#111 13 - 19 September 2002 16 pages Rs 20

RAMESH POUDEL in SANDHIKHARKA EXCLUSIVE ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○ wo days after the Sunday night Downsized cabinet Maoist raid at the district headquar- Tters of Argakhanchi district, govern- It looks like even in this time of crisis,ment buildings here are still smouldering. the Deuba cabinet is reluctant to There is a pungent smell of rotting flesh downsize. His “dirty half-dozen” ministers seem to want to be in officemixed with the stench of burnt PVC pipes. for the electoral advantage this willVultures circle overhead, looking for half- give. Baluwatar denies that there isburnt corpses in the fields. town with equipment and medicines looted pressure from the king to dump The 9,000 inhabitants of this pictur- from the district hospital. While the fighting ministers. Meanwhile, the kangresi esque central town are still in shock,raged, Maoist cadres were running back and factions may soon find there is no forth carrying stretchers and resupplying need to fight over the party symbol and loiter nervously outside their homes. ENOUGH. and flag. And the UML is so tantalisedThere are spent cartridges everywhere. fighters with fresh ammunition, and by election victory that it hasn’t “Don’t walk too far out, there could be retrieving weapons from dead soldiers and Can we start talking now? thought of fallback options. Remindsunexploded explosives and booby traps,” a fallen comrades. you a bit of a frog inside a snake’s security official warned us. They are there “They spoke in code, I remember jaws still trying to catch that last fly. to comb through the charred ruins, lookingsomeone shouted ‘Kalpana Long Range’ and for more bodies hidden in the debris, and suddenly there was a burst of machine gun for mines. One had exploded earlier that fire,” a local resident told us. Even before the day, injuring three soldiers. attack, Maoist support teams had already Even Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deubadug graves to bury their dead. They used cut- had to hop over some unexploded ordnance asoff he toured the devastation Tuesday. He tried Weekly Internet Poll # 50 to reassure the locals that the Maoists would Q. Does it really matter who gets the tree symbol? be defeated, but the locals wanted relief, which was not forthcoming. He told security

officials: “We can’t end terrorism overnight, dokos to ferry ammunition in, and the RAMESH POUDEL but we’ll do everything to make it easier for same ones to carry away their wounded and our security forces to fight them.” dead on the way out. For the first time, there By Thursday morning, the death toll in is confirmation that senior Maoist leaders Sandhikharka had crossed 110: 60 security Krishna Bahadur Mahara, Nanda Kishor forces personnel and two civilians, and 50 Pun (Pasang), Top Bahadur Rayamajhi, bodies of Maoists had been recovered. and Pampa Bhusal were leading the raid. Among the dead was a 72-year-old woman Independent sources discounted who was shot in the stomach by Maoists whoearlier reports that there were 4,000 Total votes: 1126 went house-to-house looking for hiding Maoists. They said the actual number was Weekly Internet Poll # 51. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.comsoldiers. closer to 1,500. “I haven’t seen so many Q. Should there be an all party government to take the The Maoists deployed six platoons of people even in the Chutre Besi Mela,” a country out of the present crisis ? hardcore fighters to ring Sandhikharka in a local resident told us. “They just sprung coordinated and meticulously planned attack. up out of nowhere.” Most of the Maoist Some of the prisoners later freed by Maoists cadres were in their 20s, and bragged to said the rebels admitted that their ‘C’ Platoontheir prisoners that the army’s night-vision of 40 fighters had been decimated. The policehelicopters were “no match” for them. station, the barracks and the armed police Learning from past battles, the Maoists force base were attacked simultaneously. Theappear to have set fire to vegetation and rebels were supported by paramedics who hadbuildings, since smoke blinds the night- established nine field surgery tents outside thevision scopes on the helicopters. The barracks was housed in a Food Corporation godown, and is littered with the possessions of dead soldiers (above). The wives and children of dead and abducted policemen being evacuated to . see p6 Maoist message: take us more seriously PUSKAR GAUTAM ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Bhattarai prove that ideologically, the Maoists are as hardline as ever. The past week has seen a classic Maoist attempt at “strategic rigidity and tacticalAnd forflexibil- the first time since the royal massacre, they have lashed out at . ity”. After two deadly demos of strike ability, the leadership has sent out an olive branch Prachanda’s 8 September statement calls the Indian government’s arrest and deportation of with a proposal for ceasefire and dialogue. This has several objectives: to tell the Maoist central committee member Bamdev Chhetri to an indication of Nepal’s government not to take the movement for granted, to give the impression that it is the “Bhutanisation”, and pointedly warns not to interfere in Nepal’s internal affairs. government that is against peace, and to prove that “the party controls the gun”. There is no doubt that the Maoists are feeling the pressure from India, and despite the Maoist leaders Prachanda and wrote a letter to parliamentary this weekend’s setbacks the Maoists were feeling the heat in Nepal as well. Some see parties recently in which they cited “geopolitical and international reasons” why they Chhetri’s handover as a move towards talks initiated by New Delhi. wanted a roundtable conference to come up with a political resolution. But 15 days later, they launched the attacks on Sindhukharka and Bhiman killing more than 110The policemen army is spread thinly, and the Maoists have exploited this and soldiers. weakness. They continue to use overwhelming force to Editorialattack small, p2 It could be their way of saying: “You didn’t listen to us. Here is another jolt.”isolated But garrisons.what it It helped them this time that the armyVultures had not overhead learnt lessons from Mangalsen in April, and allowed a repeat in Sindhukharka. did was prove once again that there is no consistency between what the Maoists say, and what they do. The security forces need to abandon their solely garrison-based defence for superior The comrades have got Internet savvy of late, bombarding mailing listsreal-time with state- intelligence with surgical strikes against command posts and training centres. The Maoists, for their part, appear to have struck a better balance now between their eastern and ments and posting analyses on their new website. The contents of a recent interview with western regions, and will be expected to spread panic in urban areas with more bombs and Badal () and “Rejoinder on Some Current Issues” by Baburam arson attacks in the run up to their strike on Monday. 222 EDITORIAL 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES NATION 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 333 Nepali Times is published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd, Chief Editor:Kunda Dixit Editor:Anagha Neelakantan FEEDBACK by SAMRAT RANA Design:Kiran Maharjan STATE OF THE STATE by CK LAL [email protected], www.nepalitimes.com Advertising:Sunaina Shah [email protected] Subscription:Anil Karki [email protected] Sales:Sudan Bista [email protected] Sanchaya Kosh Building, Block A-4th Floor, Lalitpur GPO Box 7251, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 01-543333-7, Fax: 01-521013 Printed at Jagadamba Press: 01-521393 Stockholm syndrome Our comrades can take a lesson or two fromtick Sweden’s against that particular welfare name in their vote.state. The moral high ground

○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ But essentially, it’s the political parties that decide the composition of the Riksdag. This VULTURES OVERHEAD STOCKHOLM — It’s election time in arrangement may be the reason why the t could be the 11 September anniversary or the news of fresh slaughterSweden, here but you wouldn’t be able to tell. Swedish parliament is the most gender- at home, but the combined result is a terrific sense of terror-fatigue. ThisLoudspeakers is the don't blare election slogans, and balanced in the world with 43 percent women. kind of weariness that comes after talking so much about it, seeing so much of There are seven recognised political parties apoleon is not regarded as a great and the rules of warThese are the ground realities in Nepal. The I there is no visible door-to-door political military philosopher of the standing army has acknowledged its organisational it that you go beyond caring. Or, your shut yourself off because you can’tcanvassing. bear Posters of tastefully dressed in Sweden. (That mature democracies ending the emotional stress anymore. of Sun Tzu or Clausewitz, but he shortcomings in this area, and has taken candidates look down at pedestrians, but they up with two-party systems is evidently a N prompt corrective measures. This relentless We who have not been directly affected by the butchery, are in a senselook more just like models for designer business myth). The social democrats are the architects made one astute observation. He said, pressure of viewing every single action of the spectators. What must the bereaved be going through: family members suits.like Even on the front pages of daily of the welfare system, where high taxes and free “Moral is to physical, as three is to one.” Ambika, the widow of sub-inspector Surendra Basnet, and her two boys, Amir RNA under the human rights microscope newspapers, election issues do not get as services go together, and the system works so This universally acknowledged dictum on and Ajit? What of the relatives of young boys and girls forced to join the militant may be essential at times, but it seems much prominence as other stories. People well it has few parallels in the world. the rules of war is not only very perceptive, underground, or who enlisted out of desperation? Do their families know of their rather incongruous. The focus of the public on the street are aware that they are going As in past elections, the issues this time are but is also used extensively to reinforce fate? This week alone, there are tens of thousands of fathers, mothers, wives, debate must be on the problem at hand. sisters and brothers mourning for the 200 Nepalis who died at the handsto pollsof other on 15 September, but nobody contemporary military teachings worldwide. once again education, health and the care for Human rights activists have their own Nepalis this week. seems to be too concerned. the elderly. Unemployment is low, and In the course of re-establishing peace in This numbing and mindless bloodshed has gone on too long. It is hard to see our violence-ridden nation, one can be fully particular political biases, not to mention The reason for such apathy may be the promises of tax cuts do not appeal to voters. questionable moral and ethical standards. who benefits from it besides arms merchants, their brokers, and those who want They are loath to give up the privileges assured that the army is aware and sensitive predictability of the outcome in Sweden. Like Military operations in counterinsur- to see the extinction of the Nepali nation. most other developed countries, predictions of guaranteed by the state—free education, free of the critical need to hold and preserve the gency campaigns entail the use of force. And as the vultures wheel overhead, we catch the repugnant glimpseopinion of a polls are fair indicators of voters’ health care, and a blanket social security moral high ground. When applied by any military, force has to government that has given up doing anything about anything. Political leaderspreferences, who and nobody is expecting anything system for all. Such a welfare system is largely It would be naïve to assume that the have lost all legitimacy in the eyes of the public, are clinging on to power by the be overwhelming and decisive. The new from the general elections next-week. The financed by the trade surplus that Sweden has military is not aware that counter-insur- finger nails. insurgents on the other hand are organised front led by Social Democrats (consisting of with its trading partners, but efficiently gency warfare is the most dirty and It would be stupid of the Maoists not to exploit this power vacuum and political into highly compartmentalised and perva- the Left Party and the Green Party— managed state enterprises and cooperatives despicable form of conflicts a professional disarray. They’re good at what they do. And ruthless.The Maoists are simply sive cell formations, hence the visible effect conservatives call them The Reds) is likely to are no less responsible for the quality of army can get into. exploiting the chronic weaknesses of the security forces—fatal flaws in prepar- of limited casualties and small numbers of remain in power, though with even lower tive coalitions do not last long. But sadly, someservice available to all citizens irrespective All sensible armies try to avoid it edness, strategy and intelligence-gathering. One side seems to learn from every wounded and captured. battle, the other side seems incapable of doing so. It's not that the Maoistsmargin. are The vote on Sunday would be routine,younger Swedes seem to holdstrange a of financial standing. unless, of course, they are pushed into it particularly brilliant, it's just that the government is daft. with no electoral upsets expected. fascination for fascism and want a govern- Social democrat Swedes bristle when as has happened in the case of the Royal The army is a product of its society. A The police and soldiers in Sindhuli and Argakhanchhi fought valiantly thisThe Swedes are surprisingly consistent in ment that is stricter on immigrants, asked if their system is inherently Marxist. But Nepalese Army. However, once the army powerful nation like the United States had to bite the dust in Vietnam largely because week. But after Mangalsen and Khara, the strategy should have been toreposing prevent their faith in the party of their choice.conservative about imports from European this is a system that the young Karl Marx deploys, then the criteria to maintain the of unfavourable public opinion and lack of such hand-to-hand combat in the first place with early warning, pre-emptiveWith the and exception of one brief episode, SocialUnion countries. (rediscovered by some American scholars) moral high ground—especially since the proactive deployment. Instead, they waited in vulnerable garrisons for the support for the actions of its military. The Democrats had been in power for 44 consecu- Rightists are not yet a significant force, butperhaps had in mind all along. This is an “enemy” is one's own people—becomes a onslaught even after Maoists in the village below had army is not necessarily averse to criticism in tive years between 1932 and 1976. Conserva-given the swings in France and the Nether- interesting example for our pink comrades conspicuous factor. been rousing the populace with slogans on loudspeakers the press or elsewhere. However, there are hours beforehand. lands, who knows what will happen as Swedenin Balkhu to emulate. In 1990, the Swedish The RNA’s strategy is not so much to certain norms, conditions and sensitivities further integrates with the EU? Swedes are Communist Party changed its name to the In attack after attack, the Maoists’ tactics have been break the back of the Maobadi and force that have to be respected and recognised by holding on to their Kroner for now, and Left Party, and has been doing rather well clear even to lay observers: use of overwhelming force, the movement into submission, but to try The army is operating in difficult conditions after years ofall Nepalis on matters of national security. human shields, precise automatic and long-range adopting the Euro is sure to be deeply divisive.ever since. and bring back all the aggrieved parties firepower, surprise and panic to get the defenders to This is the fear that haunts committed social Last month, our own Communist Party of into the national mainstream and thereby neglect. Military capabilities cannot be built overnight, and The army is operating in difficult expend ammunition, before over-running the base. democrats here. Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist) got a achieve national reconciliation and peace. conditions after years of neglect. Military Not to be prepared with forward defence, pre- The tradition of holding both national andscathing press for hiding the portraits of The Breaking the back of the Maobadis, as security is expensive. capabilities cannot be built overnight, and ○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ security is expensive. This in itself creates emptive intelligence and a contingency plan when you local elections together is now being hotly Five Wise Men when the American ambassa- erroneously stated, is not a strategic end, opinion is the basis for success and failure. know what is coming is not just being fatalistic: it shows tremendous pressures on the Nepali polity debated. There are people who hold that localdor visited the Balkhu Palace. Soon after, but it could be construed as a potent and Here I would like to pose a question to all a death-wish. This is ideal terrain for small bands of organisation and the individuals who as a whole. Irresponsible and immature and national issues tend to get mixed up in Comrade Madhav Nepal invited some viable military means. The military the professed and genuine nationalists of guerrillas to ravage a conventional army. If the security make it up. analysis and peurile outpourings just add forces do not upgrade the quality of their intelligence, simultaneous elections. But this Sunday, it will actions conducted all overthe country Nepal: is the army receiving the prerequisite fuel to the fire. then this war can drag on for decades more. But you be like any other elections in the past—6.6 are, therefore, a part of the means adopted Ever since the storming of the Dang If the public public support from all quarters, or is it just can't fight it when the intelligence budget is used as million registered voters can vote for local in pursuit of the strategic end. This is not tomilitary installation and the imposition of being criticised and dragged into unneces- If the public expects the army to deliver pocket money. government units and the national parliament. say that the means justify the ends. the emergency last November, it appears expects the army sary controversy aimed at covering up for peace then the army also expects the public There has to be a concept of operations from the high Sweden abandoned the bicameral system in The fact that the volume of the army’s that the army is traveling down a long and political games? to provide it the requisite support: moral, command to the brigade and platoon levels laying out lonely road on its own. No one has shown 1971, and the Riksdag with its 349 members, operations are necessarily at a quantum to deliver peace Besides, who defines human rights, whopsychological or physical. Healthy and broad guidelines for soldiers in the field: on the objective the interest or initiative to join hands in its is the single house now. level higher than those carried out by the makes the rules and who judges whether constructive criticism of the army’s actions and how to get there, how to deal with the civilians, how sincere endeavours. Support for the Perhaps there is a lesson here for us in buddhijibis for consultation. The portrait police during the 1997 Kilo Sierra Two in then the army they are being followed? Violent societies is a precondition to guiding and controlling to counter overwhelming force on isolated garrisons. counter-insurgency operations, of course, it along the righteous path to peace. Nepal—do we really need an upper chamber episode wasn’t discussed, but someone did the mid-west (“Fighting by the rules” by that have perpetrated genocides, launched What needs to be done at the political level is another does not mean involvement in military Immature analysis and alarmist inferences where the likes of Diptaprakash Shah are suggest that if the CPN (UML) changed its Kanak Mani Dixit, #110) is an inescapable also expects the bloody world wars, and exterminated whole matter altogether. You cannot cover your political failures operations. It just means working within only create confusion and thereby, harm our by trying in vain to force the military to gain an upper members? Even though individual members ofname to Nepal Social Democrat Party, fact. However, one cannot logically infer peoples have little moral authority to the safety net provided by the military. A national interests and security. hand in the battlefield. How long do we have to wait for nobody would be able to stop it from coming and equate the actions of an inept, demoral- public to provide lecture to a peaceloving, compassionate and the Riksdag have complete control over their safety net is a generic term, and it cannot be that decisive political leadership to break this cycle of to power again. ised, directionless, corrupt, and badly led cultured people. own vote—theoretically, they can vote against provided for each and every individual. violence? their party directives though such a thing rarely Comrade Madhav Nepal’s reaction to that quasi-civilian public force withthe actions it the requisite On the other hand, human rights are a What we lack is a brave and courageous late-20 happens—it is the political parties that are at suggestion was typical bourgeoisie—he of an unpoliticised and professional civilian sector that can deliver services to support: moral, the core of the Swedish parliamentary system.defended his party’s name by comparing it to military force. And it definitely does not the people under the security umbrella Voters choose the party that they want to Coca-Cola. But if brand-building was the do justice to the selfless actions of the provided by the army. represent them. If they have strong reservationsissue, then the word “communist” has been psychological or th All military actions are derived from century concept encapsulated in (Samrat Rana is the pen name of a against a certain candidate, they have a right tohijacked by the Maoists. The UML should military analyst.) political directives. Favourable public the UN charter. It is a concept not easily take a study tour of Sweden to see how the physical. understood or cared for by an uneducated reds did it here. people working to eke out a basic living. Who is encroaching? It’s not the people. A simple Rana-style the apathy of the Nepal trespass prohibition law government in bringing back enforced by the army would its stolen property. How can have done the trick, why did we a state that doesn’t value its LETTERSneed a fence? own faith expect others to have been done by for govern- Let us start restoring to the people. unfeeling elite for unleashing it treat it with respect? ment purposes. Huta Ram Baidya, Tripureswor Tundikhel to its lost glory by on us. The trade in stolen idols THE PEOPLES’ TUNDIKHEL discovery of a dhunge dhara of During the Rana regime, the Indian diplomat (“Distant battered economy, falling He should realise that BUDDHA is supposed to give devotees a Bishu Varma Rajbansi (571-616 making a living museum of the neighbours”, #110) proves that investment, unemployment Man B Gurung, Bruneimonetary gain is not the only spiritual sense of community.is a bit like drug trafficking. Thank you for the timely article army took good care of the I was moved to read in “In AD) while constructing the Bibhu Varma water spout. The our pet theories about New and the lack of development. It thing required in life—or else Having said that, I am appalledIt atis driven by demand. by Hemalata Rai (“Shrinking grounds, cultural activities and Vienna museum, Nepalis underground pedestrian walkway city planners should also make Delhi’s assessment of Nepal’s was the myopia of our why would people all over the There is no point blaming the Tundikhel”, #107). Few clarifica- grazing were not restricted. worship stolen Buddha” in Ratna Park shows that the people of Kathmandu feel ANTI-AMERICAN strategic importance was leaders that made an emer- CK LAL world be struggling for people who sell the objects, tions. Tundikhel literally means an Fencing Tundikhel was never a (#108), that devotees are Tundikhel is at least 1,400 years that Tundikhel belongs to them,Just it as you have fulfilled your correct all along. But the real gency necessary. This I am a regular follower of CKdignity, independence and saying they don’t value it so open space for practicing necessaity then, nor is it now. worshipping the image of the old. In that period, no citizens of belongs to all of us, we must apparent self-vow of publishingquestion is, what are we going country can still turn the Lal’s ability to offer a differentidentity? The fact that such we will buy it for “safe- archery and martial sports. The historic khari ko bot got Patan Buddha. It shows that Kathmandu ever encroached on have a say in how it is pre- anti-American articles in the to do about it? Are we going to corner, but it must give the perspective on issues. His an opinion is coming from an Nearly all our district headquar- capital punishment (without the icons of Nepal’s culture keeping”. If the temptation the space. All encroachments served. Nepali Times, I must fulfill my keep on living in an ultra- power and responsibility backarticles have an optimistic balm.advocate of freedom and ters have a Tundikhel. The trial), up came the Sainik Manch, and religion are not some wasn’t there, no one And finally, we are not living nationalistic never-never land, to the people. Our politicians,But, somehow, reading “Distantself-identity makes it much Khula Manch and Ratna park. vow of canceling the delivery of dead material objects of art. or will we try to figure out how policy-makers, intellectuals neighbours” (#110) made me worse.feel Is he trying to nullify would steal it in the first Tundikhel lost much of its in Jung Bahadur’s or Bhimsen your publication to my home. Do This is a vibrant and living we can give what they want to and also the media have sick. What is he actually tryingall to our efforts to develop and place. And the tempta- grandeur and value because ofThapa’s time. The location of therealise that you would be able to culture, not a lost civilisation get what we need. In the squandered the nine months project? That our independencemaintain an identity of our tion comes from the high this compartmentalisation and Royal Nepal Army headquartersaccomplish very little if you did not whose artifacts can be spectrum of possible bilateral of emergency by doing is more of a burden for us thanown a for centuries? Or is it fencing. With the pile driving forin the centre of town may not bedaily enjoy and utilise the global plundered and sold for cash. prices that these “art models, I guess Nepal-India nothing. Mr Dahal’s analysis isboon—well, it might be, in termsthat while trying to outsmart the foundation of the Sanchayathe best location from the American culture of computers, The German art dealer is objects” fetch in western relations should fall somewhere correct, but maybe it is also of some material gain, but notthe “Indian diplomat”, he Kosh Building, the Sundhara strategic point of view. The internet, TV, air flight, etc. How reported to have “art markets”. The sooner between Sri Lanka and Bhutan. his job to show us a way outwhen you take into account thehimself became more Indian went dry, another Bagmati army’s present facilities on come you do not publish articles wanted 200,000 euros both east and west learn to of this stalemate. dignity and pride factor. It mightthan Indians? Civilisation heritage was lost Tundikhel should not be misused,thanking the Americans for all you D Gajraj, Kathmandu for the Buddha mask. attach great spiritual value be a matter of shame for him to forever. unused, underused or overusedare able to do today? Please Rabin Giri, Dharan Shovendra Gautam Does he know that some to their faith and heritage, by whichever civilian authorityadjust your worldview to the carry the passport of one of the things don’t have price tags, Then came democracy, and EVERYONE LOST Calcutta the better it will be for the inherits it. It should be given backcorrect perspective. I will visit our poorest countries of the world, Rajendra Dahal’s “No one won, some things can be priceless, advancement of both today a 9 ft high metal fence is local newspaper distributor today but not for all those migrant everyone lost” (#110) was some things are too sacred to civilisations. encircling and enclosing to make sure to immediately people for whom he seems to perceptive analysis. It was trade? The Buddha image is R Fabian, Berne Tundikhel at a cost of Rs 28.1 discontinue delivery. have so much sympathy in his part of Patan’s Samyak million. The justification given is: clear that the state of emer- column. In fact, I find Nepali Tim Ackerman, Kathmandugency wasn’t needed, and fesitval when hundreds of “Kathmandu’s only open space A headline speaks a migrant workers here in India talk Buddhas from individual is being encroached.” Oh yes? University Medical Schoolwasn’t what Nepal and the about being Nepali with a great Nepali People needed. The real thousand words, and BLOODY WELL RIGHT guthis are paraded around the Rajendra Dahal’s “No one sense of pride. CK Lal has made town. Their combined sanctity problems were to address the being Nepali somehow shameful.I share your sentiments about won, everyone lost” was one media coverage in the of them. In five short words, it editorial “Bloody well right” tells us why all this is sense- (#109). Great job! less and stupid. And a curse Kalyan Pande BIG BROTHER be upon the Maoists and an Madison, Wisconsin CK Lal’s tryst with an unnamed 444 NATION 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES NATION 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 555 DOMESTIC BRIEFS The pen is mightier ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ It’s true, the media can make a difference, and people still care. Residents of Jogimara VDC in Dhading district were moved when they received $500 sent by fellow Nepalis living in Washington DC, upon reading the plight of the village, which lost most of its working male population in an army operation. (See “Unfriendly fire”, #106.) “At least there are people who share our sorrow,” says Gyan Bahadur Biswokarma who lost two sons who were working on an airport runway in Kalikot. The money was raised by the District of Columbia Athletics Club, a group of Nepali amateur athletes, who organise sporting events and fundraise for those in Krishna Maharjan (left) takes care of the new hippos (right). need. Parents who had lost a son, widows, and orphans from Jogimara zoology and biology,” he said. walked three FoZ would like to subsidise membership fees forhours to gather Keeping the zoo’s success storyat Majhitaar afloat government students, but simply cannot spare any Bazarof on the Prithvi Highway Monday to collect the money. Families its Rs 1.7 million budget. The fees it collects only receivedtotal Rs 2,250 for each member they lost. Tanka Bahadur Malla, In 1997, the zoo began a project called FriendsRs of 300,000-400,00.the But, says FoZ’s Shrestha, theyformer are chairman of Jogimara VDC, says the community is drawing Zoo under its conservation education program, consideringtargeting the request of the government schools strengthfor not just from the money, but from the fact that someone is schoolchildren and their parents. Already, the FoZgroup is memberships and have started identifying contactlistening to them. “Apart from the monetary assistance, we feel that acclaimed as one of the best undertakings of itspeople kind inin schools so the children can have more oppor-there is someone to share our sorrow. While the army remains quiet Asian zoos. For an annual fee of Rs 150, schoolchil- over its killing of innocents, it’s heartening to see Nepalis living in tunities to participate with their more privileged peers.America extend a helping hand.” dren can avail of conservation educational activities,Another program, under the zoo animal welfare tours to the wild, discounts in various stores in the Valley and free entrance in the zoo, and also participatescheme, is getting sponsors for animals. The cost to in tending to and feeding the animals. FoZ presentlypartially sponsor the feed for an animal ranges between has over 9,000 members from about 75 schools$170 in and $3340 annually, depending on the animals . “Childrenbetween the ages of 11 and the size of their enclosure. This programme was introduced to lighten the zoo administration’s Rs 4 and 14 are more keen on our activities; the oldermillion ones annual feed bill. are already overburdened with preparing for SLC ex- ams,” explains Geetha Shrestha, chief of FoZ. Thais to try two more Nepalis Newtell addition: whether siamang his charges from Malaysia.are ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ALL PICS: MIN BAJRACHARYA MIN PICS: ALL Most of the members are students of private Two Nepalis accused of heroin trafficking are to appear in court on happy, depressed or plain 19 September for trial. The two, Hari Bahadur Gurung and Pore HEMLATA RAI schools, in large part because the Rs 150 is simply too ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ but they are beautiful here,” committed beyond the call of old bored. much for children in government schools to pay. Ghale, are currently at Bangkok’s Klong Prem prison, which has six e call themkhaira in says Lhakpa Norbu Lama of The zookeepers are enthusiastic, andmere visitors duty. Krishna can’t Maharjan get over the open space other Nepalis serving sentences. Gurung and Ghale were accused of go wild with excitement when The Central Zoo was Bhawani Raman Subedi, a teacher at the Bhaktapur our language and Helambu pointing to a pair of and exotic species. Now if only the Centralhas worked atZoo the zoo had for 18 someestablished more in 1932 cash. by Prime Adarsha School, who was taking his 54 students trying to smuggle 7.5 kg of heroin, but say they were framed by they come here,” he smiles. No smugglers and forced to sign a confession at gunpoint by police. spotted deer. His two appreciation for living in long years, and has taken Minister Juddha Sumshere Rana around, was disappointed, but not too much. “Our “Wmriga in Nepali— ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ surprise, for○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ right in the heart of They say the evidence was planted on them. According to Thai law, Kathmandu-born grandsons responsibility for the hippos. they eat our millet harvest and Kathmandu. as a private collection of wild students are not members because their parents the two face the death penalty. But activists working with Nepali giggle, shriek, and cling on to downtown Lalitpur, visitors are “People are just awe-struck at the villagers kill them in anger, The Central Zoo entertains animals. Life-size bronze statues 1956.cannot The management spare the of thecash. But we bring them here Becomeand a member of Friends of the Zoo prisoners in Thailand say that with legal support and consular his clothes in excitement. This confronted with six hectares the sight of them. Children love about a million visitors every of his mother and sister-in-law zooother has changed nearby hands animal a few reserves for their project work in representation by the Nepali embassy, the sentence can be reduced. isn’t what they expected to see housing over 800 animals of 126 to stare at them—some Nationality Individual Family Student year, but the high point for still look down on visitors to times, but it remains funda- There are over two dozen Nepalis in Klong Prem and other Thai jails. in busy Jawalakhel. species—30 mammal varieties, compare the animals with pigs, workers there is the annual 66 birds, eight reptiles and 22 the zoo. With the political and mentally what its creator Nepali Rs 200 Rs 500 Rs 150 Lama visits his children in others think they look like Bhoto Jatra in May or June, fish species. There are a number social changes that followed envisaged—a collection of rare SAARC Rs 300 Rs 600 Rs 200 Kathmandu three times a year, rhinos without their rough 1951, when the amassed wealth wild animals, but with one when about 35,000 of the people of exotic species too, the most outer hard skins,” he laughs. Other Rs 500 Rs 1,000 Rs 300 and his favourite activity on who come to Jawalakhel from all recent additions being a pair of of the Rana prime ministers was important amendment to his residents couldn’t care less what these trips isn’t watching Maharjan has seen how close nationalised and a number of vision—the right of the public Nepal in elephant polo meet over the Valley to view the vest siamang brought in from happened to the animals. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ movies in the theatres or the bond between human and properties turned into public to enter the area. of Machindranath also take in Malaysia, ostrich from Australia beast can be. “These animals To address these administra- A Nepali team will compete in the King’s Cup Elephant Polo tourna- sunning himself on Tundikhel, utilities, the ownership finally The public could enter, but Nepal’s only zoo. “During Bhoto and a hippopotamus from have become my family. I feel government provided the zoo too successful, but the keepers tive and financial concerns, the ment next week in the Thai resort town of Hua Hin. The draw for the picking up the gossip. It’s Jatra we have a tough time Thailand. came to the government in for a long time there was little grants to cover its running have learnt from their mistakes tournament, which will run from September 17 to 22, was made spending a full day or two at sad and worried if they get ill.” KMTNC has developed master Monday by Tim Baade of Kimberly Clark and Somchai Jinnovart of controlling the crowd, some This is a much-neglected reason for most people to do costs. “But after it stopped the and are considering the release the Central Zoo in Jawalakhel. More than that, Maharjan can plan for the development and PriceWaterhouse Coopers. Drawn in league A were Singapore Polo years we even run out of institution, but don’t blame the so. Mainly because the grants, government authorities of a second batch of 25. “This modernisation of the zoo. The Club, Mercedes Benz Thailand’s German team, Sandalford Winery Here on holiday last week, tickets,” says Chiri Maharjan, a government lacked the hardly even visit the zoo time we are taking serious Lama made his pilgrimage zookeepers. Most of them are major thrusts of the plan are from Australia, Chivas and King Power’s Thailand B team. In league B zoo guard. “Nepalis are essen- expertise and the motivation to anymore,” says Chief Administra- precautions,” says director RK physical design development, are American Express World Elephant Polo Association team from with two grandsons and a son- tially nature-loving people—they manage a zoo and develop it tion Officer Achyut Raj Pant. Shrestha. An animal exchange Nepal, Tickle and the Ivories team from Sydney, Sri Lanka’s Ceylon in-law in tow, saying it always animal collection and manage- Elephant Polo Association team and King Power’s Thailand A team. into an educational institution, Things at the zoo are a lot program was also initiatedafter ment and conservation activities. gives his companions a fresh it fell into disrepair, and the Achyut Raj Pant, chief administra- better, though. For the first the KMTNC took over the The plan for the animal collection cursorily tended to animals and management—the recent rare tor , Central Zoo time last fiscal year it earned and conservation activities has in- their surroundings were far enough money through ticket additions are courtesy zoos built fundraising components, from attractive. Many sales and renting out animals as abroad. now the challenge is finding Kathmanduties had even well as space to raise the Rs 20 Animal security is the other money for the physical design HERE AND THERE by DANIEL LAK forgotten about the existence million it needs to cover its major concern of the zoo development estimated to cost Rs of the zoo by 1995, when the annual costs. It seems like a lot, management, and an area where 600 million. “Informal talks have management of it was handed but after the salaries of 72 it could really use some more been held, but nothing concrete over to the King Mahendra employees, animal and bird cash. The six hectares are has happened yet. We are still Trust for Nature Conservation feed, small-scale renovations guarded by just 10 untrained looking for donors and collabora- (KMTNC). The KMTNC was and constructions and adminis- men, and two low-ranking tors,” says Shrestha. We’ve been There once was a sea given the responsibility for 30 trative costs, there’s nothing policemen. This is just not years, and the government left to pamper the beasts. enough to repel an attack like agreed to stay on as a Some of the animals do the one in 1999, when poachers facilitator and monitor the zoo looking for you. lying back—finally—to South Asia this past week, I soon gave up on need pampering. The Central broke into the zoo, killed two There are scary and depressing lessons for anyone who supports activities. Zoo exhibits 13 out of 38 rare one-horned rhinos, and the horrible films, bland food and general squalor of British Airways Zookeepers say the central economy class and wandered to the back of the aircraft. There, I endangered animal species of mutilated them, then escaping F restricting access to information. government has virtually Want more than just a job? Want to be part of a Nepal, and has been particu- with the precious horns. Zoning leaned on the rear door, feeling that peculiar sensation that comes from evil empire the world has known. I wonder if there are any more miserable than abdicated this role. For the knowing that a simple mechanical failure in the latch would launch one larly successful in breeding laws are such that there is no creative and exciting media adventure? the lost citizens of the area around the Aral Sea. first five years after the blackbuck—some eight years buffer patrol zone on the into space for a few minutes of wondrous, freezing terror, followed by the The big plane banked to the right and I could see more clearly the lay of KMTNC stepped in, the Nepali Times is looking for Desk Editors, oblivion of impact. ago it released 25 of the deer in perimeter of the zoo, instead the devastated land below. A long gnarled peninsula protruded into a the wild. The program wasn’t there are private houses whose Senior Reporters and Marketing Executives for its But I wasn’t there for cheap thrills. I had noticed on the in-flight route remnant of the sea—small and no doubt shallow. I wondered if this could expansion plans. You need to have flawless and map that we were flying above Central Asia, just crossing the Uzbekistan be the dreaded “Island X” where Moscow had once developed its deadly elegant English, efficient word processing and border from Russia. Below us, according to the map, lay a great blob of biological weapons: anthrax, smallpox, influenza and other dreaded diseases layout skills, good spoken and written Nepali. blue called the Aral Sea. Once this was one of the world’s largest land- bred to kill people in the name of a twisted state ideology. Intrepid locked bodies of salt water. Now, as most people know, it’s a testament to Marketing candidates should have at least three reporters—most of them Russian and citizens of the former Soviet Union— years experience in media. howling ignorance about the consequences of our arrogant ineptitude. discovered this still walled up and highly mysterious laboratory while Instead of a body of water several hundred kilometres across, the Aral ferreting through declassified documents and the subsequent outcry had led Fulfilling work. Stimulating assignments. Good earnings. Sea is now a series of poisonous ponds, linked by toxic salt flats. Badly to its final closure, once and for all. The viruses and compounds within rusted fishing boats sit on ridges of corrosive soil, three days walk from the were supposedly made inert and harmless, but we may never know. Write to [email protected] with personal nearest water. The communities where the fisherfolk lived and plied their Supremely, severely ironic it is, that the commissars of Moscow chose background and 150 words explaining why you are trade have either disappeared beneath the shifting sands or become an island in the Aral Sea to plan deliberately an assault on the health of suitable for the post. No phone enquiries, please. graveyards of the victims of the Aral Sea’s despoliation. ordinary people in enemy lands, while all around their own policies were It’s easy to blame the arrogance of Soviet communism for the fate of Oxus,the and other great streams was sent gushing into a desert that once laykilling tens of thousands of their own citizens. That of course lay suppressed sea and its people, the once rich fishery and culture on the shores of a onceunder the ancient Silk Route but now was a vast, white-tufted cotton and hushed up too until the fall of communism. pristine body of water. Engineers from Moscow planned the great diversionsplantation. Year by year, a sea deprived of inflowing waters receded, It’s funny what you can see from a great height. It’s equally stark just of rivers that fed the Aral, urged on by political commissars drunk on thestranding those fishing fleets. At first, the people were puzzled, then what you miss. I can only hope that governments in today’s unipolar world, notion of conquering nature. Cotton, the world’s most widely grown crop,alarmed as the fishery failed in the remaining waters of the Aral Sea—byin Washington, Europe, Asia and elsewhere, learn something from the killed the Aral Sea. The rivers were ripped from their natural courses to this point too toxic, too overwhelming salty, for life ever to be born. Thenhideous errors of the old Soviets Union. Arrogance and secrecy breed only irrigate thirsty cotton fields in Uzbekistan, the old Soviet Union’s cottonthey were frightened as their growing poverty and hunger was compoundeddeath and destruction, and the commissars discovered to their cost. To belt. Cotton sucks water and pesticides like few other plants and the by wracking respiratory disease. Storms of poison dust were blowing off thosethe in America who are closing minds and restricting access to informa- aquifers of the northern Uzbek plains were soon drained. cotton fields and the salty bed of the dried up sea. Even the unborn were tion in the name of security, I say only...remember the Aral Sea. Move with the Times. So fresh water from the Amu Darya, known in Europe as the River affected. Birth defects soared and the living died, how many we’ll never know. The USSR had more anonymous victims of viscous bureaucracy than any other 666 NATION 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES ECONOMY 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 777 Energy/Project Management SOMEWHERE IN NEPAL by PUSKAR BHUSAL BIZ NEWS ECONOMIC SENSE by ARTHA BEED Specialist Wanted More Suzukis ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Winrock International seeks an energy professional for the post Arun Intercontinental Traders, authorised distributors of Suzuki vehicles in Nepal, has introduced three of Research Specialist. S/he will be responsible for carrying out new models in Nepal. The company says all of its three new offers—the Ignis, the Liana andRio the Grand + 10 + ? Vitara XL-Seven are fuel-efficient, less polluting, and reasonably priced (Rs 1.9 – 4.1 million). project management and research in areas of hydropower, rural We, the people energy (including electrification), clean transportation, and The secret ingredient to make summits work for us: action. climate change mechanisms. irst, it was the Supreme probably too late for this election. Faber cooking What matters now is to hold the elections any which way. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Court’s impending ruling on Unless postal workers can liaise n the papers in the United States Qualifications: Fthe dissolution of the House ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ with the Election○○○○○○○○○○ Commission to Universal Trading Circle has begun marketing the Faber range of kitchen appli- there has been little to read about the • Strong experience in the field of power and energy. of Representatives. Then it was the ances, from food processors and gas stoves to ovens cooking ranges and World Summit on Sustainable separate constitutional court. The speak. But many of our leaders work out a delivery and collection electric chimneys. The company says its Faber chimneys are more efficient in I • Experience in project finance, project management, and uncivil war in the . constitution used to be the last must have expected us to eventuallyschedule that would meet the extracting kitchen vapours as compared with other chimneys, while being more Development. Baseball, perhaps, has business development is a plus. Until last week, we thought it was refuge of politicians in the past, too.recede into silence. We mustn’t constitutional deadline. energy-efficient and having reduced noise levels. more to do with life than the earth. So and what its goals are in light of how • Applicant should have an MSc/ME/MBA degree or higher the November 23 elections. Now The much-maligned palace take- hand them an easy victory by A better idea might be to have don’t ask me why the US won’t sign the market economy has become a with a minimum of 5 years of highly productive our political future appears to hingeover of 16 December, 1960 was in drifting into self-pity. neighbourhood committees run the Kyoto convention or why so many Community forest in Phaparbaari, strongerMakwanpur. force all over the world. How on what the authors of Article 127 other commitments are not met. work-experience in the field of energy. Exceptional candidates conformity with Article 55 of the When the constitution vested mobile polling stations, complete Nepal, democracy was enjoying a do we sustain markets in a way that of the constitution actually had in A cap for SCBN President Bush preferred to take a their beneficial effects make a difference with a proven track record will be considered with a lesser basic law of the day. Weeks after sovereignty in the people, it with all-party representation, and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ resurgence. Economic reforms, mostly mind. the restoration of multiparty vacation and sent Secretary of State in the lives if the majority of people. degree. presupposed our perpetual pre- go from door to door. If this sounds The Standard Chartered Bank Nepal has been awarded the Bank of the Year 2002 Award,Colin making Powell. it theThe most interesting focusing on opening up economies Thinkers of all persuasions have democracy three decades later, key The South-east Asian economic crisis • Able to work as part of a multidisciplinary team. dominance. We, the people, have a unworkable—and even undemo- first recipient of the prize in Nepal. The prize is awardedThe Banker by, a source of reliable global thing the Beed read about that and boosting the private sector, rode been ruminating over whether the commanders of the People’s responsibility that transcends cratic—consider how much faith financial intelligence and coverage on the industry, thatThe is aFinancial part of Times newspaper on the wave of political stability. Thereraises a number of questions on using • Strong communication skills in both written and spoken development was a small protest item trade and investment for economic House of Representatives could or Movement conceded that Marich keeping track of the latest arms dealwe put in our Census Bureau group. Banks that meet the minimum benchmark to qualify for consideration for the prize are invited to was great optimism on most fronts at Nepali and English required. in an East Coast newspaper. A number development. At the same time, the should be restored by a royal palaceMan Singh Shrestha’s government or speculating about who might enumerators. Their work deter- apply, and are then judged on the basis of their safety parameters, use of technology to advanceof Nepalis, their however, did hobnob with this point, and the agenda of the Earth order in case the elections cannot was upholding the partyless mines everything between the market position, and banking structure and strategy, says an SCBN release. Summit was seen as something that recovery of the Korean economy after Salary and benefits will be commensurate with qualifications, switch camps the next in the three the earthy glitterati, and we can only the debacle points out many more experience, and salary history. Women candidates are strongly be held on schedule. Even before constitution while mowing down major political parties. Too bad voting-age population and the hope that they did an adequate job, could be accomplished, rather than as you could start wondering whether pro-multiparty multitudes. Since a hindrance. But the fall of the underlying issues. encouraged to apply. voting isn’t compulsory in Nepal. number of MPs each district can filling in for those who should have The way in which Nepal itself has that would amount to contempt of constitutional correctness doesn’t That’s another good reason to re- send. As for voter turn-out, does Anchor sales been invited but weren’t, and for thosemarkets, the setting in of a kind of court, a newly retired Supreme ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ political rot, and the insidious spread come to this level of political instabil- Please send your CV with cover letter, one recent necessarily translate into prudent activate the people. that matter when the system is who were asked, but found other, more Court justice jumped in to say his politics, some introspection is in The Sharda Group and Samiksha Enterprises have entered into an agreement with the Anchor Group of terrorism easily relegated environ- ity and seen the erosion of governance publication, and 3 references to: Winrock International, A citizens’ election interesting places to go to. old office has the sole prerogative to at stake? (makers of the toothpaste by the same name), and Anchor Health and Beauty Care to market Anchor mental and sustainable development forces us to examine the very funda- P.O. Box 1312, Kathmandu, Nepal or by virus-free