Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • • Rochester • • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

MINUTES Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 9th December 2020 Virtual Meeting ~ 7.30 pm

Attendees: Cllr G. Crozer (Chairman) Cllr C. Watson (Vice-Chair) Cllr L. Atkinson Cllr R. Collins Cllr M. Stone Cllr T. Munday Cllr G. Jerreat Ward Cllr R. Sands Mrs J. Allen (Clerk)

Members of the public: Three (3)

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer. opened the meeting and thanked both the members of the Parish Council and the three (3) Parishioners present for attending.

1. Apologies for absence HHPC962:09.12.20 None.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations HHPC963:09.12.20 None

3. Vacancies a). To discuss two applications received for co-option from Ms C. McFarlane & Mr M. Buckland HHPC964:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to advise that alongside the two written applications from the above applicants he had received a telephone call from Mr B. Khatkar, who had expressed an interest in re-joining the Parish Council, although nothing had been received in writing. Cllr G. Crozer also recognised the members had received a written application from a lady living close to Rochester High Street, where it was established that sadly she did not meet the required criteria of living within 3 miles of the village boundaries, as such her credentials were not able to be considered. Further interest was additionally received from a woman in Hoo, but it was subsequently not followed up by her.

HHPC965:09.12.20 A proposal was received from Cllr M. Stone to co-opt Ms C. McFarlane onto the Parish Council where Cllr L. Atkinson also spoke to propose Mr M. Buckland be co-opted. A vote took place where, after careful consideration, it was unanimously agreed to elect both applicants to fulfil the two vacancies. In turn each new member was asked to sign their declaration of office in front of the forum, where they received a warm welcome as new members of the Parish Council after they had done so.

4. Minutes of the last meeting a). To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2020. HHPC966:09.12.20 The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2020, were submitted by the Clerk. It was proposed by Cllr M. Stone to approve the minutes as a correct record. This proposal was seconded by Cllr L. Atkinson and agreed with seven (7) members voting in favour and the two (2) new Councillors abstaining.

5. Matters arising from the minutes (not otherwise on the agenda) HHPC967:09.12.20 None.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

6. Planning a). Applications HHPC968:09.12.20 The members discussed the four (4) new planning applications that had been received since the last meeting, where it was acknowledged that one (1) of these applications had been received after the meeting packs were issued:

• MC/20/3003 – Land Adjacent To 35 Cooling Road, High Halstow Cllr R. Collins spoke to inform the members that this application had been submitted in 2018 under reference MC/18/0096, where it had been opposed by the members following concerns of over intensification, lack of local infrastructure and a potentially dangerous vehicular access

onto a narrow hill amongst other things.

He advised that having reviewed the resubmitted correspondence that the application appeared to be almost identical, apart from it was for one dwelling less and the inclusion of a Design Code. He informed the members that he felt the concerns listed previously were still valid points and he urged the members to submit a further rejection.

A vote took place where eight (8) of the nine (9) Parish Councillors agreed to submit a further Objection, where one (1) member abstained.

It was agreed that Cllr R Collins would liaise further with the Clerk in regards to the members In order to submit a further objection.

• MC/20/2930 – 1 Ropers Farm Ropers Green Lane Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that having reviewed this application online, that he

recommended the members did not submit an objection.

• MC/20/2682 – Land To The South Of Britannia Road, High Halstow Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that this application had been discussed at the last meeting, where the members agreed to submit an objection.

• MC/20/3122 – Kemaman Forge Lane High Halstow Cllr R. Collins spoke to inform the members that this application had been submitted after the meeting packs had been issued and as such it was not showing on their lists. He advised that the applicants appeared to be asking for permission to convert their existing garage into a habitable room and to build a new garage alongside the property. He advised that having reviewed all the correspondence on the web portal that he could not foresee any issues with it and he urged the members not to submit an objection.

It was established that owing to the recency of the submission of the application that Cllr R. Collins was yet to speak to the neighbouring properties. b). Decisions HHPC969:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to confirm receipt of four (4) new planning application decisions, two (2) of which had been declined.

It was acknowledged that the following applications had been agreed – subject to conditions:

• MC/20/2400 – Kingsnorth, Sharnal Street • MC/20/2230 – 16 Cooling Road

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

The members also discussed the declined applications, where it was acknowledged that Ward Councillor Ron Sands had informed the members of Council’s decision concerning ‘The Hollies’ at the last meeting.

• MC/20/2310 – The Barn, Cooling Road • MC/20/1237 – The Hollies

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer spoke to advise that he had been approached by a neighbour of Longfield Avenue, concerning planning application MC/20/0134. Where the Parishioner had queried if the proposed agreed extension was double or single storey. Cllr R. Collins spoke in response to confirm it was a single storey extension and confirmed that he too had received a query concerning this property.

Ward Councillor R. Sands also spoke to query if the Fenn Corner industrial estate extended into the boundaries of High Halstow. The Chairman spoke in response to confirm that the estate was contained within the Parish of . c). Appeals and other matters HHPC970:09.12.20 None. d). Redrow Development (Heronden Grange) HHPC971:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he did not have a report.

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, read an email received from Chelgate (consultants to Redrow) informing the members that they would be sharing a questionnaire with the community in relation to their first consultation plans, where they were proposing to meet with the members to discuss the details of the second consultation. It was agreed that Cllr G. Crozer would respond to Chelgate to make arrangements for a further meeting with them in the New Year. e). Neighbourhood Plan HHPC972:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins also spoke to confirm that the draft plan had now been forwarded to where meetings on Tuesday 15th December 2020 and Wednesday 13th January 2021 had been arranged. f). Local Plan HHPC973:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer spoke to confirm that he had no report. g). Section 106 monies HHPC974:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he understood that there were now 34 properties occupied within Heronden Grange and that this released the fourth tranche of money, most of which was pinpointed towards education in the Hoo Borough.

Cllr R. Collins also advised that he understood Medway Council had pledged to spend £11,000 on Community facilities following the release of the fourth tranche and accordingly he appealed to the members to contact him if they had any suggestions.

It was acknowledged that the new children’s play area in Heronden Grange had not been installed yet, as it was thought this was not likely to be erected until after the majority of the properties were inhabited.

7. Finance a). Bank Balances HHPC975:09.12.20 The Councillors carefully reviewed the bank balances provided, where the figures were deemed as acceptable.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : b). BACS payments made since the last meeting HHPC976:09.12.20 The Councillors carefully reviewed the BACS payments made since the last meeting where it was unanimously agreed that these payments were acceptable.

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, invited the new members to join the finance committee where he explained that Cllr R. Collins was the Chairman of this committee. Cllr R. Collins spoke in response to inform the members that the next Finance meeting was due in January, where a date of Monday 11th January 2021 was unanimously agreed.

Cllr R. Collins spoke further to ask the members again to contact him should they have any further ideas for projects in the New Year. The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer also spoke to recommend that the members spoke to Hoo Parish Council concerning the installation of an electrical socket to power their annual Christmas Tree in December. c). Accounts for Payment HHPC977:09.12.20 Cllr G. Crozer, read aloud the proposed payments, as per shown below. These payments were accepted, having been proposed by Cllr T. Munday, seconded by the Vice Chair Cllr C. Watson and unanimously agreed.

Payee Reference Payment Method Amount Notes Mr M. Rowe - STANDING ORDER £70.00 Hire of Garages Dynamic Councillor Course September 2019 KALC - TO BE PAID BY BACS £72.00 INV: 1074093591 3 x Boxes of latex KPS - TO BE PAID BY BACS £35.96 gloves TO BE PAID BY BACS 50% contribution towards shared KPS £32.99 stationery costs Ms T. Stowers - TO BE PAID BY BACS £54.00 Christmas Tree External Audit 2019/2020 PKF Littlejohn - TO BE PAID BY BACS £480.00 INV: SB20203981 High Halstow Times November 2020 Smart Print Services - TO BE PAID BY BACS £691.50 INV: 103492 Grounds Maintenance November 2020 Nurture Landscapes - TO BE PAID BY BACS £2,086.80 INV: 1SE 6003562 Universal Joint (Nest Swing) Wicksteed HHPC797:09.09.20 TO BE PAID BY BACS £1,083.26 INV: 0000812077 Updates to draft plan Troy Planning - TO BE PAID BY BACS £402.00 INV: 1861

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

50% contribution towards the Telephone & Broadband communications Stoke Parish Council HHPC233:11.12.19 TO BE PAID BY BACS £18.53 package November Tax & HMRC - TO BE PAID BY BACS £442.70 NI for JB, JG & JA November 2020 J Gallivan - TO BE PAID BY BACS £729.04 Wages November 2020 J. Balciunas - TO BE PAID BY BACS £728.84 Wages November 2020 J Allen - TO BE PAID BY BACS £681.18 Wages November 20 Employee Pension Contributions (deducted at Smart Pension - TO BE PAID BY BACS £39.96 source) November 20 Employer Pension Smart Pension - TO BE PAID BY BACS £23.98 Contributions TOTAL £7,672.74

8). Grant Applications HHPC978:09.12.20 None.

9. Management of Land and Property a). Recreation Ground HHPC979:09.12.20 The Vice-Chair Cllr C. Watson spoke to advise that she had no report. Cllr G. Crozer also spoke to confirm that the football team had not been using the marked pitch. b). Play Parks HHPC980:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to inform the members that the contractors were meant to starting the work, concerning the required repairs to the half pipe, at some point this month.

He also confirmed that he had fitted the new joint to the swinging nest basket. c). Allotments HHPC981:09.12.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to advise that she had no report. d). Forge Common HHPC982:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he had no report. e). Village Grounds Maintenance HHPC983:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, commented that he had noted that the new contractors had already carried out some hedge flailing.

It was agreed that the Clerk would forward the contact details of the contractors onto him, in the event of any queries he could answer first hand.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : f). Notice Boards HHPC984:09.12.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke inform the members that she had been conducting further research in relation to the purchase of two new notice boards.

She advised that an enhanced budget of £2,000 per board should be sufficient to include installation and the relocation of a new board in the Village Hall car park.

