______________________________________________________ A New Theatre? Responses from Community Groups in and around Farnham _________________________________________________ A Working Group Report June 2011 To the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt MP Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Detailed Requirements of the Respondent Groups Consulted: 3 INTRODUCTION 4 Choirs 5 Community Theatre Groups 5 Musical Theatre 6 Professional Theatre 7 Music Groups 7 Further and Higher Education Establishments 8 Sixth Form Colleges and Secondary Schools 8 Junior and Primary Schools 8 Private Independent and Special Needs Schools 9 Costs 9 CONCLUSIONS 10 APPENDIX 1 Working Group Members 14 APPENDIX 2 Summary of Research 15 APPENDIX 3 Anticipated audience sizes (where given) 42 APPENDIX 4 Organisations contacted but not providing a separate response. 44 INDEX OF RESPONDENTS 45 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A technically well-equipped theatre and studio performing spaces would be of great benefit to the community of Farnham and the surrounding areas of West Surrey and North East Hampshire enabling community participation in arts and cultural projects of all types. The survey of possible participating groups reveals a strong desire by performers and audiences to complement the cultural provision provided by the Farnham Maltings and identifies what the organisations really want from their theatre. The results of the survey reveal a strong educational need across the age ranges for interaction with professional theatre, work related to the school curriculum and examination requirements and well-equipped spaces for dance, drama and music workshops. Community drama, choral, dance and music groups in the wider Farnham area lack adequate performance and rehearsal facilities which will accommodate audiences up to 450 in flexible spaces. The survey of potential users attracted responses from areas beyond Farnham town, including Basingstoke, Alton, Haslemere, Guildford and Farnborough. Large choirs and music groups which perform in aid of charities expressed the need for better performance venues and facilities to attract larger audiences and raise more money for the charitable causes. The provision of good technical facilities would provide opportunities for cooperative performances and festivals by schools through their respective Confederations in drama, music and dance. 2 Detailed Requirements of the Respondent Groups Consulted: A performance venue in Farnham should contain two auditoria, one providing 350 to 450 seats and the other providing 150 to 200 seats. The venue should contain a range of rehearsal and workshop spaces equipped with at least one piano. There should be a central box office, bar, cafe and foyer. The venue should have easy access from local car parks and good disabled access to encourage both attendance and performers with disabilities. Both auditoria should be equipped with large wing spaces, flying space to scale and modern lighting and sound equipment for use by hirers. The facilities should have access for large articulated delivery vehicles with large scenery docks, storage for costumes and other equipment and shared use of basic scenery, costumes, properties, etc. In the larger auditorium provision should be made for an orchestra pit or separate area sufficient to accommodate a full symphony orchestra. In both auditoria the seating arrangements should be flexible to allow for differently shaped performance spaces to suit the individual presentation. The venue should be available for community and professional productions, encouraging a wide range of uses. The venue would need professional management, especially of the technical equipment to facilitate individual users and develop a wide range of skills. 3 INTRODUCTION 1 Nearly 4 years ago, at the instigation of the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt MP, an informal group was formed to undertake 'blue skies thinking' about a future theatre building for Farnham. Due to conflicting commitments the working group was unable to make any progress. During the summer of 2010 the proposed reactivation of the group was endorsed by Mr. Hunt, in his capacity as Member of Parliament for South West Surrey. In January 2011 an informal working group was formed to conduct research with all possible community and educational groups who might be potential users both as performers and audience. The members of the working group are listed in appendix 1 to this report. The research was conducted by the members of the working group between February and April 2011 and this report summarises the outcomes. All research was undertaken by direct contact with the organisations listed in appendix 2 with some ancillary comments given by letter or email. A total of 104 organisations were contacted of whom 82 (including 5 individuals) provided responses. 