e-mail to order. compact might be a good That said, for Nepal, Johannes- revive the Lower House. Since the products in Nepal. Anchor toothpaste—certified to be 100 percent vegetarian—has a unique formula that issues to the backburner. mentals of sustainable development, as winroc [email protected] Part of the country is already beginning. Each household strengthens teeth, says the company. burg doesn’t really mean much. Its man also happened to be a member Don’t get the Beed wrong. There’swe have been talking about it so far. doing that. Politicians can’t stop with three eligible voters predecessor did little for us than spur Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. of the panel that drafted the no denying that Rio was good for What are the priorities of a country apologising for allowing their should pledge to send at least the proliferation of the NGO industry. like Nepal when it faces continuous constitution, his repeated pleas for Nepal in many ways, and having a Phone or personal enquiries will not be entertained! Completed obsession with achieving democracyone to the polling station. Funds for the environment began to crises and realises that sustainable applications should arrive no later than Sep 30th, 2002. a public debate on the matter UTELL & Fulbari flow indiscriminately, and sustainable plethora of environmental organisa- to infect their ability to preserve it. The elderly, sick and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ development has become for it only a warrant consideration. development became Nepal’s mantra tions means that green issues will Since the Commission for conscientious objectors The Fulbari Resort & Spa has signed a service agreement with UETLL, a leading hospitality market and remain in the spotlight. The flow of slogan. We are overwhelmed by any At the other end, a palace- Investigation of Abuse of Authority can qualify for exemp- distribution network. The Fulbari is the latest group to join roughly 5,5000 independent andfor chain economic hotels nirvana. in Ten years later, number of development concepts that the buzzword has changed. As far as thefunds for community forest develop- nominated Upper House member raids, bureaucrats have started tion. In several 150 countries that are members of UTELL. The Pokhara property has been classified as Superior First make their way here from around the Beed can tell, Rio + 10 is something ment and management made Nepali was forced to step down after his reviewing whether it was a good districts, getting Class, a company press release says. Listing with UTELL makes Fulbari reservations easily accessible world. How do we sift through them, travel agents and tour operators. like Beijing + 5—another junket for forest preservation efforts among the idea of a grand coalition including idea to accept political fund-raising people out to vote most successful in the past decade. Thealter and synthesise them to find real the Maoists under Article 127 people to network and a chance for solutions. What is the value of as part of the job description. could prove hazard- individual countries to muscle in on strengthening of local bodies in many sounded too outlandish even to his Other institutions and individuals ous. Mail-in ballots villages rode on the success of the something like Jo’burg for us? peers. Since the gentleman used to the meet’s purported agenda. All that said, the core issue has not are busy blaming each other for could be a good Solar water heaters The political, social and economic forest management committees. be the army’s top legal expert, national degeneration. The answer, but it’s ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Perhaps if this success could have beenchanged much from a decade ago: there’s little to suggest he didn’t Winter’s approaching and so are the sellers of water heating solutions. climate today is also vastly different expanded to other areas—such as real, planning, talking, strategy meetings robustness of these deliberations from that a decade ago. In 1992, the know what he was talking about. cannot compensate for the reti- Water Pure International’s products include the Solar Pro, a water heating honest-to-god decentralisation—then are all very fine. Now it’s time to take He had to pay the price for system with a seven-year warranty. The heaters use vacuum glass political situation in most countries we could be unequivocally positive action. cence of the people. tubes for faster heating and well-insulated storage tanks to keep thinking out aloud a bit too seemed to be stabilising. The break-upabout the Earth Summit. During the three decades of water hot for up to 72 hours. The heaters are available in different of the Soviet Union had created many prematurely. Case dismissed. Now disorganised politics, there was an sizes—from 77 to 250 litres—and with automatic electric heating for more nations and in countries like The challenge now is to redefine it turns out that the manner in incentive to keep quiet. Critical cloudy days. Water Pure, the authorised agents, also sell a range of what sustainable development means which his resignation was tendered water filtration systems imported from Singapore. thinking invariably brought trouble. and accepted was glaringly uncon- The letter and spirit of today’s stitutional. constitution allow us to holler as With post-1990 political life loud as we want, but there is an having been defined too extensively ominous apathy. The political class OPINION by SIDDHARTHA RANA by articles, barristers and clauses, may not have enshrined its right to it’s remarkable we don’t have a ignore us while allowing us to “Don’t blame private power producers” The international financial community is watching the performance of the “This war can be won, but we need Bhote Kosi and Khimti projects closelyrequired tobefore developing committing the hydropower sector. any more Let us look at some of the public sector projects, the most recent resources in Nepal’s hydropower. being the public sector 144 MW Kali Gandaki A. The project is also

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ financed mainly in US dollars, which had delays exceeding two years. adequate logistics and public support.” The project cost is estimated at $435 million and perhaps will finally end up being up to $70 million higher as the contractors negotiate. This army was there, and I thought the army was firing warning shots in the As far as the Bhote Kosi Power Company (BKPC) is concerned,could bring we the per MW cost of production to around $3 million to 3.3 million—not counting the capitalisation of interest during construction, from p1 darkness as they often do,” he told us. Soon, the Maoists were at his door. have been able to finish the project pretty much on time and within the stipulated budget despite a force majeure flood. While the licenselegal isfees, for and insurance premiums. Add to this the level of overstaff- The logistics and timing appear to have been carefully planned. A vehicleThey handcuffed him and took him away with the others. Like the others, 36 MW, we were able to install 52 MW bringing the cost of theing project that would to most probably be a burden on the project. For example, with unarmed Maoists defied a curfew to approach the town’s checkpointKhatiwada at was forced to sign a document saying he would quit his job roughly $ 1.92 million per MW. This includes international projectstate-owned Sunkosi with a capacity of 10 MW employs 342 staff. 7PM, saying that they were delivering fish to the barracks. The main force before being released. management fees, interest on money during construction, severalWhat types is even more surprising is that the state utility borrows arrived at around 10PM, and some of them were even shot at by sentries. The security forces guarding Sandhikharka seem to have been caught of insurance, international legal fees etc. The entire project includingmoney fromthe the government in Nepali rupees at the rate of 12 percent unawares. Sunday was the day when women had Teej feasts at home. 25 km transmission line is operated and maintained by 20 personnel.when in fact the government borrowed that money from multi-lateral From the bullet casings and accounts of survivors, it is evident that the We were never approached for hand outs. The SoalteeGroupagencies does for between 1-4 percent. FIRST TIME IN NEPAL Maoists’ main target was the army base, and that they deployed most ofLocals had noticed strangers passing through, but one shopkeeper told us: “The police and army didn’t seem aware of what was going on.” not condone nor participate in such activities involving graft by anyThe major problems inherent in the NEA are management issues Painless Permanent Hair Removal their firepower at the barracks. In addition to SLRs, machine guns and name. We had the occasional request for in kind services such as The fighting went on till early Sunday morning. The Maoists were so such as over-staffing, weak financial controls,receipt of debtors, RPGs captured from the army, there are unconfirmed reports that the building something in the area over and above the agreed responsibilitiesdelay in repatriations from branches, inability to expand its distribution, by Microlysis - a latest technology from Europe Maoists this time also had some AK-47s. confident that they even staged a victory parade before marching off with the project had undertaken for local and area development. Thetransmission only losses, low employee productivity, high employee to After the army base was overrun, the police fought hard until they, too,their captives who were made to carry the stolen weapons and Rs 90 request of a shady nature came from officials requesting a fewinstalled more capacity ratio, low revenue to employee ratio, low fixed asset days in Korea on their way to China to inspect the equipment being And Computerised Hair Styling ran out of ammunition. There seems to have been some confusion betweenmillion looted from the local bank. The telephones and electricity in the to employee ratio. The problem is not the PPA with independent power manufactured, with a higher daily allowance, which of courseproducers. was flatly them about the chain of command. Also, the Maoists told the police that town have not been functioning, denied. We would be more than happy to debate the merits and demerits of the army had already surrendered, and vice versa, sowing further doubt. and all development activity has In order to secure debt financing on the project, we approached been at a standstill. public sector undertaking vis-à-vis the private sector in an open forum. The army platoon at close to 100 international banks along with International FinanceIt would open the eyes of the public, which ultimately has to shoulder Sandhikharka had 54 soldiers, the After a tour of the area, Corporation (IFC) as the lead financier. Nepal simply does notthe feature burden on of the NEA’s perceived poor management and non- Hariharbhawan, Pulchowk, Lalitpur (in front of Sajha Bus Garage) police had 150 and the armed police Brigadier General Prakash Bahadur the international private sector infrastructure investment map.transparent The practices. The high end of the per unit consumer tarriff of Tel: 550692, Res: 533493, 535513 Basnet from Pokhara admitted that international financial community will closely watch the performanceNEA is almostof twice the per unit charge that BKPC charges NEA. about 30. Of them, 17 soldiers, 35 the BKPC and Khimti before committing any more resources in this policemen, and nine paramilitary this was a setback, but said that the Hence a 50 percent margin, an enviable contribution to any business sector for sometime. The track record on contractual obligationsenterprise. will were killed. Of the 100 taken army was capable of fighting on, determine the future of the hydropower development here in Nepal. AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE IN HARDprisoner andCOPY forced to porter guns provided there is adequate Hydropower may be Nepal’s wealth, but we cannot develop(Siddhartha it Rana is Executive Director and local partner in equipment. He told us: “It is and ammunition looted from the without foreign capital. Neither can equity or debt be raised onthe any Upper Bhote Koshi Hydroelectric Project and Chairman of barracks, 70 have since returned. critical also to have support from project of medium size domestically. Furthermore, investors theas well Soaltee as Group). The rest are believed to be strag- civil society, political parties, and the financial community have little or no experience to exercise project gling back to Pokhara in small the people.” DIG of the western finance, a complex financing tool which is the norm in long term infra- structure development. Nor do we have the legal expertise in the Nepali Times is now available on PEPC groups, or dead. region, Kumar Koirala, agrees: Bhote Kosi comes tumbling down from Tibet. PANOS SOUTH ASIA country. We lack the project management expertise to be efficient. Worldwide vending machhines at major airports Assistant CDO of Argakhanchi “This war can be won, but we need adequate logistics and public Insurance options do not exist here. All in all, we have no other option and hotel chains. Receive 40 pages of the latest district Babu Ram Khatiwada was at but accept the norms of globalisation to draw from overseas the inputs editions of Nepali Times and selected material support.” home with his wife and three-year- here have been efforts by officials and media recently to discredit from Himal South Asian and Himal Khabarpatrika old when the shooting began. “We independent power producers (IPPs). This merits a response, and in high-quality paper printed while you watch thought we were safe because the a need to shed light on the ground realities of private investment commercial video content on the monitor. SAPUT T vis-a vis public sector undertakings in the development of hydropower Price: US$ 2.50, all major credit cards accepted. Policemen carrying a wounded comrade from the Bhiman battle Saturday. resources in Nepal. 888 13 - 19 SEPTEMBERNEPALI 2002 TIMES FASHION 13 - 19 SEPTEMBERNEPALI 2002 TIMES 999 Consider it ‘Punjabi’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Indian’, whatever. The kurtha-suruwal is Kurtha-suruwal overtaking the sari as a salwar-kameez in India, and shalwar ‘suits’ in Pakistan—first clothing of choice for started really catching on in Kathmandu in the late 1980s, the Nepali women. less time and energy to be made rage was styles copied from presentable. Pakistani teleserials. Kathmandu The silent concurrence on the mothers and their daughters kurtha-suruwal among people from wanted anything that made them invasiondifferent economic and social strata,look like slightly flighty, yet first (appreciative) glance. To has granted the outfit a remarkable modest, belles of the ball. (Wonder understand what it means to wear chunni, something Zeenat-of-the- acceptability. Women in rural if the somewhat disturbing current streaked-hair wouldn’t dream of the more-or-less knee-length tunic communities have taken urban rage for bleached and otherwise with the loose, gathered trousers is doing. Everyone. Whether it suits middle class women as their role badly coloured hair stems from the them or not. In this newspaper’s a meditation on geography, religion,models as far as the sari is consid- same TV shows.) Peshan Lal, a history, national identity, the considered opinion, women of ered, and are slowly switching their kurtha-suruwal retailer from Bag medium height and a somewhat relentless march of modernity, loyalties. And even if they do not Bazar, fondly remembers those laziness, and the all-too-human well-rounded build are the only wear it, the kurtha is one more kinddays. “They all wanted that people who look good in this style. desire for variety. “It is convenient, of social code. One of the first Pakistani touch!” he exclaims comfortable to wear and easy to wistfully. All this chopping and changing groups of women to embrace the has had a salubrious impact on the maintain. It’s versatile, and does outfit was development workers But as video faded and cable not require skill to put on, like a skills of Kathmandu’s tailors, and seeking acceptability among rural caught on, Indian fashion trends has led to a spurt of interest in sari does,” says a enthusiast Aditee communities, and yet wanting to spread with the footprint of Maskey who works with the textile design and traditional move away from the hassles of the satellite channels that catered to Nepali textiles, too. Fabrics International Labour Organisa- sari. “It puts the villagers at ease an overwhelmingly Indian market. tion’s Kathmandu office. traditionally produced for saris and and helps them identify with the Peshan Lal’s clientele now inquire blouses are now being made into Two decades ago, few Nepalis development workers—which more about designs worn by Prerna would have believed that the trendy kurthas. In the mid-1990s, makes establishing communication and Kusum, leading female women in Kathmandu stitched kurtha-suruwal would be the much easier,” explains Jasmine characters in popular Sony and subject of so much fashion discus- kurthas out of Indian silk and Rajbhandary of Save the Star soaps, rather than those imported Japanese synthetic saris. sion. Women don’t anymore Children (UK), who frequently sported by the Zeenats and Afsanas suddenly stop wearing them when Now, fashion designers are visits rural areas. of yore. And because, as we all displaying their creativity, and they hit their mid-20s, or get Practicality aside, the kurtha’s know, TV viewers Want More married. Increasingly, older women using dhaka fabric, giving a fillip to aesthetic virtue and malleability as aVariety and Get Bored Easily, an art that was stagnating. are also turning to the outfit, if fashion object has helped ensure its sitcom producers have realised that somewhat hesitantly, and even one way to keep their predomi- Fashion designer Uma Chand popularity. Man Shova Gurung, 49, says that her boutique in traditional mothers-in-law are wore saris all her life—she gradu- nantly female audience hooked is accepting the outfit as convention- by putting on a bit of a fashion Kupondole gets about 200 orders ated from