Pft:.$" re# ,mtru ons on /'Own. btl 0", comp/etinq fotm. Form Aoorovod. OMB No. 2070-0080. ADDrovaJ e~rttS' 05-.31-98 United States § Registration opp Identifier Number o'EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment ').1 7 <:::-21 'J I--"J,.~J Washington, DC 20460 X Other

\ Application for Pesticide - Section I , • Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification i-9bq-5B IPlJILI P ~/m NOno Rttstricted 4. compan~roduct (Name) 0 o PDA5T ~1I"oA""",,,,"" US£" 1I£1MfloN (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling AG/!ICW-1!AI?AL PI?Ol>UI:TS to: PO BOX 135~e fESEARtIl1TfANdL€ PMK Ne :1'1'10'1-352& EPA Reg. No. .. ChtICk if this is II now addr6SS o Product Name .~ Section - II

Amendment - Explain below. Final printed labels in response to 0 0 Agency latter dated 0 Rosubmission in responS8 to Agency letter dated -0 "Me Too· Application. [X] Notification - Explain below. 0 Other - Explain below. Explanation: Use additional page(s) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.) IIf017P/; JlfJT7f1CdT7r'1Y Of /'I/Ho/ UBElINIt tI/AIi~E;f ~a f,l Iidl7C'E 95"-/l. FCS J 'l:jJl1O/tJ 0/991

Section - III 1. Materillil This Product Will Be PlIIckaged In: Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Solublo Pack8ging 2. Type of Container Bvo•• Vo. PI_8sdc . No No Ef·· B No ~"-GI8ss If "Yes" No. per If "Yes· No~ per Pap"r * Certification must Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container O,her (Spocify) b8 submltt8(/ I 3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 5. location of label Directions B OnLabol label Container On labeling accompanying product 0 o . 6. Manner in Which label is Affixed to Product Oth&r § lithograph , ,.. -. Paper ~Iued 0 " Stenc; ed Section - IV 1. Contact Point (Camp/ots items directly below for identificanon orlndivldu81 to b9 contacted; if nllcesssry;· to proceSs "this appiic8tion.l

Name TItle .. Telephone N;': ~Inchd" Area Code) XAlEIi [' /V.4lK£N77e/ SEN/Of mt57M77tW gJf?;iIiIJT (919) 5t{f-JO/1{ '--. Certification 6., UI:I\e: 'Application I certify that the statements I hav6 made on this form and all attachments thereto are true. accurato and com~l~t(-:. ;"{vl,.t.jved I acknowledga that any knowingly false or misleading ~t8tement may be- punishable- by fine or imprisonment or !S~amped' both under applicable law. -- 2.Signj~ _ 3. Title

'; " ...... ~ ~-. -~.--' _ 8B//CI< RE~7101'1 >7Ea4ltfT , . '... , 4. Typed Namo 5. D.,. , " tlUlJI E MfR,camEN' j / JfM/UARY 1?91 .. .. EPA Form 8570-1 'Rev. 8-94} PreVJous e-dltlons tire obsoltlte. 'Whlta • EPA File Copy (origtn.l\ v.t\ow - ~'P\le.t\:t CG?"f BASF Corporation BASF

-January 31, 1997·

MI\ Philip Errico, PM #25 Fu·ngicide-Herbicide Branch Agricultural Products Registration Division (7505G) Office of Pesticide Programs (NOTIF) US Environmental Profectiori Agency 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202

SUBJECT: Poast® Homeowner Use Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 7969·58 Notification of Minor Labeling Changes per PR Notice 95-2

Dear Mr. Errico.:

Enclosed please find revised labeling for Poast® Homeowner Use Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 7969-58, a supplemental label for Poast® Herbicide containing. homeowner use instructions. This labeling is being submitted as a notification and make the following corrections:

1. Unbolding the percentage inert ingredients and total percentage on the front panel. 2. Addition of omitted words from environmental hazards statement. 3. Correction of tablespoon equivalents for fluid ounces of oil concentrate. 4. Removal of asterisk footnote after "Carrots" in Table 2. Carrots are now a registered use in California.

This notification is consistent with the provIsions of PR Notice 95-2 and EPA regulations at 4.0 CFR§ 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 USC § 1001 to willfully make any false statementto EPA I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the terms of PR Notice 95-2 and 40 CFR § 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.


Karen E. Warkentien Senior Registration Specialist

KEWlkew 97-002.doc


P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709·3528 (919) 547~2000 /2. RT Date: 5-1-% . 3 t I 'BASF NOTIFICAllON Copy 3 -C47-lN6ES .•• "';l. -,01·.... .:.' !X£ PA6ES ,cJ:'i"~:f I '---C-C-E PTE D JUL 19 1996

Postemergence Grass Herbicide For homeowner use on and around: Flowers Fruits' Evergreens Vegetables' "0" Shrubs' Ornamental Groundcovers I~j (7FIC Trees . Bedding . ....nOIlA • See Crop Table for specific crops'· . -- Ff,B < IV I ') • Systematic selective herbicide kills weedy grasses without injuring desirable Pla~ts!99/ • Controls: Berrnodagrass, crabgrass, foxtails, quackgrass, and many other Weedy grasses. • Concentrate makes 8 gallons of spray solution.

