TBE POLITtcAIL OUTLOOK. CHARLESTON,exaltant-THURSDAYover the edificationMORNING,lt had giren JANUARYto 18, 1872. overdress ofsoft, light, gray cashmere, bound EIGHTpal functions.DOLLARSHis writing» Awere confined VOLUME XI.-NUMBER 1883. THE ALABAMA WRANGLE. Parliament on the subject. The rojal speech THE WORLD OF FASHION. with blue. It could be readily caught up with principally to church works, and he had lec¬ THE STATE LEGISLATURE. was unsatisfactory, and in Cashmere ofa tured the of the signally showed, battons and loops'for walking. throughout country. In 1860, he Connecticut Democrats-Opening his that the still lacked cameo tint over a skirt of chocolate delivered a course ol three -' A STARTLING REPORTFROM CANADA. opinion, government DRESS REFORM, ABROAD AND AT\ very light lectures ar the LITTLE WORK AXD SIDCB WOOL. Spring Campaign - Governor Eng¬ a proper appreciation of the gravity of the HOME. browu would form another stylish combina¬ Smithsonian Institute, by invitation ol Profes¬ lish's Successor-Trial of Or. Cuvier- question at Issue between England and the tion. Long, soft, graceful folds are now quite sor Henry, on the Origin, Elements and His¬ a American claims were Session- Women shall Not Preach In Presbyte¬ England Proposes to Rfd Herself of United States. The taking the place indoors of the puffed out skirts tory ofModern Civilization. He was a pleas¬ Proposition for a Perpetual B all Stands than those which would follow total New York Society Gossip-A. Leap-Year and while for the street, the ant his been conversa¬ rian Churches - How Non-Church- HelplessDependent-John greater panniers, walking speaker, style having Tile Measures Acted Upc» Yesterday. They were preposterous, Impracti¬ Pan and How lt was Gondncted- skirt wi h or flounces tional rather than otherwise, bat Goers are Gathered in-Extraordinary by the Treaty, bat will not Stand conquest. y deep pleated scalloped occasionally, cable, and if admitted would be fatal to the Fashion Hints for and plain long casaque without ruffles or puff¬ when Warmed by his subject, he became elo¬ in an the American Case. Spring. and TELEGRAM TO THE NEWS.] Religious Services Opera-House. power and honor of England. Tet, said Dis ings, only sufficient fullness to give grace quent, and his arguments were drawn from a [SPECIAL rael!, sneeringly, the whole subject Is dis to the tournure has superseded the ¿hort, defp well of COLUMBIA, 8. C., February 9. ot the bunched ruffled knowledge. OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.; BOSTON, February 9. posed of in one briefparagraph royal Jennie in ber Fashion letter for Febi up, skirts, and divides the The remains of the Archbishop will be pre¬ The Senate the bill amending [FROM June, honors wita'the sack mantle- which must and lie in state at to-day passed NEW February 7. A Halifax says, upon trustworthy au¬ speech. : pared to-day, his late resi¬ the act to for the construction and re¬ YORK, special Mr. Gladstone followed In reply. He said ary, saya charmingly complete some ot the prettiest dence until ll o'clock on when the provide is go near that we in New that a exists between Great itself shows that The foundation of a "Womans' and most Monday,, of and the bill to repeal Connecticut by thority, treaty the Treaty of Washington proposed young-lady-llke fortbcomlne suits funeral will take place. Nearly all the arch- ." pair public highways; York feel almost as much interest in her po¬ Britain and Canada for a separation. Since is ready to make every concession Dress Gulla" in London is a reminder of the The pretty striped cambrics and percales blebops and bishops ofthe lt ls ex«-', the-act the financial agent to shortEnglandof national honor to establish most recent of the many lo arrest the which always make their appearer** with the country, authorizing as ia our own. Besides, it is the treaty the British troops hare been grad¬ friendly projects peeled, will be present, besides a large num¬ as litical struggles relations with America, and to set an exam spread of criminal and extravagance In first of the crocuses and snow drop«, cannot ber of. the ot.. pledge State bonds collateral security. both In every cam¬ until now a British folly The latest be to belter use than clergy. Archbishop McCloskey, "a resolution liberally charged by parlies ually withdrawn, scarcely pie to be followed by other nations hence dresB, attempted in this country. put by making them un New York, will probably preach the funeral Both houses adopted endorsing of our who follow soldier is In the outside of Halifax. forth. The said the premier, scheme was most strongly endorsed and sec¬ into long sack moruing dresses, with or with¬ discourse. Last as soon as his for the re¬ paign that many citizens, Dominion, government, sewn night- death the bill before Congress to provide and often at will be in case of a ready to explain everything in connection onded by Miss Phobe Cary, and lt was her un¬ out a deep flounce, to not put In the wan the bells of all the Catholic the profession of voting early The treaty proclaimed the but lt will not admit that illness and lamented death which or into rattier long skirts, and sacques, announced, demption of tbe lands in Beaufort County to m those and the United with treaty, expected skirt, Ohïirches in the city were tolled for an hour ; States taxes. elections, take occasion participate rupture between England has unwittingly mads a mistake. The para prevented lt from becoming an actual fact. simply furnished with a broad hem belted in In recognition ot the sad event to the whole which were sold for United that from the fair had been drawn and a Hst with a bow at the- back of the belt. In the lat¬ church. the whole in of Connecticut. It ls certain, however, States, thus relieving Englanl duty graph in the treaty Ii the only and unmls The circular up, The House was occupied day oí the used In on of the colonies. takable interpretation of the treaty. He made out ol those ladies who were to be Invi¬ ter form they can be worn as summer street -^----?