
Simon Pauly the BarbicanCentre principal funderof is thefounder and Corporation The Cityof

Part of Barbican Presents 2018–19 for taking theirplaces atshortnotice grateful to ElsaBenoit, andCarloVistoli have had to withdraw from thisperformance. We are Lemieux () andJakubJósef Unfortunately (Poppea), Marie-Nicole the Act 2scene5aria‘Voi ch’udite ilmiolamento’ There willbeoneinterval of 25minutes following Biagio Pizzuti Carlo Vistoli Andrea Mastroni Xavier Sabata Elsa Benoit Joyce DiDonato Maxim Emelyanychev Il Pomo d’Oro Friday 31 May 2019 6.30pm,Hall concert performance Handel located around thefoyers. online, aswell as viafeedback forms orthepods during your visit. Additional feedback canbegiven If anything limitsyour enjoyment pleaseletusknow with ahandkerchief. you feel theneedto coughorsneeze,pleasestifle it sake of other audiencemembersandtheartists,if prevent coughingduringaperformance. But,for the We appreciate thatit’snot always possible to members. can spoiltheenjoyment of your fellow audience set to Titmay causehigh-pitched feedback which entering thehall.Ifyour hearingaidisnot correctly you shouldswitch your hearingaidto Tsettingon Please remember thatto useourinductionloop a performance isstrictlyprohibited. capturing images orusingrecording devices during during theperformance. Taking photographs, Please turnoff watch alarms,phones, pagers etc Poppea

Narciso Claudio Lesbo Ottone Nerone Agrippina Pallante


Orli´nski (Narciso) 2 advertising by Cabbell(tel 02036037930) printed by Trade Winds ColourPrinters Ltd; Programme produced by HarrietSmith; reading of was thencemented by theirthrilling Emelyanychev. Theirjointreputation inspirational young director Maxim its Barbicandebutin2015 ledby its made anindelibleimpression on This Italian period-instrumentensemble cellomusicwithEdgarMoreau. returning tomorrow for aprogramme of season by IlPomo d’Oro, withtheplayers third of four performances given this masterpiece performance of Handel’s early A warm welcome to tonight’s concert Welcome Agrippina earlierthisseason. . Itmarks the

Head of Huw Humphreys, I hopeyou enjoy it. It promises to beacaptivating evening. international castof thehighestquality. JoyceDiDonato, whoisjoinedby an Taking onthe title-role ismezzo- her sonNero to thepositionof Emperor. crazed woman, determined to promote character, Agrippina, istheultimate power- all comesrightintheend).Hiscentral games andstar-crossed lovers (though , withatale combiningpower from thepoliticalmachinations of Ancient For Agrippina Handeltook inspiration

elaborately insincere assurances of friendship. hurries off, leaving Poppea to receive Agrippina’s the news thatAgrippina isonher way. Claudio to interrupt anover-enthusiastic emperor with and denouncesOttone to him.Lesboarrives Sickened andangry, Poppea welcomes Claudio by to intervene. Everything goesasplanned. himself onher, Agrippina willbestanding his passion.If,however, Claudiotriesto force to make theemperor jealous andincrease will soonyieldherto Claudio.Poppea needs that Ottone isonlyusingherto gainpower and this exchange, now seeks to persuade Poppea this very night.Agrippina, whohasoverheard Lesbo, whotells herthathismaster plansavisit At homePoppea receives Claudio’sservant leaves himto enjoy hisseeminggoodfortune. mischief. AssuringOttone of hersupportshe himself fancies Poppea, seesachance for further become emperor. Agrippina, knowing Claudio with thebeautifulPoppea andhasnodesire to Agrippina, Ottone reveals thatheisinlove successor. Askingfor aprivate interview with Claudio’s life, hehasbeennamedimperial to announcethatasarecompense for saving of Antium.Hisfaithful general Ottone enters of theemperor, very muchalive, attheport throne, afanfare of trumpetsheralds thearrival death, butashersonprepares to mountthe confronts thesenate withthefact of Claudio’s While gives almsto thepoor, Agrippina act asagents withthesenate onNero’s behalf. to beinlove withher–shepersuades themto Narciso –freed slaves each of whomsheknows to theRoman mob.SummoningPallante and to courtpopularfavour by distributinggold drowned inashipwreck. Agrippina urges Nero ambition arrives withthenews thatClaudiohas What seemsaperfect opportunityto fulfil this whom shewants to seecrowned asemperor. son, Nero (Nerone), from aprevious marriage, (Claudio).Hiswife Agrippina hasa We are inRome duringthereign of Emperor Act 1 synopsis Agrippina: whom sheinvites to herprivate apartment. to goodaccount, ascanthearrival of Nero, from Claudio,sheperceives, canbeturned her andseeks revenge. Animpendingvisit Poppea realises thatAgrippina hasliedto telling herto killhimifshebelieves heisguilty. told her. Ottone, appalled,gives heradagger, in arambling fashion aboutwhatAgrippina appears, shepretends to beasleepandtalks longing for Ottone to beinnocent.Whenhe Alone inhergarden, Poppea repents hercruelty, of allto Nero, whomocks hissuddeninsecurity. discarding herfor theimperialthrone, andlast disloyalty, thento Poppea, whoaccuses himof first of allto Agrippina, whorebuffs himfor his his onlyjustreward. Thehapless general appeals whom heaccuses of treachery, saying deathis He isgracious towards everyone butOttone, by theemperor himselfinatriumphalchariot. Agrippina, Poppea andNero arrive, followed as to hisappointmentasClaudio’ssuccessor. to work against her. Ottone enters, fullof doubts Narciso, aware of Agrippina’s falsehood, agree In astreet outsidethepalace, Pallante and Act 2 she is‘surprised’by Nero’s suddenre-entry. culprit. Persuading theemperor to hideaswell, she maintains, Nero, not Ottone, was thereal not loving her enough.Intheearlierconfusion, then appears,onlyto betaxed by Poppea with that hehad better make himselfscarce. Claudio she warns himthatAgrippina is nearby and with ClaudioandNero. Whenthelatter enters, hide sothathecanoverhear herconversation her schemeof revenge to Ottone, telling himto In aroom withseveral doors,Poppea explains Act 3 that Nero willbemade hissuccessor. seeks to destroy him,shereceives hispledge her enemies.Convincing ClaudiothatOttone summons Pallante andNarciso to murder likelihood of herplot unravelling and Agrippina meanwhile frets beneaththe