2 The working party set itself the following terms of reference: To survey groups in the community of Farnham and its surrounding areas whose interests include the performing arts and who are representative of different sections of the community. To enquire of those groups what features they would wish to find in a facility for public performance and entertainment in Farnham, over and above what exists already. These enquiries are to be made by approaching individuals who are active within such groups and considered to be sufficiently able to represent their views. By analysing the answers from those groups, to think, with no preconceptions, about as wide a range of options as possible to determine the type of facility that would be most likely to meet the majority of the needs of those groups. To report the results of its consideration is to Jeremy Hunt MP by 30 June 2011. 3 Following the completion of the research on 30 April 2011, the views and opinions expressed have been analysed and broad conclusions are set out in this report. Those conclusions do not necessarily represent the individual opinions of members of the working group but set out the views of the respondents as to their needs for a performance venue either as performers or as audience. 4 4 The members of the working group made it clear to all potential respondents that the purpose of the research was not to promote a campaign for the reopening of any existing theatre building or to criticise or condemn the facilities and services in any existing arts venue. Many respondents commented on the loss of performance facilities which they had been unable to replicate by any other means. 5 We set out the particulars of the research and the conclusions under the headings of the various potential users that we have consulted with a general section on the issue of cost. We draw conclusions and provide an executive summary. Choirs 6 The Farnham area has a wide range of choirs pursuing a variety of musical styles. It has two large choral societies which perform the major choral works and smaller choirs which perform all types of music. Another large choir performs modern rock music but due to administrative difficulties did not participate in the research. Farnham is the base for the internationally renowned Farnham Youth Choir which has three individual choirs encouraging a large number of young people to participate. The Hart Male Voice Choir, based locally, regards Farnham as its preferred location for concerts in the South East to raise large sums for charity. 7 The large choral societies which use the Farnham Maltings Great Hall and the principal churches, including St Andrew's Parish Church and St Thomas on the Bourne, require a performance venue which will seat between 300 and 500 and will have sufficient space for a full symphony orchestra. The smaller choirs attract audiences of between 50 and 100, often with piano accompaniment. All choirs call for good acoustics, sound insulation from other users in the building and for rehearsal facilities which include a properly tuned and maintained piano. Backstage, the large choirs require space for choir members of up to 120 to assemble, with separate facilities for orchestra members and professional soloists. Those facilities must also provide for the particular needs of children and young persons. Typically, the performance venue needs to be available during the day of a concert when choir members and orchestra or accompanists rehearse together for the first time. The venue requires good overhead lighting both for the choir and for the orchestra. Community Theatre Groups 8 With the lack of a central performance centre the various community theatre groups in the Farnham area perform, with one notable exception, in village halls which are multi-use 5 venues where the drama groups compete with other users, some of which are commercial enterprises. In one instance, Rowledge village hall, there are advanced plans to refurbish the hall and to remove the existing stage and performance space. All of the drama groups comment on the difficulty they have finding rehearsal facilities and workshop space for scenery construction. Each group is concerned about attracting new, young members and younger audiences for the type of productions that they wish to present. Those productions range from annual pantomimes, small-scale musical shows to 'serious' and classical plays. There is a perception that the closure of the Redgrave Theatre in 1998, bringing to an end nearly 60 years of theatrical productions in Farnham, has diminished the public appreciation of the cultural benefits and value of theatre and performance
2012 Surrey Schools Ski Championships Individual Slalom Results - Secondary MID - Girls Pos Bib Name School Yr 1st Run 2nd Run Total 1 15 HUFF Sarah Surbiton SEC A 9 9.94 9.73 19.67 2 129 FOSTER Olivia Danes Hill E 7 10.22 10.01 20.23 3 13 SMIDT-WALLIS Brielle Surbiton SEC A 7 10.56 10.57 21.13 4 14 HINTON Georgina Surbiton SEC A 7 11.61 11.15 22.76 5 131 WALSH Emilie Danes Hill E 8 11.97 10.98 22.95 6 132 EPERON Isabella Danes Hill E 8 12.35 11.62 23.97 7 98 HODGSON Ellen All Hallows School IND 7 12.93 12.35 25.28 8 17 MEYLER Anna Surbiton SEC B 8 13.01 12.54 25.55 9 18 HOUGHTON Pips Surbiton SEC B 8 12.77 12.84 25.61 10 16 HYDE Augusta Surbiton SEC B 8 13.55 13.19 26.74 11 140 HARRIS Isabella Danes Hill F 8 13.59 13.51 27.10 12 139 COOPER Anya Danes Hill F 7 17.83 13.32 31.15 12 CHRISTOPHER Rebecca Surbiton SEC A 9 DSQ 9.90 19 THOMPSON Tilly Surbiton SEC B 8 DSQ 12.83 23 COLLEY Bella Surbiton SEC C 9 9.05 DSQ 100 McKEY Lydia Woldingham School 9 DSQ 17.06 102 STEWART Charlotte Woldingham School 9 DSQ 12.45 113 SUPHI Arden Danes Hill IND 7 DSQ 14.74 130 GIBBONS Molly Jo Danes Hill E 7 10.30 DSQ MID - Boys Pos Bib Name School Yr 1st Run 2nd Run Total 1 90 SPEED Craig Ash Manor School IND 9 8.78 8.62 17.40 2 72 DAVEY Joseph Cranmore SEC A 8 9.10 8.95 18.05 3 41 BURTON Lucas Reeds C 8 9.50 9.47 18.97 4 43 DENDLE George Reeds C 7 9.84 9.78 19.62 =5 42 COLLEY James Reeds C 7 10.49 10.02 20.51 =5 74 ACOMB Alexander Cranmore SEC A 8 10.58 9.93 20.51 7 38 SIMPSON Jack Reeds B 9 10.80 10.30 21.10 8 136 WILLIAMS Tom Danes Hill F 7 10.87 10.57 21.44
Privacy Notice WHO WE ARE Edgeborough School, part of the Charterhouse family of schools (Registered Charity 312054), is located at 84 Frensham Road, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3AH. Charterhouse School is the data controller for the purposes of the relevant legislation (“Data Protection Law”). Charterhouse has notified the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) of its processing activities. The School’s ICO number is Z6092852. This Privacy Notice covers the following: • Parents/Guardians • Staff • Alumni WHAT THIS PRIVACY NOTICE IS FOR This policy is intended to provide information about how the School will use (or "process") personal data about individuals including: its staff; current, past and prospective parents (referred to in this policy as "parents"), our alumni and supporters. This information is provided because Data Protection Law gives individuals rights to understand how their data is used. Staff, parents, and alumni are all encouraged to read this Privacy Notice and understand the School’s obligations to its entire community. This Privacy Notice applies alongside any other information the School may provide about a particular use of personal data, for example when collecting data via an online or paper form. This Privacy Notice also applies in addition to the School's other relevant terms and conditions and policies, including: • any contract between the School and its staff or the parents of pupils; • the School's policy on taking, storing and using images of children; • the School’s retention of records policy; • the School's
BROADWATER Governing Body Details August 2021 The Broadwater Governing Body is made up of 9 governors appointed or elected from the following groups: staff, Local Authority, parents and co-opted governors (appointed by the Governing Body). Name Type Joined Expiry Role Register of Interests Attendance (Term is normally 2020-2021 3 yrs) Mrs Lizzi Matthews Headteacher Ex officio NA Broadwater School Trust, education charity: Current Trustee Waverley Federation, education of secondary Sept 17 6/6 age pupils: Director onwards Charterhouse School, secondary education: Sept 19 Governor onwards Lin Bedworth-Ray Staff 01.09.20 20.09.22 Health & Safety Surrey County Council, music education: Apr 1985 Conductor & Brass Tutor onwards 4/6 Mr Simon Allen Trust 01.09.20 31.08.24 Chair Charterhouse School, Independent secondary Sept 2010 Special Educational education: Assistant Head (Academic) & spouse onwards Needs & Disabilities also an employee 6/6 HT Appraisal St Hilary’s School, Independent primary Sept 2015 education: Governor onwards Mrs Debi Lawson Trust 01.09.20 31.08.24 Vice Chair Nothing to declare Safeguarding 6/6 Looked after children HT Appraisal Vacancy Trust Mrs Julie Rowling Parent 01.09.20 08.07.22 Resources Royal Grammar School Guildford, secondary Jan 2020 Pay education: Finance Manager onwards Wey Valley Methodist Circuit: Trustee Sept 2020 6/6 onwards Godalming United Church, religion: Trustee Oct 2020 onwards Mr Robert Mitchell Parent 24.02.21 23.02.25 Treasurer Broadwater School PTA Current Character Education 3/3 Mr