-_- <- the resolution the a large part money carrying defending if he lefer to the ted to her house to aid in the formation of a dresses in the country. JUNKIE JRE. -debating joint authorizing the annual In Connecticut ls raised LONDON, February 9. could, desired, preposterous OFFICIAL. to draw a warrant on the treasu¬ campaigns character of the American demands, which dress association, to Include every woman In comptroller and that the Federal officials down¬ It ls reported tbat the Americans in Liver¬ Itself their absurdity-for they were the whole country who would make the reten¬ ARCHBISHOP SPALDING. rer in favor of C. Werner, and tbe bill to au¬ here, proved the arti' town are taxed a percentage on their pool do not approve the claims for Indirect such as no people In tie last extremity of war tion ot the short walking dress first LIST OF LETTERS in the and Aldermen of Columbia usually or lowest of national cte of ber dress creed. But death in remaining the Postofflce thorize Mayor salaries to the Radical cause in the in the depthi misfortune, stepped [ The Cause and manner of Hit Death- at charleston, ror the week to issue bonds and negotiate and sell the help along damages. with the spirit of tne people of England In and prevented the accomplishment of the de¬ ending February 9, State. The Times to-day declares tbat England Ins erer submit to. His Public History and Private Char¬ 1871, and printed officially In Tra DAILY same. Both measures were finally passed to Nutmeg their hearts, would [Cheers.] sign. KIWB, Parties are so evenly divided in Connecti¬ not revolted, and never will revoke, the Mr. Gladstone concluded by saying that the The proposed rules for the London "Wo¬ acter. as the newspaper haying the largest circulation a tblrd reading. cut, that the elections have more spirit and Treaty of Washington. She is still ready and government would nalntaln the position mans' Dress Guild" are the following, and in the City of Charleston. The railroad committee of the House re¬ work in them than those in most other btates had taken firmly, though in a friendly man¬ they are subscribed to by a number ot ladies the Ba:timo e Gazette, or Thursday.] gf Persons for Letters Advertised resolved to stand by it; but cannot, and will of social and distinction : [From calling ported favorably upon the new Blue Bidge and coming as they do in the spring, they are de¬ ner. position Tue Moat Rev. Martin John Spalding, Arch¬ should state that they are "Advertised,". regarded as indices of the influence of current not, embark In an altercation specially 1. Not to make purchases unless they can Railroad relief bill. on This be¬ the door all ot a be paid for at the time, or when the account bishop of , died at quarter before air Office hoars from 8 A. IC to «K P.-Mi Oh A congressional legislation politics. signed to close upon hopes THE ENGLISH VIEW OF THE CASE. from to Bofri houses adjourned to Monday. pro¬ ing the Presidential year, the Connecticut settlement. is sent in. five o'clock yesterday, at the Episcopal resi¬ Sundays, «X 6K P. M. has been started to on Feb- additional interest. The 2. Never to buy anything simply "because lt Charles the STANLEY 0. TROTT, Postmaster. ' ' . position adjourn campaign possesses at New How the CommUslon en Understand ls dence on North street, adjoining and meet on 1st. Democratic convention was held cheap." the turee Tuary 16, again April Haven and as ex-Governor En¬ THE OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. tlie Treaty. 3. To dress in a manner befitting the station Cathedral Church. During past WOMEN'S LIST. PICKET. yesterday, the standard bearer sev¬ or in lire of the member. the had several serious at¬ -« . - . glish, who had been occupation years Archbishop j- eral declined a re¬ Full Text or tnt 4. To consider the personal tastes of heads ono of which occured while Addison, Har- Hioks, Lizzie Porcher, Ellen GOSSIP FROM WASHIXGTOX. years running, positively to Queen's Speech-Sketch In view of the excited of the offamilies within the llmlis of these rules: but tacks of illness, riet mokine, Oeor- Price, John J nomination, there was great curiosity of the Donate. spirit Eogllsh he was the (Ecumenical Connell in Mrs whom the Democrats would up in on and the not to make anything a plea for personal ex¬ attending Aiken, giana Pierce, Margret know put press the Alabamaclaims, of vague He to Baltimore Qngn R Hooke, Louisa A Purcell, Margret Failure of tue Amnesty Bill-Meet!ug his stead. It was a condition precedent that weak treatment of this In the travagance. Borne. returned, however, Anderson, Nan- Le- A not and of LONDON, February 6. and question 5. To use false for mere purposes of and was Ivanoriche, of the Cabinet. tne man should be only popular the from the New nothing with health almost entirely restored, noracy Quinn. Eliza- character, but also a rich man, for The opening of-the session for 1872 ot" the Queen's speech, öllowlng ornament, or because lt 1B tho fashion, such an of Laverna W Jenkins, Dei h E high guber-1 as lalse false hair, dec. received, on his arrival, by ovation the Ball, Abby natorial candidates in Connecticut have to imperial Parliament took place to-day. The York World is worth direful considera!lon : Jewelry, after his Baser, Mis An-Jones,.Sarah Randall, Annie WASHINGTON*, February 9. conti '.bute heavily to the necessary expenses made 8lr Stafford 6. To avoid all exaggerations belonging to people. One of his first public acts, nie Johnson, Ann Roberts, Annie attendance of members was unusually full. The remarks ly Northcote, attract was the of the corner-stone of Mrs 0 -.? In the Senate a resolution calling for infor¬ of their desperately contested elections. lt will be was one of the the fashion of the day, which might arrival, laying Belitzer, Johnson, Har- 0 the of D. oí was se¬ after the members of the (who, remenbered, attention. the Convent and Chapel of the Oblate Sisters Bland, Surare rieu Roberta, Miss A mation regarding Treaty Washington Bichard Hubbard, Hartford, Shortly assembling British commlssioneri in in a improper at corner ol' Chase was discussed all the morning, and went over lected. He is an ex-member of Congress, a House of Commons were summoned to the Washington,) 7. To avoid all unseemly style of dress, how¬ of Providence, the and Blanchard, Johnson, Mary scott, Nancy discus¬ speech In Parliament on the evening of AU lt be the Parnassus streets, which was attended by Z Kate Sanbrook, M rs S on a motion to lay lt on the table. The lawyer of unusual ability, and has a plenty ot of where the Lord Chancellor 1871. upon th» motion of Slr Charles ever much may encouraged by pop¬ Bounean, Char- Jemlra, Mrs a sion of the bill was resumed. The can make a which House Lords, gust 4, ular fashion of the moment. several thousands of people. amnesty money. He good speech, as follows: Addersley for the production of copies of After that he had a severe attack of Mneas, lott M Jirdeo, Mrs Ed- Shlt-ldt, Miss M clauses affecting naturalization in Sumner's could not. and therefore is better read the Queen's speech, 8. To attend most scrupulously to neatness Borlsden, Mrs E ward sh] r, Mus A D English Instructions given by her Majesty's Govern inflammation of the stomach, which confined ' amendment were discussed. able to compete with Governor Jewell, who ls My Lords and Gentlemen: menf to the commisioners at and cleanliness, and not to waste needlessly L Jourge, Fyrab. Simmons, Mrs Tbe with China, forbidding the natu¬ bis Radica! The situation I of the afforded by Washington, either time, .