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SOLVING CIPHER SECRETS Edited by M. E. Ohaver TRY YOUR WITS ON THE GREAT CODES AND CRYPTOGRAMS IN WHICH MEN HAVE MASKED THEIR MESSAGES OF LIFE AND DEATH HIS department bowls merrily along, making new friends at every turn. So great has been the response, and so urgent the demand for more and harder problems, T that we are hiding this week's cipher. You have to find it before you can solve it. And you have to work after you have found it. At the risk of disappointing some of you, FLYNN'S is obliged to postpone the publi• cation of the names of successful cryptographers. You will find the reason on the last page. So speed up with Mr. Ohaver. Dig into this article and find the cipher. Solve it if you can. And watch FLYNN'S for the correct solution to see if your own tallies. SERIES of articles on cryp• He soon saw the need of a secure and tography that does not in• easily used method of secret writing that clude the famous biliteral would be free of suspicion. And according• cipher of Sir Francis Bacon, ly it was only about two years after his English philosopher, states• arrival in Paris, when he was still but a man, and essayist, would be youth of seventeen years, that he conceived like a detective story with one of the most the idea of his biliteral cipher. important chapters missing. Presumably he reserved this remarkable Bacon's cipher is one of the most widely device for use with none but his most inti• known in all the literature of cryptography. mate friends. At any rate, in 1609 he sent And its fame is not merely a reflection of the key to this cipher, with request for that of its illustrious inventor, for the cipher strictest secrecy, to his friend and corre• is, in itself, one of superlative merit and of spondent, Sir Tobie Matthew, at that time wide adaptability. in Madrid during his long exile from Eng• In the latter part of 1576, Bacon was sent land! abroad with Sir Amyas Paulet, the Englidi It was not until three years before his ambassador at Paris. Political and social death that Bacon preserved this cipher to conditions in France were greatly disturbed the world by including a full account of at this period, and Bacon, thrown into the it in the 1623 edition of his Advancement thick of court intrigue, rapidly acquired oj Learning. In this work the various valuable experience in governmental affairs. branches of knowledge are discussed and 317 318 FLYNN'S classified, ciphers being included under the for example: A=ppnnn; B=pnnpp; C=s Division of Speech, and further relegated to npppn; and so on. the Department of Writing. To illustrate the commonest method of The biliteral cipher is one of the double using the biliteral cipher, suppose it is de• substitution type; that is, a message is en• sired to enfold the secret message " Stay " ciphered by two successive processes of sub• in the external and supposedly innocent stitution. The first substitution is by means writing, " Do not fail to leave at once." of a biliteral—two-letter—alphabet, and the And suppose, further, that it is decided second by a bi-formed alphabet. to use a Roman font of type for the a char• The biliteral alphabet consists of various acters, and an Italic font for 6 characters. combinations of the letters a and 16 taken The first step is to substitute for the let• in groups of five, each group representing ters of the internal writing at (i) the cor• a letter of the alphabet. Two characters responding five-letter groups of the biliteral permuted through five places produce alphabet, at (2). The external writing is thirty-two combinations, only twenty-four next divided, as at (3), into groups of five of which were required for the English al• letters each, which correspond letter for let• phabet of Bacon's time, when the letters / ter to the groups in line (2), Roman letters and /, and U and V, were used interchange• being used for a characters and Italics for 6 ably. The remaining eight groups Bacon characters. made no use of. Finally, at (4), is shown the completed cipher, upon receipt of which the corre• THE BILITERAL ALPHABET spondent only needs to divide it into groups A=:aaaaa I-J=abaaa R^baaaa bbaaa of five, substitute a or 6 for the Roman or B=aaaab K^^abaab S=baaab bbaab C=aaaba L=ababa T=baaba bbaba Italic letters, and then decipher by means of D=aaabb M=ababb U-V=baabb not. bbabb the biliteral alphabet. E=:aabaa N:=abbaa W=babaa used bbbaa F=aabab 0=abbab X=babab bbbab (1) S T A Y G=aabba P—abbba Y=babba bbbba (2) baaab baaba aaaaa babba