mber/December 1995 e / 4, Number 4


..."WE CAN


"I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgement is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

Pope John Paul II 1 TJ ,« 7


3 From the President: John Rhein proposes that the 1928 be the official, alternative Prayer Book.

4 Temples of the Holy Spirit: The Rev'd Samuel Edwards explains the nature and practice of chastity. BOARD OF DIRECTORS

The Rev'd D. Barrington Balms, New York, NY 5 Reflections from the Editor's Desk: The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon considers the two religions of

Mr. D. Kirke Erskine, Carmel, CA the Episcopal Church. Treasurer 6 and Bishop Righter: Louie Crew of Integrity paraphrases John 8:3-11 and the Editor The Rev'd Joseph S. Fakone, Whitphall, PA St. Stephen !f Episcopal Church comments.

The Rev'd Gordon D. Griffith, Santa Rosa, CA 7 Pagan Pantheon Replaces Christian Images: Jan Mahood describes a visit to the book­

Dr. Janet Hildebrand, W. Monroe, LA store at the "National Church Headquarters."

Mrs. Leo (Bree) Kelly, Atlanta, GA 8 Which ofYou ByTakingThought?: The Rev'd Politzer discusses the effects of Gnosti­

The Rev'd David C. Kennedy, SSC, Lantana, FL cism in the Church. Church ofthe Guardian Angel 9 A Statement of Concern: The ESA Bishops express their fears for the Church after the vote in The Rev'd A. Darwin Kirby, Jr., Pittsboro, NC the House of Bishops at Portland. Mrs. Jan Mahood, Huntington, NY 10 A Letter from Pope John Paul II: Women cannot be ordained to the ministerial priesthood. The Rev'd Dr. David A. Ousley, Philadelphia, PA Church of St. James the Less 12 An Open Letter: An Open Letter from the PBS to the ESA concerning a sure foundation for the Mr. John H.W. Rhein, III, Garden City, NY traditional doctrine of ordination. President

Mr. Robert Robinson, New Canaan, CT 13 Consider Yourself Warned: William Murchison reflects upon the implications ofthe vote of the Bishops at Portland. Mrs. Jerry (Marilyn) Ruzicka, Clifton Park, NY Mandate Editor, Emeritus 14 Life Above the 49th:The Director, Graham Eglington, reports on the work ofthe Canadian Prayer The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon, Oconomowoc, WI Book Society. Vice-President

Mrs. Alfred (Nancy) Von Klemperer, Mill Neck, NY 15 I Love the Episcopal Church: Miriam Stauff expresses her deep loyalty and affection for the Secretary (traditional) Anglican Way.

Mr. Luther D. (Dan) Wallis, Pebble Beach, CA 16 The AdveitisingVage: A harmonious full page assortment of various books and Prayer Books Mr. Joseph Warren, Chicago, IL to encourage, strengthen and build your faith.

EMERITUS AND HONORARY DIRECTORS 17 Avoiding Bad English: David Mills explains the relation between thinking and speaking. The Rt. Rev'd Clarence R. Haden, Ret. Emeritus and Honorary, Lake Oswego, OR 18 If I Could Do It All Over Again: Canon Philip Weeks reflects on what has happened to the The Rev'd John Hildebrand Episcopal Church since the 1960's. Honorary, Ft. Worth, TX

The Rev'd Jerome Politzer 19 Dear Bishop Browning: A letter from the Editor to the Presiding Bishop concerning the need Emeritus and Honorary, Carmel, CA for an immediate U-Turn - with a Prayer for the Presiding Bishop.

The Rey'd Herbert Ward Honorary, Boulder City, NV Cover Photos- Pope John Paul II -AFP PHOTO/Bob Strong; Episcopal Bishops - Episcopal News Service

MANDATE —Vol. 14, No. 4 Editor: The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon; Managing Editor: James T Whitacre; Typesetting and Design: Preservation Press, Inc. © 1995 by The Prayer Book Society ofthe Episcopal Church. All rights reserved. MANDATE is published six times a year by The Society for the Preservation of the Book of Common Prayer, Inc., a non-profit organization serving the Church. All gifts to the Prayer Book Society are tax-deductible. Subscriptions: $28 tax-deductible donation for a one year subscription. Editorial Correspondence: EO. Box 35220; Philadelphia, PA 19128; 609/467-4597; Fax 609/467-4621; E-mail [email protected]. Advertising and Subscrip­ tions: EO. Box 35220, Philadelphia, PA 19128; 609/467-4597, Fax 609/467-4621. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Prayer Book Society, EO. Box 35220, Fhiladelphia, PA 19128-0220. Following our Lord's MANDATE: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matt. 28:19

2 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church From the President

John H.W. Rhein III


his issue of MANDATE is the last before we enter into the Common Prayer be made the official Alternative Service Book - new year, and it is the second in our new expanded format. and 1 stand by this request. TThrough MANDATE it is our intention to give hope, joy and Also in making my request of the Presiding Bishop I was not comfort to those who hold true to the doctrine contained in the retracting a long held Prayer Book Society stand that rectors and scripture based 1549-1928 Books of Common Prayer: Hope, in that vestry have always been atlibertytousethe 1928 Book of Common MANDATE shows clearly the battle for biblically based morality in Prayer should they choose to. They have the right within canon our Church is not lost; Joy, in that we bring together those of like law to do so if they duly inform their bishops. I never meant to mind who rej oice in the Holy Spirit; and we bring Comfort through imply this right did not exist, but today there is much confusion the spiritual nourishment we provide. among both clergy and the laity as to what their prerogatives are. We are grateful to the Presiding Bishop for supplying our Putting the 1928 Book of Common Prayer back in the pews now Philadelphia office with labels that enabled us to send MANDATE requires an act of courage. If the Book were to become the official to each member of the House of Bishops, and with our gratitude ASB, its presence in the pews would become almost automatic just we send our prayers that he will renounce the modernist's religion as its exodus was autocratic. and return to the religion of his Baptism (see further page 19). The Prayer Book Society is dedicated to bringing the living past Bishop Browning is a man of great love and compassion, and it into the present and on into the future through the propagation of is only his modernist orientation that has caused him to ignore the Common Prayer Tradition as contained in the 1928 Book of the pain which the new religion has inflicted upon over a million Common Prayer. Our magazine, MANDATE, is our principal Episcopalians. As we pray for him a stanza from an old Gospel communications link with Church members (old and new), and hymn comes to mind. with those who have left in sorrow and pain because of the new religion which was imposed upon them. Sending MANDATE to all "Down in the human heart crushed by the tempter, of those we need to reach is expensive, and, while the magazine is Feelings lie buried that grace can restore. not intended to be a fund raiser (we have several appeals each year Touched by a loving hand, wakened by kindness, to do that) it has been responsible for bringing in a goodly sum to Chords that were broken can vibrate once more." help us continue in our efforts to preserve the Anglican way of worship. We are very grateful for your continuing financial support. What a wonderful thing it would be if the Presiding Bishop were We work for and pray for the renewal of the Church through the to recall his baptism and ordination vows and dedicate his lastyears Word of God and by the Holy Spirit. We need your support in this in office to the recovery of dynamic orthodox in the great vocation by your prayers, your gifts and by your local Episcopal Church. To those who are cynical, and insist that such a involvement in your parish activities. May God bless us all! + sea change in position would be impossible we say, never, never, never underestimate the power of prayer. A SIMPLE WAYTO HELP THE P.B.S. Any recovery of genuine Trinitarian Orthodoxy would require As many Episcopalians as possible need to know that dynamic the revival of the doctrine contained in the Common Prayer traditionalism is alive and well. We are enthusiastic about the Tradition, and that is precisely what I had in mind when I proposed appearance of the new Mandate. to Bishop Browning that he make the 1928 Book of Common Prayer an Alternate Service Book for the Episcopal Church. We want to expand our circle. We need to add names to our Some confusion appears to have arisen on the part of a few of mailing list of those who receive Mandate. You can help us do our dedicated supporters who wondered why I didn't ask that we this. emulate The , and the Anglican Church of Please send us your Parish Directory so that we can send each Canada who use the classic Book of Common Prayer as their person a free, introductory copy of the new 20 page color primary Book and the 1979 prayer book (or reasonable facsimiles) Mandate. Further, please also feel free to send us a List created as the Alternate Service Book. To their way of thinking, and mine from your own address book. We shall not give or sell our list to as well, the 1928 Book of Common Prayer could never play second any other society. fiddle. At this stage of our Church's evolution, however, it would be wildly unrealistic to expect the House of Bishops to recommend We cannot operate without your prayerful support and practical the reinstatement of the genuine Book of Common Prayer as the help. You are our strength and inspiration. official Prayer Book for the Episcopal Church. But politics is the art ofthe possible, and that is why I asked that the genuine Book of Please send the lists to: The Prayer Book Society; P.O. 35220; Philadelphia, PA 19128-0220