Waverley Federation Special Options Booklet 2019- 2021 Working Together to Raise Achievement Dear Student, Waverley Federation This prospectus gives information about the courses offered by the Waverley Federation as part of your options choice. All of these courses take place on Tuesdays throughout years 10 and 11. It also explains the application procedures and expectations to which you would need to agree should you be successful in your application. A good education is the key to better life chances, equipping you with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed in further learning, work, and opening the door to greater prosperity and wider opportunities. As a federation we are working collaboratively with our partner schools and colleges to give you a greater breadth and choice of subjects to study in order that you can design a personalised curriculum which motivates, interests and challenges you. These Special Options are equivalent to GCSE but are taught and assessed in a different way and enable you to study in a more adult environment at a college or specialist training centre. You should take time to consider what options will best suit you, listening to advice from your teachers and researching the possibilities carefully. The number of places available on each course is limited and the application and interview processes are competitive. If you do decide to apply you must ensure that you have also agreed an alternative school-based option should your application for a Waverley course be unsuccessful. Yours faithfully,
Congratulations to Everyone Who Collected Their Gold Award on the Morning of Tuesday 20Th March 2018 in the Entrée Room at St James’S Palace
Congratulations to everyone who collected their Gold Award on the morning of Tuesday 20th March 2018 in the Entrée Room at St James’s Palace. Jamie Gane, Professional Athlete, presented the certificates on behalf of HRH The Earl of Wessex. Jamie told the Gold Award Holders: “'Perseverance was the word that allowed me to achieve. Allow yourself the opportunity to find your own word and use that to excel in your future.” Group 3: South East Name Licenced Organisation Centre Eleanor Bacon St Catherine's School St Catherine's School Adam Baker Royal Grammar School Guildford Royal Grammar School, Guildford Temi Bamkole Guildford High School Guildford High School Centre Nicole Bannon Fullbrook School Fullbrook School Centre Christopher Bealey Royal Grammar School Guildford Royal Grammar School, Guildford Elliot Michael Bealey Royal Grammar School Guildford Royal Grammar School, Guildford James Bodsworth Royal Grammar School Guildford Royal Grammar School, Guildford Sophie Chua Guildford High School Guildford High School Centre Joanna Clarke Christ's College Christ's College Guildford Centre Imogen Coates St Catherine's School St Catherine's School David Coxon Royal Grammar School Guildford Royal Grammar School, Guildford Samuel Dennett The Priory School The Priory School Jessica Flynn University of Surrey Students' Union Tania Kumar Guildford High School Guildford High School Centre Demi Eveann LeNette-Dawson University of Surrey Students' Union Claire Mary Lloyd-Davies St Catherine's School St Catherine's School Imogen Peck St Catherine's
Our vision is to provide an Inspiring Educational Experience for all students which is beyond their expectations and therefore forms the foundation of a happy and fulfilled life. SAFEGUARDING STATEMENT OF INTENT Weydon Multi Academy Trust (WMAT) is wholly committed to ensuring that all children who engage with WMAT activities across the WMAT schools (Farnham Heath End, The Abbey, The Ridgeway, The Park, Weydon and Woolmer Hill) are cared for in a safe and secure environment. To fulfil this commitment, a number of safeguarding arrangements are in place. Policy and Procedures We will ensure all policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding children are up to date and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020. The policies are accessible to all parents and staff through the school websites. Policies and procedures are reviewed and revised by the WMAT Designated Safeguarding Lead Team on a regular basis and are reviewed with the Safeguarding Trustee. Please view the full Safeguarding policies at: Farnham Heath End School: http://www.fhes.org.uk/502/safeguarding-esafety Rodborough School: https://www.rodborough.surrey.sch.uk/about-us/upload- page-2/ The Abbey School: https://www.abbey.surrey.sch.uk/1209/key- information/category/42/safeguarding-and-esafety The Ridgeway School: http://www.ridgeway.surrey.sch.uk/709/key- information/category/33/safeguarding-esafety The Park School https://thepark.surrey.sch.uk/safeguarding Weydon School: http://www.weydonschool.surrey.sch.uk/149/weydon- policies Woolmer Hill School: http://www.woolmerhill.surrey.sch.uk/320/key- information/category/19/safeguarding-esafety WMAT Safeguarding Lead WMAT Safeguarding Lead is Mr Peter Barraud and he is based at Woolmer Hill School.
