HOME LEARNING – Great Gorillas

15.06.20 Ongoing daily activities Reading We would like your child to read daily. Please make sure that they read for at least 30 minutes a day. Ask your child questions to test their comprehension. Use the Canine Pal characters to help you do this. For support with reading, you can access resources on our school website. Click on the ‘Our Curriculum’ tab then click on ‘Reading Information’. World Book Online have made over 3,000 books available! For our Reception and Year 1 children there are 72 free eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks can be found on the Oxford Owl website. Use the link - https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ Login: Giants and Gorillas Password: Tankersley1

You can also access eBooks on Serial Mash that is found on the Purple Mash Learning Platform.

Times Tables Practise your times tables daily on TT Rock Stars. Check Purple Mash and MyMaths daily in case new tasks are added. There are resources available for this week’s maths learning at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary

Spelling Practise your weekly spellings daily. See separate spelling lists -Term 3b.

This week’s learning activities to complete with your child are outlined below. There may be some activities to complete from our Purple Mash Platform. This can be accessed from the link on our website or https://www.purplemash.com/login/

English Maths This half term we will be looking at some of the Katie There are resources available for this week’s maths Morag books written by . learning at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary On YouTube, watch a retelling of the story ‘ Click on daily lessons. Scroll down and click on Y2. delivers the mail’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLIn1n6Wtmw&s afe=active There are some maths worksheets based on measuring Complete the reading comprehension. weights to complete below. Describe Katie Morag. Retell the story from Katie’s point of view. Practical activity: You could practice weighing various items in your home to Spelling - Practice spelling for week 2 on Term 3b. see how many kilograms/ grams they weigh. Alternatively, You can get access to some free spelling resources by you could look on the back of food packaging and list the visiting: https://www.sirlinkalot.org/spellathome/ or you name of the item and its weight. You could then order can access some RWI spelling resources from these objects from lightest to heaviest. You could find out www.oxfordowl.co.uk Click on the ‘My Class login’ and enter the difference in weight between the lightest and heaviest the login: Giants and Gorillas, password: Tankersley 1. object. How many grams in a kilogram?

Science Geography If possible, plant 4 seeds in different conditions and Use the information sheet below or visit the website predict how you think they will grow. If you are http://visitcoll.co.uk/ unable to plant the seeds, you can still make your In addition, complete the fact sheet about the Isle of . predictions. What does a plant need to grow? History RE This week we are starting a new topic on Judaism. Watch this video to learn a bit about what Jews believe: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mx8x7

The place of worship for Jewish people is the synagogue., Watch this video to learn about what a synagogue is like: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z834wmn Then complete the labelled diagram of a synagogue. Art/DT PE Make a Father’s Day card for your Daddy. Father’s Day is Joe Wickes (the HiiT enthusiast that all teachers love to Sunday 21st June. hate) is doing live daily workouts on his YouTube page. Cosmic Yoga’s YouTube page has some great videos. (Some of these do last quite a while which may be useful!) Computing PSHE Use TT Rockstars to practise your times tables. In times like these, it is important to think about your Use the internet to carry out research. relationships with others and how we can all help each other.

Use the Twitter page with your Katie Morag panicked in the story ‘Katie Morag delivers the parent/carer to send us a mail. Can you think of ways to stay calm in a stressful situation? message/photo to show us what FREE activities are also available on their Kid’s Zone page: you’ve been up to! https://www.1decision.co.uk/resources/kids-zone @tankersleyspy2 Picture News – See sheet below.

Weekly virtual assemblies will be available for you to watch at home every Friday at 9am from the video channel: www.vimeo.com/channels/picturenews

