The Ukrainian Weekly 1943, No.7
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb SVOBODA Ukrainian Daily РІК LL Ч. 29. VOL. LL No. 29. SECTION II. Щг Шхшт Meetu> Dedicated to the needs and interest of young Americans of Ukrainian descent· No. 7 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1943 VOL· XI Rev. Lotowycz Opens N. J. Assembly ·І· і sa Sfflfe¾ Rev. Volodiroir Lotowycz, pastor of representative of the Ukrainian Cath Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Cath olic Church had opened a New Jer A WEEK from *tomorrow, on Sunday evening, February 21, New York's olic Church in Jersey City, N. J., sey Assembly session with a prayer, Town Hall will be the scene of the American debut of Lubka Kolessa~ acted as chaplain at the opening of the "Jersey Journal" noted. In all Ukrainian pianist. With her fame firmly established in Europe, South the session of the New Jersey State probability the same applies to all America, and Canada, to the extent that some European critics have Assembly last Monday at Trenton. other states. dubbed her "the woman Paderewsky," Kolessa now faces an opportunity He was introduced by Assembyman of· winning perhaps her greatest laurels, in America's leading and most Marcel Wagner of Jersey City, also Rev. Lotowycz's son, William, is a discriminating music center, New York City. It will be indeed a rare a Ukrainian. It was the first time a naval lieutenant flier. privilege for her Ukrainian kinsmen in this country -to greet and hear such a distinguished artist. We hope therefore that they and their American friends will fill the commodious concert hall to the very limits of its capacity. · ^— Ukrainian Captures Nazi General Since to most of our readers the PEESS OPINIONS A United Press dispatch by Henry і The same dispatch also refers to person of Lubka Kolessa is not well Shapiro from Stalingrad reported і a Ukrainian girl Shapiro encountered: known, outside the occasional re Typical of the press opinions of last Tueday that a Ukrainian soldier I "The survivors of the bloody as ports printed here about her con her playing are the following few in the Soviet forces captured Field sault appeared cheerful, normal and e¿· rtal appearances, we desire to ac excerpts: Marshall Friedrich von Paulus, com quaint them with the following few One is moved and fascinated.—Rot mander in chief of the German Army j extremely optimistic about the fu facts concerning her. terdam, Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Cour· destroyed at Stalingrad. ture. Their spirit was best expressed Miss Lubka Kolessa is the daugh ant, Feb. 20, 1938. Shapiro writes: "I talked to Lt. by a 20-year-old Ukrainian girl, a ter of Professor Alexander Kolessa, She has everything. She first bares Fedor Mikhailovitch Yelchenko, 21- waitress in Chuikov's (Soviet Lt. a prominent Ukrainian scholar and the soul of music.—Stockholm, Sven· year-old Ukrainian who captured General) mess. She offered me a patriot, who before World War I ska Dagbladet, Feb. 24, 1938. Paulus, the first German field mar- glass of Volga River water. was member of the Austrian Par Shall ever made a prisoner. A genius. A demonic being. She " 'Drink this water which tastes liament in Vienna, and also taught bewitches the piano.—Munich, Mun- "Yelchenko confided that he now Ukrainian literature at Lviw Univer· chener Zeitung, November 2, 1938 was ambitious to be the man to take better than wine,' she said. *Our ;ЧІІУ;^Л!^Є/ounded and¦ Busoni could have accom Hitler." blood flows through it.' " і taught at the FreeUkrainian Univer· M ' _ - plished MIftsuch thinfrthings.—ViennaR VipnTl , NpilNeuJ s sity in Prague. Czechoslovakia; he : Wiener Journal, March 12, 1938. was professor at the Czech Univer· j sity in Prague as well. A blessed woman. The play be- GERMAN POLICY IN UKRAINE t l ,e While yet a child, LubkLi „a exMWted·¡^^^_ - m , , w f^, ;~^ „?Pл, . · ***&* M A rather interesting — although alists who dreamt of uniting all Uk an unusual musical talent. She | Tagblatt, March 10, 1938 nothing in it is especially new—ar rainian territories in one State ... studied at the Imperial Academy of This spiritualness and clearness of ticle entitled as above appeared in The numerous authoritative Ger Arts and Music in Vienna. When rendition overwhelmed one as a per the January 1, 1943 issue of "Free man pronouncements soon dispelled only 14 she won the academy's formance of maturest artistry.