SCOTTISH PRISON SERVICE Interim Delivery Plan 2013-14

Making Scotland Safer by Protecting the Public and Reducing Re- offending

Version - Final



Our Vision

Making Scotland safer by protecting the public and reducing reoffending

Our Mission

The mission statement of the is:

 To keep in custody those committed by the courts;

 To maintain good order in each prison;

 To care for prisoners with humanity;

 To encourage prisoners to take opportunities which will reduce the likelihood they re-offend and help reintegrate them back into their community.

Our Values

 Respect: We work with fairness, justice and honesty and have proper regard for others’ needs and rights.

 Integrity: We apply high ethical, moral and professional standards in our conduct.

 Teamwork: We work together and with partners to provide safety, support, efficiency and improved outcomes.

 Equality: We work together to embed the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion to promote a culture of openness, transparency and fairness in all we do.

Our Vision for Valuing Diversity, Promoting Equality and Human Rights

 Everyone in SPS values diversity in all aspects of work;

 Everyone in SPS is responsible for respecting and promoting equality and human rights;

 We have sustainable and effective policies and procedures that place equality, diversity, inclusion and respect for human rights at the centre of everything we do.


Contents Introduction by Colin McConnell, Chief Executive Scottish Prison Service Delivery Plan 2013-14 Our Planned Activities for 2013-14

- Maintaining Custody & Good Order

- Delivering Safe & Caring Prisons

- Caring for Prisoners: Improving Health Outcomes

- Caring for Prisoners: Tackling Substance Misuse

- Contributing to Public Protection

- Delivering a Fit for Purpose Prison Estate

- Providing Opportunities and Reducing Reoffending: Our Intervention Strategy

- Working with Partners to Reduce Reoffending

- Delivering our Intervention Strategy

- Making a Difference to Specific Groups

- Young People in Custody - Women Offenders in Custody - First Time in Custody - Low Tariff Persistent Offenders - Sex Offenders

- Developing a Comprehensive Relationships Policy

- Evidencing the Effectiveness of our Interventions

- Building our Organisational Capacity and Capability

- Continuously Improving the Business

- Assuring Delivery

Annexes - Annex 1: Prisons Across Scotland by Community Justice Authority Area - Annex 2: The 9 Offender Outcomes - Annex 3: Key Performance Indicators – Key Outcomes - Annex 4: Scottish Government Corporate Expectations


Introduction by Colin McConnell, Chief Executive

This Interim Delivery Plan sets out the continuing work of the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) which will be taken forward during 2013/14. It builds upon the SPS Corporate Plan, published last year, and heralds work that has begun to transform how the Scottish Prison Service will do its business of contributing to Making Scotland Safer by protecting the public and reducing re-offending.

In July 2012 I set out my ambitions for the SPS- an SPS, which as a key delivery arm of the Justice Family, makes a full and valued contribution to the delivery of the Justice Strategy for Scotland. We have made substantial progress in developing a route map that will give us a refreshed Vision and Strategy for the service including reconnection with Scottish Government, Local Authorities and the communities we serve.

My vision is for SPS to be an organisation focused on delivering joined up services for offenders based on the evidence of what works best to achieve the most effective outcomes. I want the SPS to be an organisation with clear priorities for action, innovative approaches characterised by sustainable partnerships and a clear sense of ambition that harnesses the potential and capability of our staff to help towards delivering a Safer and Stronger Scotland. We have already started a significant communication process to ensure staff and partners are engaged with this transformational change process and we will be consulting widely as we rethink Scotland’s Prison Service to ensure it fits with wider justice outcomes and the delivery of a modern Justice System.

The Organisational Review of the Scottish Prison Service commenced in November 2012 and will deliver its recommendations in the summer of 2013. It will produce a refreshed Vision, Mission and revised Operating Principles for the Scottish Prison Service, a revised role for Scottish Prison Service Headquarters with a supporting Board and Executive structure. In addition a new Framework document for the Agency with a supporting Governance and Performance Management Framework will be produced and crucially a programme of transformation and change designed to transform the effectiveness of our services aimed at protecting the public and reducing reoffending. The route map for that change programme will be set out in a revised Corporate Plan in 2013.

