i3h·tctor.J1. 1\fELBOURN, &c. the declivity of a hill, about three miles to the right or 1 John Porte, of Etwall. There is also a Sunday school east of the Birmingham and Junction Railway. fm· boys and giJ·ls, erected and ,,atronized by Sir G. The habitations are for the mol'1t part detached, and ex- Crewe. Anciently a market and fait· were held het·e, tend about a mile in length, hadu g a fi ue trout stream and there is still a statute meetitll! at 1\lichaelmas for running hy them, which flows into the Trent. This hiring sen·auts. An annual court leet is held by the lord place is ttot di.stiugui.;hed by manufactures: there are of the manor.-At BRETBY, a hamlet in this parish, a sevet-al maltiugs, and two breweriel-1 ; but agriculture mile and a half distant, is Bt·etby Hall, the seat of the is the prerailiul! occupation of ~he inhabitants. The Earl of Chesterfield, encompassed by scenery exceed· pari~h church of St. Wyston stands at the lower part of iugly beautiful. the village, agreeably ele\·ated abon: the meadow~; it Two miles N. E. from is WILLINGTON parish, is a Jar~e and handsome stmctnre, principally of Nor- through which passes the rh·et· Tt·eut and the Graud man architecture, with an elegant loft, spire, tormiug a Trunk canal. In the village is the pari~h church, a pleasinJ: and promitlent ohject in the surroundin~ see- structure of small dimensions. nery. The benefice is a perpetual cnracy, iu the l!ift of The following is the population of the foregoing pa· Sir Geor:se Crewe, Bart. In the area before tne church rishes, by the census taken in June, 1841 :-MELBOURN, i~ an old :o;tone cross, tenniuatiu!-! in a column; and a 2.58:1; CAULK, 55; STANTO~, 205; SWARKESTON, 321; plaiu pointed arch or gateway, leading into the school FoREMARK (with INGLEBY), 162; TICKNELL, 1,271; yard. Neat· the church are the remains of a priory, CHELLASTON, 461; , :;61; REPTON (with BRET" now converted into a free school, riehly endowed by Sir nv, 298), 2,091; WILLINGTON, 409. POST OFFICE, MELBOURN, Jo~eph Warren, Post lllnster.-Letters from all parts arrive (from DERBY) every moruing at eight, and are despatched e\'ery aftenwou at three. POST OFFICE, SwARKESToN, Ann Watson, Post Jllistres.r.-Letters from all parts arrive (from DERBY) evet·y morning at seven, and are despatched every afternoon at half-past three. POSr OFFICE, , George Toplis, Post 11/aster.-Letters from all parts arrive (from DERBY) every morning at eight, and are despatched erery afternoon at half-pa~t two. :Posr OFFICE, REPTON, John 1\Jar~halJ, Post .Master.-Letters from all parts an·h·e (from BuRTON• UPON-TRENT) every morning at ten, and are despatched erery afternoon at half-past four. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND INFANTS' SCHOOL, 1\lelbourn-Lucy Eaton John, Repton CLERGY. Wheldon, mi~tress Fielding- William, ~tanton Be~~d M~. Robert, l\lelh?mn NATIONAL ScuooL, Melbourn- Goodwin William, Smisby Be11 esfm ~ C~loue.l-, R~ pton [hall William Moore master H ulse James l\lelbourn Burdett Su· ¥ ra~ct~, hart. Foremark SuNDAY ScHooL: Repton-Richard H ul!':e Jo!'epl;, l\lelboum Can~rel~ Rev. Wtll.mm, Newton . Goad~by, master 1\leakiu Henry, Chel.a!lton Che:steJ ?eld t~e Right Hon. the Eat I Syl>es William, Repton Minion Henry, Tick nail of, U1 eth~ hall . Moon William Bretby ~~x Rev.: Richards~n, Trckuall Fox Ft·ederi~kG~;:£~;d ¥elbourn} Monis Henry,' Willir.