Comprehensive Copy Number and Gene Expression Profiling of the 17Q23 Amplicon in Human Breast Cancer

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Comprehensive Copy Number and Gene Expression Profiling of the 17Q23 Amplicon in Human Breast Cancer Comprehensive copy number and gene expression profiling of the 17q23 amplicon in human breast cancer Outi Monni*†, Maarit Ba¨ rlund†‡, Spyro Mousses*, Juha Kononen*, Guido Sauter§, Mervi Heiskanen*, Paulina Paavola¶, Kristiina Avelaʈ, Yidong Chen*, Michael L. Bittner*, and Anne Kallioniemi*,** *Cancer Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892; ‡Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital, 33520 Tampere, Finland; §Institute of Pathology, University of Basel, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland; ¶Department of Human Molecular Genetics, National Public Health Institute, 00300 Helsinki, Finland; and ʈHaartman Institute, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki and the Folkha¨lsan Institute of Genetics, 00280 Helsinki, Finland Edited by Janet D. Rowley, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, and approved March 2, 2001 (received for review December 8, 2000) The biological significance of DNA amplification in cancer is CGH also have been reported in tumors of the brain (12–14), thought to be due to the selection of increased expression of a lung (15, 16), bladder (17), testis (18), and liver (19), indicating single or few important genes. However, systematic surveys of the that genes located at 17q23 may contribute to the development copy number and expression of all genes within an amplified of other tumor types as well. region of the genome have not been performed. Here we have To date, five genes (RPS6KB1, RAD51C, PAT1͞APPBP2, used a combination of molecular, genomic, and microarray tech- SIGMA1B, and TBX2) have been implicated as putative target nologies to identify target genes for 17q23, a common region of genes for the 17q23 amplification (11, 20–22). In the present amplification in breast cancers with poor prognosis. Construction study, we describe a comprehensive characterization of the of a 4-Mb genomic contig made it possible to define two common 17q23 amplification in breast cancer, including molecular clon- regions of amplification in breast cancer cell lines. Analysis of 184 ing of an about 4-Mb region at 17q23 and detailed evaluation of primary breast tumors by fluorescence in situ hybridization on the amplicon structure in breast cancer cell lines and primary GENETICS tissue microarrays validated these results with the highest ampli- breast tumors. A full expression profiling of the amplified region fication frequency (12.5%) observed for the distal region. Based on was performed by using a custom-made complementary DNA GeneMap’99 information, 17 known genes and 26 expressed (cDNA) microarray containing 156 transcripts from the 17q23 sequence tags were localized to the contig. Analysis of genomic region as well as all known genes mapping to chromosome 17. sequence identified 77 additional transcripts. A comprehensive analysis of expression levels of these transcripts in six breast cancer Materials and Methods cell lines was carried out by using complementary DNA microar- Physical and Transcript Mapping. Yeast artificial chromosome rays. The expression patterns varied from one cell line to another, (YAC) clones representing the amplified region were identified and several overexpressed genes were identified. Of these, from the Whitehead Institute database (http:͞͞www- RPS6KB1, MUL, APPBP2, and TRAP240 as well as one uncharacter-͞) by using mapping information from our ized expressed sequence tag were located in the two common previous study (23). Corresponding sequence tag sites (STSs) amplified regions. In summary, comprehensive analysis of the and expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified from the 17q23 amplicon revealed a limited number of highly expressed dbSTS and dbEST databases (http:͞͞͞), genes that may contribute to the more aggressive clinical course and their location in the YACs was confirmed by PCR. The STSs observed in breast cancer patients with 17q23-amplified tumors. and ESTs were used to screen commercially available P1 and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries (Genome Sys- NA amplification is an important mechanism that allows tems, St. Louis; Research Genetics, Huntsville, AL) or a PAC Dcancer cells to increase expression of critical genes, such as library provided by Pieter J. De Jong (Roswell Park Institute, oncogenes and genes conferring drug resistance. In breast Buffalo, NY). New STSs were generated by clone end sequenc- cancer, several genes, such as ERBB2 (at 17q12), MYC (8q24), ing. The STS, EST, and clone end sequences were compared and CCND1 (11q13), are known to be amplified in 10–25% of against the nr and htgs databases by using the BLASTN program tumors, and their amplification is associated with advanced stage (http:͞͞͞BLAST͞) to identify genomic of the disease (1, 2). Several other regions of the genome also are clones with sequence information. All clones were hybridized to amplified in breast cancer. Efforts are underway to identify the