![Aragon Cemetery Polk County, Georgia Brown](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ARAGON CEMETERY POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA BROWN, Emma Missouri (Mips) Dauohter of the late John and Amanda Carlton Brouin Born: May 23, 1889 8artoui County, Georgia Deaths October 23, 1969 Rockmart, Polk County, Georgia Burial: October 24, 1969 Survivors: brother, Robert Brown; sisters, Mrs. Lewis Hunt, Mrs. Tom Brumbelnw BRUCE, Jess J. Born: February 20, 1910 Cherokee County, Georoia Death: August 3, 1969 Chattanooga, Tennessee Burial: Auoust 5, 1969 Survivors: sons, Bobby and Kenneth Bruce; dauohters, Mrs. Jerry Weaver, Mrs. Freeman Weaver and Mrs. Adny Baker; brother, Herman Bruce; sisters, Mrs. Tiny Lowe, Mrs* ^amie Bearden, Mrs. Julia Morgan, r-S. Elaine Dade, ji'rs. Corine Ashwofth and Mrs. Lucile Goodman. CONFER, Mrs. Nora Gurley Born: November 10, 1903 Polk uounty, Ceoroia Death: May 11, 1969 Douglasville, Georoia Burial! May 13, 1969 Survivors: sisters, Mrs. Frank Clark, Mrs. Will White, Mrs. Susie Jackson, and Mrs. Rena Pruitt. BARNETTE, Paul Wilson San of the late M.W. and Maroie Black Barnette Born: April 9, 1919 Polk County, Georqia Death: Seotember 22, 1969 Polk County, Georgia Burial: Seotember 25, 1969 Veteran-WW II—employed-Polk Paving Co Survivors: sons, Danny and Ronnie Barnette; brother, Lowell Barnette;sisters '"rs. Dovie Brewer, Mrs. R.C. Costlnw, Mrs. R.A. Smith, Mrs. Ruth . Arp, and|!i rs. Wesley Scott; 2 grandchildren DANIEL, Young Alex Bgrn: April 8, 1882 Cherckee County, Georoia Death: September 14, 19h"9 Aragpn, Polk ounty, Georgia Burial: Seotember 17, 1969 Retired Textile Worker Survivnrs: wife, Mrs. Lizzie Regers Daniel; sister, Mrs. Lula Moore DANIELL, Sp/4 Thomas F. Bprn: December 13, 1951 Ccbb County, Georgia Death: Octcber 20, 1969 Vietnam Burial: October 27, 1969 Methndist Survivprs: wife, Mrs. Wanda Rcbinson Danie.ll, mnther, '''rs. Clar^i Coalspn, step-father, Graver Coalson; brothers, Charles and onald Daniell; Mat-grandmother, '"rs. Dollie Davis ELSBERRY, Herbert Y. Son of the late Lindsey and Ollie Tant Elsberry Born: May 28, 1895 Polk ^ounty, Georoia Death: Aoril 10, 1969 Aragon, Polk "ounty, Georgia Burial: Aoril 13, 1969 Relioion: Baptist Retired Goodyear emplpyee Survivors: wife, Mrs. Winnie Waters Elsberry; brpther, Hpward Elsberry; sister, '''rs. Flora Miller. GORE, Mrs. Sally Rob.inson Rorn: August 14, 1906 Polk '•'ounty, Georoia Deathl Auoust 31, 1969 Austell, Georgia Burial: September 1, 1969 Survivors: husband, Harvey Gore; son, Bobby Joe Gpre; daughter, Mrs. Cecil Wplfe; brothers, W.J. and J.F. Rpbinspn. HELTON, Geerge Lane Son pf Joseph and Samantba Helton Born: May 20, 1891 Gordon CpUnty, Georoia Deathl September II, 1969 Griffin, Spalding County, Geergia Burial: September 13, 1969 Survivors; son, Jack Heltnn; dauohters, i''rs. Huoh King, Mrs, Glenn Orr, and Mrs. Patsy Camp; 15 grandchildren 10 gr-crandchildren. KELLETT, Mrs. Mildred Davis Born: July 4, 1918 Pclk County, Georgia Death: May 20, 1969 Albany, Georgia Survivors: husband, Walter Kellett; dauohter, Mrs. Christell Desteff; mother, |:|rs. Louise Davis; brother, Billy Davis; sister, Mrs. Evelyn Westmoreland LANIER, James Woorirow Born: June 19, 1969 Rockmart, Polk uounty, Georoia Death: June 20, 1969 Rockmart, Polk ounty, Georoia Burial: June 21, 1969 Survivors: parents, Mr. & Mrs. John C.