Dental Development in Amelogenesis Imperfecta
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ScientificArticle Dental developmentin amelogenesisimperfecta: a controlled study W. Kim Scow, BDS, MDSc,DDSc, PhD Abstract Although gingival emergence, or eruption, is some- The present investigation studied dental development times used as a clinical criterion of dental age assess- in 23 subjects with amelogenesisimperfecta (AI), aged 4.2 ment, it maynot accurately reflect dental development, to 15.6 years, comparedwith 46 race-, age-, andsex-ma tched, as emergence may be influenced by local factors such healthy, normalcontrols. The dental ages of the children as ankylosis, early or delayed extraction of primary 9-~ were assessed from panoramicradiographs using previ- teeth, and permanent teeth crowding. In contrast, permanentteeth formation rate is not affected by pre- ously established methods. Their chronologic ages at the 9,12 time of radiographic examinationwere comparedwith their mature loss of the primary teeth. In the case of AI, dental ages. The results showedthat all subjects with AI knowledge of dental development alterations may be showeda significant acceleration of dental age qf approxi- significant in planning orthodontic and related treat- mately 1.13 __+0.78 years comparedwith control children ment. The purposes of this controlled study are to de- (P < 0.001). All children wereconsistently affected regard- termine the changes in dental development in AI and less of the AI variant. Furthermore,the study found a six- to survey the commoneruptive pathosis associated fold increase (26.1 vs. 4.3%)in tendency ofAI patients with the condition. show impaction of the permanent teeth and associated Subjects and methods anomaliessuch as follicular cysts. These results maybe AI subjects important in planning orthodontic treatment in AI pa- tients, and indicate that they shouldhave early screeningto The AI subjects were previously referred to the au- detect theseabnormalities. (Pediatr Dent17:26-30,1995) thor from general practitioners for further dental man- agement. Altogether, there were 23 subjects (10 males and 13 females) suitable for dental age assessment who melogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a group of had panoramic radiographs exposed at or below 16 A herited abnormalities of dental enamel1 3 years of age. They were all Caucasian, and did not It may be differentiated into three main suffer other significant medical conditions apart from groups: hypoplastic, hypocalcified, and hypomature, AI. Their mean chronologic age at panoramic examina- depending on the clinical presentation of the defects tion was 10.40 -+ 3.31 years (range 4.2-15.6 years). and the likely stage of enamel formation that is prima- Controlsubjects rily affected2 Each main clinical group of AI may be For every AI subject, two normal healthy subjects, further divided into several subgroups depending on the modeof inheritance, as well as the clinical ap- matched for sex, and age at the time of panoramic pearance of the defective enamel, 1, 3 although in radiographic examination, were selected at random from the dental school records. Altogether, a total of some cases, overlapping clinical features may make distinction difficult. 46 (20 males and 26 females) normal, control subjects The clinical appearances of the different variants of were obtained. The controls were also Caucasian and AI have been well described in manystudies involving did not suffer from significant medical conditions. In single cases, as well as large series of patients. 3-5 In addition, they did not show dental abnormalities known addition, a recent investigation 6 studied the clinical to be associated with abnormal dental development complications associated with the enamel defects, and such as hypodontia23 their management.However, little is knownregarding Assessmentof chronologicand dental ages whether dental development or the rate of formation The chronologic ages of the children at time of of the dentition is altered in AI. Whilea few studies2, 3, radiographic exposure, were obtained by noting their 7, s have mentioned in passing that some affected respective dates of birth and the dates of pano- patients showed delayed eruption and impaction of ramic examination. teeth, no studies are available on the rate of perm- Dental ages were evaluated from panoramic radio- anent teeth development. graphs using the method of Demirjian et al. ~1 In this 26 AmericanAcademy of PediatricDentistry PediatricDentistry- 17:1, 1995 method, the radiological appearances of the seven teeth Chronologicages of the subjects were plotted against on the left side of the mandible were examined. Each their dental ages (Fig 1). The results indicated that tooth was rated into one of eight developmental stages the case of the normalcontrol subjects, the dental ages according to developmental criteria. A score for each were scattered evenly on both sides of the isochrone stage of developmentof each tooth was available from line, which is the line joining the points of identical standard charts. 