Annexure A: Proof of Site Notices/ Posters

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Annexure A: Proof of Site Notices/ Posters Annexure A: Proof of Site Notices/ Posters SITE NOTICE Annexure B: Proof of Advertisements Wednesday 7 May 2020 NEW ERA ADVERT 7 NOTICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING ASSESSMENT Stubenrauch Planning Consultants (SPC) hereby give notice to all potential- ly Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA • Subdivision of Erf 3108 (of Erf 101), Okahao Proper into 12 erven and Remainder, Okahao, Omusati Region. It is the intention of the proponent to subdivide Erf 3108 of Erf 101, Okahao MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIALISATION AND TRADE Proper into 12 erven and Remainder. The proposed subdivision will create 11 Residential erven and 1 Public Open Space. The proposed subdivision will also provide for the creation of a 12-meter-wide Street. The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT) has compiled a list of local manufacturers who are producing reusable face masks from all 14 Regions. This list will guide the General Public while providing information on where they can buy these masks. This is an indicative that The Proponent: Okahao Town Council Namibia has sufficient production capacity for face masks. Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Stubenrauch Planning Kindly take note that another list will be published on Friday the 08 May 2020 with additional names. Consultants (SPC) REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: FABRIC FACE MASKS PRODUCERS In line with Namibia’s Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and EIA regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012), all I&APs are hereby invited to register CONTACT BUSINESS NAME CONTACT NAME ADDRESS Johanna Fillipus Ondangwa 0817177167 and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing via NUMBER Ondangwa Industrial Amalia Art and Craft CC Amalia Jakob Aranos 0814400518 Cliffmen Investments Pty Ltd. 085 127 4000 Area Email:; Okahao Fashion Design Helena Ekandjo Okahao SME Park 0812585261 Nyukwa Butique CC Oshakati West 081 246 3516 Fax: 061 25 11 89 or Kainaa Mbomnoro Sesfontein 0814364476 David Shikomba Tel: 061 25 21 57 Jormos Investment CC Business, Ongwediva 081 334 7097 Elizabeth Amalovu Okahao 0813994909 Ondangwa Industrial Rosalia Amadhila Oshakati 0812438998 on or before 29 May 2020. Annely Fashion & Design 081 128 7806 Park Mukwanangadu Trading Maano Mwapopi Luderitz 0812749677 Alex Boutique Trading CC Evululuko Oshakati 081 269 4759 Enterprise CC Out of Africa Mr. David Kamau Windhoek 0812441891 Little Lur-Lea Luderitz 0813856847 Luxury Investments MA Klein Windhoek, Silas Tailoring Else Silas Khorixas 0812319028 Mr. Hofnie Ipinge 0817519243 (Pty) Ltd Windhoek Hatupopi Oyiwanawa Fashion Design Nkurenkuru 0813509919 Oshakati Main Road, Ndamononghenda Spar Oshakati Mr. Franklin 0817859535 Oshakati Himrwankuru Trading CC Mpande Kandjimi Nkurenkuru 0813355310 Valour Clothing and Ms. Dananai Hochland Park, 0814749546 Annacleta Accessories Chiguvare Windhoek Kora Nyara Sewing Project Nkurenkuru 0813604315 hamutenya SALSHI Ms. Salmi Shilongo Ongwediva 0812226799 Nsigwe nage Muntu Nangoro Heremine Nkurenkuru 0815774915 PUBLIC NOTICE Tuuli Trading CC Garment Investment Ms. Alina Shipuata Eenhana 0812582278 ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING ASSESSMENT Manufacturing Brigita Fashion Design Brigita Kandongo Rundu 0813229803 Tiringa Tailor and Fashion Ms. Maggie Neshuku Khomasdal, Windhoek 0813749216 Stubenrauch Planning Consultants (SPC) hereby give notice to all potential- Designer Yetu Garment Manufacturing Frieda Hausiku Rundu 0812974408 Nkanda Urama Sewing NINA Ricci Fashion Boutique Limbu Imelda Rundu 0812225494 ly Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to Project the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Hipu Trading CC Theresia Phillemon Oshakati West 0812463460 Helalia Trading Helalia Jacobus Rundu 0813037806 Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations The Tailor Man- Windhoek T/A Ms. Lungameni Cimbebasia Windhoek 0817873146 Ms. Mungunda Klein Karas 0816281544 (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: SAF Investments CC Nekwaya Kitenge Tailoring and General Independence Avenue, Martha Pieters Koes 0812131718 Ms. Ritha Rushubiza 0812740414 PROJECT DETAILS: Suppliers Windhoek Kahili Boutique Hilde Shikongo Uukwangula 0812140248 Incubation Centre, Rachel’s Creations CC Ms. Rachel Hango 0817873690 • Subdivision of Erf 332, Onethindi Extension 1 into Erf A, B, and Windhoek Marley Greenwood Luderitz 0818912823 Remainder; Susnam Sofima (Pty) Ltd Ms. Naomi Kisting Windhoek 0811473558 Evilastus Kaaronda Windhoek 0818566606 • Permanent Closure of Erf B/332 as Public Open Space; David Shikomba Wanaheda Medical Centre Nancy Kanhu Cimbebasia, Windhoek 0811490566 • Amendment of Title Conditions of Erf B/332 from Public Open Space to Enkali Professional Schoolwear Endeline N. Enkali Business Park, 0813347097 New Vision Consultancy Dr. Esther Akwaake Windhoek North 0811240871 Business. Ongwediva Linus Ngomushalo Robust Investments CC Tauko Shilongo Windhoek 0811505050 Linus Ngomushalo Otjomuise, Windhoek 0812418660 Investments CC The proponent intends to subdivide Erf 332, into Erven A, B and Remainder. 