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 3 fulness of God, the Father, to his covenant The Rev'd Samuel L. Edwards with his redeemed people. Within the vocation of holy matrimony, the call to chastity is worked out by husband and wife in mutual fidelity. They are to realize that they are indeed "stewards ofthe TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT mysteries of God," that is, of the mysteries which are the organs of expression of their Sexuality and the Christian persons - their bodies. For those who, by choice or by circumstance, are not in the bond and covenant of marriage, the call to chastity is he foundation of orthodox Christian chastity! Fidelity to one's spouse or expressed by refraining from sexual activity. teaching on human sexuality are the abstinence (which are the two forms ofthe Thereby they make a radical statement of Tdoctrines of the creation and re­ chastity to which all Christians are called) the Christian realization that one's personal demption of the world by God the Father has never driven anyone crazy who has not fulfillment can be found in nothing that is through the Son and in the Holy Spirit. already bought the lie that the lack of of this world, but only in communion with God created everything that exists from genital, sexual activity actually drives God himself. nothing. From this, it follows that God people crazy. Certainly marital fidelity involves more alone has absolute ownership of everything The voodoo-/priestesses of the than the restriction of sexual inter-activity in the universe. Therefore we are, and can sexual revolution cannot claim such a to one's partner, but this is an indispensable be, only stewards. record for those who have bought into their condition to the deepening of that fidelity Then also God was in Christ [the Son] creed. People have gone and are going crazy in which one learns unselfishness. With reconciling the world to himself, not and are dying as a consequence of equal certainty, celibacy involves more than counting our trespasses against us, but disordered sexual indulgence. mere abstinence from sexual activity; but enabling us to be made a new creation in The fact that the innocent suffer, because again this is an indispensable condition to Christ. From this, it follows that those who of the disordered or sinful behavior of the deepening of that fidelity to One other are in Christ belong to him before they someone else at some point in the than oneself. Without such fidelity to the belong to themselves. As St. Paul wrote to pathological chain, is not an argument Lord there is no sanctity. the church at Corinth (which, like today's against such diseases being in some sense Episcopal Church, evidenced no small wages of sin. Rather, it underlines one ofthe In conclusion confusion about sexual matters), "You are things that makes sin - all sin, not just the not your own: you were bought with a sexual kind - so horrible. This is the fact that Such has been and remains the consistent price" (1 Cor. 6:19b-20). while there are secret sins, there are no teaching ofthe Church in all ages and places These truths bring us to what is perhaps private sins. If I sin, my action is going to down to the present day. That there are ap­ the key affirmation that distinguishes affect others, even innocents who have parent exceptions in the historical record by orthodox Christian teaching concerning never heard of me, because at least my no means undermines the strength of this sexuality from secular attitudes: Our bodies choice will affect adversely my character assertion. Rather such exceptions (which belong to God, not to ourselves. Not and hence the character of the community are examples of infidelity and compromise) surprisingly, the world finds this in which I live. We are inescapably social merely prove the rule, standing out much affirmation to be very strange. and our lives are unavoidably intertwined. as stains do on an otherwise pure white However, if this consideration underlines cloth. Any other teaching is manifestly out­ the horrible nature of sin, even more it Sexual Indulgence side the consensus, and any who teach oth­ provides a background upon which can be erwise lose the right to instruct the people One ofthe general assumptions of contem­ shown forth the dazzling and transfiguring of God. + porary American culture is this. It is neces­ radiance ofthe mercy of God, the Father. He sary for personal fulfillment (the secular will forgive any sin of whatever kind that is Fr. Edwards is the Executive Director ofthe Epis­ truly offered to him in penitence. The only copal Synod of America. He has a great commit­ substitute for God's salvation) that one be ment to the Common Prayer Tradition of engaged in genital, sexual activity. The sin which cannot be forgiven is that which Anglicanism. This piece is an updating of part of secular consensus is that sexual activity, of the sinner will not offer, whether through a longer essay he wrote for the Newsletter of the whatever kind, and in whatever circum­ lack of faith in the ability of God to deal with Evangelical and Catholic Mission in 1986. stances favored by the participant, is a fun­ it, or because of a refusal to acknowledge it damental human right. Such a viewpoint as sin. is hardly surprising, however. After all, it is Collect for Purity commonly assumed that there is such a thing as a right to happiness - as defined Chastity lmighty God, unto whom all hearts are solely by the individual person. Aopen, all desires known, and from whom To this secular attitude, the faithful Without exception, all Christians are called no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our Church says "Bunk!" The claim that there to be chaste: each is to be a faithful steward hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that is a basic human need for, and right to, of his individual sexuality. This call to chas­ we may perfectly love thee, and worthily mag­ genital sexual activity is shown to be a tity is really a ringing affirmation of our free­ nify thy holy Name; rhrough Christ our Lord. fiction when put under the light of a basic dom in Christ from the dominion of any Amen (Holy Communion, 1928) fact. No-one has ever died from a surfeit of created thing. It is a reflection of the faith­

4 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church Reflections from the Editor's Desk

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

THE TWO RELIGIONS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH t the Phoenix General Convention in that it fits well into the American secularist, multicultural, relativist world ofthe 1990s. It 19911 wrote an article on "the Two Re­ allows people to be genuinely religious without being seriously challenged concerning Aligions of the Episcopal Church" their true identity and their morality. Further, it allows them to use much ofthe language which has been widely read. 1 return to the and rituals ofthe "old religion," since it gives to the words, symbols and ritual newmean- subject again because the situation in the ings. ECUSA has not changed - it is worse. This pantheism, panentheism or monism sits well with the mechanistic and materialistic doctrine ofthe evolution ofthe universe and ofthe species. The new religion declares the identity of God and the nature of salvation not from the as an authority, The Old Religion - The Trinitarian but from human experience of all kinds, including the supposed "assured results" ofthe Theism ofthe Creeds empirical sciences. lesus, himself, a unique product of evolution, is viewed both as an expression of what The old (yet ever new) religion is, of course, God is like as well as what a human being ought to be like. His humanity rather than his Trinitarian Theism or orthodox Christian­ maleness is emphasized. ity—the Faith which has been believed ev­ For this new religion, when there is a conflict between the teaching ofthe Bible and the erywhere, always and by all since the first "assured results" of science, thelatteris chosen in preference to the former. In justification, century. It proclaims the Creation of the "God[dess]" is said to reveal his/her will through human experience. In fact "God[dess]" world out of nothing by God the Father. In is said to be "Spirit," by which is meant the Zeitgeist, "the Spirit of the age." Thus all particular, it proclaims that the Son of God, innovations in morality and human relations can be justified! through whom all things were created, was Further, since God is contained within the world (as its mind or energy), or the world is made flesh in order to be our Savior. The contained in God (as a baby in the womb of a mother), then there is no separate sphere Aposties and Nicene Creeds (either in Latin/ (heaven) outside of space and time, where are the angels and the , and where the Greek or in accurate translation) set forth Blessed, Holy Trinity is more wonderfully known and adored. Thus there is no eternal life the factual and doctrinal content of the in the kingdom of God. Salvation comes in two forms. At the personal level it is "getting in Faith. And this Faith is the basis of the lex touch with your feelings" and finding "God" deep inside yourself- a therapeutic religion orandi (the law of praying) ofthe Common (Gnosticism). At the social level it is human liberation from evils through political and Prayer Tradition of the Anglican Way (1549- economic action. 1928). Such Orthodox Christianity regards the Bible as the authoritative written Word of Evidence for the presence of the new religion includes the following: God; and so it is that we Anglicans read the Bible so much in the Daily Office, morning 1. Little or no talk of the holy, transcendent God, Yahweh, and much talk of "God" or "Goddess" and evening. The Old Religion of the among us and in us. An immanent deity only! Anglican Way is certainly a Reformed Catholicism; but it is also very much a 2. Minimal or no interest in (a) the factual history of lesus as given in the Gospels; (b) the Gospel scripturally based Faith. of the (bodily) Resurrection as given in the Acts and Episdes, and (c) the dogma or doctrinal A further characteristic of this Orthodox decrees of the Ecumenical Councils of the Early Church, stating the identity of lesus Christ, Christianity is that it believes, teaches and confesses that the Lord our God is a. jealous God the Son. God. He will not share His worship with another; He will not be reduced to less than 3. A sustained campaign to remove Liturgies (e.g., 1928 & Rite I) with a certain and sure sound, He really is; He will not become one of the and which proclaim the transcendent LORD, and to replace them with those which celebrate pantheon of gods and goddesses created in "Godless] within and around you." the image of man and woman. He is the Blessed, Holy and Undivided Trinity and 4. A concerted effort to change the nature of sexual morality from the ideal of one man and one apart from this God there is no other! wife in a life-long union of faithfulness to each other to the ready acceptance of too easy di­ vorce and remarriage (even of bishops!), fornication, homosexual practice and same-sex"mar- riages." The New Religion - Gnosticism, Neo- paganism and Pantheism 4. A politically-correct move to rewrite the Bible under the guise of providing new translations of the sacred text. The purpose is to justify modern religion on the basis of a hallowed authority! The new religion is best described as a Chris- tianized form of Pantheism (God=the 5. A determination to remove from the ECUSA all traces ofthe historic Episcopate and of Apos­ world), Panentheism (the world is enclosed tolic Faith and Order. The idea is that female or male Bishops are now superintendent minis­ in God) or Monism (Everything is One). In ters ofthe "Episcopal community of faith" and female and male priests are assisting ministers. any of these forms it can be called Gnosti­ cism and Neo-Paganism. Its attraction is As foshua said to Israel, "Choose ye this day..

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 5 JESUS and... (a) the woman taken in adultery (b) Bishop Walter Righter taken in heresy

The account of (a) is written by , inspired by the Holy Spirit; while the account of (b) is written in imitation of St. John by Louie Crew of the English Department, Rutgers University, New Jersey. The "Lutibelle" (Lutibelle/ Louie) Translation is reproduced here with permission from the author.

John 8:3-11 (KJV) John 8:3-11 (from the Lutibelle Translation) (v3) And the scribes and Pharisees brought (v3) The Presenters brought a bishop who "Rabbi, you don't understand or you unto him a woman taken in adultery; and had been caught in heresy; and making him wouldn't be speaking out against us, your when they had set her in the midst, stand before all of them, loyal and humble servants, beloved bishops (v4) They say unto him, Master, this woman (v4) they said to J. Carpenter, "Since you call of holy mother church! Don't forget: we was taken in adultery, in the very act. yourself a rabbi, consider this retired bishop have nothing against heretics actually. (v5) Now Moses in the law commanded us, whom we have caught in the very act of that such should be stoned: but what sayest committing heresy: he ordained a queer Nor even against queers. Everyone has had thou? in spite of our clear resolutions that an heretical idea or two; most of us are just (v6) This they said, tempting him, that they we don't want such sinners among Episco­ a bit more discreet. We also have nothing might have to accuse him. But lesus pal clergy. against lesbians and gays: the Episcopal stooped down, and with his finger wrote on (v5) Since the canons of ECUSA allow us to Church has always been a safer place for the ground, as though he heard them not. drive such bishops from the House, what do their sort. That's why we have cathedral cof­ (v7) So when they continued asking him, you say?" fee hours, just so long as they don't flaunt he lifted up himself, and said unto them. (v6) The rabbi bent down and wrote with it. He that is without sin among you, let him his finger on the ground. first cast a stone at her. (v7) When they kept on questioning him, You see, this case isn't really about heretics. (v8) And again he stooped down, and wrote he straightened up and said to them, "Let This case is about polity and collegiality! We on the ground. anyone among you who is without sin be didn't sign the presentment to get poor (v9) And they which heard it, being con­ the first to throw a stone at him." Walter. Nevuh! We signed the presentment victed by their own conscience, went out (v8) "But, teacher," they replied, "that's not as the only way we could get the Present­ one by one, beginning at the eldest, even fan. If we listen to you, the number of her­ ment withdrawn. We want to show every­ unto the last: and lesus was left alone, and etics will increase, and nobody will believe body how good we are!" the woman standing in the midst. our church stands for anything!" (vl 0) When lesus had lifted up himself, and (v9) Others said, "Jesus Christ! Surely you (vll) And once again the rabbi bent down saw none but the woman, he said unto her. remember that you have said that not one and wrote on the ground. When he did, the Woman, where are those thine accusers? joy or tittle of the law shall be done away whisperers noticed with alarm that the hath no man condemned thee? with. Kick the heretic out; then go for the other Presenters had left them behind. The (vll) She said. No man. Lord. And lesus other seventy plus who have done the same whisperers huffed and puffed as they said unto her. Neither do I condemn thee: thing!" rushed out to meet their peers in court, go, and sin no more. (vl 0) But a few of the Presenters, took him where they had bound the heretic in chains. aside and whispered to him privately:

Editor's Comment: Though Jesus did not condemn the woman, he did recognize she was a sinner. "Go and sin no more!" The active homosexual persons, whom Mr. Crew seeks to defend in his piece, are also sinners to whom the Lord says, "Go and sin no more." This said, he is right to bring to our notice the hypocrisy which often lurks in the "orthodox" camp and the deceit which often characterizes church politics. The words of the prophet Isaiah are preserved for our benefit: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts" (6:5). HERESYTRIAL OF BISHOP RIGHTER SET FOR JANUARY 3-5 IN CHICAGO The heresy trial for Bishop Walter Righter for ordaining a noncelibate man in 1990 while serving as an assistant in the Diocese of Newarkhas been set for January 3-5 in Chicago. The announcement was made by Bishop Edward Jones of Indianapolis, who was elected president of the nine- member Court for the Trial of a Bishop during an organizing meeting at the recent House of Bishops in Portland, Oregon. According to tones, the site was chosen because Chicago is accessible for travel; the trial will be held at the offices ofthe Diocese of Chicago whose cathedral next door will be used for prayer to undergird the deliberations; and the site is neutral. Members of the court also approved appointment of Mr. A. Hugo Blankingship, Jr., of Fairfax, Virginia, as Church Advocate to serve as legal adviser to those who brought the presentment charges against Righter last January. The canon laws ofthe church stipulate that the court select no fewer than two or more than four Lay Assessors, confirmed adult communicants in good standing, learned in the law. That selection process is already underway and Righter will be represented by Mr. Michael Rehill, chancellor of the Diocese of Newark. Source - Episcopal News Service

6 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church to God as "she" the card says: "From the Move Over, Jesus Christ! Middle Ages on, icons depicting Christ as an androgynous figure. ..have been painted in Russia and elsewhere," It is important Pagan Pantheon Replaces now to take the next step and depict Christian Images In Episcopal Wisdom-Sophia as the woman Sacred Scriptures describe, (emphasis mine) Church Center Book Store The Episcopal Book Store is filled with variations on the "lesgay" theme of the greeting cards. Male-bashing books by radical feminists command a full shelf and by Jan Mahood then overflow throughout the store, where the browsing customer can't help but notice them. Another shelf contains books about ': • single-sex marriage. Apparently, according to a book by J. Boswell, such "marriages" ecent scene in the Episcopal Center that this horned image "pre-dates Celtic were performed in the Middle Ages, so why Book Store at national Church head civilization, but was embraced by the Celts not today? Rquarters. New York: for its beauty and truth...a protector of all A priest and his wife are looking for a get- animal life...especially linked with A Church Bent on Suicide well card for a friend in the hospital. masculine sexuality and fertility. He was Priest to wife: "I don't really think any of considered lord of the Otherworld and A naked horned god bearing the wounds these are appropriate, do you?" guided souls to their destination after of Christ. Ahooded goddess represented as Priest to cleric "Do you have any other death..." divinity. Same-sex marriages. Suicide as a cards, a little more, um, ....Christian?" Fascinating stuff in the spirit of Christian alternative to God's own timing. Clerk to priest: "Everything we have is out Anthropology 101, but is this Christianity? Christ as hermaphrodite. These examples here." The card goes on to make a connection of strange and erroneous doctrine in the Priest and wife leave without making a between this naked, horned figure and very headquarters ofthe Episcopal Church purchase. Christ: "In this icon, the horned god is USA spotlight a church goofily intent on A visitor who has heard this conversation connected with Christ. Christ sits before us selling out its heritage to a tyrannical mi­ puts down a book on assisted suicide she in the posture of the nority. Indeed, all has been perusing in the "death with horned god, totally Episcopalians are dignity" section and takes a look at some naked, but without called to dance - an greeting cards. Rack after rack displays an shame. His confident orgy of paganism, assortment of gods and goddesses in nakedness gnosticism, political colorful array or none at all. emphasizes that what correctness, radical God has made is feminism, goddess- good. Behind him are worship and the in­ An Androgynous Christ ancient European creasingly bullying petroglyphs of the The cards, produced by Bridge Building "lesgay" agenda. horned god. He bears The shelf of books ad­ Icons in Burlington, Vermont, depict a se­ the wounds of his ries of colorful icons which equate Chris­ dressing topics such crucifixion to signify as "choice in dying" tian images with various non-Christian that he has risen and gods and goddesses. and "assisted suicide" has taken on a more is a grim metaphor for Two recurring themes are androgyny and cosmic character a church that seems class oppression. Many of the cards than he had during bent on its own disso­ describe Christ as "androgynous," or both his life in Palestine. lution. male and female at the same time. One card He is beating a drum links Christ with Quetzalcoatl, the plumed and inviting us to Mandate urges serpent of Aztec mythology. Another dance, reminiscent of readers to see for compares the Virgin Mary with the early a medieval English lOHDot the DANCE themselves. The twentieth century American labor agitator carol that describes Episcopal Center, 815 known as Mother Jones, "dangerous to the him as 'Lord ofthe Dance'." Second Avenue, New established order because she was fearless York, is headquarters of The Episcopal in her defense (sic) of the oppressed Church USA. The Book Store is on the first floor, just to the right of the entrance from working class." Interestingly, in the Advancing the "God/dess" Agenda bookstore of a church rooted in the the street. When in Manhattan, pay a visit. Anglican tradition. Mother Jones is the only An icon labeled"Christ Sophia," peers out It's your church. + figure portrayed on the cards as white or from under a red hood. Surrounded by an Caucasian. egg-shaped mandala (a mystic symbol of A card entitled "Lord of the Dance" the universe used chiefly in Hinduism and Jan Mahood, M.B.A., is a professional journalist. depicts a nude man in lotus position, his Buddhism as an aid to meditation) she A lifelong Episcopalian and board member ofthe feet large enough to conceal his genitals but holds a squat female statuette known as the Prayer Book Society, she writes from the viewpoint woefully inadequate in covering his pubic "Venus ofWillendorf," a primitive rendition ofthe "person in the pew" layman. hair. Antlers sprout from his head. In one of Woman. The description on the card hand he holds a drum, in the other a predictably follows the radical feminist line drumstick. Turning the card over, we read in promoting inclusive language. Referring

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 7 cally correct agenda. They are both based The Rev'd lerome E Politzer on the unbiblical gnostic notion that there is no essential difference between men and women. This false premise teaches that man and woman are only concrete exten­ WHICH OF YOU BY TAKING THOUGHT...? sions of a mental abstraction called "hu­ manity." The effects of modern Gnosticism This current form of ancient Gnosticism was introduced into the modern world by i the French philosopher, Renee Descartes, in the seventeenth century. He located the n high school physics, we are taught that claiming that he was unaware that he had center of being or reality in the human in the realm of nature for every action signed a Presentment. Then Bishop mind as expressed by his famous words, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Browning falsely accused the Prayer Book Cogito ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am"). I Such teaching is in sharp contrast to the This principle is also true in the realm of Society of "the deceptive submission of church politics. Bishop Kelshaw's signature without his Biblical and Catholic understanding that knowledge or approval." the source of being and reality is in God as The Bishops, who signed the current revealed in Scripture and the natural order The Presentments of 1990 and 1995 Presentment against Bishop Righter, which of the world. This "Cartesian fallacy" is behind the It is quite obvious that the recent action of is now moving towards trial, also have been modern gnostic point of view, which the House of Bishops in passing the Rowley and will be held up to scorn. Although the teaches that by taking thought we can alter Resolution concerning the access of women permissive leanings ofthe Trial Court make reality, and obliterate the essential to all forms of ministry in all dioceses is in it unlikely that a conviction will be distinction between men and women, both reaction to the Presentment brought forthcoming, there is nothing more feared symbolically by ordaining women and against Bishop Righter for ordaining an ac­ by the Tammany Hall crowd now running sexually by ordaining active homosexuals. tive homosexual. The decision by the origi­ the Church than a direct challenge to their In sharp contrast, we have the words of nal ten traditional Bishops to start playing relentless assault on the good order of the Jesus: "Have ye not read, that he which hardball after years of being content with Church. made them at the beginning made them hand wringing and breast beating has pro­ male and female, and said, 'For this cause voked a hard-line response from Church The deliberate setting aside of good shall a man leave father and mother, and "headquarters" - do it our way or else. order shall cleave to his wife; and they twain shall The vindictive reaction by the Presiding be one flesh?'" Bishop against those who have attempted The flagrant attack on the good order ofthe The gnostic pretension which attempts to use the canonical process to oppose the Church began in 1974 with the illegal ordi­ to elevate the human mind to become the ordination of homosexuals in the past is nation of women to the priesthood. Present­ source of reality always disrupts the true well known. Charges of violating the canons ments against the participating Bishops order of being and, in the process, disrupts of the Episcopal Church, and of breaking his were considered at the time but were the good order ofthe Church. ordination vows, were brought against the dropped because of intense pressure from Neither the ordination of women nor the Bishop of Newarkin 1990by the Committee Church "headquarters." The following Gen­ ordination of active homosexuals can find of Concerned Episcopalians in New Jersey eral Convention, faced with a de facto situ­ any authorization in Scripture or Catholic and by the Prayer Book Society, following ation, gave canonical approval to the ordi­ tradition and both are contrary to common Bishop Spong's ordination of an avowed nation of women by a bare majority. It was sense. homosexual - J.Robert Williams. not given constitutional approval until 1991. Bishop Browning responded by Bishop Browning's administration has attempting to smear the Prayer Book been attempting to bring about a similar In conclusion Society in the Church press and the national situation in regard to the ordination of The leaders of the early Church closed media. He charged that the Presentment, homosexuals. He has given tacit approval to ranks in order to prevent the inroads of and two prior to it naming Spong, the many unauthorized ordinations of gnostic thinking and practice from destroy­ "constitute harassment of the Bishop of homosexuals performed by a number of ing the young Christian Church. Faithful Newark." Bishops in order to create another de facto Bishops can accomplish the same result The Presentment was submitted to the situation, which will cause the General today by using the canonical process to re­ office of the Presiding Bishop bearing the Convention to give its approval. Then, in a store order in accordance with biblical and names of the Board of Directors of the few years there will come a new canon catholic principles. They must press on Prayer Book Society, eight laymen and one making homosexual ordination mandatory, with courage and determination to com­ from Newfersey, and three Bishops and all those who do not agree will be forced plete the task which they have set out to do. - the Rt. Rev'd Clarence Haden, Ret., the Rt. to walk the plank. Rev'd John Higgins, Ret., and the Rt. Rev'd May they be emboldened by the words Terence Kelshaw of the Diocese of the Rio of Jesus who said, "No man, having put his Grande. Approximately two months after An example of modern Gnosticism hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." + the Presentment was received by the There is a deeper connection between the Presiding Bishop, and for some unknown ordination of women and the ordination of Fr. Politzer, a former President of the PBS, is re­ reason. Bishop Kelshaw withdrew his name. homosexuals other than the modern politi­ tired and lives in Monterey, CA.