During 2012 two further key priorities for the Scottish Prison Service have been taken forward and will progress into 2013-14. I am taking personal responsibility for delivering on the Scottish Government response to the recommendations of the Angiolini Report and our commitments to improving the conditions and outcomes for women offenders. I have also commissioned work on the future location of Scottish Prison Service Headquarters to ensure our efficiency and effectiveness in supporting the delivery of our Vision and Mission and our connections into Scottish Government.

This current Interim Delivery Plan should be seen as a first step in this exciting journey that the SPS is undertaking. The Plan will continue to ensure that SPS delivers on-going and critical business outcomes as well as supporting the corporate expectations of Scottish Government and the public we serve. We have aligned our current plans with the Justice Strategy for Scotland and tested our plans with other members of the Justice family. I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead and to ensuring our contribution to Making Scotland Safer.

Colin McConnell

Chief Executive

Scottish Prison Service

April 2013


Scottish Prison Service Delivery Plan 2013-14

Welcome to the interim SPS Delivery Plan for the period 2013-14. This interim plan builds on the work taken forward last year ensuring continued progress in pursuit of the priorities and objectives set out in the Corporate Plan 2012-15. Our plans this year are set against the backdrop of the SPS Organisational Review, therefore the plan will be subject to change when the strategic priorities and recommendations arising from the Review are known.

The SPS Corporate Plan describes the challenges we face, our operating context and our ambitions for delivery during the period 2012-15. The plan identifies five key Corporate Change Priorities and a range of Objectives – which describe our ambitions for the end of the three year planning period and the key corporate risks to our success.

The annual Delivery Plan builds on these priorities and objectives and provides detail about how we intend to take these forward during the year progressing towards our corporate ambitions. The plan also has at its core our contribution to wider Scottish Government Corporate Expectations, the Justice Strategy for Scotland and the Scottish Government Performance Framework, in particular, the three key National Outcomes for the Justice System:

 We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger;

 We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others; and

 Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs.

The Scottish Government is committed to a Scotland where we can live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger. The Scottish Prison Service has a key part to play in contributing to public safety through reducing reoffending and protecting the public. The Corporate Plan and Delivery Plan reflect our commitment to working in a strategic way with key partners, as well as operationally, on the ground in our prisons and in the other services we manage. The plans have been developed in consultation with our key strategic stakeholders and our delivery partners. It builds upon previous plans and continues our corporate commitments that we will:

 Maintain secure custody and good order; and we will care for offenders with humanity and provide them with appropriate opportunities to address their risks and needs;

 Be recognised as a leader in offender management services for prisoners that help reduce reoffending and offer value for money for the taxpayer; and

 Work with Scottish Government, Justice and Learning Directorate, Community Justice Authorities, NHS, Local Authorities, ACPOS, ADSW and other partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors to deliver a whole system approach and to improve the quality and delivery of offender throughcare services, “joining up” to deliver better outcomes and a safer Scotland.

Our Plans include actions across all four elements of our mission: Custody, Order, Care and Opportunity and our priorities are shaped around ensuring that the opportunities we provide maximise the potential for successful rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders and that we evidence our contribution to reducing reoffending. In taking these plans forward we are also ensuring that we deliver on equality and diversity responsibilities across our policy and operational practice.


This Delivery Plan underpins both the business as usual for the SPS and the work in progress in support of agreed corporate priorities and objectives. It also references the three new key priorities announced by the Chief Executive during 2012: taking forward the delivery of critical improvements to our management and accommodation of our population of women offenders; reviewing the location of SPS HQ; and taking forward a transformational review of the organisation of SPS to improve our effectiveness in reducing the risk of reoffending and protecting the public. Additionally these will take cognisance of changes emerging from Scottish Government’s redesigning of the Community Justice System in Scotland.


Our Planned Activities for 2013-14

Maintaining Custody & Good Order – A Safer & Stronger Scotland

We will protect the public by maintaining strong performance in relation to the secure custody and good order of our prisons, ensuring that there are robust processes in place to prevent, manage and minimise risk or the impact of adverse incidents that do occur.

We will do this by:

 Keeping our population management and accommodation arrangements under review to ensure that we maximise the use of our estate in order to maintain positive regimes and minimise the opportunities for legal challenge and the negative regime impact of population pressures.

 Continuing throughout 2013-14 to strengthen our capacity, sustain our capability to respond to and manage any level of incident quickly, safely and appropriately and to minimise bullying and assaults in our prisons.

