their underwear for two hours. year-old housewife, disagrees. cainel clutch and the pile driver. Muraco is showered with insults. A Most fans attend matches for di- "Entertainment phooey, I pay Evil wrestlers even have vicious lady in her mid-70s shouts, "Muraco, verse reasons. However, after wres- good money to see this and let me tell names such as Sgt. Slaughter, you are the scum of this earth. Do you tling with the question for an hour, you I know that it's as real as if I "Crusher" Stan Stasiak, Brusier know that you loser?" As Muraco about 30 people interviewed in Cobo would hit you in the face," Smith said. Brody, Ray "the Crippler" Stevens turns to respond be is pelted with a Hall were able to arrive at several "Those men are well-conditioned ath- and . pop container thrown by an irate bank generalizations. letes." For those still skeptical about the teller from Warren, Mich. Muraco Almost all agreed the matches are Some fans attend attend matches popularity of pro wrestling, please then attempts to grab the man but is a great form of entertainment and a for odd reasons. Cynthia Johns, 27, note this: In 1963 pro wrestling restrained by security guards and led good place to work out your frusta- said her attraction to wrestling is matches had a higher attendance to the dressing room to the delight of ons. almost purely physical. mark than pro football, hockey, base- the crowd. "I come here because watching ball or basketball. Not bad for a bunch Tonight most fans will go home tiiis stuff its like slapstick comedy, "I almost hate to admit it but the of fat men rolling arming in their happy; good has triumphed over evil and after I get a few brews in me I get main reason I come is to see these underwear. Aye! and justice inside the "squared cir- radical and start yelling at the wres- gorgeous hunks parading around the Pro wrestling will return to De- cle" has been restored. This is the tlers," former high school wrestler ring in their bikini underwear." she troit's Cobo Arena March I Ticket world of professional wrestling. Bill Morrison said "I come in a bad can be purchased at all CTC outlets.

Moliere's Classic 'Tartuffe' Comes to BG Stage

by Aimee Folder "The use of rhymed couplets in any good play should have." "Tartuffe" will be presented Feb- ruary 16-18 and February 22-25 in the reporter 'Tartuffe' would be a linkage t* that Among a cast of 13, the production specific period. Rhymed couplets are stars University graduate Rick Bar- Main Auditorium of University Hall. a way of speaking in a poetic, iambic rows as Tartuffe and University the- The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets will Sex, young lovers, money and po- pentameter way. True, this is a diffi- ater faculty member Dr. David be on sale at the door or can be litical intrigue. What do all these cult language to speak and can some- Addington as Orgon. Orgon's wife is reserved by calling the ticket office at things have in common? To sum it up times cause language barriers for the played by junior secondary education 372-2719. The cost is f2 for students, $4 in one word, "Tartuffe." actors, but I have a strong cast, and I major Debbie Krainz. for others. This satiric comedy was written by know they can handle it," Kepke said. Moliere, and will be presented on the If you do not think you would like Bowling Green stage starting next the play "Tartuffe," because it is a week. period play, think again. "Tartuffe" can be as up-to-date as you would While talking with Allen Kepke, have it be. 'Tartuffe' is basically director of the production, it was easy about hypocrisy. A con man, Tar- to understand why this will be a show tuffe,' poses as a religious man and you may not want to miss. works his way into the heart of a "I feel Moliere is the greatest wealthy man. Tartuffe then becomes comedy playwright in history," the favorite of the man and is put into Kepke said. "1 played the leading role the position to do anything he wants - in Moliere's play, 'The Imaginary even seduce the man's wife," Kepke Invalid,' at the Toledo Repertory, and explained. it was a great success." When asked why he thought Mo- "This play was banned in Paris liere's plays were still a great success when it was first written, for religious today, he replied, "Because they deal reasons," Kepke said, adding.The with exaggerations of humanly recog- parallel between the activist groups nizable traits." He went on, "The play of today, and the religious groups of 'Tartuffe' deals with the trait of being that time are there if you want to see gullible. Besides dealing with things them." everyone can relate to, Tartuffe'is Kepke werit on to explain, "Mo- very funny." liere was trying to say single minded- ness of any kind is unbalanced. He Kepke explained that "Tartuffe" was also preaching the excess of is a period play - "one that was anything can be terribly funny. In the written in another time period." It play Tartuffe,' it is the excess of also reflects the theatrical conven- tions of that day, and not the modem Kepke concluded about the show, dramatic styles of today. "It's got sex and money, two things Debbie Krainz, Rick Barrows in Moliere's "Tartuffe" 4 bg news friday/(ebruary 10,1984 Sound & Vision Windham Hill Label Spins Magic

by Fats Miller artists as Windham Hill co-founder, all but one track here, and notable a tropical presence to much of the guitarist Will Ackerman, and bare- contributions are made by Chuck record, especially on the title track Music Editor foot pianist George Winston. Green berg (lyricon), Michael Man- and "Lift It Up.''Other selections fit Winston's Autumn LP has sold more ning (fretless bass), Mark Isham within a more traditional jazz frame- It's been labeled "New Age Mu- than 400,000 copies to date, which is (synthesizer), Darol Anger (violin), work, most notably "A Stitch In sic," and almost everything else in quite a feat even by pop musk stan- Michael Hedges (guitar). Ira Stein Time" and "Whitestone." the book. And when Windham Hill (piano) and Russei Walder (oboe). Another noticeable departure from Records decides on rare occasion to Ackerman's versatility, a careful characteristic Windham Hill releases publicize a new series of albums, its A writer could spend days search- avoidance of retreading the same is Mark Isham's Vapor Drawings. advertising copy is purposefully enig- ing for adjectives to accurately de- musical ground, is most evident in the This is Isham's first solo LP whilehis matic. In a recent trade magazine ad, scribe Windham Hill records, yet the classically-flavored "Garden," which past work has included the short-lived the company listed four words - jazz, word "quality" seems to apply to includes a string quartet, and in the Group 87, which also included Missing folk, classical and rock - in a single more than just the musk. Ackerman, hypnotic "Synopsis," reminiscent of Persons co-founder Terry Bozzio. On column with each word crossed out by a former carpenter who started the modern composer Steve Reich. Vapor Drawings Isham navigates his a thin line. label as a hobby with a mere 1900, command of a number of instruments uses the audiofile technique of half- As the prime creator of the Wind- - synthesizer, trumpet, soprano sax, During the last eight years, Wind- track mastering to achieve superior ham Hill "sound," Ackerman re- electronic percussion and solo piano - sound quality, employing the best through deftly-constructed ham Hill is one record company that mains its chief pioneer. While this soundscapes which (like virtually all has proven music need not be easily imported vinyl available in the proc- music is difficult to pin down stylisti- ess. Additionally, each LP is adorned Windham Hill records) have a pro- classified, to be enjoyed by a sizeable cally, it remains meditative without vocative, almost hypnotic effect on international audience. The Palo Alto- by a stunning, double-laminated being sedate yet not entirely sedate, based label has cultivated such a jacket which effectively conveys the and always highly evocative. the listener. The music ranges from mood of the enclosed music. the Methenyish "Many Chinas," to strong following for its eclectic style Shadowfax is the label's only ac- other tracks not unlike the work of of music, that it has become one of the tual "group," and the former progres- Brian Eno ("Sympathy And Acknowl- most successful independent record Although the company initially sive rock band explores less edgement") and Tangerine Dream companies in America. built their reputation on solo acoustic bombastic territory on Shadowdance, ("On The Threshold Of Liberty"). Similar to the Norway-based pro- music - with Ackerman, Winston and their second release on Windham Hill. Rhythmic patterns provide strong gressive jazz label, ECM (distributed Ackerman's cousin, guitarist Alex, The six-piece ensemble incorporates support occasionally, especially on by Warner Bros, in the U.S.), mere's deGrassi - in the past few months a diversity of influences, achieving an "In The Blue Distance." Much to his a certain recognizable sound or feel- Windham Hill has expanded its scope eastern flavor in several tunes and a credit, Isham keeps the music fo- ing common to all Windham Hill by releasing five superb new LPs. leprechaunish feel on the title track. cused, never letting it wander too far albums, a sense of ethereal tranquil- Four contain finely-crafted ensemble Common to most of the label's music, before changing direction. ity. But while ECM often entends well work, two of which feature electric the group emphasizes composition into the land of esoterica (with the and electronic instrumentation. over Individual performances. Never- possible exception of guitarist Pat theless, Shadowtax's instrumentation On An Evening With Windham Hill Metheny) and caters more to purists, allows for considerable flexibility; Live the musical strengths of the label Windham Hill attracts a more diverse Past Light is Will Ackerman's fifth violin and sax function well as lead are confidently showcased. More than audience. The enrapturing, almost release and marks his first recorded instruments (in addition to guitar and iust a collection of individual efforts, magical characteristics of Windham work which includes additional musi- keyboards). A careful mixture of the LP includes both solo acoustic Hill music appeals to both highly- cians. Each piece showcases a differ- electric and acoustic elements also girformances - by Ackerman, de- trained musicians and just plain folks ent aspect of his compositional help construct the variety of stirring rassi and Winston - and more lavish like you and me whose appreciation talents, yet the emphasis throughout moods that distinguish this LP. excursions featuring various aggre- for music is more recreational than is on melody rather than technical gations of the label's roster (the afo- serious. virtuosity. It seems as if every single On Light In Your Byes, Andy Na- rementioned trio plus Greenberg, note elicited from his steel-string gui- rell has recorded the most blatently Anger, Manning, Hedges and Liz The label relies primarily on word- tar, whether strummed or plucked, is jazzy and up-beat record for Wino- Story). A community feeling per- of-mouth promotion rather than big meticulously selected and artfully ham Hill to date. Narell's uniqueness vades the record and, like the label budget hype. However, growing le- brought forth. also stems from his lead instrument - itself, a certain spirit of friendship gions of music lovers have been cap- Ackerman uses his label-mates in steel drums (he also plays key- translates into muslcality of the high- tured by the enticing sounds of such different combinations to embellish boards). This distinctive sound gives est order.