(In frequent chjngeB of dress,) him to bis room for several weeks, but he Brodie, MTB S V Keegan, Mfa B Margret treaty opponent. political avail myself opportunity are of interest at this moment. Slr dress Itself. again recovered and made a visit to New Mrs E B Ellen ralization of the Chinese, is a stumbling blocs ls by the presence of four tickets your reassembling for the discharge of yonr lt-will be was an -un money or Bogan, Kennedy. Snii/atenaerger, Sumner's amend¬ complicated and renew the of Charles, remembered, These rules are too sensible to become fash¬ York, and on his return resumed his episco¬ Brown, Ciara Kennedy, Miss Sarah In Sumner's path. Finally, in the Held. The Labor Beform Temper¬ momentous duties to expression friendly critic of the trsaty, which was vlndl visitations. About two weeks before Brant, Rebecca ME singleton, Roz- ment was adopted by the casting vote of the ance have also made nominations. my thankfulness to the Almighty tor the de¬ ionable; a blind adherence to fashion presup¬ pal noella the thus parties but those most imminent cated In an elaborate ipaech by Slr Bounden absence of common sense, and a dis¬ Christmas he was attacked with capillary Barbey, Emma Kennedy. Mary vice-president, and amnesty bli!, They will not poll many votes, they liverance of my non from the Palmer, (one of the British counsel at Gene poses which from the was of j Keegan, Mrs B skipper, 8 J «mended, failed of the necessary two-thirds do will come from the Badlcals, and and my lively recollection of the pro¬ regard of modesty and propriety when they bronchitis, beginning Miss Kieley, Margret siawson, Gold- mostly turn the danger, shown va,) by Mr. Gladstone and by Slr Stafford Interfere with the of the the most violent character. He was at once calvert, Mary vote. Nays-Blair, Boreman, Davis, in a contest in which fifty votes may found and universal sympathy by my Northcote. In the effort of the latter to make caprice moment; the medical skill was Mary Lartee, Eliza 'Ann Mor¬ ore of in that of and but may Influence ll, and they are inter¬ prostrated, and highest Cash, Caroline LaBootie,Gorae Smith, Sarah thwate. Hill, Johnson, Kelly, Logan, state, they importance calculating loyal people during period anxiety the treaty acceptable tn Parliament and to the they ls called to him, but the disease baffled all efforts rill, of Maine; Norwood, Saulsbury, Stewart, the chances. The election, which takes place trial. British he commented esting as snowing which way the wind whole and Campbell, Miss lia Ana Trumbull, Vick¬ it follows that of New that on the 27th public, distinctly upon from different of the earth to subdue lt. Throughout the time, Pleasant Lanco, Mrs M H Smith, Mrs E K Stockton. Thurman, Tipton, early in April, though I propose Tuesday, instant, the very question of damages blowing quarters to his sufferings were Moll e A Lince, Lauro Smíth, Mrs AR. ers and Wright, 19. The yeas were 33. Ad¬ will be watched with anxiety, as conformably to the good and becoming usages eonsequential Just now. up yesterday afternoon, Carr, Hampshire, now so emotion in Lon 1 . the schism the thus received which excites much A LEAP-TEAR PARTY. Intense, but still a hope lingered with those Cercoptey, Mrs Ladson, Mary Smith. Mrs TD journed till Monday. it will show how far Republican of former days, that blessing don. He appears to hive declared explicitly who knew and loved him that his robust con¬ Geo H Lervls. Anna E Smothers, An- In tbe House a bill authorizing the abate¬ has penetrated Into that part of New England. shall be acknowledged on behalf of the nation in ¿ne excluded ail of or Clarke, Mrs R M Leland, Miss nie M on certain tobacco burned in resolutions of the Cathe¬ that, his opinion, treaty We hear very little fancy dress parties stitution would conquer tho disease, and be ment ol the tax It may be added that the by thanksgiving in the Metropolitan claims for Indirect losss; but what he says gift weddings, probably because people are not would be restored to the church.| Almost dally Goxsom. Carrie Sne Sohl,-Miss Mar- The election ... Louisiana and Missouri passed. Democratic Convention do not differ materi¬ dral. At this celebration lt ls my desire and to the extent of an indi In tbe mood for the or the one Cooper, Camilla Lellman, Miss A gretta. committees made a report ousting Edwards from those by the Missouri Libe¬ to be Direction has been given however, only goes playing harlequin his physical condition would change, day Cooper, Mary £ Lehman, Lena Sparks, Mrs* B> which ally adopted at hope present. calton on his part of wlat he intended, and of tool. But quite a novelty took place recently the malady having the appearance of yielding len and seating Bowles, from Arkansas, ral Republicans, at their late meeting Jef-1 to provide the necessary accommodation for the to be the In the of a would die. Oobsy.MrjAme Little,Josephine was and Bowles seated. A bill ap- members of Parliament. proper Interpretanda put upon shape private leap-year party, to treatment, and the next nope lia Livingston, Ma- Stiles, Mrs An- adopted, ferson City. the decuraent: He says : which was a great success, less on account of At noon there was a change, which Collins. Martha ria F na sixlj-fl v* thousand dollars to Wll- A curious trial has been in progress in Brook- AC. of of the yesterday was dis¬ for with In¬ .'.REIGN RELATIONS-SLAVE TRADE, "The claims arising «ut the acts Its peculiar features than the spirit with which made lt evident that he had but a few hours to Costello, Mm Long, Janie Stewart, Mrs Eropriatlngam sad Mary College, of Virginia, lyn, and its result has been looked that I receive Alabama and other vessels were most clearly it was carried out. aware of bis Mary Love, Mrs Chas Wary J ¡j cussed without action. not all but The assurances of friendship live. He was fully approaching Sa ill Adjourned. X. terest only by good Presbyterians from continue in all respects defined tn the treaty. The honorable mem¬ The dressing was fancy, or otherwise, ac¬ but his mind was perfectly dear, and Orutchfleld.Mms Lovick, Mrs J W van, Mary A lull Cabinet was held to-day. John by the advocates of "woman emancipation/ foreign powers ber for had rem irked that the ta and several ladles death, J L 0 of the third auditor's office, ls held in notorious minister, satisfactory, and I need hardly assure you Blcbmond pre¬ cording humor, young he spoke freely to those around him, up to Hrs Mar¬ Ehle, The rather Presbyterian tbat endeavors at all times will be steadily vious conventions left many points vague, availed themselves of this privilege to getup within a few minutes of his death. Bight Creed, Maggie Large, Simmons, ten thousand dollars ball for defrauding the Dr. Cuvier, in defiance of a canon of his my and Introduced a number of claims which we costumes In the most of Bev. enrtls, FraacU Esther t:ret a certain Miss Smi¬ directed to the maintenance of these friendly exaggerated glrl-of-the- Bev. Dr. Foley, Bishop Chicago; Bight. 