 Developing our approach to managing those offenders who present the most difficulties in their integration and management within prison by implementing the findings of our review of separation and reintegration arrangements and standardising best practice where practicable across the prison estate, based on the model developed at HMP Low Moss.

 Reviewing our intelligence and technological capability to ensure these support our strengthened front of house security arrangements and minimise the availability of mobile phones and other contraband in our prisons.

 Continue to drive improvement in the delivery and performance of the Court, Custody and Prison Escort Service across Scotland.

Delivering Safe, & Caring Prisons – A Safer & Stronger Scotland and A Healthier Scotland

We will maintain safe and caring prisons with reducing numbers and rates of assaults, self-harm, suicide and other critical near-death incidents, while improving levels of reported wellbeing, feeling safe and meeting basic needs.

We will do this by:

 Developing further our understanding of the factors which contribute to interpersonal violence within our prisons and use this to inform how best we may reduce violent incidents.

 Continuing to fulfil our statutory Public Sector Equality Duty by assuring that all services for prisoners take due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations. This will be supported and coordinated by the newly appointed National Equality and Diversity Manager.

 Identifying those at risk of harm, including self-harm, as well as offering services to prevent illness and disability and to improve health and wellbeing. We will provide knowledge and skills to prisoners and consult with them in order to enable them to make informed decisions on matters affecting their own health.


 We will progress the findings of the Care Needs Assessment, review the ACT to CARE training package and work with key stakeholders to progress the staged implementation of the National Health Improvement Framework.

 During 2013 we will carry out our biennial Prisoner Survey and will act on the results both nationally and locally to improve the delivery of our services.

 Monitor our catering arrangements, to enable prisoners to choose a healthy and varied diet, encompassing all religious, ethnic and medical requirements.

 Providing pastoral care through the Chaplaincy Service, ensuring that prisoners are able to participate in worship and other religious activities by implementing the SPS Strategy Framework for Spiritual Care, Religion and Belief and audit and assurance framework.

Caring for Prisoners: Improving Health Outcomes – A Healthier Scotland

We will maximise the benefits of our new partnership with the NHS, protecting public health and improving health outcomes within prison and on release.

We will do this by:

 Working with health and social care partners and other key stakeholders to meet health and care needs in line with community health models and delivering continuous improvement in throughcare.

 Making a full contribution to the National Prison Health Network (NPHN) and supporting Health Boards to review services to reflect those in the community.

 Refreshing our strategy for health improvement by taking forward the agreed national framework, reflecting the needs of specific offender groups, underpinned by the principles of prisoner involvement, healthy prison policies and environments, partnership working and effective performance management.

 Ensuring each prison has an accessible programme of physical education with activities for all levels of ability linked in to other services with the shared outcome of improving health and wellbeing.

 Ensuring a health and wellbeing contribution to case management thus increasing our contribution to the achievement of wider health and justice outcomes.

Caring for Prisoners: Tackling Substance Misuse – A Healthier Scotland

We will continue to reduce access to and use of drugs and alcohol within prison by detecting and disrupting supply and reducing demand through our addictions and throughcare work.

We will do this by:

 Reinforcing our newly implemented range of front of house security measures to reduce the availability and supply of illegal substances and associated paraphernalia entering Scotland's prisons.

 Offering prisoners a substance misuse assessment in order that appropriate treatment and care services can be provided to meet their identified needs.


 Making available a range of substance misuse treatment and rehabilitation services, co- ordinated through the Integrated Case Management (ICM) process, adopting a person- centred approach.

Contributing to Public Protection – A Safer & Stronger Scotland

We will contribute to the improvement of public protection through the proper administration of risk assessments, risk management and casework to ensure informed decisions for the purpose of parole, prisoner progression, community access and multi-agency public protection arrangements.

We will do this by:

 Continuing to work with the Risk Management Authority (RMA) to implement the principals for a Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation (FRAME).

 Working in partnership with Community Justice Authorities (CJAs), local authorities, the Scottish Court Service, community justice social workers, third sector and other agencies to share information and to help prepare offenders to make a successful transition back to their community. We will fully engage in the Scottish Government’s review of throughcare for short term offenders and in taking forward the Reducing Reoffending Programme.

 Working with Scottish Government to develop and implement in partnership a National Information Sharing protocol, including working with statutory partners through the Multi- Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) to share information, risk assessments and action plans relating to sex offenders. This will include implementing and monitoring the revised notification arrangements for sex offenders under the Scottish Government MAPPA Guidance 2012.