A discussion ensued in relation to the ownership of the notice board outside the Memorial Hall, where it was established that it was the Parish Council’s responsibility. Cllr R. Collins also spoke to inform the members that the Memorial Hall Committee had expressed an interest in taking ownership of the board if it was gifted to them once superseded.

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, also spoke to enquire if Cllr T. Munday would approach the committee of the Cricket Club to ask if they could use the notice board in Christmas Lane, if it too was gifted to them. It was agreed that Cllr T. Munday would liaise with the other member of the Cricket Club board and report back to the Parish Council with their decision in due course.

Ward Councillor R. Sands spoke to offer the members a grant of £250 per board from his Ward Fund.

Cllr T. Munday spoke to propose that the members set aside a budget of £1,500 per board, where additional funding could be secured on top. This proposal was seconded by Cllr M. Stone and unanimously agreed.

Cllr R. Collins also spoke to suggest the members considered applying for part of the Community Project funds, released as part of the fourth tranche of the Section 106 monies towards extra funding for the boards.

10. Highways & Transport a). Public Rights of Way HHPC985:09.12.20 Cllr R Collins spoke to inform the members that the steps leading from the village within the RS40 footpath were treacherous and there were a number missing. Accordingly, he advised that he would be writing to the Footpaths Officer, Adam Taylor, at Medway Council to report this.

The Chairman, Cllr Crozer also spoke to advise that raw sewage was leaking again onto RS40 and that this too had been reported to Southern Water and the RSPB. He urged users to take extra care if using the footpath. b). Street Cleaning HHPC986:09.12.20 Cllr G. Jereatt spoke to advise that he understood that Mr J. Balciunas was assisting in the other street cleaner’s absence, by working an extra hour per day.

A vote of thanks was issued by the members to Mr J. Balciunas for helping to provide cover whilst Mr J. Gallivan was self isolating from his post. c). Tree Wardens Report HHPC987:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he had no report. d). Bus Shelters HHPC988:09.12.20 Cllr G. Jerreat spoke to advise the members that the new/replacement bus shelter was due to be delivered to the installation contractors’ yard on Friday 8th January 2021, where he understood that the contractors had already been in contact with Medway Council concerning its erection, once the pavement had been further built out. e). Dog Bins HHPC989:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to advise that he was still awaiting for confirmation of whether the new full-size dog bin had been installed at Sharnal Street. Page 6 of 18

High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

11. Internal Committee Updates a). High Halstow Road Reps Committee HHPC990:09.12.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to refer the members to a report she had prepared and circulated prior to the meeting. Please refer to Index A. b). High Halstow Environmental Group HHPC991:09.12.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to advise, that as per the above she had prepared her report and circulated a copy of this to the members in advance. Please refer to Index B.

She also reported that she had been contacted by a new organisation called ‘Towards Plastic Free Medway’ where she had been in various discussions with them. She advised the members that the members of this new group had asked to meet with the Parish Council and to provide a short 15 minutes presentation. She asked if the meeting in February could perhaps be held 15 minutes earlier to accommodate this, where she advised that she could place an advertisement in the High Halstow Times to promote their introduction.

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to enquire if the members could perhaps set up a blog on their webpage. A discussion ensued between he and Cllr T. Munday in regards to the software used to run the website, were it thought that the website would not support a blog but it would be able to provide a direct link to this journal. c). GDPR Working Party d). Policy Working Party HHPC992:09.12.20 Cllr G. Crozer spoke to ask the Clerk to combine these two items as they were one committee. Cllr L. Atkinson agreed to set up the first meeting.

12. External Committee Updates a). KALC HHPC993:09.12.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to advise the members that there had been no further KALC Meeting following her report from last month ref: HHPC938:11.11.20 . b). Rural Liaison HHPC994:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise the members that he had already circulated a copy of his report from the Rural Liaison meeting – please refer to Index C.

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, invited Ward Councillor R. Sands to speak in his capacity as the newly elected Chairman for the Medway Council Rural Liaison Committee.

Ward Councillor R. Sands thanked the Chairman and advised that the committee members had received a very poor-quality report on the proposed new A228 conversion routes. He advised that this new report appeared to be no different from that previously circulated and suggested that these new routes now appeared to be totally dependent on a successful HIF Bid. He spoke further to advise that he had been in receipt of several complaints of HGV’s parked all over the Peninsula, where a total of 50 lorries alone had been counted in the past week. He advised that it was mainly thought that the majority of these lorries belonged to the Amazon Warehouse, where a meeting with the company had been arranged for the next day in order to discuss this matter in greater detail. He advised that when Alan Jarrett of Medway Council had been approached to assist with this matter, that he had provided no aid.

