How Do Constitutions Shape Economic Systems?
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LESSON 1 HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY 1 LESSON 1 HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? INTRODUCTION • Taxation Constitutions are economic documents as • Trade well as political documents. This is certainly true of the U.S. Constitution. Our nation’s OBJECTIVES founders believed that economic freedom and Students will be able to: political freedom are essential for national prosperity and growth. Accordingly, they 1. Identify the characteristics of a market included provisions in the Constitution that economy. establish and reinforce the conditions needed 2. Explain the economic provisions of the for a market economy. U.S. Constitution. The constitutions of other nations are also 3. Compare and contrast the economic provi- economic documents as well as political docu- sions of the constitutions of North Korea ments. In this respect, North Korea and South and South Korea. Korea provide an informative contrast. The two countries have much in common, including CONTENT STANDARDS their location, access to natural resources, culture, and language. But the constitutions of Economics (CEE Standards) the two countries provide for markedly differ- • There is an economic role for government ent economic systems. The difference has to play in a market economy whenever the proved to be important. One country has expe- benefits of a government policy outweigh rienced near economic collapse while the other its costs. Governments often provide for has enjoyed widespread growth and prosperity. national defense, address environmental concerns, define and protect property LESSON DESCRIPTION rights, and attempt to make markets more In the first part of the lesson, the students competitive. Most government policies examine the characteristics of a market econo- also redistribute income. (Standard 16) my and the economic provisions of the U.S. Civics and Government (NSCG Constitution. Then they complete a grid Standards, Grades 9-12) which shows how the U.S Constitution estab- lishes and supports those characteristics. In • The relationship of limited government to the second part of the lesson, the students political and economic freedom. (Standard consider a question: Why would North Korea I.B.4) and South Korea—two nations with much in • Concepts of “constitution.” (Standard I.C.1) common—experience very different economic outcomes? To answer this question, the stu- • Purposes and uses of constitutions. dents read excerpts from the constitutions of (Standard I.C.2) North Korea and South Korea and examine the differences between them. TIME REQUIRED 90 minutes CONCEPTS MATERIALS • Constitution • A transparency of Visuals 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, • Incentives 1.5, and 1.6 • Innovation • A copy for each student of Activities 1.1 • Private property and 1.2 2 FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? LESSON 1 PROCEDURE 7. Display Visual 1.5. Using it as a point of 1. Tell the class that the purpose of this les- reference, discuss the students’ responses son is to explore ways in which national to the Questions for Discussion. constitutions shape economic systems and 8. Display Visual 1.6. Ask: outcomes. Toward this end, the students How well has the economy of North Korea will study the economic provisions of the performed? How well has the economy of U.S. Constitution and the effect of those South Korea performed? How might the provisions on the U.S. economy. Then different levels of performance be they will compare the economic provisions explained? of the constitutions of North and South (The economy of South Korea is 13 Korea and learn about the economic times larger than the economy of North performance of these two nations. Korea. The socialist model specified in the 2. Display Visual 1.1 and distribute Activity constitution of North Korea has apparently 1.1. Direct the students’ attention to Part contributed little to the economic welfare A of Activity 1.1. Discuss the overview pro- of its people. In contrast, the more open, vided in Part A of the characteristics of a market-oriented economy of South Korea, market economy. Explain how market established by its constitution, has led to economies stress the role of choices made substantial economic improvement.) by individual consumers and producers, with a limited, but important, role played CLOSURE by government. Review the lesson by posing the following questions: 3. Display Visual 1.2. Direct the students’ attention to Part B of Activity 1.1. Part B • What are the main characteristics of a elaborates on the provisions listed in market economy? Visual 1.2. Discuss the provisions. (Private property; freedom of enterprise Explain how these provisions, taken and choice, motivated by self-interest; com- together, establish the basic conditions petition; a system of markets and prices; needed for a market economy. and limited government.) 