Croatia is in Eastern Europe on the coast of the . See if you can find it on a globe. Above you can see the size of compared The blue in Croatia’s flag is for freedom, the 4,300,000 people live in Croatia. The capital of to the size of Oklahoma in the United States. white is for peace, and the red is for revolution. Croatia is and our missionaries Jura and The shield in the center represents different Aleksandra Lazar live an hour north in Varaždin. Croatia is truly beautiful and many people like to places and parts of history of Croatia. Croatians speak take vacations there, especially Europeans. Look Croatian! They sell at the beauty God created there! The a lot of equipment, money in machinery, fabric, Croatia is chemicals, food, called the and fuel to other Kuna. countries, but very little of it comes to Biševo’s Modra špilja the United States. (blue cave) Croatia has over 1,000 islands, but only 50 of

them have people living The necktie is an Croatian invention. A tie is called on them. cravat in Croatian. The first ties were worn by

Croatian soldiers in the 17th century during the At least 10% of the land Thirty Years' War in Europe. in Croatia is made up of 8 national parks, 11 One of the most famous Croatians is the inventor Plitvice Lakes nature parks and two Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). He made many National Park inventions for producing and transmitting electric Sea cave in Pula nature reserves. power and owned more than 270 patents. The first system for identification of fingerprints was 1. Fritule 2. Pašticada developed by Croatian Ivan Vučetić (1858-1925). Dalmatians came from Croatia and the rare Eurasian lynx can be found 3. Sarma 4. Crni Rižot there. The average lynx weighs about A note from 1. Fritule are fritters like donut holes. 40 lbs, the same as 2. Pašticada is a stewed beef dish cooked in an average Special Agent Jamie: special sauce. five-year-old. 3. Sarma is a stuffed cabbage or grape leaf. 4. Crni rižot is black risotto with cuttlefish or , the region in Croatia squid. Spy Gear where dalmatian dogs come

Your Spy In Croatian: from, was part of the Roman Message Cut some holes for your eyes in Empire and was mentioned in in English: Isus te voli! the back of a magazine. You can the Bible as a place Titus went

Jesus loves you! (Ee-sus tay watch people without being to in 2 Timothy 4:10. voh-lee) watched.