Cllr R. Sands also commented that he had been made aware that there had been a large spate of various power cuts throughout the Peninsula, where it was understood that these power shortages had lasted for at least 6/7 hours at a time. He reported that based on these complaints that he had managed to combine forces with Ward Councillors Mike Pendergast and Phil Filmer, who were collaborating with both Power Networks and Medway Council.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Ward Councillor R. Sands ended his report in advising that he understood Medway Council were threatening to withdraw the Rural Liaison committee. He urged the Parish Council to consider having two representatives and an understudy for this committee, where he also actively encouraged other members to attend to observe, which he hoped would help keep the Rural Liaison committee on their toes. c). High Halstow Primary Academy HHPC995:09.12.20 The Vice-Chair, Cllr C. Watson, spoke to advise that owing to the COVID-19 pandemic she understood the school were short staffed. She passed on the High Halstow Primary Academy’s good wishes to the members for a Happy Christmas, where it was agreed that the school should also be added onto the members Christmas card list. d). Friends of St Margaret’s HHPC996:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that the window repairs had been held up due to the COVID-19 pandemic however the High Halstow Parish Council Christmas tree was now in situ and the FOSM would also be unveiling their festive nativity scene shortly.

13. Communications a). High Halstow Times HHPC997:09.12.20 The members discussed the proposed new sized font and font type where appropriate in the High Halstow Times, and also where the use of columns had been trialled. b). Website HHPC998:09.12.20 Cllr T. Munday spoke to advise that the Parish Council’s website was up to date, bar a copy of the December High Halstow Times. He also reported that he had uploaded a copy of the members 2019/2020 AGAR onto the webpage alongside the Village Hall’s Constitution as discussed at the last meeting.

Cllr T. Munday closed his report in advising that he would look further into adding a blog onto the website and that he would liaise with the new members to set up their Parish Council email addresses and a training session on the Mail Master System. c). Reintroduction of Face to Face meetings HHPC999:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer spoke to acknowledge that owing to the COVID-19 pandemic that Face to Face meetings were still prohibited. He asked the Clerk to ensure this item remained on the agenda for when face to face meetings were allowed to take place.

14. Police Matters a). Neighbourhood Watch HHPC1000:09.12.20 The Vice-Chair Cllr C. Watson advised that she had no report.

15. Halls a). Recreation (Village) Hall HHPC1001:09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to report that the Committee’s next virtual meeting was due to take place in January 2021 and that the Village Hall still remained closed. b). Memorial Hall HHPC1002.09.12.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to report that the that the Memorial Hall still remained closed.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

16. Village Reports a). Relief in Need HHPC1003:09.12.20 The Chairman Cllr G. Crozer, invited Ms C. Peek to speak. Ms C. Peek confirmed to the members that she had emailed her report prior to the meeting. Please refer to Index D.

17. Consultations HHPC1004:09.12.20 None.

18. Correspondence HHPC1005:09.12.20 The Clerk, Mrs J. Allen, advised the members that she had recently received communications from Medway Council concerning a presentation regarding the HIF bid. Where the organiser had asked if both High Halstow Parish Council and Stoke Parish Council were happy to combine forces to sit in on a presentation together. It was agreed that the members were already speaking to Medway Council in regards to the HIF Bid however they would consider the presentation once further information had been received in regards to its contents.

Cllr L. Atkinson spoke, in her capacity as Clerk to St Mary Hoo Parish Council, to confirm that she too had received this email and was going to enquire if St Mary Hoo could combine forces with High Halstow Parish Council.

19. Reports & Circulars HHPC1006:09.12.20 None.

20. Disclosure of any other business HHPC1007:09.12.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to request the Clerk to send the new Councillors a copy of the members handbook.

HHPC1008:09.12.20 Cllr C. McFarlane also spoke to ask if she could sit in on the next committee meetings to establish which ones, she was best to join. It was agreed that the Clerk would send Cllr C. McFarlane the details.

Public Session With permission from the Chairman Ms C. Peek, who was sat in the public gallery, spoke. She advised that having spoken to the Trustees of the Relief in Need Charity that she understood the Trustees were willing to pay the Parish Council for their entries in the High Halstow Times publication, where it was understood that printing costs were more than budgeted for at the beginning of the year. She suggested either a monthly or an annual donation towards the charity’s articles/promotions and or adverts could be arranged. Cllr G. Crozer spoke in response to thank Ms C. Peek for her kind offer and to advise her that he did not think it was appropriate to charge the charity. It was agreed however that this point would be added to the agenda for the January meeting to discuss this matter in further detail and to enable the members to vote.

A discussion also ensued in relation to the last ‘Village Volunteering event’ of 2020, which was scheduled to take place on Saturday 12th December.

21. Date of next meeting HHPC1009:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to confirm that the date of the next Parish Council meeting would be held on Wednesday 13th January 2021 at 7.30pm.

22. Section 100A HHPC1010:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, read out loud the statement listed on the agenda in relation to Section 100A(4).

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

It was proposed by the Chairman Cllr G. Crozer, that the public be excluded from the next item, which was seconded by Cllr M. Stone, and unanimously agreed.

The one remaining member of the public left.

23. Personnel a). To discuss the current COVID-19 pandemic situation concerning the Street Cleaners HHPC1011:09.12.20 The members discussed potential cover for Mr J. Gallivan, where it was established that Mr J. Balciunas was happy at assist at present by covering 1 hour of his colleage’s itinerary per day.

