ILLUSTRATED -DETAILED 11/F1-4E LISTENERS' PICTO PROGRAMS ow" FEB. I TO FEB. 7, INCLUSIVE I, 1947 ALL THE PROGRAMS OF THE WEEK ---IN DETAIL ND GREAT RADIO T E:á::a,? ENTERTAINMENT OF ALL KINDS WFIL PHILADELPHIA PRESENTS PROGRAMS TOGETHER WITH A DESIGNED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE T O P ENTERTAINMENT ON WORLD-WIDE WHETHER YOU PREFER AND LOCAL NEWS MUSIC, COMEDY, QUIZ OR MYSTERY GOOD LISTENING-- MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT FIRST WPIL ON YOUR A All: DIAL :..- - BUFFALO'S .'-i., , '-/I4",4`\A -/'...i / .'Í.\\` FRIENDLY ,0.!..,...` \--/ STATION i: . ;-, +j'. N\ . .4.,A-4, W EB 1340 ON YOUR DIAL MUTUAL BROADCASTING The Díjírabeiphía Inquirer tatíon SYSTEM AFFILIATE It's the Truth-These Were the "Consequences achy by MIKE MELLER -/1SIOIV WHEN a gentleman by the name of Mike THE LISTENERS' PICTORIAL WEEKLY Kozall won the whole "TruthorConse- Prepared for Corwin quence" show as a "Consequence" and took Established 1924 New Series No. 64 To the Editor: Thank you for publishing your many over as emcee the following week (Saturday night, feature stories, including the one on Norman Corwin's "One World Flight."It enabled me to follow the NBC, January 18), just about everything you would series from the beginning, and `to be prepared for the CONTENTS expect to happen did. programs, learn how the material had been gathered, the actual voices on records and so on.It was most EDITORIAL Let's put it in chronological order: interesting, and I enjoyed the first broadcast immensely. And Letters to Editor 3 MIKE'S FIRST GUEST: Won a blouse with Thank you,also, WITHIN VISION r.ü w:M fortheweekly By Foster Sinclair 4 "Compliments of 'Sally Lee Dress Shop,' 6435 Holly- storiesandpic- "CINDERELLA" LIFE ROUGH STUFF wood Blvd, Hollywood." The plug was for Mike, the tures on the By Dell Chandler 4 owner.
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