(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-09-19

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-09-19 rEMBER 18, . 1a42 . -"'----- r 1942 Hawkey.i Showers )ragged Open Aralnal Wuhlqion IOWA: Scattered Ualtt Today at Z p.m. See 8tory on Pare 4 THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Idsen - , , nvE CENTS TB! A'800~ID ral.1 IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1942 TIn AnOCIATID ..... , VOLUME XLD NUMBER 308 Inrs Boily e 'e 'Aissing Farm Iy Have Fa.llen ted Into Cedar ~hlng for 26·i~r. I Madsen, who dis_ aZIS an a .n n her home early ~---c----------------------~~--~------.-------------------------------------~~~----------~------~------------~~~---. ning, was almOl\ • up thc hunt lll\ ragging the C~ll in a futile attempt Interpreting' Soviets laHle - body on the the_ light have drown~. Congress The War News ounds, which were Groups Okay Stabiliicition l on hel' Irall Jill. Last-Ditch RUlSian To Hall Surge Inll' , led the JIOIIt of the river. MIl SOLDIERS BRING 'WAR' RIGHT INTO THEIR BACKYARD • Stand Has Thrown bureau of In\ltlll­ Hitler oH Schedule who Is In cbarh Approve Bills Canadians 5qy'Very Into Stalingrad II, party, said that obably rallen II' the river which" Defenders Exadins - six: feci deep al Carrying Oul Heavy' Dieppe L0SS The Ru sian ' last.dltch stand at ,re the Irail endet StaUngt'ad. descrlb«i by the nazis Heavy German Toll d to .n point aloll( OTTAWA. (AP)-The Com- probably were due to an unlucky at "cmblttered" and "sulcldal," In Furious Struggle miles directly eut mando assault on Dieppe cost Ca- encounter between the supporting starting point. The f.R. r sWishes has thrown Hitlcr of( schedule al nada the "very heavy prIce" of No. 3 Commando landing craft leasl another day. two miles south 01 67 per cent of her attaCking forces and a German tanker escorted by MO, W, ' aluroay (AP)- )me in a cornfield. The fact must be that the nazi Gt-rman tank Bud infantry killed, wounded or mi!slng, tbe half a dozen armed vessels, the attempt to storm the elty street.& the posse thrOClgh, ' Both Groups Refuse Domiflion government disclosed statement said. from the northwe t Will more Iocc(' f1ma h rl into Rtalingrad's J' abandoned rOids yesterqay in a plain-spoken. r e- The resultant minor naval en­ "suicidal" than the Russian de­ ~ lonely stretch 01 To Include Proposal '11' ('t Y t rdllY for the thirrl sume of this greatest Allied at- counter cvldently ·gave the Ger­ tense. ing the river. For Higher Parity tack on the nazi-held coast of mans ashore warning of the ap­ time and Ru sian tl'OOptI 'Itill nd her body at this Heav,. Nazi C.ulttes Europe. proach of the attacking force and German cosualttes Inevitably ar trying to j c th m, ttl iver, however, Wert WASHING'l'O (AP)--Com­ Of the 5,000 Canadian troops led to these setbacks: werc heavier than Lho of Russian So\'ielll announc('d officially who made up five-sixths of the Most of the No. 3 Commando d whal action tile miUces of bot h housc and scn­ defenders who first contained the arly today. assault forces, there were 3,350 force was unable to land In the twin thrus In a hous -to-ho ~ke last nl'hl, tile .Ie yesterday approve I bills em­ casualties, the statement said. Bemeval area 6 miles east at I)art of thl' 1(. l P itions Id that the ..... baW, then drove the attackers powering Pr'Cl;id(,lIt Roosevelt to There were 170 dead, 633 wounded Dleppe and destroy enemy guns w rrcapturt'd th ian "onUnued unUI t.­ and 2,547 missing. at this point. out. In close Quarter action of that r by Ru Ne need Is alee"," Itabilizc living eo ts-mea~ltreS "For the lessons learned and The landing of a Canadian force type, lhe atta ker Invariably pays garri n, a ommuniqu id in whidl in genel'u I carried out ad­ the advantages gained the forces at Pults, wbich was to secure a a heavier casualty price sevcral times ovcr thon the dcfendcr. delleribing Ih nction thuR: en, 34. the huspand min ish'ation wiKhes. engaged, and particularly the headllne east of the town, was woman, was found land forces. paId a very heavy delayed until broad daylight, lhe The Russian succ In cx:pelling "On th northw t rn out· In woundb in their Both committees rertl 'ed to in­ price," said defense minister J . regimCflt suffered extremely the first invader unil! may not skirt ot :tlliingrad fierc ae­ ve miles southea!t clude a fa rm hloc propos!ll that L. Ralston. "The history of simi .. beavy casualties and "only a tern­ guarantee that nazi follow-up tions were fOUght. On on sector drives of the same