0814187445/ Momson Trading CC Victor Naimhwaka Khomasdal, Windhoek Naemi Keshomwali 0813395252 The proponent further aims to permanently close Erf B/332 as Public Open Fashion and Tailoring Otjomuise, Windhoek 0812856871 Space. The intended permanent closure will enable the proponent to amend Tuli Amutenya Windhoek 0811665283 CC Tuna Shange Tailoring Muhetuma Pioniers Park, Naupe Trading CC Justine Nauyala Khomasdal, Windhoek 0816146597 the Title of Conditions of Erf B/332 from Public Open Space to Business. 0813798064 and Gifts Hamunyela Windhoek Tumashange Windhoek 0813798064 Sesillia Clothing, design and Tailoring Ndapewa Amutenya Tsumeb 0812812761 The Proponent: Oniipa Town Council collection CC Redgate Investments CC Windhoek 0812131701 Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Stubenrauch Planning Oneshila Main Road, Trina Trading Enterprises CC Ms. Petrina Hango 0812753241 Consultants (SPC) Oshakati Ndunge Komandevi Opuwo 0812297291 Dorado Park, Owera Investment CC Eino Erasmus Windhoek 0815782441 Mshasho Clothing The Dogg 0812775812 Windhoek REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: New Word Fashion Ndilimeke Katulo Katima Mulilo 0812964272 Mondesa In line with Namibia’s Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and EIA Acky Boutique Anna 0812156295 Swakopmund CKP Stationeries Cletius Mushaukwa Katima Mulilo 0813196217 regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012), all I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing via Dina Afrikaner Windhoek 0815728145 Jakuchi Graphics Jackson Kunatela Katima Mulilo 0813344803 Henderline Vries Gobabis 0815620200 Main Stream Foundation Sylvia Chinduka Katima Mulilo 0812983557 Email:; Christine Shiindi Luderitz 0812893189 Nyanda Nyanda Trading Theresa Talubengwa Katima Mulilo 0812322643 Fax: 061 25 11 89 or Didis Trading Enterprises Anna Taseb Keetmanshoop 0812114258 Tsalach Fashion George Simataa Katima Mulilo 0813254481 Tel: 061 25 21 57 Erna Clothing Designer Erna Kuhlman Mariental 0812059474 Josita Enterprises Magrietha Beukes Groot Aub 0814171814 on or before 29 May 2020. Moeti Fleermuys Mariental 0818145580 Sharp Design Kamati Remizius Windhoek 0814259314 Jacky Motinga Hardap 0812718615 Winnie Maabi Ngweze, Katima Mulilo 0816465990 Mukengami Flory Davids Keetmanshoop 0813075343 Wilhelmine Aipanda Kamanjab 0817021288 Anna Marie Witbooi Aranos 0814408261 Hilma Tshilombo Otjiwarongo 0817589456 Ndeshitila Veronica Outapi 0813131546 Sophia Upithe Okahandja 0812428348 Mee Kaleinasho Eenhana 0811295657 Magdalena Kakishi Gobabis 0816714196 Agnes Wittenbach Hardap 0818443456 Mbahepa Kandanga Grootfontein 0812626206 Katalambano Trading Ms. Batseba Ndjoze Otjiwarongo 0812439503 Enterprise CC Rauha Akwaake Luderitz 0812831878 0811291270/ Landa Nambahu Oshakati Sara Swartbooi Aranos 0813117223 0816487904 0811488251/ AM Creations Theresia A. Pieter Keetmanshopp 0813202804 Exclusive African Classics Josephine Shaanika Evululuko Oshakati 0812735658 Zuzelin Mini Multi Fashions Agneta Isaaks Keetmanshoop 0812073359 Helga Nieumann Otavi 0816461426 and Cater Colleen Van Wyk Rehoboth 0812708253 Paulina Fuuma Otavi 0815809308 Ingrid Gamatham Mariental 0813034650 Make my day Mini Market John Shikongo Omafo, Helao Nafidi 0817129006 Caroline’s Needle work Caroline Biwa Keetmanshoop 0813090320 Aloe Lime Investments CC Windhoek 0817917545 Denacle Investments CC Clemencia Coetzee Karasburg 0813631206 Martha Haikali Oshakati 0812471821 Aroab Needlework Project Lucia Rooi Keetmanshoop 0812594980 Toini Aktofel Luderitz 0816147342 Sofia Bloodstaan Keetmanshoop 0812605388 Juty Indongo Uupindi, Oshakati 0818439848 Claudia Vries Keetmanshoop 0812619299 Alina Shiimi Oshakati 0812973572 Nepety Trading Enterprises CC Albertina Amupolo Windhoek 0815529072 Maria Aribes 0812511855 NAF and Math Investments CC Mathew Shivolo Kuisebmund Walvis Bay 0811287745 Wilhemiena Kanyeme Omaheke 0812935375 Eyambeko Garments Design Martha Ngwedha Wanaheda Municipality 0814435552 Fransina Katamba Odibo, Oshikango 0812946496 Industry Stall No. 5 Justin Haitembu Onhuno 0818162399 Inansa Investments CC Ingo Shanyenge Bokamoso 0812355588 Entrepreneurial Gotlieb
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