spl sha po lang torrent download SPL: Sha Po Lang. SPL: Sha Po Lang is a 2005 action film written and directed by , and starring , and Simon Yam. The film was released in Hong Kong on 18 November 2005. Yam portrays a police detective who, suffering from cancer and about to retire, resorts to illegal means in order to catch a ruthless triad boss. The title Sha Po Lang refers to three words derived from Chinese astrology that each represent a different star capable of good or evil depending on their position in the heavens. 1. Plot The movie is set before 1997, prior to the return of Hong Kong to the Peoples Republic of . Chan Kwok-chung Simon Yam, a Hong Kong police inspector, has dedicated his career to putting Wong Po Sammo Hung, a notorious triad boss, behind bars. While escorting a witness with damning evidence of Wongs wrongdoings to court, Chans car is rammed by another car driven by Jack , a ruthless assassin. Jack then executes the witness, ensuring Wong Po would walk free. Chan survives with a piece of glass stuck in his head. After the glass is removed, the doctor informs Chan of a tumor in his brain that will soon kill him. Chan becomes even more determined to bring down Wong Po, using any means necessary. Three years later, Ma Kwun Donnie Yen, a police officer from another precinct, is assigned to replace Chan, who is going to retire soon. Ma will lead Chans team, composed of Wah, Sum and Lok. The three men are very protective of Chan, who has since adopted the slain witness daughter, as her mother was killed in the earlier car crash. An electronics shop owner brings to the police station a video tape of Wong Po torturing an undercover agent. In the video, Wong hits the agent repeatedly with a golf club, then one of his men finishes him off. Chan and his colleagues decide to alter the tape, intimidate the shop owner into accusing Wong Po of being the murderer, and eliminate the real killer. Ma, who once beat up a drug trafficker so badly that the latter became mentally handicapped, has vowed to abstain from using questionable means in his career. Ma notices that Chans team is acting suspiciously, but he still helps in the arrest of Wong Po. Ma then catches Chans teams in the act of murdering the henchman that actually killed the undercover agent. Ma briefly fights the four of them. The group receives a message warning them against leaving the police station that night. Ignoring the threat, Lok goes to buy a gun to serve as Wong Pos "murder weapon", but is trapped in an enclosed area and ends up getting killed by a knife-wielding Jack. Meanwhile, a copy of the original video tape is given to Chans superior, Cheung Chun-fei. Seeing that Chan had tampered with evidence to frame Wong Po, Cheung releases Wong and tries to arrest Chan. An elderly policeman called Uncle Ba who had received help from Chan earlier in the film helps Chan avoid arrest. Later that night, Jack sneaks up on Wah and Sum and stabs them to death. Ma rushes to save them but arrives too late. Before dying, Wah confesses to Ma that he, Sum and Lok had stolen money from Wong Po when they busted one of Wongs drug operations earlier to help Chan raise his adopted daughter, and were targeted for retaliation by Wong. At the station, Ma has a heated argument with Cheung over the handling of the case. Furious, he turns in his badge and gun. Chan goes to Wong Pos office, pretending to bring the stolen money. He shoots a few henchmen but is stabbed and overpowered by Jack, then tortured by Wong Po, who calls Ma and tells him that he has taken Chan captive. Ma heads to Wong Pos office. Jack confronts and battles Ma in an alley. Jack wrestles Mas baton away from him, but Ma eviscerates Jack with his own knife. In Wongs office, where Chan is tied up, Ma returns the money and fights Wong. The crime lord is seemingly defeated when he is slammed onto a glass display of bottles. Ma pours himself a drink, but Wong suddenly gets up and pushes Ma out of a window. Ma lands on the car carrying Wongs wife and baby son, caving in the roof. All three are killed instantly. Wong gazes down at Mas body and recognizes the car underneath. Wong starts sobbing, broken with grief. In the final scene, Chan and his adopted daughter are seen on the beach, with the girl playing near the shore. Chan finally succumbs to his tumour and dies. Fatal Contact (2006) Contemporary action film produced, written and directed by , featuring the national Chinese sport of , Sanshou or Sanda. Trailer. Wu Jing, often credited as Jacky Wu, stars as “Kong Ko”, a martial arts champion. In real-life, Wu Jing is a former member of the famous Beijing Wushu Team, and multiple Chinese Wushu Champion. Miki Yeung, a star and actress plays “Siu Tin”. A fellow member of her band “Cookies”, joins her as Chui Chi. Another Cantopop singer and actor, Ronald Cheng, plays “Captain Chan Shing”, who befriends Kong Ko. Actor Cheung Siu-fai, (“Mr So” in Johnnie To’s “Election”), stars as Ma Ho-keung, who arranges Kong Ko’s fights. ’s former bodyguard and stunt team member, Ken Lo, plays a pimped-up gangster and gambler, Chan Sun. Yu Gu plays Chan Sun’s gambling rival, Fai. Regular Hong Kong action supporting stars , Xing Yu and Timmy