Coast Guard Polar Icebreaking Agenda

• Missions & Strategies • Current – Operaons – Capabilies – Sustainment • Acquision – Stakeholders • Summary

2 Coast Guard Icebreaking History, Missions & Strategies Future Trend CGC Eastwind Multimission: Enforcement, Security Discovery Security, and USS Bear Science 1980’s 1950’s 1965-66 Late Older icebreakers WWII Enforcement DEW stations USN transfers 1970’s decommissioned - 2006-2009 USCG/USN built - required all icebreakers POLAR by 1989 only PSTAR in 1900 Wind class & icebreakers for to USCG – 8 STAR & POLAR STAR & 2000 caretaker Discovery MACKINAW re-supply icebreakers POLAR SEA POLAR SEA remain status built 1885 1936-1941 1946 1955-56 1960s 1999/2000 Cutter BEAR explores USCG initiated Operation High First Operation Alaskan north USCGC HEALY: 2010-2013 Alaskan waters for 40 intensive study Jump – Deep Freeze slope oil Planned in PSTAR years of heavy Admiral Byrd’s - permanent discovered – 80’s, funded reactivation icebreaker Antarctic U.S. presence polar icebreakers 90’s, design expedition on Antarctica receive national operational in interest 2000 to support Arctic Research Polar Icebreaker Areas of Operaon

McMurdo Station

Ensuring Global Access 5 Polar Icebreaker Areas of Operaons Arcc Antarcc • Arcc Scienfic Research • Operaon DEEP FREEZE- Re- Ø Naonal Science Foundaon supply McMurdo Staon, Ø Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Antarcca Ø NOAA • Coast Guard supported US Ø CG R&D Center Antarcc Program resupply since • Increased Human Acvity 1950s Ø Northern Sea Route / • Primary infrastructure and supply Ø Search and Rescue point for U.S. Antarcc Program; Ø Shoulder Season Risk requires annual seali re-supply (cargo, fuel)

Ensuring Global Access 6 Missions Polar Icebreakers Complete in the High Latudes

Defense Readiness Ports, Waterways & Coastal Living Marine Resources & Other Marine Environmental Protection Security Law Enforcement (i.e. EEZ Enforcement)

Aids to Navigation Search and Rescue Marine Safety Ice Operations

Ensuring Global Access 7 Operaon Deep Freeze (ODF): McMurdo Resupply

Cargo Amounts POLAR STAR ensured could reach McMurdo Staon Antarcca, ODF 2015: Category Amount % of Need Dry Supplies (Vehicles, Food Stuffs, Building Materials) 7 Million Pounds 80% Diesel Fuel 4.5 Million Gallons 100% Jet Fuel 500,000 Gallons 100%

8 ODF Connued

9 M/V RENDA Escort

• hps:// t/video/317379/ healy-escorts- renda • 00:05 to end • No Audio

10 Scienfic Research

• hps:// • Ecosystem Studies • Arcc Mapping t/video/312942/ • Ice Research • healy-arcc- Oil in Ice Research • Extended footage Connental Shelf • 01:28 to end Mapping – Mul-year Effort • No Audio with Canadians

11 Strategies

– Naonal Strategy for Arcc Region (NSAR) & Implementaon Plan (NSAR IP)

Ø DHS lead -“Ensure the United States maintains icebreaking and ice-strengthened ship capability with sufficient capacity “

– Coast Guard Arcc Strategy – Cooperave Strategy for 21st Century Seapower (Joint USN/USMC/USCG strategy) – Navy Arcc Roadmap – NOAA Arcc Acon Plan

12 Current & Future Icebreaking Capabilies CGC POLAR STAR (WAGB 10)

• America’s Heavy Polar Icebreaker • Commissioned 1976 – Reacvated in 2013 • Icebreaking Capacity – 6 feet @ 3 Knots – 21 feet Back & Ram • Flight Deck Equipped • Primary Mission – Operaon Deep Freeze: Breaking Channel for McMurdo Staon Resupply


• America’s Medium Polar Icebreaker • Commissioned 2000 • Icebreaking Capacity – 4.5 feet @ 3 Knots – 8 feet Back & Ram • Flight Deck Equipped • Primary Mission – Annual Scienfic Deployments to Arcc

15 Polar Icebreaker Sustainment

• Depot Level Maintenance – Crew/Contract Preventave Maintenance – Dry Docks & Dockside Availabilies • System Upgrades • Organizaonal Level Maintenance – C4IT & Navigaon Systems – Machinery Plant Control & Monitoring System

16 Polar Icebreaker Sustainment

• hps:// video/393712/coast-guard- antarcc-dive-operaons • 00:05 to end

17 Polar Icebreaker Acquision

• Coast Guard Program of Record – Assigned Program Management Office/Staff • Compleng Requirements Development and Validaon – Draing Operaonal Requirements Document • Internaonal Coordinaon – Governments of and Finland – Conducng Worldwide Market Research

18 PIB Acquision Stakeholders

Marime Department of Naonal Science Administraon State Foundaon (MARAD) Transportaon US Navy – Command US Marine Corps OPNAV Staff (TRANSCOM) US Arcc Northern Naonal Oceanic Research Command & Atmospheric Commission (NORTHCOM) Administraon Department of Naval Sea Systems Homeland Command (NAVSEA) Security HQ

19 Summary

• Missions & Strategies • Current Icebreakers – Operaons – Capabilies – Sustainment • Icebreaker Acquision – Stakeholders • Summary

20 Quesons