Detection of a Hypercharge Axion in ATLAS a Monte-Carlo Simulation of a Pseudo-Scalar Particle (Hypercharge Axion) with Electroweak Interactions for the ATLAS Detector in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Erik Elfgren
[email protected] December, 2000 Division of Physics Lule˚aUniversity of Technology Lule˚a, SE-971 87, Sweden Abstract This Master of Science thesis treats the hypercharge axion, which is a hy- pothetical pseudo-scalar particle with electroweak interactions. First, the theoretical context and the motivations for this study are discussed. In short, the hypercharge axion is introduced to explain the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe and the existence of large-scale magnetic fields. Second, the phenomenological properties are analyzed and the distin- guishing marks are underlined. These are basically the products of photons and Z0swithhightransversemomentaandinvariantmassequaltothatof the axion. Third, the simulation is carried out with two photons producing the axion which decays into Z0s and/or photons. The event simulation is run through the simulator ATLFAST of ATLAS (A Toroidal Large Hadron Col- lider ApparatuS) at CERN. Finally, the characteristics of the axion decay are analyzed and the crite- ria for detection are presented. A study of the background is also included. The result is that for certain values of the axion mass and the mass scale (both in the order of a TeV), the hypercharge axion could be detected in ATLAS. Preface This is a Master of Science thesis at the Lule˚a University of Technology, Sweden. The research has been done at Universit´edeMontr´eal, Canada, under the supervision of Professor Georges Azuelos.