3 Welcome 4 descends to blesstheforthcoming union. power of love andJuno,goddessof marriage, Agrippina isatlastsatisfied, achorushailsthe two lovers’ constancy andnamesNero ashisheir. Poppea. Magnanimously Claudioapplaudsthe the successionanddeclaringhispassionfor Nero. AtthispointOttone intervenes, rejecting everybody by ordering Poppea’s marriage to as Ottone’s lover. Claudio, however, surprises loyalty. Poppea, shedeclares, ishisgenuinefoe, a potential revolution andconvinces him of her her, sheprotests thatsheonlywanted to thwart the empress’s plot. WhenClaudioconfronts Narciso now decideto reveal thetruthabout renounce Poppea asanenemy. Pallante and Nero for hisweakness andhepromises to In theimperialpalace Agrippina berates Ottone canatlastreaffirm theirmutuallove. on herbehalfwithAgrippina. Leftalone,sheand Poppea thenimplores theemperor to intercede Claudio angrilyorders himto leave atonce,but Giovanni Grisostomo, openedin 1678 and noted themselves atheatre nearthechurch of San In heandhisbrother Giovanni had built Grimani couldindulgehispassionfor . politics asadiplomatandadministrator, Vincenzo When not involved innegotiating thezigzags of centrepiece of theirprincipalpalace. sculptures inasuperbvaulted galleryforming the outstanding ensembleof Greek andRoman such asTitianandTintoretto and installed an collecting. Thefamily had patronised painters noted for itslove of theartsandapassionfor Grimani was aVenetian, from apatricianclan Neapolitans for hisintegrity andplain dealing. resources, resolute inaction’ andadmired by the praised as‘energetic intemperament, richin ,afigure of real distinction, was introduced to thecity’sviceroy, Cardinal intheearlysummerof 1708. Here he stood Handelingoodstead whenhevisited position inreturn for attention oremployment, musicians were expected to assumeaservile and socially, inanage whenmostworking The confidence heshowed both professionally patron Francesco MariaRuspoli. and thechambercantatas written for hisnoble the wedding serenata the diverse instyleandstructure asthemagisterial allowed Handelto show hisvirtuosityinworks as his music.Suchintensely productive encounters duchesses andcardinals whocommissioned than amere entertainer amongtheprinces, and Naples,livingmore like anhonoured guest moved atleisure between Rome, Venice, in theallrightplaces, theyoung his unerringinstinctfor meetingthebestpeople his artisticdevelopment. Self-financed andusing , from 1706 to 1709, markacrucialphasein The three years George FridericHandelspentin Grimani by Vincenzo alibretto on based acts, three in opera An HWV6 Agrippina, Handel Frideric George were friendsof the influential theatre poet as ‘thefinest andrichest inthecity’.Thebrothers Il trionfo delTempo edelDisinganno settingfor aRoman vesper service, Aci, Galatea ePolifemo

(1709) (1709) , Agrippina expression –of an18th-century audience. – ‘thepolite learning’,to useacontemporary was anintegral partof thecultural inheritance building andmilitary prowess suchwriters evoked from Roman historians. Theworld of empire- make useof plots, themesandcharacters derived masterpieces as dozen of Handel’soperas, includingsuchmature Italian lyricdrama intheBaroque era. Atleasta was aninexhaustible source for surely, of Grimani’spersonalinfluence. Teatro SanGiovanni Grisostomo, adirect result, as acommissionfor theforthcoming seasonatthe however, thecomposerwas atwork onthepiece later ascribedto him.Bytheautumnof 1709, to attach hisown authorshipto any of thetexts latter seemsinany caseto have beencareful not directly from theCardinal himselfisnot clear. The Handel acquired thelastof these, his own handto writingopera . Whether Apostolo ZenoandsoonVincenzowas turning It was allthere, ormostof it,inthepages of for thestandard three-act sequence of hislibretto. the facts soasto develop aserviceable plotline Grimani didnot needto play fast andloosewith Nerone. Unlike mostother Baroque theatre poets, determined to secure thethrone for herson dominated by theschemingmatriarch Agrippina, and politicalskulduggeryinanimperial court Their Roman world isthatof amorous intrigue prove hiscourage, steadfastness andresilience. as needingnosuchfanfares andrazzmatazz to foil asagenuinelysympathetic figure, isshown grandstanding oafishness. Ottone, hisimmediate triumphal machine’, simplyserves to heighten his in Act 2,asaconqueringhero carriedon‘a throughout theaction. Claudio’sappearance things intheearlieropera are kept firmly off-stage gallant enterprise of aseasonedwarrior, such Cesare a difference. Whereas awork suchas

features the clangourof battle andthe , nevertheless, tells aRoman story with (1685–1759) and Agrippina Giulio Giulio ,


5 Programme note 6 when LesboannouncesAgrippina’s unwelcome dramatic episodes.Thecomictrio‘Equandomai’, lowering thetemperature between successive clearly delightsintheexercise of raising and momentum issustained from theoutsetandhe are kept shortandpunchy, acracking subversive shimmersthroughout thescore. His pleasure insettingGrimani’swittyand reveal thevulnerability behindherruthlessness. experiments withthearia-and- medium mi tormentate’, where Handel’sbrilliantlyelastic help of herwonderful Act 2 role’s depthof perspective intensifies withthe to herasawoman withherplace inhistory. The a calculatingmanipulativeness entirely authentic of theatricaldecorumbutbecausesheradiates dominates heropera, thisisnot simplyamatter character for the Venetian stage. IfAgrippina in handlingalarger-scale treatment of thesame she faces deathmay have helpedto inspire him differing moodsandemotions explored here as with anorder for herexecution. Therange of over-ambitious mother whomNero had rewarded Dunque saràpurvero written oneof hismoststrikingdramatic , with Agrippina herself.WhileinNapleshehad must have recalled anearliermusicalencounter Handel himself,insittingdown to write theopera, motivated them. together withthe‘devices anddesires’ which giving ustheprotagonists asthey actually were, Venetian adaptor have beenprecise enoughin consensus suggeststhatthey andtheireminent isashameless gossip, butahistorical Neither writer claimedscrupulous impartialityand ’s such demands.He needed,allthesame,to work city’s smartest theatre, hewas fullyprepared for Now, when calleduponto face thepublic at the storylines andfondness for singablemelodies. audience, withitscriticalears,love of strong on himandgettingthefeel of aVenetian opera Scarlattiwhichmade adistinct impact season there, hearingworks by Caldara and that hespentpartof the1707 winter opera Handel, what’smore, knew hisVenice. Itislikely the cardinal. sympathy of intention between thecomposerand sen’. Everything coheres to suggesta complete and themeltingsiciliano‘Purch’io tistringaal ‘Vaghe fonti’, withitsflutes andmuted , with others includingOttone’s ravishing numbers arrival to ClaudioandPoppea isoneexample, orSuetonius’s , amonologuefor thisfatally scena Lives of theCaesars ‘Pensieri voi . extravagant to bementioned’. Saxon’, with ‘other expressions of approbation too applauded Handelas‘ilcaro Sassone’,‘thedear imagined they had allbeendistracted’. Spectators manner inwhichthey were affected, would have that astranger whoshouldhave seenthe audience was soenchanted withtheperformance 27 performances. Thesamewriter tells usthat‘the biographer JohnMainwaring, for arecord success, whichran, according to Handel’searliest on 26 December1709, Opening attheTeatro SanGiovanni Grisostomo London. later joinedHandel’sKing’sTheatre company in the bassGiuseppeMariaBoschi,singingPallante, performed by Francesca Vanini, whosehusband earliest stage incarnation,was abreeches role, Scarabelli took thepartof Poppea. Ottone, inhis Pellegrini, whilethemuch-admired Diamante Nerone was sungby thecastrato Valeriano style specifically to show off theirdistinctive talents. intelligence anddramatic giftsby adapting his throughout hiscareer, rewarded for theirmusical earliest of thosevarious singerswhomHandel, inthetitle-role. Shewas the was first-class, headed asitwas by thesoprano audience was any thewiser. Thecastassembled It was safe to assumethatnobodyinthefirst-night Keiser. favourite Germanopera composer, Reinhard or, incertain cases,borrowed itsideasfrom his score was adapted from hisearliercompositions quickly, withtheresult thatmostof the Programme note andsynopsis ©JonathanKeates performed . one of Handel’sbest-loved andmost-frequently his cardinal’s reward, three centuriesafterwards, is were, to accomplish itsannualliquefaction. The saint, Januarius,refused, insympathy asit and themiraculous bloodof thecity’spatron died of bladder cancer, Naples dulymourned equity to theNeapolitans. Afew monthslater he of VincenzoGrimani,busy bringingjusticeand A singlesad note lay inthe absencefrom Venice permanent impact onhiscreative achievement. flourish inanItalian experience which made a ambition andpolitics.Itstriumphwas thefinal knowing andsophisticated comedyof scandal, though neitherof thesewere Handel’saimin this with thegrandeur andsublimityof hisstyle’, Mainwaring says thatthey were ‘thunderstruck Agrippina ’s discovery of fresh audiencesas Agrippina was arousing Agrippina

and Peace’ with Joyce DiDonato, which was also of Beethoven andBrahms. Hetoured ‘InWar National duCapitole deToulouse inaconcert Die EntführungausdemSerail Opera, conductinganew production of In the2016–17 seasonhemade debutswiththe Katia andMarielleLabèque andJoyce DiDonato. , ,Richard Goode, Lemieux, Alexei Lubimov, TheodorCurrentzis, Franco Fagioli, DmitrySinkovsky, Marie-Nicole Sabata, JuliaLezhneva, SophieKarthäuser, as Riccardo Minasi,Max EmanuelCencic,Xavier He hascollaborated withsuchrenowned artists Nizhny-Novgorod Youth Symphony . of IlPomo d’Oro andPrincipalConductor of the symphony . HeisPrincipalConductor 12 andhassinceconducted both Baroque and He made hisconductingdebutattheage of many international keyboard competitions. Uspenskaya. Hehasbeenaprize-winnerat studying andharpsichord withMaria Rozhdestvensky attheMoscow Conservatory and education intheconductingclassof Gennady Nizhny Novgorod MusicSchool,continuinghis musicians andfirst studiedconductingatthe conductors. Hewas bornin1988 to afamily of representative of the risinggeneration of young Maxim Emelyanychev isanoutstanding Maxim Emelyanychev About the performers recorded andwon a Maxim Emelyanychev Gramophone director/harpsichord , andtheOrchestre Award.

