RULES The Municipality of , together with the Abbey of Sesto al Reghena (PN) and municipalities of Sesto al Reghena, Marano Lagunare, , are pleased to announce the IV Concorso Organistico Internazionale “Organi Storici del Basso ” held in celebration of its valuable instruments. The competition will take place in the respective Parish Churches and in the Abbey of Sesto al Reghena from 30 september to 3rd October 2014. 1. The competition is open to organists of all nationality with no age limit. A maximum of 20 competitors will be admitted to the competition, chosen by the artistic committee (composed of the artistic secretary, the coordinator, and a teacher from the conservatory serving on the jury). The choice will be on the basis of the curriculum vitae and the date of application. 2. The completed application form should be sent on paper (using the attached form from the City of Muzzana del Turgano website, on the special page devoted to the Fourth International Organ Competition) accompanied by a copy of a valid identity card, before 31 May 2014, to the competition secretary’s office at following adress: Municipio di Muzzana del Turgnano, via Roma 22, I-33055 MUZZANA DEL TURGNANO (UD), or via e-mail to: cultura@com-muzzana-del- The application form should include a curriculum vitae of the applicant. 3. A Registration fee of 50,00 Euro – not refundable, to be paid after confirmation of acceptance of the application and by 30 June 2014 – is payable by: a) postal transfer (Poste italiane, account nr. 15051337 of “Comune di Muzzana del Turgnano, servizio tesoreria”, for: “quota iscrizione IV Concorso Organistico Internazionale” ); b) bank transfer, (Banca Popolare Friuladria – Muzzana del Turgnano – at the name of “Comune di Muzzana del Turgnano”, IBAN IT 13 A 05336 63990000030077281 for: “quota iscrizione IV Concorso Organistico Internazionale”).

4. Travelling and accommodation charges are at the competitors’ costs. Applicants admitted to the semifinal round will be given a defrayment for their expenses. 5. The Jury of the IV Concorso is composed of: Stefan ENGELS (Germany), Alfonso FEDI (Italy), Lorenzo GHIELMI (Italy), Ursula PHILIPPI (Romania), Giampietro ROSATO (Italy). 6. The decision of the jury is final and impossible to appeal. The Jury evaluates competitors at the end of each round. The judgment of each performance is expressed in an arithmetical score as sum of the marks given by each member of the committee. Specific regulations for evaluation procedure will be agreed upon by all the Jurors at the beginning of the competition. 7. Before each round competitors will show their identity papers. 8. The competition will be organized as follows: - the first stage: preliminary round (in two parts): a) Lignano Sabbiadoro (Francesco Zanin Organ) b) Muzzana del Turgnano (Nacchini Organ) - the second stage: semifinal: Marano Lagunare (Dacci Organ) - the final stage: final (in two parts): a) Abbey of Sesto al Reghena (Francesco Zanin Organ), b) Muzzana del Turgnano (Nacchini Organ). All performances are open to public. The date of arrival and the exact schedule of each round will be stated and communicated soon after closing registrations. 9. The following prizes will be given: 1st prize: euro 2.500 2nd prize: euro 1.500 3rd prize: euro 800 All Cash prizes are shown net of withheld taxes The winner of the first prize will be offered one or more concerts in the next concert season 2014/2015. The organizing committee has already been able to realize with the winners of the previous editions, and hopes to pursue, a CDrecording on the organs of Friuli. A certificate of participation will be issued to each competitor. 10. The Jury, for any reason and at its own discretion, may decide not to award one or more of the prizes and may use the money not awarded to increase any other prize awarded to multiple candidates ex aequo. 11. Should any shooting or recording be taken (radio, TV), competitors have no right to lay claim to the organizing committee. 12. Each competitor may provide for his own registrant (all costs will be at his/her expense) or make use of the registrant provided by the organization. 13. The organizers deny liability for any damage and/or accident occurred to competitors, other people or things during the period of the competition or with regard to the programme quoted above. 14. The presence at the competition entails the complete acceptance of these rules. For any dispute the Italian text will be the reference. 15. The organists will have the opportunity to play the Organs the days before the competition and in accordance with the availability of the churches and with a calendar organized by the Secretary. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to change the rules of the competition or to cancel it at any time.

As part of this competition, in collaboration with the Municipality of , there will be an additional award, the Franz Zanin prize. This prize is given in memory of the great organ builder of Camino al Tagliamento, prominent contributor to the art of organ building in Friuli and throughout Italy. The prize, worth 700 euros, will be awarded to the competitor who obtains the highest combined scores for his interpretations of J.S. Bach at Marano Lagunare and Frescobaldi at Nacchini Muzana. The Prize will be awarded during a concert at Pieve di Rosa (Camino al Tagliamento)

PROGRAM - Preliminary round (in two parts): a) Lignano Sabbaidoro (Francesco Zanin Organ): - Johannes Brahms: one Prelude and Fuga (free choiche beetween a minor or g minor) - Johannes Brahms: one Choral from op.122 at free choice - Johann Sebastian Bach: first movement of a Trio- Sonata at free choice (BWV 525-530) b) Muzzana del Turgnano (organo Nacchini) - Michelangelo Rossi: Toccata VII - Girolamo Frescobaldi: one “Canzona” from "Fiori musicali" at free choice

- Semifinal Marano Lagunare, (Dacci Organ) -Alessandro Marcello: - Concerto in d minor (keyboard version by J.S. Bach BWV 973), Andante e spiccato - Adagio - Presto - Johann Jakob Froberger: one Canzona at free choice - Johann Caspar Kerll: Passacaglia - One free choice work suitable for the Organ Dacci (maximum timing 5'). The Jury will also consider the choice and difficulty of the selected piece.

- Final (in two parts) : a) Abbazia di S.Maria in Sylvis di Sesto al Reghena (Organo Francesco Zanin) - Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata, Adagio & Fuga in C major BWV 564 - A free choice work suitable for the Zanin organ, (maximum timing 10'). The Jury will also consider the choice and difficulty of the selected piece. b) Muzzana del Turgnano, (Organo Nacchini) - Girolamo Frescobaldi: one Capriccio at free choice - Tarquinio Merula: Capriccio cromatico - One or two works at free choice suitable for the Nacchini organ (maximum timing 10') The Jury will also consider the choice and difficulty of the selected piece. NB: the of free choice compositions must be indicated to the Competition Secretariat by 30 August 2014 and a copy of the music will be delivered to the Competition Secretariat at the beginning of the rounds.