Eastern Today, Fall 1988 Eastern Michigan University
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Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1988 Eastern Today, Fall 1988 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Eastern Today, Fall 1988" (1988). Alumni News. 38. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/38 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. �astern r I Oda�_ Special pull-out section: The 1987 Honor Roll See back cover for: Homecoming '88 Classic The Porter Years: 1979-1988 I _J Eastrrn Today is published thru timrs a )'t'arfor alumni and frinuls of Eastern Mirhigan Unfr�rsity and produced by 1hr Of Contents fiN' of Public lnfonnotion and l'Mblirorions. Plrast dirrC't ques tions or rommrnts 10 the Officefor Alumni &lations, £.oJ1rm Michigan Unim,iry, Ypsilanri, Michigan 48197: /JIJ) 4lf7-0250. 3 The Porter Years EASTERN TODAY John W. Porter has brought a EDITORIAL COMMllTEE Jack Slatu, dirrc1or of alumni rtl01ions and decade of advancement to Eastern un,\y,rsitydn't'lopmtnl Put Moron, atsociatt dirrctor of alumni rrlations Michigan University. As his Carolr lick, assistant dirrcror of alumni rrlolions tenure draws to an end, we offer Kathlttn 7innry, dirrctor of uni\•usity rommunirotions Nancy Mida, alumni association rrprt'sentali\'t' a retrospective look at the man Philip Smith, student kTI.,U and his achievements. Su, Mrkntit, tditor GRAPHIC ARTISTS Lorr/Ir Otis Thomas Special Insert: Marlt Hoppsrock The 1987 Honor Roll PHOTOGRAPHER Dirk 5"hM'W7.. t The individuals, corporations and foundations who, through their AWMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS financial support, helped make Ann O'&oy Ptn't'lka, '74, 79, prrsidtnt 1987 a year of extraordinary and William Mays Jr., '54, prrsidtnt titer Gtnt' £. Mrgii't'ron. '54, '59. prut prrsidtm vigorous growth for Eastern John Char/rs fu,'t'ntsi, '73, surrtary•1rrasurrr Michigan University are l."'" Babcack-C,,nanr, '66, '69, '78 R,,b,n L Baird, '72, '7.S recognized in this special l*ndy&J:<tt 'r, '73 John &ftull., '60 pull-out section. Rirllard Gay. '.59 Joan M. Hans{)('k. 72 Sanford Human, '67, '74 Dian, k/1,r, 'BJ &rnadtllt Lorldns. '8.J Departments Nick Madias, '71 !J<mirl M,uuhe. ·53 1 Campus Commentary Nann· Mido, 72 Willi;,,,, P. Morris, '64, '68 2 Alumni Association News Ralph Puso/a, '71 ltonard Pouy, '76 Anira L lvga/ado. ·n 10 Sports Karen Ann RMlgtrs, '84 Clark G. Spik,, '44 Thomas SrrJbi,, '74, '82 13 Campus News M,mhf'k' Mil/tr, studrm ,-,.p,-,.uritatfrr 0,11isr �pasky, studt'llf "Prt'St'ntath'f' 14 Class Notes EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE OFFICERS 24 Coast to Coast John W. Ponrr, prrsidt'nt Ronald W. Collins, pro,'Ost and ,frr prrsidrnt for arodrmic affairs Janrt G. Picht'lle, ,ict prrsidrnt for bu.sinrss and finanrt arul lrr"<ISUrtr ro 1hr board of rtKents U,urrncr N. Smith, drt prrsldtnt for unfrrrsi1y markt'fini mJ<I student affairs Rny Wilbanks, ,,;u prrsidtnlfor urifrt'rsity rrlations and srcrrl<lry 10 thr board of f't'genl$ EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS Gtnrl'Q Y. 1itswonh, chaif'K.·o,n<m Joh" H. Burton, ,fr,chainnan Attthony A. IN"Vnski �rc,ldint M. Ellington Thomas Guastrllo Rirhard N. Robb Donald £. Shtlton William Simmons On the Cover In our cover photograph, taken by campus photographer Dick Schwarze, John Porter stands in front of one of his proudest accomplishments during the Decade of Advancement, the Olds Student Recreation Center. -eampus eommentarY--- As we begin a new academic year, it is time to reflect on the past year and to look at where we are going. Many goals were realized this year for both the University and the University's alumni: MAC championships in football, men's basketball, track and swimming, groundbreaking for the Corporate Education Center, the beginning of the Alumni Action benefitsprogram and initiation of the first alumni chapters. These accomplishments encourage us to look forward to carrying on the programs that we are now beginning to establish as traditions. One new tradition that we hope to create as an extension of our Outreach programs and outstanding homecoming activities is for the alumni from around the country to watch Mid-American Conference football and basketball on cable TV or by satellite. This issue of Eastern Today contains information about a MAC sports package that will be carried by at least two dozen television affiliates. I encourage people to look at this schedule and get together to watch Eastern Michigan from whatever part of the country they're in. As a result of last year's exciting Cal Bowl victory, the men's basketball team's cham pionship and NCAA berth, and the track and swimming teams' continued dominance Par Moran in the MAC, interest in EMU is at an all-time high. However, this attention