A View & Review with Vic and Andy

Hackman Worth Seeing in 'Uncommon Valor'

la this week's film review, Andrew because some of them, like Rhodes, "Uncommon Valor" then becomes a dignity to his character that is Dardine comments that Gene Hack- have not been able to escape their the fighting man's answer to the unfi- totally lacking in the rest of the film. man lends the only dignity to an experience in the violent jungle. nished business of the Vietnam War. There is more to pity in Hackman the Undignified "Uncommon Valor." This renegade group is as varied as Most of the time the film is a sick, actor, than in his character to see him the Dirty Dozen. Sailor is a drugged- "Soldier of Fortune" fantasy where surrounded by such improbable lame- by Andrew Dardine out, bear of a man who does strange Americans destroy a Laotian border brains. dances and wears a hand grenade Strol simply because they are a Ted Kotcheff, fresh from spilling around his neck "just in case he ever otian border patrol. "First Blood," is back again directing gets tired of living." The others suffer "Uncommon Valor." It is disappoint- from various, minor bang-ups. Mean- For the first half of the group's ing that he establishes honest senti- while, there is a devil-may-care ex- outing, during their dress rehearsal, ment in the opening only to dash our plosives expert who delights in it is hard to remind oneself that these expectations with tired "guts and counting off the people killed in a men are doing this job out of neces- glory" in the end. The film begins succession of explosions, as though he sity and not fun. They go about their with a compelling, slow motion chase were commentating a football game. training, merrily pulverizing card- where we see a line of American For Colonel Jason Rhodes the Viet- And then there is the tormented, board enemies who will turn out to soldiers, late for the departing heli- nam War has not ended. After a obsessed Rhodes looking more ana differ from the real thing only in that copters, as they are overtaken by decade of painful searching, he has more like the ill-fated Colonel Bogey the live ones will be able to scream. North Vietnamese. These soldiers are still not been able to locate his miss- from "Bridge On The River Kwai"' At its lowest the film presents an then as promptly forgotten by their ing In action son. The American gov- When Rhodes acquires an aerial Asian cook who, when seeing the country, the turn makers lead us to ernment ignores him. The Thailand photograph of a prison camp near veterans dancing to the radio, com- believe, as they are by the film mak- citizenry rips him off. Finally he Cambodia, the men are ready to go. ments "too much agent orange, too ers themselves. , decides to appeal to the conscious of To get back in fighting shape, they much agent orange." "Uncommon Valor" is currently bis son's old war buddies. As it turns attack a mock-up camp and in so As Rhodes, Gene Hackman is the playing at the Stadium View Theater. out, they do not take much coaxing doing re-establish tbefrfriendshlps. only person worth watching. He lends Shows are at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. The bond was hoping to meet the Stray Cats but they didn't have the chance. "As soon as we played the opening set they (Stay Cits) drove up in their bus, played their set and were back <« tte road," BJaire said. ' "everybody influenceTe^ryiwdy els$ - buUhe bands that have bad the biggest effect on toe Tboea music are ,Sto»Je Mods, Brian &» Thomas She Times put out a 12-inch, four song EP of dance Bfnttc whk* was written by Richie and Biaire. Five hundred copies were reieased in the Cleveland area in October 138S. " We tried to make the album as accessible aspossftte. B is patterned sett works into the format of dance clubs and college radio stabora," Blake said. All four of the tracks are built around the keyboards of Thomas, providing a pulsating beat. Richie's vocals sound like a cross between Gary Mann IM(rf"r^Mu9ic"fanwKTheoe8tsflng(mtheall)iimistheupr-- saddriving "Take Me Away." Richie snaps at each word (Tatemei l$oirume/..±sG(rireallyuptbm-e/(kjw**dethboaninm 'orashow, the nmesmusicalsetisaconfclnatiooof their own songs i a few covens 'The song- ill get toe Time* The opening act tonight is The Imisfi composed Mike Bosce, junior bic4


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JUST NORTH OF GREEN KING NIGHT R.C. ON RT. 25 N. mtt I be news friday/februry 10,1984 Tis The Seas

by Monica Orosz entertainment editor Illustration by Trlsh Cleary *

No one knows for sure just bow St. Valentine became connected with the lover's holiday. By most accounts, there were at least two Christian martyrs named Valentine who were persecuted and killed on February 14 under the reign of Emperor Claudious II in 270 AD. Somehow the name Valentine became connected to Venus, the goddess of love, and her blind arrow- shooting son, Cupid. When Cupid's bow pierces the hearts of young couples they traditionally fall in love at first sight. Today, St. Valentine's Day is one of the world's most famous wedding days. In nature, the birds choose their mates at this time. This seems to carry over to people, and is considered a natural season for love. This natural season for love is demonstrated in today's customs of lovers exchanging sentiment in verse and gifts. As February 14 draws close, area shops and restaurants are readying themselves for the occasion. In early times, sweet buns were given to children the Sunday before and after Valentine's Day. The child would reply: God bless the baker, If you will be the giver, I will be the taker." You can still leave baked goods for your loved one. Jack Lautermilch. owner/manager of Jack's Bakery, 1448 E. Wooster St., will have heart-shaped cookies available in two sizes. With one day's advance notice, he'll make a special heart-shaped cake for you. The All American Cookie Company, 128 E. Wooster St., has Valentine's cookies in three sizes they do not normally carry. Mary Baesch, manager, said you can also order personalized heart shaped cookies in big sizes. She'd like the order as far in advance as you can, because last year they had over 300 orders. These special cookies run anywhere from $2.25 to $6.50. The Getaway, 998 S. Main St., is featuring red sprinkled doughnuts and red iced doughnuts. The manager mere said with the purchase of a dozen doughnuts, you can get a dozen doughnut boles free. A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread- and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness - Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!- Omar Khayyam If you're willing to splurge on a meal, area restaurants are offering fare that Khayyam would have been proud to share under the bough. Kaufman's, 183 S. Main St. is offering dinner specials Margarita's Cantina, 1726 E. Wooster St, has some for two. Manager Pam Heringhaus said $25 will get spicy specials for Valentine's Day. John Hoover, you beef Wellington or a seafood array with frog legs, owner, said they will feature the Mexican Heart- stuffed sole, salmon and oysters Rockefeller. Both breaker, a mexican pizza supreme, for $2.95. You can dinners include salad bar, rolls and butter and a glass accompany the pizza with its drink counterpart, a of champagne. strawberry margarita. bg wtwn frkiay/f ebruary II, 1*84 7 For Love

Ken Corbett. manager of Sundance, 110 N. Main St, said they'll be having shrimp Alfredo Tuesday night The sauteed bay shrimp will be served with fresh steamed broccoli covered with hollandaise sauce and a salad. The dinner, which goes for $7.95, could be accompanied by pitchers of margaritas, on special there. How long I've loved thee, and how well - I dare not tell! - Margaret Deland One very early custom was to leave a package on the doorstep of your lover's door on Valentine's Eve and run away before she knew who sent it. Pisanello's, 203 N. Main St., will deliver a heart- shaped pizzas to the Valentine of your choice. Todd Baughman, manager, asks that you come in and pre- pay, if you want the pizza delivered somewhere else (they will not make two stops) and that you make sure that person will be home. He said you can write a message in the box or leave a card with them and they will see it is delivered. Deb Finley, owner of The Balloonman, 540 Ordway St, said her clowns will deliver balloons to anyone, anywhere, except in a classroom. There's a $10 minimum order for the balloon delivery and Finley said she likes a 24-hour notice. Her clowns will be singing "You Are My Sunshine" with their Valentine s deliveries. The balloons come in a variety of colors and also on hand are mylar (shiny silver) balloons in heart shapes. Heart of my heart, the world is young; Love lies hidden in every rose. - Alfred Noyes Flowers are still a traditional way of showing your affections. Myles Flowers, 434 E. Wooster St., has roses for $30 a dozen, cash and carry, or $35 delivered. Andrea Isaacson, who works there, said FTD and Teleflora, delivery services, have special arrangements beginning at $20. Isaacson added that the store has helium balloons and other Valentine's gifts on hand. Julianna Hott of The Flowerhouse, 428 E. Wooster St, win be having some in-house specials you might want to check. She also has the FTD and Teleflora specials. FTD is featuring a "Heart to Heart" arrangement, which includes carnations, daisies, chrysanthemums and baby's breath in an ornamental tin box. This arrangement runs $22 to $30 dwfiJM on size. One of Teleflora's specials is the "Inkwell," an arrangement of carnations and daisies in an old fashioned brass inkwell. This runs $20 to $30. There is an old proverb That birds of a feather Upon St. Valentine's Day Will meet together. A unique gift might be a pet for that someone special. Manager TimTache of Davy Jones Locker Room, 178 S. Main St., has kissing gourmisjnnk fish The Parrot and the Peacock, 104 S. Main St., will have dinner specials lined up this weekend. For those that actually do come together and kiss. These sell for $5 a pair. who want to celebrate tonight, manager Doreen And yes, The Hutch Petshop, 1011S. Main St.. does Bateson said they will have a red snapper special for have the ultimate gift. Pam Shipley said they have $7.95 and tomorrow they will feature prime rib for love birds for $59 a pair. $10.96. 8 bff newt frkUy/f ebruary 10,1984 This week on TV