 Continuing to fulfil our statutory duty to provide key information to the victims of crime, including the release date, sentence expiry date and whether the prisoner has returned to custody, through the Victim Notification Scheme. We will to take account in our practice of any emerging legislation or directives including the forthcoming Victims and Witnesses Bill and EU Directive on Victims’ Rights.

 Continuing our work with Scottish Government and Justice Partners in taking forward a new Community Reintegration programme. We will look to improve information sharing and practice in managing the risk associated with short term convicted prisoners. This work includes a review of the Core Screening Process and Community Integration Plan pilot work at several prisons to support improved desistence from offending and better community integration, particularly for those offenders not subject to post release supervision.

 Encouraging innovation in delivering through the gate services, building upon recent work to involve staff in supporting prisoners in the community at HM Prison Greenock and HM Prison Low Moss.

 Supporting Scottish Government in maximising the benefits of the Community Justice Change Fund and in contributing and supporting the development of throughcare and mentoring initiatives (including Public Sector Partnerships) arising from the new funding.

 Working in partnership with relevant Local Authorities to conclude the agreement of Service Level Agreements for the delivery of prison based social work services across publicly operated prisons by April 2013 and to monitor the efficacy and effectiveness of these arrangements and to consider options for the future management of such services.


 Delivering specialist training to staff working with sex offenders to improve prisoner risk assessment and risk management across the SPS, strengthening public protection, child protection arrangements and improving defensible decision making.

 Developing our progression process for the sex offender population taking into account recent comments from HMCIP.

 Implementing the new Risk Management Team (RMT) guidelines, continuing to deliver and expanding on-going training workshops. We will also ensure our arrangements for the assessment and management of risk remain robust particularly in preparing our prisoners for progression to community testing in our national top end, Community Integration Units and Open Estate.

Delivering a Fit for Purpose Prison Estate – A Safer & Stronger Scotland

We will take forward our programme of investment in a fit for purpose prison estate.

We will do this by:

 Progressing the construction of our first fully community facing prison at HMP Grampian through 2013-14 and planning to make it fully operational during 2014

 Responding positively to the 6 recommendations of the women’s commission and reviewing our Strategic Frameworks for Women Offenders in Custody. We will progress work to modernise the women’s prison estate by improving the existing facilities at HMP/YOI Cornton Vale, planning the construction of the new HMP Inverclyde as a new national facility for women offenders and developing a new regional facility for women at HMP Edinburgh.

Providing Opportunities and Reducing Reoffending: Our Intervention Strategy – A Safer & Stronger Scotland

We will maximise and evidence the effectiveness of our Interventions Strategy in developing prisoners, promoting family and community reintegration and reducing reoffending, within the resources available to us. Investing in specific prisoner population groups to deliver improved outcomes which complement work in the community to support early interventions and a “whole system” approach.

We will do this by:

Working with Partners to Reduce Reoffending

 Aligning SPS strategy with Scottish Government Policy and wider initiatives including the Justice Change Programme, in particular the Reducing Re-offending Programme 2, Making Justice Work and Reassuring the Public programmes.

 Continuing to support the work of the eight Community Justice Authorities in the delivery of agreed local and national action plans such as: Women Offenders, Young Offenders, Family Centres and throughcare improvement initiatives.

 Work with Scottish Government and Local Authorities to develop, extend and share the Good Lives Programme between prison and the community and to seek joint national accreditation.

 Building on the experience gained from the opening of HMP Low Moss. We will develop a regime appropriate to the different populations at the community facing prison at HMP Grampian. We will continue working with partners to align prison and community based


services to meet the local needs of those offenders from Northern Community Justice Authority.

 Working with partners to develop new and innovative services for women offenders at HM Prison Inverclyde and the new regional Unit at HM Prison Edinburgh.

 Consulting fully with stakeholders on the transformational change programme for the SPS and ensuring that the organisation of the SPS supports sustainable and effective offender management, throughcare practices and improved outcomes.

Delivering our Intervention Strategy

 Reviewing the provision of programmes we provide to promote correctional excellence and to ensure that our interventions are fit for purpose: and that we are delivering the right things to the right individuals, in line with current evidence. The programme of work and accreditation includes:

o Work on the Constructs programme to commence during 2013-14

o Female Offending Behaviour Programme (FOBP) – to commence during 2014.

o Violence Prevention Programme (VPP) – Reviewing to ensure that the programme remains fit for purpose.

o Short Term Interventions – Low Moss to progress pilot work during 2013-14

o Progress implementation of the new rolling and modular offending behaviour programme for young offenders.

o Substance Related Offending Behaviour Programme (SROBP) – work to commence during 2014.

