327.02 328 CENSUS 2000 BLOCK MAP: KING County
47.574279N CENSUS 2000 BLOCK MAP: KING County 47.574279N 121.383363W 121.299359W LEGEND SYMBOL NAME STYLE INTERNATIONAL AIR (FEDERAL) Trust Land / Home Land Big Heart Lake OTSA / TDSA / ANVSA AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBAL SUBDIVISION AIR (State) SDAISA Angeline Lake ANRC MINOR CIVIL DIV. / CCD 1 Consolidated City Place within Subject Entity Incorporated Place / CDP 1 Place outside of Subject Entity Gus Lake Incorporated Place / CDP 1 Census Tract 2 ABBREVIATION REFERENCE: AIR = American Indian Reservation; Trust Land = Off−Reservation Trust Land; Home Land = Hawaiian Home Land; OTSA = Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area; TDSA = Tribal Designated Statistical Area; ANVSA = Alaska Native Village Statistical Area; Azure Lake SDAISA = State Designated American Indian Statistical Area; ANRC = Alaska Native Regional Corporation; CDP = Census Designated Place; Minor Civil Div. (MCD) = Minor Civil Division; CCD = Census County Division FEATURES Military Inset Out Area Where international, state, and/or county boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest−ranking of these boundaries. 1 A ' * ' following a place name indicates that the place is coextensive with a MCD, A ' ° ' indicates that the place is also a false MCD; the false MCD name Chetwoot Lake is not shown. 2 A ' * ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. Gold Lake Crawford Myrtle Lake Lake 3056* SNOQUALMIE VALLEY CCD 93078 328 Big Snow Lake Hardscrabble Lakes Hardscrabble 5000* Lakes 327.02 Key to Adjacent Sheets Sheet Location within Entity 64 65 66 81 82 83 98 99 100 3376* SHEET 82 OF 181 PARENT SHEETS 5001* Overcoat Lake TOTAL SHEETS: 200 (Index 1; Parent 181; Inset 18) 47.517466N 47.517466N 121.383363W 121.299359W N ENTITY TYPE: County .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .4 mi W E NAME: King County (033) ST: Washington (53) S .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .7 km All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2000.
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