
parasitica (Murrill) Barr MAR 13 hosts have been reported. hosts, although a number of other unconfirmed Host Range: . parts of northern Europe are stillfree of this Australasia, South America, most of Africa and 1938, but originated in eastern Asia. from North America in 1904 and Europe in Distribution: development and spread. climate, whereas dryconditions its slow Disease isfavoured bya humid temperate trees. survival the on underground stumps of infected appear to resistant, be some reports indicate dead woodfor 1 The pathogen can survive and sporulate on perithecia. and produce pycnidiaand, less often, infection. Orange branches causing blighting of shoots above the bark of trees. Cankers form and may girdle windblownascospores can infect woundsin the Biology and Ecology: Australia is the subject of a nationaleradication response which began in 2010. propagating material and other host tissue. An outbreak of the diseasenorth in The pathogen can cause cankers, blighting and tree death and is readilyspread viatrade in infected endemic populations of American and European in North America and Europe, respectively. parasitica isa serious fungal disease of chestnut ( Classification: K: Fungi, P: C: , O: F: Disease: Chestnut blight, chestnut canker; Causalagent: a trunk wound;trunk cankers with andswelling cracking (images courtesy of Smith,David DPI Victoria) Fig. Symptoms of orange stromata containing fruiting bodies of Keycontacts Further Reading: Liberato and Robin(2006) PaDIL (online).

. . The pathogen isa woundparasite originating in Asia whichcaused severe epidemicsin

Chestnut and oak are the major The The disease was first reported :

- Jacky Edwards,AgriBio, DPI Victoria, e BillWashington, BV, DPI Victoria, e 2 years, and although roots - red stromata form on cankers

Anagnostakis Anagnostakis (2000) APSnetfeatures online.Gryzenhaut


Pathogen of the month Pathogenof

- ineffective against this disease. management practices. Fungicidesare generally breeding, and eradication are all useful hypovirulenceas a biocontrol, resistance Disease Management: than chestnuts. species, but generally oaks are less susceptible four years. The pathogen can killsome oak death of susceptible species can occur within these trees. Under favourable conditions, tree affected although disease can be severe evenin strains. Asianspecies of chestnut are less induce healingof cankers caused byvirulent hypovirulent strains of the pathogen whichcan dentata to serious was significant. less This ispossibly due planted and forest chestnuts ( understory component. In Europe the impact on dentata estimated 3.5 Americanbillion chestnuts ( disaster in forests in eastern USA, reducing an nineteenth century initiateda major ecological C. parasitica Disease Impact: mail: C. sativa Castanea - mail: Cryphonectria parasitica [email protected] , , and also due to the presence of ) from a dominant forest tree to a minor [email protected] C. parasitica

being slightlymore resistant than

into North America in the late spp) caused by

The The accidentalintroduction of ; ; stromata associated with

Quarantine, Quarantine, use of et al

Cryphonectria (2009) APSPress.

C. sativa –

Mar 13 -

east east Victoria, ) ) although

