N E W S L E T T E R Vol
Harvard University Department of MUSICn e w s l e t t e r Vol. 8, No. 2/Summer 2008 The More Things Change...: Music at Harvard, Then & Now Music Building by Anne C. Shreffler North Yard Harvard University Taking advantage of the Cambridge, MA 02138 comparatively quiet sum- mer months, I recently re-read Eliot Forbes’s A 617-495-2791 History of Music at Harvard www.music.fas.harvard.edu to 1972 (Department of Music, Harvard Univer- sity, 1988). Forbes, class of 1941 and a professor in the Music Department INSIDE from 1958 to 1984, known primarily for his magiste- Graduate student Meredith Schweig, Professors Rehding and Shreffler, graduate student 3 Faculty News rial revised and expanded Andrea Bohlman, and Professor Revuluri 4 Tutschku receives tenure; edition of Alexander Wheelock Thayer’s Life of that the musical transaction goes both ways: people Clark appointed Beethoven, writes of the different roles played by can do things with music—perform, compose, and music at Harvard: study it—but music also does things to (and with) 4 RISM adds Yale, Juilliard Music can provide stimulation, often of a deep, us: by providing “stimulation, often of a deep, spiri- manuscripts spiritual nature, to those who perform; music can tual nature...; music can be a life of its own...; music 5 Graduate Student News be a life of its own for those who create it through can be a subject of total absorption.” Finally, Forbes speaks of the special role of music at a liberal arts 6 Library News composition; and music can be a subject of total absorption for those who would study its history university, which must address the needs of those 6 Archiving Ulysses Kay and its roots.
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