133 bus time schedule & line map

133 Cliffe - - Rochester - Chatham View In Website Mode

The 133 bus line (Cliffe - Strood - Rochester - Chatham) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chatham: 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM (2) Cliffe: 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 133 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 133 bus arriving.

Direction: Chatham 133 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Chatham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM The Six Bells, Cliffe 181 Church Street, Cliffe And Civil Parish Tuesday 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM

Village Club, Cliffe Wednesday 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM

Norwood Close, Cliffe Thursday 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM Norwood Close, Civil Parish Friday 6:45 AM - 6:25 PM

Cliffe the Station, Cooling Street Saturday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM B2000, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish

Primary School, Cliffe Woods 92 View Road, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish 133 bus Info Woodside Green, Cliffe Woods Direction: Chatham 75 View Road, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 27 min View Road, Cliffe Woods Line Summary: The Six Bells, Cliffe, Village Club, 3 View Road, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish Cliffe, Norwood Close, Cliffe, Cliffe the Station, Cooling Street, Primary School, Cliffe Woods, Mockbeggar Farm, Wainscott Woodside Green, Cliffe Woods, View Road, Cliffe Woods, Mockbeggar Farm, Wainscott, Dillywood Dillywood Lane, Wainscott Lane, Wainscott, Hawkenbury Rise, , Dillywood Fields, Civil Parish Lower Rochester Road, Frindsbury, Cliffe Road Top, Frindsbury, King Arthur's Drive, Frindsbury, Clarendon Hawkenbury Rise, Frindsbury Drive, Frindsbury, Slatin Road, Frindsbury, St Mary's 1 Olivier Drive, Frindsbury Extra Civil Parish Road, Strood, Canal Road, Strood, Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester, Railway Station, Lower Rochester Road, Frindsbury Rochester, Rochester Community Hub, Rochester, Star Hill, Rochester, Jacksons Fields, Rochester, St Cliffe Road Top, Frindsbury Bart's Hospital, Chatham, Railway Station New Cut, Chatham, Waterfront Bus Station (A6), Southill Road King Arthur's Drive, Frindsbury Laundry, Chatham, Gladstone Road, Chatham, Cemetery, Chatham, Football Ground, Chatham, Clarendon Drive, Frindsbury Letchworth Avenue, Chatham, Huntsmans Corner, Cliffe Road, Chatham

Slatin Road, Frindsbury

St Mary's Road, Strood 40 North Street, England

Canal Road, Strood High Street, England

Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester 17 High Street, Rochester

Railway Station, Rochester

Rochester Community Hub, Rochester

Star Hill, Rochester Star Hill, Rochester

Jacksons Fields, Rochester

St Bart's Hospital, Chatham

Railway Station New Cut, Chatham 24 Railway Street, Chatham

Waterfront Bus Station (A6) Globe Lane, Chatham

Southill Road Laundry, Chatham

Gladstone Road, Chatham 126 Maidstone Road, Chatham

Cemetery, Chatham 1 Kingswood Avenue, Chatham

Football Ground, Chatham

Letchworth Avenue, Chatham

Huntsmans Corner, Chatham Direction: Cliffe 133 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Cliffe Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM Huntsmans Corner, Chatham Tuesday 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM Letchworth Avenue, Chatham Wednesday 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM Football Ground, Chatham Thursday 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM

Cemetery, Chatham Friday 6:52 AM - 5:45 PM 25 Athelstan Road, Chatham Saturday 7:25 AM - 5:45 PM Gladstone Road, Chatham

Westmount Avenue, Chatham

Chatham Railway Station, Chatham 133 bus Info A230, Chatham Direction: Cliffe Stops: 34 Waterfront Bus Station (A6) Trip Duration: 31 min Globe Lane, Chatham Line Summary: Huntsmans Corner, Chatham, Letchworth Avenue, Chatham, Football Ground, Chatham Railway Station, Chatham Chatham, Cemetery, Chatham, Gladstone Road, A230, Chatham Chatham, Westmount Avenue, Chatham, Chatham Railway Station, Chatham, Waterfront Bus Station St Bart's Hospital, Chatham (A6), Chatham Railway Station, Chatham, St Bart's Hospital, Chatham, Jacksons Fields, Rochester, Star Jacksons Fields, Rochester Hill, Rochester, Rochester Community Hub, Rochester, Railway Station, Rochester, Rochester Star Hill, Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester, Canal Road, Strood, Post Oce, Strood, St Mary's Road, Strood, Cecil Star Hill, Rochester Avenue, Frindsbury Extra, Slatin Road, Frindsbury, Rochester Community Hub, Rochester Clarendon Drive, Frindsbury, King Arthur's Drive, Frindsbury, Cliffe Road Top, Frindsbury, Lower Rochester Road, Frindsbury, Hawkenbury Rise, Railway Station, Rochester Frindsbury, Dillywood Lane, Wainscott, Mockbeggar Farm, Higham, View Road, Cliffe Woods, Woodside Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester Green, Cliffe Woods, Primary School, Cliffe Woods, Parrs Head Mews, Rochester Cliffe the Station, Cooling Street, Norwood Close, Cliffe, Village Club, Cliffe, The Six Bells, Cliffe Canal Road, Strood Taylor's Lane, England

Post Oce, Strood 13 - 17 North Street, England

St Mary's Road, Strood 40 North Street, England

Cecil Avenue, Frindsbury Extra

Slatin Road, Frindsbury

Clarendon Drive, Frindsbury Cliffe Road, England

King Arthur's Drive, Frindsbury Cliffe Road Top, Frindsbury

Lower Rochester Road, Frindsbury

Hawkenbury Rise, Frindsbury 26 Bogarde Drive, Frindsbury Extra Civil Parish

Dillywood Lane, Wainscott

Mockbeggar Farm, Higham

View Road, Cliffe Woods 11 View Road, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish

Woodside Green, Cliffe Woods 42 View Road, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish

Primary School, Cliffe Woods 64 Milton Avenue, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish

Cliffe the Station, Cooling Street

Norwood Close, Cliffe

Village Club, Cliffe

The Six Bells, Cliffe 181 Church Street, Cliffe And Cliffe Woods Civil Parish 133 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved