Taylorsville Cemetery Bartow*Polk County, Georgia
TAYLORSVILLE CEMETERY BARTOW*POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA TAYLOR, Mrs. Pattie Born I Death I November 27, 1969 Doraville, Georgia Burialt Survivors* Daughters, "rs» James H». Black, Mrs. Harvey A. Costloui, and Mrs, Alfred H. Satcher; sons, W.C., and R. E. Taylor; sisters, Mrs. Mary Argo, Mrs. Kathleen Coussort, '(|rs. B,H, Ayer, H,C, Ayers, and Mrs, S,T, Ayer; 12 Grandchildren -and 3 gr-grand- children. CHAMBERS, IDA Lumpkin Born: October 31, 1915 Gordon County, Oedroia Death: March 22, 1970 Rpckmart, Pclk uounty, Georcia Burial: Relioion: Baptist Survivprs: sons, Richard and Russell Chambers; brpthers, Paul, Edward,and William Pumpkin; sisters, '"rs. W,G. Chambers and '''rs. Harry Stephens; 7, nrandchildren JOLLY, ''rs. Addie Harris Daughter of late Richard C, and Emma Davis Harris Born: January 20, 1884 Polk County, Georoia Death: March 22, 1970 Cedartown, Polk county, Georgia Burial: March , 1970 Survivors: dauohter, ''rs. Leverett Ward; sons, Oscar, Walter, Clyde, Herbert and Euoene Jolly; brothers, Dr. J.H, Harris, Roy and Joe Harris; sisters, '''rs. Susie Bteghens, '''rs. A.M. Basgn, Mrs. Katie Braet7; r'randcbildren MAXWELL, Edward C. Born: October 15, 1953 Bartow County, Georoia Death: May 15, 1970 Taylorsville, Rartow County, Ga. Burial: May 17, 1970 Survivors: parents, r. & '''rs. Mpbie Maxwell; brothers, bpbby and James Maxwell; sisters, Thelma and Eva Bell Maxwell; pat- grand- garents, '''r. & '''rs. L.°. Maxwell; Mat. grandparents, r, & Mrs. Rpy Gentry. McKELVEY, Mrs. Myrtle Dell Bprn: ' March 17, 1891 Bartcw County, Georoia Death: Aunust 28, 1970 Rcme, Floyd Lounty, Georoia Burial: Auoust 30, 1970 Relioion: Baptist Retired School tpacber Survivors: sons, Pat, Forrest and Robert McKelvey; brother, Ray Rhodes; 9 orandcbildren and 4 crrorandchildren.
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