is not just limited to athletics. The school's academic programs and new facilities have taken Eastern Michigan University to a new level of excellence. All of these successful ven tures have been under the direction of Dr. Porter and the people he has put together to bring the University to this point. This University-wide excellence will continue to be the focal pointof additional alum ni activities. More and more we will be looking to individual alumni and their in terests to move the program forward, and of course, the cornerstone of the alumni program is our annual invitation to all alumni to come back to campus during homecom ing weekend. This year we are planning the biggest and best homecoming celebration ever OCTOBER 22 (see back cover). We encourage all alumni to make arrangements early for homecoming weekend. The homecoming activities celebrate a University that has just completed a successful Decade of Advancement. Some of the people who helped to make this success possi ble are saluted in the Honor Roll section of this issue of Eastern Today. I encourage you to read through the names and read about our successful development campaign. The Honor Roll recognizes people and organizations that directly supported the University. I would like to take time to honor the people also who contributed time, effort and energy toward Eastern's revitalization. One of these people is alumnus Mike Jones, who has stepped down as head swimming coach after being named Coach of the Year for 10 consecutive seasons. His tireless individual effort has helped to bring honor to the entire University. We hope you appreciate these periodic communications from your University and will continue to support Eastern's pursuit of the competitive edge. I plan to share the pride with all of you at homecoming. Please keep in touch with us as we are trying to keep in touch with you. r Associate Director for Alumni Relations I -Alumni Association News Be part of the action You can offer an Alumni Action benefit The long-awaited Alumni Action pro Alumni Action is designed to allow exposure in the Alumni Action newslet gram is officially underway. Responding Eastern Michigan alumni to work to ter and other Alumni Action mailings. In to the needs of the Eastern Michigan gether for the benefit of each other. If you addition, you can have the opportunity to University alumni and to specific requests have a business or an activity that you share the pride with other Eastern for greater participation in alumni would like to share with Eastern Michi Michigan alumni. If you are interested in sponsored activities, the Alumni Associa gan alumni, then it could become part of offering a benefit that could be included tion has created a plan that has it all. the action. As an Alumni Action benefit, in the Alumni Action program, please New Alumni Action members are al your business or activity would be given contact the Officefor Alumni Relations. ready beginning to receive benefits such as discounts at the EMU bookstore, alum ni scholarships that are available to children and grandchildren of members, Alumni Association Board of Directors nominations discounts on performances at Quirk According to its constitution and EMU students and selects recipients of Theatre, two-for-one deals on basketball bylaws, the purpose of the Alumni the annual Alumni Awards. tickets, invitations to special events, par Association is "to promote the general The Alumni Association is always in ticipation in the Alumni Association's welfare of Eastern Michigan University terested in nominations for new board "Sea of Green" homecoming celebration, and its alumni." The Alumni Association members. To nominate an alumnus for where members will get the first chance Board of Directors is the Alumni Associa board membership, send a letter of to buy into a block of 1,200 50-yard line tion's governing body, and members are nomination to the Office for Alumni homecoming tickets, and the opportuni elected for staggeredfour- year terms. The Relations, 202 McKenny Union, Ypsilan ty to carry the EMU Alumni Silver board meets bimonthly and, among its ti, Mich. 48197. MasterCard and companion VISA, which many duties, it provides scholarships to is issued with no annual fee for the first year and comes with the highest credit line possible. During this Decade of Advancement, President John W. Porter has challenged Eastern Michigan University to become the best institution it can be. The Univer sity's responses to this challenge have taken many forms, from the creation of the state's first College of Te chnology, to the vision of the Corporate Education Honoring the alumni Center, to the MAC championships in The Alumni Association is accepting clearly distinguish them from their peers football, basketball, track and swimming.