Katie Morag Delivers the Mail

Wednesdays were always hectic on the Isle of Struay, for that was the day that the boat brought mail and provisions from the mainland. One particular Wednesday was worse than usual, since baby Liam was cutting his first tooth and both Mr and Mrs McColl were in a bad mood. Mrs McColl asked Katie Morag to take the five parcels to the houses across the Bay. The one with the red label was for Grannie. Pleased to escape Katie Morag set off. It was a hot day and she stopped to paddle in a pool beneath the Redburn Bridge, suddenly she slipped on a slithery stone and fell into the water, mailbag and all. The parcels were soggy and all the addresses were smudged. Only Grannie’s parcel was still recognizable by its red label. Then because she was so frightened and ashamed, Katie Morag did a silly thing. She ran the rest of the way to the other side of the Bay and threw a parcel – any parcel, except the red-labelled one – on to the doorstep of each of the first four houses. Nobody saw her. Still sobbing, she ran on to Grannie’s. Katie Morag explained what she had done and Grannie said that she would help her to sort the whole muddle out. Grannie opened her parcel and used the new part to repair the tractor. The first house belonged to the Lady Artist. She was expecting tiny, thin brushes but the parcel Katie Morag left contained two enormous brushes. The second house was rented by the Holiday People. They had ordered fishing hooks, but their parcel had been full of garden seeds. At the third house, Mr MacMaster was standing by a big barrel of paint, holding the Lady Artist’s paint brushes. In the fourth house lived Mrs Bayview. She was cross because she couldn’t grow flowers out of fishing hooks. After much trundling back and forth, Katie Morag finally managed to collect and deliver all the right things to all the right people. Katie asked Grannie if she would like to come for tea. She half hid behind Grannie as they walked in the kitchen door, but to her surprise, everyone was smiling. Liam had cut his tooth at last and all was calm. Mrs McColl thanked Katie Morag for helping and Grannie smiled and said that she was very good at sorting things out.

Character Weight in grams(g) Weight in Difference before wet grams(g) after in weight in wet grams(g)

Lady Artist 85g 100g

Mrs Bayview 140g 165g

Mr MacMaster 230g 260g

The Holiday People 330g 380g

Grannie Island 540g 600g

Which parcel gained the most weight once wet?

Which parcel gained the least amount of weight once wet?

What is the total weight of the wet parcels?

Can you make up some of your own questions?


Weight Item of food Weight in Weight in order grams(g) kilograms(kg)

Bag of sugar 1000g

Jar of coffee 1500g

Bag of pasta 2500g

Sack of potatoes 5000g

Pack of tea 2000g

Tin of soup 3500g

Order the items of food from heaviest to lightest. Record your answers in the table.

Find the difference between the heaviest and lightest item of food.


Challenge Sweets Flour 450g Potatoes Pasta Tuna Bananas Soup 3kg Sugar 5kg

4000g 1kg 1.5kg 2500g 2000g

Order all 8 items of food from lightest to heaviest.

What is the difference between the heaviest item and the lightest item?

What is the total weight of the sweets and the bananas?

What is the total weight of the pasta and the flour?

What is the total weight of the sugar and the tuna?

Draw the pointer on the scale to show the weight below.

2000g 5kg 1000g 1.5kg

4000g 2.5kg 3kg 2000g

2½ kg 2.5kg 3½kg 4.500g

Use the < > or = sign to compare the weights above.

Challenge Write the weights under the scales.

____kg or ____g ____kg or ____g ____kg or ____g

____kg or ____g ____kg or ____g ____kg or ____ g

What is the difference between the heaviest and the lightest weight?

Isle of Coll Facts

Size of the island: It is 13 miles long by 3 miles wide. Population: Around 180 people live there.

What about school?

Coll has a very small Primary School, with one Head Teacher and two part-time teachers. It takes pupils from 3 years old in Pre 5, up to Primary 7 age. From August 2019, there are 8 pupils in one class. For secondary school, pupils fly to Oban on a Sunday afternoon and live in a hostel through the week.

How can you get to Coll?

You can get a ferry from Oban, which takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes. The ferry has a car deck at the bottom of the boat so people can take their cars on and off the island. The ferry travels up the Sound of Mull and out into the Atlantic Ocean before reaching Coll. Coll has a very small airport. You can take a flight to Coll from Connel Airport, just outside of Oban. The flight often lands in neighbouring island of Tiree first. The flight takes around an hour. The airplane is very small and takes only 8 passengers.

What is there on Coll?

Coll has two shops for food and household goods. There is also Post Office, a second hand shop (called RecyColl) and a craft shop called The Art Den. There is a community centre and two castles. There is a very small airport, a ferry terminal and a helipad. Coll has a doctor’s surgery with an ambulance, a fire station and fire engine. It has 23 beaches. There is one village called Arinagour.

What are some facts about Coll?

Coll didn’t have any electricity until the 1970s. Before there were car ferries, cars going to and from the island used to be lifted off the island using a small crane and lowered onto a boat. If there is a fire, Coll has a volunteer fire brigade and a small fire engine. Coll has a volunteer Coastguard. Coll has no police station. The author Mairi Hedderwick used to live on the Isle of Coll. Living there inspired her to write stories for children. She used her experiences to help her to create a fictional island for her stories called The Isle of Struay.

Size of the island:


What about


How can you get to Coll?

What is there on Coll?

What are some facts about Coll?

Introduction to Judaism

Watch the video on synagogues (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z834wmn) and label the diagram of the synagogue below using the words in the box.