National duCapitole deToulouse, Orchestra ( Enlightenment attheRoyal Opera House also conductstheOrchestra of theAge of of theScottish ChamberOrchestra and Next seasonhebecomesPrincipalConductor Festival. Enlightenment in Orchestra andtheOrchestra of theAge of Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestre NationalduCapitole deToulouse, de Sevilla, Orchestra dellaSvizzera Italiana, the Philharmonic orchestras, Real Orquesta Sinfónica the Netherlands,Royal andSt Petersburg Highlights thisseasonincludeconcertswith and theSt Petersburg Symphony Orchestra. Philharmonic, Orchestre NationaldeBordeaux Scottish ChamberOrchestra, Royal Liverpool Orchestra Sinfonica diMilanoGiuseppeVerdi, National deLyon, BelgianNationalOrchestra, ; andinvitations to conducttheOrchestre with theOrchestra dellaSvizzera Italiana in for concertsinthecurrent season;hisdebut Toulouse andSeville, to whichhewas reinvited Highlights lastseasonincludedareturn to International Opera Awards. he received theNewcomer Award atthe Soloists ChamberOrchestra (Aparté). InApril Haydn Beethoven’s Third Symphony andBrahms’s In October lastyear hereleased adiscof (Aparté) won anumberof awards. Maxim Emelyanychev’s discof Mozartpiano Ninth Symphony. the MunichPhilharmonicconductingBeethoven’s Théâtre duCapitole andmakes hisdebutwith Grand Théâtre, he conducts St Petersburg Philharmonic.Thefollowing season Iceland andSeattleSymphony orchestras andthe include theBerlinerKonzerthausorchester, Philharmonic Orchestra. Otherengagements della Svizzera Italiana andtheRoyal Liverpool Agrippina Variations withtheNizhny Novgorod ). Hereturns to theOrchestre La clemenzadiTito at the Glyndebourne attheGlyndebourne atGeneva’s attheToulouse

7 About the performers 8 Simon Pauly Helen (’s In opera herrecent roles have includedSister Garden. Sir atthe Royal Opera, Covent Brentano atthe Wigmore Hallandwith Emelyanychev, aswell asrecitals withthe touring withIlPomo d’Oro underMaxim Orchestra underRicardo Muti,andextensive under SirSimonRattle, theChicago Symphony Yannick Nézet-Séguin,theBerlinPhilharmonic concerts withtheRotterdam Philharmonicunder Night of theBBC Proms. Recent highlightsinclude Asia andappeared asguestsoloistattheLast toured extensively inSouth America,Europe and Carnegie Hallandhere attheBarbicanCentre, circuit, shehasrecently heldresidencies at Much indemandontheconcertandrecital and Donizetti. widely acclaimed for the ranging, award-winning discography. Sheisalso Handel andMozart,aswell asthrough herwide- attained international prominence inoperas by but alsoasafierce advocate for thearts,andhas Yorker female singerof hergeneration’ by has beenproclaimed ‘perhapsthemostpotent She engages audiencesacross theglobe,and Grammy awards anda2018 OlivierAward. Kansas-born Joyce DiDonato haswon multiple Joyce DiDonato Joyce DiDonato . Sheisacclaimed not onlyasaperformer Agrippina Dead ManWalking roles of Rossini The New ) at the ) atthe with Erato/; hermostrecent Joyce DiDonato isanexclusive recording artist Europe withNYO USA underPappano. at thepiano.Herseasonendswithatour of in Kansas CityandAnnArborwithNézet-Séguin the USA, aswell asperformances of album, season alsosaw therelease of herlatest major Nazionale diSanta CeciliaunderPappano. The under MutiandtheOrchestra dell’Accademia and Asia,theChicago Symphony Orchestra d’Oro underEmelyanychev ontour to Carnegie HallunderNézet-Séguin,IlPomo Eliot Gardiner, thePhiladelphia Orchestra at Révolutionnaire etRomantique underSirJohn BBC Proms andinHamburg withtheOrchestre Il Pomo d’Oro. Shehasalsoperformed atthe and thetitle-role in ( staged DidonattheViennaState Opera, Sesto Highlights thisseasonhave included herfirst Royal Opera andtheLiceuBarcelona. Opera, New York, aswell asthetitle-role in Elena ( and thetitle-role in ( and HarryBicket; andCharlotte role in production attheBavarian State Opera; thetitle- in Strasbourg; herfirst Semiramide inanew her first ( Madrid andtheBarbicanCentre; the Divo di Napoli which won a2017 Other recent albumsinclude nominated for a2019 BBC MusicMagazine at lastyear’s International Opera Awards and Erato operatic release, Gramophone of theYear awards, andaninductioninto the Giulio Cesare Gramophone and La donnadellago SongPlay ) underPappano attheRoyal Opera; , herGrammy-Award-winning Drama Queens Hallof Fame. ) attheMetropolitan Opera for theMetropolitan Opera, the on tour with ontour withTheEnglishConcert (Warner), withwhichshetoured Artistof theYear andRecital Gramophone Agrippina Awards andhasbeen Gramophone Les Troyens . Other honours include . Otherhonoursinclude ) attheMetropolitan ) under John Nelsons ) underJohnNelsons In War &Peace in concert with inconcertwith , Adalgisa ( Award, , was awinner Award. Award. Winterreise Diva Stella ,