The members also discussed a Christmas bonus for the Street Cleaners to thank them for their hard work, where a vote took place. A figure of £50 and £100 each was put forward, where after much deliberation it was agreed to award the colleages a bonus of £100, where six (6) members voted in favour and three (3) voted against.

HHPC1012:09.12.20 Cllr G. Jerreat also spoke to advise the members that he had been in receipt of a complaint concerning waiting cars in the Village Hall car park. Whose engines, it appeared, were constantly running, where complaints of pollution and the safety of the school children were raised. It was agreed to raise this complaint with the school in the New Year, as it was acknowledged the school was due to break up for the Christmas Holiday period shortly.

24. Close of meeting HHPC1013:09.12.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, closed the meeting at 8.52pm and thanked everyone for attending. Cllr M. Stone also spoke to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on: Wednesday 13th January 2021 7.30pm Virtual Forum

INDEXES Index A High Halstow Road Reps Committee REF: HHPC990:09.12.20

Since last month High Halstow Road Reps have completed approximately 6 shopping trips. Additionally, High Halstow Road Reps have supported referrals from One Big Family in Chatham and have delivered five food parcels to residents on the Peninsula. These referrals came through MARR and I continue to coordinate requests for MARR on the Peninsula. MARR in other areas of Medway have had significantly more referrals due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation. I am now officially a volunteer for wHoo Cares and have a regular “partner” who I shop for weekly.

During a conversation with Michelle from wHoo Cares it was agreed that I would include in this report some information on a few of their recent and planned activities.

Some of the Activities completed and Planned by wHoo Cares

• Since the beginning of the pandemic wHoo Cares’ staff and volunteers have made over 2800 calls to residents in need of some support. • During the summer months staff and volunteers were able to visit people in their gardens and help them get out and about for walks. It was hoped that home visits would resume but this was not possible because of current restrictions.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

• Support has involved shopping and prescription requests. There is no face-to-face contact with partners but “keeping in touch” calls have continued • Health appointments have been supported and are done so in a Covid-19 safe manner. • A parent peer support initiative has started. It will be based (but open to any parent on the ). Currently meetings are virtual. • Over the next weeks wHoo Cares will continue their “Christmas Activities” The Community Van has been out and about for two week and wellbeing checks on 85 residents living alone have been made • Next week will be the start of a regular virtual quiz afternoon. • A Fish and Chip delivery will start in January for residents unable to get out and about. • Christmas Day dinner cannot be a sit-down meal this year so wHoo Cares will be working in partnership with The Medway Sunlight Rotary and The Salvation Army to deliver approximately 35 Christmas lunches to residents on the Peninsula who will be alone. We are also including a gift hamper with small treats and a gift donated by LNG Grain and a Facebook group called Ho Ho Hoo.

Index B High Halstow Environmental Group REF: HHPC991:09.12.20

The Environment Group meeting held on the 16th November generated interesting discussion and ideas.

Tree Planting Project Since the November meeting I have sent High Halstow Primary School summarised information taken from the Woodlands Trust. This will hopefully help them decide if they are interested in making a request for a free pack. To be successful they would need to show they have planned where to plant the number of trees they request and how those trees would be maintained. I appreciate this is a difficult time for the school and I feel the need to wait patiently for a response. I will contact them early in the New Year if I have not heard from them before.

In regard to High Halstow Parish Council involvement in the project and the proposal that Forge Common could offer a suitable area for tree planting, Ray Collins (Cllr Collins and tree Warden), has advised that from previous experience he is of the opinion that the free packs of saplings available from the Woodlands Trust might not be the best option for Forge Common. It now seems clear to me that we need to further consider funding options, other possible areas for planting and the ongoing maintenance of any new trees. I am confident that with Ray’s advice we will be able to make progress in the New Year and am thankful to for his advice to date.

Recycling During and after the meeting village resident, Chris Peek produced a useful list of questions regarding recycling that require further research. Hopefully Medway Council will be able to provide some answers. “Towards a Plastic Free Medway” is a community group tackling single use plastic. They might also be able to provide some answers. One of the founders of this group has contacted me regarding giving a short (15 minute) talk to the Parish Council. I intend making this proposal at our January Parish Council Meeting

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Wider Involvement The High Halstow Environment Group was started in February 2020. The current pandemic situation has made the task of developing the group, wider engagement and reaching out to other organisations in High Halstow and beyond difficult. There is reason to feel that this will not be the case in 2021.

When discussing wider involvement during the meeting on the 16th November greater use of social media was rightly explored. I am currently unable to claim a great deal of expertise in this area but agree it needs to be addressed in the New Year.

Litter Pick Members of the Group supported the November Litter Pick and will support the next Litter Pick event in December

Another Zoom Meeting As there is unlikely to be a High Halstow Times in January, the next meeting is planned for February 2021.

