Paras urania. Lo the turned into a Birth. of the Vrsni married !^ tiger gandharva 2) Svaphalka dynasty freed now irom a curse becau.se ui which he was lor years Naudini, daughter of the King of Kasi and Akrura was living as a tiger. The gandharva bowed down respect- hum to them. Akrura was an uncle <;!'SrT Krsna but is fully and thanked the sage for giving him relief ;>nd left respected more as a worshipper of Krsna. details. the place. The brahmin boy fell down at the led oi 3) Otlur (1 )He became famous as a commander Para'.urama and said, "Great Lord, becau'se of you I of the Yadavaormy. (Chapter 220 of Adi Parva, M.B.). haw now become Akrtavrana meaning one who has not (2) Akrura was also present lor the (wed- received any wound. (Akrta = not having secured. ding) of Pancali. (Sloka 18, Chapter 185 of Adi Parva, Vraiia= wound). I shall, thcrelbre, be your djsciple for- M.B.). ever hereafter". 1'Vom that day onwards he never left (3) At the time of 's eloping with , a Parasurama but followed him as his disciple. grand festival was going on in the Raivata mountain and 3 Other details. 1 of in the ) ( ) In the story we Akrura was partaking same. (Sloka 10, Chapter find Akrtavrana in several different contexts appearing 218, Adi Parva, M.B.). on behalf of Parasurama- It was Akrtavrana who told (4) Akrura accompanied Krsna with the dowry in- Dharmaputra the life and exploits of Parasurama during tended for Subhadra. (Sloka 29, Chapter 220, Adi Parva, the exile of the in the forests. (Chapters 1 15 to M.B.). 117, Vana Parva,' M.B.). (5) Akrura came to the country called Upaplavya for (2) In Chapter 83 of Udyoga Parva we read about attending the marriage of . (Sloka 22, Chap- Akrtavrana meeting Sri Krsna while the latter was going ter 72, Virata Parva, M.B.). to Hastinapura. (6) Akiura and Ahuka always quarrelled with each (3) In Chapter 173 of Udyoga Parva we read about other both alleging that the other sided with the opposite Akrtavrana detailing the history of the Kaurava dynasty camp of Krsna. (Slokas 9 to 11, Chapter 81, S~anti to Duryodhana. Parva, M.B.j. in to kill SrT (4) Akrtavrana has played a very important role the (7) Kariisa planning Balabhadrarama and story of Amba, daughter of the King of Kail. Amba Krsna conducted a festival called Capapuja (worship along with her two sisters, Ambika and Ambalika, were of the bow). It was Akrura whom sent to bring brought down to Hastinapura by Bhlsma for his brother Balabhadra and Krsna for the festival. Akrura under- Vicitravlrya to marry. But on knowing that Amba had stood the plot, informed Krsna about it and also advised mentally chosen Salva as her husband, Bhlsma allowed Krsna to kill Kamsa. (Da.:ama Skandha, Bhagavata). her to go back to Salva. But on her return to Salva he (8) Akrura fought against on the side of refused to accept her and she came back to Hastinapura. Krsna. (Dasama Skandha). BhTsma then requested Vicitravlrya to accept her as (9) On another occasion Krsna, Balabhadra and Ud- his wife whicji, unfortunately, Vicitravlrya also refused dhava sent Akrura to Hastinapura to get tidings about to do- Amba then turned to Bhlsma and besought him and the Pandavas. Akrura met his sister KuntI to marry her which, much to his regret, he could not do and talked to her for a long time and also met Dhrta- because of his vow of celibacy. Thus forsaken by all, rastra and talked to him after which he returned to all her sweetness turned into bitter hatred towards Dvaraka. (Dasama Skandha). and kill from Bhlsma she remained alive thereafter only to (10) Akrura wentto Hastinapura as a messenger BhTsma- But even the foremost of warriors were not SrT Krsna. (Refer sub-para 3 of para 13 under Krsna). to to of willing antagonise Bhlsma and so her appeal help 4) Domestic life. Akrura married Sutanu, daughter was not heeded by any. It was then that Hotravaha her Ahuka and got two sons named Devaka and Upadevaka.

on the maternal side met her and directed . grandfather (Navama Skandha ) her to Parasurama. When she went to Para-' urama it and Akrura. Refer 2 under the word 5 ) para was Akrtavrana who received her and on hearing her Krtavarma. sorrowful tale encouraged her to seek vengeance on AKSA I. (Aksakumara). BhTsma. it was he who Parasurama to in order from Visnu as Again persuaded 1 j Genealogy. Descended - - - champion her cause and go for a fight against Bhisma. follows: Brahma - Pulastya Visravas Ravana Aksa. the Akrtavrana as charioteer to During fight acted (Uttararamayana ). Parasurama. 9, 179, Parva, to of the (Sloka Chapter Udyoga 2) Birth. Three sons were born Ravana, King M.B.). demons, by his wife Mandodarl. They were Megha- Akrtavrana was one of the who were a (5) many sages nada, Atikaya and Aksakumara. Aksakumara was on a bed of arrows the Kuruksetra lying during great redoubtable hero and a fierce fighter but was killed by battle. (S"loka 8, Chapter 26, Anu:;asana Parva, M.B.). in Lanka. Sundara Kanda, AKRORA. Haniiman (Sarga 47, Valmiki Ramayana). 1 ) Descended from Visnu in the following Gmtalogy. warrior of this name - AKSA II. We find another among order : Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha- Pururavas Ayus- the soldiers who came to help Skanda in the Kaurava- . Nahusa-Yayati-Yadu (Chapter XII of Agni Purana). battle. (Sloka 58, Chapter 45, Salya Parva, Descending from Yadu in order were Sahasrajit-Satajit- Hehaya-Dharma-Kunti-Bhadrasena-Dhanaka-Krtavlrya M.B.). - - chant or mantra. When KarttavTryarjuna Madhu Vrsni (Chapter XXIII of AKSAHRDAYA. A sacred about in the forests after his Navama Skandha, Bhagavata). The Vrsni dynasty be- Nala was roaming separa- to save the gins and from Vrsni in order descended Yudhajit-Sini- tion from Damayanti he happened cobra, bit Satyaka-Satyaki-Jaya-Kuni-Anamitra-Prsni-vaphalka - Karkotaka, from a wild fire. But in return the snake as as clouds. He then advised Akrura. (Chapter XXIV of Navama Skandha,Bhaga- him and made him black the . Nala to to the of where vata ) go palace King Rtuparna