 Following the evaluation of innovative practice at HMP Low Moss, review good practice and the implications for potential development across the estate.

 Increasing the availability and participation by prisoners in purposeful activities by working to maximise the motivation, participation, productivity and contribution of prisoners by developing and providing a range of integrated and flexible purposeful work, learning and training opportunities to address the essential skills needs of prisoners. We are taking this forward through:

o Developing a learning skills and employability strategy.

o Providing prisoners with access to employment support services as part of their pre- release programme.

o Working with Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland to develop a Post 16 strategy ‘Opportunities For All’ progress improvements in employment interventions; create training opportunities within SPS itself.

o Working with suitable partners to create IT access.

 Keeping the SPS contribution to the SG Interventions Catalogue both audited and up to date. Working with the Scottish Government and community colleagues to further develop the utility of the catalogue.


Making a Difference to Specific Prisoner Groups

 We have a contribution to make to better outcomes for young people in custody:

o Implementing the National Action Plan to support the Strategic Framework for young people.

o Focussed initially on HMYOI Polmont, working with Scottish Government Education Scotland and community partners to deliver a new culture of learning and skills acquisition for young people in custody.

o Progressing the outcomes from the forthcoming legislative proposals in the Children and Young Peoples Bill.

o Continuing to work closely with Scottish Government Youth Justice and other statutory and third sector partners to improve transitions back into the community.

 We have a contribution to make to better outcomes for women offenders in custody by:

o Using the findings of the evaluation carried out on Women’s Community Integration Units in HMP Inverness and HMP Aberdeen to plan in partnership with community agencies for the range of throughcare and support services for the community facing prison at HMP Grampian.

o Developing our approach to violence against women. First phase is to engage with local authorities’ violence against women programmes to provide support and assistance.

o Progressing our review of our Strategic Framework for the Management of Women Offenders in custody and the accepted recommendations of the Angiolini Commission and delivering on the SPS Action Plan for improving services to women offenders.

 We have a contribution to make to better outcomes for first time offenders.

o Piloting and evaluating a new approach to managing first time in custody offenders in HM Prison Low Moss.

 We have a contribution to make better outcomes for low tariff persistent offenders.

o We will continue to work with Scottish Government in piloting improvements to existing practices.

o Monitor and evaluate the throughcare officer pilot at HMP Greenock.

Developing a Comprehensive Relationships Policy

 Supporting prisoners and their families to cope with imprisonment and the transitions from custody back to the family unit. We will develop a new Parenting and Relationship Intervention during 2013, to be piloted at HMYOI Polmont.

Evidencing the Effectiveness of our Interventions

 Developing an evaluation process that will support our evidence based approach and which builds upon Scottish Government Evidence Reviews.


 Working with Scottish Government to understand and measure our intermediate and contributory outcomes to reducing reoffending and reflecting these in our performance framework. DN I don’t understand the terminology intermediate outcomes

 Utilising outcomes from logic modelling workshops we will redefine our KPIs for the SPS Performance Framework, ensuring fit with Scottish Government National Outcomes and other Community Justice Partners.

Building Organisational Capacity and Capability - A Smarter Scotland

We will ensure that the organisation continues to perform and that our culture and our workforce are developed and equipped to deliver our contribution to reducing reoffending, our service outcomes and value for money. We will have strong leadership, motivated and capable staff and systems that effectively support our work.

We will do this by:

 Delivering on our commitment to conduct a full and transformational review of the Organisation of the Scottish Prison Service and reflect agreed recommendations in a revised Corporate Plan. We will ensure that our staff have the skills they need and that we have the leadership capability and focus to deliver our challenging agenda. We have already started:

o Developing our leadership and management skills through achievement of nationally recognised qualifications at all levels. We will also implement more robust methods for developing senior managers including individualised development programmes, strategic action learning and cross sector learning opportunities.

o Building our internal coaching and mentoring capacity through formal training and development. We are also working to increase this capacity in the wider public sector by continuing our collaboration with internal and external partners.

o Enhancing performance management in the organisation by developing a Leadership and Management competency framework linked to national occupational standards and reviewing and developing the use of field based applications to assess operational competence.

o Recognising potential through talent management and succession planning. This will include a trainee manager scheme with internal and external graduate entrants and developing an SPS succession planning model.

o Reviewing and enhancing recruitment and promotion systems and processes to reflect the changing needs of the business.

o Working closely with Scottish Government and Justice Sector Partners to develop leaders who have the skills and motivation to work collaboratively to achieve shared outcomes.