), ), Saskia Groneberg Netherlands Bach SocietyattheAmsterdam de Rossi’s Mélisande Theatre intherole of Mélisande( current seasonwithherdebutattheBasle 2019 MunichOpera Festival. Sheopenedthe Kosky andconducted by Ivor Bolton atthe production of theopera directed by Barrie Il Pomo d’Oro, apartshereprises inanew Poppea inthecurrent tour of Highlights thisseasonincludetherole of ( maschera Émilie ( State Opera, where herroles have included in thepermanentensembleof theBavarian Since the2016–17 seasonElsaBenoithasbeen she won anAustrian MusicTheatre Prize. ( Giulietta ( sang Tytania ( at theStadttheater Klagenfurt, where she season shewas amemberof theensemble and Papagena ( ( in Munichroles suchastheCountess Adèle Studio attheBavarian State Opera, appearing Opera Academy before joiningtheOpera Conservatory andDutch National French soprano ElsaBenoitstudiedatthe Elsa Benoit Elsa Benoit Così fan tutte L’elisir d’amore Les Indesgalantes I Capuleti eiMontecchi ), Gretel ( Il sacrifizio diAbramo ) andappeared assoloistinCamilla Poppea ) andMicaëla( A MidsummerNight’sDream ), Euridice(Monteverd’s ) andZerlina( The Magic Flute Hansel andGretel) ), Oscar( Agrippina ). Inthe2015–16 with the withthe ), Despina ), Despina Pelléas et Un ballo in Un balloin ), for which L’Orfeo , with with ), ), ). ). )

Michael Novak were Hartmut HöllandMitsuko Shirai. Musikhochschule, , where histeachers Escola SuperiordeMusicaCatalunya andatthe Institut delTeatre, andstudiedsingingatthe Catalonia, trained asanactor atBarcelona’s Xavier Sabata was borninAvià, Xavier Sabata Xavier Sabata Philharmonie withEnsembleModern. as appearinginconcertattheCologne de LilleandOpéra deReims, aswell in Wolfgang Mitterer’s Other recent highlightsincludethetitle-role concert attheTivoli Vredenburg inUtrecht. under Leonardo García Alarcón, withafurther Netherlands Radio PhilharmonicOrchestra December for Haydn’s , to whichshereturned in Barcelona. L’enigma diLea and theworld premiere of BenetCasablancas’s under Ivor Bolton attheTeatro Real, Madrid; at theBerlinStaatsoper; Endimione( ( Teatro MunicipaldeSantiago, Chile;Ottone Montanari atOpéra deLyon andat the ( Engagements thisseasonincludeBertarido L’incoronazione diPoppea ) withClausGuthunderStefano attheGran Teatre delLiceu, Ottone Marta Die Schöpfung ) underDiegoFasolis atOpéra with the with the )

9 About the performers 10 Vivaldi’s Ottone his discography include Handel’s disc is his recent album Barcelona, received warm criticalacclaim, asdid performed inCaen, Freiburg, Seville and His solorecorded programme Oscar unddieDameinRosa premieres of new music,suchasFabrice Bollon’s and Monteverdi, viaBaroque Compostela. Hisrepertoire ranges from Cavalli and theFestival ViaStellae inSantiago de Music, Aix-en-Provence, Ambronay, HalleHandel prominent festivals, includingInnsbruckEarly He hasappeared atmany leading venues and Premi Tendències in2014. Ópera Actual Petrou andJordi Savall. Hewas awarded an Riccardo Minasi,,George Jacobs, Xavier DíazLatorre, , Curtis, DiegoFasolis, GabrielGarrido,René ,Ivor Bolton, Fabio Bonizzoni,Alan regularly withconductors suchasHarryBicket, Orquesta Barroca Sevilla. Hecollaborates Al Ayre Español,ElConcierto Españoland 1704, theVenice , I Barocchisti, such ensemblesasEuropa Galante, Collegium and LesArtsFlorissants,hehasappeared with After earlysuccessesworking withWilliamChristie Cycle. his recital debutintheTeatro delaZarzuelaLied a European tour underChristophe Rousset and the BerlinStaatsoper; thetitle-role in L’incoronazione diPoppea Teatro Real; Ottone inanew production of production of Last season’shighlightsincludedanew L’Alessandro amante , L’oracolo Award in2013 andan Rodelinda Dilettanti . and under Bolton at the underBolton atthe . Hismostrecent solo underDiegoFasolis at . Other highlights of . Otherhighlightsof . Bad Guys Alessandro , aswell as El Mundo Rinaldo , , to to , on on ,

Julian Laidig Salzburg WhitsunFestival; and the current concert Cappella Gabetta inSwitzerlandandatthe Pergolesi’s and VinciwithIlPomo d’Oro; performances of and theUKfeaturing repertoire by Handel Baroque Orchestra inJapan;recitals inFrance title-role in Recent andforthcoming engagements includethe was released inNovember to criticalacclaim. same artists,recorded thetitle-role in Il Pomo d’Oro released lastyear and,withthe followed thiswithanalbumof Handelariaswith with ArmoniaAtenea andGeorge Petrou; he solo debutrecording withthelabel He hasanexclusive contract withDG,makinghis and technique aswell asthebeautyof hisvoice. countertenor of ourtime,renowned for hisartistry Franco Fagioli istheleading virtuoso Franco Fagioli Asia withtheVenice Baroque Orchestra; and concert tour withIlPomo d’Oro; healsotoured at theStaatstheater Karlsruhe andin a European Earlier thisseasonhesangthetitle-role in the inJuly. well asastaged production of thesameopera at Madrid, Barcelona, andhere inLondon,as performances of Franco Fagioli Serse ; Handelrecitals withtheVenice Nerone Agrippina with and withCeciliaBartoli and inLuxembourg, Serse Rossini Serse , which , which ,

