Committee Gets Tax Bill Ready for Hou^E Famuy Men, Key War

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Committee Gets Tax Bill Ready for Hou^E Famuy Men, Key War WEDNESDAY, JUNE CiBteiifftwtgf Ccfiitiig Your J J ^ Dohatio^ Follows the Flt^^^roM^ho the World ers duiiog the day and swm « Usi and also' open u f sa tea reported missing. Quay is a t the Rtiaaa v' C W een, •li>>iaai>old will be waleomed by the chartty source o f revenue. the only son of Adoteh Quay of pituls dauabjter o f Mr. aad VKu. ^rafrad GmfirniNews the eame addreaa. Sad hla mother He oKdsted to the Navy W. Croaeea o f 187 North B3m Ibay N m ^ iy ;ment Those willing to Avsrags Dslly can fdr-chlldren during the daj^, la not sUve. been Iwom c^ ■treet. had a perfhtlt atteadanoe Yptidi He eerved ss a Ounner'a Mate, that onM, to IMS. When 1 FbrttalM rtli The Weather record at the H eater street Mn- time may vegisfer their names Of Mario Qi|ey Needed Here with assistant Charity superin- Flrat Claea, but no Information fmm be waa asrvtog with Fpreeaat at-0. to Waather Bairaaa' o f M North dergarteh for the year, and for the waa nleaeed ngarding hla station the AMatie Seat '-=N. ■01“ nait two yeaia has not mlaaed a \ tondent, A lbert Behnfidr iM m 11, At Globe Pool ■■ 1 7,386 Municipal building or pholih i ■emtton at Um North Methodist ^avy Depwrtmen^ K '^CoBttaoe*' Bwdetiateiy eool ‘to- ■tB u tiT church .adiooL ^ ^ Town OffidalB Hear Ap< A Day Nursery ' Rogbr LuKo, 18, of 30 Division A street, .became the f ln t accident liaises U st - o f Casual* jpeals from Women It Is indicated that a move wlU A fcnwd ond dur- Paet PraNde^U o f Mary Bush- victim at the Olobe Hbilow swim­ t^anche^r-^A City'of VillagS Charm Um taonor guMt Defense Workers. be made fo r establishment o f a ming pool tor the season, this ties III Pacific. aell Cheney Auxiliary, U.8.W.V„ day nursery hen to can for the HALE^ SELF SERVE y ■> with a portable will hold their monthly . meeting moml:V. In diving he strucK his ioliied the many Manchester chlldnn whose head against another swimmer, re­ The , United States ^Navy, De­ The Original la New Eaglaadt^ ' C a la is , ^ .MANCB^TER, c o n n ., TH U R S bA t, JUNE 25,1942 tomorrow at 1:30 at the home of Numerous appeals have been pannts an engaged in defense (FOURTEEN PAGES) "7 - PRICB’THREE CEl '^aqiecU >0 wave July Mrs. EfhaliBen t«w ia, 444 Bum- sulting in a lacerutibo. He was partment, In a casuatty list re­ - > / ■ made to the town charity depart­ industry. About 20 yean ago a hurried to the Mhpehester ; Me- leased today, confirmed the arti­ ham atreet.'TiUiicheon arill be serv­ day nursery was conducted suc­ ed by the hoeteaa and games wUl ment for women and girts to taKe nfM^ial hospital wheto ^the wound cle which appeared In Tha . Herald AND HEALm MARKET ^^oepto'ry. No. 18, care o f children. Many young cessfully to can for the^childnn was'tmated aad he was^hfn taKen on'May 19, statiiig that Mario follow. of mothers woricing in Cheney Axis Reported iif Attack evenlav >> Or- women here have entered defense to his home. Quay of 4M Hartford Road ’ had 6t July 8. A Brothen at a.time when large wiffMcetve the The daughter bora Tuesday at Induatrlea and Wives of men serv­ numben o f women with children,, o f A . X 1 S the Memorial hoapital to Mr. aM ing in the armed forces, widows and capable textUe worKers, w en THURSDAY SPECIALS Mts. OecU Wood of Vernon has of veterans and wives of men soon unable to worK In the mills with Greeili Stamps Given Witk Cash Sales! been named' Prudence Ann. Mra. to enter service all have sought young chil^en to cam for. ■/ • Her. b H T. nm ich o f Bdfferton the esUbllshment o f K-day nurs­ win be in eha^ of tte Wood was the former Sally Ann Then an many women who an 4 , , prayer aervlea thta eve- Hewitt Thli is the first grandchild ery here Where capable trained Exceptiondl June of Mrs. Sarah Hewitt of 2» Fos­ women would care for the children unable to worK In . defense fac­ ' at 7:80 at the C9nireh of the tories, and it woidd be a patrloUc M ore Than 60 M iles la the ahaeaea e f the ter street and the late Thomas of WorKing women. 