 Maintaining robust workforce planning and monitoring processes to ensure that workforce levels, deployment and composition fully support service delivery requirements across the estate, in particular; we will manage the staffing issues in relation to HMP Grampian, Aberdeen, Peterhead and Cornton Vale.

 Reviewing the role of the prison officer to provide an appropriate balance between custody and order; and care and opportunity ensuring appropriate levels of skills and knowledge are available to support health improvement, throughcare and case management, public protection, child protection and adult support and protection.


 Recruiting an Equality and Diversity Manager to continue to fulfil our statutory Public Sector Equality Duty employment responsibilities for all staff that have taken due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations.

 Taking action on the findings from the 2012 staff survey.

 Completing an audit of TOIL and Banked Hours

Continuously Improving our Business - A Smarter and Greener Scotland

We will ensure that our business processes show continuous improvement and that we deliver across a range of other business strategies and meet the key requirements to demonstrate the efficiency of our contribution to justice and to live within budget.

We will do this by:

 Participating at all levels of the Justice IT Programme and Project Groups including the: Making Justice Work, Coordinating IT and Management Information, Joint Scottish IT Systems and IT Advisory Groups.

 Achieving a BREEAM rating for HMP Grampian we will continue to meet our environmental obligations and ensure compliance with UK and Scottish Government policies on Climate Change and Sustainability.

 Acting to meet the requirements of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low carbon economy to help create a more successful Scotland. The SPS is taking work forward to deliver on emissions targets set out in our Carbon Management Strategy and has introduced a key performance indicator to reflect this commitment. SPS will:

o Continue working to deliver on the targets set out in the SPS Carbon Management Strategy (CMS), published in 2010 and will continue to monitor its progress during 2013-14;

o Continue to develop our processes, procedures and systems to ensure our on-going compliance with our CM Strategy;

o Monitor and report our performance and will produce a ‘Sustainability Report’ in line with the Scottish Government’s guidance on ‘Scottish Public Sector Sustainability Reports’ as part of our Annual Report and will comprise a table of financial and non- financial information covering our Greenhouse Gas emissions, Energy, Waste, Water and other finite-resource consumption for the financial year to which it relates, including a sustainability report within the SPS 2012 -13 annual report.

o Continue the delivery of an SPS estate that is fit for purpose whilst reducing operating costs through increased energy efficiency and resource use.

o Undertake a review of energy, waste and resource use policies and procedures at local level for all Establishments; each establishment will produce a waste management SOP during 2013-14.

o Ensure that all new Corporate/Directorate policies evaluate and where possible minimise carbon emissions associated with their adoption and table a proposed evaluation process at the CMS board meeting.


 Ensuring that we manage our obligations in relation to Information Management, developing our information security assurance processes to meet current legislation in relation to Record Management during 2013-14.

 Reviewing the use of the SPS Service Agreement for publicly operated prisons as a tool for continuous service improvement. We will also review our Key Performance Indicators and Service Measures as part of our Organisational Review. We will;

o Take forward logic modelling work in conjunction with Scottish Government to determine our contributory outcomes and key performance measures.

o Develop a revised performance management approach.

o Align the SPS Planning and Key Performance Indicators with the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework, Offender Outcomes and the Justice Strategy for Scotland.

 Continuing to effectively engage and improve relationships with our stakeholders to improve our performance and contribution in protecting the public and reducing re-offending.

 Continuing with our role to Support the Scottish Government Third Sector team in considering new approaches to providing through the gate support for prisoners. This will be achieved by building on the work of the Partnership Development Initiative and extending use of the Partnership Development Toolkit as a means of sustaining initiatives aimed at contributing to a reduction in reoffending.

 Working with Justice Partners and across SPS to improve IT system functionality and information sharing to meet legislative and business priorities.