Index C Rural Liaison Meeting Monday 7th December 2020 REF: HHPC994:09.12.20

• Cllr Ron Sands was elected Chairman un-opposed and unanimously for year 2020/21 • Cllr Hubbard similarly as vice chair • Michael Edwards, Head of Transport and Parking, presented the following paper

“TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ON THE HOO PENINSULA Report from: Ruth Du-Lieu, Assistant Director Frontline Services Author: Michael Edwards, Head of Transport & Parking Summary This report provides the Committee with an update on traffic management and LGV parking issues on the A228 and surrounding roads on the Peninsula

1. Background 1.1 The A228 is currently the only ‘A’ road linking the centre of Medway to its more northern areas. Incidents on the A228 sometimes require carriageway closures, resulting in traffic either diverting on to unsuitable roads or stopping altogether. The Ratcliffe Highway between Main Road and Bells Lane is currently the only recognised diversion route. It is also used as a ‘store’ for Large Goods Vehicles as part of Operation Overflow, the Police incident management plan for the area. 1.2 The current emergency response is based on the needs of the specific incident (as for any incident) whereby the Council has mechanisms in place to deal with traffic incidents; co-ordinating a response using information to road users and/or temporary traffic management in coordination with

2. A228 Diversion Routes 2.1 Officers in the Transport & Parking Service identified a number of diversion routes in the event of a carriageway closure on the A228 and a draft plan was subject to consultation over the past couple of years. The plan has not been implemented, however, due to the need to consider the emerging road plan for the HIF scheme. 2.2 With the general arrangement for the HIF scheme now known, the diversion route plan will be taken forward and subject to a technical check and a road safety audit prior to implementation. 17 Agenda Item 7 2.4 In addition, officers will explore the potential for implementing a series of crossovers along the A228 central reservation from Four Elms Roundabout through to Main Road Hoo. The crossovers would allow vehicles to cross on to the other side of the carriageway, enabling the implementation of an emergency contra-flow. This would be subject to an agreed operational protocol, as trained

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

operatives would be required to attend the site and implement the contra-flow. The crossover scheme would be subject to detailed design, technical appraisal, and a road safety audit in order to determine whether this would provide a suitable alternative means of managing carriageway closures on this section of the A228.

3. LGV parking and access issues 3.1 Certain roads on the Peninsula are rural in nature and unsuitable for use by HGVs. Appropriate signs are already installed at a number of locations, and officers will establish an asset register of the existing provision with a view to identifying any additional sign requirements. 3.2 In recent weeks, a significant amount of LGV parking has taken place on the Ratcliffe Highway, northbound from its junction with Main Road, Hoo. These vehicles are generally waiting for a specific arrival slot at the Amazon depot on the London Medway Commercial Park or taking mandatory rest breaks, sometimes overnight. Ward Members and a number of local residents have contacted officers with evidence of parking on footways and verges. There is also evidence of littering, discarded human waste and damage to highway infrastructure. Officers have undertaken a site assessment and confirmed that the on-street parking is causing safety issues for pedestrians and other vehicles. The length of the Ratcliffe Highway is such that the cost of installing physical measures such as barriers or bollards would be high and there would be a visual impact. The installation of parking and loading restrictions is therefore the most appropriate response to the issue. Consideration should be given to allowing some safe on-street parking to take place on the Ratcliffe Highway, as it is lightly populated and has very low traffic flows. It is also relatively local to the London Medway Commercial Park and away from the main roads.

5. Consultation 5.1 The diversion route plan has already been subject to consultation. Following completion of the technical check and road safety audit, the final plan will be circulated to key stakeholders prior to implementation. The installation of diversion route signs is likely to take place in 2021/22.

6. Financial and legal implications 6.1 All highway signage is implemented in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual and the cost of implementing the diversion route project 18 would be met from the Council’s capital budget for Integrated Transport schemes.

7. Recommendations It is recommended the Committee note the content of the report and the actions to address traffic management and LGV parking issues on the A228 and surrounding roads.” During the discussion he stated the contraflow systems and new signage on the peninsular would proceed as soon as possible. It was also confirmed the new park at Amazon was a lorry park and not just a trailer park. It was assumed the continued parking on the Ratcliffe Highway was due to the rest centre for drivers was still not finished and drivers were leaving the site in their tractor units. Dave Harris is to visit the site to advance works and investigate the concern that drivers were being charged to use the facility.

• Catherine Smith gave a Medway Local Plan update. The Strategic Road Transport Assessment was still being processed by the Highways Department for both with and without the Lower Thames Crossing. The environmental assessment was also still in progress which included additional sites for wildlife.

The Draft Local plan would be ready in Spring 2021 for consultation. Dave Harris confirmed new housing numbers for Medway as a whole was still 28,500.

• Catherine Smith presented the following paper.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

“NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS Report from: Richard Hicks, Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive Author: Catherine Smith, Planning Manager - Policy

Summary This report provides an update on Neighbourhood Plans in preparation in Medway. These include Cliffe and , High Halstow and . Consultation on draft plans is planned in coming months. Once adopted the Neighbourhood Plan is part of the Development Plan for Medway.