Hung play Kong Ko’s opponents. Set in modern-day Hong Kong, Kong Ko is a gifted Chinese wushu champion earning a living performing martial arts for a Peking Opera company. Ma Ho-Keung and his henchmen see his performance and identify Kong Ko as a potential competitor for their illegal underground fights. Kong initially declines their offer, but frustrated with not having much money, the pretty Siu Tin persuades Kong to give it a go. Kong beats his first opponent in spectacular fashion. Gangster Ma Ho-keung, is suitably impressed and arranges for Kong to be looked after by street hustler Captain Chan Shing, whilst he arranges for a more lucrative fight. Wealthy gangster and gambler Fai sees Kong fighting and offers a big money match against his rival Chan Sun’s fighters. Kong easily defeats two of Chan Sun’s best fighters. Humiliated, Chan Sun challenges Fai to a $10 million three-on-three street fight. In a brutal contest, Chan Sun’s men fight dirty, forcing Kong to become equally as vicious to defeat them. Captain helps Kong recover from his injuries and prepare for his next fight, believing he lacks the “killer instinct” to beat the best – and nastiest – fighters. In his next fight, Kong shows no mercy when he takes on and defeats a K1 champion in a big money contest. With Kong establishing himself as the best fighter on the circuit, Fai decides to fix a fight to clean up at the bookmakers. Believing Siu Tin to be in danger, Kong must decide whether to stay true to himself, or throw the fight. Action. Having shone as a villain in 2005’s “SPL: Sha Po Lang” (AKA “Kill Zone”), talented martial artist, Wu Jing, was given the lead as the hero of “Fatal Contact”. He portrays Kong Ko, a mainland wushu champion, mirroring Wu Jing’s real life status as a former national wushu champion. The opening credits show Wu Jing demonstrating his genuine physical ability with some gravity defying aerial cartwheels and butterfly twists, and his dexterity with the nine-section whip chain. This movie however, is all about the grubby world of illegal underground fights. In preparation for the role, Wu Jing trained with the Beijing Sanda Team. Sanda, sometimes known as Sanshou, is a competitive ringsport based on Chinese martial arts techniques. Along with conventional kicks and punches, participants can sweep, grapple and throw their opponents. He also apparently spent some time training in Thai boxing with kickboxing champion, Billy Chow, his co-star from “Tai Chi Boxer”. The fight sequences were choreographed by Nicky Li, a member of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team. The first couple of fights the viewer is treated to are short, but impressive. The choreography mixes more realistic grappling, kneeing and elbowing, whilst always managing to create enough space for a few spectacular kicks to be unleashed. Wire assistance is present, but reasonably balanced between techniques that defy the laws of physics, and brutal realism. The fight sequences really start to come alive when Kong Ko faces more challenging opposition. Early on, Wu Jing takes on burly Caucasian, Paul Smith, with a greater emphasis on grappling. In one slow-motion sequence, you can clearly see Smith wearing a gumshield so he can take a kick to the jaw full-on for added realism. The three-on-three fight is a particularly brutal tag-team battle, that will make many viewers wince. One of the fighters hides 3 inch steel nails in his boots and gloves, using them to cut and shred Wu Jing. One spectacular sequence sees Wu Jing performing a two-footed jumping kick to his opponent’s chest, whilst fellow up-and-coming martial arts star, Andy On, simultaneously front somersaults onto Wu Jing! As Kong Ko becomes more deeply embroiled in the fighting, he takes on K1 Champion “King”, played by real-life Shaolin Temple disciple, Xing Yu. This is the fastest and most frenetic of the fights in “Fatal Contact”, and in places, the footage has been sped up. It’s a shame, as most of the action moves at an incredible pace at normal speed. There is still plenty to enjoy from this sequence however. The relatively short final fight pits our hero against none other than Hong Kong action legend Sammo Hung’s eldest son, Timmy. Not unsurprisingly, Timmy Hung gives and takes the kicks and punches pretty well, although he is given fairly rudimentary choreography to perform. Although mostly providing comic support, Ronald Cheng is given a couple of scenes to get in on the action. He acquits himself admirably when fighting off a knife-wielding gang in a subway, and is particularly adept in the training sequence with Wu Jing. Summary. A common discussion among Hong Kong film fans is who will be the next generation of action stars, now that favourites such as Jackie Chan, and Donnie Yen are reaching their senior years. Although “Fatal Contact” is a few years old, it does feature three potential candidates for taking Hong Kong martial arts films forwards. Wu Jing has often been touted as the natural successor to Jet Li, with their common backgrounds as Chinese wushu champions. In this film, Wu Jing copes well enough with the dramatic scenes, and is exceptional in the action scenes. Although he has garnered