 Working with Justice Partners to develop Electronic Case Management to facilitate and improve sharing of information and case management as part of the review of parole, and the sharing of prisoner release information for the prevention of crime and protecting the public.

 Delivering across a range of other business strategies to meet Scottish Government expectations and to meet the key requirements to demonstrate the efficiency of our contribution to justice and to live within budget.

o Agreeing our Information Systems Strategy and our contribution to improving information sharing across justice through the Communications Strategy Group

o Supporting the wider Making Justice Work programme by playing a key part in the development of Video facilities for legal agents and virtual courts projects.

o Delivering any required Efficiency Savings to meet Scottish Government targets.

 Meeting the Scottish Government Corporate Expectations and reporting on progress against them to our Scottish Government sponsors. These are at Annex 4.

Assuring Delivery

The SPS manages its planned actions arising from the Delivery Plan through a robust system of project and risk management. Progress and performance information is provided quarterly to the SPS Board and delivery is managed through robust governance arrangements and systems of assurance.


The SPS Annual Report includes a summary of progress against plan for the reporting year as well as audited Accounts and performance against KPIs.

17 Annex 1

Prisons Across Scotland by Community Justice Authority Area

18 Annex 2

9 Offender Outcomes

Certain factors will reduce the chance of an individual re-offending. The Scottish Government expects agencies to work together to enhance services for offenders to achieve the following outcomes, as appropriate, prioritising the most critical factors in individual cases:

 Sustained or improved physical and mental wellbeing.

 Reduced or stabilised substance misuse.

 Improved literacy skills.

 Employability prospects increased.

 Maintained or improved relationships with families, peers and community.

 The ability to access and sustain community support, including financial advice and education.

 The ability to access and sustain suitable accommodation.

 The ability to live independently if they choose.

 Improvements in the attitudes or behaviour which lead to offending and greater acceptance of responsibility in managing behaviour and understanding of the impact of offending on victims and families.

19 Annex 3

Key Performance Indicators – Past Performance

Key Performance Indicators Results 09/10 10/11 11/12

1a Escapes: Extreme risk 0 0 0

1b Escapes: Other 0 0 1

2a Serious Prisoner on Staff Assaults 3 8 4

2b Prisoner on Staff Assaults - Minor & No Injury 177 165 165

2c Serious Prisoner on Prisoner Assaults 76 87 65

Prisoner on Prisoner Assaults - Minor & No 2d 2283 2217 2377 Injury

3 Purposeful activity hours1 - 6,144,324 6,655,985

4a % Education classes spent delivering Literacy 21 29 31

4b % Education classes spent delivering Numeracy 10 12 15

Vocational & Employment Related 5a 18,406 18,049 17,169 Qualifications

5b Work Skills Qualifications at level 5 or above 1486 1764 1775

6 Employability Prospects Increased 14 6.07 n/a

7 % Reduced Substance Abuse 38 56 50

% ICM Case Conferences held with CJSW in 8 92 92 91 attendance

9 Average annual cost per prisoner place 31,703 32,146 32,371

10 Reducing Carbon Emissions -

2012-13 performance will be published in the SPS Annual Report & Accounts for 2012-2013

1 This KPI was introduced in 2010/11

20 Annex 4

Key Outcomes KPI Definition Related National Outcomes Related National Indicators

SPS maintains secure custody and good order a) Extreme risk. 1. Escapes Reduce reconviction rates. We live our lives b) All other supervision levels. safe from crime, 2. Unlawfully at c) Absconds. Reduce reconviction rates. disorder and danger. Large d) Incidents of failure to return. a) Serious prisoner on staff Our public services assaults. are high quality, b) Serious prisoner on prisoner continually assaults. 3. Assaults Reduce reconviction rates. improving, efficient c) Other prisoner on staff and responsive to assaults. local people's needs. d) Other prisoner on prisoner assaults. SPS cares for prisoners with humanity and offers them appropriate opportunities 4. Average hours We realise our full economic potential Reduce reconviction rates. per week per Any supervised and/or structured with more and better employment Improve levels of Educational convicted prisoner activity that contributes to opportunities for our people. attainment. Increase Physical spent in purposeful reducing re-offending. Activity. We live our lives activity We are better educated, more skilled safe from crime, and successful, renowned for our disorder and danger. research and innovation. a) The percentage of prisoner Our public services learning hours delivered with a Our young people are successful are high quality, primary aim of developing literacy learners, confident individuals, continually 5. Increase in skills. effective contributors and responsible Reduce reconviction rates. improving, efficient Literacy and citizens. Improve levels of Educational and responsive to Numeracy b) The percentage of prisoner attainment. local people's needs. learning hours delivered with a We live longer, healthier lives. primary aim of developing numeracy skills. We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