Pergolesi’s title-roles inGluck’s His award-winning discography includesthe Muti andChristophe Rousset. Manuel Quintana, , Riccardo ,René Jacobs, José Alessandrini, AlanCurtis,GabrielGarrido, regularly withsuchconductors asRinaldo Innsbruck andSalzburg festivals, collaborating artist, appearingattheHalle,Ludwigsburg, He hasalsoachieved distinctionasaconcert andZurichOpera. title-role in Opéra deLilleandtheThéâtre deCaen; andthe Disinganno Garden; Piacere ( ( for theOpéra NationaldeLorraine; Idamante Opéra NationaldeParis; Arsace ( Roles onthestage includeEliogabalofor the d’Oro andtheVenice Baroque Orchestra. tours withtheBasleChamberOrchestra, IlPomo Cavalli’s for Dutch NationalOpera inthetitle-role of , asAndronico ( Earlier highlightsincludehisdebutatLaScala, Ruggiero ( made hisdebutattheHamburg State Opera as Argentinian MusicCriticsAssocation. was namedArgentinian Singerof theYear by the award for music,thePremio Abbiati.Lastyear he countertenor in30years to receive Italy’s highest magazine, andayear later became thefirst named ‘Singerof theYear’ by Italy’s , re diPersia Caldara’s and Eliogabalo and , Vinci’s GiulioCesare La Concordia de’pianeti ) for theRoyal Opera House,Covent Adriano inSiria ) for theAix-en-Provence Festival, Il maestro Porpora ). andthesoloalbums Il trionfo delTempo edel . He also undertook concert . Healsoundertook concert Orfeo edEuridice Tamerlano for theTeatro Colónin , Handel’s and ) and his debut ) andhisdebut . In2010 hewas Catone inUtica Semiramide , Hasse’s , Hasse’s L’Opera and Arias for Arias for

) , , Catherine Pisaroni performed theroles of Alidoro ( Tchaikovsky ConcertHallinMoscow. Healso sang Méphistophélès (Gounod’s as CountAlmaviva ( He returned to theMetropolitan Opera stage ( Mélisande followed by role debutsasGolaud( in hisdebutattheRossini Opera Festival, Mahomet II(Rossini’s Highlights lastseasonincludedtherole of houses, concerthallsandfestivals. has beenindemandattheworld’s leading opera Nikolaus HarnoncourtattheSalzburg Festival, he age of 26withtheViennaPhilharmonicunder and versatile singerstoday. Sincehisdebutatthe established himselfasoneof themostcharismatic Italian - LucaPisaroni has Luca Pisaroni C withtheBavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Luxembourg Philharmonie;Beethoven’s Massin solennelle This seasonhesingsinRossini’s baton of Myung-Whun Chung. Pizarro ( Opera andmade hisdebutintherole of Don and Leporello ( Luca Pisaroni L’italiana inAlgeri Fidelio attheKonzerthaus Wienandthe ) attheOpéra deParis andMustafà Claudio ) at , Milan, under the ) atLaScala,Milan,underthe Don Giovanni ) attheViennaState Opera. Le siègedeCorinthe ) attheViennaState Petite messe Faust Pelléas et ) at the ) atthe ) ) and ) and )

11 About the performers 12 under Nézet-Séguin. under Nézet-Séguin. of Figaro and, mostrecently, thetitle-role in Additional releases include Chamber Orchestra underYannick Nézet-Séguin. Festival; and and National deParis; Festival; Giovanni labels, andhisdiscography includes Luca Pisaroni hasrecorded for allthemajor Dortmund Konzerthaus, amongmany others. Musikverein, Vancouver Recital Societyand Concertgebouw, Edinburgh Festival, Madrid’s Teatro delaZarzuela,theAmsterdam recitals atCarnegieHall,, appearances, hehasgiven criticallyacclaimed In addition to hisextensive opera andconcert and Philadelphia. of Italian andAmericansongsinFlorence, Trento Essen, andadditionally performs aprogramme with pianistMalcolmMartineauinBerlinand under Luisi.Healsogives all-Schubertrecitals Gala withtheOrchestra Sinfonica dellaRAI Wien attheViennaMusikverein; andaRossini Mozart’s CminorMasswithConcentusMusicus the FilarmonicadellaScalaunderFabio Luisi; ; Schubertsong orchestrations with ( and Michael TilsonThomas;therole of Argante solemnis under MarissJansons;Beethoven’s Rinaldo The Marriage of Figaro ) ontour withTheEnglish Concert under The Marriage of Figaro withtheLondonSymphony Orchestra withtheChamberOrchestra of Europe and DonGiovanni Rinaldo Così fan tutte from theGlyndebourne with the Mahler with theMahler Simon Boccanegra from theSalzburg , with Opéra Don Giovanni The Marriage Missa Missa Don Don

Nicola Garzetti venues, includingtheRoyal Opera House,Covent He hasappeared atmany leading opera Turandot fanciulla delWest His operatic repertoire includes at Teatro LaFenice. performance inFilippoPerocco’s and theXXXVIIFranco AbbiatiPrizefor his in prize (Trapani) for hisportrayal of Sparafucile Basiola prize(2005),theGiuseppeDiStefano in Cremona. Hisawards includetheMario graduating from theIstituto ClaudioMonteverdi Rita Antoniazzi andFernando Cordeiro Opa, vocal studiesandtraining withLellaCuberli, education asaclarinettistbefore switching to Italian bassAndrea Mastroni beganhismusical Andrea Mastroni Andrea Mastroni in Italia ( ( His roles includeRocco ( State Opera. Champs-Élysées, CincinnatiOpera andHamburg de Oviedo,Bavarian State Opera, Théâtre des Montecarlo, Opéra deParis, LaFenice, Ópera La Scala,Milan,Madrid’s Teatro Real, Opéra de ,, New York, Garden, Arena, ZurichOpera, Palermo’s L’incoronazione diPoppea Rigoletto ), Cardinal deBrogni ( , ), Hundung( The Magic Flute , the Bibiena () prize (2007) , theBibiena(Mantua)prize(2007) , Labohème Pallante Die Walkür Fidelio and ), Sparafucile La Juive , ), Seneca ), Seneca Don Carlo L’Orfeo Rigoletto e), Selim( Aquagranda ), the King ), theKing , Macbeth , . La La Il turco