—Ber Europe" fortnightly published in any illusions as to the possibility of highest award, the celebrated Boesen· lin, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, London. Its author is anonymous, fulfilling even their second-line hope dorfer grand piano. She then con March 8, 1938. "a correspondent." He mentions of obtaining some kind of Ukraini tinued her studies, under the famous One of the greatest pianists of our among other things the disillusion ian State under German tutelage. ¦ Emil de Sauer, at the Master School ¡ epoch. — Prague, "Bohemia," March ment of those Ukrainians who al Right from the beginning the Uk in Vienna, where at the age of 15 19, 1938. legedly banked on the Germans as raine was treated as a German she won its highest award, the State ¡ An elemental piano talent. One re their supporters as against the Rus colony. Thus at the conference of Prize. mained enchanted from the first to sian Bolsheviks. In reading that por the Sued-Ost Gesellschait held in At \he age of 16 she began her the last note. — Basle, Switzerland, tion of the article, however, one can Prague in December 1941, Dr. Funk, many European concert tours, visit Nationalzeitung. not help but think that, judging by the Minister of Economics, declared ing all the capitals of Europe. In A unique triumph, as one could the mass and heroic resistance ¦bluntly that these vast territories, 1929, upon official invitation of its have imagined, a most fascinating against the Nazi invasion from its |abounding in valuable raw materials, government, she toured Soviet Uk play. — Rotterdam, Holland, Nieuwe very outset by the Ukrainian people, had now become "accessible to Eu raine. In 1933 she played with sen- Rotterdamsche Courant. there must have been very, very ropean economic exploitation." He ¦ sational success in most of the South described these extensive areas as An interpreter that justifies all the few among the Ukrainians who re . American capitals. "the promised colonial land for Eu· eulogies that had preceded. her and garded the Germans in anything but In time she became a regular solo ¦a trusting light. rope." ist of leading philharmonic societies who immediately captivated public in Europe under such distinguished sympathy.—Buenos Aires, Argentina, Any among them, however, who German spokesmen and newspa conductors as Furtwangler, Hengel· La prenza, May 15, 1938. may have been trusting in that re pers lost no opportunity of telling the berg, Scheevoigt, Kleiber, Bruno Wal We consider Lubka Kolessa as the spect, soon lost all hopes when the Ukrainians that this was not the ters and others. highest expression of femininity in Germans began to occupy Western time to indulge in political specula Her appearance as soloist with the the service of art.—Santiago de Chile, Ukraine. For, as the "Free Europe" tion. The Frankfurter Zeitung wrote Toronto Symphony Orchestra won La Prenza, May 15, 1938. says: on March 28, 1942: "The future must her most flattering recognition on The concerts of Lubka Kolessa Immediately after the occupation be forged behind the plough and in the part of leading musical critics, were a great event in the world of of Lviw by the Germans on June 30, the workshop and not in debating so . such as Hector Charlesworth. art. They have given the public 1941, a section of the Organization cieties." The Ukrainians were asked At present. Miss Kolessa resides in deep moments of spiritual felicity, of Ukrainian Nationalists under to contribute to the Axis war effort І Toronto, where she teaches at the both perfect and rare.—Rio de Janei Stetsko and Bandera formed them by placing themselves completely at I Master's School of the Toronto Con ro, Brazil, A Noite, September 7, selves into a Ukrainian government, the disposal of the German author servatory of Music. 1938. which however was dissolved by the ities. "All other questions must re Germans a few hours later and its cede into the background," declared members arrested. Their fate is un the new Governor of Eastern Gali Wounded At - Guadalcanal known . cia, Waechter, to a delegation of Uk On August 1, 1941, Eastern Gali rainians at Stanielaviv last April. cia was incorporated in the General (To be concluded) Corp. Harry Wallick of the U. S. California hospital. One of his Gouvernement. A month later the Marine Corps, son of Mrs. Anna brothers, Sergeant Andrew Wallick southern part of Polish Polesie and j Wallick of Shamokin, Pa., and bro- of U. S. Army, is stationed in Seattle, Volhynia together with parts of the TICKETS for Lubka Kolessa Con i ther of Mary Polyniak, well known Washington. Soviet Ukraine were formed into cert may be obtained from Stephen ., young Ukrainian American singer in Reichkomissariat for the Ukraine. Shumeyko (Bergen 4-0237); Stephen t New York City, was wounded last TO KEEP ABREAST OF WH AT The Moldavian Soviet Republic and Marusevich (Murrayhill 5-9223); Sur « October during the fighting at Gua- territories west of the River Boh IS HAPPENING AMONG · dalcar¿al. -The wounds necessitated were given to the Rumanians and ma Book and Music Co., 325 East ,>: an amputation of his leg. At present і II KB A |JEN[ IA N >M£ ЦІ CANS called Transnistria. This was a rude 14th Street, New York City; also he is convalescing - in a northern .SEAB ДЯ ТЯШМКНг? ¾УІШ¾СТ awakening for the Ukrainian nation iat the Town Hall box office.