high school in a sari, for kurtha-suruwals each month, ally appropriate for their daughters-obtained a college degree wearing a show for them. (And thank god for in-law. The sari, that symbol of that, who could bear those and that the modifications her cotton dhoti and the sari remained clients request to personalise the staunch Nepali Hindu womanhood,her conventional ‘official’ wear at massive, hideous 1980s shoulder is being seen less than ever, only on pads anymore.) While 2000 was outfit are various. Pockets for the Nepal Banijya Bank, where she women like Rajbhandary, higher ritual occasions. has worked for some time now. the year of the floor-sweeping The perception is that the kurtha paired with the tight slits for those who ride two- Recently, she discovered the wheelers, slimmersilhouettes for the traditional fariya is out of place in comfort of the kurtha-suruwal churidar, a mere two springs later, most urban settings, and the Nepaliliterally by accident—she sustained everyone is wearing super short summer and less so for the winter, mindset is not yet ready to see most kurthas with slits on the side up to better to wear a sweater under, a fracture in her right skinny shawls, buttons on the sides, western styles gain widespread ankle and found out the very top of the straight pants MIN BAJRACHARYA that go with them, sometimes epaulettes, elastic suruwal-tops, currency. As increasing numbers of that the three-piece women work outside the home, the without even the ‘shawl’ or you name it. HEMLATA RAI outfit required less ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ our lives, and they are also getting kurtha-suruwal allows them to be Let’s hope kurtha lengths come ou know that old gag more and more common. After all, more mobile—be less fussy when effort to put on. down, if only as a signal about hemlines going up there are only so many permuta- running after microbuses, sit astride When kurtha- that times are with the economy? Well tions that the traditional six-yard motorcycles, not bother about the suruwals— getting better. in Nepal, that’s Nepali fariya can take. The kurtha- sari immodestly slipping down. It known as Y reversed. As the suruwal strikes just the right also reduces the workload of situation of the country gets balance between moder- women at home—no more bleaker, kurthas are getting nity and tradition. starching or unwieldy ironing in shorter and shorter, as if in an The choice to wear cramped apartments. Kurthas take attempt to add some joy to kurtha-suruwal is more sociologically complex than might appear at 101010 WORLD 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES ASIA 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 111111 COMMENT by JOANNA WESCHLER Al-Qaeda, alive and well COMMENT by VASANTHA SRITHARAN ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Indonesia cracks down on media ... ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ UNITED NATIONS - The head of the United Nations group charged JAKARTA - Indonesia’s parliament is set to clamp down on the with gauging the effectiveness of global sanctions against Osama bin explosion of new television and radio stations since the downfall of Laden’s al-Qaeda group said this week that the measures have failed former president Suharto with draconian legislation similar to that in to deal the organisation a crippling blow. Since 9/11, $112 million of UN wrong on rights No peace without rights Singapore and Malaysia. Abdulla Almadi of the Indonesian Press the group’s assets have been frozen in the US and abroad. Lists have Institute said: “This turns the clock back nearly 40 years to 1964 when support, the initiative was overwhelm- been drawn up of suspected terrorists and front organisations, and N High Commissioner for COLOMBO - Civil society organisa- many who defend the present process President Sukarno, during Indonesia’s confrontation with Malaysia, There’s an anti-human rights lobby at the UN, and they’re gaining ground.travel bans imposed. But efforts to choke off al-Qaeda’s cash flow— The Sri Lankan peace talks starting in Human Rights, Mary ingly endorsed in late July by the aimed at ending the nearly two-decade banned the listening of foreign broadcasts.” The bill is being pushed ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ irritate important allies in the counter-○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ attributed partly to the personal fortune of bin Laden—are slowing tions here and overseas are demanding UN’s Economic and Social Council. by MPs gearing up for the election in mid-2004, when they can claim Robinson is to be replaced by down, according to a special UN panel. It wants to expand the interna- that human rights monitoring be a old conflict between the state and Tigers Bangkok 16 September mean little unless U terrorism struggle simply because they credit for replacing un-Islamic, “foreign” material with homegrown Of course, not everything in the tional blacklist of individuals and groups now suspected of terrorist seeking a separate homeland. In July, the Brazilian Sergio Vieira de Mello, a clever procedural ploys to undermine might be violating the rights of their central aspect of the peace negotiations human rights abuses are addressed. shows. It is also payback time for parliament, which has been fero- UN’s human rights picture is links, which numbers about 223. expression within the Tamil commu- longtime UN diplomat, on 12 the commission. Their resolve is not own citizens. between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan even the Norwegian-led Sri Lankan ciously criticised by the media for incompetence and corruption. uniformly bleak. The International nity.○○○○ The ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Tamil media’s complete September. That transition will be a matched by a balancing impulse on During the past year, for the first Michael Chandler, a former British military officer and head of the government starting 16 September. Monitoring Mission (SLMM), charged Criminal Court will be beginning its censorship of reporting on the tricky one, because the governments the part of the traditional promoters of time in its history, the US was not a five-person UN team investigating the blacklisted group, said, “Al- The demand has become increasingly with overseeing compliance with the work soon, and with greater interna- Qaeda has sufficient resources to plan and launch additional terrorist SLMM’s critical July statement is an situation is “normal”. that dominate the UN commission for human rights in the west. To some critical since the two parties signed a ceasefire, made harsh criticism of the (Australian Financial Review) member of the Commission (though tional support than expected, thanks to attacks.” A leaked copy of the team’s report broadly states that “al- indication of things to come in event of The experience of Sierra Leone human rights (CHR) are increasingly extent, this is because, rhetoric formal ceasefire agreement in LTTE’s behaviour. it will be regaining its seat in 2003). America’s efforts to undermine it. The Qaeda, despite the successful inroads made against it over recent an interim administration controlled is instructive. After the signing of trying to protect themselves—and notwithstanding, rights ranks months, is, by all accounts, ‘alive and well’ and poised to strike again February. The Norwegian-facilitated peace You might think that America’s universal system of visits to places of by the LTTE. the Lome Peace Agreement on 7 their allies—from any scrutiny or relatively low among these govern- absence contributed to the CHR’s how, when and where it chooses”. The report’s lack of detailed evidence Since February, widespread process has stopped the fighting and a ... Pakistan, too detention is gaining ground. Even at Given the LTTE’s history of anti- July, 1999, many Sierra Leoneans ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ criticism. ments’ priorities. Trade often trumps sorry state as, in the past, the US was and reliance on unidentified sources troubles some countries. violations by the LTTE in the areas of brought a semblance of normalcy. the CHR, there has been some recent Singapore and Mauritius expressed anger at the report’s contention believed the country was on the During the last annual session of it, and governments, especially in often principled and outspoken on child conscription and recruitment, Killings of civilians, routine for years, Muslim violence and current attitudes, ISLAMABAD – Pakistan’s military government says the new press laws it progress, for example, on work to that al-Qaeda money regularly flows through the two countries. The US have virtually stopped. But the the Muslims have legitimate fears of an path toward reconciliation and an approved this week will make the media more objective. Journalists the CHR, held in Geneva last spring, Europe, are often loath to jeopardise some issues, in particular regarding establish “disappearances” as an was unhappy with the implication that its hunt for al-Qaeda assets was abductions, and intimidation of the body voted to ignore severe humanlucrative contacts when governments political opponents in the North and normalcy is very fragile. The ongoing, LTTE-controlled interim administra- end to violence, destruction and disagree. They say journalists and publishers could be jailed for three certain specific abusive countries. But international crime. Here, countries flagging. months or fined at least $850 dollars—a fortune for poorly paid rights violations in such places as that violate human rights retaliate at East have continued, and even consistently documented, LTTE use of tion. There are others, too. Can women human rights abuses. The increasingly obsessed at the prospect ofwith fresh memories of repressive rule, resumption of hostilities in May presspeople—for publishing anything proven defamatory. “The Russia/Chechnya, Zimbabwe, Iran being criticised. These its own citizens and practices coming increased in areas the group didn’t child soldiers, forcible conscription, anddemand that their children be allowed government only consulted media owners and their associations before such as Latin American and East other systematic exploitation in eastern to go to school without fear of being 2000 was a shock. Both the and Equatorial Guinea. For other tendencies have been under international scrutiny, America European nations, have increasingly previously have such unrestricted finalising these laws,” says IH Rashed, president of the Pakistan Federal forcibly taken away? Will those already government and the Revolutionary Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an umbrella organisation of small violators such as China, Algeria, compounded more has over the past few years contrib- (IPS) direct access to. This has dismayed Sri Lanka, and the disappearance of taken the lead in promoting human about six political opponents, abducted been taken away be released? Will United Front (RUF), the rebel journalists’ groups. Media leaks suggest that the Defamation Ordi- Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Saudi Arabiarecently by the war uted to the general erosion of the UN rights initiatives and defending the the CHR couldn’t even muster the against terrorism. in violation of the ceasefire, qualify the independent political activity be group notorious for its rights nance ignores the right of a reporter, editor or publisher to defend the human rights monitoring system. It principles. (Latin America, in validity of published material by producing official documents, will to put their abuses on its agenda. LTTE’s relationship with the civilian allowed to re-emerge? abuses, were faulted. The human Western democracies adamantly opposed several important particular, played a pivotal role in all The fallout in Muslim Africa summaries or other required evidence. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ population. Given the political environment in rights community had been It also cut back on several country- are unwilling to the situations described above.) specific monitoring mechanisms, and promising new human rights NAIROBI - It is now one year since the 11 September terrorist attacks The agreement signed between the the North and East, it is unrealistic to concerned about the peace deal, (IPS) compromising one of the most initiatives, notably the All the same, manipulation by on New York and Washington, which killed over 3,000 people and just expect state structures like the courts to which gave immunity to the RUF government and the LTTE at the behest leaders. In August 1999, a powerful of human rights tools, that of International Criminal powerful countries and the foes of over four years after the twin bombings of the Kenyan and Tanzanian of the Norwegian government is function independently when it comes embassies on 7 August, 1998, in which more than 250 died. Osama naming and shaming. Court (ICC), and a new human rights have left the CHR in conceptually and practically a weak to LTTE violations. It is critical that a bad shape. Vieira de Mello must be bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network are believed to be behind all New Not learning from mistakes This is happening, in part, anti-torture mecha- three acts of terrorism. mechanism to deal with the civilian human rights expert be present—as York Times article commented that ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ nism. willing and able to draw on his own predicament under the LTTE’s promised by the government and the because countries with vile human region and on others to make sure that The powerful Islamic presence in East Africa—Somalia to Kenya institutions like the UN Commis- NEW DELHI - Monday night’s train mishap in Bihar state in India, rights records—Algeria, Burundi, On the anti- to Tanzania—brought the area under US suspicion as a potential dispensation. The Tigers still control allLTTE to Amnesty International— which has claimed over 100 people, has turned into a full-fledged the UN human rights system serves during the talks when an interim sion for Human Rights, Amnesty China, Cuba, the Democratic torture protocol, the victims rather than the violators. haven for fleeing al-Qaeda fighters. Kenyan Muslim leader Sheikh Ali and Human Rights Watch were political squabble. But experts insist that the spate of horrendous Republic of Congo, Indonesia, the US sought to Shee charges that “the FBI has harrased Kenyan Muslims, gone into administration is discussed. Civil accidents in recent years has been due to populist budgeting that has He will also need to entice the west into houses and places of worship.” He says that the Kenyan government society groups outside the North and sure to condemn “any peace treaty kept fares low and the trains and tracks overcrowded, even as the 150- Kenya, Libya, Malaysia, Saudi derail the creation becoming more pro-active and the US or political accord that promises to Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Vietnam— became an agent of American government to “harass its own people.” East and other structures such as the year-old network continues to move 15 million people everyday. CM of a universal in particular into re-establishing its Somalia has suffered the most. “The impact of 11 September has UN and the Red Cross need to play a let human rights abusers off the Khosla, former member of the country’s Railway Board, says: “While command a powerful bloc within the decisions are being made on political considerations, technical system of visits to role as a constructive rather than destroyed the micro-economic situation in Somalia, the infrastructure hook-even when continued conflict CHR, composing a near majority of more active role in enforcing account- upgradation and modernisation are being neglected for lack of funds.” destructive force in human rights of communications, the transfer of money,” says Mustapha Hassouna, a risks destroying a country”, as in places of detention, ability. Khosla said that over the past 10 years, the money allocated for track the 53-member body. In 2003, political analyst at the University of Nairobi. The US government froze Sierra Leone. But the view that the under an optional affairs. renewals alone has gone down from 17 percent to about 14 percent Zimbabwe will join them and, unless the assets of Al-Barakaat, the country’s largest money transfer company Human rights are paramount here RUF abuses were part of Sierra when it should have been going up. African countries reverse an earlier protocol to the Conven- through which thousands of Somalis living in the diaspora sent money not only as a transitional justice Leone’s war culture and could be decision, Libya will chair this body for tion Against Torture. Here home to their relatives, charging that the company was being used to question but to counter the hold of ignored proved wrong as May channel funds for al-Qaeda. (IPS) a year! America found itself allied authoritarian ideologies in social and 2000 showed. It took the Sudan, though, has gained, though it has long been on the US list Such countries go out of their way with some strange bedfellows political institutions, which will intervention of British troops and to secure seats on the commission and that it normally rebukes as of states harbouring terrorists—the most infamous being bin Laden who degrade the process unless checked. To the capture of RUF leaders to lived there from 1991 to 1996. In 1996, then president Bill Clinton talk of “normalisation” while ignoring Progressive Pyongyang? then actively work to build alliances chronic human rights violators— restore even a semblance of ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ (Project Syndicate) launched missile attacks on a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudanese subtle and gross violations taking place with pliable governments. In addition, Cuba, China, Iran, Libya, Sudan capital, Khartoum, which he believed bin Laden was using as a normalcy. TOKYO – Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi arrives in Pyongyang they have developed a number of everyday will mean the talks only or Zimbabwe. Still, without US weapons factory. Desperate not to be targeted again, the Sudanese Tuesday, the first Japanese leader after World War II to visit North (Joanna Weschler, a onetime government quickly co-operated with the United States after 9/11. The infuse funds and give power to the Korea and meet reclusive leader Kim Jong Il. 60 years after Japan’s activist in Poland’s Solidarity US is now the driving force behind a renewed push for peace in Sudan, LTTE to show that this abnormal colonisation of the Korean peninsula ended, its relations with North movement, represents Human which analysts say represents Sudan’s best chance for ending its 19- (Vasantha Sritharan is a member Korea have not been normalised. North Korea’s inclusion in US Rights Watch at the UN.) year civil war in years President George W Bush’s “axis of evil” does not help the relations of of the University Teachers for longtime US ally Japan with the Stalinist state. Japan is the only target Human Rights (Jaffna), an of North Korean aggression, and Japanese gestures that aid independent human rights Pyongyang’s emergence from isolation—Kim has recently visited ANALYSIS by UGO PANIZZI watchdog in Sri Lanka.) China and Russia—are vital. Japan’s problems with Pyongyang range from the abduction of 11 Japanese by North Korea, to Pyongyang’s . (IPS) 1998 test firing of a missile over Japanese territory. The abducted Japanese are used to teach Japanese language and customs to North Korean spies, who infiltrate Japan for military surveillance, and to Internet wars gather information and technology, officials say. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ANALYSIS by MARK BAKER Are Islam’s values really PARISdifferent? - A report published in Paris last week by Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) lists tightening control on communication on the (IPS) ince the terrorist attacks of 11 September, questions about Islam—its Internet as among the “collateral damages” of the ‘war against terror’. Vague statements about “culture wars” don’tThe RSF lists China, North Korea, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, and nature, its distinctive identity, its potential threat to the west—have seized western democracies such as the US, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, th tell us anything, but comparative studies do. centrestage in intellectual and political debates. While the century’s 20 Denmark, and Canada among countries introducing censorship on the S ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ net. The report says that “Saudi Arabia has built a giant filter system in Conspiracy theories major conflicts—fascism, communism, and other “isms”—were primarily ideological, the terrorism of 11 September posed anew the spectre of “culture Jeddah, blocking access to electronic addresses.” In China, which has akin to those of Roman Catholicism), Muslim Sunnis (the official religion of about 20 million Internet users, the government has created “anti-web wars” and “clashes of civilizations.” most Arab countries), and Muslim Shiites (the official religion of Iran and of police brigades to wage war on anti-government and anti-communist ccording to the Malaysian government, Ezam Mohamed Noor is a danger- In December the aftershocks of 11 September were felt in Singapore when It is often claimed in the Islamic world that, because one of the five funda-Lebanon’s Hizbullah movement), and found no evidence of lower inequality articles published on the Internet.” ‘Cyber criminality’ in China can ous extremist, a leading conspirator in a violent plot to overthrow the statethe government arrested 15 Asian men accused of plotting attacks against the US mental duties of a Muslimzakat is (charity to the poor), Islamic society is less among Muslims or less discrimination against women among Christians. carry the death sentence. Aand a man deserving of his detention without trial under the country’s and other western targets in the city. Singapore authorities said the group atomistic, which limits inequality and social exclusion. At the same time, western Our study of religion and social inequality in Lebanon examined social In the US where spread of information through the Internet is infamous Internal Security Act (ISA). planned to assemble seven truck bombs and hit buildings including the US observers often see in Islam a faith that disdains personal freedom, especially formobility rather than overall inequality, because societies in which opportunitiesguaranteed by the first amendment of the constitution, the attacks led Ezam Noor was arrested five months before Osama bin Laden’s men crashedembassy and the adjacent Australian High Commission. Evidence of a link to al- to a tightening of controls on the Internet, and the US government is women. Oriana Fallaci published a long rant along this line shortly after and inequality are inherited are considered less fair than societies in which family their planes into the World Trade Centre, and the soft spoken 35-year-old is asQaeda was a videotape of the group’s surveillance of prospective targets in now “playing world policeman on Internet too”. In Germany the Singapore found in the bombed ruins of a Kabul house used by Mohamad Atef, the attacks. background is less important. Social mobility in Lebanon is extremely low and argument of a “terrorist threat” has been used by the government of close to al-Qaeda as Dr Mahathir Mohamad is. But he is one of the scores of Facts on the ground do seem to support these perceptions. Muslim countriesfamily background is a key factor in determining social outcomes. Moreover, theGerhard Schroeder to pass “security laws” that go beyond the country’s Malaysians rounded up since last September, accused of being part of a bin Ladenone of bin Laden’s most senior lieutenants. The Singapore government claimed tend to be characterised by lower levels of inequality and crime (a good proxy forChristian Maronite and the Muslim Shiite upper and middle classes tend to needs and restrict the freedom of electronic exchange of information, conspiracy to spread terror across the region. the group was affiliated with Jemaah Islamiah, the report says. Countries such as Spain, Denmark, France and Italy social exclusion) than other countries at similar stages of economic development,have similar levels of social mobility. In both groups social mobility is higher Ezam’s real crime was challenging the 21-year an Indonesia-based fundamentalist group the than among Sunni Muslims. have also adopted “exaggerated security measures” restricting freedom reign of the Malaysian prime minister. He was Americans say has ties with al-Qaeda. such as those in Catholic Latin America. But political scientist Francis Fukuyama of communication and information through the Internet. disagrees. He suggests that particular social outcomes (including income levels) The position of women also does not seem to be primarily determined by once political secretary to the former deputy prime Soon after that, Philippines authorities result from the fact that countries are at different stages in a modernisation processadherence to Islam. We found that all Lebanese families strongly prefer sons over minister Anwar Ibrahim, now serving a 15-year detained Indonesian Fathur Rohman al Ghozi, within which every society is converging towards a set of universal values. daughters. Families with two daughters are 9 percent more likely to have a third jail sentence on trumped-up sex and corruption a Jemaah Islamiah member accused of co- Harvard University’s Samuel Huntington sees something sinister at child than families that have two sons. Statistically, this is a (IPS) charges, and remains head of the youth wing of ordinating plans for the Singapore attacks and work within Islam. Because of Islam’s messianic fusion of huge difference—nine times larger than in the US. Just as Keadilan, the Opposition party led by Anwar’s assembling weapons and explosives to be the political, religious and cultural dimensions, says our initial research uncovered no evidence of relative wife, Dr Wan Azizah. transhipped via Indonesia. But little has emerged since to demonstrate that the Huntington, the west and Islam are destined to “clash” Muslim egalitarianism, we discovered no major difference War good for stock market Before 11 September, the United States was a ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Singapore plot was more than an ambitious because the two systems are fundamentally irreconcilable. between preference for sons among Christians and strong and consistent critic of human rights LONDON - Investors are being urged to prepare for a stock-market rally abuses in Malaysia and especially the persecution proposal by young freelance extremists. But if we want to discover the role that a religion like Muslims. If anything, bias toward males is stronger in if the US and Britain decide to launch a full-scale war against Iraq. of Anwar and his supporters. Now they are Despite persistent claims that money for the 11 Islam plays in determining a society’s fundamental shape, Christian families. American share prices have soared by an average of 36 percent in we need to look at individuals virtually silent. Many lines have been blurred, September attacks was channelled through the The same holds true for female labour market four recent wars, but they tend to suffer in the run-up to a military region, by March even FBI director Robert campaign. many certainties have been eroded in the realm of within an individual country participation, which in Lebanon is low but uniform Mueller felt compelled to dismiss a report in Last week, the FTSE 100 index slipped about 3 percent to 4,107, international justice, politics and diplomacy. But to understand the true power of “Islamic values” in shaping across religious groups. This does not guarantee that no despite rising Friday. However, any rally is not expected to last long in few places has the landscape changed more Left wing and Islamic movements a society. We need a country with deep religious cleavages relationship exists between religion and discrimination and investors should therefore take the opportunity to make a quick starkly than in South-east Asia. like Abu Sayyaf in south-east Asia between Islam and Christianity and, unlike America’s against women, but suggests that if it does exist, it is profit. A recent study by the London Business School has calculated Once-respected champions of democracy and Newsweek describing Malaysia as a “primary “melting pot,” limited mixing among social groups. unrelated to female labour market participation or that the Footsie could take a decade to recover its record high of minority rights are dismissed as extremists. are treated with a new suspicion in operational launch pad” for the attacks. Two studies I conducted with colleagues at the Univer- 6,930 in 1999. David Schwartz, a stock- market historian, said: “History Common bandits and parochial fanatics are abruptly elevated to the grand In the Philippines, President Gloria preference for sons. Of course, disproving the idea that tells us that when America suddenly finds itself on a war footing the rush to support America. sity of Beirut use Lebanon to examine the relationship different countries have different values is impossible, investors tend to take fright and the market falls anywhere between 11 pantheon of Terrorism Inc, a status beyond their wildest ambitions and capabili- Arroyo quickly suggested the hand of al-Qaeda between religion and such social and cultural characteristics as but our work strongly argues that if the Islamic world percent and 17 percent. But once combat starts, shares on both sides ties. In the Philippines, an opportunistic president has parlayed a small but behind hardline elements of an Islamic separatist movement that had been inequality, preference for sons, and the degree of female of the Atlantic rally.” ruthless kidnapping gang into a new frontier against international terrorism and a is different from the west, that is because it is fighting in southern Mindanao province for decades before the world ever heard labour market participation. Lebanon has a large number of When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August 1990, raising the lucrative alliance with the US. In Singapore and Indonesia, tough leaderships have backward, not because it is Muslim. of bin Laden. By early this year, Arroyo had won pledges of more than $100 geographically segregated religious groups and strongly spectre of war, nervous investors dumped their shares. Within weeks, the capitalised on their importance to Washington’s new international agenda whilemillion in extra US military aid and hundreds of American troops were on the enforced communal boundaries. And more than religion American S&P 500 index had tumbled 17 percent and the Footsie voices of domestic political dissident and aspirations for self-determination are ground helping to hunt Abu Sayyaf a kidnap-for-ransom gang whose links with divides the population: some Lebanese see themselves as (Project Syndicate) had fallen 11 percent. drowned out by the drums of war. the legitimate nationalist aspirations of the Moro Muslims had become as flimsy Phoenicians rather than Arabs, and claim closer cultural affinity as the evidence that they were doing bin Laden’s bidding. to France. We examined Christian Maronites (who hold beliefs (Ugo Panizzi is a visiting professor at the (Sunday Times) American University of Beirut.) (Sydney Morning Herald) strength; their campaign was the Home Ministry, sanctioned continuing in the hinterland. The the amount and gave a copy of security forces may have been FROM THE NEPALI PRESSthe signed receipt to the CIAA. THIS PAGE CONTAINS MATERIAL SELECTED FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES CULTURE AND SOCIETY 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 121212 denying this, but the majority of 131313 The whole process was people believed that the Maoists underplayed. Since Indians are not permit- tant and larger than just the tree were still strong. Prior to the to get the emergency extended so NEPALITERATURE by MANJUSHREE THAPA ENCOUNTERS by MEGH RANJANI RAI More corruption The CIAA has directed the ted to go to Malaysia as ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ symbol, and that he isn’t ready emergency the Maoist had that Nepal can become a heaven foreign labourers, foreign Deshantar, 8 September Council of Ministers to clarify to bargain in the name of declared “people’s governments” for arms imports. It is the duty where the money—meant for democracy. He’d rather go to in 15 districts. After the emer- and the responsibility of consti- employment companies and Waiting for intelligence matters and to pay jail, he says. Today, the coldness tutional parties to defeat the mafia groups are sending them Here’s an incident that reveals gency, they added two more. informants— is being used. If the between the king and the prime Maoists’ objective. It is equally abroad on Nepali passports, how helpless the CIAA is despite If they regard themselves as a says Superintendent Prabal Expressions to get council is not able to do so, it minister revolves around the important for the Maoist winning accolades from the entire national power, the Maoists are should specify the reasons. While reshuffling of the council of leadership to analyse the Sumshere JB Rana, who is country for arresting corrupt also responsible for protecting the freedom, the commission has come down ministers. If there are any other situation, otherwise there is a responsible for security at revenue department officials. country from foreign interference. hard on officials of the revenue reasons, it is difficult to know danger to their very existence. Tribhuvan Airport. As it is not Once they announced the The government is intent on department during the initial what they might be. The increasing number of possible for Indian citizens to us through elections Baneswor assembly, Prime purchasing guns. We can’t rule phases of its anti-corruption leave Nepal on Nepali and forrain Minister out the idea of foreign forces bodies, despite the nine-month campaign, it has let the prime passports, they fly out from had to work the whole day in the and Home Minister Khum entering Nepal to control the emergency, is a message and a minister and the home minister India after replacing the zamindar’s house. I had a seven- Bahadur Khadka looked to the Maoists. Let’s hope that the warning to Sher Bahadur Deuba’s day-old baby, I could not get time walk away, even though it was Camouflage government, too, to renounce original photos on Nepali rony is an excellent literary tool to combat shittingthe on the plate that they eat. This from is highly ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ recent redesigning of Nepal Army Home Ministry for funds. In mid- passports with their own. The angst of being stuck in unpleasant situations. to feed him and I fell sick. Finally handed proof on a platter. uniforms to resemble those of violence. not recommended to do. We the voters, not being June, a sum of Rs 9.2 million was Kantipur, 10 September, Malaysian government has (Bathos is another widely used literary tool,plates but it but people, notice when we are being sullied. my husband refused to work for the sanctioned from the Home Gunaraj Luitel their Indian counterparts is just a Iis much less fun). A story, poem, or even conversa-This time around, we demand that the parties offer us landlord and I was given leave.” stopped employing labourers Ministry on the instructions of coincidence. from India in recent years, as tion studded with a sly innuendo here, a wittycandidates who know where their party offices’ out- Her husband now works as Khum Bahadur Khadka, and sent repartee there can really get you through an houses are. Today, the influence of military it is not satisfied with their insufferable day (or week, month, year, life). Now mason, a bricklayer, a carpenter and to the prime minister. thought is increasing among the Test tube Nepalis performance. Which brings us to the matter of party intellectu- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ given that we are stuck facing an election that may she says proudly, “My children are als. Sure, they at least know where the outhouse is. Fearing that they would get Maoists, and political leadership not live up to our low expectations of election-time Gorkhapatra, 8 September According to the Crime This doesn’t mean they should run for office. Our free. We are the Mukt kamaiyas, we freeness and fairness, we might, for our own sanity, into trouble with the accounts is declining. Dr Bhattari does Investigation Department, intellectuals. Such intellectuals. Seven villages were free even before the govern- seek refuge in irony. To do, so, one need only turn committee, the Auditor General not accept this. But when he drown as the fishermen confer. While the country ment decision.” This categorisation For the first time in Nepal, there more than 400 Indian citizens to Nepal’s oral tradition: spoken Nepali, even today, and concerned officials who King and PM met with leaders of the left have flown to Malaysia on contains a vast storehouse of expressions that—rapidly regresses to authoritarian rule, our intellectuals has created a division among the ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ is a test-tube baby project, with might investigate such a large parties, including the UML, in whether or not you agree with them—help releasehold verbose thought-conventions (I’m sorry, the term community, as there is resentment 19 women on board. The process Nepali passports in the past transfer, Home Ministry officials Ghatana Ra Bichar, Siliguri, he expressed the pent-up frustration. Go to any wayside teashop,bichar and gosti is utterly untranslatable, so let’s make do from those who do not have those was started by Dr Uma Srivastav year. This was revealed after took protective measures, and 11 September military perspective. Rather than you will overhear people tossing about the mostwith thought-convention). And what our intellectuals promised five Let them eat guns of the Nisantan Clinic in Putali the Delhi Immigration Police artful expressions: colourful expressions are asay way at of these thought-conventions is: ‘We must save told the prime minister that a solving the problem through ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Sadak. According to Srivastav, 35 arrested an Indian citizen with life here. I have translated some often-hearddemocracy. Vote for my party,’ or, less actively, receipt was necessary. The prime Three months after parliament talks, he stressed war. As the Deshantar, 8 September a Nepali passport who was expressions below as a public service to help ‘Democracyus all must be saved. My party must be kathas of land and Rs minister directed them to preparewas dissolved, unprecedented andMaoist insurgency falls into the women keen to deliver test tube get through the upcoming elections: voted for.’ babies contacted the clinic when bound for Malaysia. 