1. Background 1.1 A neighbourhood plan is a community led framework for guiding future development, regeneration, and conservation of an area. Neighbourhood Plans were introduced in the Localism Act in 2011. They are not compulsory, but when duly prepared they are a statutory document that forms part of the development plan. Neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the adopted local plan, and have regard to any emerging local plans or relevant development plan documents. Communities in Medway have shown increased interest in preparing neighbourhood plans for their local areas. Once the plans are ‘made’, or adopted, they will form part of the development plan for Medway. 1.2 Currently there are four Neighbourhood Areas designated in Medway, for the purpose of producing a neighbourhood plan: • Hoo St Werburgh - designated December 2018 • - designated June 2015 • High Halstow - designated June 2018 • Arches (Chatham) - designated August 2019

2. Report 2.1 The process of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan is defined in legislation. It involves a number of key stages that are set out below. 1. Defining the area designation 2. Approval of the neighbourhood body 21 Agenda Item 9 3. Preparing a neighbourhood plan 4. Local engagement and consultation 5. Writing the plan 6. Pre-submission consultation 7. Submit plan 8. Independent examination 9. Referendum 10. Adoption 2.2 Further information is available on the Council’s Neighbourhood Planning webpages at: planning/2#3 . 2.3 The four Neighbourhood Planning groups in Medway are proposing to consult with their local communities by Spring 2021 on their draft plans at ‘Regulation 14’ which represents Stage 6 ‘Pre- submission consultation’ in the list above. Following this consultation, the draft plans will be submitted to Medway Council to progress to independent examination, referendum and adoption. A brief overview of the work on the Neighbourhood Plans is given below. Representatives at Rural Liaison Committee from these communities preparing plans may wish to provide a fuller update at the meeting.

Hoo St Werburgh 2.4 Hoo St Werburgh Neighbourhood Plan group undertook a successful, socially distanced informal consultation at the Hoo Church Summer Fair in August 2020. It has also been engaging with Medway Council on wider plans for Hoo and seeking opportunities for further meetings and input to plans. The Page 14 of 18

High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

group aims to have a draft version of its plan ready for consultation in early Spring 2021. The policy areas in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan cover: • Sustainable development • Community facilities • Housing, community and design • Infrastructure, communications, health and transport • Economy, village centre and employment

Cliffe and Cliffe Woods 2.5 The group has prepared a draft plan and is carrying out a Regulation 14 Consultation from 1 December 2020 to 26 January 2021. The consultation is taking place online through the Parish Council website and supporting events. 22 Medway Council has continued to liaise with the group and provide support as needed, such as mapping. 2.6 The vision for the draft plan states: By 2037 the unique rural landscape of Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish will continue to be a haven for wildlife and agriculture, and provide homes, jobs and community infrastructure for people by protecting the heritage of the area and enhancing its character through sustainable development. 2.7 The policy areas in the draft Neighbourhood Plan cover: • Sustainable development • Economy and employment • Environment and heritage • Housing • Infrastructure • Community facilities and well-being

High Halstow 2.8 The High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan group has prepared a draft plan with a supporting Design Code document. It is liaising with Medway Council to consider comments before publishing the draft plan for Regulation 14 consultation in early 2021. It is also seeking to work with Medway Council and a potential developer on a masterplan for a proposed strategic extension to the village, to achieve the objectives of the draft neighbourhood plan. 2.9 The objectives for the draft plan are: • Community well-being – to provide and enhance facilities that maintain and develop the wellbeing of the community • Green Space – to preserve and improve sympathetic access to existing green spaces and further provide additional green spaces within the developed environment • Community identity – to maintain the existing sense of community and maximise the opportunity for engagement • Rural setting – to keep High Halstow a rural village • Leisure and tourism – to maintain and develop High Halstow as an area rich in history and natural beauty, as well as supporting local leisure and tourism opportunities. • Traffic – minimise the impact of vehicular traffic and improve opportunities for active and sustainable travel facilities for pedestrians and cyclists • Sustainable environment – to provide a sustainable environment for the residents and wildlife of High Halstow whilst being mindful of conserving an ecological balance. • Health and well-being – to provide an effective locally based healthcare facility to suit the needs of the local population. 23 • Housing for the community – housing should be relevant to community need and sympathetic to local styles

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

• Infrastructure – provide infrastructure that is robust enough to support existing and future networks.

Arches (Chatham) 2.10 Arches (Chatham) Neighbourhood Planning Forum has appointed Create Streets to help in drafting its neighbourhood plan policies. The group has held discussions with Medway Council on emerging policies. It anticipates holding its Regulation 14 consultation in early 2021. It is concentrating on environmental issues, supporting local businesses and improving the wellbeing and opportunities for local communities.

3. Consultation 3.1 Cliffe and Cliffe Woods commenced its ‘Regulation 14’ pre-submission consultation on 1 December. The other three Neighbourhood Plan groups are planning to consult on their draft plans in early 2021. All groups are seeking to effectively reach local communities during the consultation, despite the restrictions on meetings and events imposed by public health measures to tackle Covid.

4. Climate change implication 4.1 All of the emerging Neighbourhood Plans recognise environmental objectives and are seeking to deliver sustainable development.