0 Ladson, Mrs Taylor, Mrs government. church, permitted woman, relations. could never have admited. They were left style, including hat. coat, cane, Jaunty Dr. Becker, Bishop of Wilmington; Bev. Lan¬ Dangerfield, Binnah Taylor, Mrs W J The jury in the trial of ex-Congressman ley, the Quakeress, to preach from his pulpit. so that lt would have been period and lace ruffles the of the of Mrs Tenue were was cited to before the The slave trade and the piratic practice vague, indeed, pos boots, decorating open caster Spalding, nephew deceased, Annie Lazier, Madam Thompson, Stokes, of 8Bee, discharged, being For this he appear to be from slave Bible under those culms to have raised a throat and wrists. Louisville, ana Bev. Father Coskery, Davis, Mrs H S H HE scarcely distinguished trading - Ey., nine for conviction and three for acquittal. Brooklyn Presbytery. The occasion was one ot number ot which this was Varden" and "Watteau" dresses and Bev. Father Mrs Lucas, Miss M H TUlmaln, Har- Rear admiral Thornton ls to the the are still pursued in more than one quarter questions country "Dolly Vicar-General, Daugherty, DeLaFoUee, nett assigned almost ofexcitement among Presbyterians the and continue to attract the atten¬ not willing to submit to arbitration. They were also In high feather, the former consist¬ Chancellor of the Archdiocese, and Bev. 0 Lyons, Sasan command of the Asiatic squadron. of that city, and the church where the trial world, with to a chintz cut him w*">u Dennie, Maria A Mayrah, Miss Tlmmona, Sa- The tion of my government. In the South Sea might have raised qutsllons regard ing of brightly flowered tunic, Father Lee, his secretary, were with 8 san was held was crowded to overflowing. is what called England's récog¬ and low, with and to ru« Dennis, Mis) S He&sey THE VALIDITY OF NEGRO DEBTS. doctor in his own defence, but asked Islands, the name of the British Empire they premature square very antique sleeves, he sank peacefully resignedly ucvaux, Mrs JP Mayranc, Eliza- Toomer, Miss M spoke even cow dishonored by the connection of nition of belligerency And the consequential and skirt very much bunched up over a quilt¬ his entire Illness che Slaters of Charity Dt. vi ld Mrs betti A that the matter might be allowed to go before trom tie of the the latter ot a white muslin During and re, for as he some of my subjects with these nelarlous damages arising prolongation ed silk petticoat, were tn constant attendance upon bim, Jane Marshall, Har- Toy, Mary J. Alt Case at Chester. the general assembly adjudication, one of them the murder of and with regard ilsa to other questions or tarletan skirt (short) trimmed with nar¬ bim until his Miss Alice S Interesting was about to start for Scotland, and could not practices, and in war, nursed spirit departed. Dennean, gret Trapler, an prelate cast fresh light upon which this country coild not have admitted. row flonnces.and pannlered skirt; with deeply Marlin John Spalding, Archbishop of Balti¬ E A Malvia, Ali OE la Trna il. Leonora bear to visit the brethren there with the brand exemplary the the bodice of white brocaded In a near on Hrs Marañe, Cathe- Tacker, Adeline tbe Chester his own some of the baneful consequences. A bill Instead of this being case, however, pointed silk, more, was born Lebanon, , Feehan, [From Reporter.] ot condemnation from presbytery will be for faci ll tating the trial treaty, as actually coicluded, narrowed the small rose-bud pattern. A muslin fichu, laid the 23d day of May, MHO. His father, Bicbard rlnejno Tamer, Alice The Common Pleas docket called, the him. presented you two rows St. Fen, Elizabeth Magrath, Mrs M Mrs being upon miolsterB In of offences of this class In Australia, and en¬ questions at Issue ven closely, by confining in three broad tolds, and edged with Spalding, was a native of Mary's County, Lon- Törpla,Wm first case taken up was A. S. Wallace, Trustee, There were many old-fashioned to increase in other the reference solely tolosses out of of narrow black velvet, little muslin «pron and his Henrietta Hamilton, a Dative Ferguson Sarah Marshall, X. Eaves. This was the court who against this deavors will be made growing mother, Fermi, Mrs Ma* Bia Vennlng. Addia vs. C. D. Melton and B spoke vigorously of them forms means for the counteraction of the evil. the acts of particular Vissels, and so shutting trimmed with black velvet to match, high- of Charles County, , and emigrated an action on a sealed note dated in 1858, the phase of the woman movement. Oze out a class of which Ameri¬ satin hair to tn nod. tha»- that he "loved woman, THE FRENCH COMMERCIAL TREATY. large oíalos upon heeled pink shoes, powdered quite with their parents Kentucky ' consideration of which was the purchase stood up and declared cans had heretofore fnsLted. He contended, white, and straw hat set on one side and an almost unbroken wilderness. The Arch¬ Fines, Mrs M sie Wade, Sarener The ot the de¬ nene of them should ever dictate to him." have be¬ Commission ic and A Anaata- money of a negro slave. plea but from Gene¬ Various communications passed therefore, that the Joint nigh triai med with a wreath of small pink roses bishop was the sixth cw of his parents, MoKer Michell, Mary Walsh, fendants was failure ofconsideration, and the j Another "dened any maa to show, tween my government and that ot France on had upon this point worked substantial advan¬ without lews, were of course de ngeur, and when in his twelfth yesir was sent to St. Flood, Bildget Miller. Rhen >la was in¬ - unsoundness of the negro was relied upon to sis to Malachi, that ever a woman the subject of the commercial trea'y con¬ tage rather that Injury to this country." produced a char mia offact. quite taking one Mary's Seminary, In Marlon County, which Fogarty, Jnlla Miller, Nanoy Walsh, Mrj Thoa establish the plea Messrs. Walker à Brice stalled in gospel functions." The discussion cluded in 1860. From the divergence in back to the seventeenth century, and to the had been built by the Catholic people, his Frazier, Jane E Hiller, Mrs F S Washington, and Messrs. a tone of acrimony, but Anally the entertained in relation to Fraser, Rose B Miller, Lucy Mrs M were attorneys for the plaintiff assumed views respectively Arcadian groves and shepherdesses, whose father having been one of the most prominent Rosean- Middleton, Kate Watkins, Oath- McAllley à Brawley for the defendants. Mr. spirit ot compromise prevailed. A carefully the value of protective laws this correspon¬ GRANTS BARDS ENSE. lives were in such strong contrast to In the In 182G he graduated at St. Fraser, to resolution was In which the about poetic enterprise. the na Mitchell, Mrs A rlne McAllley made a very interesting argument worded passed, the dence has not brought any agreement our prosaic ones. Mary's, and having determined to enter Gantt, Louisa R watson, Miss the courland Jury against the validity ofnegro name of the offender was omitted, but to modify that Important convention. Both There were quite a number of very good went at once to Bardstown, Ken¬ Gardner,MUs H Mitchell, Luan- Emiline that was rule of the church reasserted. It may be have declared their [From the Sew Torie Times.] priesthood, for four in Wells. Eitel debts. He took the ground slavery utterance of sides, however, uniformly fancy dresses worn by ladies, (the gentlemen tucky, where he remained years daIda entirely an Institution of force, that lt did not taken as another authoritative earnest desire that nothing shall occur to Im¬ Genera! Grant has resolved to make no were not so successful,) particularly "Fire," In St. Seminary, teaching in the college Garden, Mis3 Mitchell, Miss J Wheeler, Mrs W in the common that lt had the the unsexed woman the which bas so pre¬ modification in our cue as lt was and ornamented with ash Joseph's In ne EUas D Wist find its origin law, Presbyterians agulnst pair cordiality loDg originally scarlet tarletan, and studying theology. April, 1830, Lizzie Marla L DO or moral eanctlon, and that, there¬ and all her works. It was as follows: vailed between the two nation«. The papers and In doing so he will be support¬ black and red roses, in gold leaves; same sailed for Borne, and on the 7th day of August Gadsden. Mlkell, Wtgg, Bltsey legal was over¬ been Informed that laid oefore presented, ot lt ls gray, Graber, Margret Mtlnor.Mlss » M Wigger, Meta fore, when the force which upheld lt "Tne Presbytery having relating to these subjects will be ed by the country. A3 for talk war, lu the hair. Also, Spring, In light green, over following entered the Urban College of the Martha Williams, Miss force and the institution a woman has preached In one of our churches too absurd for serious discussion. The people a wreath of and violets. At the end of four years he Gibbs, Morrisey, Mary come by other fell, at the re- you. white, with primrose Propaganda. Gibbs, Bannah McGorty, Rose Mary U all contracts which owed their origin to the on a Sabbath, at a regular service, THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. of do not want to go lo war with A mermaid's dress was very much admired, made a derence, covering the whole Mrs B Jane Mrs Walker ot the and with the consent of England does not want to public and com¬ Gilbert, McGee, Williams, institution fell with it. General replied pastor, The arbitrators appointed pursuant to the this country-this country and consisted of a long skirt of light sea-green ground of theology and canon law, M HoKensle, Ame- Anna with force, impressing the Jury with the law auestie session: therefore for the of ami¬ go to war with them. Probably such an Issue faille, almost covered hy a tunic ol'crystallized prising two hundred and fifty-six theses, Gordon,Margret Ila Wiriams.Mrs W the Court, and "Resolved, That the Presbytery feel con¬ Treaty of Washington purpose hos never been discussed, even in same on one side In Latin, all op¬ C Mouiair, Lydia I J as laid down by Supreme charg¬ re¬ sett the Alabama claims, held their seriously tulle ol' the shade, caught up which he maintained against ing them that lt was their duty to be governed strained to enjoin upon our churches strict cably ing the most Intemperate ot the English journals. only with a trail of sea weed and coral, mixed for seven hours. For his able and Green, Annie McLoughlin, Williams, Ba- verdict in the to the dellverence of the Gene¬ first meeting In Geneva. Cases were laid be¬ to ot ponents, a Doctor Jeanette Kate ebel by thal law in making up their gard following on of to The cable messages are very apt misrepre¬ with crystals and water lilies; a wreath the eloquent championship be was made Green, while him- ral Assembly of 1832: 'Meetings of pious fore the arbitrators behalf each parly and CD m men ts on such sub¬ be blonde and acclamation. Gr» en, Hester Naryard, Julia Wilson, Anne» case. Judge Thomas, expressing and the treaty. In the case so submitted by the sent exaggerate same In the hair, which should of Dlvinty by Mrs A Wise. Bridget self as with the principles laid down women by themselves for conversation It suits some hare-brained writers lo Shell or mother-of-pearl Jewelry On the 13th of August, 1S34. Dr. Spalding Happoldt, Mrs Miss agreeing we but let not the United States large claims are Included, which jects. flowing. Jno P O'Connell, witcheu, C by Mr. McAllley, told the Jury that he was prayer utterly approve; not be within get up a war-cry, but the bulk ot the people should be worn with this dress, and not a set was ordained priest by Cardinal Pedlclnl. and Hardy. Maria M O Weneyard, Miss law as laid down by the of the great apostle, as are understood on my part to States and know that carved as was the his first in the subter¬ hound by the Supreme Inspired prohibition and to the of the aroitrators. On this sub¬ fa the United England of elaborately cut and coral, after celebrating Hambleton, Ma- Olevor, Martha E A Court, and was obliged to charge them that found in his epistles to the Corinthians province war between two such nations would be a dis¬ case on the occasion referred to. A most pe¬ ranean chapel of St. Peter, he started on his rt O'Neil. Annie Woodron, Belle were valid as other debts. be violated. To leach and to exhort ject I have caused a friendly communication and are not constant There were no Mrs E Geo D Warden. Sarah negro debts as any Timothy, to be made lo the of the United grace to civilization, they likely culiar dress, and one which excited return two days afterward. Banzai, Phelps, The jury retired, and in a few minutes brought or to lead us In prayer In public and promis- government to be hounded into it by passionate Journal¬ attention, was that of the "White Lady of Ave-1 ocean steamships In those days, and his Jour¬ A E PUts, Uhatrlne Woods, Mrs 0 A The crous ls clearly forbidden to States. should in oc¬ Hands, Jane A Pinckney, Miss Young, Emma In a verdict-"for the defendants. plain¬ assemblies, ' has ists. If the Geneva Conference lal), nel." It consisted simply of a long, plain trail¬ ney lrom Borne to his home Kentucky of a motion for a new trial. wiJQeB In the Oracles." The Emperor of Germany undertaken where we were but without As soon os he arrived he Hayen, Mrs E VA Ellen tiffs gave notice Holy to on the San juan water we shall only be before; ing dress of soft white cashmere, cupied four months. Ade- Mary Young, Mrs This lt the first case tried here since the war A recent exhibit of the condition of the arbitrate boundary, the of will be worse than lt or a was made of St. Joseph's Church, Heyward, Pooloot, the and the cases of the two have position England trimming anything shining except pastor line . J*me« J lu which the validity of negro debts was in¬ chorchea In New York showed that governments was betöre, and lt ls lo be hoped lhat Mr. broad slim belt at the waist, and a silver cir¬ Bardstown, and on the death of Bev. G. A. M. As there are many of the same kind was less than three hundred been presented to his Imperial majesty. his will below which the hair of St. he volved. seating capacity oí seven The commission to sit at has Gladstone and government perceive clet rouad the head, Elder, president Joseph's Seminary, MEN'S LIST. on the docketJt was considered important asa thousand. ThiB leaves a population Washington this, if his advisers in the press do not. but covered with a white wss his successor. In 1843 Dr. was thousand or, into been appointed, and is In session. Tbe pro¬ hangs loose, long appointed In Lou¬ precedent, AB, however, the negro proved hundred unchurched; taking which the con¬ veil, which can be used to conceal the face Spalding was called to the Cathedral Alston, Kat Green, Frede- rogue, Koot F to have been very unsound at the time ot the account young children and invalids who can¬ vision of the treaty requires when and In 1848 to the under Andersou, Da- rick Pope, Richard than at least a third sent of the Parliament of the Dominion of COLORADO. required. isville, Episcopate, R purchase, and a source ot expense, rather not attend religious services, awaits Us THE LOSS OF THE Of course, the ladles acted as ushers and the title ot Bishop of Lengone, and as coadju¬ vltt Green, Wm of profit, to the purchaser from that time till of a million of people in the city could not be Canada assembly. waited the gentlemen, calling for them tor to the venerable Bishop Flaget, Bishop Anzerly, Z Briggs Prlar, E D have based with church sittings if they HOVE AFFAIRS. upon on the Arnold, RC Grant, Capt C B Ranton, T B the time of her death, theJury may accommodated LIVERPOOL, 9. In carriages and taking them home in the of Louisville, and was consecrated C Jno N Alexan- their upon the fact of un¬ desired them. The larger proportion of these I am to February also them in that year. He spent Arnold, Felix Haskel, sande:, finding altogether of the classes. With Turning to domestic affairs, glad ap¬ The effort to save the Colorado failed. The most approved style; furnlahing 10¿h of September, Artope, Alexan- Hayne; AO- der soundness, and may not have considered at is, undoubtedly, poorer prise you that with very few exceptions Ire¬ and will a with bouquets. It was a forfeit during the eve¬ altogether twenty years in Louisville, der H F Ríistelg, Ed- as to the of however, lt is rather Indifference than steamer ls broken In two, prove to so¬ a as Haeslop; all the general question validity them, that land bas been free from serious crime. Trade total ning to introduce a gentleman á lady; where he acquired high reputation Barnes, A A Heflron, James ward such debts. , want of church accommodations prevents of the has been loss._ was and the ladles a controversialist and pulpit ora- L F H F Belli, J P ^ _ In that part kingdom active, cial etiquette reversed, writer, Beansang, Heinz, their hearing ihe Gospel preached unto them. advance In is to the who several K Henry Heinz, F Rlsher, J A P the net BO as to and the agricultural industry were alwayspresented gentlemen, tor, besides having published Berry, LAND SALES. How to get down drag remarkable. I am abie also to congratulate HELD TO ACCOUNT. on airs and to be engaged for works. He was always ready to expound Becker, F W Herma, August Ripen, Isac in the who don't care to go to put pretended handker¬ of his and to Belcher 4 Reid Hiera, James M Blecke, John gather people of you, so far as the present experience allows all the dances, and carried liny lace and defend the dogmas church, F H Reiner à Co church has been the interesting problem to be the 9. chiefs on the of their and ate enter the field against any opponent. The Bennett, 0 S Holbrook, The following land Bales took place on Mon¬ some our local Sévices In judgment expressed, upon percepti¬ ST. LOUIS, February lips fingers, Benton. Charles Howard Lodge, Richardson, 0 of evangelists. ble diminution in the number ol both graver The thc causo enormous quantities ol ices with a great Supreme Pontiff fully recognized his zeal, and P : theatres have oftentimes before attracted the coroner's Jury investigating Bono. Sadwel 1.0OF _ day crimes and habitual criminals In Great Britain. railroad accident near Alton found affectation of not eating anything at all. Al¬ In the death of Archbishop Francis Patrick Z 0 Hutchinson, Ed- Rout, W 0 Greenville. Indifferent class, and many, doubtless who House of The of the was most suc¬ in was created Boa?, remained to A Gentlemen ot the Commons: Fred. K. Baker, the conductor of the train, to together the leap year party Kenrick, 1663, Bishop Spalding Borger, T Hen- ward Robinson,SW One hundred and came to be amused pray. estimates for the year have the en¬ cessful, and liiere ls talk among a select and Archbishop of Baltimore on ihe 12th of May, .rich WT Ru'her, Henry Uner execution: twenty- number of ministers hie upon a principal coming be the principal, and Patrick Palplne, In Honor of the Roman Boxall, M five acre?, purchased by D. D. Moore and J. Brooklyn to been prepared, and they will ai once be laid accee8ory to the accident. intimate coterie ol getting up another 1861, and t he Primate ot Bottlmann. Fr Jackson. SJ S, Latlmer, for acres, pur¬ plan- lor alluring the outsiders religious before you, and I trust you will find them gineer, which the gentlemen chall be attired as ladles in the United States. He Boatner, Stew- Jarvie, W V Sanders, W W P. $100; forty-nine and last Sunday night it went Into of the art Jacobson, Chas Sackett, H T chased by J. H. Marshall, for $30. services, suitable to the circumstances of the couutrv. and the ladles as gentlemen, the vagaries of took format possession Archiepiscopal Na- C the Real estate Buccesslul operation. The elegant Academy The stale of the revenue affairs affords favor¬ THIS DAT. costumes la both cases to be as Sec on the 31st day of July, 1864, the remem¬ Brayhay, Willi- Johnson, Sanders, By order of probate Judge: of Music in that city has been for a THE WEATHER exaggerated ls still manChan Schocken,-L ofHenry G. Vaughan, deceased, for partition: engaged able indications of tbe demand for employ¬ much as oo3Blbl6. This ls to lake place at brance of which, at the cathedral, J Johnson, Henry Shoben, Jno H series of Sunday evenings at a cost of one of the condition ot ide und if tbe idea Is carried with the Catholics of Baltimore, from Bryant, James Tract Ko. 1, one hundred and fltiy-one acres, dollars the be¬ ment and general D. C.. Delmonlco's, our, fiesh In the Hramgan, Jas Joyce, John Sheetiey. by H. A. Cauble, for $675; No. 2, hundred per night, expenses people, indications which are corroborated WASHINGTON, February 9. some immensely grotesque effects will be pro¬ that time he was actively engaged Brunges-. W Jonns, Cantel SlmoDs, PG purchased A. for No. ing defrayed by subscription. PosterB were the decline of not inconsider¬ The barometer will probably continue to fall duced. duUes of his high office. During his admin¬ Brown, crib Kahrs, H Smith, Capt W sixty-one acres, by H. Cauble, $300; over the announcing thc pro¬ by pauperism winds were bulli In Bal¬ G S, acres, by L. M. Farrow, for $310. put up all city able. on Saturday, with southerly through¬ NEW VISITING COSTUME. istration, five new churches Brown, Samuel Kealy, Andrew fifty-two gramme of entertainments lor the evening. DOMESTIC LEGISLATION-THE BALLOT. out the Valley, and threatening and three In Washington, besides Borons, WU- Knaefel, H Smith, Rev TP Real estate of Elizabeth A. Riddle, sold for no collection taken Mississippi Innovations In cos¬ timore, the liam Wm F Smith, J S Tract No. 1, one hundred and thirty- "Seats free and up." weather will extend from Texas into Louis¬ Several decided visiting others throughout the Archdiocese _to Knights, partition: The etar name was that of Miss Smiley, the My Lords and Gentlemen: Your