IBUCTUCI ■ MARCH FOR TOMOR- • THE EDISON TWINS tFAMB-YPEUO at a lOroundanror, 12:30 I TMS WEEK IN THE ROW (TUEI(TUI PINK PANTHER SPE- bout Baa ami Laa Vagaa. May I • FRIDAY NKJHT VIDEOS NBA IRI (WEOI I RYAN'S HOP! GOING GREAT (WED) OlAL OBI jbjfaTbal mchidi any not taaai yddi (ESPHI HORSE RACING I LOVE LUCY WHAT* NEW (THU) iSUSBNEM REPORT • E» Tha pyaaandaro and waaoa by WEEKLY IRI fTHU) EDUCATIONAL PRO- MUSK VIOEO M-A-S'H Tha Top" An i John Lannon (Nobody TaU GRAMMING ■SPNI TOP RANK BOXING MACNEa. / LEHRER aarfad ol dta ptrjapaua Nf a Itaar Ma"). BBy Jbd ("Yo» May Ba S:*0 Rtght"). and MtaaCal Yotdh ■ ELECTRIC COMPANY 0S*M COLLEGE BASKET- (MONI NEWSHOUR S12B rydfcn VVaaon Hohd opan- MO BALL IMONI •SPMI SPORTSWOMAN (Rl (fSPNI SPORTSCENTER *rg m boaton. a cay wnh ■ glut ol ("Sha'a TrOMBla"). • CSS NIWS •0 OVtw-:F<*oon ho-..oom.g ■ JaMMY SWAOOART NpJHTWATCH • "Foawi" (THU) Toaa,. i • DONAHUE • SJ/LOSO I1BISI Pab» O'Taola. Chartona sons n and BSBBafE BOO mabal • AUSTIN CITY LIMITS ROSES PARADE ■ HOUR MAGAZINE 1:30 • B MISTER ROGERS (Rl "On Mama / Oat Dona" Mo. HBMJOHTS SO 0** ■ ■ EDUCATIONAL PRO- • ■ AS THE WORLD B MORK ANO MHOV 1:40 ■SPM COLLEGE BASKET- compubory donoa rn ftpwa ukat na oartorm. O xnaa ot ha ~. OSPNI INSDC THI POA TURNS • DAVE ALLEN AT LARGE BALL (TUE. THU. FRII •tg. larewa aoBdlad (IN and atduda- "lllllll For A Haar TOUR |R> (THU) OJOB I WAN'S BJLANO • MARY TYLER MOORE Faalurad: HaalhcMffa hom (MON. WED. PRII ■SPM) VICS VACANT LOT 2nd natal, nton'a 3D km at oroaa- Msha" aad "Tha Loaa Saa Foand rma MOVK (MON. TUSI •SPIS causal BASKET- uawtra, Ptang. mana and worn BALL ■SPM) SIDELINES (Rl (WED) Ml OMO) M Ma aad Gal Dad** daad OaW (TMO MOVIE (TUEI ■ yt «ta hjga (2nd nail Somaona la lotAaaj For Soma JTHbS IS THE UK PP.) (TMO MOVIE IMONI 0:30 THE JIPPERSON8 ona Ub> Vdb" and "Too ra A MO MO ■ ■ NEWS VUAMMMWaNI OlIO BB NEWS | MD. WU> WORLD OF Hard Dag To Kaop Undar Tha SUNDAY SCST (TUt. • WOK WITH VAN I TAKE 30 Pan*." 2:00 WED) ANOTHER WORLD B PEOPLE'S COURT OJOO BM-A-S« H •BPMI COLLEGE BASKET- • NEWS ■ NEWS I A BCTTER WAY ITHU) ONE LIFE TO LIVE BALL REPORT • LA VE R NE » SHBSJTV h ■ ELECTRIC COMPANY (TMO MOVK ** T| 2:30 PATCH** ANO POCK- ■SPM THIS WEEK IN THE COMPANY Play" (19611 Jm Harna. Java ■ MOVK *tt 'looaabiLon- ETS (WED. mo NBA (R) (WED) ■ Mo • BEVERLY HBXSBJJSS ■ LA VIR NE » SHSUV O ■ ■ THE DUKES OF HAZ- r4s>SjTC* Ina (3BMTMiauO Of VJOfaBaOB don" II953I Boyrary boya. [dial ■ THRU CHEERS KM (TMO MOVK (THU. FRI) (TMO MOVIE (TUE. WEDI COMPANY ZARO Bo and loka try to mam- pMyar* dandy w rorm Ba* dam LHIMONI 1:30 a***. S:4S DEBUT (FRI) bnan aa a way of atawepiB *aw (■CAPITOL ■ 2:4* {COMMENT (TUEI O FRIENDLY GIANT ordp to nab a rydlllll orana nagkJd. H' CORONATION STRUT ■ CROP GAME (MONI ESPN) SPORTSCENTER ALL TMNOS NEW (THUI boat Jal 21 10:40 JIMMY SWAOOART IDiOO ■SPM COLLEGE BASKET- B ON THE LINE (TUEI IBM ■ ART SEAT (WEDI ■ TOMMY HUNTER Gtaola ■ EUROPEAN TELEVISION (ESPM BUSINESS TIMES ■ OJ THE NEW S2S.OO0 BALL (MON. WED) CSPNI COLLEGE BASKET- Tom GBba. Tom T. HM, TO SERVICE IJomad m Pingtaail (TMO MOMS IWSO. TMUI IESPNI HORSE RACING • TIME OUT (THU) BALL REPORT (RI O CANADIAN SCHOOLS ■SPM PLAY YOUR BEST Shoppdjrtl. TIM Ontario fthvi'mi 11O0 6:30 WEEKLY (Rl (THU) CtoggMO. Ajata ParfM or-) Tha (TMO MOVK **» "foroad ■ THE FACTS OF LIFE IRI GOLF (WED) BBBBNEWS • CSS EARLY MORNING (TMO MOVK (MON. WEDI Voh«aanca I19S2I Chock ■ HERE'S LUCY (TMO MOVK (TUEI B BUSINESS REPORT Moma. Mary Lotaaa Waoar. NEWS • ANDY ORIFFITH 3:00 M3AMPORD ANO SON >20 MINUTE WORKOUT SB GUKMNQ LIGHT 3:30 naKI MOVIE (THUI RVDAY Wortd Of O.C CoCnfj" ( • WBOU-S 20TH ANNk NSC NIWS AT BRIDCSHEAO REVISIT- Gary COsViWM. Bam* Caaay A ESPN) WOMEN'S BASKET- 10:30 VERSARY SUNRISE ED (FRI) FEBRUARY 10. ISM ycyng bov wotM rmhm 0»y0jTMn. BALL UCLA v. USC (Rl • ASC NEWS THIS ■ ■ PRESS YOUR LUCK ■ TALES OP THE UNEX- than has-o to BMl wrarl roatiiv 11.