11 The total score for all seven teeth in chronological and dental ages. In contrast, in the case each patient gave a dental maturity score, which was of the AI subjects, the dental ages were located to the then directly converted into a dental age from standard left of the isochroneline, indicating that the dental ages conversion charts. were all greater than their respective chronological ages. Intraexaminer variability in the scoring of dental The mean difference between chronological and ages was previously checked using panoramic radio- dental ages were comparedin the two groups. As shown graphs of three subjects whowere not part of the study. in Table 1, in the case of AI subjects, the meandiffer- Each radiograph was scored three times, and analysis ence was 1.13 -+ 0.78 years comparedwith 0.03 _+ 0.77 of variance (ANOVA)tests showedno significant vari- ability amongthe results. It was not possible to score the radiographs blind as AI patients were readily identified from their 16 ¯ Eli ¯[ enamel defects. ¯ Assessmentof pathologyassociated with dental eruption The panoramic radiograph of each subject also was 14 ¯ examined for pathology that may be associated with [] abnormal dental eruption. If abnormalities were ob- ¯ served, the final clinical diagnosis, including results of ¯ tissue pathology and/or surgical intervention were recorded. In particular, enlarged follicles, over-retained primary teeth and impacted permanent teeth, as well as ectopic eruption were noted. In all cases, the pathol- ogy had been confirmed by prior diagnosis/history of clinical intervention. Statisticalanalysis Student’s t-test, ANOVAand chi-square tests, where appropriate, wereused for statistical analysis. Statisti- cal significance was established at the 0.05 level. Results 8- ¯ Comparisonof chronologicand dental ages ¯ AI patients in AI andcontrol subjects ¯ [] Controls The normal control children had a mean chrono- logical age (10.46 _+ 3.19 years, range 4.2-16.0 years) that was comparableto that of the AI subjects (10.40 -+ 3.3 years, range 4.2-15.6 years). The meandental age of the controls was 10.49 -+ 3.09 years (range 4.5-16 years) while that of the AI subjects was 11.51 _+ 3.5 years (range 5.0-16.0 years). r TABLE1 . COMPARINGCHRONOLOGICAL AND Chronological Age (yrs) DENTALAGES IN AI ANDCONTROL PATIENTS Fig 1. $cattergraphof chronologicalages plotted against dentalages. The results showed clearly that in the caseof Dental Age Minus AI Controls normalcontrols, the dentalages were evenly distributed ChronologicalAge (N = 23) (N = 46) oneither side of the isochroneline (the line wherethe dentalages are identical to the chronologicalages). By Mean-+ SD(yrs) 1.1 -+ 0.78" 0.03-+ 0.77 contrast,in the caseof all the AI patients,the dental ages Range(yrs) 0.1 - 3.3 -2.5 - 1.9 werelocated to the left sideof theline, indicatingthat their dentalages were greater than their corresponding ¯ P< 0.001, I= 4.6, df = 23. chronologicalages. Pediatric Dentistry- 17:1, 1995 American Academyof Pediatric Dentistry 27 years in the controls. This increase in the AI subjects’ ties in some types of AI,~s the pathogenesis of the enamel mean dental age of 1.10 years was statistically signifi- lesions has not been well researched. Furthermore, cant (P < 0.001) compared with the controls. while the direct clinical implications of the enamel de- a4 Chronologicand dental ages in different AI variants fects have been reported, other complications associ- ated with the condition have not been investigated To determine if particular variants of AI were asso- systematically. ciated with increased dental ages, the mean chronologic This study showed that dental development was and dental ages of subjects with different AI variants accelerated in all AI subjects compared with age- and were compared, and analyzed by ANOVAtests. The sex-matched, healthy controls. The mean increase in results (Table 2) indicated that differences between the dental developmental time was approximately a year, subgroups of AI subjects were not statistically signifi- and the increase was consistent in all affected patients cant (P > 0.1). regardless of the AI variant. Thus, this study has pro- Pathology associated with abnormal eruption vided insight into an important developmental aspect Table 3 lists the pathology detected from examina- of the condition, although it is limited by the author’s tion of the panoramic radiographs of AI and control inability to perform the dental assessment blind due to subjects. Six of 23 (26.1%) AI subjects showed evidence easy radiographic identification of AI patients, and the of pathology associated with abnormal dental erup- relatively small numbers of each AI subtype. tion. These included follicular cysts (Fig 2), impacted The acceleration of dental development in AI may teeth, and ectopic eruption (Fig 3). By contrast, only be due to several possibilities. Since development of two of 46 (4.3%) healthy control children showed pa- both the crown and root are important in assessing thology on their panoramic radiographs. In both of dental development, n changes in the rate of develop- these cases, the abnormalities were over-retained max- ment of either structure may affect the overall rate.