8,000. Those who sit by the edge of the necessary papers and, along unnatural differences have been hands of the guerrillas, Dr The entire nation was shocked The Nepal Joint Foreign One useful expression for the months ahead isYes. We must save democracy, and failing that, the river in makeshift shacks, the with the home minister, signed brewing between the king and theBhattarai’s principled they heard about the possibility. artha na bartha govinda, which gai roughly democracy must be saved. To do so (or to have this when Sher Bahadur Deuba In the first phase, 19 out of the Employment Entrepreneurs’ donor-given plastic sheets no match the receipts. prime minister. The differences explanations of the past translates asneither meaning nor seaning Govindadone), first we need qualified candidates. Otherwise for the wind and rain, their dry eyes Association has formed a our next inept government will bungle away our last between the two high sources is are becoming weaker. went off to Belgium instead 20 women fit to undergo cow. This expression cleverly exemplifies its When other officials found three-member committee to remaining civil liberties, and then we’ll have to sit turning towards the sky waiting in sure to create uncertainty in Recent incidents have of attending the Johannes- treatment were selected. At out about the money, they investigate the matter. Says message: it makes no sense in itself (Govindaaround being saying, in bitter tones,The creature ‘ of shit vain for that one drop of rain. the country. shown that the burg conference. Army present, 15 percent of married a male name, and a cow being, well, female), and it appealed to the CIAA, saying that Balram Giri, coordinator of enjoys staying in shit. Our politicians prefer Now on my return, they stand battle of guns personnel were even more couples in Nepal do not have is hurled, usually in a tone of bewilderment, at the money had been misused. The According to sources, the the committee, “We’ve found -like rule to democracy.’ by their flooded fields and shake cannot be control- shocked when they heard children, and the technology has anything that is essentially senseless. As in, ‘The CIAA began an investigation. king wants major changes in the that the photos on passports candidate has made yet another public speech ofNow translating expressions is a failed mission their heads. One more deluge like led by intellectual been introduced in Nepal for Khum Bahadur Khadka then put council of ministers. He indicated that they were getting stolen from manpower neither meaning nor seaning Govinda cow import.’from the get go. (For instance,from the get gowould the one today, and their efforts are thought. In the their benefit. It’s been eight years pressure on CIAA chief Surya this to the prime minister three more arms than the agencies are switched so to That expression competes with many for Nepalinot fare well in Nepali translation). Too many local going to be wasted. Each seedling , face of repeated since experts have been trying to idioms, colloquialisms, and references remain Nath Upadhyaya, ringing him weeks ago. The prime minister 2,000 FN rifles they send non-Nepali citizens affections. Another good expression for the back-breakingly planted, is going to Maoist attacks, introduce in vitro fertilisation upcoming monthsa festival like no other is takingstubbornly untranslatable, or they end up being so directly and threatened to put had also expressed his desire to had expected. At abroad.” Indian police have funny that their meaning is unduly eclipsed. (Exam- go under. No more food, no more the attempts of technology in Nepal with the place in Handigaun. Why poor Handigaun— a him behind bars on the grounds the king for a small and efficient present, the ill- also arrested Dil Bahadur Rai ple:aaskaashko fal aankhaatari mar: die looking Kamiyaat refugee camp in far-west Nepal. work and labour lost going to the political parties and help of the private sector. Nepali respectable neighbourhood with deep cultural that he was a Maoist informant. cabinet. But Deuba got a rude and Khem Bahadur Painja, the fruit in the ).sky None of the translations offered Indian hired from across the border. civil society to equipped security couples have until now have been roots—gets blown off so, I could not say. Sure, its Then, Undersecretary Dwarika awakening when the palace two men involved in the here captures the pithy zing of the original, so readers Once more will they be the encourage talks, have forces are fighting going to India for the treat- surplus wealth didn’t build as many temples and Nepalganj- I am here on a sharecropping is further reduced Acharya and senior officer Janak presented him with a list of passport scam, and handed palaces as in nearby Basantapur and Patan, whobut itunderstand Nepali must stop reading this recipients of the landlord’s scorn, been weakened. Of with Maoists in ment—an expensive undertaking. mission—to look at the situation ofwhen their “owner”,malik , Sharma, who oversee accounts at names of high-ranking ministers it them over to Nepal, say was still respectable, way back when. (Handigauncolumn at once and strike up a conversation with beaten and driven away from their course, the Maoists Nepal’s remote hills The women were first a nearby Nepali. the freed bonded labourers, subtracts the rent for the tubewell, wanted removed from the security officials. The Nepal native conservation architect Sudarshan Raj Tiwari thresholds. Their sunburnt skin may feel the necessity in order to administered injections to is even writing a book about how respectable theFor those who do not speak Nepali, another Kamaiyas. I wonder, why do we stillthe cost of the fertilisers, the cabinet. The list includes the Police has also started an drenched and stretched, their to display their establish peace. develop their ovaries. They were neighbourhood was, way back when). This sayingexpression can that may come handy in Novemberlike iscall them Kamaiya? The system has pesticides and the names of Chiranjibi Wagle, Bijay investigation, and recently be applied to many aspects of public life in Nepal. beghari, the extra children standing naked, bitten by strength. After the divided into two groups: those a chicken that has eaten. Now salt I have never seenbeen banned, why do we not Kumar Gacchedar, Jaya Prakash They don’t even raided three manpower For example, throughout the campaign, you might free labour that he elicits from snakes, purging what little that they losses they suffered in who have to take injections 21 one of these, but I am told, by others who likely reinstatealso their identity, their right Anand and Bal Bahadur KC. It is get nourishing agencies—Pioneer Overseas, consider saying, ‘The way people keep urging me to these, his freed kamaiyas. have in their stomachs, their Khara, Rukum, the days prior to the start of their go down to the voting booth, it’s like a festivalhaven’t like seen one, that these creatures lack vigour:to recognition as an indigenous understood that on receiving the meals. They based in Baluwatar, New While floods wreak havoc in women trying to suckle the Maoists wanted to period and those who began no other is taking place in Handigaun.’ they are dehydrated, their necks droop, they squawkpeople of the tarai who, through list, Deuba sent back a reply don’t have Gorkhas Overseas, and Heet about weakly, looking unenviable. This is how I walk youngest born on breasts gone prove that their status taking injections on the second Now almost everyone I speak to is considering circumstances, were reduced to the east, here in the west until a saying that he could not betray adequate Overseas in Sukhetaar. around most of the time. Anyway, readers might try week ago, there are no signs of the long dry, while the gods shed friends who had helped him in hadn’t changed. They day of menstruation. “Since you boycotting the elections. (If the elections eventhrowing take this expression about on especially badbecoming days. bonded labour. barbed wire to protect The immigration depart- place, they say, not wanting to give into irrational monsoon, the fields are parched, tears in vain. trying times, and that he would made that clear in have to take injections until the For example in November, some might want to say, They are the Tharu, and their their security posts. ment and the labour depart- exuberance, Nepali-style). But keep this in mind:‘After if I spent two hours in the sun waiting in line I and the rice seedlings—twice The scenario unfolds while rather resign than do this. After Sindhuli and eggs are formed, it can be pretty despair, a canker sore on develop- The home minister and ment are pointing fingers at you vote, and actually help elect a sober, chastisedfound that somebody had already voted in my name, planted—scorched. And again the development churns its gargantuan that, certain power centres have Arghakhanchi. expensive,” says Srivastav. One party which then forms an actually governing ment efforts in Nepal. We call them each other over the scam. so I walked home in the manner of a chicken that had women of Kanchanpur, fast, prayingwheels in the name of poverty started bargaining, asking Deuba However, there was the prime minister are injection costs about Rs 1,700. government, this will be a caseif it comes,of it’s a eaten salt.’ free, but you have to be there to see Lalit Bahadur Thapa, director to their ancestral deities for respite, alleviation, conflict resolution, whether he wants the tree no need for them to giving them rifles As there is only one company mango. If it goes, it’s a. stickMeaning, why not In the event that you do get your vote stolen,the you futility of the situation. They general of the Labour and placating the forest gods. rehabilitation and reaching the symbol. Deuba has maintained engage in this show of instead. registered to manufacture such make the effort? You stand to gain a whole mangocan also say, ‘I have been betrayed by workers ofare our free—cardholders categorised The prime injections, the drug is in short Employment Department says (read actually governing government), and allpolitical you parties, all of whoRam-Ram have on the lips like animals for slaughter, red, blue The Rapti is usually in flood, “poorest of poor”, the

MIN BAJRACHARYA MIN that democracy is more impor- that if Indian citizens have stand to lose is a stick (read vote). (Actually, I came “marginalised” and the “disadvan- minister has agreed supply. The other expensive part and a dagger in the pocket.’ In fact it is always yellow cards, identified by lists but now she is a waist-deep stream managed to go to Malaysia on across a brilliant adaptation of this expression one can wade across. We say these taged”. How pithy these words are, of the procedure is having recently, when a longtime NGO/INGO hand advisable to check the metaphorical pocket of anyissued by the land reform office, to the purchase Nepali passports, that is due are Maoist-controlled areas, why as the world empathises with of 5,500 rifles at repeated ultrasounds and remarked, ‘If it comes it’s a project, if it goes, friendlyit’s just politician near you to see if he is carryingreceptacles of the government and hormone checks. About 30 to the carelessness of the a proposal.’ I would credit this man for his brilliantmetaphorical daggers. other development efforts. Man is would they not be? When one sees taxpayers’ money, providing relief, a cost of $4000 each. If the percent of the women who immigration department. adaptation, but I worry that his career will end). If the parties reform their ways, we can still makeborn free but is everywhere in chains, the apathy, the frustration of the yet asking for community participa- nation has to spend Rs 1.73 undergo the process are able to Anand Raj Pokhrel, In the spirit ifof it comes, it’s a mango, then, we democracy work, of course. (Who really wants to butbuild they were not even born free. people who talk of having been tion. They say it develops a sense of billion to buy these arms, a 15 QUOTE OF THE WEEK have babies. It is mostly upper director general of the must all vote (again, if the elections even takealternatives to the existing parties? It would be so given land by the ownership, otherwise the benefici- percent commission on that much easier for people to rally around a new, “I am the seventh generation of class and middle class families Immigration Department, place). But I sympathise with those bitten by the ary becomes “aid dependant”. What amount comes to Rs 267 million. boycott bug. It’s hard to know which party to votereformed for, Congress and UML. Or two new, reformed hal ko chaap who come for treatment. maintains that it is the Congresses and UML. Whatever). Some will say that can these pathetic creatures “Human rights are being violated. If this is proved, Prachanda, Baburam [Bhattarai] and Sher Bahadur Once the agreement is signed and given that they have all spent the past twelve years bhakoparty, yet have no sale deeds, Srivastav says she’s treated about responsibility of the Labour this is wishful thinking, otherwise known to Nepalis as contribute, when food sufficiency [Deuba] could be brought before an international criminal tribunal in The Hague.” the initial deposit is paid, that 800 childless couples before Department to follow-up with indulging in eating the sweetmeat of the mind withkamalahari,” says Bhagini. “We still no claim to ownership. Their hardly extends more than three would mean a commission of clarified butter. Democracy is already lost, they say. introducing the technology in the country in which workers have not been able to leave the women have been asked to work formonths? How can they rise up? — Nayan Bahadur Khatri, Chairman, National Human Rights CommissionDeshantar in , 8 September. almost Rs 130 million. There will be no elections. Stop dreaming. There is Nepal. She feels the government have been employed. “It’s not zamindar.” (Bhagini's name has free, and many have removed their It’s understandable that the should subsidise the equipment possible for them to fly from no sweetmeat to eat. been changed to disguise her children from schools, as it is more prime minister, who has become necessary to help childless Nepal. We wouldn’t know To such people, one can only say: well,identity.) How can they, when half profitable to work as domestic nowwe’ve burned down the house, so we servants. One woman recounts, “I used to commissions, would couples, though she is often about people flying from the bataiya grain that they get for prefer to go to Belgium than accused of helping add to Nepal’s India,” he said. won’t lack for ashes. listen to dry speeches at Johan- already large population. Men Now there’s a depressing thought. nesburg. It’s also evident that the appear more eager than women There are limits, obviously, to the Belgium trip was personally more too, but they tend to be shy psychological release that irony In the September Himal profitable. about having their ‘masculin- offers… ity’ tested. People have even These and hundreds of other The Great Game of asked her to find a sperm Nepali expressions and riddles are collected by Krishna Prasad donors who bear a resem- Parajuli in his illuminating book blance to the couple and are of Nepali Ukhan ra Gaunkhane Start politicking the same caste. A semen bank Katha (Royal ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ has been established and the 2039 BS and Ratna Pustak Tibet Kantipur Editorial, 10 September centre arranges for sperm Bhandar 2047 BS). This book would make an excellent gift for FACING CHINESE FACTS • RELIGIOUS REVIVAL donations. Nepalis living abroad, who must If the Maoists want to be a part surely miss the verbal bandying • INTERVIEW WITH SAMDHONG RINPOCHE • of national politics, they have to that goes on every day among NEGOTIATING A FUTURE ON THE INSIDE realise their past wrongs, re- Nepalis. nounce violence and try to win • LIVING IN THE RUBBLE • PHOTO GALLERY • the acceptance of the people. It’s dangerous for the Maoists to forget this reality in the flush of a PLUS: FREE POSTER OF HISTORIC LHASA momentary victory. It is criminal (AVAILABLE SEPERATELY FOR Rs 100) of them to think that they have to kill as many people as possible to Wannabe Nepalis create an environment for talks. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ “Mr Minister, have you seen any corrupt minister come this way?” But recent incidents indicate Spacetime, 7 September Newspaper: Corrupt ministers to be punished by prime minister. that it’s been difficult for the Maoists to let go of this belief. It More than 400 Indian citizens Spacetime, 8 September is evident that the Maoists’ goal ishave been successful in going to Malaysia on Nepali passports. DESMOND DOIG 141414 CITY 13 - 19 SEPTEMBERNEPALI 2002 TIMES CULTURE 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 151515


