CredibleMeds® has reviewed available evidence for the drugs on the following list and place them in one of three designated categories: Known Risk of TdP (KR), Possible Risk of TdP (PR) or have a Conditional Risk of TdP (CR). The full description of these categories can be found on the website.

Generic Name Brand Name Generic Name Brand Name Generic Name Brand Name Alfuzosin (PR) Uroxatral Cilostazol (KR) Pletal Eribulin mesylate (PR) Halaven (CR) Symmetrel and others Ciprofloxacin (KR) Cipro and others Erythromycin (KR) E.E.S. and others Amiodarone (KR) Cordarone and others (KR) Propulsid Escitalopram (KR) Cipralex and others (CR) Solian and others Citalopram (KR) Celexa and others Esomeprazole (CR) Nexium and others Elavil (Discontinued 6/13) and Clarithromycin (KR) Biaxin and others Ezogabine (Retigabine) (CR) Potiga and others others (PR) (PR) Anafranil Amphotericin B (CR) Fungilin and others Famotidine (PR) Pepcid and others (PR) Clozaril and others Anagrelide (KR) Agrylin and others Felbamate (PR) Felbatol (KR) Cocaine (PR) Apokyn and others Fingolimod (PR) Gilenya Crizotinib (PR) Xalkori (PR) Abilify and others Flecainide (KR) Tambocor and others Tercian Arsenic trioxide (KR) Trisenox (cyamepromazine) (PR) Fluconazole (KR) Diflucan and others Artenimol+piperaquine (PR) Eurartesim Dabrafenib (PR) Tafinlar (CR) Prozac and others (PR) Saphris and others Dasatinib (PR) Sprycel (PR) Depixol and others (KR) Hismanal Degarelix (PR) Firmagon Fluvoxamine (CR) Faverin and others Atazanavir (CR) Reyataz and others Delamanid (PR) Deltyba (frusemide) Lasix and others (CR) Atomoxetine (PR) Strattera (PR) Pertofrane and others (CR) Reminyl and others Azithromycin (KR) Zithromax and others Deutetrabenazine (PR) Austedo Garenoxacin (CR) Geninax Bedaquiline (PR) Sirturo Dexmedetomidine (PR) Precedex and others Gatifloxacin (KR) Tequin Bendamustine (PR) Treanda and others (CR) Benadryl and others Gemifloxacin (PR) Factive Bendroflumethiazide or Disopyramide (KR) Norpace Aprinox bendrofluazide (CR) (PR) Kytril and others Dofetilide (KR) Tikosyn Bepridil (KR) Vascor Grepafloxacin (KR) Raxar (PR) Anzemet Bortezomib (PR) Velcade and others Halofantrine (KR) Halfan (KR) Motilium and others Bosutinib (PR) Bosulif Haldol (US & UK) and Donepezil (KR) Aricept (KR) others (PR) Butrans and others (CR) Sinequan and others Hydrochlorothiazide (CR) Apo-Hydro and others Cabozantinib (PR) Cometriq Dronedarone (KR) Multaq - ER (PR) Hysinglaâ„¢ ER and others Capecitabine (PR) Xeloda (KR) Inapsine and others Hydroxychloroquine (CR) Plaquenil and others Ceritinib (PR) Zykadia (PR) Sustiva and others (CR) Atarax and others (CR) Aquachloral and others Eliglustat (PR) Cerdelga (KR) None Chloroquine (KR) Aralen Epirubicin (PR) Ellence and others Ibutilide (KR) Corvert (KR) Thorazine and others (PR) Fanapt and others

If list is printed, check website at • Please see Disclaimer below • List continued over Generic Name Brand Name Generic Name Brand Name Generic Name Brand Name (melipramine) (PR) Tofranil (KR) Zofran and others Sertraline (CR) Zoloft and others

Indapamide (CR) Lozol and others Osimertinib (PR) Tagrisso (KR) Ultane and others

Isradipine (PR) Dynacirc Oxaliplatin (KR) Eloxatin Solifenacin (CR) Vesicare

Itraconazole (CR) Sporanox and others Oxytocin (PR) Pitocin and others Sorafenib (PR) Nexavar

Ivabradine (CR) Procoralan and others (PR) Invega and others Sotalol (KR) Betapace and others

Ketanserin (PR) Sufrexal (PR) Aloxi Sparfloxacin (KR) Zagam

Ketoconazole (CR) Nizoral and others Panobinostat (PR) Farydak Sulpiride (KR) Dogmatil and others

Lansoprazole (CR) Prevacid Pantoprazole (CR) Protonix and others Sultopride (KR) Barnetil and others