~gton CJ ewe F.dmund, e,q. Repton Park .l\1 lb . SheJJherd Samuel .1\'telbourn house e omu . ' . Crewe Sir George, bart. Caulk abbey Grime Thomas . I to Sir George Sn~e.dley Eh~bet~1,' ~ewtou Solney Deans Rev. Jose >h Melbouru Crewe, hart.) T1cl\llall So.t~ Jo!m, Chellastou Gatwy Rev. Geo'rg~ Repton Rhodes Charles (to Trent & Mersey I Tfm:le Edward, Twyford OJm•er Mr. John, P~tlock, Findem Canal Comp~t~y) Swarkeston I Wl~.etton Thoma~ •. ~~~pton Greaves .l\liss, King's Newtun RowbothamWJ!ltam (to Derby Canal W11ght Henry, Ttcknall Haimes Mr. William, Melbourn Company) Swarkeston BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Hare Rev. John. Repton ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS. Ashmore Thomas, ~misby Hollins Rev. Richard, Twvford (See also Joiners 8r Carpente1·s.) A:<~tle Thomas, Smisby J,ees l\h. John, Newton Solney :\larples Samuel (and stone quarry Barber Thomas, l\1elbonrn l\Jason Rev. William, l\lelhourn o~vnet·) .l\1elbonru Bayley Thomas. Chellastou 1\Ielbourn the Right Hon. Viscount, Sm1th James, Repton Bladon John, Repton Melhoum hall Sterenson Luke, Repton Bowman Clml"les, Melbourn Newton Mr. George, Chellastou BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Brooks John, Ticknall Pattin:son Rev. John, Reptun Adcock John l\1elbourn Camp James, Harrow P~il Rev. William, Reptoo Adcock Stephen, i\Ielbouru Camp John, Chellaston Rtchdale John, esq. Ttcknall Bailey William, "5misby CamP. Thomas, Ch,~llaston Sca~·sdale the Hou.Larly,Barrow hall Cartwrig-ht William, 1\lelbourn Carthd~e James, 'hck1.Ja~l ~m~th Rev. Jolm, Heptou Cope John, Williugton ~hamber.s Thomas, Wtlhngton Smtth Wm. ~s_q. Sw~rke~ton Lon·s Dallmau H ugh, l\1 elbonm Collyer J ames, ~1 el,houru Soar Mr. Wtlham, Chel!astou Earp Joseph, Melhounr ~ollyer John, Kw~ ll ~ewton So!ners Mr. Tlu:!mas, l\hlton . (ton Eyre Samuel, Williugton ~ollyer Samuel, Kmg s Newton ~pdshury Hev. l·,r~a~. Ward, WI!ltng- Forman Chades, Chella~ton ~oll~:e~ Th.m!la~o;, 1\I.el~ourrn , Stothard Rev.\\ 1lham, Repton Holli!l Elizabeth Ticknall 1Collyet W1lham, Kmg s Ne\\ ton ThomewiU Edward, esq. Newton i Holt Elizabeth Kiu~'s Newton 1 Coxon Jame;;, l\lelbourn Solney . [ton hall, .Tacl;son John,'Repton 1 Dall!m~n J~ol.ert, Melhonm V andelenr George,_ esq. Kmg's New- I Nickliu~on Hi chard, Ticknall 1 Dmt!cl!ff Edward, i\1 t'lhourn Wayte 1\lt·ll. -. l\1Jlto.n Onlish N oah, Swar·keston I Dumchff Frank ,?I~e, 1\I elbouru Wa~te )Jr. Henry, 1\hlton . Pegg William, l\lelbourn ~\re S~muel, \\ 1lhngton Whtttaker Rev .. Thomas \Vnght, , Pywell Jamell, Ticknall F oster,.S~muel,_ l\l cl bourn Stanton-by-Bndge [ney Robin son Josiah Repton Gee\"\ 1lltam, Ttck nail W!Iders Mr. William, Newton Sol-: Sheffield Thoma~, TJckuall 1 Grt'en John, 1\ll'lhoum Wttt Rev. Matthew, Repton Soar William Ticknall I Hatton John, l\lelbonnt Wootton 1\Ir. Geor~e, Chellaston BASK~T MAKERS. H~zard Nathaniel. Newt1.m Solne)" ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. !\1 \-" Cl ·l H t Hrckmhotharn Jol'eph, T1cknall Nototherwisedescribedare Day Schools. i' ea ~! 11 lal es, ~P. on Hill John, Ticknall Abbott Richard, Bretby 11\Ieakm Johu (& ste,e) Repton Kent William, l\lill hill, Repton FREE ScHOOL (boys'-patron, Sir 1\loll. E~w~rd, Repton Lowe Charles, Barrow Gem·ge Crewe, bart.) Ticknall- Toll~s "~rtn~er, Repton Morley Robert, Repton Georl!e Briggs, master IWald FtaucJs, Hepton Orange William, l\lelbourn FREE ScHooL (girls'-patroness,. BLACKSMITHS. Pegg Samuel, \Villington Lady Crewe) Ticknall--1\Jary Bamford Petet·, Repton Potts Samuel, Swarkeston

Banyer, mistress 1 Bat·ker William, Willington Rateliffe Jo~eph, Ticknall FREE ScnooL, Stanton-Mary Ann Heutley James, BatTow Ratc!iffe William, Reptou Shar·p, mh.tress · Bentley .John, Swarkeston Smith Frauds, Ticknall GRAMMAR ScnooL, Repton-RevJ Bircher George, Kin~·s Newton. Smith George, Ticknall Willlam Peil, head master l Cart!idge John, Ticknall • Smithard John, Reptou.._