8 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church SHUT OUT OF ECUSA FROM 1998

(d) Christ's Institution. "Jesus Christ chose, ordained and sent only men and these men A Statement of Concern likewise chose ordained and sent only men." Here a theology of divine order is he House of Bishops, by its vote yesterday (Wed.Sept.28), has abandoned patient active, with the result that violators are only dialogue and adopted authoritarian command as the way to "solve" the ongoing "partially recognized" as Christ's ministers Ttension between those who support and those who, for theological reasons, cannot by the protestors. honestly accept the ordination of women. This action is a denial of the basic Anglican (e) The Gospel. "The ordination of women principle [see Article VI of the XXXIX] that the Church cannot demand that which cannot is not only contrary to Christ's institution be proven from the plain teaching of Scripture. A Catholic theological position universally but it is part of a move to change the na­ held for almost 2,000 years, and still embraced by a majority ofthe , ture of Christianity. It is part of a setting will have been banished from the life and practice of this Church [the ECUSA]. aside ofthe Gospel ofthe Father concern­ The devastation of this repressive legislation on tens of thousands of Episcopalians ing the Son and his Kingdom. Also it is the cannot begin to be measured. Hundreds and hundreds of priests, and religious introduction of a new religion." Here a the­ will likewise be affected. Turmoil in parishes across the land is assured by this action. The ology of the Trinity, salvation and divine issue touches far more than the lives of people in four dioceses [Fort Worth, Quincy Eau order is operative and the practical result Claire & San Joaquin], and more members ofthe House than four Bishops. is the need to utter the curse (see Galatians As the Bishop of New Jersey said, we "have 27 months" before coercion begins [i.e., after 1:6-9) and pronounce the anathema (as did the next General Convention meets in Philadelphia in 1997]. Clearly this threat and this the General Councils in their anathema sit). action create anewlevel of impaired communion, subverting the collegiality of the House, and guaranteeing, for the first time in history, that the Episcopal Church will actively 4. It would appear that the Bishops prob­ prohibit Catholic order. ably stand on the level of Unity - see We re-affirm our own total commitment to the Catholic order and faith, even in the face their reference to "impaired commun­ of coming persecution. We will not abandon the faithful, no matter the cost. Because we ion." Perhaps they and their support­ love the Church, we cannot remain silent when the self-destruction of the Church has ers need to move into levels (d) and begun. What has happened to us today has set a precedent for others tomorrow. possibly (e) in order to demonstrate with clarity that they are truly commit­ William C.Wantland (Eau Claire): lack Iker (Port Worth): Keith Ackerman (Quincy) ted to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the fohn-David Schofield (San foaquin): Donald Parsons (retired)-.William C.R.Sheridan (retired) Church and thus to his Faith and to his Order (such a move is possibly antici­ September 29, 1995, at Portland, Oregon. pated in their reference to "persecu­ tion").

istry. However, the nature of opposition The Background and Context of The 17 Bishops who voted against the Reso­ this Statement by the Bishops of to the ordination of women differs. Ba­ sically there are five levels, with inter­ lution were: P. Scott Bailey, Reginald H. the Episcopal Synod of America. mediate positions between levels: Gooden, Hal Gross, Clarence Haden, Donald Parsons, William Sheridan, and John Thomp­ 1. The House of Bishops on a vote of 122 (a) Opinion. "I do not like to see a women at son (all retired); Keith Ackerman (Quincy), yes, 17 no, and 18 abstaining, approved Peter Beckwith (Sjpringfield), Alden the altar;" or "I just think it's not right." No a resolution stating that Canon III.8.1. Hathaway (Pittsburgh), Dorsey Henderson theology is involved but tradition is taken is mandatory in all dioceses of the (Upper S. CaroUna), Terence Kelshaw (Rio seriously. ECUSA. In effect this means that Grande), John MacNaughton (W.Texas), women must be admitted to all pro­ John-David Schofield (San Joaquin) and Wil­ (b) Authority. "I believe the Church has the cesses and positions in every diocese of liam Wantland (Eau Claire). the ECUSA after final approval by the power to decide this matter, but I think it has made the wrong decision. I must stay General Convention of 1997. The 18 Bishops who abstained were: Robert and fight and get the decision overturned." Cochrane, Harry Shipps, and Robert Again no serious theology is involved but Wolterstorff (retired); David Ball (Albany), 2.Only four Bishops (Wantland, Iker, the decision to fight is a serious one. Ackerman and Schofield) do not either Martin Barahona (El Salvador), Edmond ordain women to the priesthood or Browning (PB), James Coleman (c) Unity. "That which is essential to the (WTennessee), Jean Duracin (Haiti), Andrew place women in diocesan posts or par­ unity of the Church has been violated and ishes. Fairfield (N. Dakota), William Prey (Dean, thus I am in impaired communion with T.S.M.), Bertram Herlong (Tennessee), John those who break Faith and Order." Here a Howe (C. Florida), Telesforo Isaac (Ass.SW 3. There remains a minority of clergy and theology ofthe Body of Christ begins to play laity within the ECUSA, who believe Florida), Russell Jacobus (Fond du Lac), a part and the practical result is that there is Steven Jecko (Florida), James Krotz (Ne­ that only men (not all men but such no longer eucharistic communion between men as are called by the Holy Spirit) braska), Earl McArthur (Suff. WTexas) and the violators and the protestors. Jeffrey Rowthorn (Amer.Church.Europe). ought to be ordained to the sacred min­

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 9 Ordinatio Sacerdotalis

The Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II on reserving priestly Ordination to Man alone

[The Bishop of Rome, Pope John Paul II, was in America during the first week of October. People everywhere were impressed by his holiness and humanity, along with his faithful commitment to the historic Faith and Order, Morality and Spirituality, and Tradition of the Church. The Pope has a special affection for the Anglican Communion of Churches and was deeply moved in 1994 when the Church of England decided to ordain women as priests. This Letter, "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis," was written in response to this event in Anglicanism and because of calls within the Catholic Church for the ordination of women.]

1. Priestly ordination, which hands on the office entrusted by Christ to his Apostles of teaching, sanctifying and governing the faithful, has in the Catholic Church from the be­ ginning always been reserved to men alone. This tradition has also been faithfully main­ tained by the Oriental [Eastern] Churches. When the question of the ordination of women arose in the Anglican Communion, Pope Paul VI, out of fidelity to his office of safeguarding the Apostolic Tradition, and also with a view to removing a new obstacle placed in the way of Christian unity, reminded Anglicans of the position of the Catholic Church: "She holds that it is not admissible to ordain women to the priesthood, for very fundamental reasons. These reasons include: the example recorded in the Sacred Scriptures of Christ choosing the Apostles only from among men; the constant practice of the Church which has imitated Christ in choosing only men; and her living teaching authority, which has consistently held that the exclusion of women from the priesthood is in accordance with God's plan for the Church" {Response to Archbishop Donald Coggan, Nov. 30,1975). But since the question had also become the subject of debate among theologians and in certain Catholic circles, Paul VI directed the Congregation ofthe Faith to set forth and expound the teaching ofthe Church on this matter. This was done through the Declaration, Inter Insigniores, which the supreme Pontiff approved and ordered to be published on October 15,1976.

2. The Declaration recalls and explains the fundamental reasons for this teaching, rea­ sons expounded by Paul VI, and concludes that the Church "does not consider herself authorized to admit women to priestly ordina­ Father through the Holy Spirit, after having spent tion."... In the Apostolic Let­ the night in prayer (cf. Lk 6:12). Therefore, in ter, Mulieris Dignitatem, of granting admission to the ministerial priesthood, August 15, 1988, I myself the Church has always acknowledged as a wrote: "In calling only men perennial norm her Lord's way of acting in as his Apostles, Christ acted choosing twelve men whom he made the in a completely free and sov­ foundation of his Church (cf. Rev.21:24). ereign manner. In doing so, These men did not in fact receive only a function he exercised the same free­ which could thereafter be exercised by any dom with which, in all his member of the Church; rather, they were behavior, he emphasized the specifically and intimately associated in the dignity and vocation of mission ofthe Incarnate Word himself (cf. Mt 10:1, women, without conform­ 7-8; 28:16-20; Mk3:13-16; 16:14-15).The Apostles ing to the prevailing customs did the same when they chose fellow workers who and to the traditions sanc­ would succeed them in their ministry. Also tioned by the legislation of included in this choice were those who, that time." throughout the time of the Church, would carry In fact the Gospels and the on the Apostles' mission of representing Christ the attest Lord and Redeemer. that this call was made in ANDTHEN THERE WERE THREE... accordance with God's 3.Furthermore, the fact that the Blessed Virgin eternal plan: Christ chose At her consecration as suffragan bishop of Washington on November 19, 1993, Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, Jane Dixon (center) was joined by the two other women bishops in the Anglican those whom he willed (cf. received neither the mission proper to the Apostles Communion - Bishop Penelope Jamieson (left) of New Zealand, the first woman Mk 3:13-14; Jn 6:70), and he to head a diocese in the Anglican Communion, and Suffragan Bishop Barbara nor the ministerial priesthood clearly shows that Harris of Massachusetts, the first woman bishop in the Anglican Communion. did so in union with the the non-admission of women to priestly ordina-

10 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church holy martyrs, virgins, and the mothers of judgment is to be definitively held by all families, who bravely bore witness to their the Church's faithful. faith and passed on the Church's faith and Invoking an abundance of divine tradition by bringing up their children in the assistance upon you, venerable Brothers, spirit of the Gospel" [Mulieris and upon the faithful. I impart my Dignitatem,27). Apostolic Blessing. Moreover, it is to the holiness of the From the Vatican, on May 22, the faithful that the hierarchical structure ofthe Solemnity of , in the year 1994, Church is totally ordered. For this reason, the sixteenth of my Pontificate. the Declaration, Inter Insigniores recalls: "the only better gift, which can and must foannes Paulus II. be desired, is love (cf. 1 Cor. 12 & 13). The greatest in the kingdom of heaven are not the ministers but the saints."