Lapatinib (PR) Tykerb and others Papaverine HCl (Intra-coronary) Sunitinib (PR) Sutent none (KR) Lenvatinib (PR) Lenvima Tacrolimus (PR) Prograf and others Paroxetine (CR) Paxil and others Leuprolide (PR) Lupron and others Nolvadex(discontinued 6/13) and (PR) Pasireotide (PR) Signifor others Levofloxacin (KR) Levaquin and others Pazopanib (PR) Votrient Telaprevir (CR) Incivo and others (KR) Nosinan and others Pentamidine (KR) Pentam Telavancin (PR) Vibativ Levomethadyl acetate (KR) Orlaam Perflutren lipid microspheres (PR) Definity and others Telithromycin (PR) Ketek Levosulpiride (KR) Lesuride and others (PR) Trilafon and others Terfenadine (KR) Seldane Lithium (PR) Eskalith and others Pilsicainide (PR) Sunrythm Terlipressin (KR) Teripress and others Imodium and many other OTC Loperamide (CR) and Rx brands (PR) Nuplazid Terodiline (KR) Micturin and others

Melperone (PR) Bunil and others (KR) Orap Tetrabenazine (PR) Nitoman and others

Mesoridazine (KR) Serentil (PR) Dipiperon (E.U) and others (KR) Mellaril and others

Methadone (KR) Dolophine and others Piperacillin/Tazobactam (CR) Tazosyn and Zosyn Tiapride (PR) Tiapridal and others

Metoclopramide (CR) Reglan and others Posaconazole (CR) Noxafil and others Tipiracil and Trifluridine (PR) Lonsurf

Metronidazole (CR) Flagyl and many others Probucol (KR) Lorelco Tizanidine (PR) Zanaflex and others

Midostaurin (PR) Rydapt Procainamide (KR) Pronestyl and others Tolterodine (PR) Detrol and others

Mifepristone (PR) Korlym and others (PR) Phenergan Toremifene (PR) Fareston

Mirabegron (PR) Myrbetriq (KR) Diprivan and others torsemide (CR) Demadex and others

Mirtazapine (PR) Remeron (PR) Dominal and others Desyrel (discontinued 6/13) and (CR) others Moexipril/HCTZ (PR) Uniretic and others (CR) Seroquel (PR) Surmontil and others Moxifloxacin (KR) Avelox and others Quinidine (KR) Quinaglute and others Tropisetron (PR) Navoban and others Necitumumab (PR) Portrazza Quinine sulfate (CR) Qualaquin Valbenazine (PR) Ingrezza Nelfinavir (CR) Viracept Ranolazine (CR) Ranexa and others Vandetanib (KR) Caprelsa (PR) Cardene Ribociclib (PR) Kisqali Vardenafil (PR) Levitra Nilotinib (PR) Tasigna Rilpivirine (PR) Edurant and others Vemurafenib (PR) Zelboraf Norfloxacin (PR) Noroxin and others (PR) Risperdal Venlafaxine (PR) Effexor and others (PR) Pamelor and others Ritonavir (CR) Norvir Voriconazole (CR) VFend Nusinersen (PR) Spinraza Romidepsin (PR) Istodax Vorinostat (PR) Zolinza Ofloxacin (PR) Floxin Roxithromycin (KR) Rulide and others Note: Medicines on this list are reviewed on an ongoing basis to assure that the available evidence supports their continued placement onZiprasidone this list. (CR) Because, the listGeodon changes and others regularly, we recommendOlanzapine (CR)always checking theZyprexa website and others at for the mostSaquinavir up-to-date (PR) information.Invirase(combo) Most drugs have multiple brand names and it is not practical to list them on this form. The (PR) Losizopilon and others CredibleMeds.orgOmeprazole (CR) website providesLosec and a otherspartial list of the more common brands. (PR) Serdolect and others

Disclaimer and Waiver: The information presented here is intended solely for the purpose of providing general information about health-related matters. It is not intended for any other purpose, including but not limited to medical advice and/or treatment, nor is it intended to substitute for the users’ relationships with their own health care providers. To that extent, by use of this list and the information it contains, the user affirms the understanding of the purpose and releases AZCERT, Inc. from any claims arising out of his/her use of this list. The Terms of Use Agreement for this list and the CredibleMeds website is available at The absence of drugs from these lists should not be considered an indication that they are free of risk of QT prolongation or torsades de pointes. Few medicines have been tested for this risk in patients, especially those with congenital long QT syndrome. This list and the CredibleMeds® website are intended for personal and professional use only and are protected by U.S. Copyright (title 17, U.S. Code). Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited. Generated: August 24, 2017. List last revised: August 23, 2017