, Metropolitan Opera inthecomingseasons. Glyndebourne Festival. Healsoreturns to the Onegin at theOviedoOpera House,Gremin ( de lesArts,conducted by Andrea Marcon, Rocco He willalsosingAriodante atValencia’s Palau du Philharmonic underKirillPetrenko, and Orchestra, Tiresias ( of Death Symphony Orchestra, Tristan undIsolde Flute Opera House; Pallante attheBavarian State Opera andRoyal Engagements thisseasonandbeyond include dell’ Annunciata. disc of HandelbassariaswiththeAccademia Il Pomo d’Oro (DG).Hehasjustreleased a appears ontherecent recording of Marchetti’s (); a discof Duparc songswithMattiaOmetti Antonino Fogliani andVirtuosiBrunensis(Naxos); Teatro CarloFelice (Decca); Juliette His discography includesGounod’s under . I Solisti Veneti andtheAnimaMundiFestival Orchestra, andMozart’sRequiem inPadua with Symphony No 9withtheAtlanta Symphony Orchestra diPadova edelVeneto, Beethoven’s MiTo Festival, Shostakovich’s Passion In concerthehasperformed Bach’s Pasquale and thetitle-roles in ( Magic Flute Daland ( of Scotland ( L’italiana inAlgeri atTeatro Real Madrid. Concertsinclude withFabio LuisiandtheOrchestra del attheRavenna Festival andatthe ) attheLiceuand withSirJohnEliot Gardiner atLaScala. Der fliegende Holländer , amongmany others. with theFinnishRadio Symphony ), Gremin ( Romeo eGiulietta Ariodante Achille inSciro in concert with the Atlanta inconcertwiththeAtlanta I vespri siciliani ), KingMark( Oedipus rex Don Giovanni Eugene Onegin Songs and Dances Songs andDances ), Heinrich( Ilturco inItalia Semiramide King Lear , and (). He (Dynamic).He ) with the ) withtheBerlin Tristan undIsolde (C Major) and (CMajor)and ), Sarastro ( Lohengrin and The Magic Serse St John Roméo et ), Mustàfa Eugene Eugene with the withthe Don Don L’enfance L’enfance at the atthe with with with with

), ), The The

) Carlo Vistoli andAeneas Festival, Febo (Caldara’s morale toured Europe performing Monteverdi’s Venice, Chicago andNew York. Alsoin2017 he as well asinBerlin,Edinburgh, Lucerne,Paris, which was seenatthe2017 ’s Monteverdi 450project, Ottone ( won aHelpmannAward –Arvo Pärt’s Ottone ( move ilsoleel’altre stelle Adriano Guarnieri’svideoopera Le Jardin desVoix, theworld premiere of tour asamemberof WilliamChristie’sacademy Fuoco underDavid Stern inShanghai,aworld in Pozna´n, ( the title-role in Licida inMyslivecˇ Highlights of hiscareer sincethenhave included and stage debutin2012 astheSorceress ( of Bolognaandmade hisprofessional Conservatory inFerrara andattheUniversity Prina in2007. HestudiedattheFrescobaldi countertenor withWilliamMatteuzzi andSonia Carlo Vistoli beganhisvocal training asa Carlo Vistoli Human Frailty ( a European tour of mater at theMITO Festival inTurin andMilan, with Les Arts Florissants under Christie withLesArtsFlorissantsunderChristie L’incoronazione diPoppea Agrippina ) inCesenaandRavenna. Tamerlano Narciso Il ritorno d’Ulisseinpatria e at theTeatro Regio inTurin, ) inBrisbane–for whichhe k’s Giulio Cesare L’Olimpiade atthe2015 Ravenna Dafne underAlexis Kossenko under Christie and underChristieand ) inVenice, L’amor che L’amor che in , inBologna, ) withOpera ) aspartof Dido Dido Stabat Selva ) and ) and