4. Ask the students to read Part C of Activity 1.1 and complete the grid. When the stu- • What are some key economic provisions of dents have completed their work on the the U.S. Constitution? grid, display Visual 1.3 and discuss the (The commerce clause, coinage clauses, students’ responses. copyright clause, contract clauses, export 5. Display Visual 1.4. Discuss the Visual, clauses, searches and seizures clause, due emphasizing the main point of contrast: process of law clauses, and reserved rights the two countries are alike in many ways, and powers.) yet they differ greatly in the performance of their economic systems. Ask the stu- • In what ways are the constitutions of dents to speculate: Why might the people North Korea and South Korea different? of North Korea continue to suffer from (North Korea’s constitution calls for the severe economic problems while the people government to play a dominant role in the of South Korea prosper? economy. It severely restricts private owner- 6. Distribute Activity 1.2. Ask the students ship of property and discourages individual to read Part A and B. Discuss the reading enterprise. South Korea’s constitution speci- as necessary. Ask the students to answer fies that government plays an important the Questions for Discussion listed in Part regulatory role, but it allows a much larger C. role for individual enterprise, and it bans the outright nationalization of private property.) FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY 3 LESSON 1 HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? ASSESSMENT to decide which occupation to pursue, and Multiple-Choice Questions to obtain and organize the resources he will need to open his business. Michael is 1. The export clause which states that “No motivated in part by self-interest. He tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported hopes to run a profitable business by doing from any state” is a key economic feature good things for consumers. Michael will of the face competition in the biomedical field. A. U.S Constitution. Competition will give Michael an incentive to work hard at his business. There is no B. South Korean Constitution. guarantee that he can do better than his C. Fifth Republic of France. competitors.) D. North Korean Constitution. 2. North Korea and South Korea have experi- enced very different economic outcomes. Explain how the constitution of South 2. Which of the following characteristics is Korea fostered economic success, compared found in the North Korean constitution? to the dismal performance of the North A. “The economic order … is based on a Korean economy. respect for the freedom and creative (North Korea’s constitution calls for the initiative of enterprises and individuals government to play a dominant role in the in economic affairs.” economy. It severely restricts private owner- B. “Licenses to exploit, develop, or utilize ship of property and discourages individual minerals and all other important enterprise. South Korea’s constitution speci- underground resources, marine fies that government plays an important reg- resources, water power, and natural ulatory role, but it allows a much larger powers available for economic use may role for individual enterprise, and it bans be granted for a period of time under the outright nationalization of private the conditions as prescribed by law.” property.) C. “There is no limit to the property which the State can own.” D. “The land and natural resources are protected by the State, and the State establishes a plan necessary for their balanced development and utilization.” Constructed-Response Questions 1. Michael Jablonski is interested in science. He will graduate from high school soon, and he plans to study biomedical science and business in college. He hopes to start his own business and to make it successful and profitable. His dream is to make his business a leader in finding new cures for serious diseases. Identify and explain two characteristics of a market economy that might help Michael to achieve his goals. (Michael hopes to exercise his freedom to choose and engage in enterprise. He is free 4 FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? LESSON 1 VISUAL 1.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF A MARKET ECONOMY 1. Private Property 2. Freedom of Enterprise and Choice 3. Motive of Self-Interest 4. Competition 5. A System of Markets and Prices 6. Limited Government FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY 5 LESSON 1 HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? VISUAL 1.2 ECONOMIC PROVISIONS OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION • Commerce Clause • Coinage Clauses • Copyright Clause • Contract Clauses • Export Clauses • Searches and Seizures Clause • Due Process of Law Clauses • Reserved Rights and Powers 6 FOCUS:UNDERSTANDING ECONOMICS IN CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT © COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION,NEW YORK,NY HOW DO CONSTITUTIONS SHAPE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS? LESSON 1 VISUAL 1.3 MATCHING THE PROVISIONS OF THE U.S CONSTITUTION WITH THE BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A MARKET ECONOMY Art.