(Betty Wilson) Lanier, Jr; brother John Mathew Lanier; Pat-grandparents, Mr. & Mrs, Jphn Curtis Lanier, Sr.; Mat-grandmother, Mrs. Helen Wilson Maxwell M0TE5, James Lenelle Son nf the late Marcus and Sarah Jane Quick Motes Born: November 15, 1897 Floyd County, Geprgia Death: November 7, 1969 Polk uounty, Georoia Burial: November 9, 1969 Relioion: Baptist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Dollie Motes; sons, Bill and Edward Mntes; brpther, John W. Motes; sister, Mrs. Tpm Lewis; 8 grandchildren. PRUITTE, Mrs. Rena Mae Daughter nf the late G.E. and Tena Burner Gurley Born: July 31, 1911 Polk County, '"eoroia Death: December 31, 1969 Rockmart, Polk ounty, Georgia Burials January 1, 1970 Religion! Presbyterian Survivorss son, Larry Pruitte; sisters, Mrs. Susie Jackson, Mrs. Frank Clark and Mrs. Will White. Aragon Cemetery Polk ounty, Ga ROOKS, Miss Dealie Dauohter of the late Dee and Mary Croslow Rooks Born! May 24, 1896 Polk county, Georgia" Death: July 15, 1969 Polk County, Georgia Burial: July 17gp 1969 Survivors: brothers, D,H, Rooks; sister, '"'rs. Joe Congins WALKER, Mrs. Nellie Belle Dauohter of the late John L. and Pearl Akins Jacobs Born: May 7, 1920 Polk uounty, Georoia Death: A!ugust;ly0,1969 Rome, Floyd county, Georoia Burial: August 12, 1969 Relioion: Church of God Survivors: husband, Clifford Walter; sons, Edoar and Homer Walker; dauohters, Mrs. Sharon Yarbrouoh and Miss Wanda Walker; mother, Mrs. Pearl Jacobs; brothers, Dewey and Edoar Jacobs. BROWNING, Mrs. Sabie Smith Dauohter of the late Mr. & Mrs, James Smith Born: Seotember 10, 1893 Clebourne County, Georoia Death: May 2, 1970 Smyrna, Cobb County,'Georgia Burial: May 4, 1970 Preceded in death by husband, W.L. Rromnino Survivors: Sons, J.C., Ralph and Dennis Browning} dauohters, Mrs. Sidney Larkin and Mrs. Henry Moates; brother, Henry Smith; sister, Mrs. Riley Phillips; 27 grand,great-grandchildren CHILDERS, Mrs. Mary Akins Born: January 29, 1889 Alabama Death: January 20, 1970 Polk Sunty, Georoia Burial: January 22, 1970 Relioion: Church of Christ Survivors: husband, V.C. Childers; dauohter, Mrs. Stephen Hudah; brother Jess Akins; sisters, Mrs. Clyde Sorrells and Mrs. Rose Hplland DUKE, G.W. Son of the W.D. and Ludie Gardner Duke Born: August 18, 1916 Carroll uounty, Georgia Death: February 17, 1970 East Point, Ga. Burial: February 20, 1970 Religion! Baotist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Jewel Shaw Duke; sons, Jamse, John L., Ralph, and Keith duke; step-son, James Gary Braddy; daughters, Mrs. Hebart Keith and Mrs. Jerry Trammell; step-dauohters, '''rs. John H. Taylor and Mrs. T,H. Eubanks,Jr.j brothers, Robert, Jimmy and Raymond Duke; sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Jacobs, '-rs. Opal Craton, Mrs. Annie Ballew and Mrs. Doris Brookshire;13 Grandchildren G0SS, Lonnie (Fuzzy) Son of the late Joe and Sarah Knioht Goss Death: Auoust 29, 1970 /pPolk County, neorgia Born: March 29, 1913 ^ Rome, Floyd County, Georoia Burial: Auoust 30, 1970 Survivors: Dauohters, Mrs. Charles Waters, Jr., Brothers, Rev. Jett, W.E., and Roy Goss; sisters, Mrs. Alma Bennett,'''rs. Elmo Penoers DUNN, John Sr. Son of the late John H. and Missouri Baroer Dunn Born: July 5, 1B90 Polk ounty, Georgia Death: March 21, 1970 Floyd County, Georgia Relinionl Methodist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Ida Denson Dunnj"sons,,Wesley, John, Jr., Davis and Sot. Homer R. Dunn; dauohters, Mrs. Edna Williams, Mrs. Glenn De Young, Mrs. Jim Flood, Mrs. W.W. Blackmon, |v]rs. Ed Whitfield, sister, Miss Willie Dunn; 42 grand, oreat-orandchildren HARRIS, Luther N. Son of the late Eddie Lee and Fannie Camp Harris Born: September 30, 1897 Polk county, Georgia Death: March 4, 1970 Rockmart, Polk County, Georoia