praise for his supporting roles, sometimes as the villain, he has yet to find that breakthrough role to make him a true leading man. “Fatal Contact” had that potential, but unfortunately, a rather uneven plot coupled with the rather unsavoury ending to the film, meant that it was not a success at the box office. Andy On has proved in more recent films such as “Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon”, “True Legend” and “Special ID”, that he is very capable of mixing drama and action. He is at home in historical, fantasy or contemporary films, and interestingly, is fluent in English, Mandarin and . Could Andy On potentially bridge the gap between East and West if Hollywood came calling? Much like Wu Jing, Xing Yu has been carving out a notable career in supporting roles, playing a villain in “Flashpoint”, or hero in “Shaolin”. He recently received praise for his leading role in “The Wrath of Vajra”, although he has returned to supporting Donnie Yen in his next film, “”. As for “Fatal Contact” itself, writer and director Dennis Law has tried to merge drama, action and even romance and comedy. Although some scenes are well-acted, and can be tender, funny or exciting, the varying themes never quite fully gel. Ronald Cheng is especially good as a streetwise hustler, and the rest of the cast act functionally, rather than remarkably. Ken Lo sits out on the action in possibly his campest role yet, but is always very sinister. There is a twist in the tale, and the ending of the film is rather sombre. For martial arts fans however, there is plenty of action. The film strikes a slightly uneasy balance between the realistic, MMA style of fighting, combined with Wu Jing’s wushu skills and some wire-fu. Many of the fights feature a wince-inducing injury to one or other of the contestants, and are generally not for the faint-hearted! As a showcase for the potential next generation of Hong Kong leads, “Fatal Contact” delivers some tight, fast and brutally spectacular choreography, and is well worth a watch just for that! Spl: sha po lang torrent download. Spl 2 A Time For Consequences.2015.torrent. Uploaded by: SPL2 October 2019 PDF. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA. Overview. Spl 2 A Time For Consequences.2015.torrent as PDF for free. More details. Words: 224 Pages: 1. Preview Full text. SPL 2 A Time for Consequences.2015.torrent. Undercover cop Kit turns into a junkie to be able to catch Mr Hung, the mastermind behind a criminal offense syndicate. When the operation goes sour and Kit blows his cover, his supervisor and uncle Wah decides to terminate the operation. When Kit disappears with no trace, Wah defies an order from his commanding officer and tracks Kit to some prison in Thailand. Thai Police officer Chai turns into a prison guard to be able to raise money for his daughter that has leukaemia. He`s allotted to keep an eye on Kit. Even though Chai and Kit have been in opposing positions plus they don`t speak a typical language, Kit happens to be a suitable bone marrow donor who are able to save Chai`s daughter. While Chai is decided to keep Kit alive, the warden wants him dead to guarantee the smooth operation from the prison, which is the front for Mr Hung`s organ trafficking business. Sha Po lang 2 stars (In his first Hong Kong movie), Wu Jing, Simon Yam and . It is directed by Cheang Pou-soi, and produced by Wilson Yip. I cant believe i have waited 10 years for SPL2 to be released, but i am very excited and cant wait to see Tony Jaa take on Wu Jing. Kill Zone (SPL) With Donnie Yen, Wu Jing and Sammo Hung. Kill Zone (or SPL – Sha Po Lang) is the action packed martial arts film that help boost Donnie Yen’s career to a whole new level (before going even further with Ip Man), and also made Wu Jing a sought after martial arts actor. The movie centers around a group of police men trying their hardest to bring down a triad boss named Wong Po (played by Sammo Hung). Many years earlier a witness was under police protection with Inspector Chan (Simon Yam) before he was to testify and put Wong Po behind bars – However a horrific car crash and assassination orchestrated by his Wong Po’s main man Jack (Jacky Wu Jing) killed the witness and all0wed Wong Po to walk free. Inspector Chan, surviving the crash with a shard of glass stabbed into the back of his head, lives on with malignant tumor, still trying to take down Wong Po. Some 4 years later Chan is ready to retire, he has adopted the daughter of the witness killed years earlier, and is handing over command of his unit to an Inspector Ma Kwun (Donnie Yen). Ma Kwun arrives the day before he is to take over the team and learns of the corrupt methods they are desperately using to try and get Wong Po behind bars. Resistant at first, Ma Kwun eventually joins the cause and helps his team try to crack down and convict Wong Po. The Dark Feel of the Film. This film has a very dark feel to it in the sense that there’s no fairy tales. The triad group is corrupt, but so are the cops. This movie does a good job of showing realistic characters set in this metro environment; the way good cops and start to fight dirty when all other avenues are exhausted. This is clearly demonstrated