5. Financial and legal implications 5.1 The Neighbourhood Plan groups are meeting the costs of preparing their draft plans. The resources have been secured from their local Parish Councils, government grants for neighbourhood planning, and in Arches (Chatham) through Big Lottery Fund. Much of the work has been done on a voluntary basis. Medway Council has provided some support, such as mapping and materials. Once the draft plans are submitted to Medway Council after the ‘Regulation 14’ consultation, the Council then has the responsibility to arrange an independent examination and a referendum. Government provides some funding to the local planning authority through the Neighbourhood Planning Grant to meet these duties. 5.2 On adoption a ‘made’ Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the development plan for the area. Neighbourhood Plans are prepared in accordance with legislation in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, as amended in 2015, Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016, and in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2017. 24

6. Recommendations 6.1 Members of the committee are asked to note the contents of the report and representatives from Neighbourhood Areas preparing plans are invited to provide further comments at the meeting.”

• Catherine Smith also presented the following report

“LOWER THAMES CROSSING Report from: Richard Hicks, Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive Author: Catherine Smith, Planning Manager - Policy Summary This report provides a short update on current work on the proposed Lower Thames Crossing. It outlines the process to be followed by the Development Consent Order, and the preparation of a Local Impact Report.

1. Background 1.1 A proposal for a Lower Thames Crossing has been under consideration for some time, recognising the issues of congestion around the Dartford, and the constraints on growth resulting from lack of highway capacity. Since 2013, Highways has carried out iterative rounds of consultation about a

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

potential scheme. It is proposing a new link connecting Kent and Essex from the east of Gravesham to east of Tilbury on the north bank. This would connect the M2/A2, A13 an M25. 1.2 Due to the scale of the proposed scheme as a nationally significant infrastructure project, the planning process followed is through a Development Consent Order (DCO). On 23 October 2020, Highways England submitted an application for a DCO to the Planning Inspectorate for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing.

2. Report 2.1 The process for the DCO follows specified stages: • Pre-application – this has involved consultation with the public and stakeholders. Information gathered has been used to shape the scheme and prepare the DCO application. • Acceptance – the Planning Inspectorate has 28 days in which to assess the application and decide if the submitted documentation is sufficient to allow the application to proceed to the examination stage. • Pre-examination – this allows for people to register as an Interested Party, so that they can submit a written representation of attend a public hearing to present their views on the proposal. The Planning Inspectorate will appoint a panel of inspectors to serve as the Examining Authority. 27 Agenda Item 10 • Examination – this is a six month process when the Examining Authority will examine the DCO application against national policy. It will also assess feedback from the public and stakeholders. • Recommendation and decision – following the examination stage, the Examining Authority will have three months to write a recommendation report and submit it to the Secretary of State for Transport, who then has three months in which to make a final decision. • Post-decision – If the Secretary of State grants the DCO, there is a six week window in which to present a legal challenge through judicial review. Following this, construction of the crossing will start. 2.2 On 20 November 2020, Highways England withdrew its application. This responded to advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspectorate raised a number of issues about the application concerning: • construction traffic impacts and control; • navigation risks and jetty works; • management of materials and waste associated with construction; and, • detailed matters relating to the Habitats Regulations Assessment. 2.3 Highways England is now working with the Planning Inspectorate to fully understand and address the issues. It intends to resubmit its application early next year. Highways England emphasised its commitment to providing a stronger application following the necessary engagement to resolve issues. 2.4 Medway Council has responded to the consultation on the Lower Thames Crossing and is engaging with Highways England. This has involved consideration of the impacts of the growth proposed in the Medway Local Plan, together with the impacts of the Lower Thames Crossing. Detailed technical assessments will form both part of the evidence base for the new Medway Local Plan, and also inform the Council’s input to the DCO examination in providing a Local Impact Report. Information provided in the consultation materials published by Highways England earlier this year, have shown some impacts on the road network in and around Medway. The Council is working in collaboration with neighbouring authorities to ensure appropriate mitigations are in place.

3. Consultation 3.1 Highways England has consulted on an iterative basis in preparing the DCO application. It has received nearly 90,000 responses over the various stages of consultation.

4. Climate change implication 4.1 The examination of the DCO application will consider environmental impacts. 28 5.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Financial and legal implications 5.1 This report focuses on providing a factual update on the DCO process, and does not consider the wider financial and legal implications associated with the proposed Lower Thames Crossing.

6. Recommendations 6.1 Members of the committee are asked to note the contents of the report.”

7. Next meeting. The Chairman requested Michael Edwards attends the next meeting to update the committee on the A228 road improvements and parking restrictions of HGV’s.

Index D Relief in Need REF: HHPC1003:09.12.20

There are still no Trustees’ meetings taking place, neither face to face nor virtual but the charity’s work continues successfully.

I thought you might be interested in some statistics about the bursaries. Bursaries were first introduced by the charity in 2008 and have been popular every year since, with 2020 being our “bumper” year. We gave about twenty bursaries this year; many of these were for 1st year students. In a typical year the number has been between 10 and 15.

The Trustees are very grateful to the Parish Council for the opportunity to advertise the bursaries each summer in the High Halstow Times.

It can feel very gratifying to read the Thank You cards and letters, to know how Relief in Need grants have helped people, not just for the bursaries that we give each year but for all the different kinds of help that the charity has been able to give. The help received can make such a difference to people’s lives, really providing “relief” when they are in “need”.

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