Active Ingredient: . Sethoxydim: 2·[1·(ethoxyimino) butylj·S·[2·(ethylthio)propylj·3·hydroxy·2· CYciohexen-1-one" ...... _ ...... _...... _ ...... _._ •. _._. __...... _ .._18% Inert Ingredients: ...... ll23i Total ...... 100% •• Equivalent to 1.5 pounds per gallon

EPA R!lg. No. 7969-58

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. WARNING/AVISO Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la expJique a usted en detalle. (If you do not understand this label, find someone to explain it to you in detaiL)

Statement of Practical Treatment If in eyes: Immediately wash eyes with running water for .15 minutes. If irritation.deye!pps, consult a physician.-· ...... -- -... . .»... If on skin: Wash affected areas with soap and water. If irritation develops, consult a physician. " If swallowed: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Dilute with water and get immediate . • )', •• t medical atlantion. Nevs[ give fll.lids or induce.vomitina if thsvictim is UllCQI1§<;igY§.or havirlQ. ______+__ ~ _,L_~-~. convulsions. .- ...... -...... :.,... . ._.__...... ~ .

If inhaled: Move to fresh air. Aid in breathing, if necessary and get immediate medical atten· " ,> '" , tion. . . - . .'...- .. -. - ...... , , , .". , , .,' '. Net con'tents: 8 fluid ounces • • "J Supplem~ntal Label

