Consultee Comments for Planning Application 1866/17 Application Summary Application Number: 1866/17 Address: Finningham Road Old Newton Suffolk Proposal: Outline planning application with Access, Landscaping and Layout to be considered for the erection of up to 56 dwellings with vehicular access from Finningham Road, Old Newton. Appearance and Scale to be the subject of a Reserved Matters application Case Officer: Gemma Walker Consultee Details Name: Mrs Karen Price Address: 1 Canhams Farm Cottages, Cow Green, Bacton Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4HH Email:
[email protected] On Behalf Of: Old Newton With Dagworth And Gipping Parish Clerk Comments This application was discussed again at an extra planning meeting of 25th July 2018. Previous comments submitted by the parish council are still deemed valid and in addition, in February 2018 Historic England registered the moat as an ancient monumental site. Cllrs felt that the setting of this farmhouse and the moats are the most important aspect of this particular piece of land that is still strongly felt should be preserved. This site is not the parish council preferred site for housing development within the village area and sufficient houses to meet the villages needs could be constructed on more appropriate and available sites. The damage to the setting is done by the whole development and will be marred by the whole development. NPPF highlighted the significance of the site, the sum total of the house moat and setting need to be preserved. Parish Council believe that this application would do untold harm to the setting. The development is too big It has been previously reported that the application of 56 houses in phase 1 is in excess of the needs of the village.