9 American Currents Vol. 31, No. 1 Something Different: A Report from the 2004 NANFA Convention in Columbia, South Carolina Christopher Scharpf 1107 Argonne Dr., Baltimore, MD 21218
[email protected] very NANFA convention offers something differ- Maybe it was the southern hospitality and gentlemanly ent. Different locations, different hosts, different charm of convention hosts Chip Rinehart and Dustin Smith, speakers, a different mix of attendees, different who, along with Fritz Rohde, deftly handled hundreds of E fishes to catch and ogle over—they all add up to details and made everyone feel welcome and right at home. uniquely color each convention and make it memorable. But Maybe (for me at least) it was something personal. My the 2004 meeting in Columbia, South Carolina, felt different. wife Stephanie and I met at the 1998 NANFA Convention in I’m not saying it was better than previous get-togethers. I’m Chattanooga, and to this one we brought along our 13- just saying it was . different. Different in a good way. month-old son, William. We enjoyed showing William off Maybe it was the schedule. Instead of talks on Friday and and (we hope) everyone enjoyed meeting him. collecting on Saturday, the order was reversed, shaking things Or maybe, just maybe, it was the meerkats. Just outside up a bit. Instead of meeting people over coffee, we met them the Ndoki Lodge was an exhibit of slender-tailed meerkats over a seine. (Fig. 1), an African relative of the mongoose. Alert, curious, Maybe it was the location. I liked seeing palm trees (they usually on their feet scanning for danger, they looked genuinely made me think I was on vacation rather than at a convention).