normal metaphase chromosomes to verify their chromosomal genes affected in these amplifications and their role in breast location and in some instances fiber-fluorescence in situ hybrid- cancer development. For example, studies of the 20q12-q13 ization (FISH) was performed to confirm the clone order as amplification have implicated a number of genes with putative described (23, 24). To create a transcript map for the amplified oncogenic potential, such as AIB1, BTAK, CAS-1, and ZNF217 region, ESTs identified from the Whitehead YAC map and (3–6), indicating that multiple genes may be activated in a given amplification locus. The chromosomal region 17q23 initially was found to be This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office. amplified in breast cancer based on genomewide copy number Abbreviations: BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; cDNA, complementary DNA; CGH, analysis by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) (7). The comparative genomic hybridization; EST, expressed sequence tag; FISH, fluorescence in situ 17q23 amplification is seen in Ϸ20% of primary breast tumors hybridization; STS, sequence tag site; YAC, yeast artificial chromosome. † by CGH, and it seems to be more common in high-grade tumors O.M. and M.B. contributed equally to this work. (8, 9) and in tumors from BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers **To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, 49 Convent Drive, Room 4B24, Bethesda, MD (10). Recently, we showed that this amplification is associated 20892-4465. E-mail: with poor prognosis of breast cancer patients (11), suggesting The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This that genes affected by this amplification may have a crucial role article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. in breast cancer progression. Copy number gains at 17q23 by §1734 solely to indicate this fact.͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.091582298 PNAS ͉ May 8, 2001 ͉ vol. 98 ͉ no. 10 ͉ 5711–5716 Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 GeneMap’99 (http:͞͞͞genemap) were lo- cancer cell lines and normal placental reference was digested for calized to the contig by PCR. All primer sequences, PCR 14–18 h with AluI and RsaI restriction enzymes (Life Technol- conditions, and genomic clone information are available on ogies, Rockville, MD) and purified by phenol͞chloroform ex- request. traction. Six micrograms of digested cell line DNA was labeled with Cy3-dUTP (Amersham Pharmacia) and 8 ␮g of placental Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Seven breast cancer cell lines (BT-474, DNA with Cy5-dUTP (Amersham Pharmacia) by using a HCC1428, MCF7, MDA-157, MDA-361, MDA-436, and Bioprime Labeling kit (Life Technologies). Hybridization was UACC-893; American Type Culture Collection) were used in done according to the protocol by Pollack et al. (28), and this study. Normal human mammary epithelial cells were ob- posthybridization washes were as described (29, 30). For the tained from Clonetics (Walkersville, MD). Cells were grown expression analyses, total RNA (MDA-361 and UACC-893) or under recommended culture conditions. mRNA (BT-474, HCC1428, MCF7, MDA-157, MDA-436, and human mammary epithelial cells) was extracted by using a Tissue Microarray. The tissue microarray used in this study has FASTTRACK 2.0 kit (Invitrogen). The breast cancer cell line been described (25) and included 372 ethanol-fixed primary MDA-436 with no copy number increase at 17q23 (see Results) breast cancers from the Institute of Pathology, University of was used as a standard reference in all experiments. Sixteen Basel. The tumors were 69.6% ductal, 14% lobular, 2.4% micrograms of MDA-436 mRNA was labeled with Cy5-dUTP medullary, 1.6% mucinous, 8.4% other rare histological sub- and 4 ␮g of test mRNA or 80 ␮g of total RNA with Cy3-dUTP types, and 4% ductal carcinoma in situ. The grade distribution by use of oligo(dT)-primed polymerization by SuperScript II was 24% grade 1, 40% grade 2, and 36% grade 3. All specimens reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies). The labeled cDNAs evaluated were anonymous, archival tissue specimens. The use of were hybridized on microarrays as described (29, 30). For both these tissue specimens for tissue microarray analysis was ap- the copy number and expression analyses, the fluorescence proved by the National Institutes of Health Institutional Review intensities at the targets were measured by using a laser confocal Board. scanner (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA). The fluorescent images from the test and control hybridizations were scanned FISH. Dual-color interphase FISH to breast cancer cell lines was separately, and the data were analyzed by using DEARRAY done as described (23). Probes were labeled with Spectrum- software (31). After background subtraction, average intensities Orange (Vysis, Downers Grove, IL) by random priming, and a at each spot in the test hybridization were divided by the average SpectrumGreen-labeled chromosome 17 centromere probe (Vy- intensity of the same spot in the control hybridization.
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