when the main group of cops plan to switch a bullet in the properties room and delete a section of tape so it can convincingly be used as evidence to lock away Wong Po. The dark music and environment this movie is set in has a ‘deep city’ feel to it, but things seem to take off on a whole new level of dark realism when 3 members of the main group are murdered by Jack (Wu Jing) – a lethal knife fighting assassin hired by Wong Po. Before their deaths, each of the characters reveals their feelings about their family and even their failures – creating a sense of vulnerability that starts to connect you to the characters and their bond right before being ruthlessly murdered. This really highlights how savage a murder can be when you feel that you know the person (or character) who is being killed. The Thrilling Climax. This movie does an excellent job in teasing you with flashes of Ma Kwun’s skill. But when Jack returns and starts killing his team members, you get this true sense of a massively powerful force, that seems unbeatable – with Jack being an almost freakishly lethal weapon with his fighting ability. When Inspector Chan visits Wong Po to give him back a suitcase of money stolen by his men, it’s up to Donnie yen’s character Ma Kwun take care of business – marching into Wong Po’s building and fightng off Jack before taking on the big man himself. The Action & Martial Arts. This movie has some of the absolute very best fight scenes I’ve seen in a Martial Arts film – period. The batton to knife fight between Donnie Yen and Wu Jing is so savage and fast, as well as technical and exciting that it’s nearing the top of my list for one of the best fight scenes of all time. It’s also incredibly built up as you get to see two of the movie’s heavy weight fighters really go at it. The fights all have hard edged feel to them, and Donnie Yen’s use of MMA techniques and groundwork against Sammo Hung is absolutely brilliant.There’s not much I can say without sounding like I’m over praising the fights, so if you’re a fan of good hard fight scenes, shot at a inhumanely fast pace this movie is one you must see, if you haven’t make it a priority! The first half of the movie is mostly story but the last 20 minutes or so of the film is absolutely thrilling. There’s no deep meaning really, just a dark atmosphere and build up to an awesome and explosive finale (and a little twist of an ending). I could watch this movie over and over. Fantastic. On Blu Ray – Region A (US & Canada) Kill Zone on Blu-ray. Region B (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, etc) Kill Zone on Blu-ray. On DVD – Region 1 (US & Canada) Kill Zone on DVD. Region 2 (UK, Europe, etc) Kill Zone on DVD. Region 4 (Australia, New Zealand, etc) SPL (Kill Zone) on DVD. 25 Martial Arts Movies All Fans Must See - FREE GUIDE. You'll receive the latest updates and info on Martial Arts and action movies. Never get left behind, simply enter your email below to stay connected and receive your FREE Ebook! Thank You, please check your email to confirm your subscription :) 2 Comments. Donnie’s movies are really thrilling, action packed and very entertaining! Submit a Comment Cancel reply. Popular. Best of. Bruce Lee. Jackie Chan. Facebook Twitter Instagram. 25 Martial Arts Movies All Fans Must See - FREE. Subscribe to our Newsletter to Download this FREE Ebook. You'll also receive the latest updates and info on Martial Arts and action movies! Thank You, please check your email to confirm your subscription :) We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to use this website, you accept the use of cookies. More Information . This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Yahoo Web Search. Want more to discover? Make Yahoo Your Home Page. See breaking news & more every time you open your browser. Anytime. Get beautiful photos on every new browser tab. (HD) SPL 2 A Time For Consequences.2015.torrent | Asian . SPL 2 A Time for. Consequences.2015. torrent . Undercover cop Kit turns into a junkie to be able to catch Mr Hung, the mastermind behind a criminal offense syndicate. When the operation goes sour and Kit blows his cover, his supervisor and uncle Wah decides to terminate the operation. Download. Spl 2 A Time For Consequences.2015. torrent . Type: PDF. Date: October 2019. Size: 168.4KB. Author: SPL2. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Sha Po lang 2 stars Tony Jaa (In his first Hong Kong movie), Wu Jing, Simon Yam and Louis Koo. It is directed by Cheang Pou-soi, and produced by Wilson Yip. I cant believe i have waited 10 years for SPL2 to be released, but i am very excited and cant wait to see Tony Jaa take on Wu Jing. Spl 2 A Time For Consequences.2015. torrent . SPL 2: A Time for Consequences (2015) Torrents Download . Download SPL 2 : A Time for Consequences (2015) Torrents from Our Search Results, GET SPL 2 : A Time for Consequences (2015) Torrent or Magnet via Bittorrent clients. SPL 2 A Time for Consequences 2015 720p BluRay x264 DTS . Download SPL 2 A Time for Consequences 2015 720p BluRay x264 DTS 2Audio-MT torrent for free, Downloads via Magnet Link or FREE Movies online to Watch in LimeTorrents . 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