November So Cents

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November So Cents NOVEMBER 1958 EN ROUTE , Sec p.l ge 328 ) ! SO CENTS Subscription Rat. OIIE YEAR 55.50 1 H istory was Hill be ing 2 A .. , P- QN3 was in style l\Titten at the time in re, the n, though betler a fter 6 TOBACCO AS AN AID TO CHESS gard to Plllsbmy's ·1 B- N5. , . Q).1 - Q2 indeed, and out of Amos Burn was a stout chessmastel' who won his fall' share Burn knew of it as a new· style altogethe r today. But, of games, inducting not It few bl'!l1iancies. He was addicte(\ ish and critical line but as Reti says, the fianchetto to pipe-smoking and, whe n the glowing coal in bis pipe bowl knew also the preceding idea was neve!' really dis· fed his inspiration, few even of the grandmasters z'el!shed moves to be sta ndard and credit ed. And BUI"ll felt en· having to break down hi ~ stubborn will. Napier, we think safe - and, besides, he had tirely comfortable - except It was, told of his game with Frank J. Marshall (Whit e) in his pipe but was s Uli seal'ch· h e hltd misp l aced hi s Paris. 1900. The g~me began with these move .~: 1 P-Q4, 'P- Q4 ing for his tobacco pouch. ma tches and was groping 2 P_QB4, P- K3 3 N_QB3, N-KB3 4 B-N5, B-K2 (see So he went on 5 F'-KS, 0-0 for them. 7 B- QS, B-N2 8 diagram 1). 6 N_BS, P-QNS (See ~ o, 2). F'xF', PxP 9 BxN, BxB. 3 B urn may have wondered 4- Ma r s hall's attac k look" 5 T his game, it must be as · 6 Unpacking a clogged pipe wh)" Marshall swapped off somewhat aborti"e; but h" serted. was no pioneer ef· is Qu ite II job, and Burn's a good B ishop, while he was hits t be poss ibi li ty of the fort in the line. Burn prob· ['ecapt\ll'e has been sevel'ely packing his stu bby bdar. st ock sacrifi<,e : BxP t and ably knell' of the Marshall­ (Titiciz ed. Bu t we have the And, t hough neit her Dut'll N- N5t or, if I II , , . P-KR3, Marco game In t he same word of !leU t hat 12 ... nor Marshall were noted as 11 P- K:"\' J and 12 P - N5. tournament and so was pre· BPxP 8tlll leaves White T wo B ishop m en, t he qu e ~· B urn Is not inattentive. H f' pa r ed in advance with his with an excellent attack. But tlon seems a good one. It ha~ fonnd h i ~ pipe is not last move, 1\ . H.- K I , in noll' BUl'n h ilS found a probe may be Burn w as thinking drawinK and ~o is now look· place of Marco's futil e 11 wi t h wh ich to unplug hl ~ rather more of his p ipe: but ing for his rea mer and a .. P-B4 which lost quitk· pipe and he ans wers Mar· Marshall wasn' t. He follow· probe, but plays 10 , . , P­ ly, Noll' there followe d t he shall's move confidently: ed with 10 P_ KR4. N3 11 P-R5, R- K1. exchange : 12 F'xF', R,PxP, 13 Q-B2, N-Q2. 7 The sacl'mce is obl'ious : 8 Now, of course, it's jns t 9 :"\' 01\', at last, Bm'n c/ln 10 The finis h, unexl)e{· ted but, with his pille ,It'awing a matter or re packing t he apply his match, fire his as it must lin I'e bee n (0 freely, Burn doubtless sees pipe, .\Im"shlill must hal'e pipe and pl'epare to Settle Amos Bul'll, was none the­ it and the Pl"Opet' counter to been connting on 15 , " , dOW IJ, with II rather naked less ine l"itable: 17 • , , KxR it. The only u'ouble whic h K - Dl'? lti N - KNS, BxN \ 7 King, to be sure, but one 18 Q-R7 mate. Ellt do n'! he has no\\' Is that he has R..: H7 , etc , It is not that s olid piece to the good, a forget the consolation 01 misla id his matches, mean· s imple by a pipeful! So very comfortable game if, 0111' LadY Nkotine . Amo,' while, No, h ere they aloe Burn pa cks his reca lcitra n t indeed. Mar shall wants to nOli" has his pipe going- a llt under the pack of pipe pipe once more a nd carrie s be s tllbborn and continue, ca n muse a t lI"ill over the cleaners. Burn · starts hi ~ OU t t he r efutation : 15 , , . H e strikes the match ; but p o~ ition, Le t's add on€' word counter: 14 BxP, PxB 15 B-N2 16 N-KN5, Q- B3, :"\'0"; ;'Ii a r s ha ll lights his own fire : wore on the aid of t obac(' o : QxPt, Ma rshall has bitte n, el'er:'t hlng i ~ na iled do"-n. 17 R-ASt ! Franl;: smoked cigars. CHESS REVIEW tH' PIC'''.' CHUS ... A042'". vol ume 26 Numbe r 11 November. 