-OS 4*90 MORNINQ PECTED (MON) MTVOmM 0 0 WASHINGTON ■ MOVK *» lan GO OJ HEALTH FIELD I SALS OP THE CENTURY §1*16 (TUE) WEEK 11:30 Navy 11851) Boyyary Boya. i:0} OF NIOHT mrevKw (TMO MOVIE (PRO MINDER (WEDI EVENING 0MOVK ***Vt ThaPa* ■ MAUOC B MORNINQ BREAK •:4» ALL CREATURES GREAT fottoB Sit*M Aajan' 11976) • MO« ** SSI OMMIM 4:30 (TMCI MOVIE (FRII hTootSkv" (1t77ILomaOraana. • FARM REPORT ANO SMALL (THUI Pa*. So>taw«. Harbari Lom Th. (TMO MOVK *** Vbbay MO Pafar Gnaaaa Tha poaoono»« on O • A.M. WEATHER IllOO • MATCH GAME / HOLLY- manacp nrmar poaca aitpictor Gal" II9B3I Ntcolaa Cago. O • THE PRICE IS RIGHT WOOD SQUARES HOUR • •••NEWS • oupMoon-: asrptana ara Irauma- 7:00 Oroyaja daacta a doaan aaaaoana Oobdrah Foraman B SESAME STREET i GENERAL HOSPITAL « WHEEL OF FORTUNE to SaSBM dta btatghng Inapac- toad wNan OMJ avaafl d>M»lopi O • CSS MORNINQ ■ WHEEL OF FORTUNE TOM ANO JERRY MACNEK / LEHRER oavwwa rMc**»racal pfotaanw *rt NEWS SATURDAY ■ BENSON MAKING THE MOST OP NEWSHOUR rtHd-ar (H) S TODAY ■ 700 CLUB THE MICRO (PRO S HAPPY OAYS AGAIN • TONMHT GMM actor Ou* GOOD MORNINQ (11.1*34 SSPMI COLLEGE SA8KET- IYAN CAN COOK (MON) AEROBIC DANCING EaHSfnt*ar>dmi In Moor. AMERICA BALL (TUE. THU. PRII SQUARE FOOT GAR- ■SPM SPORTSLOOK IR) OHO MOVK ** Para-Ma • XIV WINTER OLYMPICS Cajwaa'taMTv baaaa ■ SESAME STREET (Rl □ ■JJPNI SKIING IMONI DENING (TUEI (TMO MOVK *** That Hsahfcgttu of aema of ma day ■ (FRI) (19821 WJM pVamao n»MsW IBPNI SPORTSWOMAN ■ AMERICAN INTERESTS Champtonatop llMOn" IIM2I CMM. Two Hi tgtn coma of OMkroM (hom Saraaaoo. Yjgaali SESAME STREET Q ■ (WEDI (WEDI Bruao Own. Stacy Koath. Ah* ag»nl>?3 ■■»•»! W Mil. IMON-THUI TMCI MOVIE IMON, WEDI • THIS IS SQUASH (THUI yaara at rounding to B» to rgnna •fj • LATENrGMT AMERI- O GREAT SPACE COAST- patt glory law form* Nap •:SO B:00 11:30 ■SPM) COLLEGE BASKET- CA Gmtl: author Judy Btuma ER tchaat baofcalbol nandouhi And ■ S WALL ftTKCET WEEK ■ DREAM HOUSE SAIL (TUE. THU. PRII ris-Htty ProHa GoMl MmMh ■IEu|m rM> naov novas Smart O BUSINESS REPORT thai rmrirv among rhomiolyoa VVoman.'' an oobnMOa awry rtout GREAT (PACE ■ LOVING 3:30 S *B»sjf>XpaplU. IsMttfl cara ar-t- COASTERI"? (ESPN) BUSINESS TIMES IRI may cauaa tha group to brook two drvortad woman laaate a S NATURE IMONI TITANS (MONI ty«. Ssjnfoid C BarnaiasnlCo • SMURFSQ (TMCI MOVIE IMONI apart R' •acond CMnoa on IDM* ■ NOVA (THU) SCOOSYDOO I SCOOSYDOO 7:30 8:30 MO • BENNY MIL (EtPNI CHEERLEADINO 3-2-1 CONTACT • ■ DALLAS So. Elan st M WOODWRK3HTS SHOP B3 INSPECTOR GADGET (WEDI ii(TMCI MOVIE (TUE) tSCBS NEWS ESPN) SPORTSCENTER GD QUILTING IFRII •jafNBC NEWS by ■ car mm JOTMI boufoqiM (TMO MOVK ••» 200 •:30 (TMCI MOVIE (TUEI 4:00 O MARKET TO MARKET "I ABC NEWS p and MBBM as*aaa in a parVwr- Mold!" 119711 Frar* Zappa. • • DUNGEONS AND IMON) • FANTASY ISLAND I WKRP IN CINCINNATI ■rsowfihCMf Rmgo Starr. A rodk band, ttto DRAGONS ffi AEROSIC DANCING AFTERNOON B DO IT FOR YOURSELF I BUSINESS REPORT O IN CONCERT FaoXurad Modtara 01 Inyonbon. oMya a • PAC-MAN / RUSK (TUE. THU) ■ LOVE BOAT CSPNI!: SPORTSCENTER D-3nna War-v»t* dbh) m dta loam ot Camanala CUBE / MENUOO • THE WALTONS (MON. 9 MOTORWEEK (WEDI 12:00 • ACADEMY ON COM- WED-FRI) 7:00 • mSaOC STOrtV Btet. Pali 11:40 rrwa MOVIE (TUE, WEOI 8BBNEWS • • ENTERTAINMENT / VMvtia Ptata TaiMsons boMvaaan • NIGHT AT THE RACES PUTERS: BITS ANO BYTES MOVK ICIAL TREAT (TU*) B BLACK STAR MO FANTASTIC FUN FESTI- TONIGHT Earn taractor John local o^pvanvnanta and rJw praaa 11:46 (0 MISTER ROGERS IRI ■ FAMILY FEUD 8: ■ o a-arrwkad «>ttava mayor» and S FINANCIAL VAL / CARTOONS Carpono* and acaaay MOO Adrt- SBPN) SPORTSLOOK IR) CO THE FLINTSTONES • EDUCATIONAL PRO- pjns-alo coma from dsflarani ENTERPRISE ■ • SESAME STREET (Rl onna Borboau: "Cocona Tha Ha CD SESAME STREET IR) CJ QRAMMINQ lyvyood Ihgh." roahnng an mor- r*jc*a1 baokgrowidB; tha focua m ISSM ESPHI BASEBALL FUM Tha □ (FBI) ■ MOVK a a a Tha Mand IMON. FRI) BOB NEWHART onChKaop OM Ba« Gam, IRI ■ ■ SESAME STREET CJ vaav path comadujn Richard Pyyor O) Ol. Moraao 111771 Btal Lan- CD SESAME STREET Q WHY IN THE WORLD? »