H=aabbb Q=abbbb Z=babbb Lbbbbb (3) Donot /ai/t oleav eaton ce. (4) Do not fail to leave at once. In the biformed alphabet each letter is assigned two different forms or shapes. ' In deciphering the biliteral cipher with• These differences may be so small as to out the key, the biformed alphabets can elude all but the closest inspection, or even usually be determined with little difficulty, so minute as to necessitate the use of a owing to the fact that one of the forms of magnifying glass to detect them. any given character, letter, or alphabet, will In the examples given herewith, however, ordinarily predominate to some extent over the two forms are expressed by Roman and the other. Italic types, in order to minimize the diffi• If the original Bacon biliteral alphabet culty of distinguishing between them. has been used, calculations have shown that But the biliteral cipher is not limited in the letters or characters of the " a " alpha• its use to written or printed letters alone. bet will outnumber those of the " 6 " alpha• It can be expressed by anything capable of bet approximately two to one; or, to be being interpreted by any of the senses as more exact, an average of 64.1 per cent of possessing two differences, such as bells, the total number will belong to the " a" trumpets, fireworks, cannon, et cetera. alphabet, and 35.9 per cent to the "b" The Morse telegraph alphabet—1838— alphabet. is only an application of this principle to the A count of the letters in the above short two differences, the dot and the dash. example will show how closely this rule .\nd the more modern printing telegraph works in practice, there being thirteen alphabets follow Bacon's idea even more Roman letters to seven Italics, disregarding, closely, the letters consisting of groups of of course, the nonessential letters at the end five positive (p) and negative (n) electrical of the message. impulses. In the Western Union alphabet, The above short cipher, by concealing a SOLVING CIPHER SECRETS 319 single word in a short sentence, demon• most amazing and baffling mysteries in all strates that it is perfectly feasible to include the annals of cryptography still appears to a piece of writing of any length whatever await a definite solution. in any other piece of writing five times as Bacon's biliteral cipher has been called long. the most dangerous cipher ever invented. And in this connection must be mentioned Almost anything may become its vehicle of the theory of Mrs. Elizabeth Wells Gallup, expression, and it may lurk where its pres• to the effect that the Bacon biliteral cipher ence is least suspected. As Bacon himself was actually incorporated into the 1623 put it, it is capable of signifying omnia per folio edition of Shakespeare's works, and omnia (anything by everything), the only other books of the same period. restrictions being that the including matter In her work, the Bi-literal Cypher oj Sir is capable of two differences, and of five Francis Bacon, first published in 1899, she times the length of the included matter. further claims to have really deciphered To illustrate how insidious this cipher is, from the pages of these old books a great somewhere within the limits of this depart• mass of material written by Bacon himself, ment you will find another biliteral cipher including whole dramas, statements that that has been made to conceal the name of Bacon is the real author of the works at• a well-known celebrity. tributed to Shakespeare and other contem• Let us sketch a hypothetical case showing porary writers, and, further, a secret history the value of such a cipher in this last men• of Bacon's life, that completely upsets the tioned example. Suppose a man wounded accepted records. to death by an enemy. Before dying he Of the many ciphers claimed to have succeeds in concealing the name of his slayer been found in the works of Shakespeare, this in biliteral cipher. His foes are unable to one of Mrs. Gallup's is, in every way, the .spot the clew. most plausible. And yet, to state the case But the keener intellect of a Craig Ken• impartially, there are many who doubt the nedy or of a Sherlock Holmes, versed in all existence of her cipher. The most serious branches of criminology, including cryptog• obstacle in the way of the acceptance of raphy, soon discerns the cipher, and appre• her theory seems to be that no one else has hends the murderer. succeeded in duplicating her results. See if you can find this cipher, and de• Exacting tests seem to show that different cipher the name it conceals.