4. Although the teaching that priestly ordi­ nation is to be reserved to men alone has been preserved by the constant and univer­ sal Tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more re­ cent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church's judg­ ment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force. Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren GERALYN WOLF ELECTED BISHOP OF RHODE ISLAND (cf.Lk 22:32), I declare that the Church has TheVery Rev'd Geralyn Wolf, dean of Christ Church Cathedral no authority whatsoever to confer priestly in Louisville, Kentucky, has been elected bishop ofthe Diocese ordination on women and that this of Rhode Island, the fifth woman bishop in the Episcopal Church and the second to head a diocese.

he Prayer Book Society has never made the question of ordination central to its platform. It has stood for the wholeness of the Common Prayer Tradition and the Ordinal. Thus it tion cannot mean that women are of lesser dignity, Tplaces questions such as, "Who is God?" and "Who is Jesus?" and "What is Salvation?" nor can it be construed as discrimination against before "May a woman be ordained as a priest?" them. Rather it is to be seen as the faithful obser­ However, in thanksgiving to God, the Prayer Book Society stands with Pope John Paul II in this vance of a plan to be ascribed to the wisdom ofthe matter of ordination, offering only one qualification. The Anglican (as also the Orthodox) tradition Lord of the universe. allows a clergyman to take a wife (but not a homosexual partner). The presence and the role of women in the life The Society is committed to the reformed Catholic Faith and Order to which the historic Books and mission ofthe Church, although not linked to of Common Prayer (1549-1928) bear witness. In these Books is the Ordinal with Services for the the ministerial priesthood, remains absolutely making of Deacons, the Ordaining of Priests and the Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops. necessary and irreplaceable. As the Declaration, Following the example of Jesus and the tradition of the universal Church, the traditional Ordinal Inter Insigniores points out, "the Church desires only has men in view for ordination — and then not all men, but only such as are called by the that Christian women should become fully aware Father through the Son and in the Holy Spirit to these orders of ministry within the one, holy, ofthe greatness of their mission: today their role is catholic and apostolic Church. of capital importance both for the renewal and The new Ordinal in the 1979 Book is, of course, very different in content and purpose. It was humanization of society and for the rediscovery by written with the intention that it be used for women and men. By 1979 Bishops were encouraging believers ofthe true face ofthe Church." women to come forward for ordination in the ECUSA. Now in 1995 the intention ofthe House The NewTestament and the whole history ofthe of Bishops through the Rowley Resolution of September 1995 is to make the ordination of women Church give ample evidence ofthe presence in the to be, in effect, the first article of the Faith: thus any who doubt that it is according to the mind of Church of women, true disciples, witnesses to Christ cannot any longer be genuine Episcopalians and ought to leave the Church before they are Christ in the family and in society, as well as to total pushed out by social pressure or, if they are clergy, by a court! consecration to the service of God and the Gospel. The Prayer Book Society respectfully asks the Presiding Bishop and the House of Bishops to pay "By defending the dignity of women and their attention to what the Bishop of Rome has said on ordination. They may be able to learn from his vocation, the Church has shown honor and wisdom and holiness, as well as from his commitment to sacred Scripture and holy Tradition. gratitude for those women who - faithful to the Gospel - have shared in every age in the apostolic The Editor mission of the whole People of God. They are the


All Saints' Day, 1995 Beloved in the Lord,

By the grace of God, within the ESA and the PBS we worship and (e.g., of the Phos Hilaron and the Nicene Creed) thereby opening adore the one and the same Holy, Blessed and UndividedTrinity of the door to error and heresy. the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe, teach and Thus in charity we ask you: Would not your basic case and confess the Faith of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. position (with which we are in total agreement) be more secure We hold to Catholic Order, to the Succession of Bishops rightiy and solid if you were to change the ground on which you stand? ordained and consecrated. We are disciples of the one Lord Jesus That is, take a step back from the shaky foundation of the 1979 Christ, theWord made flesh. We are traditional Anglicans who pray Prayer Book and Ordinal to stand on the firm foundation of the for renewal of the classic Anglican Way in the worldwide Anglican Prayer Book and Ordinal of 1549-1928. Communion of Churches - and not least in the We cannot understand how you can think that Episcopal Church ofthe USA. your present foundation, resting as it does on sand We share your pain and anger caused by the (for it is also the foundation you share with the calculated move ofthe liberal majority in the House liberal majority!), can stand the great but precious of Bishops of the ECUSA, through the Rowley weight (of CathoUc Faith and Order) which you seek Resolution, to remove all trace of Catholic Order in to place upon it. this Church. We agree with you that the vote in We do not need to remind you that the majority Portland on September 27 was shameful! God's of those who put together the 1979 Bookwere of a judgment is upon the House of Bishops! Only 17 liberal disposition - in fact, as far as we can tell, Bishops voted "Nay" (God bless them!) while 18 there was not one genuinely biblically conservative abstained (God give them courage next time to say member on the Liturgical Commission. Certainly "Nay"). there were liberal Catholics at work, but not Though the members ofthe ESA and PBS have so traditional, biblical and conservative Catholics who much in common, we do also have real differences espoused classic, Anglican Reformed Catholicism! concerning what is the authentic Anglican tradition. Donald P. Monarty, II You recall the process of liturgical revision The PBS believes that the Common Prayer Tradition President ofthe ESA beginning in the 1960's. What began innocently as begun in 1549, of which the last revision in this an updating of the 1928 BCP (a task we in the PBS country was in 1928 (in Canada it was in 1960), is the authentic think is necessary from time to time) became a crusade to create a Tradition, which preserves both Reformed Catholic Faith and newBookbased on newprinciples (which were deeply influenced Apostolic Order. Not a few of your members agree with us but by modern liberal theology, post-Vatican II liturgies, and the others (especially clergy?) believe that the 1979 Prayer Book beginnings of political correctness - principles out of date now). preserves Faith and Order and, if some of the Bishops are to be In the light of all this (which we would be delighted to discuss in believed, is somehow more "Catholic" than is the historic Book of detail with you in conference and retreat), we ask you seriously to Common Prayer. We hear that at least one of your Bishops uses consider removing your house from the sand on which it now rests, only Rite II. and to place it upon a foundation of rock. Everything you stand However, as you recognize, all the liberal Bishops, including those for truly makes much better sense - historically, theologically and who voted in Portland for the removal of catholic order, are happy morally- if you place your house on the bedrock ofthe Common to use the 1979 Book, especially Rite II. This suggests that the Prayer Tradition (1549-1928). "Catholicity" ofthe Book is merely cosmetic and not at a deep level. The ESA and the PBS agree that the Episcopal Church is in a real If the 1979 Book stood for authentic Faith and Order, it would never mess. Apostasy is a reality. Let us stand together for the Living have been approved by a liberal Church and would not be Past brought into the Present and carried forward into the Future. acceptable now to a liberal House of Bishops! The foundations ofthe 1979 Bookhave already crumbled. Genuine The PBS asks: Do any of these liberals use, or even desire to use evangelical, catholic, biblical and historical Anglicanism can only the 1928 Book? The answer seems to be "No!" In fact, they be preserved by a recovery and taking forward of the Common militantly oppose it, seeking to remove it from the pews, as do Prayer Tradition, including the Ordinal. We must bring the Living regrettably a few in the ESA. Past into the Present and take it on into the Future. Let us join Why are the liberals (both radical and conservative liberals) together in this great vocation which our Lord has given to us. May happy to use the 1979 Book? We believe it is because that Bookhas his grace be sufficient for us all! a certain vagueness concerning the answers to such basic questions as, Who is God?, Who is Jesus?, andWhat is salvation? Further, the Truly yours in Jesus Christ our Lord, 1979 Book allows the ordination of women to all three orders of ministry, sanctions the use of inclusive language (see the Psalter, e.g., Ps. 1:1), and contains bad translations ofthe Greek originals 9k ^P/taye/t ^Boofc Society