1958 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES Game o f the Month ______________ _ 334 International Team Tournament, 321 , 328 L ad from New Orleans __ _______ ___ 331 Round Robin Tournament Pa irings _ 338 DEPARTMENTS Chessboar d Magic! 335 Chess Club D irectory __ _____ ___ __ _ 326 C hess Quiz 330 Games from Recent Events __ _____ 340 On the Cover ________ ___ _______ __ _ 328 Past Maste rpieces ___________ ~ ___ __ 322 Postal Chess ____________ ___ _____ __ 348 Readers' Games ___ ___ ____ ____ 346, 350 Solitaire Chess __ ______________ ___ 339 Spotlight on Openi ngs ___ _____ __ ___ 336 Tournament Calendar ____ ______ __ _ 327 World of Chess __ ___ _______ ____ ___ 323 EDI TOR I. A . Horo,,"I"" EXECUTIVE E DI TOR In''k Straley I::l"fl e ll CONTRIBUTING EDITORS A. B. I31~.<; ui e r . L Chernev, J. W. Collins, 'j'. A . D\!n st. Or. 1\[. Eu,,"e. Hans Kmoch. W . Korn, F red Reinfeld, Aben Rudy. CHESS TO T HE FORE CORRESPONDENTS the n ext five acting as alternates. have Collegiate F. H . Kerr I am enclo5ing for YOllr information a engaged in three matches wilh T emple Alabama E . M . Cockrell. photograph which shows oll r in Slruction U niversity. We have held o ur own in California L<lroy Johnson, Dr. H . Ralston, M . J . RO yer. hoard and a small segment nf nUt" Chess Ihese malehes, having d ra wn the firsl. Colorado 0\1. IV. Reese. Clu b. We know of your g reat int ercst in Temple winning Ill e second ant! ollr team Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. Delaware M . R. PaUl. the promot ion of d less and know thaI winning Ihe IhinL A t the present time, Florida R C. Eastwood. you wo uld be interested in th is aetivilr we are negotiating willi ollte r Chess Clubs Georgia fl. I.. l ~' · oemke . at o ur InSlit utinn. the vicinity wilh Ihe o bject setting il li nois J. G. \Varren. in of Indiana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. Our Chess Club wa,-; organi7.ed exactly up future matches. Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. on e year ago, and we have fU lltld it 10 he As yo u sec, chess has come 10 pl ay a n Kentucky J. W. Mayer. Kansas K It. MacDonald. Ii most successfu l and en jnyable activity. important role in our rehabilita ti on and Louisiana C. J. Cucullu. T his group i5 completely directed and activities program. T h e memhers of the Maryland Chnl"les Barasch. M"ssachusetts I~ranklin J. Sanborn controlled b r t he inm ates Ihem selves. T he Club look 10 Chess Review for guidance Michigan H. Buskager, J. R. \\'alson. Deputy S uperintendent'5 cl erk ( an avid and knowledge. Minnesota H. C. Gove. Mississippi D. A. Hn,.,.is. chess fan ) has ueen appointed by fhe In· J\-[ICHAEL !\[OHEI.LO , En. D. Missou ri E . A. '.ralley. stitut ional SlaH to head the group. He. EllS/em State Pellitelltiary, Pa . Nebraska ll. E. Ellsworth. J ack Spence. R l':. Weare. along with IWo assislants. devote most of Neva da R. L. ·Wheeler. their Sl)are time in instrncling and pro­ International Team Tournament New H.1tllpsh ire I:-(" Iph 1\1. Gerl h. FINAL STANDINGS New York \Va lle. Froehlich, Edward LaSker, moting ehess in the in stitut ion . H. ,\1. P hillips. At the present time, we have 54 memo Soviet Union 34i· 9~ W . Germany 22 ·22 North Carolina Dr. S. Noblin. YUQos lavla 29 ·15 Switzerland 19 .25 bers in o ur group. The gro up hilS been No ,· th Dakota D. C. Macdonflld. Argentl"" 251 . 18J Spai n 1 7 ~ _26 ~ Ohio R. B. H ayes, J. R. Schroeder. b roken into fon r classes. A. B. C & D. The United Statu 24 .• 20 Bulgaria 17 ·27 Pennsylvania W illiam R. Hamllton, Lee B. Chess Club members have put into lise Cz'slovakla 22.22 England 16 .28 Hoeve l·. E. Ger.many 22 · 22 Austria 15.l-28~ South Carolina Prof. 1.. L. Foater. the same rating system that you use in Consolations: Section 1 Hung" ,·)· .11-13 : South Dakota ~1.
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