Burial: March 4, 1970 Relioion: Baotist Retired Aragon Mills Employee Survivors: wife, Wrs. Gertrude Tant Harris; son, Thomas M. Harris; dauohters, Mrs. Esterlena Atkins; brothers, No3h and Eddie Harris; sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Golden and Mrs, Flora Stringer, Mrs. Cora David 19 grand,great-grandchildren. HENDERSON, Delmer Viroil Son of the late Jim and Mammie Henderson ( Born: July 6, 1899 Oklahoma Death: December 1, 1970 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georgia Burial: December 3, 1970 Survivors: sons, Doyal, Cha-les, and Cecil Henderson; dauohters, Mrs. Christine Crawford and Mrs. Mammie Jacobs; grandchildren HOPPER, Mrs. Ruth Dauohter of the late Bud and Jane Kelso Buroess Born: November 25, 1893 Alabama Death: May 12, 1970 Araggn, Ceorgia Burial: May 14, 1970 Survivors: husband, H.E. Hopper; sons, Roy and tommy Elders, James, RaytDPnd Frank, Tnny, and Harold Hopper; dauohter, Mrs. Era Campbell, |!irs Jackie Holcomb, Wrs. Lcttie Wilsen, Mrs. Well Martin, Mrs. Bpbby Bannister; 53 grandchildren; 26 gr-orandchildren JACOBS, Mrs. Pearl S. Dauohter of the late Will and Etta Agan Akins Born: August 11, 1900 Polk County, Georoia Death: December 21, 1970 Rockmart, Polk Lnunty, Genroia Burial: December 22, 1970 Baptist Survivnrs: sens, Edgar and Dewey Jacobs; brothers, Riley, Clarence, Chester Jesse and Lother Akins; sister, Mrs. Lillian Smith, g grand children and 5 great grandchildren. Aragon Cemetery Polk ounty, Ga. KING, Mrs. Acnes Carroll Daughter of the late Raymond and Lulu Carpenter Carroll Born: December 23, 1919 Polk County, Georgia Death: July 15, 1970 Atlanta, Georqia Burial: July 17, 1970 Relioion: God of Union Assembly Survivors: sons, David, Raymond, Jerry, Wayne, Larry, Eston and Jesse Smith; dauohters, Mrs, Betty Mason and Mrs. Karren Roberson. MASON, Charles Columbus Born: July 25, 1901 Polk ounty,, Georgia Death: Auoust 9, 1970 Polk County, Georgia Burial: Auoust 11, 1970 Retired Textile Worker Survivors: wife, Mrs. Ethel Hulsey Mason; mother, Mrs. Henry Masonjsons, Charles and Forrest Mason; dauohter, Mrs. Ann Reed; brothers, George and Bill Mason; sisters, Mrs. Milton Blankenship, Mrs. Mac White, Mrs. Jesse P. Turner; five grandchildren. McDurman, S.E. Son of the late Daniel Haney and Fannie Welchel McDurman Sorn: January 14, 1896 Cherokee Lounty, Alabama L Deathl Auoust 19, 1970 Rockmart, Polk 0unty, Georcia Burial: Auoust 20, 1970 Retired Textile Worker Survivors: wife, Mrs.. Mary Shepard McDurman; sons, Harold, J.L., Donald and Roy McDurman; dauohters, Mrs. Robert Baldwin and Mrs. Charles Garrison; brother, J.H, McDurman;18 orandchildren;2 or-qrandchildre M0ATES, Henry S. Born: Seotember 5, 1908 Polk ounty, Georoia Death: March 15, 1970 Polk County, Georoia Burial! March 17, 1970 Relioion: Baptist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Bessie Moates; son, James Bruce Moates; father, J.M, Moates, brothers, Walter H. and Billy Moates; sister, '''rs. H.B. Bennett; 2 grandchildren. MORGAN, Dianne(Tammie) Born and died: January 7, 1970 Buried: January 9, 1970 Survivors: parents, Mr. & '''rs. Ronnie Morgan; Pat-grandparents, |f,r. & Mrs. Bill Moroan; Mat-grandmother, rs. Ellen Teal; sister, Duronca Morgan. MORRIS, Mrs. Mattie McGuire Dauohters of the late Craton and Molly Gravett McGuire Born: February 8, 1889 Paulding County, Georoia Death: April 12, 1970 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georgia Burial: April 15, 1970 Relioien: Baptist \v Survivprs! sons,.
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