BASFP.O. 8ox.13528, Corporation ResearcliTnangiEiParK. ... NC,_... 27709· -~- . ~ - '-':'=S· E"ST AVA"LABLE COpy' . , . Preca.utipnary Statements Environmental Hazards Weedy Grasses Controlled: . ,Hazards to Humans (and This product is toxic to aquatic Poast killS most annual and hard .~ . DO[llestic Animals) organisms. For terrestrial useS, do _ to-kilf Perennial grasses up to 1 foot Causes substantial but temporary or: not apply directly to water ,*0 areas . high including the examples listed eye injury~8.o not get into eyes or wllere surlace Water IS present, or· below in one (or two) application(s). on clothing. Harmful if swalloweci, ... to intertldal.a®s beIQ."" thf,}ligh Younger, actively growing seedling 111ear. water mark.1)o not contaminate weeds are more easily killed than Re-entry statement water when disposing of equipment older, mature, well-established Do not allow ~ple or pets to washwaters. graSSy weeds which may require a come into contact with treated . E:ndangered Species Conce·ms repeat applicalion for control. areas until spray has dried. Iheuse of any pesticide in a man­ Adding oil conceQtrate may help Personal Protective Equipment: ner that may kill or otherwise harm control of grassy weeds'. Some materials that are chemically an endangered or threatened Barnyardgrass Junglerice species or adverseJy modify their Bermudagrass Lovegrass . resistant to this product are listed . habitat is violation of federal law. below. If you want more options, a Broad leaf . Orchardgrass, follow the instructions for category . . Signal grass . Seedling G on an EPA chemical resistance Directions For Use Crabgrass. _._ Quac;kgrass category selection chart. It is a violation of federal law to use , Large Tall Fescue this product in a manner inconsis­ . ,_Smooth _Seedling tent with this labeling; Applicators and other handlers Fall Panicum Texas Panicum must wear: Do not apply this product in away Foxtails, Giant Shattercanel that will contact workers or other , Green Wildcane • Coveralls over short'sleeved shirt and short pants persons, either directly or through ,YellOw Wild Proso Millet drift. Only protected handlers may Goosegrass Wirestem Muhly • Chemical-rSlSistant gloves, such be in the area during application. Johnsongl'$Ss Witchgrass as barrier laminate, or vilon;;, 14 For any requirements specifiC to , Seedling Woolly cupgrass mils your State or Tribe, consolt the , Rhizome • Chemical-resistantfootwear plus agency responsible for pesticide Note: This product does not con­ socks regulation. trol sedges (including nuts edge or • Protective eyewear .nutgrass) annual bluegrass, or • Chemical-resistant apron when READ ENTIRE LABEL FOR broadleaf weecls. _REl<:i fescue, cleaning equipment, mixing, and DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND che~ngsfescue,hardfescue,and loading PRECAUTIONARY STATE- dichondra turfs are also tolerant of MENTS.· . Poast. Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated Poast' herbicide is a selective WhElrt to apply with this product's concentrate. Do systemic grass killer to eliminate._._ Apply any time grassy weeQs are not re-use them. Follow manufac- existing weedy grasses growing in actively growing not exceeding the turer's instructions for cleaning! and around beds, landscapes, minimum o[days from application maintaining PPE. If no such instruc- and individual shrubs and trees. to harvest wben usE)d on vegeta· tions for washables, use detergent (See appendix for listing.) It can be - bles and fruits. Warm sunny w~th­ and hot water. Keep and wash PPE used through a hose-end sprayer er will accelerate systemic move­ separately from other laundry. according to the directions of the ment from leaves and stems down ,-,-,---=-""7"-=-----,-,--,-. sprayers being used or through a othe roots to give complete kill. Do User Safety Recommendations: tank-type sprayer. not mow or cut off tops of weeds Users should: before spraying. Do not apply if .Wash hands before eating, drink- Poast can also be used around list- rainfall is elfpected within one hour ing, chewing gum, using tob;lC- _ ed fruit and vegetable areas (see following application. Growth of co, or using the toilet. .. Table 2) wherever listed weedy treated grasses stops soon after ' • Remove clothing immediately if grasses occur. Use only tank type application. They tumy...tic,w and pesticide gets inside. Then wash sprayers. . die within one to .three wet:ks thoroughly and put on clean depending on the gl a5S specie.s, clothing. stage of growth and W€ather conrji­ • Remove PPE immediately after tions. Cool weather, d~ct.:ght and . handling this product. Wash the heat stress slows ach'j'y, outside of gloves before remov­ ing. As soon as possible, wash Table 1. Dilution Table thoroughly and change into clean Amount of Poast {concentrate} and Oil C.oncentrate to Use clothing...... ~ .•. . Amount of Amount of Poast Amount of Oil Concentrate" - _.., _. - Coverage in Water to be Fluid Tablespoons Fluid Tablespoons Square ~,E>et •• Used Ounces Ounces • 1 gallons 1 2 1 -1- Z 1,800 .. 