PHOTOGRAPHY Nepal: Growth of a Nation Ludwig F Stiller, SJ The Lost Valleys of Nar andFree Phu slide show on newly-opened Human Resources Development Centre, Kathmandu, 1993/1999 destinations in Upper Manang. 14 September, 5.30 PM, Hotel Marshyangdi, Rs 150 Thamel. 414193, 981038325 A survey of Nepali history stressing themes important to understanding the development of Nepal, this Radioactive in Pokhara Young amateur artists and photographers and enthusiastsWork volume attempts to provide a historical framework to understand the present. Stiller focuses on Nepalis’ displayed free of charge at The Fort Resort, [email protected]. 226799 relationship to land, vision and leadership, politics for profit, control and decentralisation. He outlines An FM-craze grips Pokhara as listeners tune in to news and music. the complex socio-economic and political heritage that frames the choices Nepali bureaucrats and citizens must make. MUSICMUSICMUSIC arrival of four new FM channels Full Circle Acoustic R&B, Mondays and Thursdays, 7 PM on, Yak & Yeti in Pokhara in the past year with Planning for the People Ludiwg F Stiller, SJ, Dra Ram Prakash Yadav Piano Lounge. 248999 a wide variety of programming Jazz your blues away The Jazz Commission with Vidhea, Fridays 7PM on, Human Resources Development Centre, Kathmandu, 1978/1993 from news and current affairs, Fusion, the bar at Dwarika’s. 479488 Rs 150 folk song competitions, phone- Saturday Night Feverwith Blind Faith, Saturdays 8.30 PM, The Rox, Hyatt Regency Kathmandu.This volume is a study of Nepal’s planning experience from 1951 to 1976. The authors begin with the ins and radio chats. 491234 expressions of the Nepali people as expressed in the literature of the early development era, and then goes “We have found that the Nanglo Bakery Café live music on to the interaction of international development thought and Nepal’s own development effort. They morning news has the highest The Strings, Fridays, Nanglo Café & Pub, Darbar Marg,rely on reports, papers, analyses and evaluation studies, as well as confidential reports and interviews. 6.30 PM. The Heartbreakers—Saturdays in Teku and Sundays in Baneswor, 6.30 PM. ratings, and this is closely followed by folk songs” says Dev Shangri-La Re-Unites Prism Friday nights live at the Jazz Bar, starting 8 PM. The Rise of the House of Gorkha Ludwig F Stiller, SJ Chhetri, managing director, of www.hotelshangrila.com. 412999 Human Resources Development Centre, Kathmandu, 1995 Radio Machapuchre, named Rs 150 after the stunningly beautiful DRINKDRINKDRINK The period of the transition in the hill regions of Nepal from the era of Himalayan valley-centred petty mountain that dominates Meter of Malts Single malt tastings, 12 varieties, the Piano Lounge, Hotel Yak & Yeti, Rs 999. states to the period of national growth is of fundamental importance to the politics of the country today. Pokhara. 248999 Stiller contends that the basic guidelines of Nepali politics have been family-oriented, not party-centred, The people of Pokhara are and that in the Nepali terrain the land-military complex has been central in determining the relationship traditionally renowned for their FOODFOODFOOD between Kathmandu and the hill regions. love of folk music, and many of their regular programming with Risotto and sabayon specials at the Al Fresco, the most popular Nepali folk reporters calling in from Palpa Sociology of People with HIV/AIDS in Nepal: A Critical Reflection Narbikram Thapa From famous folk singer to station manager, Saroj Gopal Bajracharya (left) in the studio. Dev Chhetri of Radio Machapuchre in a morning news meeting. Soaltee Hotel, Rs 350 nett per person. 273999 songs have been composed and Kathmandu,” says Sushil Lama and other points with fresh Mexican food festival Until 15 September at Summit ActionAid Nepal, Kathmandu, 2002-09-10 sung by Pokhara’s talented equally enthusiastic. “We have of FM. updates. Besides relaying the Hotel, 11.30 AM – 9.30 PM, and Patan Museum Café, Rs 75 musicians. One of them is Saroj tried to stress the quality of musicenough to sustain four stations. Feedback from listeners morning news headlines, the 11.30 AM – 4.30 PM. 521810 This volume, based on extensive fieldwork among people living with HIV/AIDS in rural and urban Gopal Bajracharya, who wrote and current affairs, and the There is bound to be a shakeout throughout central Nepal has stations go regularly to Walter’s Bodega relocates opposite KC’s, Thamel. areas of Nepal, tackles the illness as a social and developmental problem, not only a health issue. It the famous songs response has been overwhelming,”soon, with Machapuchre and been phenomenal. Bajracharya Kathmandu for fresh political Mexican food promotion including fajitas, enchiladas, discusses how people with HIV/AIDS are marginalised, and how social realities ought to play into arly morning in Pokhara. he told us. “The challenge now is Annapurna battling it out for the points to the sack of letters on perspectives from the capital. burritos and more. Buy one entrée, get one free. to make the stations break-even.” planning to help alleviate their situation through a rights-based approach, as well as control the spread Through the monsoon Bijaypur khola top slot. Both have lucrative the table at the reception desk Himchuli FM has a tie-up Barbecue with live band 6.30 PM – 9.30 PM, Wednes- That could happen soon, since cable television businesses to of the disease. Edrizzle, a procession of tarera and Nakkali lai bhagai at Radio Machapuchre, and says with Radio Sagarmatha in national-level advertisers are also days and Fridays, Splash Bar and Grill, Radisson Hotel. slightly stocky men in tracksuits sustain losses for the present. they are all two days worth of Kathmandu and other stations 411818 lagyo, which were big hits in drawn by the high purchasing walks briskly along the lakeside “There is enough business here letters from listeners. Most are hook up with private production the 1970s. power of listeners to Pokhara’s Autumn Special English premier football with steak, and Rs 55 draft. Glass K-too! Beer & on their morning for us to do well and recoup our requests for songs or sending in centres for news updates. The Courtesy: Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, 227711, [email protected] Pokhara-native Shrestha is FM stations. Steakhouse., Thamel. 433043 constitutionals. On one hand investment,” says Dev Chhetri. poetry for broadcast and only loser in all this seems to be Mountain MadnessAward-winning cuisine at Rs 250 each BBQ, two-for-one cocktails at Rs they have umbrellas, in the other now station manager of Radio Besides Machapuchre FM 91 , There are now numerous feedback and suggestions on the venerable state-run Radio Machapuchre, and he is happy 250. Kilroy’s of Kathmandu, Thamel. 250440. CLASSIFIED radios. Earphones are stuck into three stations have gone on air: digital studios in the town programming. Nepal, which has suffered a that FM has given folk songs a Fresh claws Fresh crabs all September, with lunch buffet, Cajun crab cakes with mesclun, baked ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Annapurna FM 93.4, Himchuli recording new songs by Now that the Surpeme massive exodus of listeners from Contact www.kopilaclinic.com SPIRIT FROM YOUR TOES UP. their ears. No, they are not crab with mustard and fontina and more. The Sunrise Café, Hotel Yak & Yeti. 248999 listening to music on the big boost with popular pro- FM 92.2, Pokhara FM 95.8. Pokhara’s budding crooners who Court has ruled that non- its medium wave broadcasts. email: [email protected] or ring 425931 grammes like “Hello 91”, “Old Krishnarpan Fifty percent discount for five guests or more, reservations preferred, Dawrika’s discman, they are catching up Between them, the stations cover are mixing folk with pop. The government FM stations can Radio Nepal is now confined Beautiful land forour y dream project !Bird breeding? is Gold” and “Your Choice”. Hotel. 479488 with the main news headlines the Pokhara valley, and can even big difference with Kathmandu broadcast news, the stations largely to its AM listeners in Flower/Fruit Cultivation? Ayurvedic Clinic? MeditationNagarkot Special at Naked ChefBed and breakfast, “This is a great example of new Buy one get one freeCuisine Du Jour daily special theme menu, Shangri-la Kathmandu, Rs 700. of that morning’s Kathmandu be heard as far away as Bandipur, is that FM has given Pokhara provide breaking news and areas which are beyond FM Center? Terraced land, 2 ½ Ropani, next to a wildthree-course gourmet dinner, Rs 800 per person. Room technology supporting culture the hills of Palpa, Baglung, 412999 running brook! Absolutely breathtaking location.Rs Only 300 only. For Nepalis and expatriates. 680006, papers. artists a tremendous burst of updates. When events like the reception. and tradition rather than Syangja and Parbat districts. Vegetarian specialtieswith membership discount for Nepalis and expats at the Stupa View20 minute drive from Kathmandu city to this treasure969107153 If you have been wondering creativity and new songs are Maoist attack in Argakhanchi property! Serious buyers, Please call : Niraj 981024067 destroying it,” Shrestha As a business, the advertising hitting the airwaves every week. Restaurant & Terrace, Boudha. 480262 how it is that Pokhara citizens happen producers interrupt Email: [email protected] says proudly. pie does not seem to be large “There may be a thing or two Iced Lemon Sour Plum Sour, sweet, salty, bitter, to go with the improved Singaporean and K-Too! Beer and Steakhouse not the “longest”, are suddenly so well informed, Sushil Lama, managing the reason is clear: it is the that Pokhara can teach Malaysian food. Sing Ma, the Food Court, [email protected]. 520004 “highest”, “first” or any other superlative. Just a director of Annapurna FM is House for rent awalakhelin J centrally located, relaxed, easy-going bar and restaurant with the coldest GETAWAYS beer and juiciest steaks this side of the moon. By the spacious old Rana bungalow (9386.61sq.ft) with Kathmandubig Guest House. 433043 Monsoon mists Horseshoe Resort, Mude two-and-half hours from Kathmandu. Nature garden,walks, ample parking space. Total land area- birdwatching, drizzle walks, Nepal’s best Finnish sauna. [email protected] sq.ft. Suitable for offices. Serious enquiries:

Contact S. Rana between 7- 8:30 am and 5:30-8○○○○○○○○○○○ pm Trust your sixth sense Indulge the other five at The Old Inn, Bandipur, the ancient hilltopTel: town 521128/546857 Visit Ground ZeroFine wines, designer candles, cards, near Dumre, Pokhara Highway. Contact Himalayan Encounters, Thamel, 417426. exclusive Nepali paper products, silver jewellery, Monsoon in Shivapuri Birdwatching and hiking 20 minute drive, 10 minute walk from Kathmandu, wooden items, perfumes and more. Darbar Marg, opposite Hotel de l’Annapurna two acres 6,000 feet on the edge of the Shivapuri National Park. Rs 1,850 per person Housewith dinner for rent in Thamel Four bedrooms each with and breakfast, Rs 925 per child 5-14 years, Shivapuri Heights Cottage. [email protected] bath, eat-in kitchen, living room, large The Great Godavari Getaway Special weekend packages including room with breakfast andterrace, Rs 15,000. Tel:9810-21981,9692-3272 Lazimpat Book Club: We choose a novel and meet dinner, 25 percent discount on health club facilities. Godavari Village Resort. 560675 one evening a week for discussion and conversation. Writing Retreat Full board package. Aesthetic living, innovative thinking, creative writingFoot and - Reflexology: stressed or tired? UPLIFT YOURJoin us - tel 429590 nature at Park Village Resort, Budhanilkantha. 375280 Bardia Bonkers Freshwater dolphins, giant tigers, elephants, safaris, rafting, evening cocktails, For insertions ring NT Marketing at 543333-36. traditional food. [email protected]. Behind the wall Local residents buy one night for $99.00 plus tax get the second one 1993.at 50 Some 150 elite US Delta Commandos percent, single or double at Dwarika’s Hotel. 479488 and Army Rangers are in Mogadishu, Soma- lia, to hunt down a warlord intercepting inter-Black Hawk Down national food shipments for starving Somalis. The mission goes horribly wrong—the Ameri- cans didn’t plan for thousands of angry civil- 11.30 AM: Devdas ians protesting the intrusion into their internal For inclusion in the listing send information to [email protected] JAI3PM: NEPAL Bend it Like CINEMA Beckham affairs. First one, then another, helicopter is 6PM: Black Hawk Down shot down, and suddenly the peacekeeping Telephone booking: 442220 mission becomes war, as the soldiers must res- Online booking www.jainepal.com cue their downed comrades.

on FM 102.4 Mon-Fri 0615-0645 BBC World Today NEPALI WEATHER We are expecting anotherby NGAMINDRA monsoon pulse DAHAL before the Sat 0615-0645 BBC Reporting Religion rainy season begins to taper off early next week. But DSES-11-09-2002 02:00 GMT already, we are beginning to see the signs of the post-Sun 0615-0645 BBC Agenda monsoon: misty mornings, cool breezes, blue skies. This powerful low pressure circulation in the bay Daily 2045-2115g]kfnL BBC ;]]jf]] (seen in the satellite picture taken on Wednesday morning, left) will bring in fresh showers over the Daily 2245-2300g]kfnL BBC ;]]jf]] weekend. These will be brief, heavy and localised downpours possibly accompanied by lightning and thunder. By late next week, bright sunny days (hot at Sun-Fri 0740- 0800 times) will start becoming more regular. ltg6f s'''/f Daily 0800-0830 8jnL8jnL8jnL Daily 2000-2030 cfhsf s'''/f


Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue P.O. Box 6958, Bakhundole, Lalitpur, Nepal Tel: ++977-1-545680, 545681 Fax: ++ 977-1- 530227 E-mail: [email protected] /]l8of ] ;u/dfyf www.radiosagarmatha.org 28-17 29-18 29-19 30-19 30-19 161616 13 - 19 SEPTEMBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES Under My Hat

by Kunda Dixit Larry King interviews God

s is well known to all and sundry Q: This must put A(mostly sundry), a lot of pressure there is evidence of a on your time, certain degree of laxity on having to take the part of God towards care of the day- this country of late. If the to-day affairs in almighty is as compas- paradise. Is this sionate and considerate why you have let about our welfare as is the landlocked reported in the national kingdom of electronic media from Nepal go down time to time, then how the tubes? come traffic is so bad on A: Yes, and no. It is Putali Sadak? How come true that on any I haven’t yet got a raise? given day, I have to These were some of the use my executive burning national issues that were raised during a rally powers to straighten things out not just in your outside the gates of heaven recently. universe, but in parallel universes as well. I am In order to find out exactly what is going through aware that things are drifting a bit in Nepal, and I God’s mind, Larry King recently obtained this exclusivehave send instructions down to my emissary there, interview. God does not usually give interviews to Mr Pashupati Nath, to do whatever he deems fit television journalists (considering them, as he puts it inwithin the constitutional framework to bring things his infinite wisdom, “the scum of the earth”) but it is anback to normalcy. He’s been a bit tied up with honour even for God to be interviewed by CNN. So, indemolitions lately, and putting his own house in a rare and exclusive live studio chat, God spoke franklyorder, but he should be getting down to banging and freely on a range of issues including regime changesome heads together very soon. in Iraq, the Kyoto Protocol, and the goings on in a tiny and far-flung Himalayan kingdom. Excerpts: Q: Is it true that you are cooperating with the CIAA to debar corrupt people from Larry King: Allow us, first of all, to say how going to heaven? glad we are that you agreed to fit us into A: Yes, we have signed an MoU to that effect under your tight schedule. We know you are which those convicted on graft charges will spend a terribly busy these days. transit period at a halfway house in purgatory until God: Glad to be here, there, and everywhere. their appeal is heard and, if found guilty, will burn in hell for eternity. We think this will serve as a Q: Mr God, sir, how many of you are there deterrent to others who are tempted to steal from actually? Some say you are one, while othersthe people. believe you are member of a divine jumbo cabinet. Q: And lastly, on a slightly personal note, are you a man or a woman, or both? This is A: Well, Larry, in the last census in heaven there were a question that has bedeviled man since 33 million of us, give or take a few hundred thousands. the dawn of history. But since then, most have emigrated to New Zealand and sought political asylum, and many have been stolenA: (Laughing heartily) That is a bit below the belt, and are now residing in museums in Austria. So, that Larry. And it just goes to show that you are the leaves just me up here to hold the fort. scum of the earth.

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