THE CHRONICLE Travels to UNC for a Match

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THE CHRONICLE Travels to UNC for a Match WELCOME PARENTS' Going to Carolina The men's soccer team will have Carolina on its mind this weekend as it THE CHRONICLE travels to UNC for a match. See Sports. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 © ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH C, State cracks down Policies alter campus social life By JENNIFER YOUNG While some students have said. And some add that for on drunken driving With keg parties now a expressed few concerns with many students, it may be easi­ thing of the past and fraterni­ the changes, others have said er to attend parties off cam­ By JENNIFER ALBRIGHT while driving or possession of alcohol. ties shuffled throughout cam­ that the overall quality of social pus—where the risk of being North Carolina has en­ pus, change seems to be the life on campus is decreasing caught for underage consump­ acted two new laws to crack The North Carolina Gen­ only constant in social life at and that the center of social in­ tion is certainly lower— than it down on drunken driving. eral Assembly also passed a the University. teraction is moving away from is to stay on campus. Effective Sept. 15, a dri­ law which states that a dri­ The shift in the focus of cam­ its traditional roots on West This year, approximately 27 ver under the age of 21 with ver with any amount of alco­ Campus. any amount of drug or alco­ hol in his blood and with an pus social life can be witnessed percent of undergraduates live hol in his system can be open container of beer or in several ways. For example, "I do think the campus social off campus in both University- charged with a class two wine in his vehicle is subject large social events, such as scene is starting to move off owned and Durham-owned misdemeanor and subject to to be charged with a misde­ bands on the quad and smaller campus," said Trinity junior properties, said John Rider, as­ arrest for that misdemeanor meanor. In the past, it was events like bring-your-own- Takcus Nesbit, Duke Student sistant administrator at the Of­ as well as for driving while legally permissible for the beverage parties, have grown Government vice president for fice ofthe Registrar. This figure intoxicated. Previously, a passengers in a vehicle with in number, while mid-sized student affairs. The move off includes residents of Central driver between the ages of an intoxicated driver to pos­ events, like the keg parties of campus is most likely a matter Campus. 18 and 20 could only be sub­ sess open containers of beer years past, have dwindled, said of convenience for students Some students, however, ject to arrest for impairment See LAWS on page 11 • Trinity senior Lex Wolf, presi­ who live off campus as well as a said that the off-campus party dent of the Interfraternity lack of knowledge about the de­ scene may be more a matter of Council. tails of the alcohol policy, he See SOCIAL on page 30 > Freshmen react to first month of board plan By HARRIS HWANG at this point in the year to gauge After one month of eating the the feasibility of the plan, but majority of their meals in The said that felt confident about the Marketplace on East Campus, concept behind the plan. freshmen have been buzzing "There is a resistance to be throughout the din­ overcome because ing halls commenting this is a change, a on the plan's lack of big change at Duke, convenience, while where students live administrators say and eat, and until that it is still too early you get past those to tell if the plan has issues of change, it's been successful. hard to really clear­ "I have a big prob­ ly see the value or lem with the meal lack of value of the plan," said Trinity system," Newman said. freshman Billy Wes Newman Gould. "I never used Newman said the to eat breakfast. My schedule University had expected this crit­ varies from day to day, so some­ icism from freshmen. "We knew BILL PIECH/THE CHRONICLE times I would make it for break­ when we designed this last year fast, and sometimes I wouldn't." that this would not be as popular Wes Newman, senior director a policy as the way the upper- Fore! of dining and special events, classman students see—with a Engineering senior Chad Walters demonstrates his power swing on the Duke golf course said that it would be premature See BOARD on page 10 • Wednesday afternoon. Two to lead Orange County residents debate landfill site black faculty Fate of Duke Forest to be decided as early as mid-October By ROGER WISTAR ferred site over the summer, some re­ "Duke University made a promise not recruitment "Not in my backyard" was the mes­ cently added members ofthe group want­ to