3 gallons 3 6 3 -3- G 5,500 5 gallons, . 5 10 5 -&- 10 9.100 8 gallons 8 16 8 -e- 116 14,eoo ...... ' ... , One gallon of spray will treat 1,8oo.square feet olarea. . , " , - To prevent leaf burn of desirable plants. do not use oilconcentrate when comfort index (temperature 0 F + humidity) exceeds 150., ..- ...... ', ., .-:.. . , , '" . BEST AVAILABLE copy 2 5~ 1.2.. How to apply With tank sprayers: Most ornamental species tested With hose-end sprayers: Mix 1 fluid ounce of Poast plus 1 have been found tolerant of Poas!; A. No water dilution/premixing fluid ounce of oil concentrate per 1 however, use with caution around needed. Determine how much gallon of water and spray to just the followi,:g Riant:; as they may be _ area: is to-oo treatooas"guare_ ._~c1tli.etlhe--'lllWantedwe_edy grasses. damaged If foliage IS contacted by - feet. ·Pour rlfuldounce of -._- One gallon of spray will treat 1800 the spray: Azaleas (var. snow). Poast" herbicide and 1 fluid square feet of area. Wash sprayer Japanese Privet, PotentilJa, Snow-in ounce of oil concentrate in the by flushing soapy water and then Summer. Red Oak and White Oak - hose-:end sprayer bottle for each clean water through the sprayer. and ornamental grasses. 1.800 square feet to De treated. Important: For spot treating grassy Poast may also be used on the fol­ Set the sprayer dial to apply as weeds near lawns and around any .!o;viognonbeenng food plants. Do close to 1 fluid ounce per galion sensitive plants. a tank type sprayer ---not apply within 1 year of harvest. as possible. After application. is recommended. Spray carefully to Apricots Nectsrines wash the sprayer with a dilute avoid spray or drift contact with Avocados Peaches soap solution and rinse accord- desirable plants. If drift occurs. Blackberries Plums ing to the sprayer instruc- wash oftlQliage immediately WITh Cherries Pomegranates tions. water. . - - Rgs Prunes- B. Water dilution/premixing For use on flowers, bedding needed. Some hose-end appn- plants, evergreens, shrubs, For use on fruit and vegetables cators recommerd that liquid trees and ornamental ground- areas (use only with tank type products be premixed with covers sprayers). water before pouring into the Poast may be applied ·over-the- Poast may be used on the fruits sprayer bottle. Read the hose- top" of desirable plants infested by and vegetables listed in the Fruit end sprayer instructions for weedy grasses or as a directed and Vegetable Table. Do not making treatments at .1_ fluid spray to weedy grassas when labeL _ apply on or around any fruIT and ounce per 1.800 square feet. directions are followed. Do not vegetable not listed on this label. Clean the sprayer after use exceed dosage rate per gallon of especially sweet com. Applications according to the sprayer instruc- spray. See Appendix for tolerant on and around tolerant vegetables tions. plant Ilsting. and fruit .shou.ld be applied with only a tank-type sprayer. A second Table 2. Fruit and Vegetable Varieties .• . __ .•. __ -.?pplicationmay be made to all list- CrOll. Minimum time from last application to harves.t.. ed vegetables and fruits except Apple _ 14 days peanut and strawberry. Artichoke (California only) 7 days Thequantities presented in the Asparagus- -- 1 day Dilution Table do not exceed the Beans, green 15 days registered rates for the fruits and ,dry 30 days vegetables listed. Do not exoeed Blueberry" 30 days the quantities presented. Broccoli 30 days Cabbage 30 days Storage and Disposal Cantelo~ 14 days Carrots>" 30aays 'Storage: Keep pesticide in original Caulifower 30 days container. Do not put concentrate Calery 30 days or dilute spray into food. feed or Citrus -- - . 15 days drink containers. Avoid contamina­ Crabapple 14 days tion of feed and foodstuffs. Store in Cranberries" 60 days a cool, dry place. preferably in a Cucumber 14 days locked storage area. Do not store Eggplant 20 days diluted spray. . Endive (Rorida only) 15 days Disposal: original Grape 50 days Secure~y w'DP Lentils' 50 days conta:r.a b several layers of news­ Lettuce. head 30 days paper and dscard ir>./r"lsh. , leaf 15 days Cont:l'np.r: Do nvt re-LJ~e empty Mint 20 days bottle. Muskmelon 14 days Noti",,; BlJyer aS3urr:es all liability. Onion, garlic 30 days inclurlin-Jpursonallnjury and prop­ Peanut' 40 days er1y damage, which may result from Pear 14 days the use of this prr>dll(;\ in a manner Peas,green 15 days inconsistent with ICilhli,'g directions: ,dry 30 days Pepper -­ 2G_days If these terms are I iut acceptable, Potato 30 days return at once unopen3:J. Pumpkin 14 days . .). Quince 14 days . . Raspberry 45 dayS .. . Spinach 15 days Squash (all) 14 days . Strawberry' 7 days Tomato 20 days . , , , Tree nuts 15 days Watermelon ... 11_days_., ~._ ... -...... Not for use Ir'i California. , Use no more than one application per season. Up to two apprlCations per season may be made. on all other plants.

