Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA1093916 Filing date: 11/06/2020 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Proceeding 92071971 Party Plaintiff Caryn Mandabach Productions Limited Correspondence WILLIAM C WRIGHT Address EPSTEIN DRANGEL LLP 60 EAST 42ND STREET, SUITE 2520 NEW YORK, NY 10165 UNITED STATES Primary Email:
[email protected] 212-292-5390 Submission Motion to Suspend for Civil Action Filer's Name Samuel T. Kilb Filer's email
[email protected] Signature /Samuel T Kilb/ Date 11/06/2020 Attachments Motion to Suspend and Extend Discovery .pdf(73916 bytes ) 1 Complaint.pdf(2040575 bytes ) IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Caryn Mandabach Productions Limited, Petitioner v. Cancellation No. 92071971 Sadlers Brewhouse Limited, Registrant MOTION TO SUSPEND PROCEEDING AND EXTEND DATES TO RESPOND TO DISCOVERY Caryn Mandabach Productions Limited (“Petitioner”), by its undersigned counsel, respectfully requests that the Board suspend the above-captioned proceeding (“Cancellation Proceeding”), pending the disposition of a recently filed civil action by Petitioner against Sadlers Brewhouse Limited and others, as the litigation involves issues and claims in common with the Cancellation Proceeding. In support of this motion, Petitioner, by its undersigned attorneys, directs the Board to a copy of the complaint that it filed today (November 6, 2020) in the Central District of California against Sadlers Brewhouse Limited and others, Caryn Mandabach Productions Limited v. Sadlers Brewhouse Limited et al, Civil Action No. 2:20-cv-10220, which is attached hereto.