attention is iana. cloudy and weather tumes have been exhibited recently, which number of of twenty. Bulker], Master Kobnarens, 0 L Smalls, Jackey six acres, purchased by H. A. Cauble, In to several measures of Partially clearing and Instead of upwards convened and a F Laarey, J A Smalls, H for No. one hundred and fif¬ Quakeress preacher, whose appearance invited acknowledged will prevail from Florida to Virginia. The were both striking distingué. In 1866 Archbishop Spalding Johan A Co smalls. Hector $1100; 2, Dr. Cuvier's has caused that gentleman national interest. Among these are bills for Hatteras will continue the time-honored black velvet cloak, modern- f over the second Plenary Council of Buggeler, Latbope ty-six acres, by H. A. Cauble. for $950. pulpit low barometer off Cape and worn with rich presided naLaw, J Smalls, July Real estate of Jane C. Yeargin, sold for parti¬ so much bother. Madame Yarian Hoffman, the improvement of public education lu Scot¬ moving slowly north with the Guir Stream. Ized into the polooalse, Baltimore, composed of forty-seven bishops Barritt, H 0 Laner, A Smalls, Steph- the celebrated singer, was announced for land, for the regu ailon of mines, for tho Northeast winds will continue until Saturday black or coloredfaille dress, or the complete and archbishops. For this convocation he Byrns, Thomas Lewis, Col John ney tion, one hundred and twenty-five acres, pur¬ assisted a first-class choir. Mr. amendment of the for to the velvet suit, alwavs elegant and lady Ilk»*, Plus IX J T chased by S. L. Robertson, for $75. Real es¬ solos, by licensing system, fixing on the Middle Atlantic coast, backing have was appointed by Pope delegate Carstens A Ja- Lenes, J Solomons, David sold for Gallaher, the most sensational of the Baptist the relations ot the Superior Courts of justice with clearing weather by Satur¬ some leaders of the ton lately displayed apostolic, with ample powers. The acts and cobs Leland, 0 H Sohle, Peter tate of Long, deceased, parti¬ draws to Beecher,) and and in a bill for Its northwest, but not visiting toilets composed of deml-trained decrees of that council were approved by the Carroll, Jas Little, Frank B Spencer, Ohas H tion: Homestead purchased by Mr?, g. M. ministers, (who tquat appeals, particular having day night. Increasing, dangerous, velvet and em¬ Lett Jno B D for vacant lot home¬ Dr. Powers, a powerful Congregational main object the establishing of Beeret voting, northeast winds will continue in eastern New skirts of black Lyons long . In June, 1867. he visited Borne to at¬ carthy, D bogan, Stewart, Long, $1500; adjoining were also with a measure to the cor¬ some dis¬ broidered polonaise ot white, or light gray the anniversary of Callahan, An- Lockwood, Jas Stewart, H D stead, by same party, for $580; twelve vacant preacher, promised. together relating England the severest winds prevail Bleeves, and tend eighteen-hundredth drew Louice, Hon DSiaokey.DrH west ot most¬ The consequence was that never since the rupt practices at parliamentary elections, will tance off the coast. Cautionary signals con¬ cloth, with hanging bordering the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, and lots lir north part city, purchased built had such a mul¬ Several measures below a somewhat deep braided embroidery of of various Channon, R F sullivan, Eur ly freedmen, and averaging about $100. Academv of Music was be immediately presented. tinue for the rest of Saturday evening at Nor¬ and small round bon¬ to assist at the canonization great Clark. Henry Long, Peter Swinton, J fl by sold O. titude Ailed lt. Not only was every seat oe-1 of administrative improvement in Ireland will New York, New London and rich fringe. Tho muff heroes ol' the church in modern times. On A W H The following tracts were by A. room In folk, Cape May, are of black the former trimmed Cunnlnghan, (col'd) rallmann, and W. C. trustees of Mrs. cupled, but every inch of standing be laid before you. Likewise legislative pro¬ Boslon. net velvet, the 23th day ol June of that year, Archbishop B Lyons, PA Co Taylor, Isaac Pickle Balley, the auditorium, even up to the roof. The vidions founded on the of the sanitary with narrow bands of gray, or silver fox fur; at the head ot four archbishops and Jobea D 0 Eoence- Elizabeth Pearson, deceased: Tract No. 1, report Weather Reporta of tne a small or Spalding, Dagen, Lyons, mayer, and acres, stage in rear of the speakers and singers was commission. Yeaterday's the lauer ornamented with gray eighteen bishops from America, was received Darby, Fred Lac&<). Geo z ¡r three hundred twenty-eight pur¬ with human who stood lords and will Service, ü. S. A.-4.47 P. M., white ostrich plume, and perhaps a tea ro3e. who them on the Densmore, T P Martaln. Geo Thorne, Isaac W. C. for $1320; tract No. 2, packed beings, during You, my gentlemen, again Signal or the rose by the Pope, complimented J H chased by Balley the service. Thc orchestra was full and so well known to the work Local Time. The gloves are of a light gray, result of the Second Plenary Council. On the Dennison, Thoa Maynard. H W Thomas, one hundred and twelve acres, purchased by apply your assiduity is worn a broad L Col Jno Touchstone, one hun¬ were the stage boxes. The doors had to be of legislation which from the exigencies of tint, and no Jewelry except 27th, two days later, the Pope delivered his Marsh, Jeremiah Glenn for $330; tract No. 3, a of an hour before services be¬ still seems a flat cross, which Hie boa discloses when in Dillon, Patrick F Joo and acres, by W. closed quarter modern society to grow upon your gold it ls allocution, praising ihe zeal of the prelates Dixon, WmMcL Mathews. J L Tyler, James dred eighty-eight purchased gan, as no more people could get In with hands, and I shall continue to rely, under lt ls thrown aside. Very light gray will, to Borne lu honor of the Holy See. Geo John Von O P. Grlsham for $670; tract No. 4, one hundred even some ol the So a favorite color. coming Dlefennerg, Madden, Harlen, Jane lor safety to the building, and Providence, alike on the loyalty of my peo¬ Place or thought, be spring On the 18th day of December, 1869, Arch¬ Drew, Edward Mahon, Thomas Washington, and fifty acres, purchased by Morgan ch o ri s; era were unable to penetrate through ple and your eneray and wisdom to sustain the Small round velvet bonnets, in black, myr- was again called to Borne, D-avaen, Israel Moree, W H John $458; tract No. 5, two hundred and twenty-five a Observation. are the favorite bishop Spalding W. C. for $1200. the mas?. The services were decided sue-1 constant efforts of the crown to discharge the tie green or chocolate brown, took his place in the (Ecumenical Council, Dnffle, Edward Merlke, Rortley Washington, acres, purchased by Bailey cess, and when Miss Smiley concluded her duties, uphold the rights and delend the honor winier promenade and visiting styles. The and there remained one ot Its most prominent Duncan. Kev G Meyer.Monsleur Thomas Chester. earnest appeal, so strong ls habit, lhere was a of the empire. soft crown Blands up from the head, and is members until the were suspend¬ nunn, M M Joseph Washam, S P The land ofRichard in Chester Coun¬ a of velvet, or a proceedings Ererson, Hr Ed Mitchell, A Walt- rs, Ked Crosby, round of applause in the gallery. Dr. Powers, AFTER THE READING OF THE SPEECH. surrounded by quilling ed by ihe Pope In consequence of the Invasion James Beni H ty, containing about eleven hundred and tiny who conducted the proceedings, aunounced as Ajgusta, aa.... 29.92 NB Gentle. Ol'ngup straight, narrow brim. Very little trimming of Rome Victor Emanuel. He was a firm Eason, Robt H Morrison. Welch, Dennis T. Crosby, for a 30.08 NE Brisk, Cloudy. of velvet and a tea rose, by Evseiman, Elbe Moses Se Cohen Werner, J D acres, was bought bj stars for the forthcoming evenings Bev. Dr. There was full attendance of members at Baltimore. E fresh. is used-only a bow supporter ol the dogma ot , F John Weston, Isaac $1150. J. E. Gladden's interest in the real es¬ Mr. worth. One of the the of the House ot Commons to¬ Boston. 