Notveman R*aJ Kritale Company PAGLIAI'S BROKML*XiK«MANV

■owtfiarn to*rn. ilimg Ivan Du- (IBPR) SPOATSCENTER tocueea en bbobael Flfanary. "on and Afebay Lnmftv Q IT •ocwaae on Me***) Rannwv. "Oh**** 1 anon Grand Ma Mat of New Yak City a # MOV* *# Tha Ouaat ■ana TOT RANK BOXINO Gland Mar awl of Now York CNy't *. Peek* a Ooy Paaak. g II. IBM IIS 76) Tar. MMWaw. Ruri R» Gene Hatcher / Hector aaduentea St Feme, t Day Paece g MO •Tl fa BUGS IUNNYS 10-.SO «| • 10-fOwn* peaer rialianiaign • CALLIGRAPHY VALENTINE »ia»ielld bug. (TMO MOVIE attn loan CKewaaw 0 ALL «W TMH OLD boul Horn UN Vegae Nay.) IRI HPW COLLUM BASKET- ■ ttt * Co •unary, Dart, Duok. and Ibrejr R" IIMJ1 Tarn Cnaea. Jaebe HOUSE tab Via MM • manu- InW I JO Fudd warn a dang or two from Far* Faday. Four awn apt boya lacavar of pratabncaaad homaa «i ISubaclMbhKfcoul) ■ SMUY-S PfOPLE lad- t OR LTZLY ADAMS Cup*) on Veknene'e Day. !»> Unhand. tOWVif rha facior, CHIDMN'I FIH PCS- IM MOVB1 *•• Valkr, apnara mucn 0" rna conavucvon ■ NHL HOCKEY Ouacwc Nor TViuana Ikroahal pick up an oM* IDJO TTVAL Oaf' M9I3) Nroowa Cafja. akauaa at Toronto Monet Laafa —I pang aowB. for a Mawcan ocora Q Dorter an Foremen M FACE THE NATION ■ OOLLIOi BASKETBALL W ITHC) MOVIi • *» fa Dn-FAENT STROKES ■ BONANZA Fwya uaileLlad arat. and Conn* VlfnuLaMa 4:10 Aflar a daiaala, eouabbhi we* loveeick I IMS) Dudley ItiOOty ■ SUNOAY SUPPLE MEN! Same, e reared laoaaren eoorav • PBA BOWLINO SNtVVS PaJ. Mega, aawaa for Loa An*, IOlOalOBNNfWS • ORAL ROBERTS nava eadi a pTaarayaiwae n*m- SI260O0 Ana* Open" (bee SAV1NO ENERGY "baro- ha. and Dnawnawd and aw kkta 10:10 THEMATICNATIONAL ■ FANTASTIC PON PISTV ory. **erl3) ■am Ok* Web* lenea ei Si oucbon" Mka day aapaana how fatow hw awra. IPart 1) AUSTIN CITY LIMITS VAL/ CARTOONS ■ XIV VtFtNTER OLYMPIC* • ■ BOOS SUNNY / Lowe. Mo.) to oanoMci a tarawe faawa en**y • XJV VVIPiTEB OLYMPICS Gary Man- / GM DavOM" Msr- ■ INTERNATIONAL OTI Today a iibHaH na ROAD BONN! A ■ ALL NCVV THt* OLD t*o partttiwa a aariao ol No Mia SONO FESTIVAL ■ (MAO VOUR WINOS HOUBC Bab Via earn dw Oak RmaagUS awfcttfJig Haadad For A Haar A YOun* Srl baeej « the Sbewi 11O0 Pa* Mnow home ol aroMacl 0*00 ra Nerwaa M lea hookay; two- lath, mi Tka Loaa Sha round reenV (rfftar of Tone* eieme FimicydW^i g CLEVELANO CAUCUS ■ POA OOLP -llaaaaai man bobaad 13rd and adt ruaal: In Ma," and OM Da*«aa doaa • MOV* a 1 Con Yordd. Norokr condwwd 70 mala aane. Open" Ttad round Baa Item tomaona la looting For Sonoa- WMhV ran SHUT - Vanaaa" 11*701 Robert Quart Wawtaa Country Cu at Honoka, blaaaun ?0 km: maw'a and waav om l*o You and "Yow'ra A i new. womee'e llnr creea I ALVM ANO THI CHT- RoaaPeny. laiiiai.l an'a anotaa at dw fejfa (3rd natl rtard Dog To Kaap Undar Tha • ACADEMY ON COM- oourary Www; lb km ei awreftc • COMPUTER PRO ■ WIDE WOULD OP (from Saraawa. Y *ni» ill I THE LITTLES PUTfRS SITS ANO SYTEE oambawd rbam Saaaam Ytejb- OBlaaBaBI ' Sound Am Mown* SPORTS lohatk aS NATIONAL OEOOBAPH HEARTBEAT m MONTY FYTMON S R.Y- 0 MOVS **v. 1 0M0. Pcaerae" A look at dw world ol Trertfeon Wartd «C SPECIAL lo-a Thoaa INGCMCUS •MI couotoa BASKET OM3)Oi ■ TONY BROWN'S JOUR computer aaotaca aaBBBJa* Tnaaa" Jwrwa IraMmara rwrrabal WmU ^OSTSC-tMTlH NAL rw bwiaatail eound and roe* incog- SMIOaOWAVE COOKERY aMa waar of ow world of fraata. IV JO • AMERICAN PLAY 11*0 aaavgi DANCE SHOW paot and araaati. and nan pao- 11:1S I SUNOAY BEST A HOUSE FOB ALL SEA- aaa haMaa. Nlftakaa. aw* afart- fNCWS MO LOOK OUT WORLD ■ MOVB **H W-ad SOUS Gram Oparwwa Dra> AKWVfa s* •kn eboat aaaal baajay n a MERE WE COME I XIV WWIM OLYMPIC* 11*711 Brace Owweon. Eraael STAASEAACH aewawm team, eeareej bam Obr- ! 11:30 [FACE THE NATION Toaey'o attiaaratd —— Worn Ma. ktOVB *•• 'alaaaDoor on and Abbey Lwceki Q ■ 01 MSREL a. EaKRT AT SUNOAY MASS on a ■mm el objlne Mn U t ■ NCAA BAIKITBALL IIM3)Lanl THiMOVHS COMMUNITY CLOSE-UP BbTwl PLAY YOUR BEST ye. Nerwoy M a* hockey r-o- BrejhamVoun*etueer*Me*m OlMOVK *••# "MnKw" OOLP Vroodt and Lona bane" nwn I I I I (3rd and 4» ml ENTERPRtSE hoorn Al ■ A MOUSE PON ALL MA- r*1 I. HHII Cltartton Haaion. Faaok wMJwi 70 iiwba pane: ITha Top" An aaWHon la pro- SONS Sola Plena" Baa An bv •■ taaja Door Cantaan artiara Jat* HaaAM. A JM md i tame HI MO aonaad of dw praapocaa Mr a noar bvTHn 20 am men a end M» (TMO MOVa! *•» Young • MAOtC OP OL PAJNT- Moman oaho raara Man* aa oM- S126 rraSon WaaHn HoM opan- one miylii In it* 1MB* Mom ptirhaaa of a aoMr wwrgy aya- ■VN VORTKCNTEf. Doanra bt Lava" (1M3I bboFwel INO dran bacomo bNMr ananaaa OL. •np r Eoaaon. a eaty a* o aim ol am and *uaat Sob vaa omtoka ntK) MOVW ** "bvaama> f«i POPat PBOfrTS Slha PT-» O( Chnai ho»alrooma Q MoKoan. Seen Vowaj. ■ UNDEBSTANDINO out a homo'a aolanaat for a aoav Wa-tJ VahW" (19781 tnurn SATURDAY NIOMT LIVl IfM r ISMIN HOLE TMang 1:10 NUBIAN MHAVKM 0 'Mao.. Author*, Hop* no A* Hoai Rot*-. WWsam. QMMK Mr Ai-cw Char m MOIE—H Oua- ■ STORY OF WFNE ■ OMAT CHE FS OP SAN AUSTIN CITY LIMITS onotian goaa W aSo> murh ho> awn Adam Ant. owr*a>dkwtrB. PauM bac «wth (afcarrioa arm TENWS "oawa c» atanrav Grand Notmnal corrtpai. PouodoTona 1 (IB) MO •Of w*io nopaToo A* pounfl V lo • XIV WINTES OLYMPICS anga Daddy'a Hankytonk.'' and t*BNIWS atiandon har rot ^iout. Maya and oao 11:00 rkgraVHa ol oomo Of »ha 4ay'i tOOLDENLINK tCOAONATlON STFaEET CKNIWI purawa an OaympK maoW m awanta (tVom teajawo. YuQrtaatv- eVUnieVAJBLU Sena* AMA13*I» aWMn MAN pawjofawaawoinaa ■ M AMAZINQ C06MIC horaafcaoa n**a. PG m. 11:00 MOW AWUMCNtas Of DUTTY / MCaVOMJ HULK nvo ••• Trt.i MO 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS ITAK FNO ADVANTAGE " Skeang Cbwiwaaieleiia (from 0 MATINEE AT THE MOON Tha otaaa runl dmoa-mt i" (tasi) mek 01 01 M MV VAUNTINf. Gary MorrM / GM Dav-n