nature can be I early Monday. "'he I new and higher formula for lar operations in the past serves porary lodgment was Obtained." wh re the Hltlerlt concentrated Sunday aflerlIOoIL to Indicate tbat lleavy losses are The headland east at Dieppe turned bock. parity govern ('eilings to b larg Infantry and tank torces they hilS been described tlic to be expected In amphibious never was cleared of the enemy Ptvotal Point counly {l((Icers as filed for fal'm products. Mr. operations of this type, dIrected and lhus its guns were brought StallnRrad is so c rtainly provcn uc ed at II cost ot h avy 1 now both a ~ymbol and a strate­ ienl" and she was Roosevelt lWd RpccificaUy ob­ against a fortified coaslline held Ito bear all tbe forces landing on in taking J)(v.I Ion at verll ave escaped t\ViC1i by a determined and alert enemy." the main beaches fronting Oieppe Four bewildered little Negro chUdrcn get a close-up of "war" as two Boldler steal throul'h their back­ gic plvot which Hitlcr m t havc .tr Is. e hospital at lit. jected to t he idea. At least a pari of the casualties itself. yard durlnr army maneuvers in LOUisiana. -Official U. S. Arm.)' Signal Corps Photo lit any price that it ia a folr guess "Pari ot lhe 10 t po IUona were bummer. An Order he is lashing his generals and retrieved in the cour&e olthe day." The senate banking commiltee troops to match the RussIans In KOUJe-To-HoUJe made of its bill not only an auth­ suicidal dctermlnation. Yet that DJ patches from the tortured In­ Kaiser Will Build 3 first repulse tended to confirm the Drowns orization bul an order to the presi­ dustrial city on the Volga told of impreSSion that when the botlie hou e-to-hou e clo combat fight­ dent that he act to stabilize salar­ Super ·Cargo Planes Pou'nd· Jap New Guinea Bases I' ached th str t flehUng stoge, Ing whllc hundreds at nazi can­ Yater Tank ies, wages and prices by Nov. 1. the odds against the Russians Ie - non lind elrplaneahurled cxplo­ The deadline recalled that MI'. Ship-Builder, Hughes --~--~-------------- ened rathcr than Increased. slves Into the Russian positions. one and half-year­ Roosevelt had given congress un­ The enemy could not bring te • Red army reln10rcements :from of Mr. and Mrs. til October 1 10 pass the enabling Named to Construct CITIZENS' DEFENSE 10,000 Ship-Builders bear In such clOl)c action and on Siberia were r ported now In ac­ Nas found dead oj Irgislalion, asserting that otherwise Experimental Craft CORPS so restrIcted a maneuvcr field his tion .galnst the n ;tIs. Irowning in a wlter ~ would act under his war dive bombers or tanks superiority. Th communique said that nu­ I art moon on Ihe powers. 7:30 p. m., Monday-Make­ Man to man, th Rus lans 100d merous German attempts to c p­ WASHINGTON, - (AP) up class in gas defense wlll be Stage Mobile Walkout Ine and a half souUt In this connection, Chairman Henry J . Kaisor west coast ship­ him off. Only by lhrowin, ovcr­ lure a commanding hill site bad ,n the lower Mwcl- Brown (D-Mich) said he hoped conducted in the auljltorium of whelmingly uperior manpowcr at been repulsed by the StaUngrad builder, and lIoward Hughes, tbp..public junio! 1\I'h FchOOI. K would be noted that the com­ noted plane desIgner', have been H"'S8 New Bombs Workers Quit Over terrible c t Into- the fi,ht can th rrlson which destroyed 38 naIl Iner George D. Gai­ 7:30 p. m., Monday--The civil city be reduced. lIittee's deadline falls before the authorized to build three experi­ Ruin Vast Sections 5-C~nt tankl and klllcd mor than 1,000 t efforts of the fin lIovember congressional elections. ail' patrol will meet in room Ferry Charge; Counter Atl.aeh G rmans In the long-contested mental super-cargo planes for a 106, law bulldlne· resuscitate the chikl While the house commltlee, total of $18.000.000. Donald M. Of 2 German Cities State Troops Called London has forwarded a report strupl In the Terek valley of like the senate, gave the presl­ Corps members are reminded from Moscow that at the supr m thc Mozdok area, I than IJO Nelson, war production board to have their fingerprints re­ den broad authority, It wrote chairman, announced yesterday. LONDON, Saturday,-- CAP) MOBILE, Ala. CAP) - Morc lhon moment, orders to counter attack, mil('~ from the Grozny oil fields. Inlo Its bill the wage increase corded at the Iowa City police not lo stand and die where th y To Ihe we I In the Black IIU Neitber Kaiser nor Hughes will station as soon as possible. New 8,000-pound bombs were GEN.
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