24,4-Lb. Bag $1.05 H ew itt Arndoos to Start list expression if these'could oiganln / iM lt r , brr- JaaMe'A. Touaf, who day nurseries for the Can of the Jllrlaltbw! lalattvM la aevidaiKl A t the present Ume there Is no James J. Wright has sold Uls list of persons willing to care for many chlldnn they wohld be per­ juitf iM l attead the North Readlhc forming a vital duty at time 45hw sieottBg ieeiloos, Juae 86 to m-famlly house at 78-75 Oak children of women defense worK- A teiaer partor of the liv street to Joseph J. and Nancy Farr Shortening S-Lh. Can 67c ‘ awnlMMaBe church. Rev. French c f tl5 M a l^ t r e e t Mr. and Mrs iM H ir lattred aad with hla family Farr win oRu]upy one of the tene- X ' * ments. Great Losses Suffered' fi le te la town. Force Britisk to S e n I . ----- Caas By Attackers; Ba|^ The son bora June 18 at the Ms- Von Camp's MilK 3 25c Marines Angered D u tch R a id , Back Vnder Goi morlal hdapttal to Mr. and M n. Still Violent Against Donald Oowles o f 85 Fairfield Fire; United Si atraet has been named Ronald Severely Outnaqibered Wayne. The baby Is the first B y Japs* Bullets ises, Civilians -Army Fliers Certo 23c Garrison of 0riuicaii, grandchild o f Mr. and M n. How­ — ------ '' Eneiny Pnnishlifj ard C^pman of MS Summit \Imrg* Ns. 3H ^ Valvlto. Port; Six Diyiidons De^ street., % Get Fighting Mad After Gtdlant Gunners on Fefl- Blow with feated ap$d Three Hide-and-Seek Solons^ Group RabM BerOtold Woythaler, of Vi(hole ApricoH c.17c Being HU in Battle sei' and Ashore Laid Raid on Big Sttp| Temple Beth Sholom, win partici­ Suffer H6avy Losses. Of Midteayi Tide Toid pate in the 42d annual convention Deadly Screen of Base at Bei St. LawiUaca Played by Sub Given Review of the Rabbinical Assembly of Moscow, June 25.— (^F>— By Bomher^r Gunner. tiring About Planes. America in New YorK City, fnm The gigantic ' German offen­ Cairo, -June 26< June .39 to Jiily 1. The conventions .^aiust Japs Powerful Axis tank fo win be held at the Jewish Theo- T e n ^ r Feds . 2 csnB 25 c sive against Sevastopol is By Clark L m ^ Stettle, June 26.— (/P>—In Of Situation loglcal Seminary of America, slackening somewhat, be­ Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, June the first dramatic eyewitness thrust more :than 60 miles whoae graduates compose the BartOlaey ■ cause of the great loiwes suf­ 26.—(ff)—When Marines get report Gf what hamiened at to Egypt today, forcing . membership of the RabMnlcel As­ Foni: Depth Chaise At­ Roosevelt and Churchill British to fall back under fered by the attackers, Rus­ hit hy Japanese bullets they Dutch Harbor; evacuees and sembly. 'N ■ . tacks Survived; Sue- covering fire, but Ux Golden Bantam Corn ' sian dispatches said today* don’t get frightened; thdy seamen told upon arrival Touch on British D^ PUT THE BLAST IN States Army fliers dealt but the battle still^ i§ violeat ceeds in Torpedoing get fighting mad. That was of a transport here how 'the BLAST FUftNACE^ feat in North Africa enemy a punishing blow 2 cu. 27c against a severejy^^' mtUium- Foe’s Aircraft Carrier. the reaction of Msrines, Japanese idr attack at 6:45 a. band garrlaon of tba -CrinMaa wounded In the Battle of m., June 8 caught civilians 'And Second FronL a second raid on the big sOf OBDERCOAL port.. Alraady, t o the 31-day aa- ply ham of Bengasi, 850 mUa*; TAXK By Walter to Midway, with whom 1 tfilk- by surprise and how the gal­ the rear, BritUh Anny haadna A N D COKE,. sault. alx Oarmaa aad Rumaaiaa ed and whose stories n yn are lant guimen on their ship and Washington, ?une 35.—(F) — divisions bava been defeated, Pearl Harbor. T. H., June 35— President Roosevelt and Pri'ine < te n announced that the B m NOW! New Pototoet , 6 Lbs. 23c nleased. In addition to being Bshon laid a deadly screen . of Eighth Army had abandooad . three o ^ fe liave auffered stag­ UFi—^The story of aa American wounded. Private Flrat Oase Gor­ anti-slrcraft flm about the raid­ Minister Churchill of Britain gave gering loaees, end ISO Neal tanKa frontier atrongholds of. Salufll i Frmli Iceberg auhmarlne which played a deathly don McFaely, 37, QaUand. Calif;, ing planes.' While Arm y aad Navy congremional leaden today a 40- SIdi Omar and that Nasi h tout hundnda of planes have been game bide-and-ae^ with aeg- spent mon than 40 boun adrift Axla Ubyaa foms. prevKniMy nportad concontntod opposite toen .manned the anU-aircraft destroyed, seid tbe Rueeian ac­ at F t Capuxxo, near the Eg^tlan-U byaa fronUer. w en said to be minute n vlriv o f "the world Situa­ Erwin Rommel’a advanoei meats o f the Japanaee Beet which in a partially coUapaed boat, but guns, some of tba ship’s ' en w w en aoutheaat o f Siri You will use plenty oltoweln during the hot summer Head 6 C counts .
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