Mor- FAEETINO PLACE IF- P*. a, Hd.1: eVdmen'e World hm haa unuayat. av-iarr-n: po-ara auou na parfarrna a aanaa of Ma Mta ANn ClMO-t oaaraaaa fram St Oa> Sawt, Owrnpamaw ■ MAQK OP ANIMAL 1:00 fSTAffTKCK WCMAHB Undid to A Haar- (abw Oaaob m FiaaaRon. Ontario. ANO LANOSCAPI PA1NT- tWtLD WOPLD MATINtE AT THI lacha and Tha Lowa St* found tVVTLD KIFKhDOM MO HALP A HANOY NOUN • IJOU F MIL. ad "Ta/aan'a In Mo." and Gas* DMaa doaa FtlOH SCHOOL OUB Day mmm PLAY YOUB BEST MO »■■ MtM) oiarrmg Otann • SILVER SPOONS Dwat a 'Sorraaona "» Lookattg For SoTva va. a OOLP Tba law Of « Oaad • SPOHTSWEEKEND anwaua of dw apacaH rawaorwtap ono L*o Vow" and Youfa A (ON THE ISSUE SwBaj" Vanaaa apa tor anprowng a 1S37 cartoon: a daw Parky and laa tatna aaam to Hard Doe To Kaap Undar Tha A THIRD TESTAMENT lilikaaa Cakng 0 Kaata Bra- Of 101*: and Clwp- ■aa. NOVA ban*. I ana at pBI ajwarMBVaf L^arR'T^aBjTBWOaSj CanPO tar • of 'Tba Undaraaa Katgdam' I lraa> Tajajtaa. Or* I: En-ttaar, aVBJ NFL S OAEATEST Cbadtan Of Tba Penal" Tha (1*3*1 IRI Wartd Pro. iHBiialajia)MB Mm» MCdrSENTS AFC '7* Playoff • 11:40 oaonwa of aunaaa) of Zarae Mbab SKHNO FfS Paawaaaa. Palawan EntfanM: rw^il^u trf *m aVonv ^.. ^g 0 MOVK ** 'Tha Graa. Pypmaw. wfto bat* iwiwkwd Cap"c OaOO Mono VdhMura" MI'H Daon iiwouobadby moaam omlaebon 11:O0 aafxSiasall.) ■ ■ AJBVVOLF Oonwac Jonaa. Clndr Eftaohar. AMtfmn aa ■ MOVSi *• a Daaaa, (TMC) MOVII * * H fasata for Na Ma waan Na par* Lax** takaa lima owl ol No ■» tfiig Vanama 11*7*1 Claan* Own. "LoaaaKfc ' 11*13) Dudaty papttoiUHpl. ■ XIV WW.TE It OLYMPICS aaaa down at d* aaant on a nau- MIUII. Ebaaaadl HoOaaam, A ITMO MOVa * M "TM Let- Today a ataajdiaad aroma: Worn aaaKajM aaHadoo. 12.-00 THE- MK.ITARY "Uaknoam IIUBIWJ paiUaaawi Itnda ramaad • WE DOT IT MAOtOauow 0 MOVIE** V. ThaDrown- corn Conepeacy' 11*77) *radford iTaaOMUIH on'a akntmfdl In atpaw akaaa: U.S. faBrifmlawj an* a paeant. TO' aaaSa" The rate a* Meeke m dat ananwaa to 'nconcda *a*i Oawd M9 Pool (I976I Pad ttmmm, Oaanen. AderOawin. I * » Tatar, . Now ya. faotaray m wa hoatay rwe- US maway bom ITS* la a* ! S:»0 aw* 11:10 pmaant a aaaUed rat II HI York Adiiiiaaa- 11*43) JoNaty man bobaad 13rd and adt natal: Nenac uanawwd 70 maaai panp: a»o*l» IPanJI « STAR SEARCH • •OCUSi SLACK I .MataaanO-tuavan. • THIS WEEK II baaMan 30 am: man a and arorw- ) MOVa *** "Von Ryan a THREE STOOGES • MOVIE *** Tond Total BS7W NPL'S OMATIST ■ CtULTINO MINT w I1SUI Frank fjyawra. ■aVM CCLLECC BASKET- Tonal (1*701 aba MOMENTS 'linebeekera: IISPN) THI WOBLO an'a atnajao at Vw taoja (3rd ran) SJ, NEWS tkom Saraawa. Viaawaaaa). Traaar hwaard An American BALL Lama ya. Niadwaal Low- Seao. and Oeaao. IRI SPOarrSMAN "Oro* VVMa anSKEL B EBERT AT (MEET THE PPalSS ■ COMPUTER PRO ■ eaaet Cain lauif / Saa Trout FaaV THE MOV7ES THIS WEEK WITH 4*00 l4>VMl»aaa T)a> Naw Mao* A 11:10 ■ MOV* ••* Snwkbaat n* / Vrtwopm* Oarw Praaar OAVP SPdleTJJY MO • NHL HOCKEY DavoM Had mad MOV* ••• "Veaay Paaa- 11*7*1 Owrwe Beneon. • THE MUPPITS Ouaat: VMnga at Mmaaota North Saart awrjaay. Owryl Ttaaa. IB) OH" (1**3) Nwcaaa Capa. Saw* Maun ■JaVM COLLEGE SAflKST- Daboiafi Foreman. Cup alma I (TMO aSOVa *WH "Loam --Craaker ■ VtFFNTEB CLYIAP1CS S4 •AU. Micf-par. y% MidhiBan war. kaaane.) Oil 1.-00 Jack OH Tawaa Cba-c Ikon. S" I1*S2I Tom Ctwtaa. Jack* Staoa (StAjaci to bMdioui) FaWHWay ■ MOVa "CNnaaa Wab" iMH 1*00 yYbdaejeai. O C ) N) I1*7S) Mek llawimond. "abort S:SO SOUL TRAIN ■ MOVIE ••** Saw* nStO MOVa ** Mewnaan 11:SO tanon ■ MAMA'S PAME.Y VM MOVIE ** The Vampae Caaewy And Tha Sandanea Kaf" Faawy Rotwwon" 11*7*1 Roban ■ SENA. ZAX ANO THE • NATIONAL faoofWPH- and Naowa'i lonq awariad honar i 11*0*1 Paul Nawman. habart Lo*an. Suaan Oamawa Syewr. a" 11*70) btorid Pitt. Poba ALIEN FiajNCE FC SJWECIAL lova Ihoaa moon at « San 1:30 ■ POA OOLP IW.ieaa VbCTOBY GARDEN *ob WEEKEND MAOAZINC ov Caabon atammei dw badt- of IF* atorU of nan rowot .lay rha n^it .nth tha cou- ■ SKI TIME WRESTLFNO / Open" Fbwf round Owe bom dw SOL IO GOLD groand of aaaae dtat lad to dw ■*■ .""*"'•' peat and ■M. SIC TIME COUNTRY VVaadaa Counay Cka> - HonoaA,. LAST OE THE MOHa- coeapoeof dw lllaya Orwn and MNCWS •nowo hoar to M4uoa Ummnnq CANS Maajua oando iha Mwrvoa Feed awaaBK ■ WIDE WOULD OP and root a plwi^ph pWro Ml to tvao oapar a*a campa Aaca m a Oj) 01 MIKE HAMMER Whan ■ COLLEOC BASKETSALL SPORTS OOawkwO World MO aa-oara! mawoWa of on frroaadga- liOO Huron volaaa; Coro to tha Dala- lowaaiNnoa Wwghlatting Championenipa I THE WALTONS aoo 0 9 WASHINGTON 0) CBaalaVUTY TENNM) INTCR Ifrom Moaoow. USSR). Wold • *AT ALBERT IIINKCOLIAMOIYI WEEK IN REVIEW • KOSWORLD OH tha raaaona POT tha n-^Oaro 1:10 ■ MOVIE »•• "TMOraen ■ MOVIE ** * "Orty Man/. I 01 EVERYDAY COOKING 0 MOVIE *** AFMNMOI 7:S0 0 THE YELLOW ROSE Co. Sanaa" (ISM John VVevno. a Crary Lary (18741 Paba Fonda. ■ MTIrlNATIONAL EDI WITH JACQUES PfPIN Dcdara I1M7) Cam Eaatwood. • THE MUMIIS (iuaai laan ca« doa ahollar lor a pray* Oawd Mean. MaiOwp TION Fowl Bowaa haaaa a baA at Mananna Koch JtyaP Morgn. nani Mancan aranian who 1:10 tONOri M LOVE CONNECTION .Oj) NCAA BAWETBALL 0 M•A*S"H 0 HYMN aSNO Da Hymn 11 MCI MOVII **H •aala in a OoPaul at -*o*a Dama ' • LAST Of THE MOHI- *B PBONTLFNE "The CM Man Sng CFwrua end CtLlweae anaa- "Loaeetck" 11*131 OwoHoy varw-ty oi -raya CANS Unarmad. HaaAa-0 and And T>* Out" faanwwoj d* oon- ban wnh eeawBana atouang m momum TM ou M« Moor*. Eaadwdi InoGewarn 01 COMPUTER MO- Avid Tha Gun Eaamraraj ma con- * g And Ffoner And Ofay. ' Maala A at ■bl of IM Amencene wfto aup- •eOO "Mwawm Oyar The nSaop." t CSC NEWS ma of awb Airwncena -no a* OPNI COLLEOC BASKET- tbanal tea end "Open My ALL NEW THIS OLD had on uia ailia—iin and en I JACKa OL1ASON BALL i~ka* as Matnaaota IRI 1 yea Thai Me, See

