Bibliography of Marine Geology and Oceanography, California Coast
3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MARINE GEOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA COAST SPECIAL REPORT 44 1955 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOhNIA DAVIS DEC 21 1955 DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL REPORTS ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF MINES 1-A. Sierra Blanca limestone in Snnta Barbara County, Cali- 22. Geology of Las Trampas Ridge, Berkeley Hills, Californl fornia, by George W. Walker. 1950. 5 pp., 1 pi. Price 25*. by Cornelius K. Ham. 1952. 26 pp., 2 pis., 20 figs. Price 75*. 1-B. The Calera limestone, San Mateo am! Santa Clara Counties, 23. Exploratory wells drilled outside of oil and gas fields in Call- California, by George W. Walker. 1950. 8 pp., 1 pi., 6 figs. fornia to December 31, 1950, by Gordon B. Oakeshott, Lewis Price 25 *. T. Braun, Charles W. Jennings, and Ruth Wells. 1952. 77 pp, 2. Geology of part of the Pelta-Mendotii Canal near Tracy, Cali- 1 pi., map. Price, map and report, $1.25 ; map alone, $1. fornia, by Parry Reiehe. 1950. 12 pp., 5 figs. Price 25*. 24. Geology of the Lebec quadrangle, California, by John C. 3. Commercial "black granite" of San Diego County, California, Crowell. 1952. 23 pp., 2 pis., 10 figs. Price 75*. by Richard A. Hoppin and L. A. Norman, Jr. 1950. 19 pp., 25. Rocks and structure of the Quartz Spring area, northern 18 figs. Price 25 *. Panamint Range, California, by James F. McAllister. 1952 4. Geology of the San Dieguito pyrophyllite area, San Diego 38 pp., 3 pis., 13 figs. Price 75*.
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