3 ··-BEST AVAILABL.E coPy Appendi" .. -' :Trees Eucalyptus listed by common name (Eucalyptusrobusta) Acacia, Knife Leaf '_ (Eucafyptus fehrnanniO (Acacia-cultriformis) (Eucalyptus nicholO Arborvitae, Eastern (var: Teehny) !E.ucalyptus granis) (Thuja occidentalis) Fir' , Berkmalts, Oriental , " (Abil~s sp.) (Thuja Orientaffs) ", Douglas , Ash, Green " (Pseudotsuga menziesiO (Fraxinus pennsylvanicdrfi) , Frasier , Mountain c[Abies frasen) (Sorbus aucuparia) -, White , Mountain , (Abies concolor) (Sorbus americana decora) Goldenrain Tree , White , , , ,(Koelreuteria paniculata) (Fraxinus americana) Guava _ Basswood, American • --(Psidiurn littorale) (/7/ia americana) , Pineapple Berkman's,Orientaf (Feijoa sellowiana) (Thuja orientalis) Gum, Blue Birch (EucafyptUs glob(jlus) (Betula sp.) , Lemon-scented , Asian White (var. JaponicaJ (Eucafyptus cilriadera) (Betula p~typhylla) , ,Red Box • European White (Eucalyptus polyanthemos) (Betula pendula) Hackberry, Common _ ' , paper (Celtis occidentalis) (Betula papyrifolia) Hemlock, Canadian , River, Black or Red (Tsuga canadenSiS) (Betula nigra) Holly, Chinese Black Locust (var: Bufordii, Rotunda) (Robinia pseudoacacia) Olex cornuta) Bottie-brush , Hybrid (var Nellie Stevens) (Callistamon lanceolatus) Olex spares) Bottie Tree ,Japanese '" (Brachychiton populneus) (var:ConvexC!. Compacta,Helleri, Hoogendom) Brisbane Box Tree ' 'Olex crenata) (Tristania conferta) . ' ,Yaupon , ____ _ Cajeput Tree '~c. , (fIeXViJrfi7fOfia) - (Melaleuca quinquenervla) Ironbark, Red" ',' '.,' Carob Tree - , '(Eucalyptus sii:JeroXylciiiT (Ceratonia siliqua) Jacaranda Carrot Wood __ _ --,.. (.Jacaranda mimosffolia) (Cupaniopsis anaca,dioides) Kentucky Coffee Tree Catalpa, Southern , :-~{Gymnocladus dioicus) (Catalpa bignonioides) Larch, European Cherry, Black (Larix europa) (Prunus serotina) Laurel, Indian , Carolina , FICUS rnicrocarpa nTtida} (prunus caroliniana ·compacta') Unden ' Crabapple, Flowering , ' , , , ,', "',' '(/ilia americana) (var O8lgo, Radiant. Red Splendor, Royalty, Undan, Uttleleaf Vanguard, Sylvestris, Domestic) (Tilia cOrdata) (Malus sp.) , LoclJst, Honey Cypress, False _,.0, __ ._._ .-,,--~--(GledTtsia triacanthos ineimis) (Chamaecyparis pisTfera) , Leyland LoqUrPrioootrya jaPan/cal " (Cupressocyparis leylandiO _Jvlagr>oJi.a 139;JthEllll_ ------'----~- ~--,- ,- -,---­ ,Italian­ '" (MagnQlia gran,difloca) (Cupressus sempervirensj Maple, Red , Dogwood, Flowering '" .~_ (Acer rubrum) (Comus florida) , Japanese • , ,­, , Silky (Acer palma tum) , (Comus amonurn) , Silver ., , , Pagoda (Acer saccharinum) , (Comus altemifolia1 ,Mimgsa Tree (sfflilLf;fJ) , '" ,_ Elm, Chinese Evergreen , ~",' '-(Albizia fulibrissin) ., " . (Ulmus paryifolia) Myoporurn '~, "" . ~. " , -- , (Myoporum laetum) New Zealand Christmas Tree, , '" BEST AVAILABLE copy (Metros/deros excels us) 4 - Oak .- -.. - Plum, Wild (Ouercus) (Prunus americana) , Water F'oplar, Hybrid (Quercus nigra) . (Populus alba) , Willow Popular, Yellow, Tulip Tree (Quercus phellos) _~. ___ - (LirigejefLd[QGtulipjf,,[8) _. ------~--. _...... • Olive Tree .. ~- ... _Pufpleleaf, Bailey Acacia (Olea europaea) . _ . (Acacia_ b.ail~an91 'Olive, Russian ...... Redwood. CQasL .. __ .__ (Efaeagnus angustifOlfa) .- (Sequoia sempervirens) Orchid Tree, Purple .Sandcherry, Western (Bauhinia variegata) .. •... _~~ (prUl]I,Js_bgIS§Yll __ Osage Orange .. ·-S~nsi\fve Plant . (Mac/ura pomifera) (Mimosa pudica) . Palm, Mediterranean fan STIkTree.. . (Chamaerops humilis) (Albizia julibrissin) , Pygmy Date Spruce, Black Hills (var. Densata) (Phoenix roebe/eniD (Pic.ea gla11Ga). .. , Queen , COlorado Blue (Arecastrum romanzofrl8num) (Pice:. pungens) ,Sago ., Norway (Cycas revoluta) (Picea abies) _ , Windmill ., White (Tracheocarpus fOrtuneD (Picea glauca) _Palo Verde, Green _Strawberry Tree (Parkinsdnla acu/eata) (Arbutus unedo) Paulownia Royal Sumac, Standard, African (Paulownia lomentosa) (Rhus lanCf!8) Pear, Common . Sweet Gum (Pyrus communis) (Liquidambar stryaciflus) , Evergreen . SYC8!T1Qre __ = ---_ (Pyrus kawakamiD (Pfatanus occidentalis) , Ussunan Tea Tree. Australian (Pyrus ussudensis) .. (Leptospermun laevigaturn) Pepper, Brazilean TIpu Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) , (Tipuana tipu) Pine, Aleppo Walnut, Black (Pinus halepensis ) (Juglans nigra) , Austrian Weeping Rg, Biotica (PinUsn7gra) (Ficus benjamina) , Canary Island - _Wulow__ _ ...... (Pinus canariensis) (Salix matsudana tortuosa) , Canbbean Slash , Australian (Pinus caribean) (Geijera Parviflora) , Italian Stone . - Desert (Pinus pineal (PitiospOrum phillyraeoides) ,Jack , Peppermint (Pinus banksiana) - (Agonis ffexuosa) , Japanese Black Yate, Bushy .... (Pinus thunbergiD (Eucalyptus lehmanr,ilj . , Loblolly Yew, English (Pinustaeda) (TaxuS baccaia)