develop. I think they've kept their sage shared by the crowd that gathered ed to allow discussion of all four sites at word. I can't say the same of Orange By JUSTIN DILLON in Chapel Hill to discuss the new Orange the forum. County officials," said Cecil Jones. Filling a gap left by the recent County Landfill. A final decision on the site could come Some residents described other objec­ departure of Vice Provost George About 120 people attended the Thurs­ as early as mid-October, said Don Will­ tions to the site. Wright, Provost John Strohbehn day night hearing at a Chapel Hill High hoit, Orange County commissioner and "OC-17 has acquired a new name: has appointed two women with ex­ School to discuss the final four sites cur­ chair ofthe owners group. Trashwood Mountain,'" said Orange tensive experience in equal oppor­ rently being considered for construction Debate also centered on the credibility County resident Troy Shaw. He said that tunity matters to lead the way in of a new landfill. Some voiced their opin­ of the University's promise to preserve as a result of the site's soil composition, the University's ongoing effort to ions to members of the Landfill Owners Duke Forest. Some of the opponents of trash will have to be piled in a heap that recruit black faculty. Group, which is administering the OC-17 said that they trusted the Univer­ could rise to a height of 140 feet, making Myrna Adams, vice president search process. sity, which pledged in 1989 to preserve it the second highest mountain in Orange for institutional equity, and Dr. Although the owners group selected the affected portion of Duke Forest for at County. Brenda Armstrong, associate pro- OC-17, a site that contains part of Duke least 50 years, more than they trusted Shaw and several other speakers said See BFI on page 13 > Forest (see graphic, page 15) as their pre­ county officials. See LANDFILL on page 15 • THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 World and National Newsfile Associated Press Rabin, Arafat sign accord Thursday CNN COVers: CNN's prime-time By ALISON MITCHELL versibility of the peace process." And this time the ceremony did not seem coverage ofthe O.J. Simpson trial's N.Y. Times News Service he called the reconciliation "the peace quite so extraordinary. This time, closing arguments showed that de­ WASHINGTON — In a ceremony ofthe brave." Arafat, who had fought in his first war fense attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr. less emotional but more consequential Under the agreement, the Israelis against Israel in 1948, and Rabin, the proved a bigger draw than prosecu­ general-turned-statesman, seemed tors Marcia Clark and Christopher than their stirring handshake of two will withdraw their troops from most Darden, CNN spokesman Howard years ago, Yitzhak Rabin, the prime towns and villages ofthe West Bank by more comfortable with their roles. And Polskin said Thursday. minister of Israel, and Yasser Arafat, next March 30 and relinquish control this time, no American television sta­ the chairman ofthe PLO, signed an ac­ to a new, elected Palestinan council, tion offered live coverage of the nearly cord on Thursday that transforms with more territory to be transferred two-hour-long event. Tuition rises: College tuition their reconciliation into a concrete plan later. "Perhaps this picture has already and fees have risen by about 6 to transfer much of the West Bank to percent in this school year, ac­ Maybe it was a testament to the re­ become routine," Rabin said, alert to cording to an annual survey re-' the control of its Arab residents. cent speed of landmark changes that See PLO on page 26 • leased on Thursday. As a result, At 1:16 p.m., under the gleaming the annual cost at elite colleges chandeliers of the White House East and universities is approaching Room and at the same dark wood table Serbs continue aggression $30,000. they had used for the signing of the first self-rule accord in September 1993, Arafat and Rabin signed hefty, Obesity drug introduced: A against advancing Bosnians proposed new obesity drug defi­ blue-bound copies of the agreement nitely would help some people that gives Palestinians control of most ofthe West Bank. By CHRIS HEDGES struck the advancing Bosnian army lose weight—but a divided panel N.Y. Times News Service troops and the Bosnian Croat militias of experts could not decide if a Then, as President Clinton stood at their sides, the two former enemies re­ ORAHOVLJANI, Bosnia-Herzegov­ that fought beside them. They said ex­ theoretical risk of brain damage ina — The headlines may be filled with plosions were followed by the rapid un­ makes it too dangerous to use.
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