12 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church mercy, nobody's driving anybody out! All they wished these broad-minded spirits, William Murchison was fairness and equity. Why, no one had the least notion of compelling Jack Iker to ordain a woman or forcing a lay vestry member of traditionalist inclination to CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED recommend that Susie Jones be commended to the Bishop for ordination. No, no, all Bishop Iker need do is submit to a theological lobotomy Surgically remove his deepest convictions as to catholic faith onsider yourselves warned. There is brained, right-wing Bishop has the right to and order, and he's free to be a zombie no other way to view the House of override the Church's considered judgment. prelate, walking, talking, taking CBishops diktat - get with the pro­ In eighteen years we move from tolerance instructions. gram or get out - in the matter of women's to outright intolerance. He has to remember, too, that there'll be ordination. As with women's ordination, so with no more Bishops like him. Tell an episcopal For a majority of Episcopalians, women's homosexual ordination. If the procedure search committee you oppose the ordination is a peripheral concern: a begins in toleration, it will end in ordination of women and that's it. Forget maybe-yes, maybe-no thing. If General theological fascism: everybody doing it, no the episcopacy. Same with men who feel Convention requires the licensing and questions asked. called to the ministerial priesthood. Tell the acceptance of women priests in all dioceses, If we're going to coerce acceptance of Bishop you believe Jesus Christ, the only well, what's that to do with the price of eggs? women's ordination, there is no plausible begotten Son of God, drew certain Only everything in the wide world. way of declining to coerce acceptance of meaningful distinctions between men and Consider yourselves warned, if you oppose homosexual ordination. How can anyone women, and on the way out don't let your the ordination of practicing homosexuals. possibly distinguish between the two cases? shirttail hit the door. Consider yourself warned, if you oppose Oh, this Bishop or that one would say, "I'm Laid out in Portland for traditionalists to inclusive-language liturgies. peruse is the vision of the new Episcopal General Convention, as the Bishops' Church. straw vote in Portland, Oregon, amply "...no fog-brained, right-wing In the new Episcopal Church, all interest demonstrated, is in a Third Reich kind of Bishop has the right to override the groups have rights - except traditionalists, mood. Dissent - on matters urgent to the who are lowest ofthe low. liberal establishment - is verboten. If Church's considered judgment." In the new Episcopal Church, freedom of verboten on women's ordination, we may thought and rational expostulation belong all assure ourselves it is verboten on other not going to do it because my people will solely to those who buy the secular world's matters. not accept it." What kind of an argument is agenda. Let us say that the canons are changed in that? In the new Episcopal Church, ministerial 1997 or 2000 to permit the ordination of The Portland precedent says, don't worry priesthood connected to the practicing homosexuals - on a local-option about what the people think. Do it anyway. understanding and practice of the Apostles basis. Under this precedent all orders within the is dead; traditional moral norms are dead; A Bishop who wants to do it, can do it. Episcopal Church are on the same plane. God-centered, as opposed to man- Opponents of such a scandalous attempt to Refusing to compel Bishop Terence centered - forgive me, person centered - rewrite the Christian moral code might Kelshaw's Diocese of the Rio Grande to worship is dead. console themselves with the thought that receive homosexual priests would be like A large number of Episcopalians have well, at least my Bishop won't do it. refusing to compel Bishop lack Iker's deluded themselves that, amid all the Won't he? Because requiring, rather than Diocese of Fort Worth to receive women Church's corruption, they could carve out a merely authorizing, women's ordination is priests. small niche for themselves and bunker the governing precedent. Yes, the 1997 General Convention might down -on the'28 Prayer Book, on women's Acceptance of women's ordination was fudge the matter, pretending to authorize ordination, on whatever. Well, they can't. not required at the beginning. As Bishop local option on homosexual ordination. The establishment is about to pull the rug William Wantland of Eau Claire, a sagacious This wouldn't last. The precedent is too from beneath any and all who cherish this canon lawyer, has noted, the women's clear. For tactical purposes, the homosexual fond delusion. ordination canon is permissive. At Port St rights lobby. Integrity, might be content to What happens now is matter for Lucie, shortly after the vote to let women let local option last through one or two protracted and earnest discussion. Let one undergo ordination, the House of Bishops General Conventions. Then would come thing at least be plain. All traditionalists, enacted the famous conscience clause, time to mention the Precedent. Right whether in the Prayer Book Society, the ESA, affirmng the right of brother Bishops (they Reverends, for too long lesbian and gay Episcopalians United, or nothing at all, are were all brothers then) to refuse ordination Episcopalians in holy orders have labored in this thing together. We must all hang to women. under a disadvantage not imposed on any together, or assuredly we shall all hang Under this presumption the Church has other category of Episcopal priest... separately. # operated ever since. However, not to the Over and over again, in the debate at taste of the Episcopal Women's Caucus, Portland, proponents of driving male- William Murchison is a journalist who works for which seeks ordination of women priesthood affirmers headlong out of the the Dallas Morning News. He is also the editor of everywhere. The argument is that no fog- Episcopal Church protested, why, mercy, the ESA magazine, Eoundations.

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 13 this idea (which is, of course the essence of Church who call us to evangelism. And we the American 1979 Book) in the usual endeavor at all times and places to show off Life above the 49th places, and even the sop of olde-English the full round of Prayer Book services and A Report from the Director ofthe alternatives (conforming utterly to the new to open people up to the entire Prayer Book Canadian Prayer Book Society theology and Dixian "Shape") is often and its system. derided as unsuitable for the new The Society is blessed with the best millennium. Millenarianism wdl be a great minds in the Canadian Church, very many he Canadian Prayer BookSociety has cross for all elements of the orthodox of whom are under 45! Our task is to make always been short of money and movement in the next few years! use of this talent, to get it out around the Tnever more so than now. Our current country and into the Anglican world. fund raising appeal has brought in a fairly The task We look forward to closer links and heavy fund of advice, compliments and increased cooperation with Prayer Book criticisms along with the cheques. One The Society's task is clear. Before 2004 we and similar societies outside Canada, gentleman from Harbour Grace, New­ have to secure restoration of Prayer Book convinced that our experience in foundland, wrote: "A small victory is better usage throughout the Church. In real terms cooperating with the established than no victory. But don't give up now!" this requires first the restoration of the evangelical and charismatic movements in Church at the parish level to a condition in Canadian Anglicanism is of benefit beyond our own borders. We know we need to A small victory which she understands what the Prayer Book is and is fit to use it. The essential ele­ cooperate with others, and we took a Our "small victory" should be of real inter­ ment to this plan is the restoration of a leading role in the great "Essentials 94 est to Episcopalians. For over a decade we sound theology. Congress" in Montreal. We continue to be have delayed and avoided in Canada a new We face a situation in Canada in which part of the "Essentials Movement" for "composite" prayer book, after the fashion lack of Prayer Book use, modernist theology, biblical, Trinitarian Anglicanism. oftheAmerican 1979 BCE The new services and post-modernist philosophy, coupled I congratulate the American PBS on the bound up in a Book of Alternative Services with a slavish following of all things new attractive format of Mandate, and (1980) have legally remained an alternative, American by the hierarchy, have produced invite any readers who would like to know the authority for which must be regularly a Church in which the teaching ofthe Prayer more about the PBS of Canada, or who renewed by the triennial General Synod. Book is largely unknown. In fact it is would like to help its 10,000 or so members And now, by the decision of the 1995 Gen­ incomprehensible and alien to most in their missionary endeavors, to contact eral Synod, the historical Book of Common congregations and clergy, even to some who me, Graham Eglington, at EO.Box 38060, Prayer (1962) is to retain its canonical sta­ use it occasionally. 1430 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, tus, authority and availabdity, indefinitely The BCP is seen as a service book, a Ontario, K2C 3Y7, Canada (Tel: 613, 226- into the future. quarry for liturgical material or as a cultural 3722; Fax: 613, 233-4399). * It will be the Book of Alternative Services artifact. It is no longer seen as a system for which will be revised after the year 2001, opening the Scriptures in a doctrinal and and augmented in the short term by a series credal way to the people in all the round of of new Rites for Holy Communion. These their lives. The world-view of the BCP is will reflect inclusive language, native quite at odds with that of modern theology We're old AND we're new. and is, therefore, quite naturally rejected in spirituality and revisionist theology. Old, in that we defend the faith once delivered to Common prayer will become less of a reality much of the Anglican Church of Canada. the saints. New, in that we've changed the way we in the short term, no doubt. Yet the Book of The Society cannot go about its task of do it. Common Prayer (1962) is lawful and cannot reclaiming the Church by political action. It FOUNDATIONS, the news magazine can only be prosecuted by the Society, its of the Episcopal Synod of be forbidden or prevented. America, speaks to nation-wide network of branches, and traditionalist Prayer Book parishes being the Church and Anghcans The challenge getting on with the Church's work and inside and outside the That's the good news! Now for the bad, and witness. We are, therefore, primarily a spiritual and educational organization with Episcopal really, the challenge. No General Synod, as Church. We tell no Parliament, can bind its successors. As a clear objective: to make it possible for you what's going any action to tamper with the Book of Com­ parishes to understand the Book of on - with clarity mon Prayer requires approval at two suc­ Common Prayer and to encourage them to and vigor, not to do so. mention a sense of cessive triennial Synods, the present pro­ humor. Both at the national and the branch level, tection is legally only good until 2001, al­ FOUNDATIONS though it is highly unlikely that any further the emphasis is upon education and re­ isn't just for Synod action will be taken on the liturgical front education, on fostering the long-neglected members, but for before that year's General Synod. theological debate, and in engaging the Anglicans period, wherever they've chosen to weather the theological It is abundantly clear that there will be cultural and philosophical ideas and movements which have all but storms. very strong pressure in 2001 or 2004 to make The cost? lust $19.95 a year for six issues full of the revisedBoofc of Alternative Services, with overwhelmed theology and our Church. We hard facts and reasoned analysis. new inclusive language liturgies and some sponsor theological conferences, lectures, To subscribe, send $19.95 to FOUNDATIONS, token internal alternative in "Cranmerian . teaching sessions as well as encouraging 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 910, Fort Worth, Texas 76116. To receive a free copy, call 1-800-225-3661. English," the official Book of Common other orthodox and biblical elements in the Prayer. There is already strong support for Church. We promote those few voices in our