,Mugho. ... ------(Pinus mugho) Shrubs , Ponderosa, Westem yellow Listed by common nafTIE": .. (pinus pijnderosa) . Abelia, Glossy • Red ~- _oo~ (Abelia grandif/ora) (Pinus resinosa) Acacia, Bailey , Scotch . (Acacia baileyana) (Pinus sylvestris) ,Knife Leaf , Shore L: .... [Ac::ClC::ici c(Jltdmwis) .. ------.. (Pinus coitfta) . .-_.~., Prostrate ,.., . , Slash _(Acacia redolens) _. .

(Pinus ellottiD • ,> >, j. , SYdneyGO!p_~n). lJIJattle 1 .- - -i -- , Southern .~[Acacia longllolla . . . (Pinus pa/ustrisT AndIQ(1)e<:iq . __ _ ,Virginia· . "-= '-'7!'-t=.";"-r ... ~ (Pieris jiponicaj ., . (Pinus virgin!ana) Arborvitae, Oriental . , White ')" . (Platycladus orientalis) I", , ->. (Pinus strobus) Arrowwood, Southern , White, Japanese . . (ViBuriiiJrn i:feiJtatumj (Pinus paMflora) ,-Yew ._-t-., , (Podocarpus mactophyllus) 5,.

~ /.2. Azalea, Mollis hybrid Forsythia, Greeristerri l~ " (R. X koslerianum) (Forsythia viridissima bronxeniss) . " Northern Ughts Hybrid, "_ " _ Flax, New Zealand _ (R x kosterianum x R prinophyllum) (phormium tenaxl Bamboo; Heavenly Fuchsia, Australian (Nandina domestica) - -- (Correa pulchel/a) _ - -c Barberry, Japanese ---- -:~Garoenia (var. Mystery, -Radicans) (Berberis thunbergilj (Gardenia augusta) ,Korean \ (Gardenia jasminoides) (Berberis koreana) '" '" _ , Dwarf (var. Veitchiij , Redleaf __ ' • : -:: --=-: (Gardenia jasmiTioides) (Berberis virginian) Gold ,, GUinea -- Bird of Paradise Bush _____ (Hibbertia scandens) (Caesaipinia gil/esiO Hakea Bluebeard --- --(Hakea proteaceaJ (Caryopteris cTandonensis) Hawthorn, India:! _ Boxwood, Common --(Phaphiolepis indica) (BuxuS sempervirens) Hibiscus, Blue , African . (A/yogyne huegel/i) (Myrsine africana) _Hibiscus, Chinese , Japanese -- -_. (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) (var: Japanica) Holly, Dwarf Burford (Buxus microphylla) (ver. Burfordii Nana) Buckthom, Glossy, Alder ~Iex comuta) (Rhamnus frangula) - Honeysuckle, Bush Camellia . -- (OieM7le lonicera) (Camellia japanica) ,Cape (Gamellia sasanqua) - (rec6maria capensis) Cedar, Eastern Red Hydrangea' . - _ . (var: Pyramidiformus, caneartO (Hydrangea macrophylla) (Juniperus virginiana) Jasmine Asiatic Cherry, Brush -- (rrachelopsermumasiaticum) (Eugenia myrtifolia) , Orange ,Manchu, Nanking -(Murraya pan/cUiala) (Prunus tomentosa) ,Star ,. _ _ _. ___ . _ Chokecherry sp, (rrachelospeVrl(!m jasminoides) . (Aronia meloelata) , Winter Copper Plant, Caribbean - (.Jasm7ne nudiflorum) (EuphOria cotinifolia) Jessamine, Carolina Cotoneaster, Bearberry (Ge/semium sernparvireni)' (Cotoneaster dammem) Jojoba , Cranberry (Simmondsia chinensis) . (Cotoneaster apiculata) Juniper, Chinese (var: Maneyi, Old Gold, Phtzerana, , 'Iowfast' Sea Green, Hekii, Nana, Torulosa, Phtzerana , Peking Autea, PFitzer, Golden Pfllzs.r) (Cotoneaster awtifolia) _. (Juniperus chinens/s) Coyote Bush • Creeping (ver: Bluechip, Hughes, Plumosa, (Baccharis pilularisj Prince of Wales, Webberi, Wiltoni!, Bar Harbor, Cranberry Bush, American Andorra, Varie9ata, Youngstown Blue Rug) (Vibumum trilobum) (.Juniperus honzontalis) _ . , Golden ,Ozark . (Viburnum opulus aureum) (.Juniperus spJ . Crape Myrtle , Rocky Mountain (var: Blue Heaven, 'W3tChii, (Legestromia indica) . Wichita Blue, Medova, Moffet, pyrarridnl Gref'/.I; Currant, Alpine Sprirrgtime, AdmiraO (Ribes alpinum) (Juniperusscopulorum) . Dogwood, Red Osier - :,; Savin' . . . _ ...... (Comus stolonifera) .(c'iar: Sk$.ndja,ArCQdia, 8roadmoor, Buffalo, Pepin) - . Elaeallnus , (Juniperus sabina) (Elaeagnus umbel/ata) ,Shore (var.GQmpacta) Escallonia __ (Juniperus conferta) . ' .. (EscaJlonia fradesiy . , Tarn (var. Tamariscifolia) > (Escallonia rubia) _ .,.--:--~~-- (,Junigerus sabina) . • Euonymus, Evergreen ," ..:: . _ ..'-:::: . Lanti;in'a, Purple fralling • . " , (var. Golden, Silver King) , _ (Lantanamontevidensis) . -- Laurustirius .... ., , (Euonyrnus japanica) , ,Winged _ - -,~_._-_,(Vibumum tinus) " (Euonymus alata) . Lemona,cje Berry . • r'--"- .. . (Rhus integrifoliaT Fig, Creeping "" , (Ficusrepens) Ulac, Commcn Purple Firethorn ... _____ (Syringa vulgaris purpura) (Pyracantha g,,!berO . Uriope. Green' serviceberry. Allegheny" .. I (Liriope muscarD · ... (Amelanchier laevls) • Variegated • Saskatoon (var. Regent) (Liriope muscarO (Amelanchier alnifolia) .Mickey Mouse Bush. Silv

(Photinia fraser) • . c (Vibumum lantanoides) Pink lady Weeping Rg, EXotica (Rahiolels indica) (Ficus benjamina) .._ Pink Powder Puff Wheelers Dwarf, Variegated (Calliandra haematacephala) (var: Wheller) Pittosparum;Vanegated Japanese (Pittosporum tobira) (pittosporum tobira vaoegata) Yellow Plumbago. CaPe ( stans) (Plumbago capensis) . Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow Podocarpus. Yew '. (8tiJnfe/sia calycina)