Stanley H.Kaplan The Smart MAIN ST. TRY MOVE! WE'RE BACK BETTER SOMETHING THAN EVER! CHECK DIFFERENT!! OUT OUR FANTASTIC * unique atmosphere DAILY SPECIALS! * excellent entrees appealing appetizers PREPARATION FOR: OUR FEATURE BEER GMAT-LSAT.GRE THIS WEEKEND IS SUNDANCE [dlBtilvfley-H (419)538-3701 110 N. Main 352-1092 rnnTA%k 3550 SEC0R R0AD pflKliHIl TOLEDO, OHIO 43606 MsM.." i EDUCATIONAl , CENTER 117 N. MAIN' 352-3703 »*• friday/februry 10, 1984

HOUwS Bab VNMi Me 0* MMPM M* CM* Of J ■ INTaWTAmMf NT TMr* Pa* bVwa hm «l wriaml ■*> TanlSMaPanaa. •ft* ypCEK faaaaad. how HIM • WINTER OLYMPICS *4 ,.,» henhLhjadVPwhl Q m SIOtLINE* (•] IIIBMMBI Maa aaod roMa ptroupn J m • nmta UM «■■»■« INATUM kin. Mm ear*: (Vi FinaM Moura." a ?^ ?.'Jjj-!:'-J.'**"l.'*? " ••»71VA^ApTTICa»_^ Ml Ml IN*THUCTIONAL I The OHM atdueey o* baa BMfe M Ma oaaraaa of Ma 1M4 *T2:.r**r".**-■*** e-v »s- o«*. *M •*-» ■ ntorlia a 1M4 »■—1 • US and,!..** US Sanaa lawaaap bataaan Mat* Vawato ' BuMa, Jr. M oaneV nontoewoaepjaMdoBeraannu- San Joaaan McCarthy and Ma ■radur. aomafa 1,000 mMre at MO •MobimGMpM HIT •>aMU" Mia ope*, crop a US Army epead Maa*: man", IS »m •SPPII COLLEOE ■Aa*0Tr- Sob loura Pata. Nagaa f aa and •> C»|ilUlMniMI» ■ MOV« ••*» paiHar' BAU. Auburn bft, VatarbM Ml M*»KI lor T«d ohadka aaa Me Poyd Ycrt Hcaal ■ HUKVMOa ran 2) (IHt) Charban r IFAJu-LYPEUO M TeroraB M pan 1 of "How I I MO nil mn MOVS • *» -rvak- JaM Itoaaata. A Jaw SPHI COLLEOE AeKlT- UTTUI H0VSC ON THE Spam My Summa VaopMm." ■ ■ •:20 M" HMD Jam*. Baa. Roman who aara franca aa ottf- BALL fteeean Coaaaa M). s. ENNPI Doaa Cap (TMa MOVIE •* 'Me ■ INOIAN HOMO* n. hhcheol Noa. A youn* aornen ■ ■LhathHMi a III Ac* IISUI Son loynofo. Ley* M> *» Me fakeo of • Oap- ••>> wake aa a -Wow rm to irha ama of Chrar • M-A-S-H M A ■ 1:00 News • MACNEl / LEHNCH M amain Id I area a* MM a XIV WINTTiR OLYMPIC* Ml ■ S20 •aTPNI COLLE0E auAJpKET- 0 IB ONI DAY AT A TIM* HaPagMa of eaa of M* Maa ■SPMI *»OPlT*CiNTi«l MO ■ALL lama «a. Ncthaaai loa- laiiamas, atwavad wah a prM- BTaPp* SIDELINC* A magaana kehnkap.Cwi.lPBlllCJ Sctvwda ■ SOM bevhdo, pre- avanu Ifrom Saaawo Yaf "Ctvmpa Eaaon" eaaan IV but aa* P.R. woman. r*G ■how MB*SJ up-atd-oomlng • WOOIHOUH PIAV- ■anwatajl 7:20 » UIWTW COPBLANO llflO lOtOO BBtTW COLLEOt *A*KET • P.M. MAlaAZHpI An raa (TMa MOVPf Tha PaabM Of • • EMERALD POINT. •ALL Mchaai „ MaMpan eajae M Spaa i.nlM of eppra. PapjaMa'- I1M1I Kaat Uaa. SUM Ml >«EE-. COMPANY ^IJTl^'JZ CC M Anoaa Lataburv. (aaan and SuM- aWPHoEY MfLLER van i bOPaC opaa Mat M* ator, IPH ■ VHWILD. Wb_D WORLD Of ■■00 I' aol'il a.1 afMo»0». - BfBPNI COILEO* BAfJKtT- of a paaat I aporannca wfio aapaa to maul an henaal awna 1:20 ■ THE NATVONAL / JOUR- •ALL Auburn at VendabM Ml OMOMAL BX MOCXFY ■ aa»»HI BASKETBALL M Ma *eS0 op^aaiCTrraw aa gff^j > ERPOPPMAJIC- IMWMIllll «Na»»al Mr of a iiaab apapaf. '0* NBA On Tanam- Cwaac Jerry BftTNl COLLEQE BA*KET- BALL Beaaan Coawa *e- * 11:41 eoofc SaealBMy PtoM awSm By at STPORTS TMi «tNAL aataTSH ! AT UTIU RAA I ** "Tto Tenwr- Peto Mp Mil" few aapao efcora- WAY* raw Maa" 11 MO I Don FPanoke. IBS4 Saa-Oa* Ceaaaaaen a* (fpTMTMK Sajptan leAfkJe. Aa Bat awM IM0 MO by Meraa ant Inl.H. I-o~ ufotnmu. WOULD Of IBuMiorororaaaa, on Mo eve of ■ ENT«*lTAINa «w laom Saaavo. YawMeMe). Ben e*are Maura, mono 5 000 Cap" Man'o baton (Pom Bore- an ana pa daihol raw mark, a (TMa**H "TfatseAfoTMa* ■ • r^ONTLInlE "Oho Me naaa apoed Manna, woman ■ I aau. PvtoMa.1 ml baowahAeoe. All Ova 11*821 Picha-d ThM Saj Trme Paepun" TNe pro- am e> maa IIMIOI Mhh*. IPaPHI aPOBTSCtNTEP hM Oaach Maa. Tommy Chora, I fund roa- ITMa*** ThaY^OfLhot, ■ A CHIPMUNK VALEN- ■ MOVIE »** IbH*ll llbtra ao MM he ran marry OmoaouPr" IIMII WGaMon. •:*0 Ifl74l AMf Grtfmn. Sam *M- ■ ** The Coapu Ida A Saoaray Waavar Senon ay M a* Ahal la bade I BBBPMTNE NaATONKIHT Vaea" 11*72) ft* Sofbv. Peaa ■ BUT OP CARftON 4:20 10410 TMUNO AO VAHTAOC • MOvet Bruc lea. Tha Oiaeli pup Lynn Hidpa a. (TMO ** "S| I II Pay vewnwa.DeyBM • • TRAPTER JOHN. LIT «»» EOOM nma 12:20 Millie**." (Ho Daepl. Two Ma- ■Maa lee Oreenwood. Cherta 11M11 jm HarrM. JaraM Hepwk. ■ XIV WkhrrtA OLYMPIC* M D A llllllll FUlBldlii ! dera* of e femouo huno fu aechar Oaborra (R| crack, unbar aw apsa af hla (TaK) »* "SerokM Aee" ■ ol barta each odwr ■ XIV WINTER OLYMPIC* ran whene 7' I1SS1I Son PavaeeSe. lent ■ 1:90 ■SPNI COLLEOE BASKET IBeeebjbM of para of Me day • • ffTMOMA nVORT: OUfl BALL Auburn to. VmdabM aama (from Saaavo Ywpaap- ■ MAamftK* TH*. CHUMIN AIW DYING Cool 1«0 (Svsacl to Haul we). a ATM "The Men P..M." A rome- ■ * * n fapvi To Mift.M«iiL..»li« ho.. maa MOV* •*>» "TMn(B • • LATENrOHT AMERI- IIMII JM ■ ■■■ aV of aiara a aal at mobon whan tt-ikMit I *-ap-» • rltfi hWtory Are Paaat Al 0a»" 11 tall PJoV CA Hoal Derma VVhcar, ■ WHEEL OC» FORTUNE Hat. aataa at Barnard *wto a ««d cutftffi ow tkm W Oa>0* ■ BENNY HB_L ■ MACNE / 14734701 ■aaaaal *> See, KABB, eele ttnd Imtmm OHMR v*a«inoH 2:20 Chora, Two men have nwnaroua (TMO MOVC *** "Tbaal Show a aanaaroua mar* (Pal II by 0t«k*v »oon. M*. Connor. (TMO ** "Tm—m ItM T. Haean" IIMII Na* Manou- I HAPPY DAY* AOAHI Waa Aaraa Phoaaa C ao. Sad FMBVM. On rha heap of COMPUTER PRO- 4:20 I "lafe i: (TMa **H llllllll Bay" MO i af i • OAVIN AND LOTT (1MIIA ■ HANOPN W A young aM • Par, drown aaa aatmg Maa IMJaKtHOVV letstaiaiiM PO (TMQ MOVaT • • • "Tee Men IIIIIM to IIIM a at order to BJ| ■ THE BEAINSTAIN OH MOV»J **» "Yaaaj 11:40 tt*M Tab Mara ' HMD 9-v. MAIM G0MK VAtfJaDM aat" HM2II ■ BBDVB1 •** The Haen odaaaww Q ■aahfja San- (ISSTI Aaa Beak. ■**• too Paul I 700 CLU* raaraad mar- |a MM aMIM WHEEL Of PORTUNE >.ng i IOESO MCva.Perehawi Ml MaM *WII KAVOC rmuo I HAPPY DAY* AOA1N NBA OH Ttoare' CBBBC. Jary HAWA»PfV«-0 AIPXMJfC DANC1PK) aapcopi 11:00 twmppTl1 The eeeaM A*C NCVV* hWlffTUNE • ••atWrS S:20 (TklO MOVBl «*» "200 THREE BTOOOE* — ■ ato part Pa | THi NATIONAL i •NI»PORT»ClNTER wtowa" (1S71I Pne* Zappe. faot (Jaa Pavja SMI. A mat band. Me > e HoSra Tail 11 MoMara Of liapeppi. pave e TVajBBAV raa '. —a. Adua Irwrw dram fa THI DIFFERENT CappCBNNAT) MaaaM.a~nolCenaer.oa. Owww.Ooa.1 CakUMMtPI: aLACKI Hi fwpOAMllY 14, IBM PORT •:20 *) Snda toe* a. e aaM TMi MUTAHV Tha Trbapa" lie rail! P1T1PI ■ ■POUR MAaONSIM. Map aabratalaiii at ova nMHarv SOO • OREAT UTTU RAB.. Paoufh WorM Aalla ritaaad. WAY* r*T> coo NEWS ABCNEW*p aaaaah PPMM Ma raa*a of na rauiMig • OREAT PlPJTOPaVIANC- TONfOPfT TV • FMeM Hour.' NtOHTWATCH WKRP IN CkNCtNNATI ■ COMEDY IOWOHT E* "A Choraogr atha . HOB>- A aw* M R lliaail KetawM'a "to 2:20 OAYTBel BPORTB ■uat ana • ItM of Mil IIIUI Aatng Me CoaM (Taaa MOVBl *» "Save* ■afNISaORTftCENTER MM I i i" fear am II chore- Maaaa Owe a INI Aoe" IIM3) Ban BBMPP lent a JO 11:20 MB ographed to SaaanMy I muac ■ WkNTlR OLYMPICS '*4 OJ ■ ENTERTAINMENT ITSrWC |NCW»flNAL by Menaa are eaawafr. Eahi linadtod rwrasmi olnco toe 4:00 TONfOMT OOP, Panon lekt tea, PhaeB." Tenaa.- Pano SOO 11:30 KPNOHT AlOffR Mrctaa ROOEOIPI about ha new mow "PJaw- Raj Muac' end "Conoato For

nd 2 Birthday Sale! AVOID LONG (Mon. 13th - Sat. 18th) WALKS 10% off any TO CAMPUS sale under $50 FULLY CARPETED • AIR CONDITIONING 2 BDRMS * CLEAN BUILDINGS 20% off any ' sale over $50 520 E. REED all counted cross stitch and stenciling supplies 525 E. MERRY come celebrate at... 507 E. MERRY NEWL0VE MANAGEMENT S#) 336 8. Main 190 South Main St. 352-5620 Mini Mall, BG 354-1437 b« MWI friday/febniary II, 1984 11

