Conference Cultivates Naval Leadership Professor Named Aera Fellow Database Promotes Undergraduate Research Senior Shares Experi
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THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 47, ISSUE 103 | THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Senior shares experiences as gay athlete Professor Tennis player Matt Dooley works to bring You Can Play organization to ND named By MIKE MONACO The original piece on Sports Editor had been tweet- ed more than 550 times and AERA Matt Dooley returned to shared on Facebook more than campus around 2 a.m. Monday 5,600 times as of Wednesday af- after the Irish lost to Virginia on ternoon. Dooley said since that fellow Sunday in Charlottesville, Va. 10:30 a.m. wake-up call, “it’s A second-semester senior, been 24-7,” receiving count- Dooley is taking six credits, less phone calls, texts, tweets, By HENRY GENS and he doesn’t have class on emails and more. News Writer Mondays until 12:30 p.m. So he “So far it’s been all positive. set his alarm for 11 a.m. I’m still waiting for that first The American Educational “I woke up at like 10:30 to my negative,” Dooley said of the Research Association (AERA) phone going nuts,” Dooley said. reaction he’s received. “We’ve recently named Notre Dame Dooley wrote an article on gotten emails saying we’ve sociology professor Mark that detailed already saved people’s lives, Berends a fellow in recogni- his life as a gay athlete at Notre which has been great. tion of his scholarly contribu- Dame. In the article, Dooley “I’m not a Twitter guy, and tions to education research. said he attempted suicide in it blew my mind how fast ev- Observer File Photo Berends was accepted as 2011 because “death was better ery aspect of my life could be Matt Dooley, a senior tennis player, detailed his life as a gay athlete one of 22 members of the than accepting — or revealing reached in one second, be- at Notre Dame in an article published Monday on association’s class of 2014, — that I was gay.” In September, cause I was getting calls and which is currently composed two years after attempting sui- texts from people I went to high me, ‘Do you mind if I share an hour-and-a-half ago. So it’s of 557 AERA fellows. He will cide, Dooley came out to his school [with], people I played this with my team? It’s such been wild. Obviously hectic is teammates. A few months lat- tennis with, people from all a powerful message.’ It’s like, probably saying it lightly.” er, Dooley became ready to go over the country. D-I tennis how did you know about this public with his story. programs all over, people text already? Wow. It was published see DOOLEY PAGE 5 professor of sociology professor Database promotes Conference Berends Mark also act as the program direc- undergraduate cultivates naval tor for this year’s AERA meet- ing, a conference with more than 2,400 presentations and research leadership dozens of features of leading researchers in education. By CATHERINE OWERS character and moral com- “Part of this AERA fellows is News Writer pass and ability to answer recognizing people that have hard questions that we will had a long history of research On Feb. 20-23, Naval ROTC be faced with as military of- that is informative and help- midshipmen from units ficers in the future, before- ful to the field, so I’m very across the country gath- hand, so that we’re ready humbled by it,” Berends said. ered to participate in Naval to go forth when the time “It’s a great honor. Leadership Weekend on comes,” he said. “AERA is an organization Notre Dame’s campus. There is also an ethical with some 25,000 people — Junior Max Brown said the component to the confer- there’s a whole array of peo- conference emphasized de- ence, which Brown said ple that do work like I do and veloping ethical and effec- emphasizes character people that do other work, so tive leadership. development. one never knows how they’re “About 150 midshipmen “In the Navy, there are going to get recognized in and staff members came three things that we work that.” from all over the country to for in midshipmen devel- The AERA fellows are select- KERI O’MARA | The Observer listen to really prolific and opment: moral, mental and ed on the basis of sustained By GABRIELA MALESPIN graduate Svetlana Dotsenko, nationally outstanding lead- physical development,” he excellence over a long period News Writer Project Lever is a database that ers in the military,” he said. said. “Physical is making of time, and Berends said his matches students’ research in- The conference provided sure everyone is keeping in career began at the RAND The University of Notre Dame terests with professors, cours- midshipmen the opportuni- shape, mental is high stan- corporation, an independent is currently in its trial phase of es, grants and other resources ty to prepare for and exam- dards for academics. objective “think tank” that integrating a new undergradu- based on their search topics ine ethical dilemmas, Brown “Notre Dame has always does research to inform poli- ate research database, Project Alex Sun, student govern- said. been able to lend a particu- cy. He said that’s where he be- Lever, as part of an effort to in- ment representative, said “We can all sit around larly salient perspective to gan applying sociology crease undergraduate research. the table and share and un- Developed by Harvard see LEVER PAGE 4 derstand and form our own see NAVY PAGE 5 see AERA PAGE 4 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 7 SCENE PAGE 9 MEN’S LACROSSE PAGE 16 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] Where is your ideal spring break vacation destination? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief George Fillion Sarah Motter Ann Marie Jakubowski Managing Editor Business Manager sophomore sophomore Meghan Thomassen Peter Woo Keough Hall Lyons Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Matthew DeFranks Asst. Managing Editor: Marisa Iati “Tallahassee, Florida.” “Panama City Beach.” Asst. 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News Sports Carolyn Hutyra Alex Carson Email [email protected] Rebecca O’Neil Greg Hadley THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Abi Hoverman Vicky Jacobsen Graphics Scene Keri O’Mara Kevin Noonan Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Photo Viewpoint Emily Kruse Caroline Lang Lecture: “Mercy in the Men’s Discernment Women’s Lacrosse Basilica Sunday Mid-Term Break Teaching and Ministry Lunch Loftus Sports Center Mass Campus-wide of Pope Francis” LaFortune Student 1 p.m.-3 p.m.