14 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church friends who are bereft of the Church they I LOVE THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, dearly loved. Orthodoxy offers a rich sacramental life and beautiful liturgy, but and I don't plan on leaving it is strange and foreign. It is ofthe Eastern Church and I am through and through a Westerner. Then each ofthe tiny continuing Anglican denominations seems to have its by Miriam Stauff own agenda - frequently narrow and parochial. I believe that while they may offer a satisfying life for their small parish families, they will eventually wither and die. "Miriam, I've found the most wonderful Sadly, St. Edmund's is isolated from So it is, with no place else to go, and church! Come with me!" Ellie Greenberg diocesan life and is often an object of having experienced what I believe is the burst into my room at the University ofWis- derision. Yet it is, nevertheless, a happy, best approach to the Faith, I think the consin, glowing with the excitement of dis­ growing parish, traditional in worship and Episcopal Church is worth saving and I am covery. I will never forget her zeal. It was the faithful to Scripture. willing to fight for it! Fall of 1955 and we had just begun our With so much strife why do we stay in the The Episcopal Church today has become freshman year. Ellie and I both had one Jew­ ECUSA? Why do I stay? Quite simply, exclusive - determined to exclude those ish and one Christian parent, and both of because there is no place to go and because who wish to adhere to the historic, us were searching for a church. Ellie had the historic Episcopal Church approaches traditional teachings of the Church. It has found St. Francis House, the Episcopal the Faith in truth and in the most become a Church of this world: it is church on campus. Soon after I went along meaningful way for me. politically correct! It worries about its image with Ellie and almost wept with joy at the The answer rests in the reasons that I fell as seen through secular eyes. A recent letter service. My love affair with the Episcopal in love with the Episcopal Church to begin from our Bishop repeatedly used the word Church had begun. with. I was raised in a mainline Protestant "God" in order to avoid the pronoun "he." Half-way through my freshman year I met church in which my father was very active. Also absentwas the word, "Lord." Ten years the man J would marry - an Episcopalian! My mother was raised in the orthodox ago I saw the same thing happening in the (God works in wondrous ways!) Shortly Jewish faith. I loved the rich traditions of law, creating awkward, mediocre, wordy after our marriage we sought a new parish Judaism. As I got older I came to understand and unclear language. Far more insidious home. The first one we visited was St. the intertwining of my O.T heritage and my in religion than law, however, is the fact that Edmund's in Elm Grove, Wisconsin, a N.T. life. Further, I became convinced that inclusive language changes the historic, western suburb of . We liked it my father's church lacked something - the theological tenets ofthe Faith. so much that we found no need to look sacramental life, the liturgy, the sense of We must not let all this happen! The further. We raised our three sons at St. holy tradition. Episcopal Church I fell in love with has too Edmund's and were content. As I went to college 1 was in a quandary. I much to offer to be abandoned to the will I was a typical layperson who went to knew that the mainline Protestant of those who would destroy it! I want future church, said my prayers, and didn't denominations could not meet my spiritual generations to be blessed with the question. I knew little about liturgy (except needs. And since I believed in Jesus as my experience of worship and the system of that I liked this brand of it) and less about Saviour, J could not be Jewish. There was too doctrine and morality that I have 1010™^+' church polity and politics. But, there were much that was unpalatable in the R.C. things I did not like although I didn't know Church. Then I found the Episcopal Church Miriam Stauff works as an attorney-at-law and why. On occasion we abandoned our in 1955/6. For me it was the best of all directs the parish education program in St. beloved 1928 Prayer Book for paperback worlds - a deep sacramental life, a beautiful Edmund's Church, Elm Grove, WI. editions of strange services. They were uplifting liturgy, which I could understand "experimental" we were told. I saw and participate in, preaching, teaching, absolutely no reason to experiment, and in music, and a solid sense of history and In "Loving the Homosexual," Mission & Min­ my naivete I had no idea why we were doing tradition. It was, as Ellie had exclaimed, istry provides a comprehensive introduction to so. Happily we soon returned to the Prayer "The most wonderful church!" the Christian ministry ro the homosexual per­ Book - but little did I know that its As we all know, only too well, that Church son. The issue examines the origins of "pro- (apparent) death knell had been sounded. I fell in love with survives today only in small gay" thinking and the biblical teaching on ho­ In 1976 St. Edmund's called a new , pockets of traditional parishes like St. mosexuality. It then describes Christian heal­ Wayne Olmstead, a faithful Anglo-Catholic Edmund's. We are, by the grace of our Lord, ing and gives pastoral stategies for calling the priest. Over the ensuing twenty years, St the "faithful remnant" upon which the Faith homosexual man or woman to new life in Edmund's has weathered the storms of has relied for survival throughout history, Christ. It also includes a listing of the official change in the Church and remains today, in the Old and eras alike. Episcopal statements on homosexuality. under Fr. Olmstead's leadership, a faithful If I were to leave the Episcopal Church parish determined to be a beacon within today, my quandary would not really be any Mission & Ministry is the quarterly magazine of our diocese and the ECUSA. The battle has different than it was in 1955, other than Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, and is ed­ ited by David Mills, author of "Avoiding Bad not been easy. There have been concerted, adding Orthodoxy and the continuing English" in this issue. For a copy of the issue, and sometimes unconscionable, efforts to Anglican denominations to the list of send $4.00 ($16.00 for that issue and a one year "mainstream" us and to rid St. Edmund's of choices. Rome has lost much of what I subscription) to: Mission & Ministry, TESM, its traditionalist leaders and rector. Praise found attractive in it. Gone is the beauty 311 Eleventh Street, Ambridge, PA 15003. God, these efforts have been unsuccessful. and majesty. I feel great sorrow for my R.C.

The Prayer Book Society ofthe Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 15 PRESERVATION PRESS BOOKS m Which Rite is Right? CHRISTMAS GIFT PRICES! The Eucharistic Prayer in the Anglican Tradition by Peter Toon ORDER BY DECEMBER 31, 1995

AND RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICES! The American Religious Scene is like a supermarket. Each The 1928 Book of Common Prayer bound with the form of religion and denomination has its distinctive charac­ teristics. The claim to distinctiveness by the Anglican Way is Original Authorized King James Version Bible that it is both evangelical and catholic as well as scriptural and Apocrypha and liturgical. It is also that it lex orandi (law of praying), is its (the original Authorized Version included the Apocrypha) /ex credendi (law of believing). The Common Prayer traditionwith its rich heritage of Books of Common Prayer from 1549 through to the twentieth century, is the peculiarity and glory of Anglicanism. Within the Prayer Books of the Anglican Family, there is a basic har­ mony and identity of structure and spirituality, but there are some differences (e.g., in the Eucharistic Prayers), These differences point not to disorder but to the comprehensive­ ness of the Anglican Way. In this book, Dr.Toon introduces the reader to the Anglican Rites for Holy Commun­ ion. He also examines both the docrinal soundness and the pastoral suitability of each rite for today's religious scene.

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16 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step towards Avoiding Bad English political regeneration; so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional On the Relation Between Thinking and Speaking writers." And, I would add, to think clearly is a by David Mills necessary first step towards spiritual and The first in a series theological regeneration. ll sides in the Church's many battles tual than economic, because people who have often killed off the truth in their reject God's truth must come up with ways Bad English Aeagerness to win. But this warfare of pretending to speak the truth when they In bad English, Orwell found, the images are produces not so much lies - though some are not, and this means cloudiness and always stale and the language always impre­ people do lie - as a type of English that ob­ vagueness and verbal sleight of hand. cise. "This mixture of vagueness and sheer scures the truth and makes saving clarity A small example is "the inclusive love of incompetence is the most marked charac­ impossible. God", a cliche used whenever some teristic of modern English prose, and espe­ The most popular weapon, in other traditional boundary or restriction is cially of any kind of political writing. words, is not bombs but a fog that hides the thought too restraining. The phrase is true As soon as certain topics are raised, the movement ofthe enemy's troops till they are and not true at the same time, or rather it is concrete melts into the abstract and no one close enough to stab and strangle. The fight half true in a way that one mustbe alert and seems able to think of turns of speech that against this bad English, particularly the think carefully to separate the truth from are not hackneyed: prose consists less and bad English of our liturgical and doctrinal the error. less of words chosen for the sake of their revisers, will be the subject of this series. It implies in a hazy way that God loves meaning, and more of phrases tacked you no matter what you do and therefore together like the sections of a pre-fabricated that it doesn't much matter what you do and henhouse." Orwell's essay don't do, as long as you are happy with Homosexuality is one of those "certain yourself. It is thus not only vague but I will begin with George Orwell's famous topics." You can see how the "inclusive love deceptive, in that without thinking you can of God" can be tacked together with similar essay, "Politics and the English Language." move from accepting the truth to accepting You can find it in the fourth volume of his phrases to create a seemingly compelling the error, especially if you are tempted to and moving speech for the acceptance of Collected Essays, lournalism, and Letters accept the error. and in his Selected Essays, which you can two men or two women "who truly love each find in almost any used bookseller. It is well "An effect can become a cause, other" in a "faithful, monogamous worth reading, and well worth forcing into reinforcing the original cause and relationship," which the Church should the hands of any writer or preacher you producing the same effect in an intensified bless because marriage "is about self- know. form, and so indefinitely," Orwell giving." continued. "A man may take to drink Orwell, who died of tuberculosis in 1949, With practice, such as years of parish because he feels himself to be a failure, and ministry provide, one accumulates a large was not a Christian. He was an "ethical then fail all the more completely because socialist", a man who expected people to act set of such phrases and the ability to tack he drinks." This applies to the English them together at a moments notice. As I rightly and speak truthfully and was language. Our language "becomes ugly and dismayed when they didn't, which meant listen to some priests speak, I always inaccurate because our thoughts are imagine them flipping through a mental file that he was dismayed most of the time. foolish, but the slovenliness of our language He wrote in an ideological age like our card system, pulling out all the cards with makes it easier for us to have foolish the appropriate cliches, putting them in a own, or rather the beginning of our own. thoughts." When the average intellectual in England plausible order, and reading them off. and America praised the Soviet Union as a Such speeches may indeed be moving new paradise - some knew how bad it was A foolish thought and compelling, and the ability to make and the rest should have found out before them may win one advancement in the speaking - he denounced it for enslaving Again, take "the inclusive love of God." It is Church. But when they replace thinking, and murdering its people. This did not win inaccurate, it is untruthful, it is therefore which means really meeting the realities of him many friends among the intellectuals, ugly, because our thoughts about God's will which you are speaking, to speak in such but he was right and they were are foolish. phrases will lead yourself and others to sin. contemptibly wrong. Were we better readers of our - that When, for example, the inclusive love of Because he tried to write truthfully about is, were we wiser - we would easily God is taken to be the permissive love of politics when many people did not want to, distinguish between God's love and His God. he has much to tell us about speaking the instructions for how to live, and we would And on that day, it would be better foryou truth about God's will when many people know that His instructions, no matter how if you had a millstone tied around your neck want to replace it with something less difficult, express His love for us. But being and were cast into the sea. And so the batde taxing. already foolish, the phrase's inaccuracy against bad English is not frivolous and is makes it much easier for us to foolishly not the exclusive concern of professional misread God's will, in this case to choose writers, but also of professional Christians, The decline of language immorality, thinking the inclusive and which means me and you. + loving God is bound to approve. Orwell began "Politics and the English Lan­ But, "the process is reversible," Orwell Mr. Mills is the director of publishing at Trinity guage" by arguing that "the decline of a lan­ wrote. English "is full of bad habits which Episcopal School for Ministry, and editor ofthe guage must ultimately have political and spread by imitation and which can be Episcopal Synod's theological journal, The Evan­ economic causes." Being a Christian, I avoided if one is willing to take the gelical Catholic. His five-part series on traditional would say the causes are more deeply spiri­ necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these worship appeared in Mandate two years ago.