m at* tkmi mm*» 1.000 ™ •m MPis OMAmr MACML / LIHMK cm'. Man and man ■ feee pro- 10 hm ■ MO U:«» 11:00 MOWBMTt fes. Is. Taans" wwwom »-< » (as, aUanc man'. fj MAIWE1 PLACE l.u« aMPM) COLLEGE IAIUI. M I'lAPPV DAYS AGAIN (kM akkat a aWna aUkaj 12nd IFA**LY«UO M Padntpona on paaaa -no •ALL an Dam. a, Fraasa, cmo MOVU »••» lam- AMKMIC OANCMO nm); man. 1.100 sasss M LfTTLI HOUM ON THi art and as ha laaaaa: Cfens- HI • TmUOUT «" IIM41 naaad Int. PaMt - M>ad SMtat man'. 4.101m aWN) PasMTM MCXt "Tnu fem Jsaaon looh. a da sand of fJaFM COLLEOE WUT- 0 loa. fesaj fcn ■ ol I naad 1:00 ■MM ■ iiiMi aakajMaa Fas. ■» da AAsnas CMi rAvM-foHraMf naavs: and Jm dBMi —a a. Anaayasafe * (TIKI MOV* •» 'Tfea ■ Movu »*. -mm ii fe-aCAY ii Ii Id. Csnsfesv Assa. IMiMfr IAS*, prssna hasa on ana n H170I Akn AnUn. Mam. a*. Haataa'' UNO) Ttafe Vm easts ta own a ca? dvMng a hfs ■ M». WID WOPAO Of flatO aSOVBJ •• 'MSV 1*. ! Dsara. Iitaafe Collar. A llfW AM. oTsa ■ •Ml tfWTKINTIII MM Tk» Isa" I1H7I Jam Was*, aaa .AakfeM. ■ ACT TATUM Ik. Ml say • THi FACT* Of LOT. MM" Ml - Ma tans* — ~— An ■■a asT. Mama. .tan la *ns» a Miaul lay., sad «■ MAOftUfel, PJ. •MaMtttakMa.. 1:10 7:10 IfeyOsmons. VO' •nt-k - Lanaay. Ma. III.II HAWAII prvc-o ■ WWItCHTHI anas* a hat MWl assa GMAM* A anuctwi s. •:*0 ll:O0 nMw.iwamg 1:00 «i a aaiduii a few. Van Cky. • • AOCKtN ■ FtOLLnv.' ■djaadldd, ■^ WITH PHA 1ICTOB A laa> rmo aaova ** iasa a. • row a> afeasi asMsa sad a •U.MIWUOr' UCHiWlg 11(7(1 aktsd An.. at aatsfcaliliiilii Call) i Tl ■ THAI 11* JOHM. M.D. A na w M.raMlda. TMa wn M THI ' fetsialaSr-' i 1:10 ••Ova ON avast I »" 11(711 Lena Onss. Caff MM ■ CIS NEW! 7:00 Ml tSSBHTWATCH asML "Taa Csrssaaajaara.'' An ■ PAONT PAOt CHAL 2:*» T— PAHTY - il OanaM 11:1* ■■ ■■ ■afM IFsaDC TW PGA Dm* . s»tad S, si.,. Mil... "TtLO «J ajaoHT cojur ito, Tounm ■ «7V VaafetTtll OLVfeSPld K.«ka..,aman> 11:10 •M '-DM (bay.' • tndjnra aymmc* 04 1«0 si a» da,'. fjTMI PVTH KJTATI HM P.I. ■ CIS NEW! n(Kl MOVal *••• "Mr HaOMTWATCM Fa. Udt"r (Iiifew fess in HI ■ =• 10«> Si TO • a. UJ« - as aa- t THi NATIONAL / JOLfeV ■tPM (sOPaaCfNTtA •sm>d (as.. »». *» l^">l Afea.pss.aa sss»aa»msj •nan • 3.000 m la 1:10 PACING NO. to a. ax* G • LATlllfealT llaum I L>aad>iP.a,aadH I 1MI A-HAM Tfea I rvwsmnai (TMCI MOVIE •* -§, Mt •as aaamssl • UTTLE HCaJtBI ON THI Das*.- I1M1IPany Da.Mat fj OOTTA MAKE IHS» ■ PVaaTLV TMa Aks Mna I Mas. la as... P(aWM« 11:40 JOasTaalV: (wlfT HONtr stjassd ass al (JLa asmss. MOVU *»» '-Tfea Fata IN THI NOCX Alrsanfeajan- 4.-00 (BJJM aao M M *s hadt arAsal • M-A-I-H • XIV WWTSJI clYTdPtCB ■ ■ UkUNKnHT AasUO- ••«• OOLLKa aVUsttT- arfem. Tsss/a I il Kill I I li assm- ■ ACAOamtV ON COM- PUTfjaj fem ANO 1YT11 IMPIII tVOMTSCENTER -Fad" A ■ OONT KNOCK THI aabai POCK A mn feat a acfe 7:10 ■ P.M. MvuiAawi A «a Id. I nig ir. aa» Tfea A-Taam" as a r MM aasada Ms nasfeaj assa. a> •• IHP»I « COASPANY ta.iv a HAtVAsPTVl-O a. -«— - on. a o. I—.. ■■« aVfeU. Maa.aa a OlaiiaaAi d A_l a PaasTTMCalu. was M.-SC (TfesO MOVU a)** lasx aajaaradi i saataM -THI POA as a aaa fca Mj afeaj TOUK Idaaaaa. ■ LAT1 NKnHT WTrM •too I HAND ANO EYE Cs-at* DAVB LI I lasMsVUI wfeataauaas VVHML Of POBTUAai • ■ MOVfeT . a . -Gaas as. aaaaa and daa. ds- I (WAOOAFIT taw. Tfea Vswr' ran u mm • Ma*. naafsaj ~sadna. 10:11 i da* cssfeb. vtaa Lafe*. Tfea I" Mara (an a a. Lad « HAPPY DA Yl AGAIN aaraAffS si PJan ad COMPUTIFI PDO- aaaMaadfera. 11 CO I CHEIFfel TMt asa'. ana 11:40 iNfeTASJ OMAMMI "Tfea TMntlmj a a aras tsan a feama as ■ MOVTi a>* -risk PS, . •uwa MPOPT and, Il ml aatd fead a 11(72) Af ■ HATim. 0l> TTSSSOt. A »a.aa ABTfetAT awaaas ■ da ait Itaassn. aaa ! I ■ MY1TEAYI Fafe, Aa I CO 11 04 (TMa MOVdi •* -taafes Aoa" ■„, feaia. Lam i m NEW1 ataTJ 0 rTsWTsTa"sW Ijs PfiWal. rBrjTparbt| TO Anosran A trudtw mdaa a sad 11:10 pjat" fOf KlaaOJaTHQ IfMfe COfaTfs^stJatsti canvact Fa it. car', na. feat m »BV aajllaTA OLYMPIC( MOV*f *** -Tfea La. • POLICE rrOIIY A a assa. asa, da tscoma aaa" Hi i wiifeidi Ml snaVaa taas ■ ((■> ss Ffeaad a tea feafe.i: ma'. eonad sana ol da pofea ton. IV as Wflnd P A. wanan.-PG* »a> assr. |la art a skaa >aaaidi issferaaa a aarensv iBig aaa. aa.1 3.000 maaa a ■ MO ■ •CaWNaVsl 1:10 aaad aaa« man. Mra 11 a • TOaMHT Gu-i ataa- •ALL Oasraa Tad. a las and IndnaalM a ta.: as- ■ NMCNEWS Casks MlMI» fesdaatj ■ AlCNEWlqi asMt* PaaVaW- HOLE Trad art 4 a ( ato/ M in... inHI. , I XJV WINTEFI OLYMPIC1 HO • VVXiap IN ClIdONAUTl Pssks a da An i ... Cams'' ■ MASPALO «U VfeaadV M ■ 1UWHN tfeVPCavr fetaa a eaiiaa da etnad waja aar a assa a safes MO • • SMITHaONIAN (■> fa) lATENIOHT AfeMPI- 7O0 fees oT fed ■ saw a a tvOam ■ aPS) INTERNATIONAL WOPAD tss, Tfea 0a> ■ • ENTlATAlNMiNT I II Ham GA Haac Otsfekaark*- PsJAOAAlXY P..S0a. ■ MNNVrKl TCasKsMT «.«. Jaa Kfeaasn lOrOO ■ • KNOTS LANCHNO 1:10 sdatasfeaat aaa (at ■ 11:40 ■ CIS NEWS ■ '-AVsysM- Gay id lilt Na fesnsr. a pta a FaOHTWATCM aad Fas |1(W soak Hudan. ass. at da an aaa a Car ) WVNTEP OLYMPIC* '04 riMO (feOVsl ••» Taoad Laafe. Con A fessa puraas Es.alis.aka • THE NATIONAL / JOUt! ,- I1M2I Cfeasfe ' af a mat a a ran. a faas ahaatg: MO ll.-OO adom a skaa sarar. ■ CIS NEWS iHdHAWAII PtVl-O m a Ma pit—il. (aaa ha a NaOHTWATCH A»C N«vy» NKsHTLMSE A! tFAMAYPEUO ndraaaaaaaaia SJjasj COLLEOt feAkKET THPIEE rrooou TW PtfetK PANTMEP as. aad Fana soa lot la (AU. CsStors - UCLA til ■aTM CIAL afeaa'afekaasfe. nan aaoVB •»• "Tka akOO Mass aka a a oaaaaj si SSI • MCPva <* H 'Tfea CM ITIdO ((Ova ••* Tklat Paa A (asms- I1M2I Oar, ToHaaan' 11(411 > (Vsa Dan. astr Faafe. ! fesnA. (ski Wfesaa. Tha to. lltUI ssnsva a a afess .nan aakr- rtfesa (POPTTa-OOK (PI «(PNI SPOATKENTIN (TMCI MOVU **H 12:10 Tamaiiiaaii ' fj LATI NIOKT WITH •jMOIOPIWtEK i Mar' 11(7(1 felcn- Ik— «ka •••* OAVtO L(TTaP7MAN Gos. 0 P.M. MAOJtjasl A ak- 10: JO Isa. ***» i.atak. K)i Ovaad. 0 ALL NEW TH» OLD Vsrakkt *** HOUaTI (ak VM ana a mas- Oasd •*■. 12:40 I aftTHAEEl COMPANY fesasa ol pnskkncaad feana . MM ;- ■ MOval a * TMala Fs, r laknMnd. a»aao as feastv 11(701 F. # XTV VVINTM71 CLVfeJPICa S.:r::::::::*: WHRA rjp POPTTUSaE Tods'. iMldkl K.lfe Wom- aaasg SENIORS Get your senior portrait taken for the '84 KEY starting next week! CALL TODAY TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT Photographer here for a limited time only DON'T MISS OUT! 372-0086 310 Student Services 12 bg Bern fridayIfebrwy If, ISM

senior liberal studies (drums/vo- "Wilma In Bed," and "Betty's Plea- The Times hope to eventually cals), Mark Rieke, Ph.D. candidate, sure." move out of Ohio and tour around psychology (saxophone/flute/key This will be The Invisible Flintsto- Detroit, Chicago, Buffalo, or Toronto boards), and boo Kowalaki, of Toledo nes first appearance on campus. this summer, according to Blaire. (bass guitar). (Catherine Sullivan, They played at Main Street bar last junior radio-TV-film major, will ap- year and have sent out tapes to some pear tonight in a duet with Bosco. The major record companies in hopes of The Invisible Flintstones will be Invisible Flintstones do all of their landing a contract. playing at 8 p.m. in Grand Ballroom own music, including a few songs That is also the goal of the Times. tonight. The Times will play from 9 based on Flintstone music: "Fred Their EP was released to "test the pjn. to midnight. Tickets are avail- Freaks Out" "Bedrock Shuffle," waters," according to Blaire. able at the door and the cost is $2. MAKE YOUR PARTY A PLEASURE VIEW! EVatrnHNCUMOKTTB TNMvGN COttECT KBCMPT10N LBtSCS *29»« $4988

—■*—dt In— 1 ■■«!■■ *0m.

AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL 382-1876 «* *— *■ «-.*-»«. •» Begin Your Long Weekend HURSDAY - COLLEGE NIGHT ree admission with College ID rink Specials all evening FRIDAY - MEN'S NIGHT ree admission and Drink Specials all Night for men lb MOM Together SATURDAY - LADIES NIGHT Free admission and Drink Specials all Night for Ladies MONDAY - ROCK NIGHT [Drink Specials all evening B.G.S.U. ADMIT ONE Proper Dress required 382-1876 VALID THRU THE MONTH OF FEB