21 Annex 4

Key Outcomes KPI Definition Related National Outcomes Related National Indicators

SPS cares for prisoners with humanity and offers them appropriate opportunities a) Number of vocational and Reduce reconviction rates. employment-related qualifications. 6. Vocational Improve levels of Educational b) Number of vocational and qualifications We realise our full economic potential attainment. Improving the employment-related qualifications with more and better employment skill profile of the population. at SCQF level 5 or above. opportunities for our people. Scottish Prison Service is We live our lives currently reviewing the We are better educated, more skilled and successful, renowned for our safe from crime, measure with Job Centre Plus Reduce reconviction rates. 7. Increase in research and innovation. disorder and danger. in order to ensure both the Improving the skill profile of employability the population. Our public services relevance and integrity of the Our young people are successful are high quality, data to support future learners, confident individuals, continually measurement. effective contributors and responsible improving, efficient The number of prisoners testing citizens. Reduce reconviction rates. 8. Reduced or and responsive to positive on entry compared with Reducing the number of stabilised drug local people's needs the number testing positive on We live longer, healthier lives. individuals with problem drug misuse exit. use. 9. Integrated Case The percentage of case We have improved the life chances for Management case conferences held for prisoners to children, young people and families at Reduce reconviction rates. conferences with be released to Scotland where the risk. Reducing crime victimisation social work community Criminal Justice Social rates. contributions Worker attended.

22 Annex 4

Key Outcomes KPI Definition Related National Outcomes Related National Indicators

SPS offers value for money to the taxpayer Our public services are high quality, 10. Average annual Improve people’s perceptions continually cost per prisoner of the quality of public improving, efficient place services. and responsive to local people's needs. We value and enjoy From 2010, a 20% reduction in our built and natural carbon emissions by 2015 with We reduce the local and global Reduce Scotland’s Carbon environment and 11. Reducing anticipated savings over the Footprint. protect it and Carbon Emissions 5 year plan equating to environmental impact of our Reduce waste generated. enhance it for future 45,335 tonnes of CO2, and consumption and production. generations. £8.1m.



For 2012-13, the Scottish Ministers expect their public bodies to deliver continuous improvement by acting corporately across the following topics and issues:

Delivery Area Corporate Expectation

Public Service Engage with community planning partners to develop, deliver and monitor progress towards local outcomes in Single Reform and Outcome Agreements. The scale and nature of engagement will be determined by the purpose and capacity of each public Community body. Planning Work with the SG and with portfolio partners to help deliver the Scottish Ministers’ expectations on overall efficiency savings.

Alignment to Align operations, business planning and objectives to the Scottish Government’s Purpose and the National Outcomes. Work the National with the SG to develop a shared understanding of the joint priorities over the medium term to contribute towards delivery of Performance the National Outcomes, and ensure that individual bodies’ corporate communications and engagement strategies fully reflect Framework these.

Youth Support the Government’s youth employment strategy, providing opportunities for unemployed young people including a Employment job, modern apprenticeship, high quality work experience, mentoring or other work-related support.

Finance Align activity and strategy with the wider corporate policies of Scottish Ministers in support of the Scottish economy.

Fraud Adopt proactive counter-fraud policies consistent with SG guidance, including review of current counter-fraud activity and the prevention adoption of robust reporting procedures.


Delivery Area Corporate Expectation

Procurement Maintain accurate contracts database and share information on contract performance and anticipated future contracting activity. Maintain levels of procurement capability appropriate to the organisation’s spend, working with Scottish Procurement to agree procurement improvement plans.

Organisational Assess the business case for shared service options before proceeding with plans to invest in corporate systems, and ratify Development corporate systems proposals through the Strategic Corporate Services Board.

HR Engage with the HR Forum, to support flexible deployment across organisations and to ensure that there is an effective employee engagement process, with measures and reporting to provide assurance of progress

Comply with the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies in Scotland, working closely with SG sponsor teams to plan Board succession and public appointments

Transparency Adopt policies for open and proactive publication of relevant information, consistent with the Scottish Government’s transparency agenda.

June 2012