13 About the performers 14 piano studiesattheage of 8,graduating withthe Biagio Pizzutiwas borninSalernoandbegan his Biagio Pizzuti Biagio Pizzuti under Stefano Demicheli,was released in2017. album, part innumerous CDrecordings. Hisfirst solo du Louvre andIlPomo d’Oro andhastaken Ambassadeurs, Italiano, LesMusiciens ensembles suchastheAccademia Bizantina,Les Carlo Vistoli works regularly withearlymusic as Athamas( Gianluca Capuano;andaEuropean tour ( (Sacrati’s Current engagements includeUlisse William Christie,staged by JanLauwers. L’incoronazione diPoppea Onofri inLisbon;andanew production of Oslo; Bach’s in Egypt Fasolis inVenice; (Vivaldi’s Highlights of 2018 includedRuggiero Aeneas and Saint-Denis,theSorceress ( Festival, withlater performances inVersailles Leonardo García Alarcón attheAix-en-Provence and sangIdraspe (Cavalli’s Orfeo edEuridice ) underChristieonatour of theUSA. Arias for Nicolino withtheAccademia Bizantinain furioso La finta pazza St JohnPassion Lesbo ) atRome Opera under ) underGardiner. ) inDijon; Orfeo withITalenti Vulcanici ) under Diego ) underDiego inHanover; inSalzburg under Erismena under Enrico underEnrico Dido and Dido and ) under ) under Israel inVerona; Macrobio ( and Belcore ( San Carlo,Naples;Taddeo ( Reims Prudenzio inanew production of Guglielmo ( Among recent andfuture highlightsare Symphony attheBelliniTheatre inCatania. Paris. HehasalsosunginBeethoven’s Ninth pietra delparagone Teatro Massimo;andFabrizio andPacuvio ( Siviglia Giovanni Teatro ComunaleinFlorence; thetitle-role in Schicchi include therole of Leporello ( Le Dancaïre ( Verona’s Arena Opera Festival asMoralès and Massimo inPalermo. Hemade his debutat and DrMalatesta ( ( paragone ( at theSalzburg WhitsunFestival; Sharpless Canada andMaribor;Massenet’s di Lammermoor Competition andsangtherole of Enrico( He recently won the47thToti dalMonte ( and Schaunard ( Felice Theatre inGenova, appearingasMarcello He subsequentlyjoinedtheensembleof theCarlo Academy undertheguidanceof Renata Scotto. the Opera Studio of Rome’s Santa Cecilia Bruson andAlessandro Corbelliandattended He thenstudiedwithRolando Panerai, Renato the conservatory of hishomecity. highest honoursinpianoandvocal studiesfrom He hasrecorded Roméo et Juliette Lucia diLammermoor inAmsterdam; Schaunard attheTeatro ) andMasetto ( ) attheTheater anderWienandthe inFerrara; DonBartolo ( ) inCagliari; Leporello inBasle;Enrico Così fan tutte L’elisir d’amore Carmen ). Otheroperatic appearances La bohème ), recording thelatter for Decca. Serse ) inSpoleto; Betto ( ) attheThéâtre duChâtelet, ) lastsummer. Don Giovanni ) inTreviso andFerrara; and ) in Liverpool; Don ) inLiverpool; Don Agrippina ) and Grégorio ) andGrégorio ) inFlorence; Fauré’s L’italiana inAlgeri Don Giovanni La pietra del ) attheTeatro Il viaggio a Il barbiere di Cléopâtre ) atPalermo’s Gianni Gianni for DG. Lucia Lucia ) in ) in La La Don Don

) Dimitris Karakantas Edson Scheid Stefano Rossi Zefira Valova 1 EmelyanychevMaxim Harpsichord Director/ Pomo d’Oro Il Handel’s Il Pomo d’Oro hasreleased several operas: ECHO KlassikAward anda Peace its 2016 recording withJoyce DiDonato, at festivals allover Europe. Ithastoured widely It isaregular guestinprestigious concerthallsand conductor. Since 2016 Maxim Emelyanychev hasbeenitschief Valova hasalsodirected itinvarious projects. Francesco Corti.Theorchestra’s leader Zefira Montanari, , EnricoOnofri and Riccardo Minasi,Maxim Emelyanychev, Stefano The ensemblehasworked withconductors period-instrumentalists to befound worldwide. formations. Itsmusiciansare amongthefinest committed to instrumental performance invarious with aspecialfocus onopera, butequally Il Pomo d’Oro isanorchestra founded in2012 Il Pomo d’Oro Heriberto Delgado harpsichord , aswell asacellodiscwith instrumental albumsare Haydn’s violinand Aspromonte andEmöke Barath. Amongits and Joyce DiDonato andsopranos Francesca Xavier Sabata, mezzo- AnnHallenberg Orli´nski, Franco Fagioli, Max EmanuelCencicand recitals withthecountertenors JakubJózef and Vinci’s , conducted by Emelyanychev, whichwon an Tamerlano Catone inUtica , Lola Fernández Muriel Razavi Giulio D’Alessio Alessia Pazzaglia Giulia Panzeri Irma Niskanen Daniela Nuzzoli Elfa Run Violin 2 . Ithasalsorecorded Gramophone and Ottone In War & Award. Award.

numerous specialeffects. horses, afireworks display of 73,000rockets and stage designs,ahorse-balletfeaturing 300 young history of thegenre, involving 24 different and mostspectacular opera productions inthestill was probably oneof thelargest, mostexpensive and Margarita Teresa of Spain, the wedding celebrations of Emperor Leopold I Cesti’s eponymous opera of 1666. Composedfor The nameof theensemblecomesfrom Antonio workshops andmusiclessons. encouraging creativity, aswell asgivingconcerts, identity by offering themmusicaleducationand combat refugee children’s lossof homeand Greece, ahumanitarian project whichaimsto In 2016 itbecameanambassador of ElSistema Barbara Strozzi’s 400thanniversary. and Orli´nski, Alessandro ’s opera in thetitle-role, Francesca Aspromonte, a discof 17th-century opera prologues with are The mostrecent additions to itsdiscography Francesco Cortiassoloists. concertos of J SBach withShunske Sato and feature theviolinconcertos andharpsichord Award in2016. Furtherinstrumental recordings Edgar Moreau whichreceived anECHOKlassik Petra Ambrosi Roberto deFranceschi /Flute Nicola Dalmaso Natalia Timofeeva Cristina Vidoni Ludovico Minasi Handel Arias Voglio cantar Anima Sacra withFranco Fagioli, withEmöke Barath, to mark Serse Gianluca Geremia Katrin Lazar with Jakub Józef withJakubJózef withFranco Fagioli Il Pomo d’Oro Prologue La Doriclea


15 About the performers Joyce DiDonato Simon Pauly

Classical Music 2019–20 Joyce DiDonato / Lise Davidsen /

Weber’s Der Freischütz Handel’s Rodelinda Lang’s prisoner of the state Joby Talbot’s Everest

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