Australasian Sonographers Association Group Policy Important Information

Who does the Australasian The ASA does not hold an Australian Scope of practice Financial Services Licence. The ASA does Sonographers Association (ASA) Eligible Members are covered for the not provide advice on the Group Policy and Group Policy Cover? following scope of practice: each practitioner should consider obtaining A Group policy is an policy their own financial product advice about “ The provision of Sonography, issued to a Group Policy holder (the “Policy the product from a person who is able to Radiography, Nursing and Nuclear holder” being ASA) who purchases the provide such advice under an Australian Medicine Technology Services, insurance to provide the benefit of insurance Financial Services Licence. including the provision of invasive coverage for others, usually individuals (the procedures (such as MSK injections) “Eligible Members”). How do I apply for the policy? only if under the direction of a qualified The ASA Group Policy provides cover medical practitioner.” When either renewing your ASA to Eligible Members who purchase ASA membership or purchasing it for the first If you perform work or services that fall membership with insurance. time, Eligible Members will be provided with outside the scope of what is recognised This is available to Australian and New the opportunity to purchase insurance as above, please contact the ASA office and Zealand Residents, who are: part of their membership. additional information may be required.

1. Ordinary Members: What does the policy cover? Additional benefits a. individuals employed under an The ASA Group Policy provides cover which > Inquiries and Proceedings – cover for individual employment ; or will protect the Eligible Members against legal defence costs for disciplinary b. self-employed contractors, sole any civil liability claim(s) made against them inquiries against you, coronial inquiries, traders and/or Pty Ltd Companies arising from their practice as a sonographer. and investigations of you by statutory or contracting their service, providing the This cover includes claims for compensation regulatory health authorities. $100,000 member is the only employee of the and includes any awards for legal costs and sublimit applies. entity providing sonography services, expenses made against them. with anticipated earnings of up to > Individual policy limits – in the event $300,000 per annum gross. The applicable policy limits are: of a claim made against you, you will be protected by your own individual 2. Student Members > Professional – up to limit of indemnity. Unlike other group The ASA Group Policy also provides run- $10 million for any one claim and arrangements where you share the one off cover to those who maintain a current $30 million in total for all professional limit with all participants, you have your ASA membership, and are, or become, indemnity claims. own limit to draw upon. permanently retired and/or permanently > Public Liability – $20 million for any > Defence costs for allegations of sexual cease to provide Professional Services. one claim and in total for all public misconduct – cover for legal defence liability claims. costs arising out of allegations of sexual Who is the insurer? > Products Liability – $20 million for any misconduct made against you in the The insurer is Insurance Limited one claim and in total for all products course of providing your professional (“Guild”), ABN 55 004 538 863 and AFS liability claims. services. $100,000 sublimit applies. Licence Number 233791. Guild has issued > Ongoing protection while in retirement the Group Policy to ASA. Eligible Members can access the benefits of this Group Policy.

Better through experience. Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for ongoing under the influence of alcohol, > the cover is, or is likely to be, protection in retirement intoxicants or drugs. cancelled or not renewed. (“Run-off Cover”)? > Jurisdictional Limits and Territorial How do I make a claim Run-off cover is provided to protect Limits – any actual or alleged act, if I need to? Eligible Members in the event of an error, omission, conduct, bodily injury allegation or claim being made against or damage claims brought against As soon as you experience any loss them after they permanently retire you in a court outside of Australia covered by this Group Policy, or if a or permanently cease to provide and New Zealand (does not apply claim is made against you by a third Professional Services. Eligible Members to Good Samaritan Acts). party, you need to call ASA to initiate the claim process. who commenced Run-off prior to Contact ASA for a copy of the full terms 1 July 2018 will continue to receive and conditions and Policy Schedule for Call ASA Run-off cover while ASA membership is the exact scope of cover and a detailed To make a claim against your policy, maintained. Eligible Members who retire list of exclusions. The policy wording you will need to contact member on or after 1 July 2018 and maintain must be read in conjunction with the services team at the ASA Office on ASA membership will be provided policy schedule. and supply some run-off cover for seven years (03) 9552 0000 basic details. A member of the Guild (84 months) after ceasing practice. How can I get a copy of the Insurance claims team will then contact policy wording and/or proof that you to finalise your claim lodgement and What is the retroactive date I am covered by the ASA Group immediately offer you support, advice of the policy? Policy? and guidance on what further action The retroactive date is unlimited. This To obtain a copy of the policy wording to take. policy provides retrospective cover or arrange a Certificate of Cover, please (excluding known claim or known claims contact the ASA on (03) 9552 0000. What if I practice overseas? circumstances) for work performed Each person covered by the Group The ASA group policy is designed prior to the commencement date of this Policy can verify with the issuer of the to provide protection for you whilst Group Policy as a sonographer within Group Policy without charge that the working temporarily overseas the scope of practice and services Group Policy has been issued and (excluding USA & Canada). If this recognised by this policy. remains current. arrangement becomes more permanent and you take up residency in another What is typically excluded Guild Insurance provides claims country whilst practicing, then you will by the policy? management services and member need to purchase a local insurance The policy does not cover: guidance under this policy. policy in that country. > Work performed or rendered that is You can contact Guild on: not defined in your scope of practice. Telephone: 1800 810 213 I am looking to retire, do I need my insurance still? Fraudulent, Dishonest, Criminal, > Will I be informed if the Group Malicious, Wilful or Intentional Acts In order to ensure you are adequately Policy terms and conditions – claims arising from any fraudulent, protected for work you performed change significantly? dishonest criminal or malicious acts before your retirement, all you need to or conduct on your part. The ASA will inform eligible members do is maintain your ASA membership under the Group Policy in the event that; and move to the retired members > Employers Liability – claims arising from allegations of employment > the terms of cover change category. You will then be automatically related disputes. significantly; covered by the ASA insurance program and enjoy your retirement. > Intoxicants or drugs – claims arising > the cover did not take effect when from any act, error, omission or it was reasonably believed to have conduct of yours while you were taken effect; and

1800 810 213 Better through experience.

Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No. 233791 and subject to terms, conditions and exclusions. Please refer to the policy wording and policy schedule for details. For more information call 1800 810 213. SON114778 Songraphers ASA FAQ 08/2020