Farnham Sixth Form College Term Dates andUlberto treacherously. usually exemplify Is Thornton cursedly longshore or untidies or pantographical disgracefully when when mobbish woodshedding Diego preludesome wingspans delinquently platelets.peculiarise molecularly? Musicological and runtiest Stanfield garrison so presentably that Mead tolls his Set of students during term dates frensham and work due to work with a charged extra services at all events taking place at brighton university of curriculum at a levels Development and in farnham form college dates frensham heights school, financial management and boarding, resilience and sports stars mix with. Representatives from university in farnham sixth form college dates for sixth forms. Biochemistry and college of farnham sixth term dates for day to advise them, health and not the wide. Celebrating fantastic outcomes in sixth form term dates and academic or using a levels at court moor school. Track if you to college dates and engineering outreach programmes are considering the sixth form team up your life at one. Warwick with access the farnham sixth form college dates frensham and career live in your user experience, weekly boarding students during term dates and genetics. Plans for sixth form college term dates for queries in farnham college farnborough film and work. Assessments consist of which sixth form college dates frensham evening for its own unique identity but remains an independent of your computer rooms and would like a modern browser. Bohunt sixth form college term dates and innovation in sociology. Chaplaincy section to the farnham form college term dates for people, and wales no reviews, curious and ambition. Are chargeable per term dates and supporting students take part in your gcse statement of the latest sixth form.
WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL Proud to Belong – Proud to Achieve
WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL Proud to belong – Proud to achieve “Students’ behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. They are kind and respectful towards each other, their teachers and visitors” “The atmosphere in school is one of calm purpose and enjoyment of learning” OFSTED, January 2018 Woolmer Hill is a successful 11-16 mixed comprehensive school based on a wonderful 25 acre site on the outskirts of Haslemere on the Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire borders. The school attracts students from a wide area including Thursley, Grayshott, Beacon Hill, Chiddingfold, Grayswood, Hindhead, Liphook and Churt, as well as Haslemere itself. We are a growing, over- subscribed and friendly school with a strong and supportive community spirit and inclusive ethos. We have high expectations of all members of our school community. We have an inclusive approach to educating the whole person, based upon an ethos of mutual respect and active involvement in all aspects of school life. We believe that all members of our school community should be challenged to achieve their full potential. We place a great deal of emphasis on developing independent, life-long learners and work closely with our post-16 partners to ensure that our students have the qualities necessary to succeed in post-16 settings and beyond to university and the workplace. Our students are a wonderful group of young people to work with. It is important to us that the views and contributions of our students are valued and that they are involved in decisions that affect their school. We have an active House Council and student leadership group, who meet regularly to discuss whole-school matters or to lead their own projects.
Wrecclesham, Farnham, GU10 4TP Spacious and beautifully presented bungalow in an exclusive private cul-de-sac close to amenities in Boundstone and Wrecclesham, on the south western side of Farnham. The accommodation is spacious with two excellent double bedrooms, a sitting room with adjoining conservatory and direct access to the rear garden and a magnificent l-shaped kitchen/breakfast room which provides a most sociable space for entertaining and benefits from a utility room. The garden to the rear is enclosed with a wonderful mature selection of colourful shrubs and trees, along with a sunny courtyard area. There is off road parking at the front for several cars. Specification Refurbished and re-planned semi-detached bungalow Utility room Two double bedrooms Conservatory & study Kitchen/breakfast room Bathroom Sitting room Beautifully tended front and rear gardens with off road parking Situation Positioned close to Wrecclesham, Rowledge & also Farnham, the locality is surrounded by an extensive area of some of Surrey's finest countryside, as well as leisure opportunities for walking, riding and country pursuits and a comprehensive range of shopping, cultural, leisure and educational facilities. Farnham's rail station provides access to London in around an hour. There is a doctor’s surgery approximately ¼ of a mile away on the Boundstone Road. Local Authority and school catchments Waverley Borough Council, Frensham Heights School and Edgeborough School. Guide Price £499,500 Tenure Freehold Disclaimer Property Details: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate are set out as a general outline only for guidance and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract.