30.23 ihr'ng. -or a small set at the lett side in place and Eiitlemaan, Motte, Chapín and Rev. Hep assembling Charleston. 29.83 SW Light. Olondy. plume and had the strong personal confidence Fairchild, W B Monroe, Thos H Weston. Charles tate of his father. James Gladden, deceased, secular papers irreverently called this "sugar¬ day. After the body hud returned from the 30.01 sE Gentle. Fair. ol the woruout aigrette. friendship of Pius IX. During bis adminis¬ Ferguson, Thos Moore, W M West. Harry was bought by J. Hemphül, Esq., for one hun¬ coated but what matter BO long os House ot' Lords the usual bills for the. aboli¬ Cmcago. NE Light. Fair. SPRING SUITS AND CAMBRICS. of the Ballimore, Arch¬ KMarray, Scipio Webster, M dollars and cents. The real estate of religion," Cincinnati. 30.1.7 tration Archdlocesejof M H dred fifty the class for which lt ls Intended are induced tion of the game laws, university terts, ex¬ Qa'vcston, Tex.. 2Í .99 S Light. Fair. Most of the suits in are bishop Spalding was very zealous for the wel¬ Field ', Wm T Murdocn, Wedemelr, Alexander Dickey, deceased, containing about to lt? NTH. cise, &c, were presented. Dr. Donald Dal¬ Fla.. 29.98 w Fresh. F.ilr. spring preparation fare of the children, and through his Instru¬ Flra, DA McCanha, Mc White, ET accept _ Key West, t three hundred acres, was sold to Cáptalo O. introduced a resolution looking to the Tenn. 29.90 Gentle. Clear. made up with the Queen Margare polonaise, and charitable Institu¬ Fordham.Henry McCants, Lock- White, EUo rymple Knoxville, W Gentle. the waist of which is cut with a spring, and mentality many schools FEH woad White, Stephen Barber, for six hundred dollars. The lot ot FROX THE WIRES. amelioration of the condilion ot inebriates. Meniplils, Tenn.. 30.51 Cloudy. There are tions were established. Among the most Fisher, on Centre in this town, SPARKS Mr. Millbank notice of his Intention to Mt. 30.14 NE Fredh. Clear. forms a small basque at the back. Frelnd, John McMahon, John Whyte, Joseph land street, belonging gave Washington. SW Gentle. Fair. the to which are cut prominent of these is St. Mary's Industrial Forest, Paul McKee, Jo eph Witte, (1 to the estate of C. Holst, deceased, whereon ls offer a resolution asking Sir Charles Dilke New Orleans.... 29.98 others, upper garments whole Schools for a short distance from the J 0 Wi Solo- the of the deceased, Introduced in the Ohio if he adheres to the sentiments New York. 30.10 NE Brisk. Cloudy. In the Gabrielle polonaise style, that is, Boys, the Frost, James Nesbit, mon, situated carriage factory -A bill has been express¬ Norfolk. 23. SJ XE High, H. Kain in with ornamental bows or rosettes city, on land donated for the purpose by Francis, James Nicholas,Joseph mon was bought by J. J. McLure.Esq., for six hun- to repeal the Cincinnati Soulhera ed in his speeches delivered at New Castle and 30.09 NE risk. front, most late Miss Emily McTavtob. He built a large Fripp, J J Oilver,Joseph L Wilson, J B and ten dollars. Legislature the to a the recess of Parliament. . rtir'ng. and simulated basque back. The stylish .dred Railroad act, and authorize city give oiher places during Portland, Me.... 30.35 S Gentle, Cloudy. dresses are cut very and and handsome building, and turned over the Gibson, Francis Oliver, J aud A Williams, Josh- three millions of dollars Mr. Disraeli then arose, and called the at¬ NW rresh. of Ihese upper long Broth¬ samuel oitv. r, Kobt away bonus not exceeding Savannah . 29.91 Thr'ng. The for ex¬ school to the charge of the Xaverlan Gtbbs, who will build the road. tention of the House to the paragraph ol'the St. Louts. 29.93 Calm. Fair. very llttled trimmed. underskirt, for the G ibbs, Dr Hen- Osborn, 0 L Wallings, J W RICHMOND BDILT ON CORAL.-The tunnel of to anv person N Fresh. is rather long, and perfectly plain; the ers, brought from purpoee, 0 John Wolyn.F and Ohio Railroad at -A Cheyenne dispatch says there is poor royal speech In reference io the ai bitratlon of Washington. 30.03 Cloudy. ample, a but to his last illness always exercised a rf Neill, the Baltimore Richmond, either way on the Alabama c'aim?. He animadverted at Wilmington,N.e. 29.78 N Fresh. IA Rain upper dress reaches within a quarter of yard up Gilbert, S H Palmer, Ste- Wohl r, John Va, was begun Thursday. The Enquirer re¬ prospect for a train this week bottom of the lower skirt at the back, personal supervision over lt. H M Write. late Professor ol the Uni¬ the Pacific Railroad. some length upon the Treaty of Washington, resort dated of the In the was (Ulbert, p.ien HajpooiTheron marks: "The Rogers, a Earl Gran¬ SOT!.-Tba weattier 7.47O'CIUCK, and is simply cut out In wide, shallow scal¬ disposition Archbishop genial, Gilliat, Howard Pepper, Phillip Wright, of in h¡3 researches In this -The New York Legislature, by party for the faults ol'which he blamed this morning, will be posted in the rooms ul the are on and at once became a favorite with all whe GU Petermann. J H 0 versity Virginia, the hills of this rescinded the resolution withdrawing ville and Mr. Gladstone. In viewof develop¬ at 10 o'clock A. lops and bouud. Some looped only lens, Joseph W B found that city vote, L'namber or Commerce M., and, one side. Some are not up at all. were brought Into contact with him, and Givens, Robt W Plckens, Frank wyvil.e, neighborhood, a which was the ratification ol' the fifteenth amendment. ments which had been made by the assem¬ together with the weather chart, may (by the looped a R Ml D ******* were based upon coral formation, a house can be never Obtruded his religious views upon nj Gordon, Dr M S substance known to -Ex-Senator Grimes died yesterday at blage of the arbiters at Geneva, Mr. Disraeli courtesy of the chamber) be examined by snip- For spring dress, nothing Edward Pinckney, D F Zanders, fPO unlike any other geolo¬ at time danns the day. than a light, blue skirt, and long one, except in the performance ofble eplsco Gass, gists." St. Pauls, Minn. wanted to know why the government was uiastera any prettier poplin