This report is PUBLIC [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Transport Delivery Committee Date 4 December 2017 Report title West Midlands Cycling Charter progress Accountable Chief Laura Shoaf, Managing Director, TfWM Executive 0121 214 7444
[email protected] Accountable Claire Williams, Sustainable Travel Manager, TfWM Employee 0121 214 7984
[email protected] Report has been Councillor Diana Holl-Allen, Lead Member Safe and considered by Sustainable Transport Recommendation(s) for action or decision: Transport Delivery Committee is recommended to: 1. Note the progress to date with the West Midlands Cycling Charter Action Plan. Page 1 of 18 [PUBLIC] 1.0 Purpose 1.1 To report matters relating to the performance, operation and delivery of the West Midlands Cycling Charter initiatives. 2.0 Background 2.1 The West Midlands Cycling Charter outlines the key principles that all partners, including the seven constituent Local Authorities, have adopted to deliver the required step change in cycling across the West Midlands Metropolitan area. It represents a shared vision and approach that will increase cycling levels across the West Midlands. 2.2 A detailed Action Plan was outlined in September 2015 and is currently being delivered with the target of increasing levels of cycling to 5% of all trips by 2023 from the current levels of 1.7% (Census Data, 2011). An updated Action Plan has been drafted (see paragraph 5.2) and has been circulated to the members of the Cycling Charter Steering Group for feedback. 2.3 The Cycling Charter is based on the following four principles: Leadership and Profile Cycling Network Promoting and Encouraging Cycling Funding.