(Podocarpus macrophyllus) Yew 'c Princess Flower . (Taxus cl.fspitatavigatLT:7; (libouchirra urvilleana) Privet Ornamentals, EI~cldiO!;, !J'i'nts (Ligustrum indica) . .Lis1e.dby common nalT'.€' .. • Glossy (var: Lake Tresca) Allysum ...... (Ligustrum luciQum) . (Alyssum spJ • Japanese.Waxleat Asparagus. Myers (var. Meyen) (Ligustrum japonicum) _ __ (Asg.BrEI9[J§. df3f]sjfiorusJ.___ Texas' .. - , Sprenger (var. Sprengen) iLigustrUm texanum) · (Asparagus densiflorus) Purple Hop Bush Aster. New York ...... , , (Dodonaea viscosa) (Aster novi-belgiO -- . Pyracantha . -. :,.Stokes(var: Blue, White) • (Pyracantha graberlj .' ~ (Stokesia cyanae) . Rhododendron - Azalea (var. Hinocrimson;' · Baby's Breath (var: Bristo F~ry) Hershey Red, Cora(Blue, Hinodigiri, .. ' • .. (.GYPs9phiia paniculata) Christmas Cheer, Pink Ruffle. Formosa Aame. Begonia Delaware Valley White. New White) (Begonia s-empBrflorens) . . .,.- _. (Rhododendron spJ Bellflower. Tussock (var: Canterbury Bel].» Sandcherry. Purpleleat (Campanula carpatica) , , (Prunus cistena) ", . __ 1-_----'- __ _ , . .- 7 . . -BjltBrsweet, American - -=-_:Gladiolus IOi 1.2. r', , (Calastrus scandens) (Gladiolus sp.) . Black-eyed Susan (var: Goldilocks) Heather, FaJ~ ______-(Rudbeckia hirta) - _(Cuphea hyssopifolia) Bleeding .1:1~rt H.QQeysu£:..J>le, AmiJr . (Dicentra spectabl7is) _ (Lonicera maachiij Butterfly Weed Honeysuckle,Fly _ _. (Asclepias tuberosa) - (var: Emerald Mound, Clavey'sDwarf)__ Bower Vine \ (Lonicera xylosteum) (pandorea jasminoides) _,-Japanese - Cactus, Barrel _ (L,gnic;®l'iI2QDipaL ______(Echinocactus sp.) ,MQrrQw __ Candytuft (Lonicera morrowii) (Iberis sempervirens) , Tatarian (var: ZabelO (Iberis amara) _ (Lonicera tat?-ricaL Canna HopseedBush; Purple (Canna spJ (ver Purpurea) Cassia, Feathery (D6donaea viscosa) (Cassia artemisioides) Impatiens Chrysanthemum, Marguarite _Ompatiens sp) (Chrysanthemum frutescens) _ Iris (Chrysanthemum indicum) Oris sp) Cockscomb , Alrican (Celosia argentea) (Dietes bieolor) (Canna) _ Ivy, Grape Coleus ~ar: Ellen Danica) (Coleus blumetJ (Cissus rhombifoliaj Coneflower, Purple (var: Gloriosa Dairy) JaCk-in-the-Pulpit (Echinacea purpurea) --- - (Arisaemia pusillum) Coralbells __ -Mrs. Bradshaw Improved) (Heuchera sanguinea) Jade Plant _ _ _ Coreopsis (var: Sunray) (Crassula argentea) (Coreopsis lanceolata) Jasmine, Madagascar Cup 01 Gold Vine (Stephana/is nonbunda) (Solandra maxima) Lamb's Ear - Daffodil (Stachys lanata) (Narcissus spp.) Lavender, English' Dahlia - (Lavandula vera) (Dahlia pinnata) , French Daisy Bush (Lavandula dentata) (Euryops pectinatus) , Cotton Daisy; Blue (Santolina chamaecyparlsusT (Felicia amellioides) lJIac, Chinese ,Shasta (var: Alaska -(Syringa chinensis) (Chrysanthemom maximum) , Common Purple _ _ _ _ Daylily (var: Charles Joly, Ludwig Spaeth, Jay Tree) (Hemerocallis hybrids) (Syringa vulg"ris purpurpa) Dianthus , Meyer (var: Palibin) (Dianthus deltoides) (Syringa sp.) Dragonhead, F:;Ils8 -, J<:orwo ___ _ (Physostegia virginiana) (var: Miss Kim) Dusty Miller (Syringa patula) (Centaurea cineraria) , Mountain ______Fern, Sprenger Asparagus -- -- -(Cea[l6tDui; !JtiSftus) _ (Asparagus densinorus SprengeriO lily-of-the-Nile, Peter Pan Fescue, Blue _ -~-----~.- - -- (Agapanthus african us) (Festuca owna) - _-- -- lily-ol-the-Valley Flowering tobacco .:.:~ ---: :---~~-:~~_--:;.~(Convallaria maja/is) (Nicotiana sp) Lobelia _., . Fountain Grass, Red __ _ (LOoo/8 eiTnus) (Penn/setum setaceum) ManQ9ld Gazania IL?lW1es sp.) • •••, (Gazania ringens teucolaerfa) Mirror Plant . (Gazania sp.) . (Coprosma baurierL • Geranium -.---~--- -- ~-:=~~':':=-.-~:-VariegateQ_ _. (Geranium sp.) - (Coprosma repens) , Martha Washington Moneywort, Creeping Jenny (Pelargonium domestlcurn) (L ysimachia _nummalaria) Gerbera Daisy _ •. Moss,Hose.- (Gerbera jarn.esonllj (portulaca grandiflora) Geum (var: Lady Strathedon; Mrs. Bradshaw, ,Sandwort __ _ Mrs. Bradshaw Improved) (Arenarja verna) (Geum quellYOQ) .