This is a repository copy of Viral host-adaptation : insights from evolution experiments with phages. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Submitted Version Article: Hall, James Pj, Harrison, Ellie and Brockhurst, Michael A (2013) Viral host-adaptation : insights from evolution experiments with phages. Current Opinion in Virology. pp. 572-577. ISSN 1879-6265 Reuse Items deposited in White Rose Research Online are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved unless indicated otherwise. They may be downloaded and/or printed for private study, or other acts as permitted by national copyright laws. The publisher or other rights holders may allow further reproduction and re-use of the full text version. This is indicated by the licence information on the White Rose Research Online record for the item. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] 1 Viral host-adaptation: insights from evolution experiments with phages 2 James P. J. Hall, Ellie Harrison, Michael A. Brockhurst 3 Department of Biology, University of York, Wentworth Way, York YO10 5DD 4 5 Author for correspondence: 6 Professor Michael A. Brockhurst 7 Postal address: Department of Biology, University of York, Wentworth Way, York YO10 8 5DD 9 Telephone: 00 44 1904 328 576 10 Email:
[email protected] 11 12 Abstract 13 Phages, viral parasites of bacteria, share fundamental features of pathogenic animal and 14 plant viruses and represent a highly tractable empirical model system to understand viral 15 evolution and in particular viral host-adaptation.