The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church MANDATE: November/December 1995 17 I did in the late '60s (and as the Church will So both in the liturgical movement since again be encouraged to do with plans for Vatican II and in the Charismatic Movement IF I COULD DO IT revision ofthe 1979 Book after 2000). we enjoyed the fact that God is not in his I suppose the secular influence in the heaven. He is with us! But somehow in all ALL OVER AGAIN Church gave us a different language and this we lost a healthy respect and awareness perspective towards God than that voiced of his Majesty and Omnipotence, by The Rev'd Canon Philip E. Weeks in the 1928 BCP I am not a 1928 Prayer Book something that Rite II does not help us to buff, but I do believe we lost something with recapture. the present revision through the inclusive I resist the color change for HolyWeek for ast year I was honored be being initi­ language changes. Further, the Litany was the new visually suggests that Jesus is a ated into the Loyal Order ofthe Purple conducive to congregational chanting. I martyr rather than the One who willingly LSuspender, or L.O.ES. It is an 'Ancient used it frequently as the processional gave his life for us. Further, I refuse to buy and Honorable Order of Priests," according during Lent. There was something unique the 1982 Hymnal. It is an inferior book for to the certificate's citation, "who remember about the Psalter in the 1928 BCE It pre­ . I do not like the inclusive the Days of Glory ofthe Episcopal Church." dated even the KJV and had a rhythm about language that emasculates God in more As every fraternal order must have an iden­ it which made unison recitation melodious. than two dozen ofthe old hymns. tifying symbol, the L.O.ES.'s symbol is the (A major fault with the 1979 Psalter is the purple suspenders. removal of the Christology, echoed This recognition set me thinking. In especially in Psalm 1, where the masculine Changes for the sake of change recalling the former "Days of Glory" that term, "the man," is replaced with the neuter attracted this Methodist minister to the plural "they" and "people.") I hurtbecause ofthe senseless changes that Episcopal Church, I thought that if I could Then also the 1979 Prayer Book has have occurred which have driven some do it all over again, it would be very minimized the importance of Confirmation good people away. The sad thing is that the different. and made Baptism a Rite with lesser "National Church" has not learned any les­ significance. When my 14 year old grand­ son from the exodus of a million people daughter wanted to be confirmed, she was during the last twenty years. It continues to lam a renegade and a traitor! told that youth confirmation was no longer disrupt the Church with its policies of lib­ the practice in the Church. Horrors! eralism, humanism, secularism and uni- If I had to do all over again, my acceptance tarianism. The female suffragan bishop of of liturgical change would be different. Of Teenagers need the strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit (see 1928 BCP page 297). Massachusetts said that if the dye-hard tra­ course, at the time the changes were occur­ ditionalists didn't wish to change and flow ring in the '60s and '70s, I thought they were with the times, they could get out. That is good. Itis only after years of experience fla­ Immanence but no Transcendence the new type of liberalism which differs vored by close scrutiny of what once from the liberalism I grew up understand­ seemed good, that I have come to my If I were to do it all over again, I would in­ ing. The old type of liberalism allowed ac­ present conclusion. In fact, if I were to de­ sist on the altar back against the wall, pre­ ceptance of differing opinions without cide to return to parochial ministry as a rec­ venting me from facing the congregation alienation. Now it is ACCEPT or GET OUT! tor, it is highly probable that no parish like a performer. The moving ofthe altar was I know that there will be respondents who would call me. the worst mistake that Vatican II made and will chastise me for not moving with the I was called "a renegade" by aBishop soon it has trickled down to affect every times, or who will accuse me of bashing the after my leaving the parish ministry to start denomination's stance on worship. Episcopal Church. The truth is that I don't Ministries. At that time it hurt! In fact liturgical renewal and the have the energy to go through changes for Now I would agree with him. I am a Charismatic Movement have one thing in change sake, especially when I am renegade. I am a traitor to the modernistic common. Each has made us more aware of unconvinced as to the merit in the change. causes that have violently changed the the Immanence of God at the expense of his Nor am I trying to bash the Episcopal Episcopal Church and have sent people Transcendence. Before Vatican II, God was Church, which is spiritually sick - you away, who once faithfully believed the (according to the poet. Browning) "in his shouldn't kick a person when he is down. Episcopal Church was for them. heaven..." But since the '60s, with the altar I am a small voice crying in the If I had to do it all over again, it would be moved so that the people can easily witness wilderness of despair over what has different. I would no longer experiment the "mysteries" there, God has been brought happened to the Episcopal Church in the with worship. I would DO IT - that is, I into the midst of his people. In the past twenty-five years. Maybe someone will would worship rather than experiment. I Charismatic Movement God became our hear and do something to produce healing. would not purchase trial "prayer books" as "buddy." What I say is like a "drop in a bucket," but Barnabas Ministries has been putting drops REMOVE THE 1928 BCP FROM THE PEWS in a bucket called the Philippines for over Advice from Bishop to Rector twelve years, and I believe we have made some difference in the lives of people. I On August 8, 1995, Chester L.Talton, the Suffragan Bishop of Los Angeles, wrote to the rector of believe that we must be true to our St Michael the Archangel Church in El Segundo. Concerning the 1928 Prayer Book he said: understanding of the Gospel, whether or "/ appreciate the spirit of the St. Michael's community in that while they have been a congregation not it is in agreement with popular religious devoted to the traditions of the Episcopal Church, they were willing to remove references to the 1928 thought. * Prayer Book from their notice board, and they removed reference to the 1928 Prayer Book from their telephone answering message. I am writing to you now, to ask you to take the leadership in naving the The Rev'd Canon Philip E. Weeks formed Barnabas 1928 Prayer Book removed from the church. I realize that there will be some resistance to this, hut I mink Ministries in 1980. Seeking to strike a balance be­ that the Vestry will support you." tween charismatic renewal and sacramental tra­ The only good thing about this dreadful paragraph is the use ofthe phrase "the 1928 Prayer Book" ditionalism, his teaching ministry has taken him three times! into many dioceses, sharing aVISION OF MISSION The Vestry did as the Bishop required. Rite I will replace the 1928 Prayer Book from December 3rd, that comes from his missionary focus in the Phil­ 1995. at the B.a.m. service. Soon Rite I will give way to Rite II and soon after will come the all new ippine Islands. He is available for teaching mis­ inclusive language services! Bishop Talton is well known as a supporter ofthe new religion ofthe sions. Contact him at P.O. Box 941200, Maitland, ECUSA, and the rector and vestry ought to have known better and shown courage! Florida, 32794-1200. Phone 407-695-0468.

18 MANDATE: November/December 1995 The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church 1

May the grace, mercy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you at all times of day and night.

In the Mandate of October, 1995,1 urged you to speak in the full, apostolic, biblical language of a Bishop ordained and consecrated to be a successor of the Apostles within the historic Episcopate. Now I ask you to take a further step - to seek to preserve Apostolic Faith and Order in the Episcopal Church.

By not voting on September 27 at Portland with the majority in the House of Bishops for the Rowley Resolution, you have, I believe, prepared the way to lead the ECUSA back into the path of the authentic Anglicanism - based upon Holy Scripture as the inspired, written Word of God. The first step forward is, I believe, for you to work unceasingly between now and the General Convention of 1997 to persuade the House of Bishops to join you in a major U turn. It will be tough, but do it for our Lord Jesus!

In particular, as I see it, this U turn will mean doing three things: (i) reversing the Rowley Resolution and voting for the full acceptance within the Anglican Way of those Bishops, clergy, laity, dioceses, parishes and religious orders, who believe teach and confess that only men, called of God, are to be admitted to the ministerial priesthood; (ii) declaring that the BCP (1928) is there to be used for all public services and occasional offices by all who wish to do so; that any parish has the right (given the agreement of rector and vestry) so to do; and (ill) supporting Biblical morality and ensuring that the ECUSA teaches and abides by the traditional doctrine of marriage and sexuality.

To press for this basic agenda (which was taken for granted not too long ago!) will not make you popular with the vocal minority who espouse political correctness, feminist theology and pantheism (or panentheism). However, to recover sanity and godliness in the Church will strike chords in many (hitherto silent or silenced) hearts, and the resulting vibrations will bring joy to your soul. You will be known as the Presiding Bishop, who saved the Episcopal Church from religious, moral and spiritual disaster - of saving the ECUSA from becoming a mere sect, expressing the values of naturalism and modernism and worshipping the mother-goddess.

Some folks have called for your resignation. In contrast, we in the PBS call for you to do a U turn. We ask you to reject the policy of appeasing those for whom the Episcopal Church is merely an agent of cultural, political and societal change or liberation. We beseech you joyfully to adopt the policy of preserving the Anglican Way in terms of both Faith and Order.

The American supermarket of religions is filled with denominations, societies and sects offering this or that brand of "faith" and "community." However, there is nothing on the shelves, which can replace the historic, orthodox, liturgical and episcopal form of Christianity called Anglicanism. I ask you to consider that God has called you at this late hour to preserve the authentic Anglican Way for America.

Thousands inside and outside the Episcopal Church are looking to you to serve the Lord Jesus in the genuine renewal of the Anglican Way in America. The Zion of Anglicanism has been devastated by the "Babylonians." The time for restoration is here! Be like Ezra and Nehemiah and lead your people in the task of rebuilding Zion, the city of God. We shall pray diligently for you each Wednesday morning. Please tell us how we can help in the cause of regeneration and renewal.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Toon Each Wednesday moming at 9.a.m. in each time zone, at home or at work, in church or elsewhere, let us pray for the Presiding Bishop. Here is a suggested prayer. Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, we pray for Edmond, Presiding Bishop ofthe Episcopal Church. Give him grace faithfully to exercise himself in the Holy Scriptures and call upon Thee by prayer for the true understanding ofthe same, in order that he may be able by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine and to withstand and convince gainsayers. Enable him, through thy Holy Spirit, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away from the Church all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to thy Holy Word and also to call upon and encourage others to do the same. Inspire him to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and godly in the present, sinful world, so that he is an example of holiness unto others. Finally, grant him such an abundance of thy love that he will always he gentle and compassionate, imitating his Blessed Lord, even our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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