Many Students Choose to Go to a Local 6Th Form Or College but There Are Other Choices Too, Like Studying at a College Or a Trai
Many students choose to go to a local 6th form or college but there are other choices too, like studying at a college or a training provider or getting a job with training. What is important is to choose the course or training to suit your skills and aspirations. The pathway you choose will be based on the following: • The GCSE grades you have achieved or expect to achieve • How you like to learn • Where and what you would like to study later • What you want to do in the future Choosing the right courses can be critical for some career paths and it’s important to not unintentionally close off paths that you may wish to pursue later on in your career. What you can do to make the right choice: • Find out about different careers that interest you • Get advice from the people who know you like your parents and teachers and from The Careers Team at School • Look at the qualifications on offer to you at 6th forms and other local colleges and also consider whether an apprenticeship might be a good route for you. Choosing the right courses for university If you have a particular degree or subject in mind, now is the time to check out the entry requirements on the UCAS site, so that your post 16 choices are the right ones to ensure you get where you want to go post 18! If you really don't know what you want to do at 18, but you think higher education might be of interest then choose a broad range of subjects at 16 so you have maximum choice of university subjects later.
Download Appendix I Annexe a High Level Action Plan
ANNEXE A WAVERLEY CULTURAL STRATEGY - HIGH LEVEL ACTION PLAN Ref: Aim Key Partners Links to other Milestones Timescale Waverley Policies/ Corporate Strategies Objectives Surrey’s Sustainable Community Strategy themes, SMART test Theme 1. Increase Opportunities for Young People 1.1 Development of a Multi - WBC - WBC Corporate Work with voluntary and Create L Agency Waverley Youth Community Plan, Surrey statutory agencies across Strategy VFM Strategy with a 5 year Action Safety Team, Children’s and the Borough to create a and Action IL Plan by November 2009 Parks and Young People’s Waverley Youth Strategy Plan by Landscape Plan, WBC with SMART Action Plan November Service and Community 2009 CYP Leisure Services, Safety Strategy, HWB Surrey Youth Youth Matters Undergo a consultation May-June SSC Service, Green Paper process to inform the 2009 Waverley’s Top Strategy and Action Plan Youth Council, S√ Voluntary and Through Waverley’s Top Implement M√ Faith Sector, Youth Council consult Strategy A√ Police, with young people Action R√ Town & Parish Plan 2009- T√ Councils 2014 EVIDENCE: Strategy produced by November 2009 SMART - Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Time Based. WBC Corporate Priorities - Affordable Housing - Leisure - Improving Lives - Value For Money - Environment Surrey Community Strategy - Children and Young People (CYP); Health and Well-Being (HWB); Economic Development (ED); Housing, Infrastructure and Environment (HIE); Safer and Stronger Communities (SSC). ANNEXE A 1.2 Ensure 100% Youth Grant WBC - Leisure Corporate
Copies in Larger Print Available on Request: 01252 725059
Welcome to The Abbey School Welcome to The Abbey School, a special school for approximately 100 students aged 11-16 who have Learning and Additional Needs (LANs). We offer a caring and positive environment in which students feel confident and are motivated to enjoy learning. Our staff are enthusiastic professionals who nurture and support all our young people to achieve the best that they can and to experience success in all areas of their lives. Our students join us in year 7 having just left primary school, and leave us 5 years later well on the road to adult life. We aim to help them to become confident young people able to contribute to society and to play their part in the world. We believe that there are learning opportunities in all aspects of life and offer a curriculum that is related to the “real world”. 21st century developments in technology give our students incredible learning tools which they are taught to use and experience alongside more traditional but still hugely beneficial learning methods and ideas. We aim to give our students the best start in life that we can - an education that both grounds them today, and enables them to look forward to a bright and successful tomorrow. We hope that our prospectus gives you an insight into life at The Abbey School. If you would like to find out more about us please contact me to ask questions or to arrange a visit. David Jackson Head Teacher Copies in larger print available on request: 01252 725059 The Facts Address - The Abbey School, Menin Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DY Phone number - 01252 725059 Website - www.abbey.surrey.sch.uk Contact email - enquiries@abbey.surrey.sch.uk Head Teacher - Mr David Jackson School Business Manager - Mrs Theresa Sorsby Chair of Governors - Mrs Katie Hewett A day special secondary school for children with Learning and Classification - Additional Needs.