- 8 Pansy c Johnny'~uinp-Up Ground covers (VIOla tricolor) _ J,Js~(Lby c.ommonname Pepper, Ornifmehtal Aaron's Beard (Capsicum sp) (Hypericum calycinum) PeriWinkle, Madagascar. . . :Aptenia (var: RedApple) (Catharanthus roseus) .. ___ (Aptenia cordifolia) PeriwInkle· . Bergenia, Winter-blooming (Vinca minor) .. - . (Bergenia crassofoJia) l Petunia 8ugleweed (petunia spJ· (Ajuga reptans) Phlox, Perennial Capeweed (Phlox paniculata) ..~ (Arctotheca calenduia) Plantain Uly . Carpathian, Harebell (Hosta sp.) (Campanala carpatica) Purple loosestrife .. Cjnquefoil, Spnng (var: Morden's Gleam) (Potenlilla tabernaemontaniO (Lythrum virgatum) . Coyote brush (var. Twin Peaks) Raspberry Ice (Baccharis pilularis) (Bougianvillea spJ Crownvetch Sage . · (Ccronilla varia) (Salvia greggiO Cushion Bush Sea Pinks, Thrift (Calocephalus browniO (Armeria maritima) Daisy, Trailing African, Freeway Sedum, Stonecrop (Osteosperrnum) (Sedum x rubrotinctum) , White African (Lavender cotton) (Osteospermum fruticosum alba) Shrimp Plant Gazania, Trailing (Justicia brandegeana) . (Gazania regens leucalaena) Sky Rower, Brazilian Green Carpet (Duranta stenostachya) (Herniaria giabra) Snail Vine IVy, Algerian (Vigna caracalla) (Heclera canai£3nsiSL Snapdragon~ . . . · , Boston -- (An tirrhinum majus) (Parthenocissus trlcuspidata) Speedwell, Spike , English fo/erQnica spicata) (Hedera helix) (var. California) Stat ice, Perennial , Grape (Limonium pereziO (var Ellen Danica) Stock · (Ossus rhombifoJia) (Mattiola incana) , Hahn's (var: Hahniij Sweet Grass· . (Heclera helix) (Acorus gmrrUneus) Lantana, Lavender Sweet William (Lantana montevidensis) (DianthusbarbiJius) . Uly-turf, Big Blue Transvaal Daisy .. (Uriope muscan) (Gerbera jamesonilj Uppla Trumpet Vine, Blood red · (Phyla nodiflora) (Distictis bucciriatorf8) Mondo Grass , Lavender · (Opliiopogon japonicus) (Clytostoma callistegioides) Myoporum (var: Prostrat~;n; , Pink .~ (Myoporum paNifoJjjmj' (Panaorea (osee) Pach.l'sandra Tulip . _ (Pachysandra terminadi') (Tuffpaspp) Periwinkle______.. Verbena •.. (Vinca major) . fo/erberra sp) Plumbago, Dwarf...... Wandering Jew _ . _0 •• ·C" (Ceralostigna plumbaginoides) (TradescE!fJti8sp) Pork and Beans. Wisteria . ._ (Seclum rubrotinctum) (iNisteria siJlerriiS) .. ~ RQs~ ICEe pl~nt .. . __ __ Yarrow (var: cerise Queen) (Drosanthemum floribundum) (Achillea·Miliefolium) Rosemary, Dwarf (var: Pros.tratus) .., , , Debutante (Rosmarinus officinafis) •. (Achillea taygetea v.) .Rupture Wort • Yellow Trumpet (Herniaria glabra) (Macfadyena unguis-wtiJ. _ ,_ ... _SL.lQbns.wort, Gr!;l8Qin.9._ Zinnia .. ~ . ...._. -- ...... - (Hypericum calycinum) . (Zinnia e/egan;;j . -Stonecrop, 3edum , . (Seclum rubralincturn) Verbena _ .., fo/erbena officihalis) l' •• ,Blue ''", , I){erbena peruvianna) 9. __ I :2. ~ 1.<. . . . Conditions of Sale and Warranty Y The Directions For Use of this product reflect the opinion of experts based on field use and -tests. The directions are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully. However. it is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently asso­ ciated with use of this product. Crop injurY: ineffectiveness or oiher unintended consequences may result. because of such factors as weather conditions. presence of other materials. or use of the prQd­ uct in a manner' inconsistent with its labeling. all of which are beyond the control of BASF CORPORATION ("BASP') or the Seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the Buyer. BASF warrants that this product conforms to the chemical descrip­ tion on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes referred to in the Directions For Use. sul:lject to the inherent risks. referred to above. BASF MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRMI­ TY OF ffiNESS OR MER­ CHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRAN­ TY. IN NO CASE SHALL BASF OR THE SELlER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL. SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT. EiASF and the Seller offer this product. and the Buyer and User accept it. subject to the foregoing Conditions of Sale and Warranty which may be varied only by agreement in writing signed by a duly authorized representstive ofBASF.

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